Does Bill want to catch Shula? Do you want him to return to coach?

  • 2 months ago
Does Bill want to catch Shula? Do you want him to return to coach? Coco and Curtis disagree as they debate!
00:00Courtney you're right. There is a chance that that you may be right that this is a lifestyle. He enjoys
00:04It's not what he would have chosen Wiggs as you point out four months ago. He would have stayed coaching
00:09Here is why I just will never believe he's done. Mm-hmm
00:15Has a deep understanding maybe nobody that has ever lived as a better a historical understanding of their place in the history of the NFL
00:22He is as in tune with NFL films. He knows everything about it. He remembers
00:29Don Shula on Monday Night Football
00:31Cheering against the Patriots in 07 trying to protect his perfect Dolphins season. I believe he wants to surpass Shula all of that
00:40Now for the Patriots, so I don't believe he's done but Courtney you may be right
00:44He may like you may be right. I who knows but I believe this year
00:49Bill not coaching is the worst possible outcome for Robert Kraft and Gerard Mayo
00:56Because if Bill went to the Falcons right that was what we all thought was gonna happen
01:00The Falcons are a pretty bad team. I mean maybe somewhat more talented than the Patriots but mediocre at best
01:06Mm-hmm. So while the Patriots might lose
01:0927 to 13 week one to the Bengals
01:12Maybe Bill and the Falcons lose 35 21 and so you're not comparing Mayo against the brilliance of Bill
01:20You're seeing well Bill still he's totally lost his fastball. He couldn't do it without Tom. That's just the
01:26continuation of that now
01:28Bill's perfect. He gets to do what he's always been brilliant at but he's always done it in front of his players
01:34Not the media break down other people's mistakes on film
01:39so he's gonna be doing that on Pat McAfee while the Patriots with
01:44Jacoby Brissett and Scott van Pelt's brother are
01:47stumbling down the field
01:49We're only gonna remember the good times of Bill and we're gonna see in real time in living color
01:55Bill break down the mistakes the Patriots and other teams make so while it's sucks for Robert to have to pay the money
02:03Obviously it doubly sucks that you're not seeing Bill fail. Mm-hmm
02:07So do you think Bill's gonna hold himself back from criticizing players and coaching staffs and other franchises?
02:14No, I I think that he's gonna know I think that he's just gonna break down
02:17I mean, maybe he will certain teams. I don't know
02:19But in general the what you're going to see from Bill Belichick
02:23Like I think Bill cowers remembered now more fondly than when he coached because he's on NFL today people just like him
02:29He's a sort of you know, look at that job
02:31Whatever like you don't remember that he sucked and lost a lot of games that his team was favored into the Patriots
02:36Bill Belichick is going to see his stock rise without coaching a game and the Patriot fan that's watching their team
02:44Will be even more angry at Robert Kraft because they'll be seeing Bill
02:49without a loss
02:50Perfect in the booth as opposed to what they remember the last thing and you know
02:55the other reason why I believe he comes back Courtney is because just like Bill Cowern and all these other coaches who get into
03:02The TV element and I think he's gonna be more of the X's and O's not really criticizing people like that's not what he's gonna
03:08Do it's gonna be X's and O's
03:10Where teams lost breaking down coverages like all that kind of stuff that we've seen bill do
03:17The reason if you look at all those other coaches
03:20What happens every single year whether it's Bill cow, whether it was Rex Ryan
03:26Some of these coaches that are on TV every year. There's always a handful of
03:33organizations trying to sway these guys to come out of
03:38Retirement and out of the the
03:41Analyst TV booth world right to come coach Bill
03:44Cowan has been they've been beating down his door for so long whether it was the Carolina Panthers at one point
03:51Rex Ryan the same thing. So what you're gonna get from Bill when Bill's talking X's. Oh, why don't they do it?
03:57They will after this year like when Bill goes here. No, but why why why isn't Bill Cowern doing it because down his door?
04:04He chose that he he had liked his life
04:07And he and that's what I'm saying is that that happens, right?
04:10But I also don't think if you gave Bill Cowern Bill Belichick's resume and you compared apples to apples
04:17I don't think he stays in the booth
04:19In other words if Bill Cowern were 13, what is it?
04:21How many wins away is Bill 13 something like that?
