Piccole Donne - Ep 26 - Primavera a Concord

  • 2 months ago
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00:00[♪ music begins ♪ ♪ and continues throughout video ♪ ♪
01:00Finally it has stopped snowing and it is one of those beautiful warm mornings so rare
01:27in winter.
01:29Joe carries a beehive on his back, which is still weak after the long illness, while
01:35Meg, as always, tries to cook some sweets and, as usual, it burns.
01:49Lori has gone to look for a hive.
01:52In fact, there are only two days left until Christmas.
01:59Ciao, Emily.
02:00Ciao, Lori.
02:04Ciao a tutti.
02:05Vi ho portato l'albero di Natale.
02:07Grazie, Lori.
02:09Avete in mente qualcosa quest'anno o pensate di organizzare di nuovo una recita?
02:13No, niente teatro.
02:16Ah, ho trovato.
02:17Prepariamo qualcosa per vostro padre che torna a casa.
02:19Potremmo organizzargli un'accoglienza trionfale.
02:22Si, hai ragione.
02:23Potremmo mettere delle fiaccole dal cancello fino all'ingresso.
02:26No, non mi piace proprio.
02:28Che peccato.
02:29Se non fossi così debole, potremmo fare una recita come abbiamo sempre fatto.
02:33Non c'è bisogno che ti scusi, Beth.
02:35Diglielo anche tu, Amy.
02:37Eppure mi sento molto triste perché non posso aiutarvi.
02:40Non devi demoralizzarti, Beth.
02:42Non è colpa tua se ti sei ammalata.
02:44È vero, Lori ha ragione.
02:45Troveremo qualche altra cosa per festeggiare il Natale.
02:47Vedrai, sarà comunque bellissimo.
02:49Dobbiamo soprattutto festeggiare papà.
02:51Ah, stai tranquilla, non me ne dimenticherò.
02:55Sarà magnifico.
02:57Posso aiutare anch'io?
02:58Certo che puoi, Amy.
03:05Tu e Joe avete già qualche idea per festeggiare Natale quest'anno?
03:08Si, ci abbiamo già pensato.
03:10Ah, bene.
03:11Non vedo l'ora di sapere di che si tratta.
03:13Vedrai, vi divertirete.
03:14Joe e io siamo un po' preoccupati per Beth.
03:16Ha sempre un'aria triste.
03:17Hai qualche idea per divertirla un po'?
03:19Si, l'ho notato anch'io.
03:21Ci siamo ripromessi di preparare qualcosa per farla contenta.
03:24Mi fa molta pena, è sempre così triste.
03:26È vero, voglio vedere Beth sorridere di nuovo come faceva prima.
03:30Chissà cosa potrebbe farle piacere.
03:32Ah, senti, Lori, mi è venuta un'idea.
03:34Bene, dimmela subito.
03:40Beth, mentre stavo a casa di zia Marcia ho pensato di fare testamento.
03:44Hai fatto testamento?
03:47Si, ho scritto che lascero a te le mie bambole, il mio scrigno, i miei colletti di pizzo.
03:53E tutte queste cose sono per me?
03:55Si, perchè sono sempre stata egoista con te.
03:57E a Joe?
03:59Il mio calamaio di bronze, per farmi perdonare di aver bruciato i suoi manoscritti
04:03le lascero anche il mio prezioso coniglio di gesso.
04:05Il tuo prezioso coniglio di gesso.
04:10Venite voi due, tutto pronto.
04:12Si, già, ma io non ho ancora fame.
04:14Devi mangiare se vuoi riprendere forza e stare bene.
04:17Ha preparato tutto Meg.
04:19Su, ti prenderò in braccio.
04:22Va bene.
04:23Avanti, sali.
04:29Oh, ci sei andato, Lori?
04:31Si, nonno.
04:33Ah, questo deve rimanere un segreto fra noi due.
04:35Non devi dirlo a nessuno fino a Natale.
04:38E un'altra cosa, posso sapere che cosa stai progettando per Natale?
04:41Senti, nonno.
04:43Visto che questo è un segreto tra noi due,
04:45anche quello che sto organizzando per Natale con Joe rimarrà un segreto.
05:12Scendo subito.
05:26Beth, sveglia, è meraviglioso.
05:28Beth, svegliati su.
05:29Cos'è successo?
05:30Presto, vieni a vedere in giardino.
05:32Spiegami, Amy, cosa c'è in giardino?
05:34Non ti dico niente, lo vedrai da te, svelta.
05:39Joe, Amy si è precipitata da me e mi ha svegliato.
05:42Che cosa succede, Joe?
