Die Addams Family - 07. Eine grausige Schnitzeljagd

  • 3 months ago


00:00They're creepy and they're spooky, mysterious and spooky.
00:16They're all together spooky, the Addams Family.
00:20Their house is a museum, where people come to see them.
00:24They really are a stream, the Addams Family.
00:28Neat, sweet, petite.
00:35So get a witch's shawl on, a broomstick you can crawl on.
00:39We're gonna play a ball on, the Addams Family.
00:50They're creepy and they're spooky, mysterious and spooky.
00:54They're all together spooky, the Addams Family.
01:24They're creepy and they're spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:27They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:30They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:33They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:36They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:39They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:42They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:45They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:48They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:51They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:54They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
01:57They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:00They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:03They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:06They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:09They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:12They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:15They're all together spooky, mysterious and spooky.
02:18Mr. Mutter, ich kann ja noch atmen.
02:21Lurch, ich möchte jetzt Pugsley umarmen.
02:27Ich bin so glücklich, dich wieder zu sehen.
02:32Hättet ihr Lust, mir zuzusehen?
02:34Ich male Marie beim Schwimmen.
02:36Ja, Mutter und Marie. Freut sich doch.
02:39Hey, Kinder, helft ihr mir, die neue Katze zu trainieren?
02:49Baby Tiger sind ja so verspielt.
02:52Aber Kinder, was ist mit unserer Malerei?
02:55Ach, Mama, kommen doch immer.
02:58Und zuzusehen, wie das Kätzchen seine kleinen Onkel Fester schärft,
03:01macht sicher eine Menge Spaß.
03:03Na gut, in Ordnung.
03:05Großartig, hier eure Knoten, gehen wir.
03:10Aber Onkel Fester, der Helm ist das einzige, was dich vor dem Tiger schützt?
03:13Hey, du hast natürlich recht.
03:16Halt das, ja?
03:23Weißt du, eiskaltes Händchen,
03:25ich glaube, du wirst mir allein beim Malen zusehen müssen.
03:28So ist genau richtig.
03:31Ja, manchmal ist so ein Künstlerleben doch ziemlich einsam.
03:38Countess, es ist fast fertig.
03:40Mir scheint nur, da fehlt noch irgendwas.
03:45Ja, genau, das hat noch gefehlt.
03:48Du machst immer so wundervolle Antiquitäten aus meinen Kunstwerken.
03:53Ist es Zeit für die Gartenarbeit, Mutter?
03:56Ja, mein Schatz, aber wo ist Pugsley?
03:59Er hat gerade aufgehört, das Kätzchen zu trainieren.
04:05Er ist fertig.
04:07Ach, Kinder.
04:10Die Nachmittage, die wir zusammen mit Gartenarbeit verbringen, sind so erfreulich.
04:14Ja, wir lieben die Friedhofsgärtnerei, nicht wahr, Wednesday?
04:18Absolut, ja.
04:20Und Onkel Festers Pflanzenwachstumsspray macht selbst aus der harmlosesten Pflanze
04:25ein lebensbedrohendes Monster.
04:38Ekelhaft und roh.
04:40Ein Pflanzenwachstumsmittel dazu zu benutzen, um...
04:43Was geht da vor?
04:45Oh nein, die Stacheln fliegen direkt auf mich zu.
04:47Oh nein!
04:51Kinder, ich brauche eure Hilfe.
04:53Was ist denn, Granny?
04:55Also, ich habe einigen meiner Kunden ein Unglück vorausgesagt.
04:59Ja, Granny's heißer Tag zur Psychiatrie.
05:02Ihre Zukunft ist ein sehr, sehr großes Unglück.
05:05Unfälle, viel Ärger und Katastrophen.
05:10Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag.
05:14Würdet ihr zwei mir dabei helfen, dass meine Prophezeiungen eintreffen?
05:20Bedeutet das vielleicht, dass wir die schwarzen Katzen wieder freilassen dürfen?
05:23Natürlich, ihr müsst euch aber beeilen.
05:27Die Pflicht ruft.
05:29Aber Kinder, was ist mit unserer Gartenarbeit?
05:32Mutter, die Gartenarbeit läuft uns doch nicht weg.
05:34Ja, Katastrophen verursachen, macht viel mehr Spaß.
05:39Glaubst du auch, dass Katastrophen mehr Spaß machen, Händchen?
05:47Gomez, ich muss mit dir reden.
05:52Oh, Gomez, du bist so süß.
05:56Oh, Gomez, du hast ja eine wunderschöne, bezaubernde Waschküchenrutsche gebaut.
