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00:00But through your negotiation tactics, you have permanently destroyed my trust in your seriousness.
00:06It's a lecture in front of the law firm on Saturday.
00:10I asked you five times if you could take the weekend off.
00:14I'm sorry, but I don't understand anymore.
00:20Can I say goodbye?
00:24This is the drug you wanted to poison Henriette Stein with.
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:47This is my life
00:51This is the way to find my own
00:55This is my life
00:56This is my life
00:59This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on
01:06I'm rolling on
01:27But I have no idea how this bottle got into my bag, Mr. Heldt.
01:31You have to believe me.
01:33Believing, dear Mrs. Meissner, is a matter of religion.
01:36In justice, we prefer to stick to facts.
01:40Mrs. Meissner, wouldn't it be so stupid to keep a burdening piece of evidence in your handbag?
01:45But it's undisputable that this bottle was just found in this bag.
01:51That's right.
01:53That's right.
01:55We agree, and as a public prosecutor, you should know, that even criminals make mistakes.
02:01Yes, Mrs. Meissner, unfortunately I have to inform you that I am resuming the investigations against you.
02:07Good day.
02:18Carla, please.
02:21I understand that you're angry now.
02:24I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.
02:26That's a big difference.
02:29Anne explicitly asked me to take over the election campaign in front of the Chamber of Deputies.
02:34You can do that, but please not at our weekend.
02:38I understand that you ran away.
02:40But you were also in favor of me supporting Anne in the election campaign.
02:44Yes, of course.
02:46And supporting also means that I will jump in for her if she needs me.
02:50But I need you, too.
02:52And I was so looking forward to this weekend.
02:56The elections are in three weeks.
02:58After that, we'll catch up on everything.
03:02These are all lip services. Nobody can rely on that anymore.
03:13Yes, Mrs. Meissner, what's up?
03:18Yes, of course.
03:19I'll be right there.
03:21I have to go to Rosenhaus. Mrs. Meissner has a real problem.
03:24You see, that's exactly what I mean.
03:26All the others are more important to you, and I'm in the back.
03:28Oh, come on, Carla. Now, please don't be unfair.
03:30Mrs. Meissner is really in trouble.
03:32The Chief Prosecutor has found an important piece of evidence with her.
03:35Forget it.
03:37Come on, I really can't right now.
03:39Let's talk about it later in peace, okay?
03:42I have to calm Mrs. Meissner down first.
03:44You're welcome to do that.
03:45Just call me when you have five minutes off, okay?
03:47I'll call your secretary.
03:57Please don't get mad.
03:59Nothing is eaten as hot as it is cooked.
04:03For God's sake, Mrs. Meissner.
04:06What happened here? You're all disturbed.
04:10The Chief Prosecutor will resume the investigation against me.
04:13It may be that I have to go to trial after all.
04:16That will prevent you from becoming a scapegoat.
04:18How can that be?
04:20New evidence has emerged.
04:24Chief Prosecutor Held was here to tell me that the investigations against me have been suspended.
04:28And then...
04:30My bag fell down and a bottle with the...
04:34The cork fell out.
04:36Out of your bag?
04:37Out of her bag?
04:39I don't understand that.
04:41Neither do I, Mrs. Jansen.
04:44Couldn't it have been that you accidentally took a bottle from the pharmacy?
04:49Philip, nothing happens accidentally with this drug.
04:52It's a duty of prescription. We write down the dosage very precisely.
04:57Someone must have smuggled it into my bag.
05:03You mean Henriette?
05:06How did she end up in my bag?
05:10Did you always have the bag with you?
05:15When I came home, I put it here.
05:18I put it on the dresser.
05:22Well, then Mrs. Stein had the opportunity to put the bottle in her bag.
05:31She was with me earlier.
05:33Allegedly to thank me for taking care of her yesterday.
05:40That was probably just a pretext to get to her bag.
06:03I would not have been able to do this without your help, Ella.
06:07An application for an event?
06:09Just that word?
06:10Who's going to sign it?
06:12Probably some well-paid people in the administration.
06:16Sign here.
06:19Event company? But I'm not a company.
06:22I'm not a company.
06:24I'm not a company.
06:25I'm not a company.
06:26I'm not a company.
