Kemenperin: PPNBM DTP Bisa Tingkatkan Penjualan Mobil

  • 2 months ago
Kementerian Perindustrian berencana akan kembali memberikan insentif fiskal berupa pajak penjualan atas barang mewah ditanggung pemerintah (PPnBM DTP) untuk pembelian mobil yang diproduksi di dalam negeri. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mengatasi stagnasi pasar mobil domestik di level satu juta unit setahun dalam 10 tahun terakhir.


00:00Meanwhile, the Minister of Industry has assessed a fiscal incentive in the form of PPNBM
00:05on behalf of the government for the vehicles produced in the country to increase automotive sales.
00:11The Minister of Industry noted the stagnation of domestic sales of domestic cars in the last 10 years
00:17at a figure of one million units, while the automotive industry is one of the strategic sectors
00:23that makes a significant contribution to the national economy.
00:27LT Birjen, Logamesin Industries, Transportation and Electronics, or ELMATE,
00:33Utu Juliardika mentioned that the step taken is to provide a fiscal incentive in the form of PPNBM
00:41DTP to vehicles with certain local content requirements or TKDN,
00:47and prioritize low-carbon vehicles to continue to meet the same target,
00:53namely to advance the domestic component industry and create a net-zero emission industry.
01:23The Minister of Industry noted the stagnation of domestic sales of domestic cars in the last 10 years
01:29at a figure of one million units, while the automotive industry is one of the strategic sectors that makes a significant contribution to the national economy.
