Fugitivas, en busca de la libertad Capítulo 11 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Fugitivas, en busca de la libertad Capítulo 11 Completo HD
00:00:30I have to tell you something.
00:00:33I went to the DA's office to invite Nicolás
00:00:35to eat at my house, and he said yes.
00:00:37I told him I was around and that we could eat together.
00:00:41I mean, it was quick, because we had to get back to work.
00:00:44It wasn't bad enough to be our first date.
00:00:51Tierra called Florencia.
00:00:54Hey, did you hear me?
00:00:56I'm sorry, I was thinking about something else.
00:00:59Well, I told you I went to the DA's office to...
00:01:01Excuse me, I have a lot of things to take care of.
00:01:04You can tell me later.
00:01:08It doesn't matter.
00:01:10Can I help you with anything?
00:01:11No, thank you.
00:01:26Let's see.
00:01:34The call will be answered after the following tones.
00:01:38He's sending us a voicemail. He turned off his cell phone.
00:01:41Anyone would do the same if he got a call from a dead person.
00:01:44He must have been very surprised.
00:01:46We have to do something.
00:01:47We can't just sit around and do nothing.
00:01:49We have a clue.
00:01:51It's not a clue.
00:01:52Let's suppose Juan Pablo is dead.
00:01:54Let's suppose Juan Pablo had a secret relationship
00:01:57with a person he communicated with on this cell phone.
00:02:01But we have nothing to prove it.
00:02:05Let's see.
00:02:08There's an app to order a cab.
00:02:11Open it.
00:02:12Let's see if you have the list of services requested.
00:02:17Here it is.
00:02:18We have something.
00:02:21It's not good to drag your anger like this.
00:02:24All that anger you have is hurting you.
00:02:27I know, but I can't be like this with my mom.
00:02:30And what do you get out of it?
00:02:32The solution is in carrying on.
00:02:34Doesn't it weigh on you?
00:02:36Of course it does.
00:02:37I don't like to be like this,
00:02:39but I can't be like this with her.
00:02:41She's the only person in the world
00:02:43who makes me so angry.
00:02:45And you're the one who hurts her the most.
00:02:47I know.
00:02:50But I can't help it.
00:02:52It's a matter of you proposing it.
00:02:55Do you know what I do every night before I go to sleep?
00:02:58I think about all the things that caused me suffering.
00:03:01And I say,
00:03:03bye, bye,
00:03:05see you later.
00:03:07That's what I do.
00:03:09I wish I could do that.
00:03:11It's a matter of trying.
00:03:20Thank you.
00:03:21Thank you.
00:03:22Joya, number 64, Miscuac neighborhood.
00:03:26That's all.
00:03:28We have nine addresses.
00:03:31One is repeated several times.
00:03:33Turn off your cell phone so they can't track you.
00:03:41Give me the first one.
00:03:44Calza de Tlalpan Sur,
00:03:46number 236, La Joya neighborhood.
00:03:50It's a carnitas restaurant.
00:03:52Give me the next one.
00:03:54Belisario Dominguez, number 81, Coyoacan.
00:04:01Where were you?
00:04:03I went to pick up some bottles,
00:04:05because they couldn't bring them to me.
00:04:07Why did you take so long?
00:04:10Because we went to eat a cake.
00:04:12We went? Who did you go with?
00:04:14With Estrella.
00:04:16She told me she knew the place
00:04:18and that the cakes were great.
00:04:20Why did you go with Estrella?
00:04:22If you needed help, you should've asked me.
00:04:24I was going to go alone,
00:04:26but since she offered, I accepted.
00:04:28Listen, Dario.
00:04:30Even though they live in the house,
00:04:32they're our waitresses,
00:04:34so you shouldn't be friends with them,
00:04:36especially with Estrella.
00:04:37Be careful.
00:04:38She looks like a good person,
00:04:40but I'm sure she's hiding something.
00:04:42Don't make up stories.
