Peppa Pig Français S01 Episodes 49 à 52 Tchopi en Francais

  • 3 months ago


00:00Here's my little brother George.
00:02And here's Mommy Pig.
00:04And here's Daddy Pig.
00:14The supermarket.
00:18Peppa and George go shopping.
00:24Peppa and George like shopping.
00:26George likes to sit in the shopping cart.
00:29Peppa too.
00:31Daddy, can I sit in the shopping cart too?
00:34You're way too big for the shopping cart, Peppa.
00:38But you can help us shop.
00:40Oh yes, I'd love to.
00:42There are four items on the list.
00:45Tomatoes, spaghettis, onions and fruits.
00:49I'll find them all.
00:51Peppa and George like shopping a lot.
00:56Peppa, first we need to find the tomatoes.
01:01They're over there, they're over there.
01:04Here are the tomatoes, Mum.
01:06Well done, Peppa.
01:08One, two, three, four.
01:12That's good.
01:14Now we need to find the tomatoes.
01:17Two, three, four.
01:20That's good. Put them in the shopping cart.
01:23I've found the tomatoes. Here they are.
01:26Very good, Peppa.
01:28That's a good job.
01:30I'll be able to put them on the list.
01:32Let's see what we need next.
01:36Yes, that's it, George.
01:38But we say spaghetti.
01:42Spaghettis are Peppa and George's favourite dish.
01:45George, I wonder where we'll find the spaghettis.
01:48I know where they are. Follow me.
01:51Spaghettis. Look, Mum, here are the spaghettis.
01:54Well done, Peppa.
01:56We'll take a packet and put it in the shopping cart.
01:58Yes, Mum.
02:03George, they're called spaghettis.
02:12What else is on the list, Peppa?
02:15There's no chips on the list.
02:17We've got at least two packets at home then.
02:19Come on, Peppa, try and guess.
02:22I want to but I don't remember.
02:24Do you remember, George?
02:26A dinosaur.
02:27A dinosaur?
02:29George, there are no dinosaurs for sale in supermarkets.
02:36No, George.
02:37Then what's on the list are onions.
02:42Oh yes, I remember now.
02:44Look, they're here.
02:49One, two, three, four.
02:57Very good. We shouldn't be far from the end of the list.
03:01There's only one thing left to buy.
03:06A green plant? Is it on the list?
03:09No, George.
03:10The last item on the list is fruits.
03:14It doesn't matter, George. You can choose the fruits.
03:18But where are they?
03:20They're over there.
03:22There are apples, oranges, bananas and a huge watermelon.
03:29Which fruit do you want us to buy, George?
03:33Or bananas?
03:36A watermelon?
03:43Here's the box. We pay for all the purchases we've made.
03:47Two beautiful tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, a watermelon, a chocolate cake.
03:57A chocolate cake?
03:59A chocolate cake? It was on the list.
04:02Peppa, did you put this cake in the box?
04:06No, Mum.
04:07George, did you put a chocolate cake in the box?
04:11Neither did I.
04:13Then who did?
04:16Er...I thought we'd have a nice dessert.
04:19Come on, Daddy Pig!
04:22Naughty Daddy!
04:23Excuse me, he looked so appetising.
04:26I can see he's drooling.
04:28Right, let's say he was on the list.
04:31Chocolate cake.
04:42Peppa Pig.
04:47Peppa Pig.
04:51Peppa Pig.
04:57My name is Peppa Pig.
04:59And this is my little brother, George.
05:02And this is Mummy Pig.
05:04And this is Daddy Pig.
05:14My birthday.
05:17It's Peppa's birthday.
05:20It's still very early.
05:23It's my birthday!
05:26George, get up, it's my birthday!
05:29All my friends are coming to the house.
05:31Daddy says he's going to put on a magic show.
05:34Quick, George!
05:35We're going to wake up Daddy and Mummy.
05:39Mummy and Daddy Pig are still deeply asleep.
05:42Get up, it's my birthday!
05:44Get up!
05:48What time is it?
05:49It's already late.
05:51It's only 5 o'clock in the morning.
05:54Yes, but we've already lost a lot of time.
