Gaikindo: Penjualan Mobil Dalam Negeri Menurun Signifikan

  • 2 months ago
Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo) menilai, menurunnya nilai ekspor mobil dari Indonesia ke sejumlah negara sejalan dengan penurunan laju penjualan mobil di dalam negeri. Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat, nilai ekspor mobil dari Indonesia ke sejumlah negara pada semester I tahun 2024 mencapai USD2,78 miliar atau menurun dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu, yakni sebesar USD2,97 miliar.


00:00Meanwhile, the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Industry Association, or GAIKINDO,
00:03estimates the decline in the value of car exports from Indonesia to a number of countries,
00:06in line with the decline in the speed of car sales in the country.
00:10The Statistics Center notes that the value of car exports from Indonesia to a number of countries in the first semester of this year reached 2.78 billion dollars,
00:19or a decline compared to the same period last year,
00:22which is 2.97 billion US dollars.
00:25The Secretary General of the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Industry Association, GAIKINDO, Kukuhkumar,
00:27said that the decline in the value of car exports in line with the decline in the speed of car sales in the country
00:32was caused by a decline in the purchasing power of the people.
00:35To that end, GAIKINDO is advocating that the government should continue to provide car buying incentives
00:40to boost the purchasing power of the people in the automotive sector.
00:46So, in the short term, we need to think about it as it happened during the pandemic.
00:52So, in the short term, we need to think about it as it happened during the pandemic.
00:54By providing incentives, the people will benefit from it.
01:00Because they will get a more competitive car price.
01:04So, in the long term, we hope that the economy can grow above 6 percent.
01:09By growing 6 percent, the automotive industry will become more attractive.
