The Traitors UK S01E04 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Previously on The Traitors
00:04The players arrived here at this Scottish castle
00:07To play the game of a lifetime and to hopefully win up to £120,000
00:14But hidden amongst them are the Traitors
00:17Whose job is to secretly murder the others without getting caught
00:21And if they make it to the end, they will take all the money
00:25While some players fell at the first hurdle
00:28I'm afraid, it's goodbye
00:31The Traitors continued their killing spree
00:33By the order of the Traitors
00:34You have been murdered
00:36But they weren't the only ones playing a deadly game
00:39My boyfriend Tom is also in this game
00:41We're keeping that to ourselves
00:43The Faithful continued their quest to work out who the Traitors are
00:47Who is the most likely to be a Faithful?
00:50I knew she was a Faithful the whole lot
00:52But is that because you're a Traitor?
00:53Aaron, I'm really sorry but can I take a second?
00:56But once again, failed to succeed
01:00I am a Faithful
01:02Oh no!
01:04And I had a surprise of my own
01:08This is The Traitors
01:12The Traitors
01:23Tonight, you're going to choose three players to put on trial
01:28You may choose any three players, including yourselves
01:32You will observe them all day tomorrow
01:35Tomorrow night, you will murder one of them
01:38I will announce the three players that are on trial tomorrow at breakfast
01:44So choose wisely
01:50This gets so much harder every single day
01:55It took us a bit by surprise
01:57We don't get to murder anyone tonight
01:59Instead, we've got three people on trial
02:02We've really got to get strategic about this now
02:08Who's come out to play?
02:14So when do they die? Tomorrow night?
02:17One of them
02:18What emotions will they bring on by being under the spotlight?
02:21Yes, absolutely
02:22We need to be, again, five steps ahead
02:24Yeah, we do
02:26Let's just think of what the repercussions are of choosing people
02:29I think they're going to suck up to everyone
02:32And I think a lot of people will relax and start listening and watching a bit closely
02:37And they'll be thinking, which one of my friends protected me?
02:40So I think they're going to look at their friends as well
02:43We've got to think, right?
02:44It says any player
02:45And I think I'd like to put myself up
02:49I'm under the pressure at the moment
02:51Once everybody's aware that traitors can put themselves on trial
02:56Then it's going to be like they're covering themselves up
03:00I don't know if it's that safe to put you up
03:02I don't know, no
03:05We could put someone on trial who...
03:07Who they think would protect themselves
03:18I think it would be clever enough to put himself
03:21I think they'll think that
03:22Because he knows the rules
03:28I want Alex to have a bit of spotlight on her, man
03:31Yeah, because she's very quiet
03:33By putting her on trial, she is going to start wanting answers
03:37Why am I here?
03:40I was going to say John
03:41The reason is he's a target for everyone
03:43Because he won the most faithful on the wheel
03:45Yeah, he's cracking
03:46He is cracking as well
03:48People are getting a bit too confident
03:51So we need to remind them, you know, who is in charge here
03:55I feel like tomorrow's breakfast is going to explode
04:05It's a new morning
04:06And for the faithful, they'll be wondering who will turn up to breakfast
04:10Little do they know, last night no one was murdered
04:13As the traitors had a different decision to make
04:26First in
04:28First in
04:29I was expecting everyone to be here
04:33Is there anyone around?
04:34This is so much better than yesterday
04:35I was waiting for you so long
04:38Breakfast started like perfectly
04:40It's just me and Alex
04:42We've been in here secretly in a relationship
04:44So we've been waiting for days for this
04:46And now we have this moment together
04:47It was perfect
04:49Really quickly, just while we're here
04:50Who were you thinking of?
04:51Traitors got the money
04:53Ivan, yeah
04:54Ivan, Hannah
04:55Yep, agreed
04:56Their game play is so brilliant
04:58Sit down, sit down, sit down
05:01When it was just me and Tom
05:03I really just wanted to chat with him
05:04And see where his headspace was at
05:06And see if we were thinking along the same lines
05:08But there was still that kind of like on-edgeness
05:10Of like anyone could come in at any moment
05:12I'm going to take my jacket off because it's just stressful
05:16Come in
05:17Come in
05:18Come in
05:19Come in
05:20Come in
05:21Come in
05:24Hi guys
05:28Alright, honestly
05:29You okay?
05:30It's lovely to see you, man
05:33I walked through the door and I see Alec
05:35I was so happy to see her
05:37She's such a gem
05:39I've never been here this early
05:40Nor have I, honestly
05:41It's really strange
05:42It's really awkward and quiet
05:43We're just here by ourselves, just like
05:45Right, what do we talk about?
05:48I was relieved when I saw Matt come through
05:49Because I do genuinely think that he is faithful
05:52But it was a little awkward
05:53Because I'm holding a secret from him
05:56And that secret was sitting right next to me
06:00Come in
06:01Come in
06:09Oh my god
06:11The way you crept round that door, guys
06:13I was like, just open the door
06:16How are you?
06:17How are you?
06:18Thank you
06:19Are you okay?
06:20How are you feeling?
06:21I was on edge
06:22I was on edge today
06:23Last night was difficult
06:24Yesterday got to me a bit too much, man
06:29Yesterday, I think I messed up my own game plan
06:32Was to try and stay medium
06:34And I got too cocky
06:35I was bringing a bit too much attention to myself
06:37And it tricked me up
06:39So I won't be doing that again
06:46How are you feeling?
06:47Yeah, good
06:48A bit exhausted, yeah
06:49You still sorry for yesterday, man?
06:51No, no, it's fine
06:52We'll talk about it later
06:53I'm really drained right now
06:54With all the heightened emotions from last night
06:56At the round table
06:57I'm kind of a bit relieved right now
07:05Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good
07:07You look very conscious, though
07:09Thank you, man
07:10So we're waiting for John, Andrea, Amanda
07:13Is that it?
07:14What? There's only three left?
07:15John, Andrea and Amanda were waiting for me
07:18I knew what was going to happen, obviously
07:20Because no one's been murdered
07:24Come in
07:36Andrea and John came in
07:37And we realised that meant that Amanda had gone home
07:40I was shocked
07:41Amanda, I knew she was faithful
07:43I knew she was faithful
07:44Who are we missing?
07:46Obviously, I knew Amanda was going to walk in that door
07:49So I just had to convince everyone that I was like
07:52Oh, my God, it must be Amanda gone
07:54It's because she voted for Imran
07:56And then they're literally trying to cover their backs
07:59Because they got rid of Imran
08:01So that even makes me think even more
08:03That my theory about Wilf
08:04I'm sorry, Wilf, I love you as a person
08:06But I feel like that's made me even more suspect
08:11Maddie has sort of identified me as a traitor
08:15But for the wrong reasons
08:17And I'm struggling on how to play it
08:19Because I just didn't expect it to happen to me, to be honest
08:21Like, let me be honest
08:22I think we should play this game tactically
08:24Say if we vote for Wilf
08:27And Wilf is a traitor
08:29That means Aaron is one
08:31100% agree
08:32100% agree
08:33You should get an Oscar for that performance
08:37I didn't believe
08:38Are you joking?