06:00Eiskaltes Händchen und ich, wir probieren sie jetzt aus, Tisch.
06:04Los geht's!
06:06Klasse, Butche!
06:08Oh, Gomez.
06:12Darling, bist du in Ordnung?
06:17Tisch, das war ein neuer Weltrekord.
06:19Und rate mal, was wir in der Wäsche vom verstorbenen Onkel Gonner gefunden haben.
06:24Onkel Gonner. Kein Wunder, dass die Laken so streng rochen.
06:30Schatz, ich habe ein Problem mit den Kindern.
06:33Unseren Kindern? Du hast ein Problem mit unseren Kindern?
06:36Augenblick mal, haben sie schon wieder Mr. Morton's Tiger angemalt?
06:40Ja, mal schade, sie sah so gut aus in grün.
06:43Gomez, ich mach mir Sorgen.
06:45Die Kinder scheinen einfach keinen Spaß mit mir zu haben.
06:48Sie verbringen ihre meiste Zeit mit Onkel Fester oder Granny oder Lurch,
06:53Hallo, Gomez!
06:54Die kleinen Rabauken und ich haben beschlossen, Hockey zu spielen,
06:57aber ohne Puck. Spielst du mit?
06:59Und was nehmt ihr als Puck?
07:02Niemand hat so einen tollen Schlag wie der alte Lurch.
07:07Mutter, könnten wir bitte das Baden der Vogelspinnen auf morgen verschieben?
07:11Ja, ich liebe das Hockeyspiel mit Lurch und Onkel Fester.
07:19Selbstverständlich, Kinder. Amüsiert euch.
07:21Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß.
07:23Danke, Mom.
07:24Lass uns gehen, Dad.
07:26Tisch, worüber wolltest du mit mir sprechen?
07:29Schon gut, mein Schatz. Genieße dein Spiel.
07:37Ah, Tisch, es war ein herrliches Spiel, stimmt's, Kinder?
07:40Absolute klasse, Vater.
07:42Ja, bis unser Puck im Gully verschwand.
07:46Ich dachte, Onkel Fester war euer Puck.
07:49Das war er. Ich schätze, der alte Genießer wird im Augenblick gerade ins Meer gespült.
07:53Er fühlt sich wohl, wenn er...
07:55Tisch, dein Gemälde. Es ist so farbig, so sanft und friedlich.
08:00Bist du etwa krank?
08:01Oh, Gomez, ich...
08:03Übrigens, Mutter, dieser Brief ist heute von der Schule gekommen.
08:07Ja, für mich ist auch einer gekommen.
08:11Liebling, Sie brauchen die Hilfe der Eltern beim Schulunterricht.
08:16Vielleicht kann ich in der Schule Spaß mit Ihnen haben.
08:19Eine großartige Idee, Tisch.
08:21Hier steht, Freiwillige sollen Normina Nommenmeyer anrufen.
08:25Danke, eiskaltes Händchen.
08:27Hallo, Normina, Morticia Adams hier.
08:30Ich würde sehr gerne aushelfen beim Unterricht in der Schule.
08:33Nein, no, nada. Auf gar keinen Fall.
08:36Kommt überhaupt nicht in Frage.
08:38Ist das nicht lieb von Ihnen?
08:40Sie fürchtet sich ja, dass ich mit meinem Zeitplan durcheinander komme,
08:43wenn ich in der Schule aushelfe.
08:45Sie ist eine liebenswerte Nachbarin.
08:47Aber Spaß mit den Kindern zu haben, ist sehr viel wichtiger.
08:50Ich werde es tun.
08:53Mann, die Jungs von der Marine wissen wirklich, wie man sich amüsiert.
09:01Kinder, hört auf mit euren Elektroexperimenten
09:04und begrüßt unsere neue Hilfslehrerin, Mrs. Morticia Adams.
09:09Guten Morgen, Mrs. Adams.
09:12Hallo, Mutter.
09:14Es ist Zeit für den heutigen Musikunterricht.
09:16Wir singen das Lied unserer Stadt.
09:18Wir wünschen einen fröh-fröh-fröhlichen Tag.
09:21Oh, Mr. Gooben, macht es Ihnen was aus, wenn ich die Musik spiele?
09:24Nein, überhaupt nicht, Mrs. Adams.
09:26Und eins und zwei und...
09:30Mrs. Adams.
09:32Oh, mein Freund, gefällt es Ihnen nicht?
09:37Ich verstehe. Es war ein wenig zu flau.
09:40Und eins und zwei und...