06:27I'm not a company.
06:28I'm not a company.
06:29I'm not a company.
06:30Event company? But I'm not a company.
06:33Just sign it.
06:35At your command.
06:36Now you just need a stamp from the administration.
06:39And then your Indian Quiz can go over the stage with an official blessing.
06:43You deserve a thank you.
06:46Or do I also need a permission from the authorities?
06:51No, but I have to go now.
06:54Yes, I already forgot the orientation week at the university.
06:58Oh yes, you're going to Hamburg.
07:01Will we see each other again?
07:05If you want, I can take the application with me and hand it in at the town hall.
07:08That would be great.
07:09I'll do it.
07:23Mr. Meissner, this is Rajan.
07:26I'm calling because of the party for Ella.
07:28Should I bring something?
07:29Drinks to toast?
07:31Everything there?
07:33See you later.
07:38When am I glad that I didn't sell my tulip field?
07:42The onions have developed surprisingly well.
07:45That's nice.
07:46That's fantastic.
07:49In the spring I'll show the Dutchman what a hook is.
07:52A hook.
07:53I could also say where the hammer hangs.
07:55Or who wears the pants.
07:56Hey, you're good.
07:57Thank you.
07:58By the way, Anna told me about your Indian quiz.
08:01Great idea.
08:02What do you think of jasmine flower chains for decoration?
08:05They're typical for India, aren't they?
08:08If you want, I'll donate them to you.
08:10That would be great.
08:11We can discuss the details later.
08:13I have to go now.
08:14Sure, see you.
08:16There's a party at the Rosenhaus today for Ella's studies.
08:19You are of course cordially invited.
08:21Thank you.
08:22Ella will be happy.
08:27To your tulips, Merle.
08:52Henriette Stein?
08:53Is that you, Jette, or is it just the mailbox?
08:55No, it's me.
08:56Why don't you answer?
08:57I'm sure I've talked to you three times on the mailbox.
09:00I know.
09:01I'm worried.
09:02I'm fine.
09:03I just have a lot going on.
09:05There are the therapy sessions with Dr. Fritsch, and then I'm going for a long walk at the Ilmenau.
09:11I finally want to go to Rome with me.
09:13I don't want to go to Rome.
09:15I don't want to go to Rome.
09:17I don't want to go to Rome.
09:19I'm going for a long walk at the Ilmenau.
09:21I finally want to go to Rome with me.
09:24You sound much better.
09:26But tell me, what happened to Meissner?
09:29Well, she's with Philipp.
09:31You know that.
09:33Come on.
09:34I want to know what happened to the investigations of the prosecutor's office.
09:38Chief prosecutor Held will soon file the case.
09:41There is a lack of evidence.
09:43And that's the end of the matter?
09:45I think he will investigate in one direction or another, but he won't find anything.
09:52Let's hope so.
09:54Tell me, have you ever thought about my proposal to come to Berlin with me for a few days?
09:59I want to stay in Lüneburg for now.
10:01Are you sure?
10:06I want to make an important appointment.
10:09Take care, Nicole.
10:11I'll call you.
10:12See you.
10:28Ms. Meissner, unfortunately that doesn't look good for you.
10:30Chief prosecutor Held will now file a lawsuit against you for attempted murder.
10:35I'm going to court for attempted murder?
10:37That won't happen.
10:39Even if a lawsuit is filed, it doesn't necessarily have to come to trial.
10:43But it can.
10:44We will prevent that if we find detachable material in advance.
10:48Yes, if, but what should that be?
10:50Well, think of Ms. Janssen, for example.
10:52She would testify that Henriette was here today.
10:54But that only proves that she had the opportunity to put the bottle in her pocket.
10:58Not that she actually did it.
11:00That's right.
11:01In addition, she could possibly assume that Held happens to pass by,
11:04the handbag falls off the table and the bottle from the handbag falls directly in front of her feet.
11:09Wait a minute, maybe that wasn't Henriette's plan at all.
11:13Oh, Philipp, what kind of plan is that?
11:15Henriette would also have had to expect me to find the bottle and throw it away.
11:19Think of the text message she sent you today.
11:23You mean she wanted me to come to Salto?
11:25She wanted to put you in jail.
11:27That's absolutely plausible.
