S01EP02- Frollo's Revenge- The Magical Adventures Of Quasimodo 1996 - Vhs/Dvd-144p

  • 3 months ago
Determined to even the score with Quasimodo, Frollo lures the hunchback down into his dangerous underground sewer hideout.


01:16Have to stop them
01:38It's alright we've come to rescue you
01:50You can make it go
02:01I'm here. Let's go
02:08Even the boy who saved the king has to get up sometime
02:13I'm not surprised you're tired lad. That was quite a night. You had yes, it was wasn't it?
02:21We have not a moment to waste
02:34Am here to warn you that there is an assassin in our midst
02:45Will do as you ask Dennis
02:47I will quietly instruct my guards to allow Quasimodo to enter the ballroom your life depends on it your majesty
02:54Come on, Ezra. Let's go find Frollo. He has a treat for you a nice big juicy ball
03:07Enjoy your eclair your majesty
03:30Cold-blooded creature with merciless eyes your master does need you to take to the sky
03:51I commend you Quasimodo for your intelligence and your bravery
03:55I must tell you your majesty my friends Esmeralda and Francois deserve your praise as well
04:01I couldn't have succeeded without them last night was the best night of my life Dennis and now I'm
04:09Starving you'll have to eat quickly lad the Duchess of Marne is coming to consult our library
04:14Scholarly works on tapestries and to sample some of my renowned bean soup come we must get this place whipped into shape
04:25Goodness me, I really must find someone to supervise the cleaning staff since old Gerard retired. This place has gone to rack and ruin
04:37After the events of last night now, I think the time has come to talk about the details of your past Quasimodo
04:44It's time you knew where you came from
04:46But I have much to do before the Duchess arrives. So we will have to talk while I work
04:54As you know, I have dedicated my life to science and knowledge
04:58But what you don't know is that all the knowledge I have concerning the mysteries of alchemy
05:04The process of turning lead into gold. I learned from studying the writings of the people who may well be your parents
05:13My parents I have parents who are they my
05:16Deductions lead me to believe that they might have been Charles and Vivian de Burness
05:23What a noble sounding name
05:25They did come from fine and wealthy families and as alchemists they devoted their whole lives to finding a formula
05:32Which would allow them to turn lead into gold, but if they were wealthy, why did they need more gold?
05:37Oh, they didn't want it for themselves
05:39You see alchemy is also an inner journey to purify one's soul to seek harmony with the visible and invisible
05:46Worlds your parents dearest desire was to improve the lot of the pool. They sound like wonderful people
05:56Did the de Burness axe ever succeed in turning lead into gold there were rumors that they were getting very very close in fact
06:04Who could that be? We don't have time for interruptions. The Duchess will be here any moment
06:10Hi, this is some place you've got here. I hope it was all right to drop by and announce like this. Of course it is
06:19Dennis you remember my friends Esmeralda and Francois and this is our grandmother
06:25Angelica, please to make your acquaintance madam. It will be a brief acquaintance. I'm afraid we're leaving at noon on a gypsy
06:32Caravan, we've just come to say goodbye
06:34As it happens, we're busy preparing for a rather important visitor
06:39Quasimodo, perhaps your friends could help you with the polishing of the bells
06:44Come on, it's actually a lot of fun. I
06:47Just thought the children needed some time alone to say their goodbyes
06:52I'm surprised a fine place like Notre Dame doesn't have more staff to handle these chores
06:57We're a little short on time. I'm afraid we're going to have to wait a little longer
07:02To handle these chores, we're a little shorthanded at the moment
07:23Each other again
07:24Can't you stay in Paris even for a little while traveling with the gypsy caravans is the only way our family can survive
07:31I'll miss you and we'll miss you too. Very much. Oh
07:35Dear, the Duchess is on her way and my best tablecloth is covered with wax
07:41She has to put a piece of paper on top of the wax and run a heated stone over the paper
07:47Draws the wax right out. You saved my life, madam
07:52Just a little gypsy know-how
07:55There's so much. I want to know about you both and so much
07:58I want to tell you about my parents for instance just today Dennis told me that he knows who they may have been
08:03It's a wonderful story. Just wait till you hear the truth is I don't really want to go
08:09But I know of no other way to support my family
08:13Not that I'm complaining a gypsy's life is supposed to be a rambling one
08:17Don't they sound like wonderful people they dedicated their whole lives to helping the poor
08:24What is it you look so sad, well, we've never known our parents either
08:29Angelica adopted us when we were just little babies. This is the only thing we have left of our parents
08:38We have so much in common if only you could stay here my friends
08:45Come on children. We have lots to do before we leave the caravan isn't leaving till noon
08:50Perhaps we can meet somewhere later to really say goodbye. We'll be in Market Square at 1130. I'll meet you there. I promise
09:01Good our last task is done
09:03Now as I was saying the fate of the diverse acts remains a mystery to this day
09:08It was rumored that they died in a fire on the same night that you were left on the steps of Notre Dame
09:14It was rumored that means no one knew for sure. Could they still be alive Dennis?
