Watch Sword of the Stranger English Dubbed

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:00:30Master Shaun!
00:00:59Don't worry, we've come this far so we should be safe for the time being.
00:01:03Listen Kotaro, from this point you must go alone.
00:01:07Should something happen along the way, sell this for the money.
00:01:10What about you Master?
00:01:12I'm going back.
00:01:13I need to check if everyone at the temple is alright.
00:01:16In Akaike, go to the Mangaku Temple in Shirato.
00:01:19Monk Sekkai will help you there.
00:01:22There's no time.
00:01:24Master Shaun, what's going on?
00:01:25I don't know.
00:01:26I don't know.
00:01:27I don't know.
00:01:28I don't know.
00:01:29I don't know.
00:01:30I don't know.
00:01:31I don't know.
00:01:32I don't know.
00:01:33I don't know.
00:01:34I don't know.
00:01:35I don't know.
00:01:36I don't know.
00:01:37I don't know.
00:01:38I don't know.
00:01:39I don't know.
00:01:40I don't know.
00:01:41I don't know.
00:01:42I don't know.
00:01:43I don't know.
00:01:44I don't know.
00:01:45I don't know.
00:01:46I don't know.
00:01:47I don't know.
00:01:48I don't know.
00:01:49I don't know.
00:01:50I don't know.
00:01:51I don't know.
00:01:52I don't know.
00:01:53I don't know.
00:01:54I don't know.
00:02:07Our country is not far ahead, just beyond the mountain.
00:02:43After this game, what makes you the boss all of a sudden?
00:02:46How about another drink by the way?
00:02:48Let's go!
00:02:57Found us a real good haul, boss!
00:03:13What's the matter?
00:04:07KEEP FIRING!
00:05:14The pain!
00:05:22I cannot...
00:06:10No need to thank me.
00:06:17Is this...
00:06:19the best you can do for me?
00:06:49Hey, give that back, mutt!
00:07:10I'll beat the hide off you!
00:07:11Stop, you stupid dog!
00:07:12Can you...
00:08:24Hey, Tobimaru!
00:08:25We'll have a feast tonight!
00:08:26Hang on, I'll be right back.
00:08:27Hang on, I'll be right back.
00:08:34As soon as we're finished eating, we'll leave the village, okay?
00:08:48Who are you?
00:08:51Don't worry, you're in no danger.
00:09:02Get out!
00:09:07So you're telling me, you've claimed this place?
00:09:12It's your home?
00:09:14That's right, this place is ours now.
00:09:16We got here a long time before you decided to show up.
00:09:21Then meet your new tenant.
00:09:26Come on, Tobimaru, let's go.
00:09:33Smells like we're having fish for dinner.
00:09:48I'm frozen right to the bone.
00:09:50The wind should die down in an hour or so.
00:09:53It's one thing putting up with the cold, but having to run around the countryside escorting the Chinese on top of that?
00:10:00Only so much a man can take.
00:10:03What could the Lord be thinking, letting strangers like that into the castle?
00:10:07I'm sure the Lord has his own good reason.
00:10:13Which reminds me, they're building something over the Shishine Fortress.
00:10:18Oh, you mean that huge monstrosity that's supposed to be a holy altar?
00:10:23I hear they surveyed the land, measured the coordinates, and finally decided to build it on the Shishine grounds.
00:10:29They're giving very strict instructions, like the wood has to be cedar and joined using bark instead of nails.
00:10:37I wonder what the Chinese are doing in that old fortress.
00:10:41We'll never understand how they think.
00:10:57That smells good.
00:10:59Yeah, well you're not getting any.
00:11:01Just so you know, I don't have a single fish to spare.
00:11:05I take it you haven't been living here that long, despite what you said.
00:11:11Billowing smoke is a sign that the wood hasn't cured.
00:11:14You haven't had the time to dry it yet.
00:11:16Who asked you?
00:11:19It's still hot, so be careful, boy.
00:11:31Thanks, I'll take that.
00:11:33Do what you want.
00:11:34I wasn't talking to you.
00:11:38He was thanking the dog.
00:11:59Yes, I did see a young boy I didn't recognize run by.
00:12:04Was he alone?
00:12:05Seems to me there was a dog with him.
00:12:08When exactly did you see him?
00:12:10Might have been in the morning.
00:12:13Where was he?
00:12:17My memory's been failing me lately.
00:12:20Think harder, old man, it's important!
00:12:22I understand, but yelling's not going to help matters.
00:12:27Did you remember something?
00:12:36Strange, I don't recall anyone living in that temple.
00:12:49Tobimaru, run!
00:13:07We are soldiers of our master, Lord Akaike.
00:13:13Do not interfere!
00:13:15He's only a kid, don't you think you're being a bit rough on him?
00:13:19Move away!
00:13:22Damn vagabond, don't you understand what I'm saying?
00:13:26Don't do it.
00:13:28I've had enough of you!
00:13:51I've already gotten more involved than I would have liked.
00:15:10He's been poisoned.
00:15:13It's not something a layman can cure.
00:15:15Get him to a medicine man.
00:15:18Where is one?
00:15:19Ask around the village.
00:15:21If I go back there, I'll be captured.
00:15:25Then I would suggest you ride and get to another village.
00:15:28I don't know how to ride a horse.
00:15:30Then I guess you're stuck here, forced to heal him yourself.
00:15:34He won't be needing this where he's going.
00:15:37Are you going to leave us here?
00:15:39Don't expect me to hang around a dangerous place like this.
00:15:43This is all your fault.
00:15:45My dog saved your life.
00:15:47He's dying because of you.
00:15:48And now you're going to turn your back on him and walk out?
00:15:51You ingrate!
00:15:52I saved you, remember?
00:15:54Which makes us even.
00:16:03If you want to make a go of it alone, then you've got to stop depending on others for help.
00:16:20Here, how about a deal?
00:16:22If you promise to help save my dog and get us to safety at the Mangaku Temple in Shirato,
00:16:27I'll give you this as payment.
00:16:28It's for ten gold ryo.
00:16:30Ten ryo?