08:39Aaron, yeah, I didn't believe that
08:41Me neither, Aaron
08:42It was like crocodile tears
08:44Maddie starts pointing fingers
08:45And that really aggravated me
08:46Because I just thought
08:47You keep going in and in and in
08:49And I just thought, do you know what?
08:50I can't be bothered with this anymore
08:51I just kind of just melted into my seat
08:53Because I was that drained
08:58Oh, my God
09:00Wait, nobody died
09:01Nobody's dead
09:03Like, we were happy to see Amanda, obviously
09:05And I was like, oh, thank goodness
09:06But then we were like, wait
09:07That means no one's been murdered
09:09There's another traitor
09:10They've hired a new one
09:12Amanda, I'm so pleased to see you
09:14Amanda walks in
09:15And so everyone's still there
09:17So there was obviously confusion
09:19So now there's three or four
09:21There's more than there was
09:23They're winning
09:30Good morning, everyone
09:32I'm so nervous
09:33I know what you're thinking
09:35Nobody murdered
09:36Maybe the game's changed
09:37Maybe we're just going to have a lovely time in Scotland
09:42I'm afraid it's not that
09:45The traitors did meet
09:47There wasn't a murder last night
09:51Instead, they have put three players on trial
09:56As targets for their next murder
10:00They will be watching those who are on trial all day
10:04And tonight, choose one of them to be murdered
10:08Those that are on trial are
10:22And John
10:23No surprise there
10:24No surprise there
10:25I have a question
10:26Can a traitor put another traitor on trial?
10:31Then I'm almost certain one of you two are a traitor then
10:34Well, I can tell you...
10:35Look you in the fucking eyes right now
10:36Sorry to swear and tell you I'm a faithful
10:39Ivan, Alex and John
10:42One of you will be murdered tonight
10:53I'm not all right
10:54What's not all right?
10:55I'm fine, mate, I'm fine
10:56I've got it, I've got it
10:57I'm sorry
10:58It's fine
10:59It's fine
11:00These emotions right now
11:02I'm not, like, I don't feel betrayed
11:04Because that's what they've got to do
11:05It's just a lot of emotion
11:07It's been easy for me so far
11:08This game's been really, really easy for me in the first three days
11:12It's game on
11:14So how do I...
11:15What does being on trial even mean?
11:16So how do I prove myself?
11:18They've tacked people up
11:19Those three people for a reason
11:22You just don't know
11:23I don't think I could have done anything really to save myself
11:26I think they're all faithful
11:28So they've just tried to...
11:29Absolutely, he's a faithful
11:31He's a faithful
11:32She's a faithful
11:33I'm a faithful
11:34They've picked faithfuls
11:35Alex is faithful
11:36Alex is faithful
11:37Can they...
11:38Is it just one or could it be all three of us?
11:40They wouldn't pick themselves
11:41Why would they pick themselves?
11:42To make themselves look like they're not...
11:43John, I don't think you're a traitor
11:45I'm not
11:46All of you put my name on that slate at the round table
11:49So I can prove to you I'm taking one for the team
11:53I'm taking one for the team
11:55Put my name on that card
11:57John, no
12:01I 100% don't think it's John
12:05As a traitor, seeing people and how emotional they get, it is difficult
12:11No, I want them to put my name on that card to prove that I'm not
12:14No, I know you're not
12:15I know you're not
12:17Literally, I...
12:18I can't do this anymore
12:19We've got to look at this like a game
12:23So tactically, this get Wilf
12:25If we all convince people to get Wilf, then we know Aaron is
12:29What do you think?
12:30I think the traitors will go for themselves
12:31You said John
12:32You think all of them did?
12:33No, no, I think John's a traitor
12:35I think one of them will have
12:37I'm as lost as the next person
12:39No, you're not
12:40As in like confused, lost
12:42I think they just want me to speak up more
12:44I just panicked
12:45And I knew that I had to just lay all my cards on the table in that moment
12:47I just knew it
12:49Guys, guys, straight up, straight up
12:53This is a lot
12:55Obviously we've got three people on the line here
12:57And I've got to be honest, love you all
12:59Alex isn't a traitor, straight up
13:01She's my girlfriend
13:05We came in here as a couple
13:06But we came to try and find traitors
13:10What we tried to do is come apart separately
13:12Here where there were individual stories
13:14To combine them
13:15To then try and spot out traitors
13:18She is a faithful 100%
13:20I am faithful 100%
13:21I thought you were going to get married
13:22I'll be honest with you, I do think Ivan is a traitor
13:26Ivan will be getting really close to you
13:27Because I actually think you are the traitor
13:29I think you're an incredible traitor by the way
13:3110 points to the Gryffindor
13:32Tom, Tom, you're barking up the wrong tree
13:33No, he is
13:34No, no, no
13:35I'm sorry to say this, but you lied to us for three days
13:37No, stop, stop
13:38Then you managed to lie to us for three days
13:39Say something
13:40Hear him out
13:41Oh my God, man
13:42What the fuck is going on?
13:45I had to stand up
13:46I genuinely had to stand up and be like
13:48Like, I was actually mind blown
13:50I was like, oh my God
13:51And what made it better is he just started accusing the wrong people
13:55Do you know what? I've been playing it dumb
13:56Guys, I read people like fricking books
13:59Hannah's the traitor, Ivan's the traitor
14:00What the fuck are you talking about?
14:02Oh my God
14:05Fuck this, I'm fucked this
14:07These two have been lying all the way through
14:08Defend yourself, defend yourself
14:10I know, and we're getting shoots through
14:11They've been coming in doing nothing
14:13I thought we were mates
14:14And he's just point blank accused me of being a traitor
14:17Tom changed in that breakfast room
14:20We are faithful
14:21And do you know what?
14:22One of us is going to die tonight
14:23Straight away, it's obvious
14:24But that's what we have to do
14:25To try and make it go a bit further
14:26Time out guys, time out
14:27Please, please, everyone stop talking
14:28Just for ten seconds and sit down
14:29We've all gone from zero to a thousand
14:31And it's just gone crazy
14:33Not at any moment did I think he was about to reveal
14:37That I was his girlfriend
14:38Not at any moment
14:40I was just like this
14:41I couldn't believe it
14:42Sorry, can I say something?
