S01EP08- Witches' Eve - The Magical Adventures Of Quasimodo 1996 - Vhs/Dvd-144p

  • 3 months ago
Quasimodo learns the whereabouts of his parents and hurries to find them before Frollo can.


01:00which is the first full moon of the
01:25autumnal equinox of course you realize
01:28Angelica that it's all make-believe
01:30costumes and harmless trickery at best
01:32there are really no such things as
01:34demons and fire-breathing dragons
01:36that's very comforting to know Dennis
01:38because there's one heading straight for us
01:54was that just our imaginations Dennis?
02:00the things one sees on witch's eve are hard to believe
02:05hard to believe
02:06I believe I'd like a sausage sandwich
02:08Esmeralda, how can you think of food when I'm in the midst of creating a new poem?
02:13you fool!
02:17because your words make my spirit sore Francois
02:22which builds up my appetite
02:23oh of course look
02:26beetles find foods
02:28come on it's my treat
02:30I guess my poem can wait
02:32get a move on with this Maria and clean up those tables on your way back
02:39Notre Dame the last time I saw it was
02:45oh I'm sorry please forgive me
02:47you clumsy woman look at what you've done
02:52it was an accident
02:54please don't hurt me
02:56everything you do is an accident
02:58this time you're gonna pay for it
03:00stop that right now
03:02why don't you pick on someone your own size?
03:06like you maybe?
03:07I wouldn't turn in my hands touching a little minx like you
03:25oh my
03:48the de Burnisac crest
03:52it's you
03:53Jacques de Burnisac
03:56how I've hoped for this day
04:04Jacques de Burnisac
04:06who is she and how did she know Quasimodo's real name?
04:14will you quit trying to breathe fire you mangy mutt
04:18now you just rest while I fix you a good gypsy breakfast
04:31please you mustn't bother
04:33when someone's hungry it's a pleasure to feed them
04:36I won't be long
04:37you've all been so kind to me
04:39and look how you've grown up Jacques
04:42so handsome and strong
04:44but why do you call me Jacques?
04:46here everyone calls me Quasimodo
04:47I wasn't always a server of stews and sausages
04:51once I was in service to a fine young couple
04:53they were brilliant alchemists
04:55named Viviane and Charles de Burnisac
04:58they were your parents
05:00and I was your nursemaid
05:11I was there the day you were born
05:13you were such a beautiful baby
05:21but there was something wrong with your back
05:23the doctor said it was deformed
05:27but your mother said that you were not deformed
05:30you were extraordinary
05:33she said that the gnarled oak is always the strongest tree
05:36your parents were so happy that day Jacques
05:45but hard times soon followed
05:52your parents had to sell everything they owned to finance their research
05:55little by little the noble house of de Burnisac was reduced to ruins
06:00but still they continued their research
06:03they were determined to discover the secret of the philosopher's stone
06:07to turn the lead into gold
06:09not to make themselves rich and powerful
06:11but only to help the poor and those without hope
06:15then late one night the philosopher's stone came to life
06:19and turned the lead into gold
06:23but they never had the chance to see their dreams come true
06:25enemies of your parents attacked the chateau
06:48I managed to escape out a side door with you Jacques
06:51and from outside I saw your parents struggling towards your room
06:55calling your name
07:02I tried to reach them
07:04but before I could the staircase crashed
07:06and I thought for sure they perished in the flames
07:10and that's when I came to Notre Dame and left you on the doorstep
07:14I knew you would be safe here
07:16I left the medallion with you
07:18so that you would have some idea about your past
07:25you must believe me
07:26if I'd had any idea your parents were still alive
07:29I would have been the first to tell you
07:31but I didn't
07:32I was afraid
07:34I was afraid of losing you
07:35you must believe me
07:36if I'd had any idea your parents were still alive
07:40my parents are alive?
