friday night live with huhnkie lee 165.1

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hello friends, welcome to Friday Night Motel episode 165.1. Wow, I'm exhausted. Yeah, so
00:12yeah during the single play I looked up in the internet the constant time algorithm for
00:17greatest common divisor. There is none. Okay, so yeah, we'll be the first one to find it.
00:25God willing, Inshallah, okay, if God wills. I'm pretty sure God wants us to find it.
00:33Other mathematicians, they don't even dare to
00:44challenge Euclidean algorithm, which is like more than 2,000 years old. Okay, they don't
00:52even dare to challenge it because they're not ambitious. Other mathematicians, okay.
00:57Yeah, we are better than them. So we are the best. Yeah.
01:04Well, it's true.
01:12Let me take some selfies.
01:23Let's go to Instagram now.
01:48Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Motel Instagram live edition.
01:54Happy Friday. Yeah.
02:01Yeah, welcome. Yeah.
02:06Cheers. Happy Friday. Yeah.
02:12Mm hmm.
02:21Welcome. Yeah.
02:26Yeah. Happy Friday. Yeah.
02:35Welcome. Yeah.
02:43Thank you. Happy Friday. Yeah. Yeah.
02:54Thank you.
03:01I feel like the air is electric. You know what I mean?
03:05It's been a real honor. Thank you. Yeah.
03:09Yeah, man. Cheers.
03:12What'd you get up to today, Mr. Lee?
03:15Yeah, like in Dailymotion, we do like mathematics.
03:18Are you good at mathematics?
03:21I'm an engineer, actually. Yes.
03:23What kind of engineering?
03:25Chemical engineering. Nice. Mighty proud.
03:31So what we are trying to do is this day is like, you know, Euclidean algorithm.
03:39Tell us about what Euclidean algorithm is about.
03:43I know. I know that it's a...
03:45Neil? I'm sorry. Wait.
03:47Neil, did you get a notification that I'm going live?
03:50Is that how you got here?
03:52I'm sorry.
03:53Neil is a friend of mine from high school.
03:55I haven't spoken to him since 2020, since I graduated.
04:01Neil, this is real. This is surreal.
04:08But yeah, I know. I know.
04:09Is that the one that you're always trying to prove?
04:12Like when you put it on your posts?
04:15You post like the map on the whiteboards?
04:19Yeah, these days? Yes. Yes.
04:22Yes. Yes.
04:24Tell us about Euclidean algorithm.
04:28I couldn't tell you too much.
04:29Certainly not as much as you can.
04:35Tell us about greatest common divisor, what it is.
04:39Oh, greatest common divisor.
04:40So it's like if you have like...
04:43If you had...
04:44Let's say you had 8 and 12, it's 4.
04:48Because the greatest common divisor between them is 4.
04:51Yes. Yes.
04:53So Euclidean algorithm is algorithm to find greatest common divisor of two numbers.
05:03So currently, the algorithmic complexity is big O notation, O of log n.
05:15But I want to make it better.
05:17I want to make it constant time algorithm, like O of 1.
05:22So I want to make a better, more efficient, faster algorithm for greatest common divisor.
05:30That's what I'm working on.
05:35And so how do...
05:36So, I mean, clearly you've been trying it.
05:38So how are you trying to go about that?
05:42Let me show you around, okay? Yeah.
05:51Oh, wow.
05:53So is this all...
05:55You're trying to prove the algorithm like just manually or you...
06:01So it's like this.
06:02The method I use is to make a lot of examples and then find some pattern.
06:10And then find some formula based on that repeating pattern.
06:15And it's going well, but there are a lot of work still to be done.
06:23Work in progress.
06:29Well, yeah.
06:30Is there a board for the proof as well?
06:35You mean?
06:37Yes, I know that's been mentioned.
06:40Say it one more time.
06:42Yeah, I know you've mentioned that before.
06:44Now, Monkey, I got to keep it real with you.
06:47I got to ask.
06:49First of all, I want to ask you a question.
06:51So I have this flag here.
06:54This is the flag of New England, right?
06:56I want to ask how do you feel about New England?
06:58I know you're an Alaskan through and through, but how do you feel about New England?
07:06You mean like Vermont?
07:09Yes, Massachusetts, Maine.
07:12Oh, yeah.
07:13That's great because you have lobsters.
07:17That's fantastic.
07:20Also, we have not as nice nature as Alaska, but some pretty good ones.
07:25As far as the East Coast goes, I'd say this is some of the best.
07:30Oh, yeah.
07:31The South also has pretty good.