14:43The reason before you all call us a liar
14:46And like, I'm really sorry that we hid that from you
14:48It was not an easy thing to do
14:49It really wasn't easy
14:50I'm telling you right now from my heart
14:51Matt, you made it hard
14:52I can tell you that for free
14:54Coming on the show
14:55And we come in as a couple
14:56Immediately we're suspicious
14:58Because we're an alliance
15:00And that's the only reason we hid it
15:02And it's not easy keeping a secret like that
15:05It's really not
15:06I'm telling you now from my heart
15:07It's horrible
15:09I'm not bullshitting you Hannah
15:10I swear, I promise
15:11It's all bullshit
15:12This whole thing is bullshit
15:13Please let her speak
15:14Please let her speak
15:15Carry on
15:16And I think
15:17At first I thought
15:18Tom, you idiot
15:19Why would you come out and say this
15:20But now I'm actually glad you have
15:21Because it's so intense
15:22It's horrible
15:23I've not enjoyed it
15:24And hiding
15:25And as we're getting closer
15:26And keeping that from you more
15:27I'm just like
15:28This is just so messed up
15:29All that I'm going to say
15:31On this fact
15:33That's just happened here
15:34You've both lied to me
15:36To my face
15:37And that's that
15:38That makes me suspicious of both of you
15:40And like, I'm upset
15:41Do you know what?
15:42It hurts
15:43I don't care
15:44I'll tell you what
15:45It hurts more than this
15:46I'll tell you what
15:47Having to hide like this
15:48Behind everyone's back
15:49Just to try and find the traitors
15:50Which are winning at the moment
15:51Is a nice friendship
15:52And I think he felt
15:53Like he could trust me
15:54Seeing his reaction
15:55To him finding that out
15:56Did hurt a lot
15:57I'm sitting with one of the eyes
15:58This is a horrible, horrible thing
15:59And it was genuine emotion
16:00From everyone
16:01And it's just hard to sit back
16:02I just felt so guilty
16:03Go in the room with Aaron
16:04I don't
16:05I want to sit here
16:06And I want to be with everyone
16:07And listen to what
16:08Everyone's got to say
16:09Can I just say sorry
16:10To Matt
16:11Because I thought
16:12Alex and Matt
16:13Were going to
16:14It's not like that
16:15It's not like that
16:16It's just the fact
16:17That I don't like
16:18The fact that
16:19I don't like
16:20It's not like that
16:21It's just the fact
16:22That I don't like
16:23Being lied to
16:24Being lied to
16:25Is shit as fuck
16:26I didn't come in here
16:27Thinking that I was
16:28Going to find myself
16:29A girlfriend
16:30Or anything like that
16:31But it's literally
16:32Just the fact
16:33That she's lied
16:34I've always said
16:35In everyday life
16:36I'll trust everyone
16:37Until they cross me
16:38And then when they cross me
16:39And they lose my trust
16:40That's it
16:41Try watching your girlfriend
16:42Like get like
16:43It's a game though
16:44It's okay
16:45It's okay
16:46It's a game
16:48What are we doing
16:49Tom I know
16:50But we are all
16:52It's a huge thing
16:53What you've come out with
16:54It's commendable you have
16:56I don't know where I am
16:57In the lying situation
17:01We are all
17:03Against each other
17:04We've got to stop this
17:05Otherwise we're never
17:06Going to find them
17:07We are never
17:08Going to find them
17:09If we keep
17:10Doing this
17:12We didn't realise
17:13By putting Alex
17:14On trial
17:16This huge secret
17:17Was going to come out
17:18We couldn't have picked
17:19A better pawn
17:20In this game
17:21And of course now
17:22For us as traitors
17:23It's absolutely great
17:24Because nobody
17:25Believes any of them
17:36I don't fucking like
17:37Being lied to
17:38Especially about shit like that
17:39This was a game
17:40I'm sorry everyone
17:46Do you know what though
17:47I'm really glad everyone else
17:48Got pointed a finger
17:49Because now everyone knows
17:50How I felt last night
17:54You need to calm down
17:56You've got two keys in there
17:59I just think it has to be Tom or Alex
18:01One of them has to be a traitor
18:02No but that's personal
18:04No it's not personal
18:05It's not
18:06I literally just said
18:07They've both come in
18:08And they've
18:09But do you know what
18:10The other thing is
18:11Is that I can't prove
18:12That anyone else in this room
18:13Or out there
18:14Has lied
18:15I now have proof
18:16That those two have lied
18:17About something big
18:18And they've shown
18:19That they are capable of doing it
18:20This is actual proof
18:21This is hard proof
18:22They've lied
18:23I'm a comedian
18:24I deal with tense situations
18:26By making them funny
18:28But I hate being lied to
18:29And I know a few people
18:30Feel that way
18:34You alright
18:35How you feeling
18:36Mate what the
18:37That literally
18:38Alex's right is ridiculous
18:40My little brain's doing overtime
18:42They've now lied
18:44And I can't
18:45I do kind of get why
18:46They've done it
18:47But I'm just like
18:49It's so upsetting
18:51No statistically
18:52It's one of Alex
18:53Or Tom as a traitor
18:55And I think Alex
18:56May be the most clever of the two
18:58But Alex should also
18:59Just be the traitor
19:00And just put herself in there
19:01Just to defend herself
19:03Like it's simple as that
19:04I can't even think
19:05About the whole thing man
19:06I've got so many other thoughts
19:07Going through my head
19:08It's nuts
19:11How do we resolve this
19:13It's totally ridiculous
19:14I think we have to just say it
19:15I'm just going to ride it out
19:16I'm just going to go in there
19:17Being like look
19:18This is it
19:19Those are my cards on the fucking table
19:20That's literally everything
19:22Now you've got two people
19:23That have actually been open and honest
19:24Are you going to kill
19:25The two people that are honest
19:26Or the people that are
19:27Just still quiet
19:29There was a lot of anger
19:30At breakfast
19:31And I knew there was going to have to be
19:32A lot of healing done afterwards
19:33But I think
19:34We can still make this work
19:36Small game plan now
19:37People that we think are traitors
19:38I did think it was Ivan last night
19:40And now seeing his reaction
19:41I'm like I don't know
19:42I think he's good
19:43I think he's a really good game player
19:44That's what I thought
19:45But Hannah's the most blatant
19:47I think it's Alyssa
19:49I think she's
19:50In over her head
19:52She's upset now
19:53Because she's seen what's going on
19:55And she's causing it
19:56When Alex told me Alyssa
19:58I was like right
19:59Yeah but she's
20:00Been quite quiet
20:01You wouldn't suspect her
20:02Why is she starting to get emotional
20:03All of a sudden
20:05She's on my radar
20:07Let's go and start talking to people
20:08You keep saying
20:09No one trusts me now
20:10What are you going to say
20:11I'm going to say
20:12No one trusts us now
20:13We're both dead anyway
20:14Like I'd be upset as well
20:15But what would you do
20:16In my situation
