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"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.

The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous
00:10trails, fighting the many enemies of nature.
00:13This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.
00:17Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain
00:24Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:36Bill and the rangers are heading for real danger this time, but this is a different
00:40kind of danger.
00:41The terror is small, so small it can't be seen with the naked eye.
00:46Yes, that's right, bacteria.
00:50Minute in size, but deadly in effect.
00:53Then there are three monkeys in the story, too, and as all monkeys will, they keep the
00:58ball rolling.
01:00What's the story about?
01:01I can't tell you that.
01:03Just listen to the story, The Monkey Chase.
01:11Let's drop over to the laboratory of Dr. Victor Powers, well-known bacteriologist who has
01:16made outstanding discoveries for the benefit of everybody's health.
01:20Dr. Powers is currently working on an improved vaccine for the treatment of influenza.
01:26Just now, Dr. Powers and his assistant, Herb Longfield, are talking things over in the
01:32Well, Doctor, our three monkeys are beginning to develop a first-class case of influenza.
01:37Yes, kind of hard on the little fellows, but that's what we want.
01:42Only be careful, Herbert.
01:44Don't worry, sir.
01:45I'll protect myself.
01:46I'm in no hurry to die from a flu germ.
01:49In another two days, we'll be able to test the new vaccine, see what's the reaction.
01:55We should have the flu in its advanced stages by that time.
01:59Be sure to have your mouth and nose covered.
02:02Mucus spray is extremely dangerous.
02:04Dr. Powers, I wish you'd stop lecturing me.
02:07You'd think I didn't know a thing about bacteriology, the way you're talking.
02:11I just don't want you to make a fatal mistake, Herb.
02:15I'm sorry.
02:17I know you have my interest at heart.
02:19Maybe I'm just hungry.
02:20Well, what do you say we have lunch?
02:23It's past noon.
02:24Good idea.
02:25I'll lock the door.
02:30All right.
02:31Let's go.
02:47Boy, yelling Pickleman's fun, isn't it, Jody?
02:50Sure is, Mark.
02:51How long did your mom say you could be away?
02:54I have to be home before Pop gets there.
02:56We've got a couple of hours till then, and our bag's half full.
03:01Hey, Mark, look at this old clock, would ya?
03:06Let's take it home and see what makes a tick.
03:09You could dodge tick.
03:10I'll put it in the bag.
03:13Hey, Mark, look.
03:18Right over there.
03:20In the window.
03:21Hey, you're right.
03:22Those are monkeys.
03:24What a place to see monkeys.
03:27Hey, let's go watch them.
03:31They sure act funny, don't they?
03:34They don't seem to have much peck, though.
03:38Hey, I know.
03:39Let's open the window so we can see them better.
03:42Not on your life.
03:43They'll get out.
03:45No, they won't, Mark.
03:47We'll just open it a little bit.
03:49Okay, Jody.
03:53I don't think we can get the window open.
03:55It must be locked.
03:57Push harder, Mark.
04:03You get on one side, and I'll get on the other.
04:07Say when.
04:15Boy, this window's tough.
04:18Yeah, you said it.
04:20Come on.
04:21Give it all you've got.
04:23One big push.
04:27Oh, boy.
04:28Hey, Mark.
04:29That's too wide.
04:30They'll get out.
04:32We gotta get her down somehow.
04:34Hey, look.
04:35They see the open window marks.
04:36They're coming closer.
04:37You keep them in.
04:38I'll try to get the window down.
04:40Okay, but hurry up.
04:43I can't budge it.
04:46Try harder.
04:47The monkeys are gonna try to get out any minute.
04:50Get back here, you.
04:53I can't keep all three back at once.
04:55Hurry up, Mark.
04:56I'm trying, Jody.
04:57I can't move it.
04:59Grab that one, Mark.
05:00He's trying to get out.
05:02I can't get in.
05:03You've got to.
05:04Watch the others.
05:05I'm getting, Jody.
05:06Watch the others, Mark.
05:07They're getting out.
05:08Lock the window.