11:28She wanted to discover the bottle with digoxin in your bag in front of witnesses in Salto.
11:34Yes, and if we seem to be interfering with her game?
11:37You mean we should set her up?
11:39Yes, why not?
11:40I go to Salto and one of you films the whole thing.
11:42I don't think that's a good idea.
11:44Yes, that's unfortunately true.
11:45We couldn't use the material in court.
11:48You're right.
11:50Besides, we shouldn't let ourselves down to Henriette's level.
11:54Mom, have you seen where my groom...
11:58What happened?
12:02New evidence has emerged against me.
12:04I will probably be charged with attempted murder.
12:10That's enough.
12:27Wait a minute.
12:29These are the confirmed reservations, right?
12:31And what's this?
12:33Excuse me, I just wanted to know if the bonus confirmation for the flight to New York has already arrived.
12:37Here you go.
12:38Thank you very much.
12:39Attention, your cooperation is working out great.
12:42You're flying to New York for a whole week?
12:45Would you like to come along?
12:47I just wanted to suggest that I continue to look for an alternative property in the meantime.
12:51I mean, just because the time is running out.
12:53There are only three weeks left until the end of the application.
12:55Yes, I know.
12:56Besides, I thought you could give me a preliminary draft at the architecture office.
13:01Well, that would only have to be adapted to the property.
13:03It's nice that you think along as a student, but I've already come up with the idea.
13:07Thank you very much.
13:12Do you have a minute?
13:13Just one, really.
13:14I'm in New York for a week now, and I wanted to ask you if you could be available as a contact person in terms of the hotel.
13:21Only if necessary.
13:22Oh, Gunther, I'm sorry, but I can't.
13:24I've had enough.
13:25Why don't you just hire an assistant?
14:28That's not possible!
14:34I had hoped that the spook would finally end, and now this!
14:41Can I do you any good?
14:44No, thank you.
14:46It's nice.
14:47Philipp and Torben Lichtenhagen are already trying to help me out of the jam.
14:53Yes, and what about you?
14:55And the university?
14:56Well, it's obvious that I'm not going to Hamburg under these circumstances.
15:01No, Ella, that's out of the question.
15:03Of course you're taking part in the orientation week.
15:05Mom, do I have to remind you what you did when Grandpa was in prison?
15:09You let a scholarship slip through your fingers.
15:12That's something completely different.
15:16I won't leave you alone. I'm staying here. Period.
15:27Yes, please.
15:29Oh, Torben!
15:30I've already tried to reach you at home.
15:32I'm sorry.
15:33I had an important appointment.
15:35Oh, you don't have to apologize.
15:37Where are you off to this time?
15:39I'm not off to anywhere.
15:40I just wanted to come back to your offer to take over a few appointments for me.
15:43Do that.
15:46Or did you change your mind?
15:48No, no. My offer is in.
15:50But I can tell that something's not right.
15:52Yes, but that has nothing to do with you.
15:54With whom, then? With Carla?
15:57We argued because I took over the appointment at the lawyer's office.
16:01But in our last conversation, she really wanted us to throw Sefeld out of the race together.
16:05She still does.
16:07But she just feels neglected by me.
16:10Because of the appointment at the lawyer's office?
16:13Well, actually, I wanted to take a long trip to the heath on that weekend.
16:20And you took him?
16:23And you cancelled him without talking to her about it?
16:26Yes, I know. That was stupid.
16:34To be honest, I'm also angry about that.
16:37Maybe you should take back your commitment to my election campaign.
16:41Anne, we're talking about three weeks.
16:43A healthy relationship has to last.
16:45But Carla told you that she feels neglected.
16:48Yes, but what am I supposed to do now?
16:50You shouldn't ignore it.
16:56Maybe you're right.
16:58Torben, I'm really happy about your support for my election campaign.
17:03But if your relationship is threatened by it, it's more of a burden than it helps me.
17:08I'll think about it.
17:10What about the appointments you wanted to talk to me about?
17:13Oh, yes.
17:15Those are all appointments for the election campaign that I don't necessarily have to be there personally.
17:19Show me.
17:22Well, I can't say anything about it right now.
17:25I have to make a phone call first.
17:39Ella, listen.