00:16:31Yeah, sure, at least that much.
00:16:33Just look at it.
00:16:45Well, it doesn't look cheap.
00:16:47Of course it isn't.
00:16:48I've never told a lie.
00:16:50Cross my heart and hope to die.
00:16:51Oh, no you don't.
00:16:53That's close enough.
00:16:54It won't do me any good if you run off with it now.
00:16:57I'll give it to you when you take us there.
00:16:59So what do you say?
00:17:01Shirato, huh?
00:17:03That's quite a distance from here.
00:17:05Don't you want something worth ten ryo?
00:17:09Let me think.
00:17:12Do you want the treasure, don't you?
00:17:16Do you want it, yes or no?
00:17:30Does Tobimaru look okay?
00:17:33Is the town far from here?
00:17:37Answer my questions!
00:17:39I hired you, remember?
00:17:41The dog seems to be in some pain, but he is still breathing.
00:17:44We've got a while before we reach the town.
00:17:47Go faster then!
00:17:48No, the horse will tire.
00:17:50And besides, even if we find a medicine man, we don't know if he'll agree to treat a dog.
00:17:58Hey, why were those men chasing you?
00:18:01You hired me to help.
00:18:02The least you can do is tell me.
00:18:05If my dog dies, you'll be to blame.
00:18:07I won't give you the treasure and I'll definitely never forgive you.
00:18:11I'll curse you all the way to the grave!
00:18:14What a cranky little boss.
00:18:34He says to hire more workers so we can speed up the construction.
00:18:37Of course, right away.
00:18:39They've already paid me 2,000 gold ryo.
00:18:42Now they're willing to pay an extra hundred because they want more workers and construction materials?
00:18:47What they're doing hardly makes sense.
00:18:50I'm sure they have their reasons for the rush, but they'd never tell us even if we asked.
00:18:56It probably has something to do with that little boy they're trying to capture.
00:19:01Still, the more they keep this business to themselves, the more I want to find out what's going on up there.
00:19:06Yes, indeed.
00:19:07We can't press these people too hard for answers.
00:19:10They are vassals of the Ming Dynasty.
00:19:19Bury that saddle somewhere around here.
00:19:21Its distinct shape will draw too much attention.
00:19:24You should have stolen one of the samurai's horses.
00:19:27I chose the best horse.
00:19:29Then why don't you bury it?
00:19:31When you're done, bring the horse and follow me.
00:19:34Oh, and take too long and you'll be out here on your own.
00:19:38Ah, darn it.
00:19:45I've done the best I can, but keep in mind I've never treated an animal before.
00:20:05Will he be okay?
00:20:07The wound itself wasn't serious, but the poison's gotten into his body.
00:20:11The best hope now is to keep him stable and give him lots of water.
00:20:16To dilute the poison.
00:20:22Damn it!
00:20:23He can't swallow yet. He's still paralyzed.
00:20:26Put Tobimaru down! I said put him down!
00:21:02Did anyone see what happened here?
00:21:04Unfortunately, no.
00:21:05The only survivor had broken off from the group to contact the others, so he's no help to us.
00:21:11Is that right?
00:21:49Is there a festival?
00:21:54If you get too cold, use the straw mat. You'll be more comfortable that way.
00:22:00It's much appreciated.
00:22:02No trouble at all. You've already paid me what I'm owed.
00:22:06Oh, and there's a hot spring just a short walk from here.
00:22:10Take a dip, if you like.
00:22:39Looks like I overslept.
00:22:45How's the dog? Does he look any better?
00:22:53Where do you think you're going?
00:22:55I'm going to town to get us a new saddle.
00:22:58Clever story. Except I bet you're planning to run away from me, aren't you?
00:23:02If I left now, I would have done all this work for free.
00:23:29Is that the one? The monster with the yellow hair?
00:23:32Yeah. I hear he's a guest, frequenting the Lord's castle.
00:23:36And you're not going to believe this. They say his eyes are blue!
00:23:40Are you serious?
00:23:41I am!
00:23:47You know, we'd be sitting pretty if we sold that blue-eyed outsider to one of those freak shows.
00:23:52Not likely.
00:23:54You know, we'd be sitting pretty if we sold that blue-eyed outsider to one of those freak shows.
00:23:57Not likely. He'd probably eat you alive before you even got close.
00:24:00Don't I know it.
00:24:03Will this one do?
00:24:06That saddle's from the Owatari clan.
00:24:09I got it from a farmer who steals from dead samurai.
00:24:13You mind if it bears the crest of a fallen lord?
00:24:16Doesn't really matter.
00:24:17The horse won't mind one way or the other.
00:24:24Jinhai and Tusi haven't returned from yesterday's search.
00:24:28Both men are very skilled. I seriously doubt that anything would have happened to them.
00:24:42Who would have thought it'd take so much effort to find one child?
00:24:47I agree. And we only have four days left.
00:24:50I'm sure he'll eventually turn up at the temple.
00:24:53But if we miss the next full moon, we'll be stuck in this country for another year.
00:24:57I've already had enough of this wretched place.
00:25:02If this is what it takes to get the Xi'an medicine, then so be it.
00:25:06Xi'an medicine...
00:25:08It sounds like nothing but a bad joke to me.
00:25:11Is that also what you think about the drugs we take?
00:25:15That's not the point. The drugs you have aren't the very least effective.
00:25:20But Xi'an medicine...
00:25:23I don't understand it either.
00:25:26So then, why don't you take our medicine?
00:25:29If you know that it's effective.
00:25:32That wouldn't be interesting.
00:25:46What's wrong? What happened?
00:25:49Nothing. I just feel like having a little fun, that's all.
00:26:15Xi'an Medicine
00:26:45Xi'an Medicine
00:27:15We have to move on now.
00:27:18Need a dog to shimmy shimmy.
00:27:37Master, move along.
00:27:41What is it now?
00:27:43Jin Hai and Tu Su, they've been killed.
00:27:50Just when the game was getting good.
00:28:14Xi'an Medicine
00:28:27Took you long enough.
