Indonesia Faces Deforestation Brought On by Nickel Industry Boom

  • 2 months ago
Indonesia's nickel industry is rapidly expanding with rising demand for the heavy metal in electric vehicle batteries. But the process of mining and processing nickel has taken a huge toll on the country's rainforests.
00:00These smokestacks belong to just a few of the 27 nickel smelters in Indonesia.
00:06They sit at the heart of one of the world's largest nickel production facilities, Weta
00:12Nickel mining and processing have become one of Indonesia's main economic drivers.
00:17The country has the largest reserves of nickel globally, amounting to over 20 percent of
00:22the world's total, and has quickly expanded production capacity in the last decade.
00:27But the rapid growth of this industry has come at a steep environmental cost, as deposits
00:32of nickel sit close to the surface, right under the country's rainforests.
00:36The effect to the nature, particularly deforestation, and we found that since the smelter operates,
00:46the deforestation is higher, more than 200 percent.
00:51Indonesia has the world's third-largest rainforest-covered area, but that's quickly being depleted.
00:57NGO Global Forest Watch reports the country has lost around 740,000 square kilometers
01:02through logging, burning and degradation since 1950.
01:07And it's the communities closest to these deforested areas that are the first to feel
01:11the impact.
01:13Local farmer Librik Liha has been tending land near the Weta Bay Industrial Park for
01:17four decades.
01:19He says there's an orange dust coating its plants and floating in the air.
01:24It's also hard to get clean water due to recurring landslides thought to be caused
01:27by deforestation.
01:29He worries about how he and other farmers will fare in the future.
01:40But there seems to be no stopping Indonesia's nickel business.
01:44And as demand grows, so too does the incentive to exploit the country's natural advantage.
01:50In 2023, the country supplied more than half of the world's nickel ore, the raw material
01:55once used mainly to make stainless steel, now also a key element in producing electric
02:00vehicle batteries.
02:02Since 2014, the Indonesian government has pushed the country toward refining nickel
02:07for major international clients like Tesla.
02:20Indonesian officials plan to build 22 more smelters, along with multiple coal-fired power
02:27plants to keep them running.
02:29But with damage to the country's rainforest worsening, the pursuit of economic development
02:34may well come at the expense of the country's natural environment.
02:38Luvy Lee and Irene Lin for Taiwan Plus.
