Marco dagli Appennini alle Ande - Ep. 13 - Tutto va storto

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00:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:30oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:37oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:46oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:54oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:40Concetta, posso mettere le mie marionette nella valigia nera?
01:45Si, naturalmente.
01:47Avvolgi i figli, altrimenti si ingarbugliano fra di loro.
01:52Domattina per noi comincia una nuova vita, diciamo addio all'Italia.
01:57Ciao, Genova, il mio cuore potrebbe spezzarsi.
01:59Pepe il burattinaio verso una lacrima d'addio.
02:02Non portate troppe valigie, ci compriamo tutto nuovo laggiù.
02:08Papà sembra molto allegro.
02:10Eh, si, il suo sogno di andare in Argentina si sta finalmente avverando.
02:14E tu sei contenta?
02:17Dovrei esserlo anch'io.
02:20Appena arrivati a Buenos Aires, ci compreremo una carrozza.
02:23Una carrozza?
02:24Naturalmente, dobbiamo avere un mezzo di locomozione.
02:26Se vogliamo viaggiare, dobbiamo poterci muovere liberamente.
02:30Porteremo agli argentini la vecchia cultura europea.
02:33Vedrai, bambina mia, essi ameranno la nostra arte,
02:36giaceranno i nostri piedi e ci baceranno le mani.
02:50Signore e signorine, ecco l'incontevole artista di Genova.
02:53Il suo nome è Violetta.
02:55Inoltre è un onore per me presentarvi un'altra grande artista,
03:04Concetta la Grande.
03:08Il musicante si chiama Pepe il burattinaio.
03:19Il mio sogno è andare sull'acqua.
03:23Se canto, posso cantare.
03:28Il mio sogno è andare sull'acqua.
03:32Se canto, posso cantare.
03:37Il mio sogno è arrivare in un paese.
03:41Arrivare in un paese.
03:53Che c'è, Emilio?
03:55E' molto che aspetti?
03:56Si, e un bel po' che sono qui.
03:58C'è un problema, Marco.
03:59Non riesco a trovare Paolo da nessuna parte.
04:01Ha sparito con il denaro.
04:02Con il mio?
04:03Aveva promesso di procurarmi il biglietto della nave.
04:05E' a metà prezzo.
04:07Sono andato all'osteria dove sta sempre,
04:09ma lì non l'ho visto nessuno.
04:11L'ultima volta che c'è stato era la sera che gli abbiamo dato i soldi.
04:15Ho domandato a destra e a sinistra.
04:16Nessuno sa niente.
04:17Sai dove abita?
04:19Conosco il quartiere, ma non conosco nella via nel numero preciso, purtroppo.
04:23Per favore, Emilio, andiamoci subito.
04:25E' una zona abbastanza pericolosa.
04:27L'ultima volta che sono stato lì ho avuto delle noie.
04:30Ma che possiamo fare, altrimenti?
04:32Non ho paura.
04:33Ok, andiamo.
04:34Andrà tutto bene.
04:38Così anche questa è fatta.
04:40Se domattina perdiamo la nave, è tutta fatica sprecata.
04:44Voi non sapete la sorpresa.
04:46Quale sorpresa?
04:47Il tramonto oggi è particolarmente bello.
04:50E sai perché?
04:54Sono certa che Genova lo fa per noi, affinché serviamo un buon ricordo di lei.
05:04Come saranno in Argentina i tramonti?
05:12Violetta, ti dispiace molto dire addio a Marco.
05:15Voi due vi siete intesi bene.
05:17Deve essere penoso per te lasciarlo.
05:20Forse non dovrò, perché lui verrà con noi.
05:23Forse questa la sorpresa che vi faro.
05:26Tu sogni l'impossibile.
05:28No, non è vero.
05:30Violetta, non pensare sempre ai miracoli.
05:33Si realista o rimarrai delusa anche questa volta, se poi non si avverera.
05:37Un bambino solo in Argentina, è impossibile.
05:40Marco non è solo, ci siamo noi.