09:45C'est magnifique.
09:47Tis, das ist französisch.
09:49Schatz, wir sind doch in der Schule.
09:52Richtig, wir sehen uns bei den Hausaufgaben.
09:55Deine Mutter kratzt einen fetzigen Sound Wednesday.
09:58Am besten quietscht sie mit einem Ballon.
10:01Mrs. Adams, wir müssen uns unterhalten.
10:04Passt auf, Kinder.
10:06Mrs. Adams ist hier, um uns zu zeigen, wie man Haustiere erzieht.
10:09Mrs. Blossom, I would like you to know how much Pugsley enjoys her lessons.
10:14Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you very much, Pugsley.
10:18You're welcome.
10:20So, would you like to see a well-behaved pet? Yes?
10:25But please remember, it is very, very shy.
10:28Be nice to it.
10:30Here, Snappy.
10:36Hi, Snappy.
10:40How strange. It must be lunchtime.
10:43I'll go to the canteen and help with the cooking.
10:52Mrs. Adams, did you prepare the food?
10:59Please excuse me, Mr. Director McNamara.
11:02Mother, I think the director thinks you've helped enough for one day.
11:06But Wednesday...
11:08Is that all, sir?
11:11I'll see you at home, Mother.
11:15I... well, I guess I'll have a little share in the school life.
11:56Uh, I'm Director McNamara.
11:59Is Mrs. Adams home?
12:01Follow me.
12:10Mr. Director McNamara.
12:14Mr. Director McNamara, what are you doing here?
12:17He probably wants to accept my offer.
12:19I'm planning a crematorium next to the school.
12:21Isn't that right, McNamara, old boy?
12:23Actually, I wanted to apologize for my overreaction
12:27and bring you back the food, dear Mrs. Adams.
12:30Thank you for helping, even if it didn't work out so well.
12:34Oh, come on, McNamara. It couldn't have been that bad, could it?
12:37Oh, yes, it was bad. Very bad.
12:40Even mega bad.
12:42La Mina's right.
12:44I think I left the kids at home, too.
12:47Pugsley hasn't spoken to me since I got home.
12:50Oh, dear. But only because he's playing with his sister, darling.
12:53Isn't that right, Pugsley?
12:56Would you like to join us, McNamara?
12:58Uh, no, thank you. I have to go.
13:00I have to find someone to host the schnitzel hunt tomorrow evening.
13:03Mr. Morton can't. He's sick.
13:09Tish, that's it. You're a perfect hostess.
13:12What? You?
13:14You have the same clever mind as your husband.
13:17You don't want Morticia to help at school
13:19so that she has time to organize the schnitzel hunt.
13:23Aha! That's what I thought.
13:27Last time we had a lot of fun.
13:29We had to find Aunt Krusty and finally dug her out in the garden.
13:32Yes, right. And she was so upset
13:34that she went back to the garden after the schnitzel hunt.
13:37She can't organize the hunt.
13:40If you want to organize it yourself, we won't stand in your way.
13:43Well, do you want to?
13:45Uh, no. Norman is at home and is painting an undergarment painting on the ceiling.
13:50He mustn't be disturbed.
13:52Well, since it's so short-term, I'll accept your offer.
13:55Thank you, Mr. McNamara.
13:58This is the perfect opportunity to have fun with my children.
14:04Wow, it's really cool that we're hosting the schnitzel hunt in your house.
14:08I'm glad my mother volunteered.
14:11I'm not so sure, Einstein.
14:13Although it was very refreshing to see Mother as a nuisance.
14:19Ah, thank you, little chicken.
14:21Maybe it would be smart if Mother kept away from school activities.
14:30Because she just doesn't fit in there.
14:32Let's go, kids. Come on.
14:36Watch out. The first team to find every item on the list wins.
14:41Cool, I've got number one here.
14:43A cold-blooded man in a trench coat.
14:46Where are we supposed to find something like that?
14:49I thought you'd never ask.
14:54Now come and catch me.
15:00Oh, Gomez, isn't it wonderful?
15:03Uncle Fester is being chased by an excited mob through the whole house.
15:08I'm sure he's enjoying it. It's just too stupid.
15:10They need forklifts and torches.
15:12Then it would really be a successful perfect evening.
15:19Next, there are cut-off fingernails on the list.
15:23I know, come with me.
15:25You, cold-blooded chicken, will you give me some nails?
15:33Thank you.
15:36The next task is an Alaskan igloo.
15:42Hey, Lurch, do you know if there's an igloo from Alaska nearby?