05:58Alright, we'll start preparing your cake.
06:05Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and George give Peppa her birthday present.
06:10Happy birthday, Peppa!
06:15What could it be?
06:19A doll ring!
06:21I'm going to put it on Teddy.
06:23Thank you, I'm very happy.
06:25Oh, that's perfect, Peppa.
06:26But I didn't know Teddy the bear was a girl.
06:29Oh Daddy, of course Teddy is a girl.
06:32I like my new dress.
06:34Thank you, everyone!
06:36If you're happy, that's perfect.
06:38But don't dirty it.
06:39Do you know what's going to happen next, Peppa?
06:41Yes, we're going to have a big party.
06:44All my friends are invited.
06:46And Daddy's going to put on a magic show.
06:48Nobody should know that the magician will be your daddy.
06:52You'll have to introduce me as the Mysterious Magician.
06:56The Mysterious Magician?
06:58That's right, I'm the Mysterious Magician.
07:01Daddy Pig has been practising his tricks all week.
07:06My friends have arrived!
07:10All of Peppa's friends are here.
07:12Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.
07:16Hello, my friends!
07:18Happy birthday, Peppa!
07:21Come on, kids, the party's about to start.
07:26Daddy Pig is ready to put on his magic show.
07:29Peppa, don't forget what you have to say.
07:32Attention, ladies and gentlemen.
07:34This is the great Mysterious Magician.
07:38Okay, Daddy.
07:40Attention, ladies and gentlemen.
07:43This is Daddy Magician.
07:49Here's the first trick.
07:58Wow! That was great!
08:03For the second trick, I need someone from the audience to come and help me.
08:07Me! Me! Me!
08:09I only need one.
08:11You, young girl, you raised your hand first.
08:14Now tell me your name.
08:17My name is Suzy Sheep.
08:19Very good, Suzy.
08:21A red ball, a blue ball and a yellow ball.
08:25You have to choose one without showing it to me while I turn my back.
08:31Did you choose one?
08:34Abracadabra, you chose yellow.
08:41Abracadabra, blue.
08:45Abracadabra, red.
08:47Yes, it's red.
08:52It's not a game, Daddy.
08:54You said all three colours.
08:56Shh, Peppa, you shouldn't have said that.
09:02Do you want me to go again?
09:08Close your eyes and don't look.
09:11Now say Abracadabra.
09:17Close your eyes.
09:23My birthday cake with bananas!
09:25Blow on the candles, Peppa.
09:29Bravo! Happy birthday, Peppa!
09:32Thank you very much.
09:34It's the best birthday I've ever had.
09:43Peppa Pig
09:47Peppa Pig
09:51Peppa Pig
09:57My name is Peppa Pig
09:59And this is my little brother George
10:02And this is Mummy Pig
10:04And this is Daddy Pig
10:12Daddy's camera
10:15Monsieur Zebra, the postman, brings a package from Peppa
10:21It's a package for you, Monsieur Pig
10:23Oh, thank you very much, Monsieur Zebra
10:30Look, this package has arrived by the post
10:33Can anyone guess what it is?
10:36Oh, George, stop it!
10:38You always say the word dinosaur every time you're asked a question
10:42The package is too small to have a dinosaur inside
10:47I think it's a new toy
10:50You're not far off at all
10:52I know what it is!
10:54A camera to make films. It's Daddy's new toy
10:57Yes, you win
11:00It's a video camera
11:02We can make short films and watch them on TV
11:06Can I use it first, Daddy?
11:08It's too difficult to use for children
11:11Even I have to study how to use it
11:14Oh, it's much more complicated than I thought
11:18Mummy Pig has a video camera too
11:21She turns it on by pressing this button
11:26Oh, well done, Peppa
11:28Thanks for buying the 3000 model
11:31I'm ready to film your first images
11:34Can we mute this voice?
11:36You're asking too much
11:38Thanks for buying the 3000 model
11:41We press this button on Zizi's camera
11:44and then we can't hear anything
11:46Thanks for buying the...
11:48Now she won't speak
11:50Well done, Peppa!
11:52What do you want me to film?
11:54Me, me!