05:09I can't.
05:10Oh, there they go.
05:12Oh, boy.
05:14What are we gonna do now?
05:15I know what I'm gonna do.
05:17I'm gonna get out of here.
05:18Yeah, me too.
05:19Before we get arrested.
05:36Well, Herbie.
05:37Now that you've had lunch, how do you feel?
05:40Great, Doc.
05:41That's just what I needed.
05:42Herb, where are the monkeys?
05:44Dr. Powers, the monkeys are gone.
05:47That's impossible.
05:48How'd they get out?
05:49Through the window.
05:50It's open.
05:51They must have got it open somehow.
05:53Either that or someone else did.
05:55Do you really think somebody took them?
05:56If they did, they took on a cargo of death.
05:59What are we gonna do?
06:00We've got to find them.
06:01They'll start an epidemic.
06:03There's only one thing to do.
06:04Call the sheriff.
06:20Hello, Sheriff speaking.
06:22Cal, this is Victor Powers.
06:24Well, yes, Doctor.
06:25What can I do for you?
06:26You can help stop an epidemic of influenza in Nutty Pine.
06:30I can what?
06:31Three of our lab monkeys have gotten out somehow,
06:34and every one of them has an advanced case of
06:37real old-fashioned influenza, the killing kind.
06:41Great day.
06:42Well, how did that happen?
06:43I wish I knew, Cal.
06:45All I know is the lab window's open and the monkeys are gone.
06:49Will you come over right away?
06:52I'll be over on the double.
06:53And, Doctor, I'm gonna bring Bill Jefferson along with me.
06:57One thing more.
06:59Keep it quiet.
07:00We don't want a panic to start.
07:03I'll be on my way as soon as I call Bill.
07:16Little do the citizens of Nutty Pine realize
07:19why three ranger cars weave quickly through the traffic.
07:22There's nothing unusual about that.
07:24It's happened often.
07:26Four squads of sheriff's police head for the lab on other streets.
07:30The cars pull up at the lab.
07:32The sheriff sends some of his cars around in the alley.
07:35Bill has his boys park their cars far apart along the street.
07:39None of them seem to be in a hurry.
07:41Casually, they walk toward the lab.
07:44No sirens, no alarm.
07:46All is carefully planned so there'll be no panic among the citizens of Nutty Pine.
07:51Some of the men stay in the squads.
07:53Bill, Henry, Graywolf, and Stumpy head for the lab.
07:56The sheriff and some of his men are already inside.
07:59Let's find out what they're going to do.
08:02But if he calls, we have to know.
08:04Well, gentlemen, your opinion.
08:06How did those monkeys get out?
08:08Well, the window wasn't jimmied, doctor,
08:11so it must have been unlocked to get it open.
08:13Who opened it's another question.
08:15What do you say, Bill?
08:17Well, I agree with Cal.
08:19Only I have an idea who may have done it.
08:22Well, go ahead, Bill. We're listening.
08:24Come over here and look out the window, Cal.
08:27There isn't anything out there, Bill.
08:29Some of my men looked the back of this place over.
08:32Well, they missed it then.
08:33They did?
08:34Well, here, let me see.
08:37There's nothing out here except an old gunny sack.
08:40That's right, Cal.
08:42Stumpy took a look inside the sack,
08:44found an old clock,
08:46some discarded toys,
08:47and a broken pair of old binoculars.
08:49That's nothing but junk.
08:51Yeah, just plain junk.
08:54Stumpy's experienced eyes also picked up some small footprints
08:58in the dust under the window.
09:00You think the junk and the footprints make a clue, Bill?
09:05I think this is the work of boys.
09:08Boys about eight to twelve years old.
09:11You figure that, Bill.
09:13Well, that's as easy as falling off a log.
09:16What age boys go alley picking
09:18to see what kind of junk they can take home to litter up the house.
09:21But how would they know?
09:23They can see through the window.
09:25Great day. I believe you're right, Bill.
09:28I don't want to make a positive statement,
09:30but I think the boys would see the monkeys,
09:32get curious,
09:34and they may have opened the window to get a better look out.