07:33Also, Monkey, I got to ask.
07:35So your poetry, right, it very often involves – you sort of told the line, right, of 18-year-old girls, right?
07:46And you'll mention like them maybe being under 18 and stuff, right?
07:50I got to ask what that's all about.
07:56Why are you doing that?
07:58It's comedy.
08:02I just want to make sure.
08:03I just want to make sure.
08:05You know, because I'll show people your posts and they'll be like, what's going on here?
08:11But I know I've been following you for forever.
08:14I know you're a jokester like that.
08:19It's because, I mean, in social media, I'm 46, but most of my friends in social media, they're under 18.
08:35So, like, it may look very suspicious.
08:44Like, okay, 46-year-old single guy, what are you doing with minors in social media?
08:53So, yeah, okay, let's make some jokes about it.
08:59Okay, I like you sort of making them blinded by your situation.
09:06Then my other question would be, oh, what was I going to ask you?
09:16You're making those poems and everything and people are under 18.
09:21I'm totally blanking you.
09:23I'm sorry.
09:24Oh, right, right, right.
09:25You're saying, you know, all these minors and stuff, right?
09:28How old do you think I am, Marky?
09:30Well, you went to high school and you're an engineering major.
09:33I guess you're an undergrad, so maybe you're like 19 or 20, maybe?
09:43Oh, okay.
09:44Yeah, good following the logic there.
09:46I mean, you know, that is all true.
09:48I guess I did keep that info.
09:50So, are you graduating soon?
09:53In May, yeah.
09:57Mighty proud.
09:58Mighty proud.
09:59Yeah, yeah.
10:00I'm trying to do you proud, Marky.
10:02Oh, yeah.
10:03You're always focused on math, focusing on people to be better than they are.
10:11If you had to pick a favorite philosopher, who would you pick?
10:15Because I know you're sort of interested in it because you've discussed it before in your captions.
10:20It would be this person.
10:34Ah, okay.
10:36Arthur Schopenhauer.
10:38Yep, yep.
10:39I've read a decent amount of Nietzsche.
10:43He's not a fan of the guy.
10:45Well, Nietzsche, he used to like Schopenhauer.
10:50But later on, he said, oh, he's too pessimistic.
10:54So, yeah.
10:56He used to like him.
11:00No, I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil.
11:02He's like talking about how he's like leading everyone astray, which I think is a pretty funny way of putting it.
11:11Now, yeah.
11:14Now, last question before I have to go honky.
11:17What do you think I should do with my career and everything?
11:23Like, okay, right?
11:24So, you talk about like, be a better person, right?
11:27You know, go to school, you know, don't do drugs, that sort of thing, right?
11:31And I'm all there, right?
11:33Like, I got you there.
11:35But then moving forward, right, not just for my life, right?
11:38Because I'm pretty content with where I am and where my life is moving.
11:42But you have greater aspirations, right?
11:45You ran for president twice and ran for Senate as well as an independent.
11:52You clearly have this desire to want to change things, right?
11:56To want to change the world.
11:57And so, what I'm wondering is, how would I, as an individual, put the change that you want to see in the world into practice?
12:09Do you know martial arts?
12:12Do what?
12:13Do you know martial arts?
12:16I don't, but I want to learn.
12:18I'm pretty busy at work these days.
12:20I have like an internship.
12:22But I do want to learn like how to box and stuff.
12:26So, my recommendation to you is that you go to YouTube and then type martial arts lessons.
12:34And just kick and punch in the air without making any sound, okay?
12:39And after that, okay, you get a good job.
12:43Further your career.
12:45And maybe you win Nobel Prize or billionaire as an engineer in chemical engineering, which is fantastic.
12:53And you may become a billionaire and then you become a celebrity and then you run for president.
13:04You know, I also have greater ambitions sort of like that.
13:07So, that is sort of my alley.
13:11But I do got to be going.
13:12I'm meeting a friend soon.
13:16My name is Mac, by the way.
13:17I might try and live request you another time.
13:19It's been nice chatting with you.
13:20Oh, yeah.
13:24Great honor.
13:26Take care.
13:27Thank you.
13:29Future leader right there.
13:32The future president of the United States.
13:35Very cool.
13:37Mighty proud.
13:41So, obviously a very good student, right?
13:45Chemical engineering.
13:47Very important.
13:48And internship and nice.
13:52That's great.
13:53And who are you?
13:57You said you love martial arts?
14:00That's great.
14:03Mighty proud.
14:05That's why I'm so optimistic about the future of the humanity because young people, amazing.