04:23I'm sure if he was 13 wins away from being the all-time winningest coach in the history of the sport
04:28My guess is cower accepts one of those phone call and the difference between Bill Kyle and Rex Ryan and those other guys
04:35They're content
04:37with not coaching
04:39Right, they will like coaching but they weren't like they all none of us really know if Bill's no
04:45but they weren't the lifers when it came to like
04:48They weren't the lifers of coach with coaches when you saw those guys you were like, oh they like coaching but they ain't like
04:56That's what Bill does like like Bill Belichick will go now
05:01Where was he down in Alabama?
05:03I thought I saw him and Matt Patricia down at Alabama talking to like so Patricia loves Waffle House
05:10Like that's what Bill will still do like so bill
05:14That's what he loves where I don't know if
05:16Bill collar or Frex Ryan or some of these other guys have that same type of passion when it comes to coaching
05:22Like build us so they got no problem with staying in the TV boots where I think what's gonna happen with Bill as soon
05:29As he's gone. Hey, I would have done this differently if I was coaching
05:33You know the Cincinnati Bengals versus the Baltimore Ravens is in a game then you're gonna get an owner from whether it's Dallas
05:42Buffalo one of those teams going
05:44hey, we need to get on the phone and see if we can get bill to come back coaching when the season's over because
05:52We know what's in his brain when it comes to football and coaching so that's why I think he's gonna get a lot of calls
05:57Let's say right now if you were to predict
05:59Do you think it will take a full season or do you think halfway through the season?
06:03Bill will get a call and bill will be the head coach. No full season full season
06:07Yeah, you don't see coaches really coming in in the middle of the season. Sometimes you do right? I would say well
06:13Who was a boomers best friend in the beginning of last right?
06:17Right, but he was on the staff. He wasn't hired outside
06:20Well, I mean whether on this I think Bill Belichick you can like you've never seen a coach
06:26Mid-season who was sitting on the sidelines just come in it like, okay, so you're both saying after the season. Yeah, Jackson
06:32What's your prediction? I?
06:34Do think he'll come back and didn't just Saturday slide in in the middle of the season
06:39That's right. Yeah, yeah, just Saturday. I think he came in like week 10
06:44Do you think it'll take a full season or do you think I think I'll take a full season
06:47but I think he's back and back at it hard because I really does I I
06:53the Shula things big in his mind, but I think
06:57Trying to be successful without Tom Brady post Tom Brady. Is it on his mind as well?
07:03I would say there's never been someone who was brought in midseason who was hired for more than the midseason
07:09So you you know, maybe a interim coach wins the job
07:12But never has it been a guy that hasn't been coaching anybody on that team for the long term to bring it as a replacement
07:19I'm curious. Do you want that's the poll. I just did a poll mid show mid segment wild stuff here
07:25We're all over the place
07:26Do you want Bill Belichick to come back and coach another team or do you want him?
07:31To have just a Patriot for the last obviously was with Cleveland, but what we saw in
07:372023 was the last year. I feel like he's like Brady when he's in the league
07:41The league is just more entertaining and it's just you know
07:44It's just another adds another story line
07:47and then the other thing why I think he comes back is do you think he wants to end this career on
07:52four and two and how it kind of fell apart 13 of four and 13 and how it fell apart and then the
07:57Dynasty, I think he's similar to Brady where he doesn't want to end this career like that
08:02Not that he's gonna win another Super Bowl
08:04But I think he wants to like say all right
08:06I'm gonna give it one more go at it and see if I can get another one obviously if I see if I can get
08:12Shuler's record and go out on
08:15My terms because it seems like he didn't go out on his terms based off of what we all know now where he was like
08:21Hey, I still wanted to coach and guess what? I'm willing to give up some power
08:28To still be coaching. Remember he told us that he's like I got no problem with that
08:33Yeah, I want him to coach I want to see him I don't think you'll be successful and it'll be great
08:37I'll have another team to root against but I you don't think if he goes to like Dallas or Buffalo or
08:42Philly he won't be successful Dallas or Buffalo or Philly. Um, I mean successful as in winning a championship. No, I
08:52So much of what he did was predicated upon a person ie Tom
08:59Spreading his messaging for today's player if you want me to say like in
09:042007 or 5 if he was hired and Dungy was fired by the Colts
09:08He wouldn't want a Super Bowl with Peyton Manning when it's just the players are just so different now
09:13but you don't think a guy like Josh Allen would buy into the message that Bill's trying to spread and Josh could then
09:19Spread that message into that locker. What what has Bill showed you that he'd want to coach a team with a 40 million dollar quarterback
09:26Well, he's never had that opportunity because he had no say in the off and who they were paying no, no
09:31But your quarterback didn't want 40 million. Okay, right? I'm saying in the
09:37Post-tom era his answer was Cam Newton, right?
