friday night live with huhnkie lee 164.1

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00hello friends yeah welcome to friday night loud hunkily episode
00:00:11164.1 happy friday evening okay
00:00:18martial arts let's do
00:00:22jump outward swing kick okay yeah
00:00:28jump outward swing kick i'm sure they have dance for this but we just call it
00:00:34like that okay so okay
00:00:40i want to make sure i don't hit anything
00:00:46okay good five minutes back please thank you
00:05:06welcome to friday night hunky day
00:05:12okay uh
00:05:19yeah i'm running the tumble dryer laundry and so
00:05:23uh let's talk about biden for a while for a while
00:05:28so i don't want him to drop out okay i want him to stay why he he
00:05:35well let me grab some drinks happy friday
00:06:19all right
00:06:30yeah i don't want biden to drop out i want him to stay
00:06:34as candidate because he's entertaining he refers himself to as a
00:06:41gaffe machine okay so he knows about that and it's hilarious i mean it's some
00:06:48news articles the atlantic yeah they're very good
00:06:52writers there okay so i they're kind of liberals but
00:06:57i appreciate their writing the atlantic i think they're based in
00:07:01boston massachusetts maybe very good writer there
00:07:04okay yeah
00:07:10like uh but for me
00:07:16i want to be entertained and biden making mistakes is hugely
00:07:23entertaining so the atlantic article and some among
00:07:28others notice that
00:07:32biden is getting all the highlights with mistakes
00:07:39trump is no longer high
00:07:45trump is no longer in the limelight highlight okay
00:07:52because biden is more fun than trump now
00:07:56mr president biden yeah congratulations yeah
00:07:59now you're defeating trump already when it comes to
00:08:06highlight this yeah cheers yeah
00:08:16and if you can tell me about because i'm running for u.s president but
00:08:20between trump and biden uh yeah
00:08:25i would rather see biden be reelected okay yeah
00:08:28of course i'm running for u.s president too but between the two
00:08:32i'd like to see biden be reelected because
00:08:36he's more funny he's funnier than trump now
00:08:40because of his old age because he make mistakes okay i
00:08:44tremendously enjoy his mistakes
00:08:50haha funnier than trump okay it's hilarious okay oh my goodness
00:08:59now mathematics
00:09:04i guess we can right yeah
00:09:08right i don't have i don't really have anything else to say okay so
00:09:15if something else comes up to my mind yeah we'll talk about something else
00:09:19other than mathematics sure
00:09:34i mean i like tamara harris though she's funny she's
00:09:38hugely entertaining and she knows how to dance okay and
00:09:42i saw her dancing a little bit okay so
00:09:51some people want tamara harris to run for president instead of joe biden
00:09:56uh i'm okay either way biden or harris but i prefer biden why
00:10:03i don't want it to go away okay i wanted to stay in the white house that
00:10:08i mean of course i i'm running for u.s president okay
00:10:12and i want to be the president of course that's given
00:10:15that's granted but between harris and biden i want biden to be
00:10:23president between the two okay but harris i like her too she's she's
00:10:30funny good sense of humor she know how to make a joke
00:10:35and she know how to dance
00:10:38okay yeah trump he's funny too but he's too
00:10:43dangerous he's criminal
00:10:48yes so i i don't want trump to be re-elected okay
00:10:52he's just too dangerous for the country okay
00:10:56but even if trump wins i'm not worried okay trump after i voted for him
00:11:03tennis 2016 he tried to kick me out of the
00:11:07country and his people
00:11:11trump wasted his money and his step first time
00:11:14to trap people like me like with some foreign association i was
00:11:21born in america but i grew up in korea right
00:11:23somehow they learned about that about me not just me other people like
00:11:29that too okay
00:11:32they're wasting money taxpayers money and white house the first time
00:11:36they're wasting it to deport
00:11:43people like me with foreign association that's insane that's crazy
00:11:52i voted for trump back in 2016 but after he got elected he and his people tried
00:11:58to export
00:12:02deport me
00:12:07because my parents are korean nationals and i grew up in korea although i was
00:12:11born in america so according to them trump and his people
00:12:16i'm not american enough so i should go back to korea
00:12:19something like that because they tried so they asked me to submit some documents
00:12:24i did i complied and then they decided to
00:12:28just let me be so they did not deport me
