Impor RI Melesat 17,8%

  • last month
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat nilai impor pada Juli 2024 sebesar USD21,74 miliar atau naik 17,82 persen dibandingkan Juni 2024. Adapun Secara tahunan atau year on year, impor Juli naik 11,07 persen.


00:00Indonesia's import value in 2024 reached US$21.7 billion, up 17.82% compared to June 2024.
00:13The three largest non-MEGAS importing countries are China, US$38.97 billion,
00:21Japan, US$7.88 billion, and Thailand, US$5.73 billion.
00:30Indonesia's import value in 2024 reached US$21.74 billion, up 17.82% compared to June 2024, or up 11.07% compared to July 2023.
00:46From this chart, the statistics center shows that MEGAS import value in July 2024 reached US$3.56 billion, up 8.78% compared to June 2024, or up 13.59% compared to July 2023.
01:03Meanwhile, non-MEGAS import value in July 2024 reached US$18.18 billion, up 19.76% compared to June 2024, or up 10.6% compared to July 2023.
01:16However, monthly imports were affected by non-MEGAS, which gave a 16.62% increase, while MEGAS imports increased by 1.56%.
01:26Meanwhile, the three largest non-MEGAS importing countries during January to July 2024 are China, US$38.97 billion, Japan, US$7.88 billion, and Thailand, US$5.73 billion.
