friday night live with huhnkie lee 165.2

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to Friday Night Live's Hunky Lee episode 165.2.
00:00:12Yeah, it's weekend, so let's do some dancing for exercise.
00:00:20Okay, dancing.
00:00:45Okay, how about Megan dancing, okay?
00:00:50Ha ha ha ha ha.
00:01:26There we go, yeah, good exercise.
00:01:28Please, thank you.
00:01:30Dancing is very good exercise.
00:01:32Yeah, good for balancing and joints.
00:01:36Thank you.
00:07:50okay good morning
00:07:55welcome to the show and yeah I'm gonna drink some coconut juice good morning
00:08:05so yeah I woke up and yeah I mean that dry or not yeah I did use like super
00:08:16blue but I thought yeah you will not be strong enough to hold it okay so I went
00:08:23online and my cell phone after I woke up I looked and I typed like a dry or not
00:08:32and lo and behold Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart they sell that the replacement
00:08:40part okay the knob so I went to Lowe's and I bought the universal knob with
00:08:46multiple adapters different sizes and yeah it worked okay so cheers yeah
00:09:00also I went to gas station and great culinary artists okay they have this
00:09:05like breakfast in the gas station and
00:09:12biscuit and gravy I bought two of them okay oh nice cheers yeah
00:09:23so as I parked in the gas station I listened to radio music then this very
00:09:32beautiful kind of electric guitar and I listened to that sound and it reminded
00:09:39me of an old song that I really liked so I I just sat there the parking lot of
00:09:49gas station and turn off the radio and I spent like maybe five to ten minutes
00:09:56probably ten minutes to remember that song what's the title what's the lyrics
00:10:03what's the band name it's kind of independent indie band not very well
00:10:10known okay so
00:10:14I remember the melody
00:10:27that's what I could remember at first yeah the very clear that beautiful kind
00:10:34of electric guitar okay so I said they'll try to remember what's the
00:10:45that's really like for ten minutes
00:10:50yeah I last time I listened to music it was a year ago maybe like three years
00:10:56five years ago okay and then I gradually remembered oh that's independent band it
00:11:04was not Paul Simon. Paul Simon is like Simon and Garfunkel famous guy okay it's more
00:11:08independent relatively unknown band okay
00:11:13then I later on after maybe 15 minutes of trying to jog my memory I remembered
00:11:22okay it's band named it's there in YouTube okay ballroom thieves
00:11:31song title yeah I found it in YouTube okay again after years okay so yeah love
00:11:39is easy it goes like this darling loving you is such an easy thing to do so let
00:11:48me do it darling loving you what a beautiful tune not very well known so I
00:11:57subscribe to their channel and then I made commentary comment in the YouTube
00:12:03oh yeah yeah huge fan huge fan
00:12:10amazing yeah cheers
00:12:19mm-hmm yeah great band
00:12:27so first I remember like
00:12:32loving you is easy so I typed in the YouTube
00:12:39love it is it is at first I typed it is too easy to love you and then maybe it
00:12:47is so easy to love you and then yeah I played with those
00:12:54synonyms and words and then yeah the suggestion the YouTube suggestion you
00:13:03know all the feel oh it's that band yeah ballroom thieves yeah
00:13:10darling loving you is such a easy thing to do oh wow I found a band I subscribe to
00:13:16great yeah
00:13:21they're not very well-known band okay so they're like about 10 comments to that
00:13:28music video okay yeah about they're relatively unknown band okay I am a huge
00:13:34fan of it amazing
00:13:39well cheers
00:13:47maybe I play that in the festival live okay yeah let's take five minutes break
00:13:53thank you yeah I'm so glad I found that song okay yeah
00:17:22okay so
00:17:26should we do more mathematics we can
00:17:31oh like base five base four three two yeah we found the left and right
00:17:45formulas to calculate best coefficients but we didn't quite combine those to
00:17:53find the greatest common divisor yeah we can do that
00:18:01but not now maybe tonight why I have to take a break from mathematics okay so
00:18:09let's just go to Instagram live yeah I have to take a break from mathematics
00:18:14I'm kind of hungry too okay so we gotta move on
00:19:05okay let's go to Instagram live
00:19:44some angle adjustment here
00:19:58well I'm you want to go to like Facebook live and play that tune love is easy by
00:20:05this okay and but that will happen after the Instagram live okay so okay
00:20:11time to go kick it's like 8 o'clock
00:20:21it's been more than 20 minutes okay