00:12:32but they did try that's how crazy trump and his people are
00:12:36these people are nuts okay so i i don't want him to be president
00:12:42he's too dangerous and too toxic
00:12:47i'm an asset to this country okay i mean besides being a full-time lawyer
00:12:54i do mathematics like this and human energy
00:12:57all in america yeah everything i do because i'm american
00:13:03citizen they are made in america i make america
00:13:06look good okay they don't care the only thing they
00:13:12care is that my parents are not american
00:13:14citizens and i grew up in south korea therefore you are not an all-american
00:13:22person you're a foreigner so you should get out of here
00:13:27right yeah trump is like he's racist xenophobic
00:13:35that alone is qualified as the next president okay
00:13:39so but do i regret having voted for him a little bit but not 100%
00:13:47maybe 10 okay because to be fair he did some good things
00:13:52they're starting to build a southern border for example he did very well with
00:13:56russia he did very well with north korea okay
00:14:01but although he did very poorly with china though
00:14:04and iran as well okay yeah there are good and bads in trump to
00:14:10be fair okay because i want to be fair i want to be
00:14:13cheers happy friday
00:14:17let's take five okay thank you yeah yeah
00:14:35there we go
00:14:42all right
00:17:46how did trump people found about me i think it's because that's the time
00:17:53when i uh applied for renewal
00:17:57of my american passport and my name is a foreign name honky okay
00:18:04it's not an american name i think that's guess what
00:18:07how they why they investigated me okay yeah i think so it's not
00:18:15i guess it doesn't take that much time and money for it to
00:18:18so what kind of document did they require ask me to submit
00:18:22uh like the proof of my
00:18:29residence in the past in america like going back something like five years
00:18:35i don't remember okay it happened somewhere like 2016
00:18:412017 or 2019 okay
00:18:45i was in alaska here okay i came to alaska 2015 okay
00:18:50um yeah so document i sent yeah the transcript of my college
00:19:01graduate school copy of my diploma
00:19:07like law school diploma copy of my lawyer's license
00:19:13past and present paper copy of my driver's license
00:19:22my past and current membership or to like veterans organizations
00:19:28and uh then then they said okay okay yeah you're legit
00:19:34okay so i did some google search okay did anybody else have
00:19:39experienced the same thing and they did okay yeah people whose name is not
00:19:47traditional american name okay yeah like james dean or whatever
00:19:55basically white name white people's name
00:20:03or like uh whatever but i love my name i love my
00:20:08korean name okay and so are my friends they love my korean
00:20:12name it's a beautiful name very charming
00:20:20okay i don't quite feel like doing this to be
00:20:26we don't have to okay we can just go to inside our life okay
00:20:30yeah sure
00:20:34let's do that okay it's kind of election season anyway right yeah
00:20:38so i don't feel like doing it i need to take a break from this okay
00:20:44so okay sure
00:20:49let's say five minutes break and then uh the inside of life
00:20:54time check
00:21:06it's been more than 20 minutes okay okay good
00:21:09sure yeah we'll get back to mathematics when
00:21:14we feel like to okay
00:21:18okay it's friday let's have some fun yeah
00:24:58so the new celebrity overnight sensation there
00:25:04yeah it's a charming name very cute okay so
00:25:08and um congratulations to
00:25:13hailey miss hailey welch yeah for brand new found fame yeah
00:25:20that's great that that's that's fantastic yeah
00:25:26yeah sure great talent there okay yeah that's
00:25:30great newly discovered talent right yeah that's
00:25:33great yeah now when it comes to harris potentially harris and trump debate
00:25:42i think harris will win very easily because kevin harris she's very
00:25:46smart she's witty and she has great sense of humor okay so
00:25:50and she's high energy she's younger okay yeah between
00:25:54the debate between harris and trump yeah harris will
00:25:58defeat trump easily okay how about election
00:26:02between harris and trump i think harris will
00:26:05defeat trump easily okay yeah
00:26:11but i like biden to stay okay he's so funny
00:26:14okay so do i think biden can defeat trump yeah i think he can
00:26:20okay because biden is never to be underestimated
00:26:24underestimated he made mistakes but everyone does
00:26:29he's a smart man biden okay so yeah it's nice guy
00:26:39but so i'm not worried okay yeah