07:41yes I think I saw them Jacques
07:43last week among a group of peasants
07:46we were returning from the night's jousting tournament outside Paris
07:51when our wagon was overrun by hungry peasants
07:54who had set up camp along the river
07:57I tossed them as much food as I could before beetles start me
08:01and we finally escaped
08:06but it's been almost 16 years
08:10surely if Quasimodo's parents were still alive
08:13they'd have come looking for him by now
08:15not if they thought he had died in the fire
08:17just as I was sure they had
08:19but among all those peasants
08:21how could you be sure my parents were there?
08:23they stood out
08:25they seemed so kind and wise
08:28I tried to call out to them
08:29but everything happened so fast
08:31I have to find them
08:32tell me where this camp is
08:33it's very complicated
08:35I'll have to draw you a map
08:36we'll go to my study
08:43there she is
08:45arrest her
08:46what's this all about?
08:48according to Mr. Beetle here
08:50this woman owes him for uh
08:5322 feet of sausage
08:5515 pounds of cheese
08:5810 loaves of bread
09:00the food I gave those poor peasants
09:01the food you stole from me
09:03not to mention his losses
09:05from the disturbance she caused last night
09:08and on witch's eve too
09:10come along miss
09:16jock the place I saw your parents
09:19it was quiet
09:25no stop
09:27don't worry Maria
09:28I'll get you out of jail
09:30then I'll find my parents
09:33nothing is going to stop me
09:52you can't just go
10:00huh sir
10:02I have a decree
10:03demanding the immediate release of Maria Villon
10:06and who did you get to sign this decree?
10:09the oracle or the puppeteer
10:15king louis
10:17and I'll be sure to give him your regards
10:19yes sir
10:19I'll go get her right now
10:22make yourselves comfortable
10:24um where's Francois?
10:32my friends
10:33I've come to bring a ray of joy into your dismal lives
10:36I'd like to recite my latest poem called
10:39walking in the sunshine
10:42with a pretty girl on my arm
10:46walking in the sunshine
10:49with a pretty girl on my arm
10:53free as a bird
10:55fearing no harm
11:08are you all right?
11:11walking in the sunshine
11:13with a pretty girl
11:18well where is Maria?
11:20I'm uh I'm I'm afraid I have bad news for you
11:23what is it?
11:24she was freed about an hour ago
11:27by her employer
11:28and for a very large sum of money
11:30according to the bailiff
11:32the money was provided by a friend who was waiting inside her employer's wagon
11:36what did this friend look like?
11:38all I know is he had a dog with him
11:41dressed as a dragon
11:43or uh maybe it was a dragon dressed as a dog
11:55Frollo, my newest and dearest friend
11:57this couple you're looking for
11:59what did you say their name was again?
12:01I didn't
12:02and as for being your friend
12:04dear or otherwise
12:06I prefer the company of Azeroth and his fleas
12:14since you're interested
12:15their name is Deburnisac
12:17and I've been searching for them for 16 years
12:19that's a long time
12:22you must have a pretty good reason
12:26just curious that's all
12:27I'm convinced they discovered the secret of the philosopher's stone
12:31the power to turn lead into gold
12:33lead into gold?
12:36what an interesting idea
12:47what on earth is that?