00:20:54hello friends welcome to Friday night live don't kill it
00:21:00Instagram live edition good morning yeah cheers
00:21:10mmm coconut juice
00:21:16hmm wake up wake up you wanna do a little show yeah wake up
00:21:30good morning
00:21:47yeah welcome welcome good morning what hey look why don't you do and then
00:21:53rejoin because internets not working okay so okay but if you do and then
00:21:58rejoin it may work okay
00:22:05okay yeah
00:22:10we keep trying okay yeah
00:22:17hi honky my sexy man yeah welcome yeah long time no see brother yeah great to
00:22:28see you here from you yeah it's been a long time
00:22:35okay do you know cabbie haylock who cameron taylor no I do not know that
00:22:45ah I'm not quite sure if I know
00:22:54yeah but welcome yeah I don't do zoom meeting anymore
00:23:12okay you know do you know sigma sigma yes sigma no do you know sigma male
00:23:31oh here's another one you look your payment what do you call an empty
00:23:37huh what do you call an empty person in a sketch
00:23:42uh I'm sorry I don't understand
00:23:50I don't understand
00:24:02okay that's my wife oh cool yeah welcome yeah my wife is dead
00:24:09okay that's my wife
00:24:19oh hey man I have to let you go because you cannot use those words okay
00:24:41you cannot use bad words okay
00:24:48you cannot use bad words please now yeah welcome let's invite our next guest
00:25:00okay use only good words okay
00:25:19yeah good morning yeah yeah
00:25:23what have you been up to since we last spoke mathematically
00:25:29mathematics still yeah yeah what are you trying to figure out
00:25:34let me show you around okay uh
00:25:44well Hunky Lee can you can you educate an ape
00:25:47like myself on what any of this means so uh do you know
00:25:56do you know mathematics
00:26:00yeah I know mathematics do you know what Euclidean algorithm is
00:26:05yes tell us I said tell us what Euclidean algorithm is
00:26:14sorry do you know Euclidean algorithm oh no I don't know what that is
00:26:20okay do you know greatest common divisor
00:26:25no Hunky Lee I don't oh okay okay
00:26:30so uh it's like this greatest common divisor is um
00:26:41okay do you know what prime number is I know what a prime number is
00:26:48tell us what it is a number that can only
00:26:51be divided by one to end itself oh nice nice
00:26:55okay okay
00:26:58so for example greatest common divisor between
00:27:07six and eight would be two yeah
00:27:13uh okay I got you that's what you mean yeah the greatest common divisor
00:27:20right and Euclidean algorithm is an algorithm to find
00:27:27greatest common divisor of two numbers I see
00:27:35and what are you trying to find with yours
00:27:39I'm trying to find an algorithm that's more efficient and faster than
00:27:47Euclidean algorithm wow Hunky Lee that's like trying to
00:27:52reinvent the world no well I want to improve it
00:27:56make it better I see okay
00:28:02yeah so and uh have you made any mathematical
00:28:07breakthroughs in the past or yes
00:28:12uh what what did you accomplish if you don't mind my asking
00:28:21I did find some formulas um for example
00:28:29uh okay let me show you okay the formula over there
00:28:36okay that is formula to calculate
00:28:43greatest common divisor between six and
00:28:50another number
00:28:55what is the other number it can be any number
00:29:01oh so is it uh an algorithm an algorithm specifically for the number
00:29:05six then yes okay
00:29:10and I thought yeah I found formula for greatest common divisor for number
00:29:16six number five number four number three and number two
00:29:23I see so my goal is to come up with a formula
00:29:30that works for any two numbers that's what I'm looking for
00:29:36I see yeah that's a that's a real accomplishment
00:29:39thank you yeah
00:29:44how about what's your ambition my ambition is to change the world baby
00:29:50oh good good yeah
00:29:54uh are you in school
00:30:00I cannot hear you I I dropped out we've had this conversation many times
00:30:07before Hunky Lee how old are you how do you think I am
00:30:12Hunky Lee
00:30:1719 maybe I'm 19 next month oh happy happy birthday
00:30:24thank you you do you want to go to college
00:30:30no I dropped out of college
00:30:34do you want to go back no I'm not okay okay
00:30:42uh what's your hobby my hobby um I like reading I read a lot of
00:30:50books um I like uh c++
00:30:55I make a lot of things in c++ wow
00:31:00that's about it really I don't really do much else you're a computer programmer
00:31:06that's great fantastic
00:31:12so do you work I lost my job two weeks ago
00:31:19oh I'm sorry yeah it's impossible to find a blog now where are you