20:21Oh Alyssa
20:22It's a couple of you again
20:24You know what
20:25I hate keeping secrets
20:26And now I'm happy
20:27That I can just
20:28Be honest and open
20:29And I'm not hiding anything
20:31If I'm able to stay in now
20:32By being
20:33Putting my hands up
20:34And coming clean about everything
20:35Then cool
20:36Any questions anyone has
20:37I'll happily answer them
20:39I honestly think
20:40This is the most evidence
20:41We have
20:42Here's Tom and Alex
20:43Tom and Alex are here
20:44At this moment
20:45I don't want to
20:46I don't want to speak to you
20:47I love you
20:48No I do
20:49I want to hear the evidence
20:50Of why I'm a traitor
20:51No I can't
20:52I really
20:53I'm sorry guys
20:54It's just
20:55It's a lot
20:56Can I explain one thing
20:57Let me have one point
20:59If I knew this was coming
21:00Why would I jump up
21:01And be like
21:02This is my girlfriend
21:03I'm a liar to you all
21:04Why would I do that
21:05Do you see
21:06From our point of view
21:07That it's quite a belief
21:08Like you've kept
21:09Something from us
21:10And now you're saying
21:11It's a couple
21:12You've doubled your chances
21:13Well that's why we
21:15That's why we didn't want
21:16To come in here as a couple
21:17Because then people
21:18Would be like
21:19Well let's break that up
21:20No but you have come in
21:21As a couple
21:22That's what we're saying
21:24So that's why
21:25We're trying to keep it secret
21:26And that's why
21:27We've now brought out the open
21:28Because it's like
21:29It's just got to that point
21:31Didn't line up
21:32I also do study people
21:33I'm a magician
21:34I literally read lies
21:35For a living
21:36I've underplayed it to you guys
21:37Come and sit here
21:38And Alex can go
21:39It's my job
21:40Who do you think
21:41The traitors are then
21:42In your opinion
21:43At the moment
21:44And it's nothing personal
21:45Don't get upset
21:46If he points at you
21:47I just want to know
21:48Some names
21:49Is this a game
21:50Do you actually know
21:51What it was like
21:52The features
21:53I want to know, yeah
21:54I'll tell you what it was
21:55It's like in the body language
21:56I'll be honest
21:57The first two that were
21:58Highlighted to me
21:59Were you and Ivan
22:01There's like
22:02There's a thing of over proving
22:03And there's like
22:04A lot of body language
22:05It's subtle
22:06But you can see it
22:07I'm telling people my theory
22:08It's a game
22:09You have to be a little bit brutal
22:10And a little bit selfish
22:11I thought I wouldn't worry
22:12Because tonight
22:13You're safe
22:14I'm dead
22:15I'm not worried
22:16Because I'm a faithful
22:17So I'm not worried
22:18So don't worry then
22:19Double don't worry
22:20Because I'll tell you what
22:21Everyone's going to vote for me
22:22Because no one trusts me
22:23And then Alex is going to be dead
22:24So you're so safe
22:25To play the game
22:26They've just come into that room
22:27And they're both now
22:28Manipulating the situation
22:29Being like
22:30Let me tell you
22:31How to play this game
22:32Let me tell you
22:33I'm a magician
22:34It's just the most
22:35Disingenuous people
22:37And they're now
22:38So convincingly saying
22:39Well don't worry
22:40Alex is going to die
22:41I'm going outside
22:42Blah blah blah
22:43So why are you
22:44Why are you really
22:45Coming round
22:46And defending yourself
22:47So much
22:48I'm telling you
22:49Who I think the game is
22:50So then
22:51You guys go in it
22:52Tom was going around
22:54I read people for a living
22:55I can tell you who it is
22:56Trying to convince
22:57Everybody to go
22:58This way or that way
22:59As a traitor
23:00I'm thinking
23:01Listen mate
23:02You got it wrong
23:03You can't read
23:04People that well
23:05Again I apologise
23:06No no
23:07But it was the game
23:08But don't worry
23:09No I respect
23:10I mean
23:11I respect a good lie
23:12Do you know what I mean
23:13And there's no hard feelings for me
23:14I'm dead now
23:15Don't worry
23:16But at least
23:17I can just put it on the table
23:18Ivan's a fool
23:19Because he was playing
23:20Such a good game
23:21But yeah
23:22I don't think
23:23They're dumb enough
23:24To put themselves on trial
23:25I think they're a step ahead
23:26Dumb enough
23:27Smart enough
23:28They get the choice
23:30I don't think so
23:31I think they win
23:32A thoughtless
23:33Because as soon as
23:34Unless you're a traitor
23:36But as soon as Alex
23:37Put up her hand
23:38To be like
23:40As soon as
23:41You didn't say you're not a traitor
23:42I'm not a traitor
23:43I think you'd know that
23:44If I was
23:46But I respect you
23:47Well I don't
23:48So that's not
23:49Where I lie
23:51I think Tom's on to me
23:52And he could feel
23:53How nervous I was
23:54It really scared me
23:55Because I was like
23:56I don't know how to act
23:57I don't know what
23:58He wants me to do
23:59I don't think
24:00They're smart enough
24:02Hey guys
24:05I've basically made
24:06Most of my career now
24:07Around both writing books
24:08About games
24:09And running great big
24:10Game sessions
24:11I'm normally the one
24:12Kind of like orchestrating them
24:13Now I have to somehow
24:14Navigate a game
24:15That I don't know
24:16The rules to
24:17And I was definitely upset
24:18About the way that
24:19Tom had accused me
24:20Let me say two things first
24:21Number one
24:22I see so much of you in me
24:23I do think you're a traitor
24:24I think you're a really good one
24:25And I think
24:26You're the only person
24:27I could see in this game
24:28Smart enough
24:29That could get away
24:30With this
24:31And I think
24:32You're smart enough
24:33That could get away with it
24:35Do you want to know
24:36Why I think you are smart?
24:37Go for it
24:39The thing that you did
24:40That sort of gave it away to me
24:42You did like a few touches
24:43Of things
24:45And I'm a fidgeter
24:46I'm a total fidgeter
24:47When I'm anxious
24:48I constantly move
24:50And I'm anxious
24:51I'll tell you what
24:53This is what I would do
24:57If you were faithful
25:00Play my game
25:01For one night
25:02For Hannah
25:05Because she's a traitor
25:06Given that you've read me wrong
25:10I don't believe
25:11That your reads are appropriate
25:12If I have evidence
25:13To vote for Hannah
25:15I will
25:16Why are you protecting her?
25:17I'm not protecting Hannah
25:18You're attacking her
25:19I am
25:20I'm ambivalent
25:21He accused me
25:22Of being a traitor this morning
25:23And then told me
25:24That we should work together
25:25And I should vote Hannah out
25:26He wants to manipulate
25:27Who he thinks are the traitors
25:29To vote other traitors out
25:31He's so far away
25:33From where he thinks he is
25:37With tensions running high
25:38The players now have the chance
25:40To earn some money
25:41For that all important prize pot
25:44What a beautiful day Amanda
25:46Oh look
25:49Out they come
25:55Is everyone alright?