15:50Do you know where we can get one?
15:53Wait here.
16:03Thank you, Lurch.
16:07Well, well, Morticia Adams thinks she's going to be the Queen of Schnitzeljagd.
16:14Then I'll make sure that her expectations don't come true.
16:21Watch out, just watch out.
16:23Morticia, just wait until Director McNamara sees this.
16:33Task number 33. Get a huge shower head.
16:37Marie and I will do it.
16:41Fat It, can I talk to you?
16:47Will you lend me your shower head?
16:53Thank you, Fat It, thank you.
16:58Yes, wonderful. The hood is nice and dirty and full of mold.
17:02Oh, wait a minute. Task number 34.
17:10Oh, Gomez, so far the children have collected sugar syrup, canvas and a bag full of these funny things that grow on Uncle Festus' feet.
17:18The children have a lot of fun, dear Mr. McNamara.
17:21I'm sure you'll have a party next year.
17:24Merci beaucoup, chéri.
17:26Tch, that's French.
17:29Charles de Gaulle, say something.
17:32Darling, now Schnitzeljagd, Charles de Gaulle later.
17:37Oh yes, you're right. I'll wait.
17:42Now we just have to collect a thorny vine.
17:47Hey, how about a guy wrapped in razor-sharp barbed wire?
17:51That's not on the list, Uncle Festus.
17:54It's not on the list? Oh, damn it.
17:57Then keep wrapping, Lurch. We'll enjoy the festival in our own way.
18:07Oh yes, oh yes.
18:09Now we just have to do the last task.
18:15Oh, darling, huge thorny vines are running through our whole house.
18:19Oh, Tiff, you always know how to make a good time even better.
18:23That wasn't my idea.
18:26Oh, how did you come up with that?
18:29Yes, me, me, me.
18:32Aha, a great reply, yes.
18:40Mr. Adams, what's going on here?
18:42Some problem, McNamara.
18:44You act as if you've never seen a house full of thorny vines before.
18:48Grab a sword, prove your will to defend.
18:52Stop it right now.
18:54All right, Mr. McNamara, we've had enough fun for today.
18:58Ice cold, my eye drops.
19:02Thank you, ice cold chicken.
19:08Well done, Mom, that was cool.
19:11Mrs. Adams, you, you...
19:14Here, read this.
19:15Thank you.
19:16You have threatened all the students.
19:18You stood by and watched as the children of our city were threatened by wild vines.
19:24That is inhuman.
19:27Did you hear, Tiff?
19:28When was the last time I called someone inhuman?
19:30You, my darling, last night.
19:32It was wonderful.
19:34From now on, I banish you, Mrs. Adams, from all school activities.
19:38Oh, no.
19:40I'm afraid you leave me no other choice.
19:42It's pointless.
19:45Every time I try to have fun with children, it just doesn't work.
19:51Mrs. Adams, did you really plan this schnitzel hunt all by yourself?
19:55Yes, I...
19:56It was the best hunt we've ever had.
20:01Can you do it again next year, Mom?
20:05Just look at the cool stuff we've found.
20:07Where can a child find a huge pile of dirt?
20:11Nothing happened, Mr. McNamara.
20:14Mother's vines were just for entertainment.
20:17Well, I...
20:19You know the old saying, McNamara.
20:22Just leave the children in a room full of huge vines,
20:25and you'll find out how much fun they have.
20:28Now, Mrs. Adams, would you be willing to organize the hunt next year?
20:33I'd love to.
20:36Normina Norman-Meyer, these vines were your idea, weren't they?
20:40Well, I...
20:42I want to thank you for helping me make this hunt a huge success.
20:47We wouldn't have made it without your deep hatred for our families.
20:51Don't worry, we'll prove it to you one day.
20:54I've already proven myself.
20:57You're a fan of my plant growth formula,
21:00and that's why I sprayed your rose bushes.
21:06Bye, Mom.
21:08You don't think I'm going to let this unusual fun go to waste, do you?
21:13Mom, that was the best fun we've ever had.
21:16You mean you had a lot of fun?
21:19Yes, Mother. We always have fun with you.
21:22Only in a different way than with everyone else.
21:25That's what makes it so special.
21:28And your hugs are the best in the whole world.
21:32No one can make the spine of a person as great as you, Mother.
21:37Tish, that calls for an Adams family dance.
21:40May I suggest the wounded, rich tango?
21:44But Fester, it's not broccoli season.
21:47Oh, yes. How about the razor, Batusi?
21:50You win, Fester.
21:52Play the music!
21:59Straight through the bones, people!
