TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00I have to go. I'm flying to Stockholm today.
00:02Really? Oh, because of the order for the Royal Opera?
00:06Yes. Keep your fingers crossed that I still get the order.
00:09I won't do anything else.
00:12Because from now on, we will work together at eye level for two years.
00:18At eye level, yes.
00:19Or do you think I'm just playing the big August?
00:24Cavallo de Carreras?
00:27There is a second train network.
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:47This is my life
00:51This is the way to find my own
00:55This is my life
00:58This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on, I'm rolling on
01:14I don't understand why a second train network can be presented on the market in such a short time.
01:19It was my idea. I developed it.
01:23And this looks like a copy to me.
01:25What should I do now?
01:27Find the guy. I mean, take him by the breast.
01:30Yes, after that we will be brave.
01:33But who should I take by the breast?
01:37How do you get to him now?
01:39I paid him out and didn't participate in the network anymore.
01:42And he is definitely able to compete with me because of that.
01:45But Mr. Albers, Hannemann can't distinguish a trachina from an Arab from a rocking horse.
01:49But he immediately sees the potential in an idea.
01:51And he can buy the expert at any time.
01:54And then he lets his connection play?
01:58I can't think of another explanation.
02:02I'm sorry, I have to go back to the kitchen now.
02:04But I'm sure you will find the man who spat at you in the oats.
02:07You can rely on that.
02:09And nonetheless, you still have a little side job.
02:13Of course.
02:16Luca, what?
02:19Oh no, you can speak Swedish too.
02:22Good luck.
02:24Luca Till.
02:26I love you too.
02:27See you.
02:36We are now back in the nursery or pharmacy.
02:40Well, greetings from the country of the Elves.
02:42I just called Katja.
02:43Thank you.
02:44She already has an appointment with the opera house.
02:48Well, and then there is a second good news.
02:53I have an appointment with the registry office next week.
02:55No, that can't be true.
02:58And where will the wedding be celebrated, if I may ask?
03:01In the big or small frame?
03:03Good question.
03:04Next question.
03:05Well, we could offer you an interesting wedding suite.
03:11With our new motorhome.
03:16However, that is still in the hands of strangers at the moment.
03:19And is curving around somewhere in Germany.
03:21What will happen in Lüneburg today, dear Arjen?
03:24I'm curious, dear Erika.
03:26Come now, dear Arjen.
03:32Oh, Ella.
03:39Is there any coffee that is not older than five hours?
03:42I'll make you a fresh one, if you tell me the reason for your mood swing.
03:49I have to decide today whether I go to India for two semesters.
03:52Oh, you haven't decided at all.
03:55India is cool.
03:57But being separated from Rajan for so long is pretty uncool.
04:00It's not easy.
04:02Except for Rajan.
04:03It's not a problem for him at all.
04:05And he's telling me all the time about a huge chance.
04:08Well, then he should visit you in India.
04:10It's his homeland.
04:14Yes, maybe you're right.
04:16Yes, you are.
04:18Thank you.
04:19Sometimes these congresses are incredibly boring.
04:22But this one was incredibly exciting.
04:24It was a German cardiologist, Prof. Dr. Dr. Regina Harzfeld-Winter,
04:29who works in the field of human genetics in New York.
04:33And what was the topic?
04:35She presented a data network for degenerative hereditary diseases.
04:39This, so to speak, connects all databases in hospitals worldwide.
04:43This way you can investigate the diseases much better and treat them accordingly.
04:48What hereditary diseases are they all about?
04:51Mainly neuralgic and hematologic diseases.
04:57Like Parkinson's, for example?
05:01Very good, Mr. Shudrak.
05:02Yes, Parkinson's can be genetically conditioned.
05:06Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Regina Harzfeld-Winter was incredibly inspiring.
05:09This woman has an incredible power.
05:11And she asked the doctors to create databases like that at their hospitals.
05:17I'd like to start with that right away.
05:20In hematology, there's also this little boy who suffers from Whiscourt-Aldrich-Syndrome.
05:25Yes, I was thinking about him too.
05:28This topic is burning under my nails.
05:31But since we're so understaffed, I can't worry about databases.
05:35I could help you.
05:37That would certainly affect a part of your free time.
05:40I'd learn something from that.
05:42Yes, I'd be happy to accept your offer.
05:46Hi, am I disturbing you?
05:47No, come in.
05:50I just wanted to talk to you about the concept for my boss.
05:53Yes, go ahead.
05:56Excuse me.
05:57Tell me, can you wait here?
05:59Yes, of course. I'm not afraid of the spot.
06:01Okay. Come on, Mr. Schubert.
06:22But you said the horse is still to be seen today.
06:25First of all, the horse is a motorhome.
06:28And secondly, I'll get in touch with you.
06:30I'm sorry, Erika, but don't you understand that I'm curious?
06:35Yes, I do.
06:36But at the moment I'm working on a very delicate wedding arrangement.
06:40As I said, I'll get in touch with you.
06:42And then we'll meet on site, okay?
06:44Yes, as you wish.
06:45I'll be standing in the starting holes.
06:47I'm really looking forward to it.
06:49Yes, all right. Bye.
06:51My dear, I know weddings for cotton, weddings for parsley,
06:54weddings for linden, garlic and bronze.
06:57But what kind of wedding should this arrangement be for?
07:00You have to explain that to me.
07:02It's about the motorhome that I bought from the son of my friend Anneliese.
07:07Without consulting your life partner beforehand.
07:10Yes, and now it's clear for inspection,
07:12and Achim is struggling like a little child.
07:15That's nice.
07:18Only that Anneliese's son was at an open-air rock concert with this horse.
07:24For safety's sake, I looked at the good piece without Achim's knowledge beforehand.