25:57It's quite an emotional morning
25:59I tell you what you're really good at
26:01As a team
26:02Is adding money to that prize fund
26:05You work really well
26:06On missions
26:08So we're about to have
26:10The next one
26:11We're going to get into teams
26:13I would like those three
26:15On trial please
26:17To be the team captains
26:18Ivan, Alex and John
26:20Please get into your positions
26:22Thank you
26:24You are going to pick your players
26:26I don't know who wants to go first
26:28Ivan, hand straight up
26:30Tom, you're on my team
26:33I wanted to make sure that I had Tom
26:35Two reasons
26:36I wanted to keep him away from Alex
26:37Second reason
26:38I want him close to me
26:39Keep your enemies close, right?
26:41Who would like to go next?
26:46I chose Matt because
26:47The guilt was eating at me for lying to him
26:49John, who would you like?
26:53Back to you Ivan
27:04Thank you
27:08Well this is awkward
27:10So Ryan, you are with Ivan
27:12Because he picked first
27:14Three excellent teams
27:16Please get into your vehicles
27:18And I will see you on the farm
27:22To be in the Scottish Highlands
27:24On a farm
27:26We're doing something with animals
27:28That's exciting
27:37We know we're going to a farm
27:38But surely we're not going to be milking cows
27:39I think it's sheep trials
27:40Milking cows
27:41Claudia was wearing wool
27:43I'm on trial
27:45Sheep trials
27:46For me it's quite awkward at the minute
27:48We just get on with the mission
27:50Make as much money as we can
27:51As a team
27:52Then I'd really love to speak to you properly
27:55One million cent
28:04I just can't figure out who's
28:06It's impossible
28:08Maybe Tom can actually
28:09There's one more person I haven't called out
28:11That I do think is a traitor
28:13I'm not going to call them out
28:14Because I'm actually wanting them to go further
28:19I don't want to say
28:20But they have to play it smartly
28:21And you know what?
28:22It's time that traitors need to not back each other up
28:24So much
28:25Because I tell you what
28:26Round that round table
28:27They're going to highlight themselves
28:28Like a sore fucking thumb
28:32I'm basically talking to the traitor right now
28:34Saying play your game smart
28:35If you want to go further
28:36You think there's a traitor in this cart?
28:40I am saying
28:41If you want to go far in this game
28:42You know who you are
28:43You need to
28:44Hack stab one of your own traitors
28:46And that's a selfish thing
28:47But that's what this game is
28:48Think about it
29:04I like easy
29:05And one of them is called Ivan
29:08Oh my god
29:09We got our names on sheets
29:11I bet mine's a real fat one
29:13The sheep were cute
29:15They are all named after us
29:17It was lovely
29:18Welcome all to this mission
29:20Can I just say
29:21I'll just say you all look absolutely tremendous.
29:25The current prize fund stands at £31,700.
29:30Today's mission is only about two things,
29:33observation and communication through the medium of sheep.
29:40Those who are on trial, you are team captains.
29:43What I'd like you to do is nominate one of your team
29:47to be in the pen with the sheep.
29:50The rest of your team will need to describe the sheep
29:52on the board to the player in the pen.
29:55I love the fact you're laughing, Will.
29:57You know what we've done?
29:58We've taken quite a tense morning
30:00and now we're basically playing a sheep identity parade.
30:06The player in the pen then must identify the sheep
30:09that matches that description.
30:11For every sheep's name that you get that's correct,
30:13you win £1,000 for the prize fund.
30:16There are three rounds
30:17and you're all looking for the same sheep.
30:20So try and keep it quiet.
30:22If your team does the best, you get to play a bonus round.
30:25In with a chance then of raising another £1,000
30:28for the prize fund.
30:29Please get into your positions now.
30:38Players in the pen, please.
30:40Yes, Will!
30:41Go on, Will, well done, lads!
30:44Go on, Aaron!
30:45It's like they're going to your farmer's calendar, don't it?
30:49Please, release the sheep.
30:52Oh, look at them!
30:54Oh, my Lord! Oh, look at Faye!
30:57I loved Faye, she had a beautiful face.
31:00I would have loved a selfie with her, actually.
31:02She was so cute.
31:04Enormous luck, teams.
31:06Your time starts now.
31:08Will, come here, come here, come here.
31:11Grey speckly sort of face with white.
31:13It's like a brownie grey.
31:14It's like speckled with white.
31:16Two dark circles between the eyes and the nose,
31:19about the same height as the eyes.
31:20I really thought that today's mission mattered.
31:23The trial was to see if I was worthy of staying in their eyes.
31:26So impressing the traitors is about making money.
31:29Spotty head, black circles in front.
31:31Brown nose, white, that goes like this.
31:36I didn't really get very good instructions.
31:38Patchy, really patchy.
31:39Short eyelashes.
31:41Trying to listen to three to four people
31:42talk all at the same time.
31:45It was quite difficult.
31:46So it's Grey.
31:47Patchy Grey.
31:48Yeah, I've got it, I've got it.
31:50What's the name?
31:51It's Maddie, it's Maddie.
31:52It's got to be.
31:53Ring the bell, ring the bell.
31:54Ring the bell.
31:55And she was right in front of you.
31:56At the front?
31:57In the front?
31:58Yeah, running away.
32:02Could be Meryl, it could be Meryl, but I'm not sure.
32:05Try it, try it.
32:06Meryl, yeah, but go with it.
32:07Ring the bell.
32:08I'm not confident, though, guys, I'm not confident.
32:10It's all right, it's fine, it's fine.
32:12It's really hard.
32:13What is the name of your sheep?
32:18We said Meryl.
32:19The sheep is Maddie.
32:22Well done.
32:23£2,000 added to the pot.
32:29OK, it's round two, everybody.
32:31Go on, Maddie.
32:32We're going to mix it up.
32:34Hello, Meryl.
32:37She said hello back.
32:38Because it is round two, we are making it slightly harder.
32:43Players, please welcome...
32:47..some traitor sheep.
32:55You are joking me.
32:57It's going to be harder for those in the pen.
33:04OK, he's got a black face with a couple of dark spots on.
33:08What's the basic colour of his face?
33:11The sheep, they're, like, just run away from you,
33:14so you're, like, trying to look at their faces.
33:17Oh, my gosh.
33:19The sheep are fast.
33:21Grey eyes, grey eyes, Maddie.
33:23Grey eyes.
33:24After breakfast, I think in my head,
33:26I was like, well, I'm not going to win this money anyway.
33:29I know that's a terrible thing to say,
33:31because I should be, you know, getting involved with the team,
33:34but it was really hard.
33:36I love my sheep.
33:37He's going to make an excellent hot-water bottle cover.
33:40White spot on the nose! On the right.
33:42Theo, quickly, quickly, ring the bell.
33:45Andrea. Yes, Brittany.
33:47Yeah, Andrea. I think it's Andrea.
33:49Try Andrea.
33:51Well done, Andrea!
33:53Who did you guess?
33:55Theo. We said Andrea.
33:57We said Andrea.
33:59The sheep is Andrea.
34:01Well done.
34:03Red team, green team, that's £2,000 added to the prize.
34:07Well done, Maddie, as well.
34:09Well done, Maddie.