00:28:28Oh, you think so?
00:28:30You were probably out looking for someone to sell me to.
00:28:34Who'd want to buy such a twisted kid?
00:28:36Stop playing dumb!
00:28:39You've been so nosy trying to find out why I'm being chased.
00:28:42I bet you were asking all over town.
00:28:45Listen kid, I've had about enough of you.
00:28:48Don't call me kid, my name's Kotaro.
00:28:50What are you trying to hide from me?
00:28:53It took a while to find someone who'd sell me a saddle.
00:28:56Ha! I wasn't born yesterday, that's obviously a lie.
00:28:59What's it gonna take for you to believe me?
00:29:01Why should I trust anyone who's only motivated by money?
00:29:04Money grubbers always get done in by their greed.
00:29:08Is that how you feel?
00:29:10Maybe we should part ways.
00:29:12Okay, but if you leave us now, you'll have done all this work for free.
00:29:24Tobimaru! Tobimaru!
00:29:32Easy boy, take your time.
00:29:40The medicine man gave me this.
00:29:42He said to give it to the dog when he's well enough to drink.
00:29:45It's bitter though, so he's probably not going to like it.
00:29:50I'll make dinner.
00:29:58Attaboy. I'll give you this in a bit.
00:30:11The clothes and sword belong to Two-Sir, but it's not him.
00:30:15Two-Sir's right arm was once wounded and the cut went right to the bone.
00:30:19And there was no evidence of such a mark on the burnt corpse you found?
00:30:23There wasn't. Plus there were other inconsistencies.
00:30:26Judging from the blood's coagulation at the seam,
00:30:29the first to die were Jin-Hai and two Ri-Ben soldiers.
00:30:32Jin-Hai died from a single blow to the larynx,
00:30:35obviously the work of someone with great skill.
00:30:37The wounds on the other corpses suggested they died by Two-Sir's hand.
00:30:41Jin-Hai's hair was cut, but I believe Two-Sir did this after Jin-Hai was killed,
00:30:45as proof of his death.
00:30:47Then what of Two-Sir? Was he attacked by the samurai?
00:30:50Is that what you're suggesting?
00:30:52Most likely.
00:30:53So that means Two-Sir must be...
00:30:55They want us to think he's dead,
00:30:57which must mean he's still alive and being held captive.
00:31:02This is starting to become rather troublesome.
00:31:07Let's go.
00:31:31I was wrong.
00:31:33Sorry about what I said.
00:31:37It's just that I was a bit upset.
00:31:40We were both being hotheads.
00:31:42I wouldn't worry yourself too much about it.
00:31:49I guess you could say I'm kind of short-tempered.
00:31:52So try not to make me wait too long from now on.
00:32:30What was that?
00:32:31It sounded like it was coming from the Hisago area.
00:32:34I heard they were going to be inspecting some kind of gift
00:32:37that the guests from Ming brought with them.
00:32:39What a terrible noise.
00:32:41And it carries the odor of ill fortune.
00:32:53What kind of charm is that supposed to be?
00:32:55You've tied it so you can't draw your sword.
00:32:58Let's just say it's like a prayer.
00:33:01Oh yeah? What kind of prayer?
00:33:03It's a secret.
00:33:05I didn't want to know anyway.
00:33:15You're sure nice to that horse.
00:33:20Do you really believe there are benefits
00:33:22in being nice to that horse?
00:33:24Do you really believe there are benefits
00:33:26in being nice to that beast?
00:33:28Sure I do.
00:33:29What, like having to dig a hole
00:33:31and bury a perfectly good saddle?
00:33:33You'd understand if you knew how to ride.
00:33:36Being on a horse is a wonderful feeling.
00:33:39And on a good horse, galloping at top speed,
00:33:42how can I describe it?
00:33:44Well, you feel as if you're flying through the sky.
00:33:50It's not a bad feeling at all.
00:33:53This beautiful breeze seems to blow right through you
00:33:56in that instant.
00:33:58It's as if the weight on your shoulders
00:34:00is lifted and you're free.
00:34:04You sure you're not making that up?
00:34:10I mean, come on.
00:34:12Do you honestly feel like you're flying through the sky?
00:34:15You'll have to give it a try and find out for yourself.
00:34:46Gotta use your knees to hold on.
00:34:48It's not my fault.
00:34:49Your horse has a bad temperament,
00:34:51and that's the problem.
00:34:52On the contrary.
00:34:53He's extremely calm.
00:34:54Look between his legs.
00:34:56Notice he's been gelded?
00:34:58That's what they do to make the animal more placid.
00:35:01What do you say?
00:35:02You had enough yet?
00:35:26If you ask me,
00:35:27it didn't appear as though the Chinese suspected anything.
00:35:31We should still be careful.
00:35:33You're being overly cautious, as usual.
00:35:35Any results?
00:35:36This man is exceptionally stubborn, to say the least.
00:35:39No matter what we do to him,
00:35:40he doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
00:35:43Let's see about that.
00:35:56This is unbelievable!
00:35:58What do you make of this?
00:36:00Despite our language differences, we're all human.
00:36:03How can he not feel pain?
00:36:05I still can't comprehend it,
00:36:07even though I've witnessed it with my own eyes.
00:36:09Lord, if it pleases you,
00:36:11leave the interrogation in my hands.
00:36:14I know I can count on you.
00:36:16Shogun Itadori, I'm leaving you in charge.
00:36:19Find out what the Chinese are up to,
00:36:21and we'll strike a deal directly with the Ming Emperor.
00:36:28Samurai, you're up bright and early this morning.
00:36:31So are you.
00:36:32Have to be.
00:36:33I've got to make my way to town.
00:36:36With any luck, I'll get a decent price for these.
00:36:39Too bad I can't grow a tree that bears gold, eh?
00:36:42Then I wouldn't have to bother selling it to the market.
00:37:03Are you cooking cow dung out there?
00:37:06I'm just boiling some nuts.
00:37:08They only need to cook a little longer,
00:37:10and then the smell will go away.
00:37:12You'd better not be trying to poison me
00:37:14so you can steal my treasure.
