Vivir de Amor Capítulo 120 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Vivir de Amor Capítulo 120 Completo HD
00:00What could that idiot Bruno say to you?
00:03Bruno says he has important information
00:05and he's willing to tell me.
00:10That bastard could be my mother's killer.
00:12He's desperate to get out of jail.
00:15Do you think he won't lie to you?
00:17He'd do or say anything to save himself.
00:19I know, I know. You're right.
00:21But the company is at great risk
00:24and could have serious financial problems
00:26if the DEA doesn't do something.
00:28Calm down, Jose Emilio.
00:30Look, give me a couple of days
00:33to give you the evaluation of the results you asked for.
00:36A couple of days?
00:37Yes, so we can evaluate the situation
00:40in the cooperative, Jose Emilio.
00:43I respect your loto,
00:44but I want to think you've made some progress
00:47in that report because I asked for it a few days ago
00:49and I want to see it.
00:51I see that nothing I say is important to you.
00:53I always distrust everything I do or say.
00:56But what could go wrong, according to you, Cousin?
01:06Tomorrow is going to be a very important day
01:09because we'll know the results of the biopsy.
01:13I'm asking you if you want us to have a good time tonight.
01:21Let's forget about everything.
01:23About the fear, the uncertainty,
01:27and everything that may come after tomorrow.
01:31Yes, I do.
01:33Yes, I do.
01:34In that case...
01:35Oh, you're so beautiful.
01:40Thank you so much.
01:42You're always so detailed.
01:45Thank you so much.
01:46Well, the first thing we're going to do
01:50Thank you so much.
01:51Well, the first goal has been achieved, Cristina.
01:56I managed to get a smile out of you.
01:59Thank you.
02:01Thank you for always being by my side,
02:03especially when I need you the most.
02:05Thank you.
02:06You're so cute.
02:12Your father's recipe is delicious.
02:14I don't know if we should change it,
02:16but what do you think?
02:19You're right, Renato.
02:22Let's leave it at that. This will be our proposal.
02:29Agent Corral, all the information I have
02:32is included in this envelope.
02:40It says that a business investment
02:43made a loan to the corporation.
02:44That's right.
02:46I want you to investigate as much as you can
02:48about that company.
02:51I have to hide all the information
02:53that Jose Emilio is looking for.
02:55They can't find out that I'm behind the stock market company.
02:59Or I won't have any future in the corporation.
03:09If Bruno decides to talk,
03:11I'll have everything prepared
03:13so Jose Emilio thinks I planned everything.
03:16Either way, he's going to rot in jail.
03:31We're finally back. Where did everyone go?
03:34Grab this.
03:35I sent them to rest, Mr. Fatima.
03:37They were really busy all day
03:40cleaning up the irrigation system
03:43so the plants don't die.
03:47Don't call it bad luck, Domingo.
03:48That would be the end of the hydroponic crops project.
03:52I got the results of the water analysis
03:55and they detected very high levels of acid.
03:57That's why it's urgent that we check plant by plant
04:01to separate the intoxicated from the healthy.
04:04We don't want to lose all the harvest.
04:07That's true.
04:08With a rotten apple, you can't care for the rest.
04:11We won't allow that, Domingo.
04:13We're going to clean the pumps and the irrigation system
04:16with our own hands.
04:17That's how we'll get through the night.
04:19Let's stop talking and get to work, please.
04:21Let's go.
04:23Connect the pump, please.
04:25Let's go.
04:30Are we done?
04:31I think you need to go rest now.
04:33Yes, I get tired faster when I'm pregnant
04:36and I get very sleepy, but I'm going to rest now.
04:39Thank you.
04:43Jose Emilio might be interested in these pictures.
04:46No, I'm going to need more than just pictures
04:49to stop that wedding.
04:52This is the main house.
04:53Down below, we have the caballerizas
04:55and the crops are over there.
04:57If the thieves hid inside the hacienda,
04:59they're probably here.
05:00It's the most forested and hidden area.
06:02I'm not in the mood, Adolfo.