34:10OK, players, it's time for your final round.
34:13I'll do it, thank you.
34:14Go on, Theo. It's your time to shine, baby.
34:16Go for it, Alyssa. Yes!
34:18It's round three, so we're going to make it even harder.
34:23Ten more traitor sheep.
34:27This is hard now, guys. Good luck.
34:31That's a lot of sheep.
34:33OK, team, so far, you've made £4,000.
34:37For the last round, then.
34:39Three, two, one.
34:41All right, OK.
34:43White below the cheekbone. Like contour.
34:45Like contour. Big bags, like you're tired.
34:49Oh, my God, OK.
34:51It's got, like, white dark on the snout and down the side.
34:54I'm looking at that, but I'm not 100%.
34:56It's quite sparkly. Let's go for it, let's go for it.
34:59Ring the bell, wait.
35:01It's Matt. Yes, yes, yes, yes!
35:03Well done. You are quick on that bell.
35:05Well done, we're a good team. Come on, Theo!
35:07Come on, Theo! Matt.
35:12I never want to see a sheep again in my life, let me tell you.
35:17Who do you think the sheep is?
35:19Matt. Matt.
35:21Matt as well. Matt.
35:23Matt! It's me.
35:25I can now reveal the answer is, of course, Matt.
35:28That is £3,000 added to the pot.
35:35Together, you have made £7,000.
35:38So really well done.
35:40Lovely for the prize pot.
35:42Green team, led by Ivan,
35:45you came first.
35:47You got the most right in the fastest time.
35:50If you can herd all the sheep into the castle pen
35:54within two minutes,
35:56another £1,000 is added to the pot.
36:00Please get into position.
36:03We'll just try, OK?
36:05Go on, Green!
36:09Green team, we are all collectively behind you.
36:13Your time starts now.
36:18Tom, I'll go here.
36:20What the hell are we doing?
36:22Guys, we're actually going to head home now.
36:25You've had a lovely day.
36:27We're just going to... Lovely.
36:29Stay in line, guys, stay in line.
36:31All right, I think, Tom, you move in a little bit.
36:34In you go, fellas.
36:36I reckon they're all sheep farmers.
36:38They just stood in a line and went round in a circle like this.
36:41Before you know it, all these sheep have just run into this pen.
36:44I just couldn't believe it.
36:46No way have they just done that.
36:48Yes! Yes!
36:58Well done. You did it.
37:00That's an extra £1,000.
37:03Please come round and join me.
37:05I think Ivan has been an incredible team captain
37:08and hopefully the trainers can recognise
37:10that they're going to need him to stay in the game
37:12because he's going to be bringing in a lot of money still.
37:15Huge well done. £8,000 for the pot.
37:20Did it feel great to win, Ivan?
37:22I really think the £8,000 is more important than the win.
37:25I do think I have impressed the traitors.
37:27We absolutely smashed that and I hope the traitors looking at that
37:30are going to go, he's a threat, but he does make money for the team.
37:33Huge well done. You played with sheep.
37:35Now it's time to face up to some wolves at the round table
37:39where this evening you will once again try to banish a traitor.
37:45See you at the castle.
37:47We've won a lot of money. I'm buzzing.
37:50Just got to face the round table now.
37:57I feel like the votes might be very divided tonight
37:59because I am going to go into that room not having the slightest clue.
38:04I'm fine going out this, but my ego needs to catch a traitor.
38:08Straight up, it's my ego, I'm sorry.
38:10Do you think tonight's the night? Yes.
38:21How you doing, Matt? You all right? Yeah, I'm good, are you all right?
38:24Worried, like, we're all good? Yeah, no, yeah, of course.
38:26Of course, mate. Today's been a long day, hasn't it?
38:30Are we having food?
38:34Do any of you think I'm a traitor?
38:36No. No, I don't. Honestly?
38:38I did, I did, but no, I don't.
38:40Never have, ever in my life. I can be honest now cos I'm not, though.
38:44I'm going to go and try and see Alex. Love you all.
38:46See you in a bit, Matt. See you later.
38:48So we got back and then I said to Alex,
38:50right, shall we go for a little chat?
38:52I don't know where the best place to go.
38:55It felt like you were going, knowing that the girl
38:57was going to break up with you, but it had already happened.
39:00It was, like, the most confusing thing in my own head.
39:02I felt quite nervous to go and speak to her.
39:04I've never been nervous to speak in front of Alex, ever,
39:07until that chat.
39:09I can imagine what you're thinking in your head.
39:11You're probably thinking, like, Alex just used me as, like, a cover,
39:15and that's not true at all.
39:17Even if Tom was out of the picture, I would have hung out with you, regardless.
39:20100%. I think you're amazing, I think you're hilarious,
39:23I think you're so interesting, I think you're really cool.
39:26I want to be friends with you outside of this, like, from my heart.
39:29100%. And that's why it really upset me to see you so hurt.
39:33I was just like, I don't know what to do.
39:35That's why it really upset me to see you so hurt.
39:38I was just like, holy fuck, I now know nothing about this girl, whatsoever.
39:42Everything else I've told you is true.
39:44That hit me like a whirlwind.
39:46The more and more I think about it, you guys almost played me,
39:49like, quite well.
39:51I knew you'd think that, and I'm speaking from my heart,
39:53and I'm going to say I didn't play you.
39:55I didn't. I really like you.
39:57I really do.
39:59There was a lot of...
40:01So, me being as upset as what I was earlier
40:03wasn't just because I found out that you had a boyfriend.
40:07There was a lot of other reasons of why.
40:09I think we could trust each other from the beginning,
40:12and I still do feel like I can trust you.
40:14Obviously, I kept that secret from you, and you were, like, brilliant.
40:17That was the point that got to me, because I was like,
40:19right, you've broken that trust. And that was what upset me.
40:21And people remember as well, like,
40:23we're not the only ones that have come in here, like, concealing stuff.
40:27If you're asking me on a personal level,
40:30I don't care about what happened.
40:33I'm not bothered. I was just upset.
40:35But then I was emotional anyway because of everything else that was going on.
40:37It was a lot.
40:39And I still love you to pieces.
40:41I always will.
40:43And we're going to go for loads of beer.
40:45I can't drink beer, but...
40:47And I'm going to meet all your mates, because all your mates are going to be well fit.
40:49And it's going to be great.
40:52We hadn't spoken since breakfast.
40:55So now it's out in the open, and you know the situation now.
40:58It's good, because it's almost like a weight's been lifted off.
41:00Come here. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
41:04I think Alex is lovely, still, after everything that's happened.
41:07And I think that she's a great human being.
41:09But, like, I've constantly got my little guard up in my head right now.
41:18Are you all right? I'm all right.
41:20It's cold in this thing. I'm trying to talk to people.
41:22I'm trying to explain what I was explaining this morning.
41:24Right. So tell me in here. Let's have a chat.
41:27Before going into the round table, I'm still telling people my theory
41:31and trying to convince them to banish Ivan or Hannah.