00:37:18He sure lets suspicions get the better of his imagination.
00:37:22I'd say 20 mon for all of it.
00:37:25Is that the best you can do?
00:37:27Afraid so.
00:37:28If that's not good enough,
00:37:29then find yourself another buyer.
00:37:39Pardon me.
00:37:40What does the saying say?
00:37:42The Lord is searching for someone.
00:37:45A boy with a dog.
00:37:47There's a reward offered to the person who finds him.
00:37:51A boy with a dog, huh?
00:37:53There are tens of thousands of kids like that.
00:37:56Don't waste your time on such nonsense.
00:38:07Those foreigners wander around the castle like it's theirs.
00:38:14I surrender.
00:38:15Compared to your archery skills,
00:38:17your swordsmanship needs work.
00:38:20Yes, sir.
00:38:46Sorry about that.
00:38:47Must have slipped from my sweaty hand.
00:38:49What do you say?
00:38:50There's no fulfillment in merely watching.
00:38:53Why not get some exercise?
00:38:56Oh, of course.
00:38:58You don't understand a word I'm saying.
00:39:01Now that poses a bit of a problem.
00:39:28Fetch me a sword!
00:39:41Excuse the intrusion.
00:39:46I wonder where they've disappeared to.
00:39:52Now, what does this say?
00:39:57That tough guy attitude won't get you very far
00:40:00if you don't even know how to read or write.
00:40:03Sit up straight. You're slouching.
00:40:05Who told you to lean back in the saddle?
00:40:08You don't have to point out everything.
00:40:10People with no skill need harsh instruction
00:40:12if they're going to get any better.
00:40:14Maybe I'd learn faster if you were a better teacher.
00:40:20It's all swollen.
00:40:22I can't believe you of all people were hurt so badly.
00:40:25Who exactly were you dueling against, husband?
00:40:28A man who's visiting from Ming.
00:40:30He has blue eyes, and he's at least six feet tall.
00:40:33My, he sounds like a demon.
00:40:35Perhaps even more frightening than a demon.
00:40:38I've only met one other person before who was as skilled as he.
00:40:41Who was the other one?
00:40:43The first was an acquaintance from long ago,
00:40:45back when I served for the Owatari country.
00:40:49We competed for honor in combat,
00:40:52but after one of our victories, he vanished.
00:40:57Seems his fighting spirit had died.
00:41:00Then he must have been a gentle soul.
00:41:03No, he lacked the heart of a warrior.
00:41:05In my eyes, he was nothing but a pathetic man
00:41:08that threw his God-given talents into the gutter.
00:41:10And how will you use your own God-given talents?
00:41:13I take it you won't let them go to waste as he did.
00:41:16No such thing.
00:41:18I'll use them to climb to the top and gain even more power.
00:41:21You talk as if you plan on conquering the country.
00:41:25I've no interest in setting my sights on an objective
00:41:28that will only take me so far.
00:41:30I aspire to greatness,
00:41:32and the scope of my goal will determine the height of my ascension.
00:41:47Look at all those scars.
00:41:50I got them in the battles I fought.
00:41:53Which country did you serve back then?
00:41:56It's not worth bringing up.
00:41:58It was destroyed and no longer exists.
00:42:02Won't you serve a lord again?
00:42:06No. I've had enough.
00:42:12Hey, you know what? I just realized.
00:42:14I never asked your name.
00:42:16You were a samurai, so I bet you have a really fancy name.
00:42:18Something strong and brave.
00:42:21Red hair.
00:42:22Huh? That's kind of funny.
00:42:25Red demon. No name.
00:42:28Cut it out. I just asked. You don't have to mock me.
00:42:35I'm not joking.
00:42:37I'm no name because I'm actually nameless.
00:42:40Every time I served under a different lord,
00:42:44I was given a new name.
00:42:52I'm sorry.
00:42:58Grab that piece of bamboo for me.
00:43:21Mix this with that nut extract.
00:43:23It should keep my hair black for about ten days.
00:43:26Does that mean you're a foreigner?
00:43:29Who knows? I couldn't tell you.
00:43:33They say I was plucked from a shipwreck, but I was the only survivor.
00:43:38Some people thought of me as a freak,
00:43:41but nobody points me out since I learned to dye my hair.
00:43:44Life is much easier for me now that I'm not serving under any lord.
00:43:52What's wrong?
00:43:54You'll catch a cold unless you move in close to the fire.
00:44:05It's strange seeing you go quiet all of a sudden.
00:44:07Don't tell me the color of my hair scared you.
00:44:09Not even close.
00:44:11I've seen foreigners so many times, I couldn't count.
00:44:14It's just...
00:44:16Feel good, dog?
00:44:19We're being watched.
00:44:21Pretend you haven't noticed and keep talking about something.
00:44:24Like what?
00:44:26Hey, were you serious when you said you've seen a lot of foreigners?
00:44:30Where was this?
00:44:32Tell me about it, hmm?
00:44:38I don't know.
00:44:40I don't know what you're talking about.
00:44:47In the country of Ming.
00:44:49I was living over there until two years ago.
00:44:52Were you all by yourself?
00:44:54No, I was with my father and Tobimaru.
00:44:56What about your mother?
00:44:58I was told that she died not long after I was born.
00:45:02So where's your father?
00:45:04He died too. He left to be with my mother when I was six.
00:45:08Then how'd you get here on your own?
00:45:11I was about to be sold to someone,
00:45:13but a monk from this country who was training in China saved me.
00:45:19After he rescued me, we came here by boat.
00:45:22He looked after me at his temple.
00:45:26What made you decide to leave the place?
00:45:29I had no choice. It was attacked.
00:45:42Let go! Let go of me!
00:45:44Have you come from a kaiken?
00:45:46No, nothing like that! We haven't!
00:45:49We're just... we're merely thieves passing by.
00:45:52Thieves! Nothing more. We came across you by coincidence.
00:45:55That's enough, Tobimaru. Let go of him.
00:45:59Please, forgive me! Forgive me! I'm begging you!