00:04:44I don't understand why you have such a bad will.
00:04:46All they've done is help us start the business.
00:04:51I'm going to order the bottles.
00:04:59Where were you?
00:05:01I went to pick up some bottles with Dario.
00:05:03You went out with the boss.
00:05:05Calm down.
00:05:07Do you like him?
00:05:09Why does everything have to do with you liking a man?
00:05:12Because men are the most important thing in life.
00:05:15You say every silly thing.
00:05:27What are you doing here?
00:05:30Did you steal it?
00:05:31Of course not.
00:05:33Someone put it here to frame me.
00:05:35They wanted to frame us.
00:05:38I can imagine who it was.
00:05:40Who are you thinking about?
00:05:42Here, I'll explain later.
00:05:46What's wrong with you?
00:05:48Why did you come into my room?
00:05:50Why did you put the money in my things?
00:05:52What are you talking about?
00:05:53Don't play dumb.
00:05:54You did it to blame me.
00:05:56And since you couldn't get Dario to fire us,
00:05:58you made up the robbery thing.
00:06:00I'm going to tell him what kind of girl you are.
00:06:03Do you think you're so cool?
00:06:05Let's go.
00:06:06Let's go with Dario and we'll explain to him
00:06:08where he got your friend's brother the money
00:06:10from the robbery.
00:06:11I'm going to tell him everything.
00:06:13Let's go.
00:06:14If that's what you want, let's go.
00:06:16Let's see who gets worse.
00:06:18If you, who pretend to be an untouchable woman,
00:06:21or us, who you wanted to blame for something we didn't do.
00:06:25What are you waiting for?
00:06:26Come on.
00:06:27Let's go.
00:06:30You win.
00:06:31What do you want in exchange for you not telling Dario?
00:06:34For you to let us work in peace.
00:06:37And if you don't, I'm not just going to tell Dario
00:06:40that we're going to work in peace.
00:06:42I'm not just going to tell Dario who you are.
00:06:45I'm also going to look for the Turk
00:06:47so he knows where he can find you.
00:06:49It's up to you.
00:07:08Who were you with?
00:07:09With Carmen.
00:07:10She was the one who put the money in my bag.
00:07:12What's wrong with that girl?
00:07:14She's a bitch.
00:07:15But listen to me.
00:07:17No, no, no.
00:07:19I already made sure she doesn't want to bother us again.
00:07:22What did you tell her?
00:07:23That if I followed that attitude,
00:07:25I was going to tell Dario who she really is.
00:07:27And who is she?
00:07:28Her name is not Carmen.
00:07:30Nor is she the untouchable woman she pretends to be.
00:07:33Her name is Perla.
00:07:34I met her at a bar where I worked as a cashier.
00:07:37She was a dancer.
00:07:39Look at that.
00:07:41And she had problems with the owner of the bar
00:07:44because he stole from her.
00:07:45She's been looking for her ever since.
00:07:47So I told her that if she messed with us again,
00:07:50I was going to tell the Turk where to find her.
00:07:54That's a big deal.
00:07:55And why didn't you tell us anything?
00:07:57So I wouldn't have to put you against her.
00:08:00Besides, Marta thinks she's a good person
00:08:02and it's better if she keeps thinking about it.
00:08:05We have to be on our toes.
00:08:07She knows that everything Eric told is a lie.
00:08:10And she can use it against us.
00:08:12So we have to be very careful with her.
00:08:19Restaurants, bars, and hotels have been ruled out.
00:08:23Now what we have to rule out is what's at 29 Colonia Roma.
00:08:26Let's go.
00:08:27Let's investigate.
00:08:28I can't.
00:08:29I have to go to work.
00:08:31But we can leave early tomorrow.
00:08:34What time do we meet?
00:08:35Do you think it's okay at nine?
00:08:39I hope we find more information that leads us to the killer.
00:08:42I'd be more than happy to, but let's not get our hopes up.