11:56Ok, Peppa
11:58Hello, my name's Peppa
12:00Hello, my name's Peppa
12:06Let's watch it now
12:11Hello, my name's Peppa
12:17Again, again!
12:18If you want
12:22Hello, my name's Peppa
12:26Again, again!
12:30Hello, my name's Peppa
12:34Again, again!
12:35Maybe we could film something else
12:38I've got an idea
12:39We'll ask Dad to come out and we'll make a film just for him
12:43This way
12:44Daddy Pig has to wait in the kitchen
12:46while Mummy, Peppa and George film in secret
12:51And don't listen behind the door!
12:56We're going to switch roles
12:58George, do you want to start?
13:05Are you finished? Can I come and see your film?
13:08Yes, we've finished. You can come in
13:12There's a film by George and another by Peppa
13:14We'll watch George's first
13:22George looks like a mean dinosaur
13:26Well done! He really does look like a mean dinosaur
13:33Oh dear! George's scared
13:35We're not scared, George. It's not a real dinosaur you're seeing
13:39It's you!
13:47Right, watch Peppa imitate
13:52I don't see who that could be
13:54My name's Daddy Pig
13:58Ah, I see
14:00And if you think I've got a huge belly, it's because I love eating big cakes
14:09No, my belly isn't huge but it's true that I love cakes
14:14And the more you eat, the bigger your belly will be
14:20Very well, let's watch the rest
14:22And that's George, my little brother, whom I love
14:25Here's Mummy Pig
14:27And that's me
14:31And that's the real Daddy Pig
14:42Peppa Pig
14:47Peppa Pig
14:50Peppa Pig
14:57My name's Peppa Pig
14:59And that's my little brother George
15:02And that's Mummy Pig
15:04And that's Daddy Pig
15:15The police station
15:20Peppa and George are going to the police station
15:23It's George's first day
15:25Well George, are you happy to go to the police station?
15:30Daddy, don't you think he's still too young to come and play with the kids my age?
15:35Don't worry Peppa, he'll be fine
15:37He'll stay with you and Mr Dinosaur to keep him company
15:45But I want to play with the other kids
15:48I don't want to stay with George and his dinosaur
15:51Ouch! Peppa doesn't want George in her group of friends
16:00Here we are
16:03But Daddy, are you sure George is old enough to go?
16:07Everything will be fine, I assure you
16:11Alright, you can come
16:15See you later
16:25Mrs Gazelle takes care of the kids in the police station
16:29Hello! Let me introduce you to my little brother George
16:35Hello my little George
16:44You're lucky! I've always wanted to have a little brother
16:47Really? Is that true?
16:49Hello, my name's Danny Dog
16:52Is that a dinosaur?
16:54It's just a toy, not a real one
16:59He's great!
17:10Oh! I've had one of those!
17:20He's always great
17:22Peppa is proud of her little brother
17:29Why don't we show George how to make nice drawings?
17:32Yes, but he's not very good at painting
17:35Well, you might be able to help him
17:38Alright, I'm good at painting
17:40I'll show him how to draw a pretty flower
17:44Here you go George, Mrs Gazelle wants me to teach you how to draw a pretty flower
17:50First you need to draw a big circle
17:56No George, you haven't got the right colour
18:01Now we'll draw the petals
18:06No! You haven't got the right shape
18:11Now we'll paint the stem and the leaves
18:21No! You've gone all over the place
18:26Well, let's have a look at the result
18:28I've painted a sunflower
18:30Yes, excellent Peppa!
18:33And George has painted a big dinosaur
18:42He's very pretty
18:45I think George and Peppa's drawings deserve to be hung up on the wall
18:53Peppa, your little brother is very good
18:56You must be proud of him
18:58Yes, of course
19:03The day is over and the children's parents come to pick them up
19:08Is George allowed to come back?
19:10Yes, and if he wants, he can paint another pretty drawing
19:14What are you going to draw for us next time, George?
19:20I see you want to paint another dinosaur
19:23Well, it's your turn to teach us how to do it, alright?
19:28Oh, that's great!
19:30Oh yes, it's great!
19:57The End