41:35I think I need to speak so everyone hears me and listens.
41:38So, obviously, Ivan and Hannah, I know they're traitors. I just know it.
41:41Now, they are playing a risky game among the traitors.
41:43There are traitors that are being quiet, but there's these two traitors...
41:46Who do you think the quiet ones are, then?
41:48Because you've identified the ones that you think.
41:50So who would you say... I'm not 100% convinced.
41:52So do you know what? This is where... Why, though?
41:54Because you've picked up very quickly about those ones.
41:56Why haven't you picked up about the others?
41:58Because they're playing a better game.
42:00And I've been getting closer to these ones.
42:03I just know. I really feel I know what's going on here.
42:07I think Alyssa is a traitor.
42:10But I'm not telling them that.
42:13Well, who are you voting for?
42:15Hannah. I'm sorry.
42:17No. After what Tom said.
42:19No. His point added up.
42:22I know you're close to her, but I think keep an eye out.
42:25Keep an eye out.
42:27Yeah, I really do think Tom's on to me.
42:29I was sitting in that car and I could feel his energy.
42:32And he could feel how nervous I was.
42:34So I need to semi-keep him on side
42:36and, you know, go with this crazy theory about Hannah and Ivan.
42:40We need to make sure that the person...
42:42We solidify who is a traitor and get that person out.
42:46I think Hannah. Hannah?
42:48No, I don't think it's Hannah.
42:50I don't know what to think anymore.
42:52If I get eyes on me again, I will defend myself however I can.
42:57To stay in, I have to.
43:10As night starts to descend, the round table is upon us.
43:14But who's done enough to avoid being banished?
43:37Going into the round table, the emotions are running so high.
43:41Every decision I've been making is for me and Alex.
43:44That's all I've been trying to do.
43:46I just need us two to stay in the game.
43:48This morning's breakfast was that dramatic.
43:50There's literally names getting plucked out, left, right and centre.
43:55Now I'm up for trial and the prospect of me going home
43:58either tonight or tomorrow,
44:00either by round table or by being murdered by the traitors.
44:03Because one wrong move and you're out.
44:05This round table is going to be really intense.
44:08So I'm going to have to defend myself, I think, tonight.
44:11All I can do is just fight my own corner,
44:14say what I need to say and what will be will be.
44:26Welcome back to the round table.
44:30You made £8,000 today.
44:32That's been added to the prize fund.
44:35So the full total is currently...
44:47..John... have been on trial all day.
44:52One of you will be murdered tonight.
44:58But before that...
45:00..a banishment.
45:03You've been with the sheep today.
45:06So I wonder if there will be a herd mentality... this room.
45:12Feels like discussions need to be had.
45:16Who would like to start?
45:26Quite a lot of you know that I got quite upset this morning.
45:29And that was generally every single one of our faults.
45:33Because the way we spoke to each other this morning
45:36was absolutely disgusting.
45:38Like, if that would have happened anywhere else...
45:42Oh, darling, don't. It's nothing, it's...
45:45The emotions are high here.
45:47We're in a very difficult situation.
45:49If this was anywhere else, if this was in a boardroom in a city,
45:52we would have never spoke to each other like that.
45:54And I just don't understand why we did it and it really, really upset me.
45:58So much happened in about three minutes and I just couldn't deal with it.
46:01So let's just simplify everything.
46:04Be nice to everyone, write a name on the slate.
46:06If we get it right, we get it right. If we get it wrong, we get it wrong.
46:09It's simple. I agree with Matt.
46:13What we need to do is think about why those three...
46:16That's the key. Why are those three up?
46:18Cos one of them could be a faithful, two could be a traitor.
46:22Two could be faithful, one could be a traitor.
46:26And the other traitors will kill one of the other two.
46:29I can eliminate one of those possibilities.
46:32If the traitors had put two of themselves up for trial,
46:36that would be a big risk because if the third person,
46:39the innocent, was banished now,
46:41one of them would have to murder themselves.
46:43They're not stupid. We've learnt that. They're not stupid.
46:46There is maximum one traitor amongst us three
46:50and I know exactly who it is.
46:52So who do you say that is? It's Alex.
46:55Why do you think it's me?
46:57There's a lot of question about why you're in the three
47:00and I think my own opinion is probably it's pretty obvious
47:02why John and I are in the three.
47:04John and I have both been quite loud and forward
47:06and putting ourselves forward quite a lot in lots of different things.
47:09I don't think that's the same thing is through with you.
47:12What happened this morning, it was actually my fault. I panicked.
47:16I just wanted to make sure it's clear that we've got that alliance there.
47:19So I put all my cards on the table, of course.
47:22I've called out a couple of people, Hannah and Ivan.
47:25Now, I have got justifications for that.
47:27I've been playing a bit of a dumb card,
47:29underplaying what I do. I literally read people for a living.
47:31I am a full-time magician.
47:33There's a thing of overproof and the most recent one I can think of
47:36that you guys could hopefully have the most memory of
47:39is the breakfast room.
47:41The moment that, Amanda, you walked through that door,
47:43who was the first to shout up and go,
47:45ah, there's another traitor?
47:47And you were very loud and very clear
47:49and wanted to make sure everyone heard that.
47:51It's overproving and it's all just a bit too much for me.
47:53I'm really actually sad with you, Ivan, because you are so smart
47:56and I tried to give you, like, a little saving grace today,
47:59where I was like, whether you're a traitor or faithful,
48:01backstab one of your own traitors and you can stay in the game.
48:04And I'll tell you what you did. You kept backing up Hannah.
48:06And I'll tell you what, when either one of you go,
48:08the other one's dead the next day.
48:10And you guys have messed that up for yourselves.
48:12Vote me out. I can't listen to this guy speak another word.
48:15Vote me out and I'll stand on that thing
48:17and I'll tell you all that I'm a faithful.
48:19I can't listen to one more second of this.
48:21You two have come in here and you've lied since you started.
48:24This is a game about lying, Hannah.
48:26That's such a silly thing to say. We've all come in here.
48:28Just vote me out. I'm done. Vote me out.
48:30This is a game about lying, Hannah.
48:33You know you're a faithful, right? Yes, I do.
48:35So you know you're a faithful, so I'm going to save you and say,
48:38kill Ivan, and if he stands up there and goes,
48:40faithful, you're safe the next day cos I'm dead anyway.
48:42I don't care about being safe the next day.
48:44I'm not going to have you telling me to vote for.
48:48Does anybody else have anything else you want to see as well?
48:51I still want to cut you off short and everything.
48:54OK, so I'm going to go for Wilf as a traitor
48:59because you were the one vote last night
49:03that spiralled Aaron to have a panic attack
49:06because he was shocked that a traitor
49:09has gone against another traitor. Cool.
49:11So if we're right about Wilf... Mm-hm.
49:14..we know Aaron is one too.
49:17So if we all go for Wilf, we know our next move.
49:21I'm not necessarily that close with Aaron.