00:26:44let's go to internet okay
00:27:29give me one second
00:28:22hello friends yeah welcome to friday night on tv uh
00:28:27happy friday yeah
00:29:05i'm good thank you
00:29:25maybe we should have done some mathematics i think it's too early right
00:29:35uh yeah thank you yeah
00:30:03with the topic anything you want yeah yeah
00:30:07hey uh no n more please okay yeah
00:30:14thank you yeah okay
00:30:27so topic and if anything you want okay yeah anything you want
00:30:31to talk about yeah yeah
00:30:41drugs yeah i do not like illegal drugs
00:30:48so yeah
00:30:54you know
00:31:15pedophilia is bad
00:31:19yeah and legal drugs
00:31:23well i mean i recommend exercise
00:31:29exercise the best drug okay yeah yeah
00:31:36uh pedophilia pedophiles
00:31:41death sentence that's too harsh
00:32:15yeah death sentence to pedophiles that's too harsh i mean joe biden
00:32:21is kind of pedophilic right he like sniff young children
00:32:34not just young children inappropriate touching right
00:32:44mathematics i like all branches but these days i'm doing number theory yeah
00:32:56can do a drink i do not know either first people person yep
00:33:31do i like children yeah of course who doesn't
00:33:40what is happy philia
00:33:46i don't know what that is
00:34:10i mean i like people of all ages okay
00:34:20yeah i mean i'm an adult so adults love young people legally so that's not
00:34:29happy philia that's not pedophilia no it's just
00:34:33as parents as teachers okay yeah it's a good thing
00:34:39yeah good children they need love right yeah
00:34:57yeah now wake up friends good evening happy friday let's take five minutes
00:35:02break okay i need some vocal rest okay thank you
00:35:06okay thank you yeah welcome
00:35:09very cool
00:35:12yeah yeah welcome welcome
00:35:17very cool
00:35:22come one day
00:38:22yeah good times
00:38:28oh yeah i mean look i don't
00:38:36pedophilia happy philia is bad is illegal okay so
00:38:43that's all there is okay
00:38:47it is simple okay dead crimes
00:38:52that's that
00:38:56it's simple
00:39:00crimes okay it's that simple okay so now let's talk about biden gap okay this is
00:39:06so funny like i after work i looked up like in
00:39:10the internet the biden memes okay like biden cartoon
00:39:15biden jokes jokes about biden it was hilarious okay
00:39:20it's like one meme i remember in the internet okay
00:39:25like google image search okay biden memes meme
00:39:29emmy emmy okay so
00:39:33this picture biden and obama vice president
00:39:38of obama president okay
00:39:43and the caption says biden says
00:39:48like a cartoon right cartoon bubble oh thank you
00:39:52friends thank you for the support so biden says
00:39:56i've been talking earlier today and obama says
00:40:05though it was an elementary school
00:40:14oh that was funny yeah yeah welcome yeah yeah
00:40:28too funny
00:40:34this is too bad is more funnier than trump
00:40:40so biden is defeating trump already
00:40:45in terms of media attention right yeah oh it's
00:40:50fun times
00:40:56i'm not a democrat i'm independent okay so uh
00:41:01i guess democrats are scared
00:41:06biden is refusing to step down right but technically
00:41:11they don't need biden's approval they can just come up with a new candidate
00:41:17and then nominate that person the
00:41:22democratic national convention you know yeah they don't need biden's
00:41:26approval for that
00:41:31oh okay okay yeah wait until your turn 25 21 yeah yeah
00:41:36yeah no problem there okay yeah okay
00:41:45welcome welcome but even if you're underage
00:41:49i'm a lawyer so i know the law okay even if you're underage
00:41:53if your parents give you like wine
00:41:58in your parents house then it is legal okay
00:42:03yeah welcome yeah even in america it is still
00:42:08legal okay that's how i learned how to drink from my father when i was a
00:42:15drinking education yeah that is legal welcome yeah
00:42:27but it has to be your parents in your parents house
00:42:32if your parents give you like wine
00:42:36in your parents house then it is legal it's considered
00:42:41as drinking education okay yeah welcome yeah good evening
00:42:51my favorite is vodka yeah
00:42:59dry vodka yeah
00:43:03yeah dry means non-sweet
00:43:25uh this hybrid cranberry is alaska native berries that i picked
00:43:30no park i put vodka in there so
00:43:59oh yeah
00:44:05yeah good times
00:44:21well the earliest age of drinking
00:44:27like parental education of drinking
00:44:33well for me uh my father told me how to drink when i was
00:44:44probably i was like 11 or 12
00:44:55i think so
00:45:03i think i was like 11 or 12 yeah my first drink with my father okay