17:40I'll make you some honey in your tea, too. It's good for the nerves.
17:43Now leave the tea and listen to me.
17:45Mom, don't try to persuade me. I'm not going to Hamburg.
17:48Ella, you can't miss this orientation week.
17:53You were so happy to get to know the campus and your fellow students.
17:57Mom, you don't understand. You're more important to me than the fellow students and the whole university.
18:02I know that, Ella.
18:05You can't even imagine what that means to me and how it helps me.
18:10I'm just worried that something else is going to happen.
18:13This Henriette is just unpredictable.
18:17It's just a matter of time before her lie building collapses.
18:21But the prosecutor...
18:22Yes, the prosecutor will also find out that I'm innocent.
18:25Philipp and Torben Lichtenhagen are already looking for evidence for my innocence.
18:31Or Mrs. Stein will finally admit what she did.
18:34She certainly wouldn't do that voluntarily.
18:36But no matter what this woman is up to, I won't let her decide our lives.
18:42I can't give her this triumph.
18:45Do you understand now why I don't want you to endanger your studies?
18:48And don't miss this orientation week either.
18:57But only if you promise to text me as soon as something happens, okay?
19:03I promise.
19:11A cappuccino, please.
19:12With pleasure.
19:14Thank you.
19:28I know you actually expected Katja here.
19:30How did you find out?
19:33You texted her.
19:38What did you want from her?
19:39Nothing special. I thought a conversation among women...
19:42Stop lying to me.
19:44The real reason was this.
19:47A handbag?
19:48Katja's handbag.
19:50It fits her.
19:51Not elegant, but affordable and practical.
20:00You put a digoxin bottle in it.
20:03Before, when you visited Mrs. Jansen.
20:06And you wanted to find it here, in public.
20:09So Held finally has evidence against Katja.
20:12But Held told me that the investigation against your Katja is suspended.
20:15Not anymore.
20:17Your plan has failed.
20:19Unlike what you thought, but Held found the bottle in Katja's handbag.
20:25I can't believe what you're suggesting, Philipp.
20:28I'm not a monster, I'm your wife.
20:31You haven't been the woman I married once for a long time.
20:34Yes, I'm still the same.
20:36But you've changed since you got involved with that Katja.
20:41You won't get away with this.
20:45Leave Katja alone.
21:08Okay, thank you.
21:09I'm sorry, we have a little problem with the software.
21:12But don't worry, you don't have to sleep on the street.
21:15It can only take a little while.
21:17We have a reservation at Ernst.
21:21Ah, there it is.
21:23Room 311 and 312.
21:26The rooms are on the third floor.
21:28The elevator is over there, okay?
21:30Enjoy your stay.
21:34Mr. Albers, I'm sorry, I really don't have time.
21:36I urgently need your help.
21:37This is the page for the news.
21:39Mr. Albers, you see that I can't leave here.
21:41After all the evening classes you've had, you can shake this out of your hand.
21:46Is there a problem?
21:47No, no.
21:49I heard the booking software has failed.
21:52Yes, unfortunately.
21:54Where's Mrs. Carsten? She should be at the reception now.
21:57She had to go home, her child is sick.
21:59But I can handle it.
22:01Hey, Mr. Eckhardt.
22:03Are you visiting the evening school?
22:06Yes, BWL, Business English and bookkeeping.
22:09You've made a lot of progress.
22:11It looks like you're really taking your education seriously this time.
22:14At some point you have to start.
22:16Yes, I have an appointment with the architect because of the first draft for the new hotel.
22:20You can reach me at any time if there are any problems.
22:23Thank you, but there won't be any. You can count on me.
22:40What's the matter?
22:42Nothing. I'm glad to see you sitting at your desk again.
22:46If the sight of you brings you such great pleasure,
22:49then take a picture of it and put it in your office.
22:52Then you don't have to disturb me at work.
22:54Nice idea, but it's hardly worth it for the three weeks you're still in office.
22:58The citizens will decide about that.
23:00And now I would like to continue working.
23:02Do that. I just wanted to make sure that you have overcome your weak attack.
23:06Thank you very much for your stirring participation.
23:09But as you can see, I'm in top shape.
23:11I'm not particularly interested in your well-being, Mrs. Lichtenhagen.