06:05I'm very grateful that you're trying to make me feel better,
06:09but I'm sorry.
06:11I'm sorry.
06:12I'm not in the best of moods right now, Adolfo.
06:16I'm sorry.
06:17No, don't say that.
06:18Come, sit down, sit down.
06:21Please, Cristina.
06:23Right now, the most important, the only thing that matters
06:28is your health.
06:33Do you realize that biopsy and all the studies they did
06:38could be a death sentence for me?
06:43For the first time, I feel a terrible impotence.
06:48I feel like I have no control over my life.
06:51You know?
06:53That nothing or no one can assure me anything.
06:56Absolutely nothing.
06:58You're the only one.
07:03I have cancer, Adolfo.
07:09I have cancer.
07:16It was so easy to find you without the guards.
07:20Yeah, man.
07:21There aren't that many robbers here.
07:22They're kind of distracted.
07:26Since everyone's busy with the planting right now,
07:29we can go inside when we feel like it.
07:32Let's go.
07:33Let's go.
07:34Let's go.
07:35Let's go!
07:48We have to close all the doors,
07:49except the main one, so the police can get in.
07:52You stay and watch that entrance.
07:54Nel, there are many doors and windows.
07:56If we don't speed up, we won't get a chance.
07:58Come on.
08:01Matilde, Ryan and his gang just got inside the house.
08:05Hey, guys.
08:06What if we split up so it's faster?
08:09No, no.
08:10If you split up, there's a better chance
08:12they'll see Gabriel and Lucas.
08:14That's true.
08:15Nel, Axel, the truth is we have time.
08:18It's better for us to stay together
08:20and go through each room.
08:22There are a lot of valuable things, look.
08:25We can't leave without all of them, right?
08:28Come on.
08:29Come on.
08:59Come on.
09:08We got it.
09:09Everything is set up here.
09:11Let's go to the office to see if there's any trouble.
09:14Let's go.
09:18They're coming.
09:21They're coming.
09:23They're coming.
09:24Stay where you are.
09:27Let's go.
09:28Let's go.
09:29Let's go.
09:53What are you doing here?
09:55Please don't hurt us!
09:58Please help!
10:00It's Javi.
10:01They found us.
10:02Let's go.
10:03Please don't hurt us!
10:04Shut up, you coward!
10:05Shut up or I'll kill the clown!
10:07Shut up!
10:08Shut up or I'll kill the clown!
10:10Now get up, I have to take you to Brennan.
10:12Get up!
10:13Get up!
10:14Let go of me!
10:15Get up!
10:16Shut up!
10:17Shut up!
10:27Nero Borrillo.
10:33Let's go, let's go, let's go.
10:36Let's go, let's go, let's go.
10:39Let's go.
10:40Don't move.
10:42Let's go, let's go, let's go.
10:43Don't move!
10:49It's time to take definitive action
10:51so that Angeli's wedding doesn't take place.
10:54If I'm not happy, you won't be either, Angeli.
10:59And that's all I care about, ruining your stupid life.
11:03Hotel Del Rio, good evening.
11:08I sent the company that made the loan to investigate.
11:11I want to know how they operate.
11:13Yes, honey, it's a great decision.
11:15It's better to know who they're negotiating with.
11:17I want to discuss with them the conditions of the debt
11:20before they're interested in the wedding.
11:23I don't think the Rivero-Cuellar corporation
11:25could have been affected.
11:26It's a very solid company.
11:28Honey, since the fraud we suffered,
11:31we haven't been able to recover.
11:34And right now, we depend on the extra orders
11:37to pay the loan that Misael got.
11:40That's why I can't allow the debt to continue to grow.
11:44Didn't I tell you that Bruno called me?
11:47He offered me information on the loan
11:49in exchange for the company's interest.
11:52Yes, and maybe I should go see him
11:54to find out what he has to tell me.
11:56Honey, there's also something I haven't told you.
11:58It turns out that Bruno raped Sandra that night.