09:18One way or another I have to find out
09:22I'll scour the city from the rooftops to the tunnels if I have to know
09:27Whatever you do
09:29Don't go into the underground tunnels. It's too dangerous
09:34There are cutthroats down there who would as soon do away with you and say good day
09:40Yes, it is dreadful as a wrath, but we'll have to make the best of a bad situation
09:44With all the king's men scouring the streets looking for us
09:48This will have to be our new home
09:51Be a dear boy as a wrath and check out that tunnel to be sure there aren't any
10:03Blast you as a wrath
10:08Blast you as a wrath
10:10What a wonderfully sinister place
10:13Although it is a tad drafty
10:16Something evil just whispered in my ear that great power will come to me if I locate my lair right here
10:25Quasimodo, there is something I want you to have no
10:29It couldn't be
10:30it is
10:31That blasted bell ringer
10:33This was tucked into the folds of your blanket when you were left on the steps of notre dame a medallion with the de bernesac
10:40Family crest if my deductions are correct
10:43It is your family crest
10:47I don't know what to say
10:49I'll treasure this
10:52What a touching scene
10:54That medallion will be just the thing to lure quasimodo down here
10:59So that I can have my revenge so I can finish him off once and for all
11:09But I won't do it quickly
11:11I'll take my time. I'll make that little bell ringer sweat
11:16Quasimodo has ruined my life
11:19And now he's going to pay
11:24Remember azeroth when you grab the medallion and run down into the tunnels with it make sure that silly bell ringer follows you
11:45It's almost 11 30, I wonder if esmerelda and francois are here yet
11:53What are you doing here? Oh, no, wait come back here with that
11:59Wait come back
12:14Which way did he go I know that dennis warned me but I just gotta get my medallion back
12:22I don't see quasimodo anywhere. He's got to be here somewhere. I know he wouldn't let us leave without saying goodbye
12:32There's the hunchback now just as master frollo predicted
12:38Face it esmerelda. He's not coming. No, he promised to meet us. I have the feeling he's in some sort of trouble
12:45We've got to look for him
13:00Sorry, sonny master frollo told us that you are never to see dayla again
13:17Master frollo
13:19So azeroth taking my medallion was no accident. He was sent by frollo
13:24Which means that frollo wanted to lure me down here
13:27but why
13:34Esmerelda and francois knew we had to leave at noon. They would never be late if something wasn't terribly wrong
13:41What am I going to do?
13:47What a strange lantern
13:51Too bad, that's not the kind of lamp that helps you see better
14:10We're on a wild goose chase
14:13Angelica's waiting for us. We've got to get back wait the diamond district
14:18Maybe he went looking for gem cutters who might have known his parents
14:33What a pleasant surprise the duchess has just left my soup was a great success
14:40You've got to help me find them
14:52Oh rats
14:59We're right back where we started i'm tired
15:02And hungry i'll buy some cheese, but we're not stopping until we find quasimodo. Why such a huge piece?