00:31:27I'm in South London Hunky Lee oh you're in United Kingdom
00:31:31that's right nice very cool we've done like
00:31:35like maybe eight times now how do you not remember me
00:31:39I'm old
00:31:43you're an old fella Hunky Lee yeah I'm 46
00:31:48wow you're older than both of my parents yeah
00:31:56hey do you do uh martial arts I used to Hunky Lee but I injured my elbow
00:32:03what kind of martial arts I used to do brazilian jiu-jitsu uh
00:32:09Muay Thai nice uh boxing yeah yeah yeah kickboxing boxing
00:32:20good good Hunky Lee what's your favorite band
00:32:25okay now that you are in United Kingdom do you know the Beautiful South
00:32:30the Beautiful South I've heard the name before
00:32:34they're from United Kingdom I see it's one of my favorite
00:32:42uh what kind of music do they make it's like um they're kind of like the
00:32:48Beatles oh okay I love the Beatles yeah it's
00:32:52similar type of music
00:32:58do you know um the Japanese jazz fusion band Cassiopeia
00:33:04no I recommend them they're very very unique
00:33:09um good shit okay
00:33:13you play music do you play musical instrument
00:33:16I play I play everything what do you play
00:33:21everything guitar yes can you play one for us
00:33:28well I only have bass guitars oh yeah yeah
00:33:48Hunky Lee has been a hot menace to play can you hear this
00:33:52yeah yeah
00:33:58oh yeah thank you Hunky Lee wow
00:34:14my biggest inspiration is Paul McCartney yeah Paul McCartney yep yep
00:34:21I can't handle this heat Hunky Lee I'm envious I'm envious of your
00:34:29I'm envious of your Alaskan uh what's the word location in a minute
00:34:35it's nice and cool over there you know yeah yeah yeah but
00:34:38thank you for playing it's beautiful thank you Hunky Lee
00:34:44anytime baby wow
00:34:48Hunky Lee did you know it's gay pride tonight
00:34:52well I don't I don't like LGBT so why is that Hunky Lee people need to be
00:34:59straight why do they need to be straight Hunky Lee
00:35:05because I said so because you said so yes
00:35:14Hunky Lee what's what's the thought process behind that
00:35:22uh there's no reason
00:35:26if there's no reason so it's as simple as you said so so it has to go
00:35:31yeah you don't have any personal reasons for that nothing
00:35:38well it's not natural why is it not natural Hunky Lee
00:35:48there there's no reason
00:35:52there's no reason there's no reason yep could it not be biblical or could it
00:35:58not be in past experiences or nothing
00:36:03nothing that brought you to that conclusion or
00:36:06okay how about we take five minutes break
00:36:10okay I need some vocal rest I'm an old man so
00:36:15that's all right Hunky Lee you can have your five minutes thank you thank you
00:36:18yeah five minutes break please thank you
00:36:21sure thing baby multi-talented man yeah mighty proud
00:36:25you know computer programming bass guitar wow
00:36:29jujitsu kickboxing fantastic mighty proud of you
00:36:34my parents thought the same way oh yeah absolutely
00:36:37okay five minutes break thank you yep fantastic
00:36:41yep you know what I've got a hankering for it
00:36:45ice cold ice cold glasses of milk like you guys
00:36:49you want a nice cold glass of milk
00:36:54Hunky Lee I wish I had more cigarettes
00:37:03tonight I'm gonna steal some of these cigarettes from people
00:37:13oh Hunky Lee where's all we do here
00:37:23who's watching
00:38:59okay welcome back
00:39:05yeah so multi-talented friend very cool so
00:39:13my recommendation to you British gentlemen is that
00:39:16you get a job in a maybe software company
00:39:20like music software right yeah because you know computer programming
00:39:27and you know music so musical software company maybe
00:39:32or maybe broadcasting company like you know BBC
00:39:36or maybe some entertainment business okay it might be very good fit for you
00:39:42okay yeah very cool yeah wow
00:39:48my mighty proud yeah multi-talent wow
00:39:57very impressive oh yeah
00:40:08amazing yeah
00:40:11yeah welcome yeah
00:40:24yeah Paul McCartney he play bass guitar right the Beatles oh yeah
00:40:28he's cool yeah cheers yeah
00:40:37yeah welcome yeah
00:40:42yeah so
00:40:46okay let me go to bathroom real quick okay
00:40:50we'll take another five minutes thank you okay
00:44:27okay welcome back we are back so uh yeah in the chat room earlier uh
00:44:34yeah you're studying quantum physics yeah that's great yeah
00:44:38so my advice well uh to study quantum physics it really will
00:44:44help you uh if you
00:44:48study like linear algebra matrix okay and also group theory
00:44:56that's what they use also their differential equation