09:37And them ornery critters took off like scared rabbits.
09:41Well, well, why didn't I think of that
09:44when I had the monkeys put in a room?
09:46I never dreamed.
09:47Of course, our main problem is to find those animals
09:50and bring them back
09:52before they infect the entire town.
09:55We might send a general alarm
09:57and have the whole town look for them.
09:59I don't think that would be the best way, Cal.
10:02Who knows, the whole town might get panicky.
10:04Bill's right, Cal.
10:06I think the best way to do this is on the QT.
10:09Only we've got to find those animals
10:11and the boys too if they are the guilty parties.
10:15What do you think we ought to do, Bill?
10:17I'd like to have all our men here
10:19so they'll know what we're up against
10:20and what we're trying to do.
10:22It'll save time to tell them all at once.
10:24All right.
10:25Let's take five minutes and round up our men.
10:28Everybody be back here in five minutes.
10:42Let me have your attention, men.
10:46This is going to be short and to the point.
10:49Dr. Powers, will you give us the story
10:52the dangers of infection and so forth?
10:55Gladly, Bill.
10:57Gentlemen, as a doctor,
10:59a specialist in bacteriology,
11:02I want to say this is a most serious situation.
11:05These monkeys have been infected
11:07with the most virulent influenza virus,
11:09the kind that kills people like flies
11:11once it gets loose.
11:13Don't get near the animals.
11:15If you see them, don't hesitate to shoot.
11:18And don't even touch them after they're dead.
11:21I must know all who have been exposed
11:23so I can treat them.
11:25I myself will take care of the proper disposal
11:27of the dead animals
11:28and the disinfection of the area.
11:30Those animals have to be found
11:32and found quickly.
11:34We must work with the utmost urgency
11:36and secrecy
11:38so that a panic will not be precipitated
11:40in Knotty Pine.
11:42Thank you, Dr. Powers.
11:44Any questions, men?
11:46I'm ready to go.
11:48All right, now here's the plan.
11:50We'll go out in groups of two.
11:52The sheriff and I...
12:05Are you going home right away?
12:07Pretty soon, Jody.
12:09Do you think the police will find out
12:11who let the monkeys out?
12:12Oh, I don't know.
12:14I don't think anybody saw us.
12:17We didn't let them out on purpose.
12:19Are you going to tell your pop?
12:21I ain't breathing a word to nobody.
12:24Not yet, anyhow.
12:26You scared?
12:29Me, too.
12:31Let's go sit down by the chicken coop.
12:33I'm tired.
12:35Me, too.
12:37Boy, I never ran so fast in my life.
12:41Look by the chicken coop.
12:44One of the monkeys.
12:48Maybe we can catch him, huh?
12:50Then we can give him back, huh?
12:52Let's watch what he does.
12:54Hey, Mark.
12:56Our chicken coop door is open.
12:59It hasn't been locked since Pop sold the hens.
13:01Do you think the monkey will go inside?
13:04Well, I don't know.
13:06I hope so.
13:08Hey, don't let him see you,
13:10or he might take off.
13:11How are we going to get him in the coop?
13:14Well, I don't know.
13:16I guess we'll just have to wait and see if he does.
13:20He's right in front of the door now.
13:22You think maybe if we rush him, he'll go inside?
13:25It might work.
13:27Let's try it.
13:28Not too fast.
13:32Let's go.
13:34Don't yell at him.
13:36Keep running.
13:37He hasn't seen us yet.
13:39Let's spread out and rush him fast.
13:41Push him into the coop if you can.
13:43Good idea.
13:51He ran inside.
13:53Slam the door.
13:55We got him.
13:58One down and two more to go.
14:06While the two boys are gloating over the capture of one of the disease-laden animals,
14:10the rangers and the police carry on their search.
14:13Each man knows the importance of his mission.
14:16They're alert.
14:17Every tree, every bush, every porch, every housetop is scanned with X-ray carefulness.
14:23Branching out from the laboratory, each city area is searched while Bill, Cal, and Henry mark their maps.