07:31And is it at least reasonably predictable for the handover?
07:35A young man was camping in it.
07:38I see.
07:40Oh, yes.
07:42Don't get me into trouble.
07:45There are some problems that I would like to resolve quickly,
07:48before a certain Arie Meissner turns his critical eye on it.
07:52Who wasn't excited about your spontaneous purchase anyway, was he?
07:56Thank you. Which, of course, makes things very difficult.
08:01Thank you.
08:09Mmm. Mmm.
08:12What was that for?
08:13For waiting so well for me.
08:17That's a few minutes compared to all the years I've waited for you.
08:21Yes, that's true.
08:23Sorry, I had to talk to a pediatrician.
08:26We have a little patient here who suffers from a serious hereditary disease.
08:29I can't continue with the therapy.
08:31Never mind. Now you tell me, what's with your new company concept?
08:35I just wanted to apologize for my somewhat hectic departure this morning.
08:40I would say the departure to Greece was much more hectic.
08:45In any case, I presented my concept to my boss today, for employee motivation.
08:49The title?
08:50Efficiency through maximum self-responsibility instead of working under pressure.
08:55Well, what can I say?
08:57The gentleman seemed quite impressed.
08:59But he rejected your flight time model, and isn't that a similar story now?
09:03Yes, but I'm a different person now.
09:06Not insulted anymore, but ready for constructive discourse.
09:12Besides, I'm good. And pretty irreplaceable.
09:16And when and where did you change your mind?
09:20Somewhere between Gifhorn and Braunschweig.
09:22Ah. Yes, halfway between Lüneburg and Athens.
09:25Yes, somewhere there.
09:27But it actually hit home last night, at Ella's party at the university.
09:33Or what? Maybe it's after that?
09:35No idea.
09:36Yes, I understand.
09:37Yes, I have to admit, it went pretty well yesterday, but the result...
09:41That's pretty good.
09:43So, now to you.
09:45How was your medical congress?
09:49Let me be a part of your life.
09:52We're missing two full days, after all.
09:58I have to find out who the owner of this homepage is.
10:01Normally, it should be something like a press conference, like in a newspaper.
10:04I'm as smart as you, but that's not normal.
10:07This homepage shouldn't even exist.
10:09After all, it's my idea.
10:11May I?
10:16Click, click, click, click, click, click.
10:19Come on, who are you to annoy my poor Mr. Albers on his old days?
10:27The company is blaming El Caballo de Carreras.
10:31And behind it, a few cryptic signs.
10:34You're not talking about Hannemann?
10:36No, no Hannemann, no Lüneburg, no nothing at all.
10:40At least this guy is ahead of me.
10:43And there's also a construction site symbol.
10:46They seem to have just officially celebrated with their homepage.
10:49No wonder.
10:51Tell me, can you speak Spanish?
10:53Muy poco, if I'm honest.
10:55I've forgotten most of it, too.
10:57All I know is that El Caballo de Carreras is called a racing horse.
11:01It's no use, amigo.
11:02A Spanish-speaking IT expert has to take care of it.
11:05It's best to have someone who tells you something about horses.
11:07Since I can't fool him, Christoph has to take care of it.
11:11That's not a bad address, either.
11:13I'll call him.
11:14We'll just have to find out who's going to beat my high-class horses one-to-one.
11:25Oh, excuse me.
11:26No, come in, don't bother.
11:28I'm just going to the X and hopefully last time
11:31the cooperation contract with my future partner Merle has been lost.
11:36Gunther Flickenschild.
11:39Are you willing to accompany Philipp Stein as a witness
11:42on his way to future happiness with Katja Meisner?
11:51Yes, I am.
11:53And I feel very honored.
11:55Thank you.
11:58In my capacity as a future witness, I would like to offer you
12:02the Salto for the upcoming celebrations.
12:05And of course I know that you spend almost every second day in the Salto.
12:09That's a very nice offer, but I actually have one or two alternatives in the back.
12:13Small, romantic, a little off the top of my head.
12:16But if it still comes to any inconsistencies,
12:18consider the Three Kings as your second living room.
12:21And in terms of catering, Carla will certainly always be an open ear for you.
12:24That's good to know.
12:26By the way, I'm just on my way to the town hall
12:28to submit the papers for this difficult step.
12:30Well, among us, I have a good feeling about the couple Katja Meisner and Philipp Stein.
12:35Among us? Me too.
12:38I'm really curious what news Katja will bring back from Stockholm.
12:42She had a good conversation with the lieutenant yesterday,
12:45but the meeting between her and the members of the board is crucial today.
12:49I would really like to spend a few months in Stockholm
12:52after the stress of the last few weeks here.
12:55When does the trial against your ex-wife actually begin?
12:58With a little luck, it won't even take place.
13:00It's just a hearing.
13:02She'll get a probationary sentence for it.
13:04However, there seems to be a clear signal from Henriette
13:07that she's ready to do your therapy.
13:09But on the way there, you've failed everything so far.
13:13I'm trying to take care of it myself.
13:16I don't know if it falls into the responsibility of a witness, but...
13:20Come on, say it.
13:22In my opinion, you should finally let Henriette go.
13:25If she wants to change the course of her future life, she'll have to do it herself.
13:29That's absolutely right.
13:31Especially since it's good for her in court
13:33if she starts a therapy from scratch.
13:36That's what I'm saying.
13:38Well, I've thought about it.
13:40About your two exchange semesters in India?
13:43Yes, about the studies, about India, about us.
13:46So, look. Lüneburg is about here.
13:49And Varanasi is about here.
13:51Then New Delhi is about there.
13:54Nonsense, that doesn't matter at all.
13:56But I was born there.