00:46:02Hurry up and get out of here.
00:46:04Thank you. Thank you very much. You're too kind.
00:46:12Excuse us.
00:46:13Wait a second.
00:46:16Leave behind all the money you have.
00:46:19Huh? We don't have any money. Not a single cent on us.
00:46:23Oh, come on!
00:46:25You gotta believe me. If we had any money, we wouldn't be stealing!
00:46:31That's a sound I love to hear.
00:46:42How slow-witted they were. Thick and thicker than thieves.
00:46:47We need to pick up the pace to make up for the lost time.
00:46:50Can the dog keep up?
00:46:52I think so. If he struggles too much, I'll let you know.
00:46:55You might want to hang on tight so you don't get thrown off the back.
00:47:12We were right! It does feel like we're flying through the sky.
00:47:15This is fantastic!
00:47:42As planned, we'll have Yuexuan and Shuiquan go to the temple tonight.
00:47:46Guochao, you will accompany me during the ritual at the altar tomorrow.
00:47:50The rest of you work on finding the child and the preparations for leaving the castle.
00:47:55The altar was finished in time, but the last part of the plan has been a complete disaster.
00:48:00As it stands, I could not bear to face the Emperor.
00:48:03Perhaps we should start thinking about an alternate tactic.
00:48:06Should we acquire the child after the designated time?
00:48:09If we don't have him by the full moon in two days, our next opportunity will be a year from now.
00:48:14In that time, it's possible that a war could break out,
00:48:17destroying this country and causing us to lose everything.
00:48:20And you're suggesting...
00:48:21They would never know if we delayed the ceremony a few days.
00:48:24I don't think so.
00:48:26I don't think so either.
00:48:29And you're suggesting...
00:48:30They would never know if we delayed the ceremony a few days.
00:48:33You're telling me to send a false message to the Emperor.
00:48:37I don't believe it would make a difference to the boy's blood.
00:48:40You're speaking of the Emperor!
00:48:42If we said we found the child on the mainland,
00:48:44our own country would be responsible for building the holy altar.
00:48:47If we were back home, waiting a year or two wouldn't make much of a difference.
00:48:51That's enough!
00:48:59I'll go check the escape routes.
00:49:11That fool!
00:49:12How dare he even suggest that we deceive the Emperor.
00:49:17I don't care how skilled he is.
00:49:19A barbarian is still a barbarian!
00:49:24Is there no alternative to handing him over?
00:49:27Our temple is at stake.
00:49:28We can't continue refusing them any longer.
00:49:31I understand.
00:49:32But defying Buddhist teachings would be...
00:49:35What could be more important than protecting our religion?
00:49:38Be thankful that you're walking away with your life.
00:49:40No, wait!
00:49:41Release me!
00:49:58What is that?
00:49:59He started up about two hours ago.
00:50:09So, in the end, you didn't get the reward?
00:50:11Not only did I come away empty-handed,
00:50:14but the samurai accused me of lying.
00:50:17He was extremely mad at me and thought they'd kill me.
00:50:21Like they say, there's no such thing as easy money.
00:50:28Looks like we'll get some snow tomorrow.
00:50:32Uh, what are you saying?
00:50:34It's a beautiful sunny day.
00:50:37Even though the west sky is partly cloudy,
00:50:40you can see Mount Akaike clearly.
00:50:43That's a sign it's going to snow.
00:50:47That seems to be the last of it.
00:50:55What is it?
00:50:56It's a drug that he's been taking.
00:50:59So this is what happens when it wears off.
00:51:03Put him out of his misery.
00:51:10Xian medicine?
00:51:12According to the Chinese we captured,
00:51:14they came here in search of an ingredient
00:51:16in order to make the Xian medicine,
00:51:18an elixir that brings immortality.
00:51:20Immortality, you say?
00:51:36It was prophesied by a trusted eunuch in the Ming court.
00:51:40So that's how it all began.
00:51:44If you follow the divination of a certain priest,
00:51:47it's possible to attain eternal life.
00:51:50A medicine for immortality can be created
00:51:52with the blood of a living child
00:51:54chosen through prophecy once each century.
00:51:57The emperor believed this
00:51:59and ordered his men to find the child.
00:52:01And they crossed the ocean to find him.
00:52:05The altar at the fortress,
00:52:06a mechanism to tell the time.
00:52:08Everything's been done in order to collect
00:52:10the youth's blood as set out in the prophecy.
00:52:14A chosen one every hundred years.
00:52:17I don't know.
00:52:19Is there even such a thing as immortality?
00:52:21Who cares? It doesn't matter.
00:52:24The only thing that matters
00:52:25is that you couldn't even buy this child thereafter
00:52:28with 10,000 gold gone.
00:52:30Then what's our next step?
00:52:31Why, that's obvious.
00:52:33Find the child first,
00:52:35then rid ourselves of those wretched Ming.
00:52:37My lord, may I remind you
00:52:39that they're the only ones that know
00:52:41what the child looks like.
00:52:42And they've been roaming around the area
00:52:44without a guide since yesterday.
00:52:46I've already taken appropriate measures.
00:52:49Besides, they'll eventually come crying to us
00:52:51saying they can't get anywhere
00:52:52without knowledge of our language.
00:52:54No matter what they try,
00:52:55the bottom line is they're in our country.
00:53:05You must be lonely without Loa Long around.
00:53:09You're like a wife who's recently lost her husband.
00:53:12Don't be ridiculous.
00:53:13The only reason I might look unhappy
00:53:15is that I don't have my hawk at my side.
00:53:18You're good at making excuses.
00:53:24If we fail tomorrow,
00:53:25we're stuck in this country for another year.
00:53:28Still upset over your clash with Lord Bai Luan yesterday?
00:53:33The only thing I'm concerned about
00:53:35is finding the man who took Jin Hai's life.
00:53:40How like you,
00:53:41caring more about some flagrant soldier
00:53:43than the Emperor's directives.
00:53:46Oh, I'll follow the Emperor's directives,
00:53:49even if they come through a dubious priest
00:53:51or the whim of a prophet.
