Walter Mellon - 26. a) Dr. Schnickel und Mr. Schneid

  • 2 months ago


00:00["Hol' Walter Mellon!" plays in the background.]
00:30["Hol' Walter Mellon!" plays in the background.]
01:00["Hol' Walter Mellon!" plays in the background.]
01:30No, it's useless and far too dangerous.
01:32And this basic research doesn't give me a penny.
01:34I will start working on a luxury perfume for you ladies.
01:38Cosmetica, that's the hit. You can make millions with it.
01:42My darling, I think you've worked too much lately.
01:46You promise me that you'll go to the barieté with me this evening.
01:49But gladly, my dearest darling. I promise.
02:00Yes, of course I call it eau de d'oeuvres.
02:03And now I'm going to do a little test.
02:06What the hell?
02:22Please, don't panic. I'm sure you'll let me introduce myself.
02:26Etty, Etty, what are you doing on my mountain?
02:29Well, you see, Etty, my fiancée was in the vicinity of my laboratory, which exploded.
02:34Someone has to make sure that nothing happened to her.
02:36Tell me, dear friend, could you notify Walter Mellon?
02:40First aid for heroes, but with pleasure.
02:43I was just thinking about going on vacation to Hawaii.
02:46I'm just passing by.
02:51And then refine with a clove of garlic.
02:54Walter, I think you've overdosed the garlic. Just a little bit.
02:58Oh, what nonsense, Bitterbold.
03:00When it comes to cooking, I'm afraid you're very good at learning.
03:04If you have tasted this miracle, your prejudices will be blown away by the wind.
03:12Very delicious. Would you like a portion?
03:15No, thank you, Walter. I don't want your gummy doll.
03:18I smell like fish and garlic miles away. I have to go into the tub right now.
03:29Bitterbold, I think it's about time that we developed a perfume against your smell problem.
03:34I know, it's this garlic.
03:37Oh, God in heaven, what beautiful colors.
03:41A little red, a hint of blue.
03:44I'll write down the formulas that will send humanity on a different path
03:48and fight their unbearable smell, Bitterbold.
03:51Henry, my dear darling, I hope you haven't forgotten that we're going to the Varieté tonight.
03:56Of course not, my darling.
03:58I'm so happy that you're doing so well.
04:03Oh, God, no! Who is this man?
04:06Oh, I can introduce him. This is Mr. Bitterbold,
04:09the experiment hamster for my latest perfume.
04:12Hey, kid, he needs a new scent, too.
04:15So, I'm going to go upstairs now and change.
04:17You can count on me in ten minutes, Henry.
04:22The color doesn't seem right.
04:27Be careful, Walter.
04:29This perfume may contain this dangerous snow.
04:32Oh, no, no, no. This is H-O-N-S.
04:36So, no reason to worry, Bitterbold.
04:42What did I tell you? Your smell has suddenly disappeared.
04:45That's a miracle.
04:48In any case, it's not that bad anymore.
04:50But I think you need more than one dose.
05:08Egypt, what's that? I've never smelled anything like that before.
05:13What would you like to have?
05:15I'll have the schnapper in garlic.
05:17No, I've had enough of that. Thank you very much.
05:19I'd rather go get some fresh air.
05:21I don't feel particularly well.
05:34A schnapper.
05:36Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
05:38Please allow me to introduce myself.
05:40I am Mr. Schneid, the future conqueror and ruler of the world.
05:49Thank you.
05:55Come, little ones.
06:00You'd better let my fiancée go now,
06:03or I'll have to be very uncomfortable.
06:05I'm warning you.
06:06Don't worry, Mr. Bird.
06:08I will rule the whole world with this.
06:11Wait a minute. That's mine.
06:13You meanie, meanie.
06:15I will be emperor.
06:18Don't worry, Beatrice.
06:20I will set you free.
06:22Oh, phew.
06:24That damn schnapper has disappeared into thin air.
06:29From this tower, a mean scoundrel can build the lab of his dreams.
06:34Let me go, you schnapper.
06:37Calm down, my dear.
06:39As far as you are concerned, I'm trying to establish a strong bond.
06:42For this purpose, I have brought a few things from Schnickel's lab.
06:46And with their help, I will make you my beloved.
07:03Oh, how overwhelmingly ugly you are.
07:07This dreamlike, irresistible perfume will be sprayed all over the city.
07:12Then there will be an army of schnappers.
07:17I will hide this wonderful perfume in this safe,
07:20in case we need it later.
07:26Hey, you there.
07:29Yes, sir?
07:41No, he is that monster schnapper.
07:43Get away!
07:45And with that, I will conquer and rule the world.
07:48And you, you will be my first victims.
07:57Oh, Henry, my dear.
07:59Mr. Schneid has disguised himself as a police officer.
08:01And he is following us. We have to run away.
08:04Me, Dr. Schnickel? Run away? Never!
08:07I will face this schnapper as a heroic scientist.
08:11Have you seen a terrifying monster in police uniform?
08:15No, I... I...
08:17No, I don't feel particularly...
08:19I'd rather go home.
08:23Oh, devil!
08:25I'm sorry.
08:26I'm sweating when I have to run around in this British fog.
08:30Fortunately, I have the antidote.
08:43A child's play.
08:45Oh, God! The perfume is the cause of this madness problem.
08:49Quick, take the schnapper away from him.
08:52That wasn't bad at all, but unfortunately too late.
08:55Now I will conquer and rule the world.
09:01Uh, bitter boy, tell me, what are you doing here?
09:04We can't play football now.
09:06Henry, this mixture can bring evil into people.
09:10Their worst traits.
09:12A moment ago, you were still Mr. Schneid.
09:15But, oh no, Beatrice, my dear child.
09:18No harm done, but that's impossible.
09:21I am a venerable scientist.
09:23And above all, the positive hero of this story.
09:26But a few minutes ago, you were the dangerous Schneid.
09:29And all the Schneids in the world have the same ambition.
09:32To conquer and rule the world.
09:35Darling, I'm home.
09:38Why are you coming so early today, dear?
09:41Oh, dear perfume, how sweet of you.
09:45Watch out!
09:52Tell me, darling, don't we both want to conquer and rule the world?
09:56Yes, rule!
10:09Too bad, it's my perfume.
10:11I will get the formula.
10:18So, soon we will have a full bottle of my perfume again.
10:22With this, I can conquer and rule the world.
10:33I'll catch him!
10:35Well done, bitter boy.
10:37Now we have saved the world.
10:40But not for long.
10:44It will be over soon.
10:46As soon as they have taken this antidote, they are both freed from Schneid.
10:53Oh, no!
10:56You thought you were saved, didn't you?
10:59But you were wrong.
11:05Look over there, a cauldron full of perfume.
11:07Let's grab it.
11:08No, in that cauldron is not what you think.
11:11No, no, no!
11:19I'm a mad scientist, aren't I?
11:22I arrest you for the violation of public peace.
11:24What? How dare you?
11:26I am the great heroic scientist, Dr. Schneid.
11:29To me, you are just a damn disturbance.
11:32Go ahead!
11:59THE END