00:44:59in calculus okay and that that's what they're doing quantum physics okay
00:45:03yeah yeah
00:45:07cheers yeah
00:45:16and to answer the question why lgbt ideology is dead
00:45:20well it's one of those things you just have to trust me
00:45:24just take my word for it okay just be straight
00:45:29it's that simple yeah welcome yeah
00:45:35welcome good morning yeah
00:45:38oh yeah cheers
00:45:47yeah you wanna join us sure yeah if internet works
00:46:04welcome welcome yeah how are you how are you
00:46:08i'm good thank you yeah that's good that's good
00:46:11yeah so so how's your day been so far man
00:46:15it's been good yeah okay hey you're still gonna be the
00:46:22president i'm running for u.s president yes
00:46:28okay that's good
00:46:32okay hey do you work out yes
00:46:37some some people are all the time i run five days a week yeah yeah
00:46:45i do push-ups sit-ups sit-ups okay okay yeah pull-ups
00:46:54yes yeah pull-ups and some dumbbells yeah hey i'm gonna call
00:47:06yeah we barely woke me up yeah my brother woke up
00:47:10yeah hey nico say hi
00:47:15yeah hello yeah
00:47:24it's almost 9 a.m yep yeah over here
00:47:30okay where are you california oh nice
00:47:38where in california
00:47:42oh northern nice yeah northern northern california yeah
00:47:51yeah i've been there many times yeah
00:47:56how is it do you think it's good bad or it's okay
00:47:59oh i love i love california i love in and out hamburger oh yeah
00:48:08in and out hamburger oh it's my favorite yeah those
00:48:11yeah those shakes are bus syndrome i swear
00:48:18but have you have you tried the dutchman burger
00:48:22no for in and out uh
00:48:26uh i like double double with raw raw onion
00:48:32double double yeah double double yeah
00:48:38yeah man i gotta like yeah man after workout i gotta
00:48:41i gotta get the fast food bro you know yeah
00:48:47oh yeah well i cannot see you because we have
00:48:53internet connection issue i can only hear you
00:48:56i can but i cannot see you
00:48:59oh okay yeah
00:49:11how old are you 18 okay what's your ambition
00:49:19uh what's up what is your ambition oh i don't know to be honest
00:49:27are you going to college yes i am what do you want to major
00:49:34uh cyber security technology nice
00:49:41yeah i'm gonna yeah i'm just i'm gonna do a lot of coding you know
00:49:46to not get hacked do you know computer programming language
00:49:51what's up do you know computer programming language
00:49:55uh not really okay okay
00:50:00very cool
00:50:05yeah are you good at mathematics
00:50:10more or less yeah okay okay
00:50:15yeah gotta get ready
00:50:21yeah so cyber security very important absolutely yeah
00:50:29so you want to get a job in silicon valley
00:50:33what was what was that do you want to get a job in silicon valley
00:50:39no why not
00:50:45um right now right now i gotta fucking study you know
00:50:50i mean after you graduate
00:51:02do you do martial arts
00:51:05no why not
00:51:10i never i've never done that before i recommend you to learn martial arts
00:51:14okay okay yeah
00:51:19so are you going to be the president president
00:51:23uh well i'm running for your president but uh
00:51:27i don't know if i'm going to get elected this year or not
00:51:30i'm trying okay yeah we'll see what happens
00:51:36so who would you vote for uh donald trump or joe biden
00:51:42well i'm voting for myself for yourself yeah okay
00:51:54wait can wait are you still doing mathematics
00:51:58yeah sure let me show you okay yeah yeah
00:52:09nice thank you yeah studying hard you know oh yeah
00:52:24yeah what's your hobby hobby uh my hobby is like doing american
00:52:32american football nice yeah i'm just a video gamer as well
00:52:41okay yeah
00:52:48wow so you are like high school football star huh
00:52:52yes i yeah not like a high school football i started in my senior year
00:52:56basically i started la that's great yeah
00:53:00yeah but i didn't get that much playing time since
00:53:04i was part of the varsity team oh nice yeah
00:53:10mighty proud mighty proud of you yeah thank you
00:53:14cheers yeah cheers
00:53:19oh yeah
00:53:22and what about you what's your hobby mathematics
00:53:27mathematics do you work literally yeah i'm a lawyer
00:53:34a lawyer for for court yeah
00:53:47all right i have to go now okay yeah great to talk to you so
00:53:52great talking to you mighty proud yeah
00:53:56thank you oh yeah yeah
00:54:02mighty proud mighty proud like uh he's a football star
00:54:07he's like uh
00:54:10going to college for cyber security very important field
00:54:14oh yeah he's going along computer programming right
00:54:18fantastic yeah yeah i majored in computer science