00:53:54Right now, the Lord's army is laying in wait.
00:53:57But starting tomorrow, I'll be leading them.
00:54:00My commands will keep you busy.
00:54:02It's my honor to serve under you.
00:54:16I wonder if it's the princess playing that music.
00:54:22She's well beyond your reach.
00:54:25Never set your aspirations so high
00:54:27that they're unattainable.
00:54:28Take my word.
00:54:33Wait for me!
00:54:34Master Itadori!
00:55:17You're a pretty good swordsman, aren't you?
00:55:21What about it?
00:55:22Instead of only teaching me how to ride a horse,
00:55:25you should have taught me how to fight with a sword.
00:55:29What good would that do you?
00:55:30Well, what do you think?
00:55:31It would come in very handy when I'm older.
00:55:34You can count on swords.
00:55:35They're dependable.
00:55:39Yeah, I guess I used to think the same thing
00:55:41when I was a kid.
00:55:43You don't think that anymore?
00:56:02You have a lot of nightmares.
00:56:07So how come you're awake?
00:56:13I can't sleep with all that going on.
00:56:15Yeah, I guess I don't blame you.
00:56:17Hey, I know a way to stop having nightmares.
00:56:20Want me to show you how?
00:56:24It helps to curl up with something you love
00:56:26and think good thoughts.
00:56:30That's what I always do.
00:56:32And it really works.
00:56:46Master Bai Luan.
00:56:50I saw your lamp was still burning.
00:56:52I've been too busy thinking about something.
00:56:56Feng Wu, if you were given immortality,
00:56:59what would you do?
00:57:01How would you spend your life?
00:57:03I have one goal, to live with pride,
00:57:06even if my time is cut short.
00:57:08You're still very young.
00:57:10I've lived for so long.
00:57:12You're still very young.
00:57:14I've lived for so many years now.
00:57:17I'm at the age where I could die at any time.
00:57:20But the strange thing is, the longer I live,
00:57:23the deeper is my desire to keep on living.
00:57:26We've been searching for the Shi'an medicine
00:57:29for an awfully long time under orders of the emperor.
00:57:32And although I completely understand
00:57:34that it's not for my own use,
00:57:36somewhere in my heart,
00:57:38I feel I'm searching for my own benefit.
00:57:42I feel I'm searching for my own benefit.
00:58:01I never expected Shirato's Mangaku Temple
00:58:04to be this magnificent.
00:58:06Your payment, as promised.
00:58:09Hey, you know,
00:58:11I might have got carried away
00:58:13when I said it's worth ten ryo.
00:58:15It's worth more like...
00:58:17Yeah, I figured as much.
00:58:19I know how people like you operate.
00:58:21It's not worth ten, but with a little luck,
00:58:24maybe I'll get five gold coins for it.
00:58:29One ryo?
00:58:31It's still not a bad earning, right?
00:58:33It's more than you started with,
00:58:35and you'll be rewarded one day.
00:58:37You're a piece of work, kid.
00:58:39I'm not kid, I'm co...
00:58:46Master Shi'an!
00:58:49Master Shi'an!
00:58:53I'm so happy you're safe.
00:58:55I was worried about you.
00:58:57As was I. Thank goodness you're okay.
00:59:00I'm so glad.
00:59:01I thought as long as I made it here,
00:59:03I might be able to see you again, Master Shi'an.
00:59:07Come with me.
00:59:09I shall escort you to see Master Zekai.
00:59:18Goodbye, kid. So long.
00:59:21If you ever decide you want a name,
00:59:23come see me and I'll help you out.
00:59:25I promise I'll think of something great for you.
01:00:29Master Shi'an?
01:00:32It took a long time, but you're finally here.
01:00:35Master Zekai?
01:00:54Let go of me! Curse you! Let go of me!
01:00:57You tricked me, you liar!
01:00:59You fooled me out!
01:01:08We need him alive.
01:01:10He'll be easier to carry if he's unconscious.
01:01:12Let's hurry.
01:01:15They're coming.
01:01:16Don't use arrows just yet.
01:01:18Let's get them.
01:01:22I'll take care of this.
01:01:39Go get backup!
01:01:41Tell Master Itadori we need men!
01:01:43And you!
01:01:49Well, my friend, where to next?
01:02:54Who are you?
01:02:56What did you do with the child?
01:02:58Don't! You mustn't say any...
01:03:00Answer me!
01:03:02Answer me!
01:03:07Tonight at midnight, he will be killed and his blood drawn.
01:03:10Why are they doing it?
01:03:11I don't know.
01:03:12Where are they?
01:03:13I don't have any idea.
01:03:15Those Chinese don't tell us anything.
01:03:17They don't trust us.
01:03:19I don't know either.
01:03:21Those Chinese don't tell us anything.
01:03:23They don't trust us.
01:03:24Once people are no longer any use to them, they're slaughtered.
01:03:28So you handed the boy over knowing he's going to be killed.
01:03:31I wanted to save Kotaro.
01:03:34Master Zekai chose to surrender him.
01:03:36It wasn't me!
01:03:37But in the end, you abandoned him.
01:03:44It's true.
01:03:46You're absolutely right.
01:03:48It's just as you say.
01:03:49I honestly did abandon the boy.
01:03:51The foreigners threatened me.
01:03:53I was afraid for my life.
01:03:55So I gave him up.
01:03:57If you were me, if you were in my position,
01:04:00you would have done exactly the same.
01:04:02I'm sure of it.
01:04:06Am I wrong?
01:04:07Would you be willing to disobey commands in order to stay true to your own values?
01:04:11Would you?
01:04:12It's not so easy.
01:04:13You couldn't do it.
01:04:16Would you have done any different?
01:04:18Sure, you talk like you know it all.
01:04:21But will you go and rescue the boy?
01:04:24No, you won't, because going after him would be suicide.
01:04:27We're alike, you and I.
01:04:30You're no different from me!
01:04:49You're lower than a damn dog.
01:04:52And you have no right to that holy cloth.
01:05:13What's the cloth's color?
01:05:15The signal is yellow and red.