23:14I'm just interested in a fair election campaign.
23:16That's what you say, of all people.
23:19I'm not the one who tries to give the voters advantages with a sympathy bonus.
23:25You'd better go now.
23:27Oh, the ex and still jealous.
23:31I only support Mrs. Lichtenhagen in the election campaign.
23:35How nice that she connects even more as a patchwork parent than just an unwanted child.
23:47Thank you.
23:48Not worth the talk.
23:50I have to thank you.
23:53Through our last conversation, it became clear to me that I have to take Carla's fears seriously.
23:58Honestly, Torben, I understand if you set other priorities.
24:03But I can't withdraw from the election campaign right now.
24:06You should think about it again.
24:09I would be sorry if you quit, but I would understand.
24:22Unfortunately, the speaking hour is over for today.
24:25Well, good?
24:26It's you.
24:28Well, no, it's just administrative stuff.
24:30Oh dear.
24:32How was your big performance?
24:36Well, I think I did pretty well.
24:39My boss was very satisfied.
24:41That's great, then it was just right that you went there.
24:44I don't know.
24:46These stiff events are not my thing.
24:49Besides, it was more about coal than wind power.
24:52Well, no wind power without coal, right?
24:55Come on, it was a one-time thing and you showed your good will.
25:00I don't think it's that one-time thing.
25:02Why? Does your boss want you to always wear a suit?
25:05No, not that, but...
25:08he offered me a different position.
25:12What is it?
25:14I'm supposed to be a director for all the wind farms in Lower Saxony.
25:17Kind of like a supervisor.
25:19That's great!
25:21Do you think so?
25:23Of course, it's a challenge for you. We have to celebrate that.
25:27I don't even know if I really want to do this.
25:33Mr. Al-Wassi, we still don't have time.
25:35I just wanted to find out how you're doing.
25:38Excellent, thanks.
25:40I'm working on the guest list right now.
25:42To transfer the reservation to card cards,
25:44so I can get an overview of which rooms are still available.
25:47Do you understand?
25:48And what about the booking software?
25:50A computer scientist is taking care of it, but it can take forever.
25:53But you could do that too, right?
25:56The software.
25:57I mean, you're familiar with computers, right?
25:59Yes, of course.
26:00You young people have grown up with these things.
26:03What a click costs you, it takes me an hour.
26:06At the moment, my network is flowing like butter.
26:09More than 20 breeders have signed up,
26:11and after the registration fees for the membership,
26:13I have to set up the new customer page.
26:16That's great, you have a lot to do.
26:18I can't do that without your help, Mick.
26:20I beg you...
26:21Mr. Albers, forget it. I can't leave now.
26:24I beg you.
26:26Mr. Albers, where are you staying?
26:28The page is full and the guests are waiting for your drinks.
26:30Yes, I just had to...
26:31Yes, you had to ask your friend Mick for advice again.
26:33I know, your laptop is still behind the counter.
26:36Oh, that...
26:37You didn't take care of private business again during your shift, did you?
26:42To a certain extent, yes.
26:44But that's an emergency situation.
26:45I'm being overtaken by new registrations at the moment.
26:48I mean, if the website is set up correctly,
26:50then everything happens automatically.
26:51But now I still have to take care of everything.
26:53You can do that, too.
26:54But please, after the shift is over.
26:56Mrs. Sarabacus, I've worked so many overtime.
26:59If we cancel them and Mick would represent me, then...
27:04Would you do that, perhaps?
27:09But only if I'm dismissed at the reception, yes?
27:13My dear, let him represent you.
27:15But hands off the internet behind the counter.
27:23I'm sorry.
27:33Good day, Mrs. Stein.
27:34Mrs. Jansen, I'm really sorry, but I'm in a hurry.
27:38I won't keep you long.
27:41How can I help you?
27:43I don't need your help.
27:45I just want to tell you how disappointed I am with you.
27:50I don't understand.
27:52You understand very well.
27:55You took advantage of my friendliness.
27:58You bought yourself an entrance to the Hosenhaus.
28:02And, Katja Meissner, you put burdening material in your bag.
28:08That's nonsense.
28:10What you did is unlawful and criminal.
28:17You don't know what you're talking about, Mrs. Jansen.