00:08:45We're just taking the first step.
00:08:49I'm leaving.
00:08:51Thank you again.
00:08:53Be careful.
00:09:23Good evening, sir.
00:09:24Would you like to have dinner?
00:09:26Yes, please.
00:09:27But make it light.
00:09:28A sandwich will be fine.
00:09:30Ham and cheese?
00:09:32Where is Vicente? Is he at home?
00:09:34No, sir.
00:09:35Vicentito left the house.
00:09:39Where did he go?
00:09:40I don't know, sir.
00:09:41He just told me he wasn't coming back.
00:09:43That he wasn't going to live with us anymore.
00:09:45That he didn't feel good in this house.
00:09:47No, no, no, that can't be.
00:09:49He's so immature, but he's going to hear me.
00:09:51Sir, don't be so hard on him or he'll never come back.
00:09:55Leave me alone, please, will you?
00:09:56Yes, if you'll excuse me.
00:10:21Hello, Dad.
00:10:22I just got here and I found out Vicente left the house.
00:10:26Do you know anything?
00:10:27No, nothing.
00:10:28What's wrong with that kid?
00:10:30He must be resentful about the argument we had at the bar
00:10:33and that I offended Gabriela.
00:10:35Maybe Ismael is right.
00:10:37And what does he say?
00:10:38That Gabriela and Lorena are two very different people
00:10:41and that we shouldn't put them in the same bag.
00:10:44Don't ask me to see her differently.
00:10:47She's and will always be the sister of a murderer.
00:10:50Do you have the address of her house?
00:10:52Yes, what are you going to do?
00:10:54I'm going to talk to Vicente
00:10:55and I'm going to bring him back home with a wing.
00:10:58No, Dad, leave it to me.
00:11:00I'm going to try to fix things with him.
00:11:03Okay, but you have to be tough and force him to come back.
00:11:07I don't think he'll come back, don't get your hopes up,
00:11:10but at least I won't be angry or distant.
00:11:15I'm going to that girl's house right now
00:11:16and I'm going to get out of here before I get even more angry.
00:11:31I saved you some food.
00:11:32I made green salsa chicharrón. Do you want some?
00:11:35No, thank you. I'm not hungry.
00:11:37And you don't have to worry about me.
00:11:39But I'm doing it with great pleasure.
00:11:42I was talking to Carmen
00:11:44and she told me you told her I was in prison.
00:11:46In a way, I feel relieved that she knows the truth.
00:11:49She took a weight off my shoulders.
00:11:52That's great, that's great.
00:11:54I wish I could feel the same way.
00:11:56I don't forget that you killed my father.
00:11:58But I already told you...
00:11:59Don't play the victim with me.
00:12:01I didn't believe a word you said.
00:12:04Son, I...
00:12:05Don't call me son!
00:12:07I don't want to talk about this anymore.
00:12:09Please leave me alone.
00:12:38Good evening.
00:12:40What are you doing here?
00:12:42I'm here to talk to you. Can we do this in peace?
00:12:47Come in, come in.
00:12:49Thank you.
00:12:56I'll let you talk.
00:12:58No, no, no, no. You can listen to what my sister has to say.
00:13:02And let's start at the beginning.
00:13:05Since you didn't meet in the best circumstances, I prefer to introduce you.
00:13:09This is my sister Florencia.
00:13:11This is Gabriela.
00:13:13Hi, Florencia.
00:13:16Would you like something to drink?
00:13:18No, no, no, thank you.
00:13:20Even if you don't have the fault of what your sister did,
00:13:23you have to understand that for us the situation is very difficult.
00:13:27I understand, don't worry.
00:13:30And why did you come, Florencia?
00:13:32To apologize for what happened last night.
00:13:35What made you change your mind?
00:13:36Last night you were unrecognizable.
00:13:39I lost my temper, I'm sorry.
00:13:41I was very impulsive.