05:44E una sorpresa.
05:45Oggi è la vigilia di Natale, dobbiamo decorare l'albero.
05:51Ecco qua.
05:54Che meraviglia.
05:58Joe, che bella principessa di neve, l'hai fatta tu.
06:01Mi ha aiutata anche Lori.
06:03E stata molto brava.
06:04Lori, vuoi portare per favore il regalo per Beth?
06:14Siediti qui.
06:18Qui c'è della bella frutta per Beth, l'ape operaia della famiglia Marcia.
06:22Dei fiori colorati, perchè sappiamo che ti piacciono tanto.
06:25E uno spartito, cosi non ti dimenticherai come si suona il piano.
06:29Grazie a tutti.
06:30Ma cosa c'è nel paniere?
06:33Nel paniere col nastro rosso, c'è del gelato,
06:37l'ha preparato Meg con le sue mani.
06:39E il nastro rosso per decorare la coda del tuo gattino.
06:42Sei contenta?
06:47E infine c'è il regalo di Lori.
06:49Una bellissima coperta colorata per avvolgere i piedi alla principessa.
06:52Prendi, lei tua.
06:54Grazie, Lori.
06:56Grazie, Joe.
06:57Grazie, Amy.
06:58Grazie, Meg.
06:59Voglio guarire più in fretta possibile.
07:01Lo spero proprio, Beth.
07:07Allora il vostro misterioso segreto era dunque la principessa di neve che c'è in giardino.
07:11Grazie, signor Loris.
07:13Ah, non deve ringraziare me, io non ho fatto niente.
07:16Joe e Lori hanno fatto tutto tenendomi all'oscuro.
07:18Io l'ho saputo solo questa mattina, come voi.
07:21Anch'io sono rimasta sorpresa, quando l'avete fatta?
07:24Stanotte Lori e io abbiamo lavorato di nascosto.
07:28Joe, non ce la faccio, riposiamoci un po'.
07:30Che cosa stai dicendo?
07:31Sbrigati, o comincerà ad albeggiare.
07:33Non vedi il cielo?
07:40Tutta la notte.
07:41Chissà quanto freddo.
07:43Beh, un po'.
07:44Lori voleva smettere quando non eravamo ancora arrivati a metà della voda.
07:47No, non volevo fermarmi.
07:48Volevo solo riposarmi un po'.
07:50Ero stancato.
07:51E tu?
07:55No, non volio fermarmi.
07:56Volevo solo riposarmi un po'.
07:57Ero stancomorto, furia di spalare neve.
07:59Sembrava che fosse sul punto di svenire, povero Lori.
08:02Diciamo che Joe ti abbattuto ancora.
08:05Sei impossibile!
08:22Oh, è la mamma.
08:25Something for us!
08:32Welcome back!
08:34Here I am.
08:35Mom, is that a gift for me?
08:37Yes, but you can't have it now.
08:39Come on, be a good girl.
08:40It's true, sorry.
08:44Oh, Mr. Lawrence!
08:46Good morning, Mrs. Marge.
08:48I was very curious to see what Laurie and Joe had planned.
08:51Have you seen how handsome Mr. Lawrence is?
08:53Meg, Joe, hurry up and finish the tree,
08:55otherwise we won't be able to put the gifts under it.
08:57Come on, girls.
08:58Oh, I was so distracted, I forgot about it.
09:00Amy, Meg, let's finish it quickly.
09:03Joe, can I help you?
09:05Of course you can.
09:06You'll put the decorations in place.
09:08I'll give you a hand too.
09:15What do you think? Isn't it beautiful?
09:17It's wonderful, Amy.
09:19Christmas doesn't have a meaning
09:21without a golden star on the tip of the tree.
09:23Joe, do you remember last year?
09:25You didn't help us because you were out skating.
09:27Really? I don't remember.
09:29You came back late and had to ride the saddle.
09:32It's true, I remember it well too.
09:34Are you serious?
09:35Are you sure?
09:38Oh yeah?
09:41This time you left Joe speechless.
09:43Damn, if they still remember him.
10:00Maybe I'm wrong, but is this Casamarce?
10:02Of course.
10:05It may be a little early,
10:07but I have a Christmas present for you.
10:15Here's your present, look.
10:21Oh, my love.
10:38My dear.
10:40I love you.
10:47My love.
10:54You're finally here.
10:56Welcome back, my love.
10:58My treasure.
11:04I'm so happy.
11:05Thank you, Lori.
11:06Thank you, Mr. Brooke.
11:08Thank you, Mr. Lawrence.
11:11I'm so grateful to you.