14:15They evolved, more improved generation from my own.
14:22Yeah, I'm 46.
14:23I'm generation X.
14:28Okay, okay.
14:29Why don't you private message me?
14:33Yeah, just private message me, a direct message, and then I'll unblock your friend.
14:39My apologies.
14:44Oh, you like Donald Trump?
14:47I mean, I like him too, but I'm just saying.
14:51Yeah, he's good and bad.
14:55And it's just that I think I'm better than Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
14:59That's why I'm running for US president again, 2024.
15:04Now let's take five minutes break.
15:06Thank you.
15:08And welcome.
15:09Good evening from Alaska.
15:10Five minutes.
15:12Thank you.
15:16Five minutes.
15:17Thank you.
15:19Good evening.
15:21How nice, right?
15:24Thank you.
18:40okay, welcome back to my bed
18:45yeah nice ventilation with some fresh oxygen from outside
18:51yeah that's why I opened the window. yeah, welcome
19:00have I been clubbing? I used to do like go to like dance clubs back in the days
19:07but not nowadays I'm just too busy with mathematics so I dance at home
19:15yeah in Dailymotion, the human art series right yeah you see me dancing there
19:20sometimes okay yeah
19:24Lonely Elders of Zion? I'm not very familiar with that group but yeah I love
19:34Jewish people yeah I love Arabs, Jews, I love Ukrainians, Russians, I love
19:41everybody yeah so yeah okay yeah welcome yeah good evening
19:51mm-hmm oh yeah
19:58so I've been to Maine twice, just the airport okay, when I was in the U.S. Army
20:05okay yeah we there was like back in 2011 okay just the airport okay we
20:15deployed to Afghanistan 2011 okay so from Fort Hood, Texas, clean Texas okay
20:23so as we
20:27air traveled from Texas to Afghanistan yeah airport hub okay so we stopped by
20:36Maine New England okay airport when we went to Afghanistan and when we
20:45came back from Afghanistan back to Fort Hood, Texas yeah we also had
20:53airport hub stop in Maine okay yeah
21:00only inside the airport okay I've been there okay technically yeah cheers
21:11Deliver on Earth in Alaska? I have some friends from Maine State okay
21:20not Maine, Vermont okay I'm sure there's some Alaskans from Maine okay
21:27New England okay I mean I watched some YouTube documentaries about Maine okay
21:32the lobsters right oh amazing yeah huge fan cheers yeah
21:44also I remember there is a mathematics professor in the University of Maine
21:51okay he tried to prove Goldbach's conjecture and he said he proved it
22:01okay yeah Goldbach's conjecture okay but I'm not sure if he actually proved it
22:08maybe he did I don't know okay
22:12he was trained as a logician mathematical logic
22:16okay yeah he was a professor in University of Maine in mathematics
22:28it's quite a legendary figure in Maine okay
22:37yeah Goldbach's conjecture right yeah dealing with like prime numbers right
22:42yeah well I kind of proved it probabilistically speaking yeah the
22:52probabilistic proof of Goldbach's conjecture okay I did publish it in
22:56VixRadar okay but it's a little bit icky a little bit okay it's not I would say
23:05it's like quasi proof okay I think that's fair to say
23:10but kind of proof nonetheless okay but yeah
23:15there was like five years ago
23:19uh maybe two or three years ago rather cheers yeah
23:32oh yeah
23:37now time check in delay motion real quick
23:49it's been like 30 minutes
23:53less than 30 minutes okay yeah well I'm kind of getting drunk
23:59uh so but maybe we'll do one more segment okay
24:05yeah uh because before this yeah I spent like past two hours doing
24:12mathematics right so I'm a little bit tired
24:15to be honest okay uh but we'll do maybe one more segment
24:21okay and then uh we'll make transition to
24:24festival live where we'll just passively watch some YouTube videos
24:30you want to join us okay sure give me five minutes break
24:34thank you yeah I need some vocal rest okay
24:37welcome good evening yeah five minutes break okay thank you
24:42welcome welcome yeah good evening yeah yeah
24:45okay yeah
24:49okay let's take some vocal rest yeah five minutes break please thank you
24:55yeah yeah five minutes break please thank you
27:53okay welcome back friends
27:58yeah welcome
28:07happy friday
28:19oh yeah
28:23yeah yeah it is alaska spring uh yeah sure yeah
28:31yeah we invite our next guest you of course yeah
28:35if internal works okay yeah yeah yeah welcome yeah
28:46let's see if internal works this time okay yeah it's always challenging
28:49challenging alaska yeah yeah cheers yeah
28:57welcome welcome yeah hi yeah welcome do you want to see guatemala
29:05sure look great right now okay
29:10i'm going to get some order going to the pharmacy