01:05:17Very well, they made it in time.
01:05:19I know yellow is the sign that they got the child, but the red?
01:05:23That signifies that the soldiers of this castle have betrayed us.
01:05:26Hurry and call Lo along here.
01:05:35Stop right there!
01:05:37Ho! Step back!
01:05:40What business do you have?
01:05:42Never mind that. Let them come in.
01:05:44I told you, they've come crying to us, as I expected.
01:05:48Now, how can I help you today?
01:05:51Where's the Lord?
01:05:53Go around to the front!
01:05:55What are the Chinese doing here?
01:05:57Something's wrong.
01:05:58Look for him!
01:06:14Why did you attack them without my authorization?
01:06:17The Lord's orders were to hurry and get the child!
01:06:20Right now, I am the one that is giving out the orders!
01:06:27Where's the child?
01:06:29We're not sure where he is.
01:06:31I have a good idea.
01:06:33Probably at the Shishi Nibiru.
01:06:35Let's go!
01:06:45What about this monk? What should we do with him?
01:06:48He's a traitor who conspired with the foreigners. Put him to death.
01:06:51Yes, sir.
01:06:52What is that?
01:06:54He served under this traitor.
01:06:56I'm told he committed suicide while the monk was unconscious.
01:06:59Is that so?
01:07:01We'll return to the castle at once.
01:07:03The rest of you remain here until the next orders are given.
01:07:05I bring news!
01:07:10An urgent message!
01:07:15The Lord!
01:07:17They came in unarmed to catch him off guard,
01:07:19and that's when a gang of them stormed in.
01:07:21What about Isogai and Fushinobe?
01:07:23Unfortunately, they were killed.
01:07:25Does that mean you merely watched as the Lord was abducted?
01:07:29They... they threatened his life.
01:07:31We could do nothing.
01:07:33Why didn't you chase after them?
01:07:35They poisoned every one of the horses,
01:07:37so none were in any shape to go in pursuit.
01:07:39We have troops from Wataoki and Kawashi heading to the fortress as we speak,
01:07:42but being foot soldiers,
01:07:43the soonest they could possibly arrive is this evening.
01:07:45What's that?
01:07:46You sent troops from Wataoki and Kawashi?
01:07:48Yes, sir.
01:07:49As it stands, Master Itadori,
01:07:51you're the only commander left.
01:07:53The Prince has ordered that you be left in charge.
01:07:56I came as fast as I could to report the news.
01:08:01Get horses, armor, and helmets.
01:08:03Enough gear to outfit the two of us.
01:08:07We're changing plans.
01:08:09You men return to the castle.
01:08:11Jurota and I will head to the Shishine Fortress.
01:08:25While we're here buying time,
01:08:27you will travel along the ridge and cross the border.
01:08:31The boys certainly gave us trouble.
01:08:33Not long from now, we'll be done.
01:08:35We just get through this, and we can say goodbye to this country.
01:08:39You're right.
01:08:40We can finally return to our own soil.
01:08:50That's yours, isn't it?
01:08:52The stranger who came after us from the Mangaku Temple had it.
01:08:55Then what became of him?
01:08:57I'm not convinced you could have handled him on your own.
01:09:00I used this to send him to his grave.
01:09:09It hurts!
01:09:15This might belong to your master,
01:09:17but don't bite me if I'm wrong.
01:09:25Are you afraid?
01:09:29Are you a man of your word,
01:09:31or a man of lies?
01:09:33I won't kill you.
01:09:35You are all Asuda.
01:09:37Some people can't grow old.
01:09:39You'd better enjoy the rest of the Shishine Fortress.
01:09:44Yes, Your Majesty.
01:09:46Don't worry.
01:09:47I have something else to ask you.
01:09:50When you left the Shishine Fortress,
01:09:52did anyone ask you if you could speak Chinese?
01:09:57I don't know.
01:09:59Tell me the truth.
01:10:01No one asked me if I could speak Chinese.
01:10:04You don't seem to have a good answer.
01:10:08I'll tell you.
01:10:10That man has been executed by our soldiers.
01:10:27Jurota, you're familiar with the paths in this area, aren't you?
01:10:31There is a shortcut,
01:10:32but I'm not sure the horses will make it.
01:10:34We'll ride them into the ground if need be.
01:11:03You see this?
01:11:05When this hand points to the heavens,
01:11:07your soul will leave your body,
01:11:09and only the blood flowing in you
01:11:12will live on for the sake of our emperor.
01:11:15There could be no greater honor.
01:11:38Are you worried about him?
01:11:40Not especially.
01:11:41Well, don't worry.
01:11:43Shogun used to be a ronin,
01:11:45but I hear he is very loyal to the Lord
01:11:47and highly trustworthy.
01:11:49I'm sure he'll do everything to rescue him.
01:11:57Will it succeed?
01:11:58All of us from Wataoki and Kawashi, myself included,
01:12:01have been practically raised by you, Master Itadori.
01:12:03There is no reason to worry.
01:12:04I'm counting on you.
01:12:05I'll do my best.
01:12:20It's Jurota!
01:12:23Master Itadori is here as well!
01:12:31Master Itadori!
01:12:52How do you wish to handle this?
01:12:54Buy us some time by using the Lord as a shield.
01:12:58Moments away from the ceremony,
01:13:00and yet another interruption.
01:13:16It's that armor!
01:13:18How disgraceful!
01:13:20Shogun? Shogun?
01:13:22Is that you down there, Shogun?
01:13:26Master Itadori, what shall we do now?
01:13:29It's time, Jurota.
01:13:48Now is the time to look to your hearts
01:13:50and make a critical decision.
01:13:52Will you follow me,
01:13:54or the dead lord?
01:13:56Come under my lead,
01:13:57and you shall be rewarded with anything you desire!
01:14:04I choose to follow Master Itadori!
01:14:07What will you do?
01:14:08I will also follow Master Itadori.
01:14:10Yes, I will too!
01:14:12I say we follow Master Itadori!
01:14:17Now we will take the Shishine Fortress!
01:14:22What the hell?