12:48I too have certain powers my friend
12:52by turning stone gargoyles into flying creatures
12:56and greedy sausage cooks into stone
13:00oh right
13:13according to Maria
13:14they were returning from the night's jousting tournament
13:17when the peasants overran their wagon
13:19the tournament was held in King's Park
13:21right over here
13:23but there are three roads leading back into Paris
13:26Beatle could have taken any one of them
13:28that's also true Esmeralda
13:29but knowing the kind of man Beatle is
13:31I think he would have chosen the one least used
13:34thereby avoiding the king's tool collector
13:37exactly Francois
13:39and you'll notice it's only this road here that runs along a river
13:43where Maria said she saw people she thought were my parents
13:46remember Quasimodo
13:48she couldn't be absolutely sure
13:50I know Dennis
13:52I won't forget
13:53now you must hurry
13:54Frollo has a head start
13:55and I'm sure he wants to find these people as much as you do
13:58now tell Angelica that you three will meet
14:00a strong gypsy horse and wagon
14:03they're waiting in the courtyard
14:04thank you Angelica
14:05see you later grandma
14:07how does she always know what I need
14:09before I know it myself
14:37he cries like that all the time
14:39why do you have one of his legs wrapped so tightly
14:42he was born deformed
14:44it's all twisted
14:45then all the more reason to let it be free
14:49besides he's not deformed
14:52he's extraordinary
14:55thank you
14:56thank you
14:57here's some honey I found this morning
15:01go on
15:02the bees made it for all of us
15:04you're both so kind
15:14well are they the ones or not
15:16I can't be sure
15:17I haven't seen them for a long time
15:19and you said yourself it's been 15 years
15:22unless of course she pointed out the wrong couple to you on purpose
15:25no one lies to Frollo
15:28isn't that right Maria
15:29yes sir
15:30let's say they are the hunchback's parents
15:32suppose they refuse to share their little secret with you
15:35once they've tasted the tortures in my dungeon
15:37they will be only too eager to tell me their secrets
15:41come I have no time to waste
15:43oh come on Willow you can do it
15:54push Francois
15:55Frollo will be halfway to the peasant camp by now
15:58what does it look like I'm doing Quasimodo
16:00writing a sonnet
16:01it's no use Quasimodo
16:14that's it
16:15what's it
16:16didn't your grandmother say this was a gypsy horse
16:18she wouldn't deal with any other kind
16:20and what do gypsy horses like better than anything else in the world
16:23next to hay
16:26say no more
16:28walking in the sunshine with a pretty girl on my arm
16:33free as a bird fearing no harm
16:41walking in the sunshine through fields of wild flowers
16:46what care I
16:49about thunder and showers
16:58walking in the sunshine with a pretty girl on my arm
17:07please Francois
17:09Willow can't take anymore
17:10all right I'll stop
17:18I guess the beauty of my verse was too much for her
17:28I don't know what we'd do without you
17:32I wish we had something to give in return
17:34but you give us your friendship
17:36what greater gift is there
17:38what's wrong my love
17:41the sausage merchant
17:43probably come to have us locked up for taking his rotten sausages
17:47yes that must be an officer next to him
17:50no my friends
17:51I don't think it's you he wants
17:53how do you know
17:55yeah his cruel eyes see only us
17:58but why you
18:00it's best we not stay and find out
18:04we'll slow them up so you'll get away safely
18:07you have our promise
18:16get away from those chili peppers y'all mangy mutt
18:19no one calls my mangy mutt a mangy mutt but me
18:27sorry what are they up to
18:29scum always protects its own kind
18:43look that must be the couple Maria thinks are my parents
18:46don't look who else is here
18:54faster Esmeralda we must get to them first
19:04out of my way
19:06not until they're safe on the river
19:07you will do as I say
19:25I said out of my way
19:40Maria watch out
20:07thank you Jacques you saved my life
20:09just as you saved mine
20:33you knew the Deberna sacks Frollo do you think the people in that boat are my parents
20:43you must tell me Frollo you must
20:47there's only one thing I must do Quasimodo become king of France and master of the world
20:54he can't tell you Quasimodo because he doesn't know himself
20:58all right show's over you get back on the wagon we're working the magician's convention tonight
21:03she's staying with us
21:05says who
21:06says me
21:12Frollo you have to help me
21:13Frollo helps Frollo
21:16then find your own way back you'll not ride in my wagon
21:24that's chilly
21:29there'll be another time Quasimodo another chance
21:37imagine I'm going to be a nursemaid to the son of the Marquis de Favreau
21:41I don't know how to thank you for arranging it Dennis
21:44I wish there was something I could do for you in return
21:47you already have Maria the night you delivered Quasimodo to my doorstep
21:53take care Jacques Deberna sack
21:57this has been a magnificent adventure
22:01I must compose a poem to this occasion
22:04before me stand two fine white horses pulling a coach made for a queen
22:14Dennis do you believe my parents are still alive the truth
22:28as long as they live in your heart they're still very much alive
22:32and I believe that someday you'll find them
22:35yes Dennis someday I will