29:19yeah welcome welcome thank you yeah thank you for joining us yeah
29:23she's single and she wanted to know if you were interested
29:30oh my god
29:34if he wants to know she likes to joke no
29:40oh yeah i'm really funny so i don't know where we're at but
29:46it's i think it's called what is it
29:51selling 10 so we're going to the pharmacy
29:59oh why are we going to the neighborhood okay well there's a pharmacy
30:03in our neighborhood okay it's top secret
30:06gated community neighborhood because a lot of robberies happened so
30:11okay yeah uh do you speak spanish
30:26can you say something in spanish
30:37what other languages do you speak uh i speak korean
30:43obviously yeah okay
30:52well i speak english and korean but other languages i i know just a
30:59little bit uh do you know portuguese
31:07okay okay very cool
31:16yeah i speak three languages i'm french so it's my first language you
31:22speak french yeah wow
31:27yeah uh
31:37my mom's french okay so is my dad so that's why
31:42yeah yeah
31:54hispanic nice and very modern
32:01oh yeah yeah yeah
32:09then i don't know what this is i don't think
32:14my grandma has a bunch of these okay
32:20what else we have nice drinks
32:27alcohol okay yeah so this is where you would go
32:34guatemala guatemala huh very nice yeah
32:39yep yeah guatemala is very nice people just
32:43stare type it like oh that's ugly it's really nice yeah i agree with you
32:51yeah yeah yeah but people are very ignorant uh i
32:56told them i'm from guatemala and so they think
33:00i'm mexican and it's not the same thing but
33:06that's how americans think okay but yeah and then we have a bunch of
33:12tips okay yeah and happy racial interracial
33:39and there's no age restriction on feeling
33:44that's what you need to count on when you're president but no age restriction
33:47on drinking and smoking no age restriction
33:54that's it uh well uh
34:06okay so when you become president hungary you need to ban pitbulls and you
34:13need to put a stop on age restriction drinking
34:18i mean when i was in korea okay my father told me about drinking
34:25when i was like 11 that is still legal in america even in america
34:31your parents can educate about your drinking
34:34so yeah
34:50that they need to drink very young
34:56so we have to like there's no age restriction here
34:59sometimes you see little kids just drinking alcohol on the road
35:03yes you do
35:07and they're like i want him to be president
35:11and i want him to put no restrictions on drinking because we can do that in
35:14guatemala and france
35:19yeah in france for hounds yeah they also teach uh young people how to drink
35:26like with table wine yeah yeah my dad taught me he forced me
35:31when i was seven years old to drink a whole bottle of wine
35:34and i didn't want to so he like threw the bottle of wine on my head
35:38you know and i had a concussion
35:42and i had to go to the hospital you have to go on that way
35:46look this is the gated oh yeah yeah yeah so no pitbulls can come
35:56yeah so this is my guatemala my mexico okay
36:06my mom wants to know if you've ever been to latin america
36:09uh i've been to mexico
36:14okay did you like it oh yeah yeah what part of mexico
36:20do you wanna
36:28um yeah did you like it oh yes
36:32did you get robbed no
36:37tijuana's very dangerous you're very lucky to not get robbed or killed
36:42well that was like uh 20 years ago
36:48back then yeah back then
36:52we are in 20 years ago tijuana mexico it was uh very safe back then
37:09what'd you do in tijuana uh i went to mexican restaurant and i had this
37:16authentic taco and burrito it was amazing yeah yeah
37:22what kind of taco was it uh uh taco langua
37:27oh oh yeah so you like tongue yeah
37:39do you know where the caesar salad is from dressing
37:43uh caesar salad maybe italy but like the dressing
37:54the caesar salad dressing um italy maybe well somewhere else
38:02it's from tijuana oh nice maravillosa yeah okay very good
38:09yeah i love it do you speak italian yeah grazie
38:17mille grazie thank you very much yeah
38:22he's italian he's french italian yeah yeah how are you
38:29yeah yeah
38:32give up give up yeah
38:37i have to do labor work yeah so this is
38:44my very private neighborhood okay have very tall build i don't know if
38:50you can see it and this is the house okay
38:56i don't know how to open it
39:00this house 20 years ago hold on you can keep 20 years ago
39:07they got robbed twice how do i i don't have the key
39:12oh 20 years ago my mom and her parents they got robbed
39:19people came in the house and just robbed they stole stuff
39:24so now they have a security system
39:28and now we're safe hopefully um but yes it's very nice the israel
