BI: Utang Luar Negeri Akhir 2023 Tumbuh 2,7% Yoy

  • 7 months ago
Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat Utang Luar Negeri (ULN) Indonesia pada triwulan IV 2023 tetap terkendali.

Asisten Gubernur Departemen Komunikasi BI, Erwin Haryono mengatakan, posisi ULN Indonesia pada akhir triwulan IV 2023 tercatat sebesar USD407,1 miliar, atau tumbuh 2,7% (yoy), dan meningkat dibandingkan dengan posisi triwulan sebelumnya yang tumbuh 0,02% (yoy).


00:00 [News report in Indonesian]
00:29 Bank Indonesia notes that Indonesia's foreign debt is at a position of USD407.1 billion,
00:34 or Rp 6,349 trillion, at the end of Q4 2023.
00:40 The figure grew by 2.7% annually.
00:44 The development of foreign debt is mainly caused by the public sector's ULN transactions
00:49 and the weakening of the US dollar currency factor against the global currency, including the rupiah.
00:56 The Bank of Indonesia notes that the foreign debt is still under control and managed in a balanced and accountable manner.
01:01 The position of the foreign debt at the end of Q4 2023 is recorded at USD196.6 billion,
01:08 or grew by 5.4% annually.
01:12 The development of the government's ULN is caused by the withdrawal of foreign loans,
01:16 especially multilateral loans, to support the development of several programs and projects.
01:22 The increase in the government's ULN is also affected by the increase in the investment portfolio
01:27 in the domestic and international currency markets.
01:30 As well as a positive sentiment of market believers,
01:33 which is starting to undermine the uncertainty of the global financial market.
01:37 Meanwhile, the foreign debt continues the growth contraction trend.
01:42 The position of the private ULN in Q4 2023 reached USD197 billion,
01:48 or experienced a 1.9% annual growth contraction.
01:53 Continued contraction in the previous quarter, 3.5% annually.
01:58 The development of the private foreign debt is sourced from financial institutions and companies,
02:03 not financial institutions, which each experienced a 2.4% and 1.8% annual contraction.
02:10 The Bank of Indonesia ensures that the foreign debt structure of Indonesia remains healthy,
02:14 supported by the implementation of the principle of caution in managing the ULN.
02:18 This is reflected in the ratio of Indonesia's foreign debt to domestic gross product,
02:22 as large as 29.7%, and dominated by the ULN for a long time,
02:26 with the force reaching 86.6% of the total foreign debt.
02:30 Jakarta Tim Liputan, ADX Channel.
02:33 For more information, visit
02:37 [Music]
02:39 (bell dings)