13:58Rajan, please.
13:59So, between Lüneburg and Varanasi, there are many kilometers.
14:03Too many.
14:04But between the beginning of your studies and your last exams, you still have a bit of room.
14:10And what if you visited me there?
14:13Then two semesters wouldn't feel that long.
14:16That sounds great.
14:18I miss you already.
14:20And you could show me your home and tell me about the country and the people.
14:24Well, now I miss you too.
14:26But how am I supposed to pay for the flight?
14:28I don't know anyone in Varanasi and you live in a student apartment.
14:31I'd have to find something myself.
14:33And then there's the flight, which costs at least 500 euros,
14:36food and drinks, which is actually cheaper in India, but...
14:38Okay, stop. I'm tired of listening.
14:41You're right.
14:43I don't have the financial side on the screen at all.
14:46But otherwise I think Delhi is really good.
15:01Yes, please.
15:03You see each other again so quickly.
15:05Hello, Merle.
15:06Did you read the contract I asked you about?
15:09I read it and thought it was good.
15:11I'm glad to hear that, Mrs. van Loon. Please, have a seat.
15:14And I'm glad that you were so flexible
15:16to accept one or the other additional request from my side.
15:21I have firm principles, but I'm flexible when it comes to good things.
15:25I never doubted good things, but I admit,
15:27after our last meeting, I've run out of longer negotiations.
15:32Tiredness makes the work we leave behind, not the one we do.
15:35Nice saying. It's been in my nursery since tomorrow.
15:38Yes, may I assume that you fully agree with the contract
15:41Mr. Lichtnagel has drafted?
15:44Fully agree.
15:45I hope you do, too.
15:47Yes, yes, yes.
15:48No buts?
15:50Not at all.
15:51But the sudden shift from a silent partnership
15:55to a less silent partnership at eye level
15:57requires a certain change from me.
15:59That's all.
16:01You can do that, Mr. Flickenschild.
16:03So, Merle, are there any additions,
16:06additions or modifications from your side?
16:09Your conditions, i.e. 50% consent
16:12in all decisions of this hotel project,
16:14have already been fixed in the contract.
16:16So, practically the moment of parity.
16:19That's why I'm completely satisfied and ready to sign.
16:23Well, I'll call that a deal.
16:26Well, then I'd like to have two signatures from both of you.
16:30On the second and last page.
16:41Thank you.
16:42I'm very pleased that the two of you
16:44have agreed to this deal.
16:49And I wish the new business partners
16:52all the best on their journey together.
16:55And good luck.
16:56Thank you.
17:09So, Achim Meisner, that must be enough.
17:37That must be enough.
17:38One wrong word and Erika Rose is out.
18:31Am I too early?
18:35Because you kept me at a distance.
18:38No, no.
18:39I just wanted to make some coffee and cake.
18:42I knew that a mobile home is a pico bello state.
18:46Yes, look.
18:56Very neat.
19:02I like it.
19:05And me?
19:16Good evening.
19:17Hello, Tom.
19:18Hey, Rajan.
19:19I need a very generous, optimistic Strauss
19:22for a client who deserves it more than she deserves.
19:25Optimistic, you say?
19:26Yes, colorful, magnificent, dressed to the nines.
19:30Tell me.
19:31May I ask which Lausa ran over your liver?
19:34The Lausa is an exchange study.
19:36It's about the year I could spend in India.
19:38Oh, yes.
19:40Well, one year is quite long.
19:42And I could actually visit her from time to time,
19:44if the flights weren't so expensive.
19:45Yes, I understand.
19:47Great love, professional chance and no time for, let's say,
19:52the human stop in between.
19:55Nice short version?
19:58But there's a solution for that.
19:59Rajan just gets the money from me.
20:01No, that's not possible, Tom.
20:03You've already given me so much money.
20:04Even the transfer to the orphanage back then,
20:06that I can now live rent-free at all.
20:09I'm not talking about gifts.
20:10Let's talk about a loan, Rajan.
20:15But I don't have anything.
20:16I'm not credit-worthy yet.
20:17Yes, not yet.
20:18But maybe one day, when I'm old and gray
20:20and slowly have to think about my pension,
20:23then of course I want my money back with interest.
20:27Look, love is much more important than all the money in the world.
20:31You just visit Ella,
20:32and I'll enjoy myself and calculate my interest.
20:36I'll take care of that.
20:52Hello, Philip.
20:54Nice to meet you.
20:55We've talked about this therapy place before.
20:58You rejected it,
20:59but I think it would be good if you tried to get it.
21:03Yes, you're right.
21:05And did you call?
21:10Could you perhaps...
21:12No, Henriette.
21:13It's certainly good if you take such a step into the future yourself.
21:17Besides, I think it will have a positive effect on the course of the process.
21:22Yes, that's right.
21:24Tell me, could you perhaps recommend a good lawyer for my defense?
21:29Wait a minute.
21:30I think I even have a card from a colleague of mine.
21:33He has a really good reputation overall.
21:39You want...
21:40You want to go to the registry office?
21:43Ah, you mean the registration here for marriage?
21:46I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's not possible without it.
21:50No, listen, I can't find the card now.
21:52I'll send you the address.
21:55Have a nice day.
21:57You too.
22:04Well, my dear,
22:06difficult weeks and months are coming your way, I know.
22:11Do you want to go for a walk?
22:14Some other time, yes.
22:16I think I'd rather be alone now.
22:20May I find out the reason for my business partner's arrogance?
22:24I just had to think of our little running difficulties.
22:28Running difficulties?
22:30Well, I've repeatedly showered her on purpose.
22:34Our tariff negotiations on flower jewelry for the Three Kings
22:38have been cancelled.