28:19You know, I've met many people in my life
28:22who were much more deprived than you.
28:25And you know what?
28:27In the end, you were all alone.
28:30All alone.
28:31And the same will happen to you.
28:35My door is closed for you in the future.
29:05Hello, Susanne.
29:08I heard there was a party coming.
29:10Don't be so loud.
29:11Emma can hear us. She doesn't know anything yet.
29:15It's nice that you came.
29:19Don't say a word.
29:23Hurry up.
29:25Jan, what's all this nonsense?
29:27I'll miss my train.
29:28Don't worry, Ella.
29:29There has to be so much time.
29:31My fault.
29:35Turn a little bit.
29:36And one, two, three.
29:42You're crazy.
29:44You invited me.
29:49We love you very much.
29:50And we wish you a successful study.
29:53Thank you.
29:55It might be useful.
29:57I mixed a lot of herbs and healing medicines in it.
30:02Don't drink that.
30:04It will bring you luck.
30:06Thank you.
30:07And this is from me.
30:09A diary?
30:11All recipes for Ayurvedic teas.
30:13I collected them just for you.
30:15And this is my special mix.
30:17Very concentrating.
30:19Thank you.
30:21Do you think I need that?
30:24And I thought, a good portion of student food can't be bad for a student.
30:32I can trust you.
30:33Thank you.
30:34What is this student food?
30:36Try it.
30:38But be careful.
30:39It's addictive.
30:42You don't look very happy.
30:44Is it hard for you to let Ella go?
30:46No, it's not.
30:48I'll tell you later.
30:49Now we don't want to spoil her fun.
30:51So, Ella.
30:52Is your buffet open?
30:56What do you drink?
30:58I like orange juice.
31:14We have a nice room on the first floor.
31:26Do you prefer a view to the yard or to the water?
31:29To the water.
31:30No problem.
31:31Then you have room 117.
31:33Once the key card.
31:35And twice.
31:36The elevator is up there.
31:38I wish you a pleasant stay.
31:41Thank you.
31:42Thank you.
31:43Thank you.
31:50Attention, Mr. Eckert.
31:52I didn't know you had so much creative potential.
31:56You have to know how to help yourself.
31:58Explain your system to me.
32:00It apparently works better than our software.
32:03Basically, it's quite simple.
32:05These are the 14 days we have to cover.
32:07And then you have the floors with the individual room numbers.
32:10Based on the cards, I can see what's available and what's not.
32:13I see.
32:15So, based on the pink cards, you can see the accommodation situation of the hotel.
32:20Not bad.
32:22Keep it up.
32:23Oh, before you leave today, I'd like to talk to you in my office.
32:26Yes, boss.
32:28Of course, Mr. Fleckenscheid.
32:41Very good.
32:43Mr. Albers, what is not to be understood about private business during working hours?
32:47I only checked the digestive system.
32:49After dinner, the gentlemen always like to eat.
32:53Do you ever run out of excuses?
32:57Mrs. Saravacos, do you have a moment?
33:01Was there anything to eat?
33:03On the contrary, we are thrilled, aren't we?
33:05It was very tasty, thank you.
33:06The cashewnut beef, tender as butter.
33:09Not to mention the couscous.
33:10That was just great.
33:12Thank you.
33:13I will pass on the praise to my employees.
33:15Where are you in such a hurry?
33:17Is someone waiting for you?
33:18My kitchen crew.
33:19We have to work.
33:20I already thought that you would go to work,
33:23where your life partner hardly has time for you.
33:26Don't you know what you're talking about?
33:28He is now playing the election campaign manager for his ex.
33:32Torben doesn't play.
33:33Torben doesn't play.
33:34Torben wants, just like me and many others,
33:36that you don't become mayor.
33:39It's just a shame that he won't succeed.
33:41And it's a shame about the many hours together
33:43that you have to give up for it.
33:45You know, in our time together,
33:48quality counts and not quantity.
33:51You should occasionally ask your wife
33:53if she thinks the same way.
33:55I don't think so.
34:04Have you already decided?
34:07Wait a minute.
34:11Take yours.
34:13Then give it to me.
34:15I mean, because of the job offer.