00:13:44It's better if I leave you alone.
00:13:46Gabriela, before you leave,
00:13:48I want to apologize for offending you.
00:13:51I wasn't in my best moment.
00:14:00You and I have always had a great relationship.
00:14:03We have understood each other well. I don't want it to be lost.
00:14:06That's why I missed what happened last night.
00:14:09I admit that I was very bad.
00:14:13I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:14:15I'm glad you admit it.
00:14:17Now you know what Gabriela is to me.
00:14:21My dad is very worried about you.
00:14:23What worries him?
00:14:25That I'm dating Gabriela and I live in his house?
00:14:27I'm an adult man.
00:14:29Well, yes, but he wants you to return to his house.
00:14:32I'm not going to do it.
00:14:34I'm very comfortable here.
00:14:36My relationship with my dad is null.
00:14:38And when we're together, he only imposes himself
00:14:40to tell me what I have to do.
00:14:42We don't have to live together.
00:14:44He has a hard time as much as I do.
00:14:46I'm not going to make you change your mind, right?
00:14:50Okay, but don't forget that we are family
00:14:53and we should be able to talk things out
00:14:55and solve them between us.
00:14:57And if you can't, you'll have to look for professional help.
00:15:00I don't see the point.
00:15:02So don't insist, please.
00:15:06Good night.
00:15:10And thank you for coming.
00:15:25What's up?
00:15:27What time?
00:15:37Please take good care of yourself.
00:15:39Alejandro and I found a clue
00:15:41that can lead us to discover
00:15:43who killed Juan Pablo
00:15:45and thus be able to prove my innocence.
00:15:47There is less to be together.
00:15:49I love you very much.
00:16:00Florencia is gone.
00:16:02All right?
00:16:06I think we made things clear.
00:16:08I'm very happy.
00:16:10Agustin called me.
00:16:12He said you were going to meet at the Zucca.
00:16:14He said we could go for a while.
00:16:16What's the Zucca?
00:16:18It's an anthem and it's good.
00:16:20It has good music.
00:16:22I don't like anthems.
00:16:24Why didn't you go with me?
00:16:26But we're going to have fun, you'll see.
00:16:28Let's go?
00:16:32I'm going to take a shower.
00:16:34A nice tea.
00:16:37Good morning!
00:16:39How are you, Eric?
00:16:41Are you ready to work?
00:16:43I have everything.
00:16:45How do I look?
00:16:47Very good.
00:16:49And that earphone?
00:16:51It's just a fake.
00:16:53It's for the clients to believe
00:16:55that there are more security people.
00:17:04With you in charge of security
00:17:06I don't have to worry.
00:17:08Just say the word.
00:17:10Don't talk like that.
00:17:12I trust you.
00:17:37Good morning!
00:17:39Good morning!
00:17:41Good morning!
00:17:43Good morning!
00:17:45Good morning!
00:17:47Good morning!
00:17:49Good morning!
00:17:51Good morning!
00:17:53Good morning!
00:17:55Good morning!
00:17:57Good morning!
00:17:59Good morning!
00:18:01Good morning!
00:18:03Good morning!
00:18:04Good morning!
00:18:06Good morning!
00:18:08Good morning!
00:18:10Good morning!
00:18:12Good morning!
00:18:14Good morning!
00:18:16Good morning!
00:18:18Good morning!
00:18:20Good morning!
00:18:22Good morning!
00:18:24Good morning!
00:18:26Good morning!
00:18:28Good morning!
00:18:30Good morning!
00:18:32Good morning!
00:18:34Good morning!
00:18:36Good morning!
00:18:38Good morning!
00:18:40Good morning!
00:18:42Good morning!
00:18:44Good morning!
00:18:46Good morning!
00:18:48Good morning!
00:18:50Good morning!
00:18:52Good morning!
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00:18:56Good morning!
00:18:58Good morning!
00:19:00Good morning!
00:19:02Good morning!