11:13I'm happy too.
11:14This will be our most beautiful Christmas Eve.
11:21Although it is Christmas Eve,
11:23it seems that in Casamarce,
11:25spring has already exploded
11:27with all its load of joy and happiness.
11:30It's a really happy evening.
11:33The four sisters, the parents, their guests,
11:36and even the cat,
11:38will never forget it for the rest of their lives.
11:44John, you have been very kind.
11:46I thank you with all my heart.
11:48Best wishes, my friend.
11:50To you too, ma'am.
11:54You see, they're all happy.
12:00See, Mom, they're all happy.
12:09I can't stand it.
12:10I hate any man who takes me away from Benke.
12:15Listen, Joe.
12:17Don't you think that last Christmas
12:19was a lot sadder than this?
12:21Yes, you're right, Meg.
12:23This has also been a good year, don't you think?
12:25I wouldn't say so.
12:27I think it's been a particularly hard and difficult year.
12:30Are you really sure, Amy?
12:32But now that Dad's back,
12:33I'm sure all the problems will be solved.
12:35Do you agree?
12:37While I was at war,
12:38my children had to deal with bigger problems than them.
12:41But you did it on your own.
12:42I'm happy to have four little girls again.
12:44How can you say that about us?
12:46Mom told you that.
12:50I understand that by looking at you.
12:52It's the grass that shows the direction of the wind.
12:54What do you mean, Dad?
12:56Let me see your hands, Meg.
12:57What? My hands?
13:01From the hands of a person,
13:02you can understand a lot of things.
13:04Your hands were soft and white when I left.
13:06Now they're rough and dark,
13:08and you're even burnt.
13:10This means that you've tried to make yourself useful at home,
13:12and you've abandoned your vanity.
13:14Rather than white hands,
13:16which is why they're always rough,
13:18I respect much more the hands that work,
13:20and that don't forget to give affection.
13:22Thank you, Meg.
13:26And what do you say about Joe, Dad?
13:28You've also given yourself a lot to do, you know?
13:31Joe, my little monkey.
13:33I realize that the little boy from a year ago is no longer there.
13:36Now Joe scrupulously ties his shoelaces,
13:39doesn't whistle anymore,
13:41and doesn't scream like a boy anymore.
13:43He's even lost weight after all the sleepless nights
13:45spent caring for you so lovingly, Meg.
13:48He bought a candy that I didn't know,
13:50and he's become like his sisters.
13:52I feel a little lonely now
13:54that the little monkey we had has disappeared.
13:56In his place, we have another young lady,
13:58aware of what she's doing.
14:00I don't know if our black sheep
14:02has gotten fat after being tosed.
14:05But I know that for me, there was nothing more beautiful
14:07and more precious than the money that Joe sent me,
14:10taking away something that was very dear to her.
14:12Thank you, Joe.
14:17And now it's Beth's turn.
14:20Beth, unfortunately, has gone through some bad times,
14:22and she's become weaker and weaker.
14:24I'm afraid she'll have to slip out of my arms
14:26from one moment to the next.
14:27But finally, I'm back.
14:29I ask the Lord to help me to keep you with me forever.
14:32I want to look at your face
14:34and hear you play the piano.
14:36Dad, I'm so happy now.
14:38And now we'll think of Amy.
14:40Amy has learned to worry about others
14:42before herself.
14:44Now you're not in a hurry to take
14:46the best piece of meat on the table
14:48and give it to others.
14:50You don't spend most of your time in front of the mirror anymore.
14:53You don't go around bragging about your ring.
14:55You try to correct your flaws.
14:57I'm very proud of you.
15:00You've become a good little girl, Amy.
15:02I'm also happy with your progress,
15:04and especially with the fact that you're helping Mom,
15:06for what you can, of course.
15:08I'm proud of you, and I'm very grateful.
15:26But look!
15:30Who forgot it?
15:34Meg, who is this?
15:36It's Mr. Brooke's umbrella.
15:38Oh, I didn't know.
15:42Meg, what are your intentions with Mr. Brooke?
15:45What intentions do you want me to have?
15:47I have nothing to say to him for now.
15:49Mom and Dad still think I'm too young
15:51to tie myself permanently to someone.
15:53So have you already given him an answer?
15:55I told him that I appreciate his interest,
15:57but after talking to Dad,
15:59I've decided that I'm too young to get engaged.
16:01I prefer to remain friends, as we've always been.
16:03Luckily! I really hope you can do it.
16:06Why shouldn't I?
16:10I'm coming!
16:18Good morning.
16:19Yesterday I forgot my umbrella.
16:21Can I go and get it?