12:02So he was at the tenement
12:04when your Aunt Monica was shot.
12:08So my Aunt Monica's killer isn't Bruno?
12:12So my Aunt Monica's killer isn't Bruno?
12:42I will love you
12:45With the rage of my years
12:48As you taught me to do
12:51With a scream in flesh and blood
12:54I will love you
13:00In silence and in secret
13:03I will love you
13:07Risking my eyes and my heart
13:11I will love you
13:14In the false and in the true
13:17With an open heart
13:20For being something perfect
13:23I will love you
13:26I will love you
13:28I will love you
13:30As it is not allowed
13:33I will love you
13:35I will love you
13:37As no one has ever known
13:41Oh, oh, oh
13:46Because I have decided
13:52I will love you
14:02Let go of me! Let go of me!
14:06Well, since the guys have already left,
14:08in addition to this rascal,
14:10two other young men also participated
14:12who managed to escape.
14:14I think they are called
14:16Brian and Axel.
14:19Look, with this we will raise a report
14:21to start the investigation.
14:23Thank you.
14:24Thank you.
14:38Those criminals must have faced him.
14:40What were they thinking?
14:41What is my fault?
14:43It was my idea.
14:44I had the hope of getting the police
14:46to catch Brian and his gang.
14:47No, engineer, it wasn't just Lucas.
14:49I also wanted to help him.
14:50I wasn't going to leave him alone.
14:51We tried to warn you, dad,
14:53but you weren't at the hacienda.
14:56Honey, the important thing is that
14:58nothing serious happened, don't you think?
15:00The boys avoided the robbery.
15:02And yes, the other criminals escaped,
15:04but at least they stopped one.
15:06And they caught him thanks to Lucas and Gabriel.
15:09They saved us.
15:11They arrived just before
15:13they hurt Mati and me.
15:16Well, I thank you very much
15:18for saving my children.
15:20I will never forget that.
15:22But please don't get involved
15:24in something so dangerous again, man.
15:26You have to let the police do their job,
15:31How do you feel, my love?
15:34Dad, I have to show you something.
15:40Can I move my legs now?
15:57Isabel, what's wrong?
15:58Why do you look like that?
16:01What happened at the office?
16:02Jose Emilio is determined to meddle in my affairs.
16:05But you know what?
16:06I already know how I'm going to solve it.
16:09If there has to be someone responsible
16:11for the fraud of the loan, it's going to be Bruno Fonseca.
16:13Well, that's not a lie either.
16:15He's involved.
16:17Can you believe that this idiot
16:18talked to my cousin to negotiate with him?
16:20He's capable of saying anything to get out of jail.
16:23For now, Jose Emilio refused,
16:25but Bruno will insist until he manages to talk to him.
16:29But I don't think he can help you, Isabel.
16:31That idiot killed your mother.
16:34He's accusing him of everything.
16:36Or is there another suspect?
16:39Bruno is going to rot in jail.
16:42Someone from the office heard him threatening my mother.
16:45He's a bastard.
16:47Damn it, damn it, Isabel.
16:51I can't let that idiot take advantage of me
16:53to end up lying to me.
16:56Yes, as you can hear, comrade.
16:59We had a problem with the irrigation system
17:01that affected the harvest.
17:03But how is it possible, Luciano?
17:05We depend on that production to cover the extra orders
17:08that the company already has hired.
17:12Yes, that's what Fatima told me.
17:15And we really did everything we could to stop the problem.
17:18Buddy, you're worrying me.
17:20How serious is the situation?
17:22Look, don't worry about it.
17:24I don't know how the water tanks
17:26and the irrigation system of the hydroponic crops were contaminated.
17:39What kind of complaint did you make against Bruno Fonseca?
17:42Well, I just said what I saw.
17:47I assure you that I am here to serve you.
17:49I can support you in everything you ask me.
17:51Keep in mind that I have been a very loyal employee,
17:55unlike Bruno and Romina.
17:57And why do you say that, Icaro?
18:00Did you notice that Bruno also committed
18:02some out-of-place movement in the company?