00:19:04Good morning!
00:19:06Good morning!
00:19:08Good morning!
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00:23:44Good morning!
00:23:46Good morning!
00:23:48Good morning!
00:23:50Good morning!
00:23:52Good morning!
00:23:54Good morning!
00:23:56Good morning!
00:23:58Good morning!
00:24:00Good morning!
00:24:02Good morning!
00:24:04Good morning!
00:24:06Good morning!
00:24:08Good morning!
00:24:10Good morning!
00:24:12Good morning!
00:24:14Good morning!
00:24:16Good morning!
00:24:18Good morning!
00:24:20Good morning!
00:24:22Good morning!
00:24:24Good morning!
00:24:26Good morning!
00:24:28Good morning!
00:24:30Good morning!
00:24:32Good morning!
00:24:34Good morning!
00:24:36Good morning!
00:24:38Good morning!
00:24:40Good morning!
00:24:42Good morning!
00:24:44Good morning!
00:24:46Good morning!
00:24:48Good morning!
00:24:50Good morning!
00:24:52Good morning!
00:24:54Good morning!
00:24:56Good morning!
00:24:58Good morning!
00:25:00Good morning!
00:25:02Good morning!
00:25:04Good morning!
00:25:06Good morning!
00:25:35Searching for the same exit
00:25:37We got our first game
00:25:40But this is a new game
00:25:43Fooly REALZ
00:25:53Good evening.
00:25:55Good evening.
00:25:58Where were you?
00:26:00I went to talk to Vicente.
00:26:02To Lorena's house.
00:26:04At Lorena's house?
00:26:07She doesn't want to live with my dad anymore,
00:26:09and she's going to live with Gabriela.
00:26:12I don't want to accept it,
00:26:14but for the first time, I saw it right.
00:26:19Gabriela is a good girl.
00:26:21She could be a good influence for him.
00:26:23They talked about what happened last night.
00:26:26I apologized for being so impulsive.
00:26:29I don't want to lose the good relationship
00:26:31we've always had.
00:26:34Do you want to eat something?
00:26:35No, no, no.
00:26:36No, thank you.
00:26:37I just want to lie down and sleep.
00:26:40I had a very intense day.
00:26:42Because of work?
00:26:45I'm going to make a sandwich.
00:26:46I'll see you in the room.
00:27:01How's everything going?
00:27:02Nothing new.
00:27:04Let's hope it stays that way,
00:27:05because when some people get high,
00:27:07you have to go all out.
00:27:08We've never had anyone safe.
00:27:11I'm glad you're with us.
00:27:13I'm just as good.
00:27:14It looks like everything is going well.
00:27:16Besides, what's better than working
00:27:18next to my soul sister?
00:27:20Here, it's for you.
00:27:22No, thank you very much.
00:27:23I don't drink when I work.
00:27:25You're not going to reject it?
00:27:27It's a thank you for what you did.
00:27:30Saying that, I can't say no.
00:27:37Finish it.
00:27:41Where there's a captain, there's no sailor.
00:27:48Go get another one.
00:27:51No, no, no.
00:27:52How can you say no?
00:27:52One is not enough.
00:27:54One is not none.
00:27:56Drink it.
00:27:57And in the meantime, tell me how you suspected
00:28:00that this guy stole the money.
00:28:01Life has taught me to be a good observer.
00:28:04And when something doesn't suit me,
00:28:05well, it doesn't suit me.
00:28:06It's better to distrust.
00:28:07And that guy looked very suspicious.
00:28:12Carmen has something with Eric.
00:28:14They've been talking to him for a while
00:28:15and he even took a drink.
00:28:17Does Eric know that Carmen wanted to set us up
00:28:19with the money?
00:28:20And who stole it?
00:28:21Was it her?
00:28:24I haven't had a chance to tell him.
00:28:25And especially now that Carmen doesn't get rid of him.
00:28:30Now, now, it's time, it's time.