16:23Tell me, how is your father, Miss Jones?
16:25The umbrella is there, Mr. Brooke.
16:27I'll let Dad know you're here.
16:29Amy, come here!
16:36Good morning, Mr. Brooke.
16:38Hello, Amy.
16:46One moment, I'll go and get Mom.
16:49Please, stay, Meg.
16:51I don't want to bother you,
16:53but at least tell me if you have sympathy for me.
16:55I've been coming here almost every day
16:57just to see you.
16:59I love you.
17:01I'm... I'm too young.
17:04All right, Meg.
17:05Then I'll wait until you feel ready.
17:07Can I wait for you?
17:09No, you don't have to.
17:11Go now, Mr. Brooke. Please, go.
17:13What? I really have to go?
17:15You're not serious?
17:16Of course I'm serious.
17:17You see, I don't feel safe yet.
17:19Don't torment me like this anymore.
17:21Very well said, Meg.
17:23You must forget him.
17:31Good heavens!
17:35What's going on here now?
17:37Good morning, Mrs. March.
17:43You scared me, Aunt March.
17:45I was talking to a friend of Dad's.
17:47I'm sorry I made him run away.
17:49But why are you so angry, Meg?
17:51I'm not angry.
17:53Mr. Brooke just came to get his umbrella.
17:55So this is the famous Mr. Brooke.
17:57I understand.
17:59So, given your reaction, you want to marry him.
18:01I hope you've rejected him, Meg.
18:03Because if you hadn't,
18:05I'll tell you that you won't even have a penny from me.
18:07But Aunt, you have no right
18:09to meddle in my affairs.
18:11I'll marry whoever I want.
18:15I'm free to decide my life or not.
18:17How can you be so stupid not to understand?
18:19He's poor.
18:21He's put his eyes on you
18:23because you have a very rich relative.
18:25What a horrible thing you're saying, Aunt.
18:27John would never do such a thing.
18:29Now he's become John.
18:31You can call him by his name.
18:33I don't need your money.
18:35We'll work.
18:37We won't be scared of poverty.
18:39Now that I know for sure that John loves me,
18:41I'll marry him.
18:43There's nothing more to do.
18:45Do whatever you want.
18:47There's no need to worry about you.
18:49Whatever happens, I'll let you know.
18:51Don't turn to me for help.
19:01Meg, thank you for defending me.
19:03You know, John,
19:05until Aunt said those horrible things about you,
19:07I didn't realize
19:09how much I really loved you.
19:11Then will you allow me to stay a little longer?
19:13Of course, I promise you, John.
19:17Thank you, my dear Meg.
19:27Joe, you came to congratulate us,
19:29didn't you?
19:31Yes, yes, that's right.
19:33One moment, please.
19:35I'm going to call Mom and Dad.
19:37This is really happening.
19:45Take care of Meg.
19:47She's still so young.
19:49Don't worry, Mr. March.
19:51She'll be fine, I assure you.
19:57Congratulations, Meg.
20:05Oh, my God.
20:07They don't know what I'm going through.
20:09They're all so crazy.
20:11And they don't realize
20:13that terrible man is taking our Meg away.
20:15I hope at least you can understand me.
20:21Joe, where did our writer go?
20:23She'll be right back, Mr. Lawrence.
20:29Hi, Joe.
20:31I'm so happy that Meg is engaged.
20:33Me, not at all.
20:35But what can I do?
20:37It will be very difficult for me to separate from Meg.
20:39We'll be together.
20:41Joe, I don't know if I can comfort you,
20:43but I've decided that I'll stay with you
20:45for the rest of my life.
20:47I love you so much.
20:49Thank you, Laurie. You're a friend.
21:03Despite Joe's displeasure
21:05about Meg's engagement to Mr. Brook,
21:07his heart is filled with tenderness
21:09looking at the new couple.
21:13To make even happier
21:15the last events of the March family,
21:17even spring
21:19has now almost decided to return.
21:37To be continued...
22:07If you take a butterfly
22:09on a flower
22:11let it go
22:15If you see a snail
22:17in the middle of the lawn
22:19don't crush it
22:23We all have a heart
22:25to live in the world
22:27We all have a heart
22:29of gold or silver
22:31to sing to the wind
22:33in freedom
22:37We all have a heart
22:39of gold or silver
22:41to sing to the wind
22:43in freedom
22:45We all have a heart
22:47of gold or silver
22:49to sing to the wind
22:51in freedom
22:53We all have a heart
22:55of gold or silver
22:57to sing to the wind
22:59in freedom
23:01We all have a heart
23:03of gold or silver