22:40I've had to go to the registry office.
22:43I've had to go to the registry office.
22:46Our tariff negotiations on flower jewelry for the Three Kings
22:49have been cancelled as well.
22:51And now this endless mess around our Wühlmaus.
22:55Tulips or hotel, hotel and tulips, or neither of the two.
22:59Yes, that's right, there was something.
23:01Your boss and I are currently singing a lullaby
23:04to the confrontation as a foundation for future harmony.
23:07I'll remember that.
23:09Do that, Mr. Albers.
23:10Thank you, Mr. Albers.
23:13To good cooperation.
23:15And to our family-friendly hotel
23:17as a highlight of Lüneburg's successful Hanseatic Days.
23:20By the way, how can I understand family-friendly?
23:24Do you have anything against families?
23:26No, of course not.
23:27But in that context it sounds so conceptual and programmatic.
23:31Oh, you know, Mr. Flickenschild,
23:33you have your ideas, I have mine.
23:36But do we really want to discuss this here and now?
23:39No, of course not.
23:40Mr. Flickenschild, hello.
23:42The architect just called.
23:44He wanted to know when he should start with the designs.
23:47Excuse me, are we talking about the designs for the new hotel?
23:51Oh, you're right.
23:52We don't have to discuss that here and now either.
23:54But may I introduce you to Mr. Eckhardt?
23:57He enjoys my assistance, my utmost trust in all matters for the new hotel.
24:02Nice to meet you.
24:03I've heard you're on the boat.
24:05Yes, and with the steward, so that we understand each other properly.
24:08Of course.
24:09Well, with everything we're discussing here and now,
24:13we should start with the staff questions tomorrow at the latest.
24:28So, Mr. Albers,
24:29tell me what you can tell me about El Caballo de Carreras.
24:35First of all, thank you for having me here.
24:37You're welcome.
24:38So, I talked to Christoph Langer.
24:40He listened to me and came up with something.
24:43Then go ahead.
24:44So, the homepage of this competition company is obviously of Argentinian origin.
24:48The software and high-class horses, the name is protected.
24:53Well, that's something.
24:54Well, but the idea itself isn't.
24:57Ah, yes, I understand.
24:59That means, that's actually my central question,
25:02that I have to live with the competition from now on?
25:05After everything you've told me, I'm afraid so.
25:09It's not just about the business.
25:13I mean, it's about my idea.
25:16About my baby.
25:18It's about the existence of a not-so-young man,
25:22who finally wanted to take a deep breath.
25:26Can I afford a little house as a retirement home?
25:31Mr. Albers,
25:32on the one hand, panic is not a particularly good adviser,
25:35and on the other hand,
25:36who knows if you won't have your nose in front of you in the long run?
25:40We're talking about competition,
25:41but competition ultimately revives the business.
25:45And you're competition for the others.
25:53No, no, no, no, no.
25:54The deal was that I cook a little and you massage me.
25:57No, no, no, no, wrong.
25:59I call a pizza service and you massage me.
26:07Violence is not a solution.
26:09See, stop, stop, stop.
26:11Violence is not a solution.
26:12Yes, violence is not...
26:13Mr. Schudrack.
26:15We were just talking about the boy with the Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome.
26:18You know what?
26:19He's being transferred to Baltimore.
26:22Yes, thanks to the network of Professor Dr. Dr. Hartsfeld-Winter,
26:26I found a specialist there.
26:28That's great.
26:29I think so, too.
26:30And I realized once again
26:32that we absolutely have to connect to this network.
26:35I asked very naively,
26:37who pays for such a therapy place in the USA anyway?
26:39You certainly don't have the health insurance, do you?
26:41In that case, fortunately, a foundation has jumped in.
26:44The parents are very happy.
26:45We couldn't have helped the boy here at all.
26:47That's really good news.
26:49We absolutely need this database.
26:52I love this fire in your eyes
26:54when you want to save humanity again and again.
26:56Mr. Schudrack.
26:58You actually wanted to help me.
27:00And if we get the okay from the clinic for the database,
27:03are you in?
27:06You're in.
27:08Yes, of course.
27:10Of course.
27:11Have a nice evening.
27:12Thank you.
27:14You too.
27:24Thank you.
27:34Politics or local?
27:36Sport, please.
27:39Thank you.
27:44By the way, I have to make a request.
27:46Because of the mobile home.
27:48Well, now I can say it,
27:50but when I heard young man and rock concert,
27:54I was a little worried.
27:56In terms of order and cleanliness, you mean?
27:59Well, I had some concerns about hygiene.
28:02Why? What did you expect?
28:04Well, maybe not right at the garbage dump,
28:06but full of ashes, a lot of junk and so on,
28:10I wouldn't have been surprised.
28:13So much for prejudices.
28:15You're absolutely right.
28:17Everything was top-notch and perfect.
28:21The young man knows what belongs to him.
28:23I'm glad that your trust in the youth is restored.
28:26That was always there, Erika.
28:28Sometimes I just have the impression
28:30that young people don't appreciate things anymore.
28:33But maybe it's because we used to have fewer
28:38and had to deal with our things more carefully.
28:40That's true, that's true.
28:43You see,
28:44now we can still go to the Pharmacy Historiker's Meeting in Nuremberg
28:48and don't even have to worry about a hotel room.
28:51That's right.
28:56No, please don't get me wrong.
28:58The car really makes a great impression.
29:01Nevertheless, I would like to do a test drive first,
29:05just to exclude any surprises.
29:08Oh, please.
29:09Although I'm pretty sure
29:12that the engine is also in a very good condition.
29:16Thank you.
29:19You can go now.
29:20And congratulations on your purchase.
29:22Thank you.