05:43Violetta, tu credi che nostro padre permetterebbe che tu facessi una cosa del genere?
05:47Pensi che ti lascierebbe partire per l'Argentina con gente stranea?
05:55Buenos Aires non è Roma o Milano.
05:57E cosi lontana, e cosi incredibilmente lontana.
06:01Non trovero più quell'Italia che ormai conosco.
06:03Ho paura, Violetta.
06:05Tu? E per quale motivo?
06:07Non so come potrei spiegartelo.
06:09Io vado via tanto malvolentieri.
06:12Non provi anche tu un certo disagio? Non vedi com'è bello qui?
06:16Si, è bello, ma anche in Argentina dovrebbe essere bello.
06:20L'ho detto papà.
06:33Scusi, dove posso trovare Paolo?
06:36Provate li, adesso.
06:42Del servo.
07:00Si è visto Paolo?
07:02No, ancora no.
07:04Ma noi avevamo un appuntamento con lui.
07:06Lo so, ma non ho idea di dove sia.
07:10Non sono mica la sua bambinaia.
07:12Ci puoi dire almeno dove potremo trovarlo?
07:19Ha paura degli strani?
07:21Si, ci dica almeno dove abita.
07:23Abita una delle case di questa strada, ma non so niente di preciso.
07:27Non l'ha mai detto?
07:29I miei clienti non parlano molto.
07:31Lei non vuole dirmelo.
07:32Adesso mi esco certo.
07:36Non sta bene.
07:38Si sente male, posso aiutarla.
07:40Ah, è solamente sbronzo.
07:42Vieni tu, dammi una mano.
07:45L'aria fresca gli farà bene.
07:54Lo fa due volte alla settimana.
07:56Ordina una grappa e poi crolla.
07:59Se Paolo abita nei dintorni, dobbiamo trovarlo.
08:01E cosa facciamo con questo uomo?
08:03Cosa dovremmo fare? Lo lasciamo qui seduto, vieni.
08:05Qui, in mezzo alla strada?
08:07Si, proprio qui per la strada, andiamo.
08:09Vuoi rintracciare Paolo, vuoi recitare la parte del buon samaritano?
08:12Andiamo, andiamo, andiamo.
08:26Dove state andando?
08:29Noi cercate quel palordo di Paolo, io posso dirvi dove trovarlo.
08:33Lei sa dove abita Paolo.
08:35Si, lo so e qui lo sanno tutti e se voi mi aiutate a tornare a casa, io ve lo dirò.
08:39E come facciamo a sapere se dice la verità?
08:41Devi fidarti, ragazza.
08:43Non mi pare ci sia altro da fare.
08:48Ho le gambe così, ballerina stasera.
08:52You scratched the salami from the window again!
09:03This is the best, ugly face!
09:05Don't try to touch us!
09:07Always those two!
09:08I'm going to make you dirty, otherwise you won't live long!
09:10You think you're the best, ugly face!
09:12But I don't throw dirty water from the window!
09:14Yesterday you made me dirty again!
09:15You can't stand it!
09:17They steal a story, and then they give it a good reason.
09:20That's how it is around here.
09:22And where does Paolo live?
09:24It's not far. We're almost there.
09:32I've arrived.
09:34It was nice of you.
09:36I'm very grateful.
09:37Tell me where Paolo lives.
09:39Upstairs, on the third floor, where that light is.
09:43But I don't like the thought that you're going there alone.
09:47Ciao, in bocca al lupo.
09:50Thank you very much.
09:52You're welcome.
09:53Hurry up, we're running out of time.
10:02Here it is.
10:08Welcome, children.
10:10Excuse me, can you tell me if Mr. Paolo lives here?
10:13I don't know any Paolo.
10:15He should live here.
10:16I'm the only one who lives here.
10:18We had an appointment, but he didn't show up.
10:21And now we're worried about him.
10:23I'm sorry, I've never heard of Paolo.
10:25In fact, I've never even met a man named Paolo.
10:28Especially not in my house.
10:30A man who lives next door told us he lives here.
10:33Oh, all the neighbors gossip.