18:06Not yet.
18:08But if you ask me, I can gladly investigate.
18:14Maybe I can trust you.
18:16I'm going to ask you to check sensitive information.
18:20If you find any irregularities with Bruno,
18:23I want you to report it directly to the directors.
18:26Do you understand?
18:35Don't worry about anything.
18:37I already had everything organized
18:39for the wedding to take place in the Rivero Cuellar garden.
18:42But I will make the necessary adjustments
18:45so that you and Jose Emilio have the ceremony
18:48that you deserve here in the restaurant.
18:51I blindly trust the choices you and Tomas make,
18:54because I know everything will be wonderful.
18:58We are very lucky to have you to organize everything.
19:01But I swear that what I care least about is the place,
19:03but the excitement of getting married again with Jose Emilio.
19:08Excuse me.
19:09A messenger just brought this for you, Angeli.
19:11He asked me to give it to you.
19:13Thank you.
19:14Excuse me.
19:18It's a very romantic note from Jose Emilio.
19:23No, no, no.
19:24What is it about?
19:25Let's see.
19:29What is that?
19:30What is it about?
19:31I don't know, Mom.
19:32It's a surprise that Jose Emilio has prepared for me.
19:36Do you want to meet in an hour?
19:39I wish Armando would give me surprises like this.
19:41Oh, no.
19:42Oh, but girl, what are you waiting for?
19:44Run to your beloved's meeting.
19:46Yes, it's true.
19:47I'm leaving.
19:48I love you.
19:49I love you.
19:50And then I'll tell you.
19:52Good luck.
19:54So, did they deliver the first key?
19:59Well, let me know when they've delivered the second one, okay?
20:03Let's see if Jose Emilio gives you this little sister.
20:07Where was Fátima and your useless engineer?
20:10Excuse me, please.
20:11No, no, no.
20:12No, no, no.
20:13No, no, no.
20:15Excuse me, please.
20:16No, no, ma'am.
20:19Sorry, Rebeca is calling.
20:22I'm waiting for the damage report.
20:25And above all, the person responsible.
20:31It can't be.
20:32Rebeca calls him and leaves everything.
20:35He has it well dominated.
20:36It is very likely that your wedding to Jose Emilio arrives with her, huh?
20:39No, no, no.
20:40I hope they don't do it because Rebeca's mere presence
20:43would stress Angeli a lot.
20:44It is impressive that Rebeca, even being amnesic,
20:47continues to cause so much anguish in everyone around her.
20:51The important thing is that your wedding will be carried out with or without Rebeca.
20:57And I'm leaving.
20:58You must call the insurance company.
21:00Excuse me.
21:01Thank you.
21:02See you.
21:07Get ready, Jose Emilio.
21:09It is very likely that Rebeca will appear at your wedding.
21:11Or what are you going to do?
21:12Are you going to deny the entrance to Misael if she arrives with her?
21:22If you want to find out the truth, go to this address.
21:30Maybe Bruno has evidence stored in this place.
21:33Or he's going to get it to me with someone else.
21:35Whatever it is that Bruno brings, brother, you're not going alone.
21:38I'll go with you.
21:42What are you doing here?
21:43I missed you.
21:44I wanted to surprise you that we were going to eat together.
21:48Every day I am more convinced that you are the only thing I have in Misael.
21:54Well, this is our opportunity to start from scratch.
21:57I built a stronger and more solid relationship.
22:01Do you know what I dreamed last night?
22:04That we were getting married.
22:07I want us to be happy.
22:10As happy as Angeli and Jose Emilio.
22:15That's how we're going to be, my love, happy.
22:18We're going to be very happy, I promise you.
22:37You're crazy, my love.
22:43Jose Emilio.
22:50What other surprise do you have for me?
22:58Well, maybe...
23:01I can also surprise you a little.
23:08My love.
23:11The same thing again?
23:12We already had this class, didn't we, Mama G?
23:14Yes, Dorisita, but education and good manners are not learned in one day.