09:40And then he was either agreed to or forced Mac Jones, right at no point
09:45Has he ever been someone who appeared desirous of spending at the top of the market at the quarterback or really any position outside of?
09:52Well, see I kind of disagree because there was a part of me that believed he would have went after Lamar Jackson
09:59Well, yeah, that was a 32. Oh, you mean as a free agent?
10:02When Lamar remember that whole Lamar but don't you want to have this so that we can see it like I want to see him
10:07Run a team. Mm-hmm so that we can see what was Robert? What was bill?
10:11We can have him we'll be able to see what they a blank slate how he decides to build
10:15All right. Let me ask a different question to the room then
10:17Do you believe it a team like Buffalo and and I bring these teams up because they're good teams and
10:25It's I think it's really about do they feel like they have the right coaches in place you team like a Buffalo
10:31Philly or Dallas those are the ones that we always talk about
10:34What about the Giants?
10:37That's always see but I always but then I I get into the quarterback situation there
10:41But you throw a team up, but do you feel like those teams would come after bill?
10:45If they didn't make it if they got one and done or they were, you know out of the playoffs early
10:50I think bill being on TV will further incentivize these
10:56Organizations to do something they may not have done before because the fan base will be demanding it. We all see bills flaws
11:02I I may be blinded by them but in in the national conversation of the NFL
11:08the Dallas
11:09Market Mike McCarthy is two and five to start the year is going to not just say I want him gone
11:16We need to be the first in line to be to sign Belichick long-term and you think Belichick would want to be with Jerry Jones
11:23I think he views that as a double win. He'll get paid and the crafts despise them
11:29So he'll be able to work for a team that is the anti craft and then in Dallas
11:34I mean, I think he's pretty no state income tax. I think that would be very pro
11:39Bill Belichick, I don't know and I can see teams like Washington not want to go after him because
11:44Like, you know, you're not gonna be good
11:47I just think that there's such a boys club when it comes to ownership and I'm guessing that if craft talked to the Falcons
11:52He's probably talked to other franchises or there's word out about what bill might be like behind the scenes as your head coach
11:58And it's gonna take a really strong owner to want to bring bill Belichick in
12:03Because even if bill says he doesn't care about having the power over everything
12:07I think that that's just he's just saying that I think go ahead. I I just think that he wants that power still
12:14It's bill Belichick. He knows he's bill Belichick
12:16He knows that he is the greatest coach of all time him going into a franchise
12:20An owner is gonna have to really take a backseat to him
12:23And I think his opportunities will be
12:25Dependent upon how flexible he is with his staff because if I'm Jerry Jones and I'm offering you 30 million over four years
12:32That will take you to almost 80. Mm-hmm
12:34You're not getting to pick Matt Patricia as your offensive coordinator, you know, he's going after Josh and I think
12:40Well, Josh has a crappy reputation across the NFL right? But Jerry Joe Jerry Jones will go
12:45Okay, I got cuz Josh is a good offensive coordinator
12:49Right. We can agree that Josh is a pretty good officer a coordinator and I think Jerry would go
12:53Okay, I'm cool with that. And also I look at and what about his son Steven in the roster?
12:59How would bill I think Steven is probably good in
13:04Washington with jetfish. I think Steven is now flying on his own Steven Jones the son of
13:12Sorry that that is that's in charge of the roster with Jerry
13:15I think that bill
13:16Would be willing and I I think that he was true and honest about it to be willing to sit down and say hey listen
13:23I can be
13:24Collaborative with you guys and I don't think I don't think bill has an issue with that and the other thing
13:29I think when you ask the question Courtney
13:31I think owners that know they have a realistic chance of winning might look at bill and say
13:38He could be the reason why we win. He's our best shot. Yeah, you might not get like a Washington
13:45Commanders or Carolina or some of those other teams that were available, but if you get a team like Dallas
13:52That might be like where the coach could turn this thing or
13:59Like I say Philly, New York is a that could be a wild card because then I think it's really how does bill feel about?
14:06The quarterback there. Well, we have a pull-up at the Greg Hill show on Twitter
14:11Do you want Belichick to return to coaching only 57% say yes, that seems low to me
14:17I figured more people would want to see him