49:23Like, Aaron and the other guys had a bit more of banter and whatever...
49:27But you said you're not that close. Yeah.
49:29Why did he have a panic attack when you showed his name?
49:31I don't know. It was at that point. That's his action.
49:33That's not me. Yeah, yeah, but I've already accused Aaron.
49:36I've told Aaron, I'm not quite over that, Aaron,
49:39so I will bring you up again in the future.
49:42But, yeah, you didn't really answer that for me.
49:45OK, so how can I answer that?
49:47I literally can't answer you why he did that,
49:49cos that's not my actions.
49:51Like, Maddie keeps going for me, and, like, we can't today,
49:54but I'd love to get rid of her, because she's causing too many problems.
49:59There are people around this table who keep very quiet
50:01and they keep in the shadows, and that to me is suspicious.
50:04And I would just like to highlight these people.
50:06I'm not accusing you, I'm just...
50:08I want to hear your opinions, cos I don't hear them.
50:10Alyssa, you're very quiet. Ryan, very quiet.
50:14I knew my name was going to come out of her mouth,
50:16and it's just really terrifying, and I don't want them all jumping on me.
50:20I knew my name was going to come out, because I do sit back,
50:23and I think a lot of the times I watch, and, to be honest,
50:26I'm crapping myself all the time.
50:28I really don't know what I'm meant to do,
50:30if I'm doing too much, doing too little,
50:32like, how are people going to misconstrue different things?
50:35I don't know. And I'm nervous,
50:37and I find it really difficult to be direct,
50:39and I know this isn't the game for that.
50:41This whole thing, we have to be direct with people.
50:44We need to, you know, we need to band together,
50:46and I totally get that, and I understand why you're saying that,
50:49and I do respect that.
50:51Sorry, does anyone think Alyssa's a traitor?
50:53No. No. Absolutely not.
50:55I think we don't need to go through this torture. Absolutely.
50:58I think currently we can talk about that later on.
51:01I've got good suspicion on Alyssa.
51:03But I'm also trying to play it quite smart with her,
51:06cos I feel I could possibly manipulate her to keep me in.
51:12We've agreed that one of you three is a traitor.
51:14We've agreed that. Agreed? I haven't agreed. At most, one.
51:17I don't agree with that. At most, one.
51:19We need to vote for one of you three.
51:21It will be the only way to guarantee a traitor.
51:24I am telling you right now, Ivan is a traitor.
51:27If he stands up there and he says he's a faithful,
51:30kill me tomorrow. Do it!
51:32Cos that means I'm a traitor.
51:34The most hilarious part of it is, if I do go home this evening
51:37and I stand there and tell you I'm a faithful,
51:39that's going to really damage your career.
51:41And that's on you. Don't tell me that.
51:43Because you're an amazing magician. My career's not damaged.
51:51OK, players, it's time to vote.
51:55Who would you like to banish from the castle?
52:01Please write one name down on your slate.
52:10Who do you think is a traitor?
52:18Has everyone locked in their answers?
52:20Yeah. Thank you.
52:26Meryl, we're going to start with you.
52:28Who do you believe is the traitor and why?
52:33I genuinely didn't have a name when I came.
52:35And then, after hearing all the points,
52:37I really want to say I'm sorry.
52:42Will, who do you think is a traitor and why?
52:46Ivan, I'm really sorry.
52:49I do think you're a genius.
52:54Hannah, who are you banishing tonight?
52:57I think we've all been saying that we're going to look for
53:00hard evidence over the past few days,
53:02and I think the only evidence that we have
53:04is that two people have lied, so I'm going to say Alex.
53:12I really hope I'm not wrong, but I've put your name out,
53:16and I'm really sorry.
53:18It's the game.
53:22So it's currently two votes for Ivan and two for Alex.
53:26Matt, you're up next.
53:29Ivan, I'm really sorry to do this.
53:37Alex, I've got your name on here because this morning
53:40it was a real shock to me, so sorry, Alex.
53:45Ivan, who have you written on your slate, please?
53:48Alex, you're great, but you've played us all for fools,
53:51including your boyfriend.
53:55Sorry, this is so funny.
53:59Theo, who do you believe is a traitor and why?
54:04I've literally... I'm away with the fairies at the moment.
54:07I don't know. I have no idea,
54:09and I think I've just took the coward route out,
54:12and I hope I've not made the wrong decision.
54:16But I have voted Alex. I'm so sorry.
54:22So Alex currently has five votes, Ivan has three.
54:28Tom, who would you like to banish and why?
54:32Ivan, I know you're the traitor.
54:34I've made that very clear.
54:36If I'm wrong, put me up there.
54:38Faithfuls, you need to stick together and just stop
54:41just spluttering stuff out there.
54:43Get the traitors, man. It's Ivan.
54:48Maddie, I think it's Wilf.
54:53Alyssa, what's the name on your slate, please, and why?
54:57There is so much going through my head right now.
54:59I think there's a lot of different parties that are being accused,
55:02and the only way we can kind of do this is...
55:04I hate to say it, but it's to go with one and test it.
55:08Hannah, I love you two bits.
55:10I have to put a name down, and I'm so sorry,
55:12but I'm putting a name down.
55:14Fair enough.
55:22John, who do you believe is a traitor?
55:27So, we have five votes for Alex, five for Ivan,
55:31one vote for Wilf,
55:33and one vote for Hannah.
55:36Andrea, it's your turn.
55:39Hannah, since you said you were willing to go,
55:42I just said, OK, let her prove it, then.
55:46Cos I don't know.
55:49Alex, firstly, I just want to address what you said,
55:52which I thought was quite rude.
55:54I haven't taken anyone for a fool,
55:56and I most certainly haven't taken my boyfriend for a fool.
55:59Secondly, you have all just wasted your vote.
56:02Ivan, I still stand by what I said, so I vote for you.
56:05I know you're playing a great game.
56:07Well, potentially you are.
56:11Aaron, who do you think is a traitor, and why?
56:15I genuinely think you're a really sick person, regardless,
56:18and probably if that didn't happen today,
56:20I probably would be swayed towards Ivan,
56:23because he did kind of lie to you.
56:25So, yeah.
56:27Thank you.
56:29OK, we stand at six votes for Alex,
56:33six votes for Ivan.
56:36So it is really down to the final vote.
56:39One of you is about to be banished.
56:44Amanda, who do you believe is a traitor, and why?
56:49It's fine, Amanda.
57:02Next time on The Traitors...
57:05I really hated what you two done.
57:09Fuck! We are getting nowhere.
57:12This castle is also full of traitors.
57:17This castle is also full of secrets.
57:20Oh, my God!
57:26Amanda's vote and the golden masks revealed tomorrow night.
57:30The Traitors continues here at nine.
57:32A series that's a real joy.
57:34See Louis Theroux interviews as he pops in on the stars,
57:37from Judi Dench to Katherine Ryan, Bear Grylls to Stormzy.
57:41Press red to watch now.