34:18I know that your career is not in the first place,
34:21but as regional manager of wind power in Lower Saxony
34:23sounds pretty good.
34:24I want to earn more money.
34:26That's not what I want.
34:28It's not bad to earn more money.
34:29But I'm a craftsman.
34:30I have to see what I've done in the end.
34:32Okay, I understand that.
34:34In such a cramped position,
34:35I would have to make personal decisions.
34:38But you would have more freedom in such a position.
34:41Yes, and I would have to fire more people.
34:44No, I can't and I don't want to.
34:48You don't have to take the job.
34:51I hope my boss thinks so too.
34:54I'm sure he appreciates you.
34:57Otherwise he wouldn't have made the offer to you.
35:01I have to leave him alone now.
35:25Ah, here you are.
35:28Excuse me, I wanted to move back a little
35:30and not spoil the party atmosphere for you.
35:35Henriette's behavior concerns you, doesn't it?
35:38What has become of her, Katja?
35:42Can a person change so much,
35:44or was she always like that?
35:48What came out of your meeting with her?
35:50We haven't had a chance to talk about it yet.
35:52Nothing, she didn't admit anything at all.
35:55I was afraid of that.
35:57But she can't do anything to me.
35:59I mean, she tries to look strong and confident,
36:01but behind the facade she's crumpled up.
36:03I can feel that very clearly.
36:05Do you think she would still meddle?
36:08I can't imagine that she would
36:10go through with it until the end.
36:14Do you want to talk to her again?
36:19I'm just trying to reason with her one last time.
36:22That's good.
36:24I hope you're successful.
36:37Oh, sorry, I can come back later.
36:39No, no, Mr. Eckert, come in.
36:41Sit down.
36:45I already told you how impressed I was
36:47by the way you handled the disaster at the reception.
36:50It wasn't that bad.
36:52Well, at least the booking software crashed
36:54and the receptionist fainted.
36:56Usually, one such point is enough
36:58to break the chaos.
37:00But it doesn't have to be.
37:02You're right, and you've proven it.
37:04Thank you.
37:06I'm not finished yet, Mr. Eckert.
37:08Would you be interested
37:10to have a look at the first drafts
37:12for the hotel renovation?
37:14Well, it doesn't really concern us.
37:16I thought you'd be interested.
37:18Yes, of course.
37:20Well, then let's go.
37:24Have you changed your mind about trainees?
37:26No, but you have changed.
37:28You show interest, commitment,
37:30visiting evening classes.
37:32Apparently, you're serious about your training.
37:34Well, now I know what I want.
37:36And what would that be?
37:38First, I'd like to finish my education
37:40and then I'd like to go into hotel management.
37:42That's a good idea.
37:44As you know,
37:46I have to go to New York for a week.
37:48And for that time,
37:50I need an assistant
37:52who takes care of the hotel
37:54and who is also available
37:56as a contact person for the hotel renovation.
37:58Now should I tell you who that could be?
38:00I'd like you to do that.
38:04But only if you're interested.
38:06Yes, of course.
38:08I mean, I don't know what to say.
38:10Of course, you don't make
38:12any decisions,
38:14but you always talk to me.
38:16No, no, of course not.
38:18You can totally rely on me.
38:20I hope so.
38:22Thank you.
40:40So, so bad?
40:58I just had to react.
41:02There was a little dispute with Dr. Sefeld.
41:05Yes, I know.
41:06Mr. Albers already hinted at something like that.
41:08You should have served him ice cold.
41:10What is this guy thinking?
41:12Just because you support Anne in the election campaign,
41:14he thinks he could interfere in our private lives?
41:16That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
41:19Yes, the miserable time problem, huh?
41:21Did you take another appointment?
41:24Carla, I love you very much.
41:26And I don't want you to feel neglected.
41:29Yes, but you can't split up.
41:31And that's why I'm seriously considering
41:34withdrawing from Anne's election campaign.
41:39Would you do that for me?
41:44But that's not possible.
41:45You have to support Anne in this election campaign against Sefeld.
41:48Yes, but there are still three weeks until the election.
41:51Yes, if that doesn't stop our relationship.
41:54Are you sure?
42:01I know what you would do for me.
42:15No, he's just driving up.
42:17Yes, I'm waiting.