23:19In how long then?
23:22Look, my love, let yourself be carried away by your mother.
23:25We just want you to learn well, well, well,
23:28so that when you go out with Sebas
23:30and go to Angeli and Jose Emilio's wedding,
23:32you leave them well-groomed.
23:34Let's do it. Come on, slow.
23:37I'm sorry, Mama G.
23:39to Angelico's wedding, Emilio.
23:41Make them look good.
23:43Let's do it. Let's go, Lentro.
24:10Matilde was able to move her legs
24:12thanks to the strength and pressure she received.
24:15This is actually a great step forward for her recovery.
24:19So I'm going to walk again?
24:22Yes, and now the therapy will lead you to recover the strength of your legs
24:27so that you can stand up and walk.
24:30I can't believe I'm going to say this, but...
24:34Now it turns out that I have to thank you
24:36for making the absurd decision to catch those animals.
24:41Something good came out of this.
24:46Well, thank you very much for everything, really.
24:49Well, I'll leave you to continue with the therapy.
24:51I have to go to work.
24:53Let me accompany you to the exit
24:55to tell you about the studies I have to do on Matilde.
24:58Well, okay. Take care.
25:00Cheer up, guys. Let's go, Rendo.
25:03Thank you, thank you, thank you both.
25:06You really are the best.
25:08It's you, Javi, and we're fine.
25:11I was able to move my legs.
25:13Well, he didn't do so bad.
25:15Working together was what saved us all.
25:17Shut up.
25:18Does this mean that you two will finally be able to get along?
25:22No, no, no. Do you think I'm going to get along with him?
25:26But yes, we both care that you are safe and happy.
25:30That's all we have in common, Mati.
25:39I'm sorry, girl.
25:40What happens is that I was talking to Mati's therapist
25:43and they gave you the definitive report of losses.
25:47Half of the crops were lost, Luciano.
25:50The red fruits, the legumes, the mushrooms.
25:55We lost half of all our crops.
25:58I still don't understand how something so serious could happen.
26:01Let's see...
26:02It's just that we know the importance of this crop.
26:05Let's see, Fatima.
26:06Believe me, we follow all safety rules.
26:08Also, the irrigation processes at the foot of the letter and...
26:11I can't explain how that acid got to the irrigation tanks.
26:15It's clear to me that there was a lack of control on our part.
26:19Now, I mean, how am I going to face my grandfather?
26:22How is the company going to face this whole problem?
26:25We can't cover the extra orders that were hired.
26:28And if they sue us, what's going to happen?
26:31Between the debt we have and everything...
26:35We're going straight to bankruptcy.
26:37I don't even want to think about how this is going to affect my grandfather's health.
26:58What are you doing here?
27:00They asked me to talk about the registration of the event.
27:03I was hoping to find the representative of the contest, not you.
27:08I understand.
27:10What is this?
27:11What does this mean?
27:15I don't know.
27:19Are you watching the last episodes of...
27:25Let me explain.
27:27How, Jose Emilio?
27:28Didn't you plan all this to meet me here?
27:30Of course not.
27:31What is this?
27:32A revenge?
27:33No, no, no, Jose Emilio.
27:34Don't hit him.
27:35It wasn't Renato.
27:36Do you think I would do something like that?
27:38It was all I wanted.
27:39I received this letter to meet a representative of an event.
27:44We're going to register.
27:46Yes, I also received a message that you supposedly sent me to meet here.
27:50That's why I came, Jose Emilio.
27:52Calm down.
27:53I know Renato is telling the truth.
27:55You also received a message.
27:57They brought you a lie.
28:00This is a trap.
28:03A trap?
28:05I think we all know who did it.
28:22It's great that you came to see me.
28:24Thank you very much, my dear.
28:26For being my best friend, Lolis.
28:29I do it with great pleasure, Pedrito.
28:31In order to see you happy.
28:33Hey, Grandpa Bisco.
28:35How cool is the Sototote garden in the house.
28:39It even looks like a park.
28:41You have to play a lot out there.