29:27Mr. Albrecht.
29:28I'm glad to welcome you again.
29:30Yes, me too.
29:31Have a pleasant stay.
29:32Thank you.
29:33Carla, my dear.
29:35Mr. Gunther.
29:37Have you already decided?
29:38Oh, you mean whether I put chicken, deer or hummus on the menu today?
29:42No, whether you want to expand your gastronomic horizon.
29:45Could you imagine the split between the Three Kings and the new hotel?
29:49Good morning.
29:50Mrs. van Loon.
29:52Today is day one after our harmonious contract signing.
29:56That's why I would like to discuss a few things with you.
29:59With pleasure.
30:00I'll be at your disposal in a moment.
30:02Could it be that you're already asking for staff for the new hotel
30:06without keeping in touch with me beforehand?
30:09No offense.
30:10I really appreciate your work.
30:12But as an equally qualified partner in the new hotel,
30:16the joint position is simply important to me.
30:19In all areas.
30:20Does that mean that we will only perform as a duo?
30:23Just like Pat and Patachon?
30:24How about Bonnie and Clyde?
30:26Sonny and Cher?
30:27Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire?
30:29Hansel and Gretel, Siegfried and Roy?
30:31Carla, please.
30:32What I would like to say with that is...
30:34Excuse me, but the kitchen is calling.
30:36And if you've come to an agreement, just let me know.
30:39And I'll tell you if I can even imagine taking over a second restaurant.
30:43But my decision will take some time,
30:45because I spontaneously decided to escape to Britain with Torben.
30:49Au revoir.
30:52I'll call the guard.
30:55Stichwort Reiseapotheke?
30:57Ja, besonders Europäern neigen in Indien zu Magen-Darm-Geschichten.
31:01Okay, dann frage ich Opa.
31:03Bei ihm sitze ich ja quasi an der Quelle.
31:07Es gibt zig Empfehlungen, aber vorgeschrieben ist nichts.
31:11Kennst du dich da aus?
31:13Es fragt Britta.
31:15Hast du denn einen Impfpass?
31:19Fragt sich nur, wo.
31:21Ja, fragt sich nur, wo.
31:24Okay, Impfpass suchen.
31:27Stichwort Essen und Trinken.
31:29Sind viele Sachen wirklich so Feuerschluckermäßig scharf?
31:32Oh ja, besonders für Touristen.
31:34Bei Wasser solltest du ganz vorsichtig sein.
31:36Lieber nur aus verschlossenen Originalflaschen trinken.
31:38Und keine Eiswürfel.
31:41Ist gebombt.
31:42Und was schauen wir uns an, wenn du mich besuchen kommst?
31:46Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai?
31:49Alter, weißt du, was das für Entfernungen sind?
31:52Indien ist ein Subkontinent und keine Badeinsel in der Ostsee.
31:56Ja, ich wusste das.
31:57Aber man wird ja mal Vorschläge machen dürfen.
32:01In Delhi würde ich dir gern mein Waisenhaus zeigen.
32:03Und den Lotus-Tempel.
32:05Und dann natürlich auch das Jawahala Nehru-Stadion,
32:07damit du nie wieder Cricket und Crockett verwechseln kannst.
32:10Ich merke schon, die Wunde sitzt tief.
32:13Oh, da fallen mir noch zwei Sachen ein.
32:16Also, ich muss dieses Ding in die Bücherei wieder zurückgeben.
32:26Ich hätte dich wirklich gerne vom Flughafen abgeholt.
32:29Kein Problem.
32:30Meine Angaben bezüglich Abflug und Verspätung
32:32waren ja auch nicht gerade präzise.
32:34Ja, sag mal, und was sagten die Stockholmer?
32:37Ich habe heute Morgen noch mal länger
32:39mit einem der Kuratoriumsmitglieder gesprochen,
32:41der meine Arbeit sehr mag.
32:43Aber bisher steht die Entscheidung noch aus.
32:45Ich muss mal in den Kühlschrank.
32:47Ja, und was sagt dein Bauchgefühl?
32:50Keine Ahnung, ob sie mir den Auftrag wieder geben.
32:53Anfangs waren sie ja so entspannt, als ich unter Anklage stand.
32:56Und jetzt plötzlich, nach dem Freispruch,
32:58stellen die sich so an.
32:59Aber weißt du, ich bin trotzdem ziemlich zuversichtlich.
33:02Das reicht zwischendurch auch.
33:04Aber es gibt eben noch erhebliche Vorbehalte
33:06bei einigen Kuratoren.
33:08Trotzdem war es richtig, dass du hingeflogen bist.
33:11Ich denke mal, dein Auftritt war bestimmt überzeugend.
33:13Ja, vielleicht aber auch naiv.
33:15Ich habe einfach gedacht,
33:17dass nach dem Prozess der ganze Albtraum vorbei wäre.
33:23deine Kunst wird siegen
33:25und nicht irgendwelche Lügen und Verleumdungen.
33:27Und dann mieten wir uns ein Haus auf den Scheren
33:30und wir angeln uns unsere eigenen Lachsbrötchen.
33:35Ich liebe dich.
33:38Ich kann Ihren Ärger verstehen, Herr Albers.
33:40Da glaubt man, die Idee zu haben als Einziger
33:42und dann springt jemand ungefragt auf den Zug auf.
33:44Bitte sehr.
33:46Herr Lichtenhagel sieht das etwas entspannter.
33:49Nach dem Motto, Konkurrenz belebt das Geschäft.
33:52Was im Kern ja auch stimmt,
33:54wenn man sich seiner Sache sicher ist.
33:56Ja, es ist ja nur die Frage,
33:58wie stark ist diese Konkurrenz auf Dauer?