00:45:11in south korea i think i was about 11 or 12
00:45:22national convention yeah thank you for the invitation yeah
00:45:26what's the convention about
00:45:41uh i won't be able to attend but thanks for the invitation
00:45:45to come curious what your convention is about
00:46:01young americans for liberty
00:46:05okay is it like libertarian
00:46:10libertarian party okay okay do i prefer biden or trump
00:46:17well i'm going for u.s president myself okay but uh
00:46:21between trump and biden uh yeah i think uh
00:46:24biden is funnier than trump these days so
00:46:28okay he just used to be the other way but
00:46:31things have changed right as biden ages getting older
00:46:39he's getting very funny biden because he's making a lot of mistakes
00:46:45i enjoy that i enjoy to biden's mistakes okay he's hilarious
00:46:50he's funnier than trump now that's why all the media attention
00:46:55is biden because he's funnier than trump
00:46:59that's why i prefer him okay but i'm going for u.s president myself
00:47:05okay oh i love you too thank you yeah welcome
00:47:09now let's take five minutes break okay i need some vocal rest
00:47:12okay i'm getting old too i'm 46 okay welcome yeah good evening five
00:47:18minutes break okay thank you i need to take frequent breaks because
00:47:22i'm getting old too yeah
00:47:28five seconds oh yeah
00:47:37welcome to the show yeah the honky show sure
00:50:21okay we're back so so too funny yeah let's talk about
00:50:27president biden okay so it's like i it's just hilarious it's too funny and
00:50:33uh i mean americans are bored right so will america
00:50:40will americans be willing to let joe biden go and lose the source of
00:50:47prime entertainment like this yeah biden he's called himself a gaffe
00:50:53machine right i agree everybody agrees because he makes a lot of mistakes
00:50:58that's why it's so funny hilarious entertaining okay so how about biden
00:51:04too old to function oh that's fine maybe that's what america needs yeah
00:51:10president will do absolutely nothing because america is doing fine
00:51:18cheers and cheers yeah
00:51:25if smart people like you and i can be as president yeah then it can make huge
00:51:29difference right otherwise yeah
00:51:35if donald trump wins okay he will do a lot of harm to america okay because he's
00:51:39evil he's liar he's criminal he's dangerous okay like generous okay yeah
00:51:47but if biden get elected he's not gonna do anything he's too old to do anything
00:51:53and now even nowadays he's not doing anything he's too old to do anything but
00:51:58america is doing fine why america is my friend america is now run by president
00:52:06america is run by american people hard-working people like you and me okay
00:52:10we are running the country okay they are the unsung heroes heroines okay yeah
00:52:16america is fine okay
00:52:24so hard-working americans like you and me after we come back from school or
00:52:33we are okay we did work or studying right we are running the country
00:52:38americans right and after we come back from work or school we want to be
00:52:45entertained so yeah let's make fun of our president joe biden
00:52:53welcome welcome yeah so yeah then yeah so
00:53:05hmm yeah welcome friends yeah yeah
00:53:15so hypothetically if biden will get re-elected and we'll continue to watch
00:53:22on television
00:53:26president joe biden's mistakes gaps and will be entertained we need that
00:53:36to get us going you know day job school work
00:53:42so biden is doing a very good job as a u.s president like cheerleader like
00:53:47comedian entertainer right yeah
00:54:03it's too funny yeah yeah
00:54:11but if i become u.s president
00:54:15of course i can entertain americans of course not by mistake but by uh
00:54:21intention because biden is
00:54:28unintentional comedian me i'm intentional comedian okay good performer
00:54:34performer background okay yeah i can entertain people
00:54:48cheers and cheers okay yeah
00:54:54interesting time in america right let's have fun okay i need some vocal rest
00:54:59i'm getting old too i need a break okay okay uh time check in telemotion
00:55:11it's nearing one hour but it's been less than one hour okay good
00:55:15five minutes break okay thank you very cool
00:55:21good times oh yeah
00:57:59okay welcome back oh what are they it's like yeah welcome welcome so biden it's just
00:58:11too funny right too good to be true
00:58:21i mean okay
00:58:25let me calm down a little bit okay so let me drink some whiskey okay maybe you will help yeah cheers and cheers
00:58:39so president biden in press conference yesterday i guess
00:58:45referred to uh vice president kamala harris as a vice president trump okay