00:28:32I'm coming.
00:28:34Oh, what's up, princess?
00:28:36How do you see me on my first day at work?
00:28:38I'm wide, right?
00:28:40You're having fun talking to Carmen.
00:28:42Be very careful with her.
00:28:44It's good vibes.
00:28:45Miss, please take care of us.
00:28:47I'm going.
00:28:49You're an expert.
00:28:57Let's go.
00:29:00How are you going to feel comfortable?
00:29:01Everything is super arranged.
00:29:03What do you care?
00:29:04You are beautiful.
00:29:12What's up?
00:29:13What's up?
00:29:14Let me introduce you to Gabriela.
00:29:16They are Agustin, Santiago, Titi, Renata and Chali.
00:29:21What were you hiding?
00:29:23Where are you from, Gabriela?
00:29:25From here, from the city.
00:29:27Hey, I haven't seen you since you went to Buenos Aires.
00:29:29How did it go?
00:29:30Good, but she wants to go back.
00:29:33She misses the country.
00:29:35I was in Europe for a while,
00:29:37and there came a time when I said,
00:29:39that's enough.
00:29:41I want a taco of meat.
00:29:45I'm going to the bathroom.
00:29:47Thank you.
00:29:48Excuse me.
00:29:51Gabriela is very pretty.
00:29:53Come on, don't bother us anymore.
00:29:56What are you drinking?
00:30:28Do you know where Vicente is?
00:30:30I think he's at the bar with Agustin and Santiago.
00:30:34Thank you.
00:30:35Hey, where did you meet Vicente?
00:30:37In Buenos Aires or what?
00:30:39No, I ran into him at his brother-in-law's office.
00:30:41And just like that?
00:30:43Love at first sight?
00:30:48No, he saw me at the bus stop and gave me a hug.
00:30:52You don't have a car or what?
00:30:54No, I don't have a car.
00:30:57Well, yes, but it's Paris.
00:30:59I mean, you know it's different.
00:31:01We have to go, come on!
00:31:04I love the idea.
00:31:05Everything is incredible there.
00:31:13I know where Matias is.
00:31:18There are a lot of people today.
00:31:20Come in, yes, yes.
00:31:22Hey, there are a lot of people today.
00:31:24Come in, yes, yes.
00:31:26Three dark beers, two tequilas, a Bloody Mary for table eight.
00:31:29Give me a second to finish this and I'll let you know.
00:31:35If you want, I'll help you.
00:31:36No, there's no need.
00:31:38Just let me distract you.
00:31:48I'm going to look for Vicente.
00:31:49No, no, don't go.
00:31:50Why are you going?
00:31:52I'm sure he's with Estefania.
00:31:53Don't be mean to him, Tercio.
00:31:55Vicente loves that girl.
00:31:57Well, she and Sara, who knows how many more?
00:32:01You wouldn't have believed that he's serious about you, would you?
00:32:03Look, I don't know about the same social condition as you,
00:32:06but you don't have to offend me.
00:32:08If something I have is education and respect for others.
00:32:11Which my son doesn't have.
00:32:13Excuse me.
00:32:15Well, cheers.
00:32:52Sorry to call you so late.
00:32:56Thank you.
00:32:59No, no, no, I'm fine.
00:33:01I received a call from Juan Pablo's phone.
00:33:06Yes, I was also very surprised.
00:33:09I'm still surprised.
00:33:15I need you to do me a favor.
00:33:18Where is Gabriela?
00:33:20No idea.
00:33:21I don't know.
00:33:22I haven't seen her all night.
00:33:35Mrs. Marta, come here.
00:33:37What happened?
00:33:38Help me wash the glasses.
00:33:39Yes, I still have to continue serving the tables.
00:33:41Yes, yes, I'll take care of it.
00:33:43Thank you very much.
00:33:48Thank you.
00:33:55What the hell are you doing?
00:33:57I'll pick up the glasses right now, don't worry.