15:09I said I was hungry not starving. I just thought we should have enough so that we can share with quasimodo when we find him
15:16Excuse me, monsieur
15:18Have you by any chance seen that famous lad with the hunchback?
15:21The one who was fated by all powers for having saved the king's life. Well, I don't know about all that nonsense
15:27But there was a hunchback who chased a dog past here into that underground tunnel
15:33underground tunnel
15:45Disgusting aren't they?
15:47They don't scare me. You're a brave lad quasimodo. That's one of the little things I hate about you
15:54But let's just see
15:57If they scare you now
16:06Get him
16:12Angelica this isn't logical
16:14We're wasting far too much time investigating dead ends. You have a better idea
16:19Yes with a mathematical equation. I could rule out the least likely streets in each neighborhood
16:24Oh, don't be silly and just what do you propose that we do?
16:28I've got a feeling in my bones that we should ask directions from the first man
16:33We see wearing a blue feather in his cabin, you know what to do do it
17:21Gargoyles gargoyles are not frollo has my medallion and i'm going in there to get it
17:59Come on
18:11Welcome to my new home quasimodo
18:13The decorators haven't been yet, but I do like the feel of the place you would frollo, you know quasimodo
18:20I have always loathed you
18:26I only allow dennis to take you in as a baby because I thought that someday
18:30Those alchemist parents of yours might return for you
18:34And when they did I intended to rob them of their precious secret of turning lead into gold
18:45That little trick would certainly backroll my bid for control of the kingdom wouldn't you say
18:51I'll let you in on a little secret hunchback. My parents were neither wealthy nor noble
18:57So for 30 years
18:58I have studied everything about magic and alchemy to find the way to become rich and attain absolute power
19:06but then you
19:08You had to go and unmask me before the king
19:12And now I have been driven down here to live in these filthy tunnels
19:18Get ready quasimodo
19:20What you have done to me
19:22Hahaha now you pay
19:35Now I have all three of my tormentors
19:38together in one place
19:40I call forth the power from deep in the ground a magical vortex to suck you all down
20:04Quasimodo don't help him. He just tried to kill us after all he's done. He doesn't deserve your help
20:10Listen to me quasimodo. Don't you remember how good I was to you when you're a boy good to me
20:15You were mean to me morning tonight if I discipline you occasionally surely you can see that it was all for your own good
20:22I certainly couldn't rely on that fool dennis to pound
20:26I put any sense into that stubborn head of yours
20:32You know frollo I am sorely tempted to let you go
20:35But but then I would have lost my medallion
20:39A curse upon you quasimodo. You'll live to regret ever crossing me
20:48Frollo's secret lair has been blocked off. Yes, and let's hope frollo's lost right along with it
20:54Quasimodo, are you here?
21:04Where are they what's become of them?
21:08I hope you weren't worried. Thank goodness. You're alive
21:15It's been quite a day. Dennis. Wait till you hear what happened
21:18I'm, sorry quasimodo, but we've only got a few minutes to catch the last gypsy caravan to avenue and there's no time for explanations
21:25Oh, I think there's plenty of time
21:28Isn't that the caravan to avenue and there won't be another one for a whole month? How will we all leave?
21:34I have no home and
21:37Don't worry about us
21:39Dennis haven't you been looking for someone to supervise the cleaning crews here at the cathedral? Indeed. I have
21:45And someone as fastidious as you might
21:51Me a supervisor. Oh, i'm just a simple gypsy. I
21:55I I really don't think the job comes with a little cottage right here on the grounds of notre dame
22:02It would be a very nice home for you and the children
22:06Please say yes
22:09Please oh such a generous offer. How can I say no?
22:20This is going to be wonderful all three of us living here together at notre dame
22:25Who knows what kind of adventures we can have? Yes, the adventures of quasimodo esmeralda and francois
22:33I have a feeling people will be talking about them for years to come