28:43More or less.
28:45Well, go play while I make you some jicamas with chili.
28:48Very tasty.
28:50Thank you very much, Juanta.
28:52Come on, come on.
28:53Stop, stop.
28:54Where are you going?
28:55This time I have prepared a surprise for you.
29:00I want to take you to a magical place.
29:04Full of adventures.
29:06A wonderful place.
29:09That's where my grandchildren played when they were children.
29:14Uncle Jose Emilio already told me about that place.
29:17Well, it's up to the top of the house.
29:20It's called Des Van.
29:22Ah, that one.
29:24Well, let's go to Des Van.
29:25Let's go, let's go.
29:26It's up the stairs, right?
29:28Let's go, let's go.
29:29It's up the stairs.
29:31Come in, come in.
29:32Look around here.
29:35This place is full of little holes.
29:38It's great, Grandpa Bisco.
29:42I would come to live here with you.
29:45Well, I would also like to come to live here
29:48because it brings me very nice memories.
29:51And besides, there are no problems here.
29:53It's super cute.
29:55I used to play here many times with my grandchildren.
30:00They were little kids like you.
30:02And, well, Grandpa Bisco used to play here.
30:06Well, to many things.
30:08But especially to the hiding places.
30:11Let's play.
30:16Taran, taran, taran.
30:17You can play, Pedrito.
30:19You can play, too.
30:22Let's see.
30:44Sebastian, have you received the information from the hacienda?
30:48Why haven't they reported to me what happened?
30:50Fatima called and asked for an urgent meeting.
30:52They are about to confirm the time.
30:54It all depends on how long it takes for Jose Emilio to return
30:56because he had to go out.
30:58And now where was my cousin?
30:59Look, the truth is that I don't belong to tell you,
31:02but the wedding of Jose Emilio and Angeli was canceled.
31:06What do you mean it was canceled?
31:08Jose Emilio discovered Angeli hiding with Renato in a hotel.
31:12Do me a favor.
31:15I did it.
31:16Jose Emilio already sent the devil to Angeli.
31:24I would not change this moment for any other, my love.
31:29I could have you sitting in my arms all day.
31:35It seems to me like a dream that tomorrow we are going to get married, my love.
31:41I hope your plan works and that Rebeca sees the lie
31:45that we canceled the wedding.
31:47By this time, Sebastian must have given you the news
31:52and Rebeca must be enjoying the triumph of her feat
31:56because no one takes away from me that all this was your idea.
32:02And if that is true, our suspicions are confirmed
32:04that your amnesia is a lie.
32:07Of course it's a lie.
32:09And I know this makes you nervous,
32:12but I want that day to be the best.
32:16I don't want anyone to overshadow our happiness.
32:21I wish it too.
32:23I hope your plan works, my love.
32:33They canceled their wedding? I can't believe it.
32:36Yes, it's great. I can't believe it either.
32:39Are you sure?
32:40Angeli looked very in love with Jose Emilio.
32:43My sister must be devastated.
32:45Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare the balance for the meeting.
32:53What happened?
32:56Love, things always happen for a reason.
32:59Maybe for good.
33:00I always said that the wedding shouldn't have taken place.
33:04Why or what?
33:07Do you still wonder?
33:09Your mother just died and they were going to celebrate.
33:12What do you think?
33:15Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you anything.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:18But I think it's selfish that they don't care about your pain.
33:21Your mother was right.
33:23You have to take care of everyone.
33:25And you have to prepare very well for that meeting.
33:31Leaving here you will feel tired, Cristina.
33:35You may have a fever or even vomit.
33:39You should go to rest.
33:41Yes, doctor. I'll do it after my meeting because I can't miss it.
33:45It's important that you rest.
33:47I warn you that you won't be able to do all the activities you usually do.
33:51You must change your work rhythm.
33:54Yes, doctor, but I can't...
33:56Cristina will follow your instructions, doctor.
33:58Don't worry. Thank you very much.
34:01The jicamas arrived with their chili and lemon.