34:00Ich meine, auf was muss ich mich da einstellen?
34:02Wenigstens haben Sie mit Shaykh Hamid
34:04einen Companion, der irgendwo in der Wüste sitzt.
34:06Unsere eins hingegen.
34:08Argentinien ist sicherlich eine Pferdenation, das steht fest.
34:11Aber muss die ausgerechnet Alfred Albers in die Quere kommen?
34:14Tut sie das denn wirklich?
34:16Herr Albers, Sie haben internationale Kontakte zu Topzüchtern,
34:19die einen Alfred Albers mit Handschlag begrüßen.
34:21Ja, richtig schon, aber...
34:23Mit dem Pfund müssen Sie wuchern.
34:25Vertrauen, Erfahrung, Loyalität.
34:27Das sind Ihre Trümpfe.
34:29Das ist bei mir in der Branche nicht anders.
34:32Man muss seine eigenen Stärken definieren und erkennen,
34:35wo die Schwächen des Gegners sind.
34:37Vielen Dank für Ihre aufmundernden Worte.
34:40Mal sehen, wer besser ist, die oder ich.
34:45Du fährst heute mit Torben in die Bretagne?
34:47Oui, Madame.
34:49Es freut mich für euch.
34:51Ich könnte auch mal gut eine Auszeit gebrauchen.
34:53Guten Appetit.
34:55Danke schön.
34:57Frau Lichtenhagen.
34:59Darf ich?
35:01Entschuldigen Sie, aber ich habe schlechte Nachrichten für Sie.
35:03Ich habe gerade noch mal mit den Handwerkern auf dem Gut telefoniert.
35:05Und es dauert doch noch länger mit den Arbeiten?
35:07Es geht mittlerweile nicht mehr nur um Reparaturarbeiten.
35:09Der Wasserschaden ist so groß,
35:11das Gebäude muss grundsaniert werden.
35:13Oh nein.
35:15Es tut mir wirklich furchtbar leid, zumal ich noch nicht einmal weiß,
35:17wie lange die Sanierungsarbeiten dauern werden.
35:19Aber Anna, wir finden irgendwas Neues für dich.
35:21Ich kann mal in der Klinik rumfragen.
35:25Sie können auch gerne selbstverständlich im Hotel wohnen.
35:27Danke, das ist wirklich sehr freundlich.
35:29Aber ich fühle mich bei Merle eigentlich sehr wohl.
35:31Sie hat bestimmt nichts dagegen,
35:33wenn ich noch ein bisschen bei ihr bleibe.
35:35Wir verstehen uns sehr gut.
35:37Das freut mich für Sie.
35:39Dann stimmt es also doch, dass Blut dicker ist als Wasser.
35:41Ja, ich spreche vom Verwandtschaftsgrad.
35:43Im Gegensatz zu Ihnen beiden
35:45müssen Ihre Cousine und ich noch ein wenig
35:47in puncto Harmonie üben.
35:49Das kann ich bestätigen.
35:51Da ist noch viel Luft nach oben.
35:53Ja, Frau Vallone und ich werden noch so manchen Strauß ausfechten.
35:55Und davon versteht sie eine Menge.
35:57Das ist ja ihr Beruf.
36:01Entschuldigen Sie.
36:03Ich muss dann wieder los.
36:05Schönen Tag noch. Ihnen auch.
36:07Ich muss auch ins Rathaus.
36:09Ja, und ich muss in die Klinik.
36:11Tschüss, Carla. Tschüss.
36:13Tschüss, schönen Urlaub.
36:15Danke, danke.
36:17Dann warst du während meiner Abwesenheit ja nicht untätig.
36:19Naja, ich sage es dir.
36:21Die korrekte Anmeldung einer Eheschließung,
36:23das ist wirklich ein Fulltime-Job.
36:25Wir haben es aber auch ziemlich eilig.
36:27Weil du mich unbedingt schon nächste Woche heiraten willst.
36:29Oh ja, unbedingt.
36:31Wir machen mal das Ding jetzt mit den Einladungen.
36:33Meinst du nicht auch, wir sollten unseren Freunden,
36:35Verwandten und Bekannten mündlich Bescheid sagen?
36:37Gute Frage.
36:39Ich will auch keinen Staatsakt.
36:43Du bist zurück aus Knäckebrotland.
36:45Ja, mit Elchwurst fürs Frühstück.
36:47Ah, das muss man mögen.
36:51es gibt großartige Neuigkeiten.
36:53Ich gehe jetzt definitiv
36:55für ein Jahr nach Indien.
36:57Und rate mal, wer mitkommt, bis sein Studium anfängt.
36:59Oh, das ist schwer.
37:01Ein junger Mann
37:03aus deinem Umfeld?
37:07Und sein Name fängt mit R an?
37:15Mama, Radan!
37:17Mensch, das ist ja wunderbar.
37:19Dann ist ja euer Trennungsschmerz auch nicht mehr ganz so groß.
37:21Aber zu Philips und meiner Hochzeit
37:23seid ihr noch da.
37:27Dann lässt du deine Mutter
37:29jetzt für ein Jahr lang alleine?
37:31Ich? Wer geht denn nach Stockholm?
37:33So, ihr zwei,
37:35ich muss jetzt los zum Impfen.
37:37Wisst ihr, was mir gerade einfällt?
37:39Was ist denn mit dem Rosenhausessen,
37:41das wir machen wollten, als du freigesprochen wurdest?
37:43Ah, und wisst ihr,
37:45was mir gerade einfällt?
37:47Ich habe frischen Gravetlachs aus Schweden mitgebracht.
37:49Für die Soße brauche ich noch Honig,
37:51Handwerker, Senf, aber jede Menge Dill.