14:30Henry, tell Jim to cut us indirect through the dispatcher's station.
14:34Oh, sure, Bill.
14:37Well, we don't have too much of the city left to search.
14:41It's beginning to look like we're wasting our time.
14:44Don't give up the ship, Cal.
14:46These monkeys are small and they're hard to see.
14:48I guess you're right, Bill.
14:50We're not looking for gorillas.
14:53Bill, the direct hookup to all cars is ready.
14:55Thanks, pal.
14:57Let me have the mic.
14:58I'll mark the areas as the boys call in, Bill.
15:00Okay, Cal.
15:01Here goes.
15:03Calling all cars.
15:05Bill, calling all cars.
15:07Stand by for new orders as you call in.
15:12This is Car 3 calling.
15:14We have completed search in the fifth area.
15:17Okay, Gray Wolf.
15:19You and Stumpy start searching the outskirts of town between Route 3 and Johnson Highway.
15:25Report again in 15 minutes.
15:28Okay, Bill.
15:29Will do.
15:33Car 2 calling.
15:34Car 2 calling.
15:35We're not quite finished yet.
15:38Tom, as soon as you get through with Sector 10, move over to Sector 14.
15:44Boundaries are 7th and 10th streets north of East Boulevard.
15:49Okay, Bill.
15:51Over and out.
15:54Car 5 calling.
15:55Didn't see nothing, eh?
15:59Car 4 calling.
16:00Nothing so far.
16:03Car 8 calling.
16:04We've finished searching our area.
16:06We didn't see the monkeys.
16:09Car 6 calling.
16:10No result.
16:13Car 1 to all cars.
16:15Report in 15 minutes.
16:17Keep searching.
16:27Gray Wolf, we've driven and walked until we're blue in the face.
16:31Nary a sign of them critters yet.
16:34By radio report, nobody see monkeys.
16:37Well, Bill, expect us to catch those streaks of grease lightning.
16:41All we got is two feet.
16:43Those rascals have four hands and a tail.
16:46Not like having four hands and skyhook.
16:49I'd say those critters are halfway to Africa by now.
16:53All we can do is keep looking.
16:56Too bad those fellas have the flu bug.
16:59We can let them go visit their relatives.
17:04You see them?
17:05Me not sure.
17:06Look where I point.
17:09Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see a thing.
17:12We walk quiet toward tree and watch.
17:15All right, sonny.
17:17I'd better get old Betsy ready just in case.
17:25You see anything, old-timer?
17:28But I'm looking.
17:30Maybe I not see, but I think I see.
17:33Well, if you've seen them, they're there all right.
17:36I never knew you to see wrong before.
17:38Watch the top branches.
17:41You see right, sonny.
17:42There's two of them up at their tree.
17:44And there's not a tree nearby that they can jump onto.
17:47We got them treed all right.
17:49You keep watch.
17:50I call Bill from car.
17:52Me try to get off that tree, I'll bounce a rifle ball right off their pumpkin heads.
18:03Gray Wolf calling car one.
18:05Come in, car one.
18:07This is Bill, Gray Wolf.
18:10We found monkeys in tree.
18:12Two of them.
18:13They in tree in back of house at 618 North Hill Road.
18:18Is there any danger of their getting away?
18:20Not chance in world.
18:21Stumpy got gun on them.
18:24Good work, Gray Wolf.
18:26They try to get away, shoot them.
18:28We'll be there in a jiffy.
18:30Ah, at last.
18:32Well, that accounts for two of them.
18:35Yeah, we'd better pick up Dr. Powers.
18:38Let's go, Cal.
18:39Pick up the doc at the lab and head for 618 North Hill Road.
19:09Good work, Gray Wolf.
19:21We got over here as fast as we could.
19:24They over in big tree where Stumpy watched.
19:27Cal, you'd better call a couple of cars to keep the neighbors back.
19:30We don't want them close when we shoot.
19:32Okay, Bill.
19:34Hey, Harry.
19:35I can see some movement in the tree top even from here, Bill.
