Sektor Logistik Menjadi Kunci Mendorong Praktik Ekonomi Hijau

  • 3 months ago
Sebagai urat nadi ekonomi, logistik diharapkan dapat menjadi penggerak berbagai upaya untuk melaksanakan praktik ekonomi hijau. Operasional industri logistik berbasis pengurangan emisi karbon, rupanya menjadi program prioritas beberapa perusahaan logistik di Tanah Air.


00:00As a logistic economy hub, logistic is expected to be a driving force for various efforts to implement green economic practices.
00:11The logistic industry operational is based on carbon emission reduction, which is a priority program for several logistic companies in Indonesia.
00:22In a meeting of the Logistic and Forwarder Indonesia Association or ALFI,
00:26in the two provinces of Bali, the majority of members agreed to the recommendation of the next government to establish a national logistic body that addresses various logistic problems in the water.
00:37How can the logistic sector be the key to promote green economic practices in Indonesia?
00:43The implementation of green logistics is estimated to have an impact on three aspects, namely ecology or environment, social and economic.
00:52In addition, green logistics can also support the implementation of green economy by optimizing transportation routes,
00:58the use of environmentally friendly vehicles, the implementation of shipping consolidation, the use of environmentally friendly packaging, and the implementation of a multi-mode transportation system.
01:08The efficiency of fuel consumption. As we know, in the shipping business, fuel consumption is currently one of the emission contributors.
01:20If we talk about sustainability, most of us understand it as emission.
01:24So by doing efficiency on the side of several energy-saving devices that we use in various types of ship engines, the efficiency is better.
01:38In terms of logistics, we are also concerned about the environment.
01:42So we have cooperated with PIS for the provision of the vessels.
01:49We have used B35 fuel, which is environmentally friendly.
01:57And also a fleet of PIS has used scrubbers so that the emissions are more environmentally friendly.
02:04In addition to the ecological impact, green logistics is proven to increase efficiency for the companies that implement it.