37:53Ja, Dill bringe ich dann mit.
37:55Und dann gibt's heute Abend ein schwedisches Rosenhausessen.
37:59Ich habe da einfach ein echt bescheidenes Gefühl.
38:01Frau von Lohen mischt sich überall ein.
38:03Also, ich sehe das so.
38:05Merle von Lohen ist neu im Gastrogewerbe
38:07und hat echt viel Geld in dieses Projekt gebuttert.
38:09Jetzt will sie ernst genommen werden,
38:11deswegen wirbelt sie ein bisschen zu viel Staub auf.
38:13Ja, dann soll sie das in ihrem Blumenladen machen.
38:15Sie hat mich gestern angeschaut, als wäre ich Klein-Dovi,
38:17und nicht der Assistent von der Flickenschild.
38:19Also, ich kenne Gunter schon ein bisschen länger
38:21und ich kann mir echt nicht vorstellen,
38:23dass er sich vorschreiben lässt, wer sein Assistent sein soll.
38:27Mit der Frau werden wir noch jede Menge Spaß haben.
38:29Mit wem kriegen wir noch viel Spaß?
38:31Mit Merle von Lohen.
38:33Denkt an meine Worte.
38:35Wir werden sie nicht vergessen.
38:37Hoffe ich.
38:39Sag mal,
38:41hattest du schon die erste Panikattacke,
38:43weil das Salte mal ein paar Tage ohne dich auskommen muss,
38:45oder kommt die noch?
38:47Hältst du mich etwa für hysterisch?
38:49Nein, nicht wirklich.
38:51Nur ein bisschen unentspannt,
38:53was das Delegieren von Aufgaben angeht.
38:55Ich bin tiefenentspannt.
38:57Also, die Vertretung ist organisiert,
38:59die Karte ist für die nächsten Tage geschrieben,
39:01mein Sous-Chef ist instruiert
39:03und hat das Küchenpersonal wie das Servicepersonal im Griff.
39:05Das nenne ich doch mal souverän.
39:07Keiner Sarabacos ist dem souverän.
39:09Ich sehe schon.
39:11Du solltest dir, damit keine Langeweile aufkommt,
39:13ein zweites Salto zulegen.
39:15Ich habe gehört,
39:17da gibt es ein entsprechendes Angebot.
39:19Was hast du mir versprochen?
39:21Dich in der Bretagne in die besten Lokale auszuführen.
39:25Und vor allem das Thema,
39:27Salto 2 bis nach dem Urlaub zu verschieben.
39:29Können wir dann endlich?
39:31Ja, von mir aus schon längst.
39:33Wenn du ja nicht den Bedenkenträger geben würdest.
39:35Also dann.
39:37Ganz kurz.
39:39Den müssen wir schnell in den Kühler.
39:42Äh, was...
39:44Gleich warte ich.
39:46Hier steht auch noch was.
40:03Das ist dann auch die letzte.
40:05Zum Glück.
40:07Polio, Hepatitis A und Typhus sind aufgefrischt.
40:09So kann ich dich in die weite Welt entlassen.
40:11Ach, Indien würde mir erst mal reichen.
40:15Ich glaube es zwar nicht,
40:17aber wenn du irgendwelche Nebenwirkungen spürst,
40:19dann kommst du noch mal zu mir.
40:21So, kannst dich wieder anziehen.
40:25Über die Malaria-Prophylaxe haben wir gesprochen.
40:27Jo, Moskito-Netz wird besorgt.
40:29Irgendwas wollte ich noch.
40:31Ah, es wäre gut,
40:33wenn du Wasser in Keimungstabletten mitnimmst.
40:35In manchen Regionen ist das da ganz schwierig
40:37mit dem Trinkwasser.
40:39Habe ich schon gehört.
40:41Mit diesen Dingern kann man aus dem Swimmingpool trinken.
40:43Ja, hoffen wir mal nicht, dass du darauf angewiesen bist.
40:45Wenn du noch irgendwelche Fragen hast,
40:47dann kannst du gerne zu mir kommen.
40:49Ja, danke.
40:51Aber von mir aus kann es losgehen.
40:53Dann nehme ich mal meine Impfung mit,
40:55buche meinen Flug
40:57und entwickle nebenher kräftig Antikörper.
40:59Sehr gut.
41:07Was macht der Blutdruck von Frau Hagemeister?
41:09140 zu 90.
41:13Frau Doktor Thies,
41:15kann ich Sie was über diese Datenbank fragen,
41:17über die wir gestern gesprochen haben?
41:19Ja, alles, was Sie wollen.
41:21Wie viel Arbeit gehen wir da auf mich zu?
41:23Viel, sehr viel.
41:25Wir müssen all die Patientenakten sichten,
41:27wir müssen die degenerativen Erbkrankheiten rausfiltern
41:29und relevante Muster für die Datenbanken erstellen
41:31und, und, und.
41:33Aber Sie würden dabei sehr viel lernen.
42:01Frau Jansen.
42:03Frau Stein.
42:05Haben Sie unsere Verabredung vergessen?
42:09Zum Teetrinken in der Stadt.
42:11Ja, ich habe gewartet und gewartet
42:13und als Sie dann auch nicht ans Telefon gingen,
42:15habe ich mir wirklich Sorgen gemacht.
42:17Es ist alles in Ordnung,
42:19mir geht's gut.
42:21Aber Sie sehen immer noch ein bisschen blass um die Nase aus.
42:23Immer noch die Grippe?
42:27ich hoffe, das homöopathische Mittel
42:29von Frau Doktor Thies wird bald anschlagen.
42:31Ich fühle mich mitunter noch ein bisschen wackelig
42:33auf den Beinen,
42:35aber ich bin ja schließlich auch keine 50 mehr.