00:33:59It was my fault, I asked her to help me.
00:34:01We don't give up.
00:34:03I understand that, but she's not careful, she just gets in the way.
00:34:06Oh, boss, don't say that, it's your mother.
00:34:08It was an accident.
00:34:10An accident.
00:34:18Can I come in?
00:34:28Why did you leave the club without telling me?
00:34:30I didn't have anything to do there.
00:34:33Your friends make me feel terrible.
00:34:35They're rude.
00:34:36What did they say to you?
00:34:37They treated me with a lot of contempt all the time.
00:34:39They criticized me, how I dress,
00:34:41why I don't have a car, why I'm in trucks.
00:34:44Don't listen to them.
00:34:45They couldn't even believe I was with you.
00:34:47It's pure envy, because you're much more than them.
00:34:50You should have told me that you were uncomfortable and we were coming together.
00:34:55I was worried when I didn't see you.
00:34:56I didn't want to ruin your night.
00:34:58They told me you were probably with a girl named Estefania.
00:35:02What are you talking about?
00:35:03They have no idea who I am.
00:35:09I'm sorry I made you go through all this.
00:35:12I'm sorry I made you go through such a bad night.
00:35:19The only thing that matters is you.
00:35:24I haven't felt something so real in a long time.
00:35:38Forgive me, please.
00:35:39I didn't think he was going to cause a problem with Dario.
00:35:42Don't apologize.
00:35:43It wasn't you.
00:35:45The problem is that my son will never accept me.
00:35:53Cry for everything you feel.
00:35:58I've been waiting 18 years to be close to him.
00:36:02I dreamed of getting him back since I arrived.
00:36:04The only thing he's done is reject me and humiliate me.
00:36:09He's not a bad person.
00:36:11The thing is, he's in a lot of pain.
00:36:13Yes, and how long will he be?
00:36:15I already told him the truth about how things happened and he doesn't believe me.
00:36:19What else can I do?
00:36:20Every time he rejects me, he hurts me deeply.
00:36:24I don't know what to tell him, but he can't give up.
00:36:27He has to keep fighting to get his son back.
00:36:30But I'm not his mother to him.
00:36:32He only sees me as his father's murderer.
00:37:03At the end of the season.
00:37:04The mother's intuition never fails and Mariana knows that Violeta is not the right woman for her son Diego.
00:37:11When investigating, Mariana will discover the dark past of that woman.
00:37:15And she will save her son from a killer flower.
00:37:19The rose of Guadalupe.
00:37:21Premiere episode.
00:37:22Tuesday with the stars.
00:37:26Make our children end up with their girlfriends.
00:37:30And we get rid of them.
00:37:33They can never find out that it was us.
00:37:38It's for the good of our children.
00:37:39Yes, it's for your own good.
00:37:57It looks beautiful.
00:37:59It looks very finished, doesn't it?
00:38:00No, I think it's because he hasn't slept well.
00:38:02No, man. He misses his ex.
00:38:05It's because he realized yesterday that he was betrayed.
00:38:07Each one has his house of the famous in Mexico.
00:38:10Which is yours?
00:38:11Great premiere this Sunday at 8.30 at night for the stars.
00:38:14Every betrayal has consequences.
00:38:17I vote for Gabriel's proposal.
00:38:19Are you sure about what you just did?
00:38:20I'm going to make Gabriel regret being born.
00:38:23And sooner or later they will have to face it.
00:38:26What I need most is to be with you, my love.
00:38:28He's not your son and he never will be.
00:38:30I think the smartest thing would be to disappear.
00:38:32Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
00:38:34For the good...
00:38:35Oh, little wolf.
00:38:37How do you miss the heat of the jacuzzi?
00:38:40The corporate meetings?
00:38:42Or for the bad...
00:38:43When he sees it, he will have several very clear things.
00:38:46And betraying each other.
00:38:49For her I am Eva.