34:05We were just serving tea.
34:08Come on, comadre.
34:10Drink your tea.
34:12Doña Wanda made some jicamas that are delicious.
34:22Wanda, how have you felt at home?
34:25Happy next to my son, Mr. Emilio.
34:28You haven't had any problems, have you?
34:30No. I know that my Isabel doesn't agree with me being there.
34:34And I know Rebeca. I know how she is.
34:38If you have a problem, don't hesitate to tell me.
34:43Yes, Mr. Emilio. Cheers.
34:46What did Rebeca say when she found out that the wedding was canceled?
34:49She looked confused as if she couldn't believe it.
34:52It's a shame that you two love each other.
34:55Obviously, I didn't believe anything.
34:57And for me, she was very happy.
34:59Good job, brother.
35:01Because if Rebeca believed it, I hope the rest is easier.
35:06And did you get the plane tickets?
35:08Of course, brother. Here you have them.
35:14These tickets will be an investment
35:17to ensure that our wedding is a happy day for Angeli
35:21and for me without Rebeca's shadow.
35:24I thank you very much, lawyer. Good afternoon.
35:28What happened? What did the lawyer tell you?
35:31They underestimated the evidence against me.
35:33And the accusation for the death of Mrs. Alma did not continue.
35:39I knew that the lawyer I hired was going to solve it.
35:42He told me that to blame you for murder,
35:44they would have to prove that you got the medicine
35:46or you were at the house of the lady when she took it.
35:50You can be calm.
35:51My lawyer has the case under control.
35:53Every day I'm more in love with you.
35:56What I wouldn't do for you, Rebeca.
36:02I really didn't see the blow come, Jiménez.
36:04According to me, we just forced it and that's it.
36:06But what happened?
36:08I don't know.
36:10I don't know.
36:12I don't know.
36:14I don't know.
36:16I don't know.
36:18But hey, what happened?
36:20Well, we fell into a trap.
36:22Jose Emilio, Angelina and me were invited to the same place.
36:25And well, he found us together, Angelina and me.
36:27He was furious, you can imagine.
36:29Besides, I thought I had planned everything.
36:33After everything I did, he went crazy.
36:35I don't understand.
36:37But in the end he understood that it was a trap, right?
36:40Well, I hope it was clear to him.
36:43In fact, we suspect that Rebeca was responsible for everything.
36:47That shows us that we are right to doubt her alleged amnesia.
36:53If we are all here, it will be better to start the meeting.
37:00Tell me, what the hell is going on?
37:03Why did they invite us all here?
37:05Fátima asked for this meeting.
37:07And I went ahead preparing a financial balance
37:10on the increase in interest for the loan we asked for.
37:13You can consult it in the documents in front of you.
37:16In them, it is shown that with the payment of the extraordinary loans I got,
37:21we will be able to amortize a large part of the interests,
37:24even of the same debt.
37:26Oh, how good.
37:28The crops of the season will allow us to breathe financially.
37:35As you can see, thanks to my strategy,
37:37the finances of the company will be stable.
37:41The corporation will sane its finances.
37:45We will not have anything to worry about.
37:48Sorry, but unfortunately this is not going to be like that.
37:52I regret to inform you that more than half of the harvest
37:55intended to meet those extra orders was lost.
38:02How was half of the harvest lost?
38:05Do you realize what you're saying, Fátima?
38:08Damn it, Fátima!
38:10The loss of that harvest is going to bring us down.
38:13Why didn't you take the necessary precautions to ensure that production?
38:17I want the name of the person responsible right now, Fátima.
38:21I was responsible for the loss of the harvest.
38:25I'm so sorry, Grandpa.
38:27Please forgive me. Please.
38:29With forgiveness and tears, we will not solve the problem that is approaching us, Fátima.
38:34And you are to blame, José Emilio.
38:36For evading your responsibilities in the hacienda.
38:39If you had taken care of the hacienda, none of this would be happening.
38:42And I warned you.
38:45And what head ends that Fátima could take care of all this?