00:58:58that's inspirational for comedy fiction writers like me imagine
00:59:10biden get elected and hypothetically okay fiction space we are writing a novel comedy okay okay and
00:59:18then biden uh hires replace kamala harris with trump now down there trump is vice president
00:59:26because that's what he said
00:59:36i it won't work because they disagree all the time but
00:59:41still it's fun to imagine that scenario alternative universe
00:59:52so 2024 2025 yeah biden elected and he replaces kamala harris with donald trump
01:00:00to be his vice president okay
01:00:12it's nearly impossible to imagine these two old white guys
01:00:22being in the white house as president and vice president president biden and vice president trump
01:00:31but we are in a fiction space okay so how
01:00:39uh it's difficult to imagine because it's too unlikely it's opposite polar opposite of reality right
01:00:47but let's push our imaginative boundary here okay
01:00:54creative writing class are you sure cheers
01:01:16it's upstream i mean uphill battle to just imagine how it would be even in a fiction space
01:01:25president biden and vice president trump
01:01:30it is quite unimaginable situation even in novel
01:01:55what possibility is this
01:02:02okay based on the reality of their characters right yeah welcome welcome
01:02:13uh my guess would be that um vice president trump
01:02:18will conspire with cabinet members and try to replace biden by the 20 invoking 25th amendment
01:02:31so that he become the president instead yeah my favorite movie uh i like superman
01:02:40batman yeah
01:02:48also some chinese majority movies technologies yeah
01:02:54the boys uh i'm not familiar with that movie
01:03:03amazon prime yeah i'm a member yeah okay
01:03:10maybe i'll check that out yeah sure
01:03:20i might yeah yeah
01:03:47so president biden and vice president trump scenario yeah trump will try to uh
01:03:59maybe turn stage a coup d'etat maybe
01:04:03thank you so that he becomes the president himself okay yeah it's kind of predictable actually okay
01:04:08okay yeah problem solved okay nice okay alaska uh i like the water clean water clean air yeah
01:04:20a lot of trees yeah
01:04:36it's very quiet and peaceful here so
01:04:40okay yeah i'm getting old i'm losing my voice
01:04:50if i'm yes president yeah i moved to white house in washington dc
01:04:55now i need to take five minutes break i need some vocal rest okay yeah thank you for understanding
01:05:00yeah i'm getting old okay yeah five minutes break please okay thank you welcome good evening yeah
01:05:06thank you five minutes break thank you yeah
01:05:13okay five minutes thank you
01:07:23okay welcome back and uh yeah
01:07:31yeah hypothetically if i become u.s president yeah i moved to white house uh uh and live in washington dc for four years
01:07:42sure i'm okay with that yeah i've introduced you once okay good city a lot of trees there too yeah
01:07:49the city planning right oh yeah it is
01:07:54and great people there yeah
01:08:00oh yeah
01:08:08it was nice experience in washington dc there was like 10 years ago something like that okay so
01:08:19it was nice
01:08:24so my washington dc experience i've been there once just one day day trip okay so
01:08:31a lot of trees right yeah that was nice people very nice people okay yeah cheers yeah
01:08:43so i had a very good impression of washington dc okay oh yeah
01:08:50good town yeah
01:08:54in my experience okay oh of course there are some uh sketch area or some uh
01:09:02suspicious neighborhood in dc where i have not been there okay i was a tourist
01:09:10welcome cheers yeah
01:09:27so i think it's good time to make transition to uh facebook live okay because i've been talking a lot
01:09:34past few days so my voice is totally
01:09:40non-functional okay so uh i have to save my voice okay so okay uh we'll make transition to facebook live
01:09:47and then we'll check out some youtube videos okay yeah video commentary okay sure thank you
01:09:54good night happy friday yeah
01:09:58enjoy your weekend okay thank you yeah
01:10:37so yeah dealing with your friend yeah uh see you tomorrow saturday okay i will get back to mathematics or not uh
01:10:48if you don't say i'm a mistype okay
01:10:58happy friday now happens friday
01:11:01what is funny i guess i'm becoming old getting old i guess i don't like to write
01:11:23well i am getting old but it's more like i'm getting drunk okay so
01:11:27not happen friday but happy friday okay what is funny mistakes okay sure
01:11:37see you tomorrow okay thank you yeah happy friday not happen friday
01:11:42okay enjoy the weekend thank you yep