01:14:23Unlike our perception of an emperor,
01:14:26to these men their lord is no more than a man
01:14:28holding an appointed rank.
01:14:30He was simply inappropriate to use as a hostage.
01:14:33Ruthless world are the warriors.
01:14:36Leave Fo Chau to carry out the ritual.
01:14:38We'll descend and stop them in their tracks.
01:14:54Damn it!
01:15:12Damn it!
01:15:14I've lost him!
01:15:17I'll curse this snow!
01:15:23Move back!
01:15:45Move back!
01:16:04I'll go in first.
01:16:07Storm the fortress!
01:16:08Master Itadori,
01:16:10once we've taken the heads of our enemy,
01:16:12there's something I desire for my allegiance.
01:16:14Don't worry, my friend.
01:16:16The princess shall be yours.
01:16:51Let's see how strong you are.
01:17:04Damn you!
01:17:22Shoot her!
01:17:32Make it fatal this time!
01:17:40Troops, split up!
01:17:42Yes, sir!
01:17:46As decreed in the prophecy,
01:18:22Shoot them down!
01:19:05Now's our chance!
01:19:07Rush in while they're still distracted!
01:19:16Fall back!
01:19:18You soldiers fight elsewhere.
01:19:21I'm slaying this one.
01:19:23He's mine!
01:19:27I've always been better with my lance than my sword.
01:19:30Things will be different this time!
01:20:23I cannot even begin to comprehend what's going through your mind.
01:20:27Such unnecessary sentimentality.
01:20:30This is how the world works.
01:20:33Our lord assassinated this lord to become the new ruler of this land.
01:20:38And it was all possible thanks to your efforts in the shadows.
01:20:42I am truly envious of you.
01:21:15Hurry up and do it, you goddamn coward!
01:22:23Show me that sword.
01:22:25It shall bring immortality to any man who consumes it.
01:22:33It's time.
01:22:41Let me go!
01:23:08Move it!
01:23:13Out of my way!
01:24:39Come on! What's wrong?
01:24:43Pain is a stranger to me!
01:24:45Try and pierce my heart with that sword if you can!
01:24:50Do it!
01:24:56Hurry back here at once!
01:24:58Vo Chau's been defeated!
01:25:00I've slain the rest of them.
01:25:20Let's get out of here.
01:25:23Someone's interfered with our ceremony.
01:25:26The crucial time has come and gone.
01:25:28The question is, what do you wish to do now?
01:25:30There's only one answer.
01:25:32We get the child back and wait for the next chosen time.
01:25:34I don't care how long it takes.
01:25:36Then I'll go find him.
01:25:48This is gonna cost you.
01:25:52I knew it was you.
01:25:54I could hear your voice.
01:25:56You called out my name, didn't you?
01:26:01What took you so long?
01:26:03I told you I have a short temper.
01:26:05And that I didn't like to wait.
01:26:08Don't just stand there.
01:26:10We have to get going.
01:26:12Okay, I'm right behind you.
01:26:14I was talking to you.
01:26:16I was talking to that dog of yours.
01:26:23Get back, quickly!
01:27:24Where's my sword?
01:27:28My sword!
01:27:34Master Lo Long.
01:27:38A sword.
01:27:40Master Lo Long.
01:27:46Defeating Shui Chen and Feng Wu,
01:27:48he is quite the warrior.
01:27:50Lo Long!
01:27:52Move over, you're in my way.
01:27:58I'm not afraid of you.
01:28:00You're in my way.
01:28:05Come on!
01:28:14I'll put an end to this.
01:28:29Have you completely lost your mind?
01:28:31Oh, I'm quite sane.
01:28:33In fact, I feel very fortunate that I ended up in this country.
01:28:36I've finally met a worthy adversary.
01:28:41You brought me to this land, and for that I'm truly grateful.
01:28:44You rotten western barbarian!
01:28:49Master Lo Long!
01:28:51Are you trying to trick the emperor
01:28:53and obtain the Shi'an medicine for yourself?
01:28:55How can you be so selfish?
01:28:57Immortality for an honorless commoner such as yourself
01:29:00is an utter waste.
01:29:02A highly regarded noble like me is worthy.
01:29:04I deserve immortality.
01:29:08Haven't you lived long enough, old man?
01:29:12What just happened?
01:29:14The foreigner just killed one of his own men.
01:29:16He's alone. The only one left.
01:29:41I'm sorry.
01:30:07This isn't the first time we've met.
01:30:09No name!
01:30:14Here, take this. It is medicine.
01:30:17It will help you to ease the pain.
01:30:24Don't want it.
01:30:28I'd rather fight with the pain.
01:30:30It makes me feel more alive.
01:30:39I like you more and more.
01:31:09Let's go.
01:33:56No name!
01:34:52This is the first time...
01:34:55I've ever felt...
01:34:58so heavy.
01:35:06To be...
01:36:06You've gotten a lot better at riding.
01:36:09It actually feels like I'm walking in clouds.
01:36:12You're just trying to make me feel good.
01:36:15Do your wounds still hurt?
01:36:17Getting better.
01:36:18That treasure of yours was cheap, but it came in handy.
01:36:21I told ya!
01:36:24You're quite the boss.
01:36:36How far are we?
01:36:38Can you see the town yet?
01:36:40No, not yet.
01:36:41But I'm pretty sure we're almost there.
01:36:48When you're all better,
01:36:49what do you say we leave this place and go overseas?
01:36:52If we're in a foreign country,
01:36:53I bet people wouldn't make a fuss about your hair color.
01:36:57A foreign country?
01:36:58That's not a bad idea.
01:37:00But how would we come up with the money to get there?
01:37:03There's all kinds of ways.
01:37:05Anything from stealing to being bodyguards.
01:37:07We can even become pirates if you want.
01:37:10Sounds like you got it all figured out.
01:37:12Does that evil mind of yours know no bounds?
01:37:15Stop criticizing,
01:37:16and hold on tight so you don't get thrown off the back.
01:37:21Yes, boss.
01:37:28Here we go!
01:37:33Let's go!