10:35They gossip all day long.
10:37Get out of here!
10:39Peppino, come back here, Peppino!
10:43I'm sorry.
10:44Now get out of the boxes.
10:46That drunkard cheated on us.
10:48And you were sorry for him.
10:50He lied to us only because he was drunk, not because of him.
10:53He wanted to go home and took advantage of our naivety.
10:56Sometimes you're too hard.
10:58Come on, let's look elsewhere.
11:00But where?
11:01I don't know.
11:07Not so fast, Emilio.
11:09You were good.
11:10You see, sometimes we old people still need something.
11:13The monkey scared me.
11:15If it had come in, you wouldn't have passed it smoothly.
11:19You should be grateful for my services.
11:22No, not even for a dream.
11:24Do I have to call those two?
11:27No, thank you.
11:29Listen to who's talking.
11:31Who stole the money from the boys with sweat?
11:33You should be ashamed.
11:35But why should I be ashamed?
11:37Why should I be ashamed?
11:39I did a little business with those two idiots.
11:44Wait for me, Emilio.
11:54I can't take it anymore. I'm starving.
11:56I've been waiting all day to eat.
11:58Didn't you tell Marco that tonight he was our guest for the farewell lunch?
12:03I'm going to see what happened.
12:06Hurry up. I won't wait another minute.
12:09Don't be so sad, Violetta.
12:11Don't worry.
12:12Maybe his father didn't allow him to come here because he's afraid he'll leave with us.
12:16Maybe he even locked her in the room.
12:18But I'll comfort him by telling him that as soon as we get to Buenos Aires,
12:21we'll take care of his mother.
12:23He can trust us, and he knows it.
12:27Do you think he's in the room?
12:29I bet.
12:30Then why did you leave right away?
12:32I don't understand.
12:34I did it just to make sure.
12:36You're so smart, Emilio.
12:43Be quiet, Peppino.
13:08The light is still on.
13:15Good evening.
13:16I'm Violetta's sister.
13:19Ah, the girl Marco is friends with.
13:21Yes, Marco and Violetta get along very well.
13:24Are you leaving for Argentina?
13:27Tomorrow morning.
13:29My son will suffer for sure.
13:31He's always spoken very well of you and your sister.
13:35He doesn't want to come in and wait until he comes back.
13:38It won't take long.
13:40I find it strange that you're not here yet.
13:43I have to go.
13:44He'll be very disappointed when he finds out that you didn't wait for him.
13:47I'm sorry.
13:48Please, tell him that we'll say goodbye to him with love
13:50and that we'll keep the promise to look for his mother right away.
13:54You want to look for Anna.
13:55Will you do that?
13:56Of course, we promised.
14:04He's coming out now.
14:05Who knows?
14:06Maybe he's running away.
14:07It would be terrible.
14:14Stop it!
14:15Shut up or I'll break your leg!
14:21Go back!
14:38Stop there!
14:40Ah, what a coincidence!
14:42Did you come to visit me by chance?
14:44You know very well that it's not a nice surprise.
14:46Why are you so angry?
14:49It was more difficult than I thought.
14:51Ah, yes.
14:52But in the meantime, you've managed to fix your problem.
14:54Yes, it's wonderful.
14:55It's just a small thing, but it shouldn't be an obstacle.
14:58Do you still have your money?
15:00Of course I do.
15:01But why?
15:02Take out the 5 lire.
15:04Take out the money, now!
15:06Don't get so agitated.
15:07If you want to board the ship, it will cost you another 20 lire.
15:10Do you understand?
15:11We want the money back.
15:12Emilio, please!
15:14I won't say it again!
15:17Come on, take out the money, now!
15:20Emilio, Emilio!
15:21Deceiving a child.
15:23You're a miserable villain!
15:25Now you've driven me mad, villain.
15:27This is a case like many others.
15:28Yes, a case only for you, you ugly worm!
15:31This is life.
15:32Ah, so it is.
15:33I want my money back!
15:34Take out the money!
15:37Hey, stop!
15:50I'll kill you!