19:39Yeah, so can I.
19:41Hey, I can see them playing now.
19:43Hey, there's two of them, all right.
19:44For sick monkeys, they jump around fast.
19:47Hello, Stumpy.
19:48This is Dr. Powers.
19:50Howdy, doc.
19:51I guess your two jumping jacks have come to the end of the trail.
19:55I'm afraid so, Stumpy.
19:57Can you see them, doctor?
19:59And you still agree they're to be destroyed?
20:03They're deadly contagious, Bill.
20:05All right, Stumpy.
20:07Shoot them when you're ready.
20:09Okay, sonny.
20:11Just two shots, old-timer.
20:16Here, stand still a minute, won't you?
20:21That's one.
20:25Good shooting, Stumpy.
20:27That relieves me some.
20:28That does it.
20:29All right, boys.
20:31Let's go.
20:32Dr. Powers will finish up here.
20:34Where are we going now, Bill?
20:36There were three of these creatures.
20:38We've got to find the third.
20:49What are your plans now, Bill?
20:50I don't know yet, Cal.
20:52Let's talk about it back at headquarters.
20:55Henry, take us back to the office, will you?
20:57Well, sure.
20:58If you'll get in the car.
21:00I guess that would help.
21:02Oh, Bill.
21:03Cal, wait a minute.
21:04Wait a minute.
21:06I never miss.
21:07You've got a story for me, Bill.
21:09What do you mean?
21:10Well, I mean, what's going on?
21:12Why are your men combing the whole town inch by inch?
21:14Why did you shoot those two monkeys?
21:16Why won't Dr. Powers let anybody near the dead animals?
21:19Come on, fellas.
21:20There's some kind of a story here, and I'd like to get it.
21:23I'm sorry, Al, but I can't give you the story now.
21:26Why not, Bill?
21:27Haven't I always given you fellas a break?
21:29Yes, you have, Al.
21:31I appreciate it.
21:32Believe me, I'd like to give you the story, but now isn't the time.
21:36Well, how about you, Cal?
21:38I'm sorry, Al.
21:39No comments now for the sake of the public welfare.
21:42Say, Al, I'll make you a promise.
21:44Okay, let's have it.
21:45You'll get the story first as soon as we can release it.
21:48I'll buy that, Bill.
21:51I'll see you later.
21:52Let's go to the office, Henry.
21:57Oh, it's good to sit down for a while.
22:11Bill, how do you think we're going to catch monkey number three?
22:16Well, the only way I can think of is make another search of the city.
22:21Maybe spread out a couple of miles outside of Knotty Pine.
22:25Yeah, I guess that's the only way.
22:29Oh, boy, am I tired.
22:31Not yet.
22:35Ranger headquarters, Bill speaking.
22:37Bill, this is Vic Powers.
22:40Yes, Doctor.
22:41I just got a call.
22:42There's a young lad who's come down with what appears to be a case of influenza,
22:46and I've been asked to treat him.
22:48You think he got it from one of the monkeys?
22:49I don't know, but it might be a lead.
22:52Are you interested?
22:53I sure am.
22:54Where's the boy live?
22:55812 West Sycamore Street.
22:58Say, that's only a couple of blocks from where two of the monkeys were found.
23:01I know that.
23:02How about meeting me there in ten minutes?
23:05Get your hat, Cal.
23:06We've got a lead.
23:18Hello, Doctor Powers.
23:20My boy's pretty sick.
23:22But why all the rangers?
23:24You fellas a bodyguard or something?
23:26We can't answer that yet, Carol.
23:28May we come in?
23:30Oh, excuse me, Doctor.
23:33Come on in, gentlemen.
23:34I was so saddled to see the rangers I forgot what you'd come for.
23:38Come on.
23:39Jody's in the first bedroom.
23:42Well, we'll have a look at him.
23:47Here's Jody, Doctor.
23:55May have a clean towel and some water.
23:57We'll find out if Jody has the flu in short order.
24:00Just relax, son.
24:16Well, has he got influenza, Doctor?