39:35consulate embassy was here but they moved
39:40and now the american embassy where the expats who live
39:45in the neighborhood they used to live here but they also
39:49so it's very and that's a hispanic car and nobody's opening the
39:56door yeah so long long martial arts long martial
40:06yeah just go to to try martial lessons and long martial for free
40:13but well if i learn martial arts will i be able to
40:19combat all the people yeah yeah would you legalize
40:27yeah it is already it is already legal to combat uh
40:34an animal uh it's too dangerous animal yeah self-defense
40:43and we like like shoot it with a firearm
40:49yeah if people or whatever animal is dangerous
40:53then it is legal to uh put them down yeah
40:57it is but what if the animal's not doing
41:02anything period can we still shoot it no
41:08why didn't we like animal cruelty
41:15but it's not cruel
41:41you make sure that
42:01what you've seen the boys i am not yet but
42:08uh maybe i'll check it out yeah remember when you used to do those
42:15movies remember when you used to do your lives
42:21and you would share the movie you're watching for your tv
42:24yeah i do that in uh facebook facebook live
42:28i do that in facebook live yeah
42:33only facebook live yeah i do that
42:38uh because instagram didn't want not want me to do that
42:43yeah it's the policy yeah
42:47well if you ever do them can you put the boys
42:52well facebook live it's just same name honkily
42:56channel okay yeah so we watch movies in youtube and
43:01make some commentaries there we still do that yeah
43:06do you have amazon prime oh yeah
43:13well then you should put the boys on it okay
43:16yeah i'll take it out yeah yeah someday
43:23uh because instagram live they're very picky about those things copyright okay
43:31yeah i think you should watch it i was really disappointed with the last
43:36season but the rest are good okay about evil
43:42evil superheroes okay okay you want to kill me
43:49very very very american okay
43:55but yeah okay
44:00pound or oh my god yeah
44:09okay that's all i have to say thank you thank you
44:15yeah yeah muchas gracias
44:19espero buena
44:21yeah merci beaucoup
44:43oh i know something in korean i know something in korean
44:47tell me if i'm wrong i'm young yeah oh yeah i'm young yeah hello in korean
44:54thank you yeah yeah
44:59yeah obrigado is like a thank you in uh
45:03portuguese obrigado yeah okay
45:41yeah great friends yeah fantastic multiple foreign languages
45:47okay like portuguese italian french
45:52spanish korean english of course yeah thank you
45:57yeah oh yeah
46:01again yeah that's why i'm so optimistic about the future
46:05of the humanity okay wonderful young people
46:10knowing multiple languages yeah oh my god fantastic
46:16yeah very cool okay time second emotion yeah
46:27oh yeah
46:32okay uh
46:48okay uh it's been more than 30 minutes for less than one hour
46:59all right uh
47:03so yeah let me tell you this okay so uh why don't we wrap it for tonight
47:10because i i am i am drunk so i control my drinking okay
47:15yeah i'm not alcoholic i know how to control my drinking i know when to stop
47:19drinking okay so uh let's
47:24make transition to facebook live where we watch some youtube
47:30videos there okay as passive audience more relaxed okay
47:36how about that okay yeah my friends yeah good night
47:41okay no tears and then uh i'll see you in facebook live maybe okay
47:48so there we are more relaxed okay we just
47:51watch you know youtube videos there okay make
47:54some commentary there okay so okay maybe i'll see you there
47:57facebook live okay thank you yeah uh
48:07and uh muchas gracias
48:12milagratti merci beaucoup thank you very much okay
48:17okay yeah good night okay thank you yeah yeah very proud future
48:24leaders amazing yeah always
48:48very cool okay so yeah foreign language education very important right yeah we
48:53want to be international right yeah international harmony very important
48:58oh yeah mighty proud yeah
49:03that's why i'm so optimistic about the future of humanity okay so
49:09because these young people they have amazing parents and teachers
49:14professors right and they're amazing
49:20absolutely okay yeah so let's take five minutes break
49:25okay well uh the
49:32in the daily motion yeah let's wrap it up tomorrow okay and we're going to
49:37make transition to uh facebook live and then
49:41watch some youtube videos and make some commentaries here and there okay
49:47very nice okay yeah see you tomorrow okay and then we'll get back to
49:51mathematics tomorrow saturday morning okay yeah salute
49:56thank you yeah see you tomorrow yeah fantastic yeah