15:52I want my money back!
16:06All right, but get rid of this beast.
16:08I don't have all the money.
16:10You're still lying.
16:11The old woman wanted to be paid.
16:13We can't take her anymore.
16:15Look how much she has.
16:17I'll give you the rest as soon as I have it.
16:18But don't tell anyone what happened.
16:20It's none of my business.
16:22I'm sorry.
16:37It's already ten.
16:43It's my fault.
16:44No, if someone is guilty, it's me.
16:46I wanted it.
16:47Now I have to start all over again.
16:49But it doesn't matter.
16:50Don't give up.
16:51No, I want to go to Argentina.
16:52And I'll get there at any cost.
16:54Now that I think about it, my uncle works in the immigration office.
16:57I can ask him what we should do.
16:59And do you remember now?
17:00Well, he's just a fool.
17:02But who knows, maybe he can give us some advice.
17:04Leave it to me.
17:05Tomorrow morning, soon, we'll know more.
17:07Tomorrow morning, we won't know anything.
17:08It's Sunday.
17:09Ah, right.
17:13Always the same Yella.
17:14She never changes.
17:15We'll talk about Yella when the ship has left the port without you.
17:19It'll go like this, you'll see.
17:22I'll come tomorrow morning and give you the answer.
17:39Ah, finally.
17:40It's already ten.
17:41I hope you have a valid justification.
17:44Sorry, Dad, I was at the port.
17:50Concetta was here.
17:53She wanted us to give her a letter for her mother.
17:57I'm almost done writing mine.
17:59Don't you want to write her anything?
18:01If tomorrow you go to Violetta's house to say goodbye to your friends,
18:04you can bring the letter.
18:06I've already prepared a envelope for you.
18:08You only have to write a couple of lines.
18:10What is it now, Marco?
18:11Do you want to write or go to bed?
18:13I've been writing since morning.
18:15Tonight I'm too tired.
18:16I can't think of anything.
18:22Sorry, Dad.
19:04Mama, I feel so lonely and sad without you.
19:13It's time to sleep.
19:24The big one's here.
19:30At the end of the week, I wash the floors to make some money.
19:33To round up, I distribute the letters around here.
19:36How can I give you the information you need?
19:39Official business doesn't concern me at all.
19:41I promised, Uncle Luciano.
19:42Marco has to get on that ship.
19:44Can't you think of anything?
19:46If I were as lazy as you think,
19:48I wouldn't wash the floors like a woman.
19:51Think, Uncle Luciano.
19:52At least for a moment.
19:54What do you want me to think?
19:55There has to be a way to get on that ship.
19:57Find something.
19:58There has to be a system.
20:06Don't get in the way.
20:13Issa! Issa!
20:19Ah, our Genoa.
20:20Let me say goodbye to our beloved Genoa.
20:23We won't see for a long time the colors of the houses and roofs,
20:26the green forests and the blue sky.
20:29Violetta, now I'm sure, he's not coming.
20:34But he didn't forget you.
20:35He's not coming just because he doesn't want to attend our departure.
20:38It would be too painful for him.
20:42Don't we want to go and see our cabin?
20:57We're here!
20:59Violetta, bye!
21:03With the next ship I'm leaving too.
21:05Tell my mother and kiss her on my behalf.
21:07Don't forget.
21:08Write to me as soon as you see her.
21:13What is it?
21:18Peppino, take her to Violetta.
21:23Come on, to Violetta.
21:37Give Peppino to my mother.
21:38She can have fun with him.
21:40So she won't be so alone and she'll have someone to talk to about us.
21:44The monkey!
21:45Our future is safe.
21:46Don't worry about your Peppino, Marco.
21:48With us, he's in good hands.
21:49Don't worry.
22:17Bye, Marco.
22:18Peppino prefers to be with you.
22:20I can understand that.
22:21Bye, see you soon.
22:23Peppino, they're leaving.
22:26I'll write to you.
22:35Bye, Marco.
22:36Don't forget us.
22:37See you soon, Marco.
22:39Bye, Pepe!