42:39Und Sie?
42:41Waren Sie heute überhaupt schon an der frischen Luft?
42:45Frau Stein,
42:47also bitte,
42:49wenn es Ihnen gut ginge,
42:51würden Sie nicht um diese Zeit
42:53im Morgenmantel hier rumsitzen
42:55und sich verkriechen wie ein Maulwurf.
42:57Was ist los?
42:59Ich habe keinen Mann mehr,
43:01keine Freunde,
43:03keine Arbeit
43:05und lebe in einer Stadt,
43:07in der mich alle verachten.
43:09Reicht das?
43:11Das ist alles sicher nicht sehr schön,
43:13aber Sie dürfen sich nicht so gehen lassen.
43:15Warum nicht?
43:17Zum einen,
43:19weil ich mich hier säße,
43:21wenn alle Lüneburger Sie verachten würden.
43:23Und zum anderen,
43:25weil Sie eine wichtige Aufgabe haben.
43:27Ach ja? Welche denn?
43:29Ihr Leben.
43:31Und das können Sie nur anpacken,
43:33wenn Sie sich gerade machen,
43:35Haltung zeigen für die Anhörung
43:37und den Prozess.
43:39Sollen Sie mich doch verurteilen
43:41und einsperren.
43:43Ich habe es ja nicht besser verdient.
43:49Nevertheless, it's up to you.
43:51Yeah. Bye.
43:55Hallo, Herr Jansen.
43:57Oh, Entschuldigung.
44:01Ja, ich bin jetzt in meiner alten Heimat,
44:03um Hannover zu kommunizieren,
44:05was da auf Niedersachsen zukommt.
44:07Du, hör zu.
44:09Ich checke gerade ein
44:11und rufe dich in einer Minute zurück.
44:13Ja? Okay. Ciao.
44:19Herr Jansen, was kann ich für Sie tun?
44:21Vorerst wäre mir mit einem Zimmer geholfen.
44:23Gerne, ruhig.
44:25Kommt sofort.
44:27Das glaube ich jetzt nicht.
44:29Wieso hast du nicht Bescheid gesagt,
44:31dass du nach Lüneburg kommst?
44:33Weil ich das bis gestern selbst noch nie wusste.
44:35Die Damen und Herren aus Brüssel
44:37haben mich zum Rapport nach Hannover geschickt
44:39und da kann ich genauso gut hier
44:41meine Zelte aufschlagen.
44:43Das Hotel zahlt die EU
44:45und somit muss ich meiner Mutter
44:47nicht zur Last fallen.
44:49Obwohl sie das sicher anders sieht.
44:51Und? Dankeschön.
44:53Bei dir alles in Ordnung?
44:55Sieht hier aus wie immer.
44:57Toll, toll, toll.
44:59Dass Anne zur Oberbürgermeisterin
45:01gewählt wurde, das ist sicherlich erfahren.
45:03Ja, das ist bis in die belgische Hauptstadt
45:07Ja, tut mir leid, dass ihr also eure alte
45:09Wohnung nicht mehr nutzen könnt, weil die
45:11wegen Wasserschaden geflutet ist.
45:13Und schön.
45:15Und wo wohnt sie jetzt? Hier?
45:17Bei ihrer Cousine in der Gärtnerei.
45:19Ach, Merlefando.
45:21Die anstrengende Dame, die mich damals schon
45:23für eines Laufburschen und Sekretär gehalten hat.
45:25Mit dem Anstrengendes kann ich unterstreichen.
45:27Entschuldige, mein Interview.
45:31Sag mal, ist eure Hanse-Lounge zu billig frei?
45:33Ja. Sehr schön.
45:35Bringen Sie uns bitte die üblichen Getränke
45:37und für mich ein Thunfischsalat ohne Dressing.
45:39Kommt sofort.
45:41Wir können...
45:43Wir sehen uns runter.
45:47Jansen scheint ja ein ganz schön
45:49dicker Fisch im Puzzle zu sein.
46:03Hey, setz dich.
46:05Du bist jetzt Zeuge
46:07einer historischen Flugbuchung.
46:13mein Flug geht über München
46:15und dauert 14 Stunden.
46:19Hätte ich mich früher entschieden,
46:21wäre es günstiger geworden.
46:23Egal. Jetzt ist es, wie es ist.
46:33du kommst mich bald besuchen.
46:35Du, sollen wir nicht auch gleich
46:37deinen Flug buchen?
46:39Dann sparst wenigstens du ein bisschen.
46:41Wann ist denn noch mal
46:43die nächste Prüfung?
46:45Ich muss ja erst mal die Prüfung bestehen.
46:47Ach komm, als ob du schon mal
46:49eine Prüfung schlechter als 2 Plus geschrieben hättest.
46:51Ella, wegen dieser Reise da...
46:59Ja? Was ist denn?
47:03Redest du von deiner Reise oder von meiner?
47:07Ella, ich...
47:09Ich werde keine Reise machen.
47:41Der neuen Oberbürgermeisterin.
47:43Ja, nicht nur das, sie ist auch...
47:45Schwana, ich weiß.
47:49Ich bin gespannt, wie es ist, sie zu sehen.
47:51Ist das nicht alles ein bisschen zu viel für sie?
47:53Abendstudium, Azubi, Assistenz
47:55und das ganze Vertrauen, das in sie gesetzt wird?
47:59Ehrlich gesagt, Herr Eckert, ich glaube,
48:01dass Sie mit dieser Aufgabe überfordert sind.
48:03Und das werde ich Herrn Flickenschild auch genauso sagen,
48:05so leid es mir tut.
48:09Untertitel von Stephanie Geiges