42:20He's already left again.
42:22Tell me, can't you just come here?
42:26No, listen to me now.
42:27We're a five-star hotel.
42:33Yes, okay, thank you.
42:34I'll get back to you later.
42:35Okay, bye.
42:37Can you maybe help me bring this thing to a halt?
42:40Mr. Albers, then just turn it off.
42:46I mean, if you want to do business on the Internet,
42:48you should at least be able to do it with a computer.
42:51What did you do?
42:53We did that earlier.
42:55Man, Mr. Albers, I really have something else to do.
42:59So, here, and then here, okay?
43:03Thank you.
43:04Can I help you somehow?
43:06My computer is locked.
43:07Every time I want to print something, a lock pops out.
43:10And now it doesn't work anymore.
43:12I mean, my provisional credit card system
43:14might help me with the room reservation.
43:16But print an invoice on a credit card.
43:18I've been trying to reach Ben all the time.
43:20Does he know anything about computers?
43:22Better than you, definitely.
43:24Besides, I think he loves electricity.
43:26He gives me a flyer in his absence,
43:28once as an assistant,
43:29and bam, everything goes wrong.
43:34Mr. Albers, thank you for your co-operation.
43:36I just got an appointment request for tomorrow.
43:39Three very famous breeders.
43:41Really, very important people.
43:44Yes, but I have a shift in Salton tomorrow.
43:46Then postpone the appointment.
43:47They want something from you.
43:48Then they'll have to follow your calendar.
43:50I can't trust these people.
43:52What's so bad about postponing another appointment?
43:54That's too delicate, it doesn't work.
43:56And your shift?
44:00Mr. Albers, forget it.
44:03Then I'm done.
44:07She smuggled this poison bottle into your handbag?
44:11I don't believe it.
44:13How reticent is that?
44:17The woman doesn't know what she's doing.
44:19All that's missing is that you feel sorry for her.
44:21I'd love to wrap this woman in a collar
44:23and shake her until she admits what she's done.
44:27I hope that won't happen.
44:29Philipp is still with her.
44:31He's still trying to make sense of her.
44:33How many times has he tried that?
44:35No, you know.
44:37There are drops.
44:39And it's important.
44:41Especially for Henriette herself.
44:42You're just impenetrable.
44:45Merle, if this woman continues like this,
44:47then she won't be happy in her life.
44:49And she has to understand that.
44:50If this woman continues like this, Katja,
44:52then you won't be happy in your life.
44:54But she's sick.
44:56I'm tearing up.
44:58I'm sorry, but I really have to talk about something else.
45:00Otherwise I'll get really sick.
45:03Hey, what's up with Stockholm?
45:07The board of directors and the founders of the opera
45:09assured my agent that they would stand behind me despite the accusations.
45:12Now I hope it stays that way,
45:14even though this new piece of evidence has surfaced.
45:18Of course.
45:19I don't think they'll lose their trust in you.
45:21Do you already have designs?
45:23I didn't even have a head for that.
45:25I told you, this woman determines your life.
45:27Now you're neglecting your art.
45:35You're right.
45:37It's high time to look ahead.
45:39I'm going to sit down tonight
45:41and make the first designs for Stockholm.
45:43That's how I like you.
45:45Have I actually already shown you the photos
45:47my agent sent me from the opera's foyer?
45:49Come with me.
45:56isn't it obvious that your intrigue will fall back on you?
46:01I mean, do you really want to take the risk
46:03of going to prison for years
46:06because of the deception of a crime
46:08and false accusations?
46:11If you give in now,
46:14I'll do everything I can
46:16to make sure you get out of this unscathed.
46:24Henriette, if you want to ruin your life,
46:26then I can't help you either.
46:29But what kind of life is that without you?
46:37When you come back to me,
46:39everything will be fine again.
46:40Everything, I promise you.
46:45This is the goalkeeper.
46:49This is the striker.
46:51And the baguette.
46:52It's delicious.
46:58You're not interested in football, are you?
47:01I like the green of the grass.
47:04This event is approved.
47:06You can pack up your entire furlough fund.
47:09You can count on it.
47:14You assured me
47:16that the investigations would go down the drain.
47:22You knew the whole time
47:24that it would never come to this, right?