Impor RI dari China Susut 11,73%

  • 2 months ago
Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat, kinerja impor Indonesia pada Juni 2024 mencapai USD18,45 miliar atau menurun 4,89% dibandingkan pada Mei senilai USD19,4 miliar. Plt Kepala BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti mengatakan, impor Indonesia dari China tercatat sebesar USD5,34 miliar pada Juni 2024 turun 11,73% secara bulanan.


00:00The Statistics Agency reported that Indonesia's imports from China are recorded at US$5.34 billion.
00:06And we went to the information that we then conveyed earlier related to the cumulative data.
00:12And this is about the trading data from Indonesia and also China, the third largest country in the world,
00:19becoming the largest non-MEGAS import country with a market of 35.2%.
00:25The Statistics Agency reported that Indonesia's imports in June 2024 reached US$18.45 billion,
00:37or 4.89%, compared to US$19.4 billion.
00:44The head of the Statistics Agency, Amalia Awidiyasanti, said that
00:48Indonesia's imports from China were recorded at US$5.34 billion in June 2024,
00:55down 11.73% from the monthly rate.
00:59China became the largest non-MEGAS import country in the United States in June 2024,
01:05with a market of 35.2%.
01:09China is still the largest non-MEGAS import country in Indonesia,
01:15with a contribution of 35.20% to the total non-MEGAS imports in Indonesia,
01:24slightly lower than the previous month, which was 36.34%.
01:32China's non-MEGAS imports reached US$5.34 billion,
01:40or down compared to May 2024,
01:44but higher than May last year.
01:49Amalia added that Japan is the second largest non-MEGAS import country with a 7.42% import rate.
01:56The import value of Japan is US$1.13 billion.
02:01Meanwhile, Singapore is a country with an import rate of 6.13%,
02:06or third place in the main import country in June 2024.
02:12From Jakarta, IDX Journal.