24:19Yes, Carl.
24:20I'm afraid he has.
24:23Well, does that mean he's...
24:25The injection I give him will keep the infection down.
24:29Don't worry.
24:30It's not fatal.
24:32Well, thanks a lot for that.
24:39Have you any idea where you might have been exposed to influenza?
24:44I don't know.
24:46Who's the young fellow I saw sitting in the living room?
24:49That's Mark.
24:51Mark, will you come in here, please?
24:56But, Doctor, why all the questions?
24:58He'll tell you in a minute, Carl.
25:00There's nothing to get worked up over if we can get the right answers.
25:04You call me Dr. Powers?
25:06Yes, he did, son.
25:07Now, don't look so frightened.
25:09We just wanted to ask some questions.
25:12Go ahead, Bill.
25:13Thanks, Doctor.
25:15Jody, Mark, you know who I am, don't you?
25:20Ranger Bill.
25:23And I've come to help you, not hurt you.
25:25Just answer the doctor's questions, and everything will be all right.
25:28Just a minute, gentlemen.
25:29What's wrong here?
25:31What have the boys done?
25:32Or should I say, what do you think they've done?
25:35All right, Carl.
25:36You have the right to know, since your son may be involved.
25:41Fifty-eight hours ago, three monkeys escaped through an open window in the doctor's office.
25:50Now, the search has been on for the monkeys.
25:53And that's the whole story, Carl.
25:55You mean the monkeys sick, Bill?
25:58What monkey, Jody?
26:00We've been talking about three monkeys, not one.
26:03I mean, you mean I could get sick like Jody, too?
26:07You most certainly can, Mark.
26:10Well, how about it, fellas?
26:12Have you got something to tell us?
26:14We didn't mean to let the monkeys out, Bill.
26:17Well, honest, we didn't.
26:18We got the window open a little, and then it flew up, and we couldn't get it down again.
26:22We tried to stop one, and they all got out.
26:25They were too fast for us.
26:26We tried to stop them.
26:27And then we got scared and ran home.
26:29And we thought you might say we took the monkeys.
26:31Whoa, now, take it easy, boys.
26:34Are you going to arrest us, Bill?
26:37Of course not, Jody.
26:39Anybody can make a mistake.
26:41We've got two of the monkeys already.
26:44All Dr. Powers wants is to find the third one.
26:47Isn't that right, Doc?
26:48Yes, Bill, that's right.
26:50We must find the third monkey so nobody else gets sick.
26:54Do you know where he is, son?
26:58He's out in our chicken coop.
27:01We caught him right after he escaped.
27:03Thanks, Jody.
27:05That's all we wanted to know.
27:07Stumpy, hurry outside.
27:09You've got one more job to do.
27:11Right away, Bill.
27:22Why smile on your face, Stumpy.
27:24The monkey was dead when I got out to the chicken coop.
27:27Well, why should that make you smile, old-timer?
27:31You think I like shooting those harmless critters?
27:34It's all right, Stumpy.
27:36He was pretty sick.
27:39Well, it's all over now.
27:41I'll pay for the monkeys.
27:42Nonsense, Carl.
27:44You mean you're not mad at us, Doctor?
27:47No, son, I'm not.
27:49You boys told the truth.
27:51That makes up for losing the monkeys.
27:53The monkeys can't infect anyone else.
27:55That makes me happy.
27:57Now, Jody, I've got to give you a shot in the arm.
28:00Do you mind?
28:01No, Doctor.
28:03Not if it makes me well.
28:05Good boy.
28:07Well, fellas, this ends the monkey chase.
28:10Yep, it sure does, sonny.
28:13Whoever thought that two curious boys and three sick monkeys
28:17could turn this whole town upside down?
28:28That's right, Stumpy.
28:29It isn't always the big things that make the loudest noise.
28:32Boys and girls, you notice that Jody and Mark told the truth
28:36even though they knew the possible consequences?
28:39Always tell the truth.
28:41We'll see you next week for more adventure with...
28:44Ranger Bill!