38:49And then you hired an engineer who is more concerned about his divorce than in the same hacienda.
38:54His daughter had a very serious accident and I authorized her to be absent.
38:57Ah, of course.
38:59And as a good and responsible, your protégé accepted.
39:02Because it was really his responsibility, Fátima.
39:07Cristina, do you feel bad?
39:09Stop worrying about Cristina and better focus on finding a solution for the company, Adolfo.
39:15Well, enough, Isabel, enough. Stop screaming, please.
39:19Do you think that with screams we are going to solve the problem?
39:21It is that you do not dimension, José Emilio.
39:24Without the production of the crops, we will not be able to meet the extra orders.
39:28And the customers will want to sue us. And they are in all their right.
39:33If that happens, not only are we going to go bankrupt, but my grandfather can end up in jail.
39:38And you are going to be responsible.
39:41Isabel is right.
39:42The grandfather could go to jail.
39:45I know everyone wanted to trust me, but I never should have taken care of the hacienda.
39:50It is evident that not.
39:52And as I told you, it was Lucia's responsibility.
39:54Isabel, it's not about finding culprits, but solutions.
39:58Please, stop screaming, okay?
40:03Little daughter, calm down.
40:06We are going to find a solution.
40:08And I still trust you, my love.
40:12We are not going to allow anyone, much less my father, to carry that responsibility.
40:21Adolfo, I ask you please to immediately look for the legal way to protect my father.
40:27Yes, yes, of course.
40:28Sebastian's family and I, at some point, made a list of possible suppliers who can sell us their harvest.
40:35And in this way, we will be able to satisfy the extraordinary orders we have at the door.
40:43Excellent solution, boy. Very well done.
40:48Thank you, brother.
40:50Thank you, Sebastian.
40:52All right, son, but with what money are you going to buy those harvests?
40:57Insurance covers a large part of us, Cristina. I hope that's enough for us.
41:02Yes, I'm going to talk to the insurance company, but we're going to have to wait for an answer to make decisions.
41:09And I consider that the situation will soon be under control.
41:14Well, when that happens, we'll be able to have another meeting.
41:19Don't worry.
41:21How do you feel, grandfather? Are you okay?
41:24Don't worry, boy. I'm fine.
41:27Look, listen to me.
41:29Work issues always have a solution.
41:34And seeing the United States fighting with a lot of courage to defend the company fills me with satisfaction.
41:42I am very proud of my family.
41:48Excuse me for the interruption.
41:50What's up, Iker? We're in a meeting.
41:51I apologize again, but since I knew you were in a meeting, it seemed pertinent to inform you of what I discovered.
41:59I hope it's not bad news. What is it about?
42:05Reviewing the financial states in detail, I realized that they manipulated the corporate payments with serious delays.
42:12As you can see in the documents.
42:14But who manipulated these payments, Iker?
42:18Because I suppose you have the name of the person who prevented the payment from being made in time.
42:22That's right. It was Mr. Bruno Fonseca.
42:36Now I understand why Bruno was giving me a hard time with this information.
42:40The very miserable does not want me to discover it.
42:43I trusted him.
42:44Very expensive. He took advantage of my trust not only to make his fraudulent movements, but also to mess with my mother to the point of murdering her.
42:55That would explain why Bruno would have shot my aunt.
43:00Maybe she found out and that's why she killed her.
43:03Don't you think, mom?
43:07Are you okay?
43:11Mom, what's wrong?
43:12What do you have?
43:14A doctor, call the doctor, please.
43:21I'll give you Misael myself.
43:23And since he's free, I'll give you the evidence you need.
43:26I'm really sorry, cousin.
43:28Maybe you want to take advantage of the trip I paid to celebrate my wedding.
43:31Why don't you enjoy it?
43:33Yes, yes, they accepted the tickets right away.
43:38Wow, look at that.
43:42Be careful, boy, you're going to throw me.
43:44We are here to unite in marriage Angelí Del Olmo Sandoval and José Emilio Aranda Rivero Cuellar.