00:54:24like back in the days okay now let's take five minutes break i need some more
00:54:26rest okay welcome good morning yeah five minutes break
00:54:31please thank you fantastic
00:54:38uh time to look
00:54:43it's been less than one hour okay so very good
00:54:49wait five minutes okay thank you yep very cool
00:54:53mighty proud wonderful young people oh yeah
00:54:59five minutes thank you
00:55:17okay five minutes break please thank you
00:57:34okay welcome back good morning
00:57:39yeah from alaska america yeah welcome
00:57:44yeah so uh yeah between biden and trump i think biden is marginally better than
00:57:52trump why well at least he's not a criminal
00:57:56donald trump is
00:58:03okay yeah i
00:58:09biden is old okay and but i think it's more
00:58:17more or less harmless because he's not doing anything okay
00:58:20but trump uh he will do very bad things because he's
00:58:27criminal that's what they do
00:58:35but i'm glad that he survived the incident that was like
00:58:42week ago i i am very sorry for what happened there okay
00:58:47yeah no crimes we don't like we do not like crimes okay but
00:58:54i'm glad he survived but uh
00:58:59trump should never become president again okay he's just too
00:59:03toxic poisonous
00:59:08yeah he is
00:59:14he's worse than biden okay trump yeah it
00:59:19is horrible yeah i mean i did not watch his speech in rnc
00:59:27uh it was a one hour and 30 minutes but i heard it was very boring speech
00:59:34i'm sure it was very boring okay yeah welcome welcome
00:59:42now i'm getting old too let's take five minutes break i need some vocal
00:59:47i'm 46 yeah i'm getting old too five five minutes break please thank you
00:59:59welcome good morning thank you yeah five minutes
01:00:10all right
01:02:11yeah good morning yep
01:02:18welcome yeah so yeah we can talk about trump
01:02:22okay well i'm glad he survived i am okay and i'm very sorry about that
01:02:29incident okay but uh trump
01:02:33is xenophobic he i agree with trump yeah we need to
01:02:40build southern border wall because we need to control the
01:02:44migration okay but he advocate for mass deportation of illegal immigrants okay
01:02:50i think that's a very bad idea okay
01:03:00what would i do i'll give them jobs good they came to america illegally yeah
01:03:08i i know okay we need to build southern border wall i agree with
01:03:11trump on that okay but if they're already here in america
01:03:15illegally i'll give them jobs one permit because they came to america to
01:03:26yeah one percent of them are criminals i know
01:03:30illegal immigrants just one percent of them are criminals
01:03:33we will put them in jail and let them work in jail
01:03:37okay but 99 percent of illegal immigrants they're good people
01:03:44i'll give them jobs they'll be great asset to american economy
01:03:50because they're highly motivated people they want to work
01:03:54that's why they came to america okay
01:04:05okay that's my opinion okay
01:04:26cheers good morning yeah
01:04:32because i watched some youtube documentaries about illegal immigrants
01:04:35in america okay uh they go through tremendous hardship
01:04:43they are very motivated people 99 percent of them they're good people
01:04:49okay yeah they're illegal immigrants okay but
01:04:53they want to work
01:04:56if i'm u.s president i'll just give them jobs
01:04:59yeah one permit sure
01:05:03they'll be great contributors to american economy
01:05:08because they want to work okay yeah
01:05:29but i agree with trump yeah we need to build southern border wall okay because
01:05:33we need to control the flux flow migration okay yeah okay
01:05:38yeah but if they're already here i'll just
01:05:41give them jobs american jobs okay yeah that's my opinion okay
01:05:47okay my voice is shot okay so i'm getting old too i'm 46 okay so
01:05:52uh i'll see you tonight okay yeah we'll make transition to facebook live
01:05:58okay yeah thank you we'll check out the youtube
01:06:01videos there okay thank you god bless you god bless you
01:06:06yeah thank you see you tonight thank you
01:06:24yes so uh the younger generation multi-talented right
01:06:28they do music they do like martial arts computer programming quantum
01:06:35physics mighty proud multiple multi-talented
01:06:39people brand new generation
01:06:46just so very well educated with their parents
01:06:50grandparents teachers professors they educated them so well
01:06:55i'm very grateful
01:06:58yeah okay there are more some friends i see you tonight too okay
01:07:03yeah maybe we get back to mathematics tonight i don't know
01:07:06okay but let's make transition to facebook live okay
01:07:10yeah yeah thank you mighty proud