00:38:50Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon with the stars.
00:38:54In Despierta we have the information that defines your day.
00:38:58With the analysis of the stories that matter to you.
00:39:04And the latest sports, entertainment and weather news.
00:39:08Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
00:39:10Monday to Friday, 7.30 in the morning with the stars.
00:39:14The mother's intuition never fails and Mariana knows that Violeta is not the right woman for her son Diego.
00:39:21When investigating Mariana, she will discover the dark past of that woman.
00:39:25And she will save her son from a murderous flower.
00:39:29La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:39:31Premiere episode.
00:39:32Tuesday with the stars.
00:39:34Maybe they want to take advantage of the trip I paid to celebrate my wedding.
00:39:38They accepted the tickets right away.
00:39:41We are here to unite in marriage Angelí Del Olmo Sandoval and José Emilio Aranda Rivero Cuella.
00:39:48All this is wonderful.
00:39:50Vivir de Amor.
00:39:51Friday, July 26, grand finale.
00:39:54When you feel that nobody is with you, connect with us.
00:39:58Because in El Dicho we have coffee and the good advice of a friend.
00:40:02Nobody helped me, they didn't want to do anything.
00:40:04Why don't you get better in my place?
00:40:06Please don't leave me alone.
00:40:07What matters is that you are a team, that you support each other.
00:40:11As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
00:40:14This Sunday.
00:40:15I can't believe it.
00:40:17We have a couple of stellar hosts for you.
00:40:19Look at what I believe in God.
00:40:21Eugenio Derbez and Marta Higareda are waiting for you in How to be a Latin Lover.
00:40:25I always get what I want.
00:40:26And marry whoever you can.
00:40:27When you have the opportunity, you have to take it.
00:40:29And at 8.30 at night, don't miss the big premiere of La Casa de los Famosos.
00:40:34Some visitors will arrive that will make them very nervous.
00:40:38I'm the inspector, Rumiando Calva.
00:40:40Calva, the witch!
00:40:43I'm afraid of you.
00:40:46And if he asks us to do that to pass the inspection?
00:40:51Dola de Locos.
00:40:52This Friday at the end of the MOTI.
00:40:54In the news, we are with you from the first hours of the day.
00:40:58With the key events of Mexico and the world.
00:41:01In an agile and precise way of being informed.
00:41:04I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'm waiting for you in the news.
00:41:07A space of Enemaz.
00:41:08Monday, Friday at 5.50 in the morning.
00:41:10Enemaz with the stars.
00:41:19Monday, Friday at 5.50 in the morning.
00:41:25In the news.
00:41:27In less than 48 hours of the attack on Donald Trump.
00:41:30The Republican Party nominates him as a candidate for president.
00:41:33They decriminalize abortion in Puebla until the three months of gestation.
00:41:36They detained the president of the Colombian Federation for having an altercation with the police at the final of the Copa America.
00:41:41Details at 10.30.
00:41:43This is third-degree sports.
00:41:46It took you eight years to turn that tournament around?
00:41:48To throw it in the trash like Mexico did?
00:41:50It got better.
00:41:51So what?
00:41:52What good is it?
00:41:53Who did you play against?
00:41:54As a federation, you don't know which profile will fit your player.
00:41:57I don't agree with the fact that the national team didn't compete.
00:42:00Third-degree sports.
00:42:01Every Monday.
00:42:02When you finish on point.
00:42:03For the stars.
00:42:05Make our children end up with their girlfriends.
00:42:09And that's it.
00:42:10We got rid of them.
00:42:13They'll never find out it was us.
00:42:18It's for our children's sake.
00:42:19Yes, it's for their sake.
00:42:41It's for our children's sake.
00:42:42It's for our children's sake.
00:42:43It's for our children's sake.
00:42:44It's for our children's sake.
00:42:45It's for our children's sake.
00:42:46It's for our children's sake.
00:42:47It's for our children's sake.
00:42:48It's for our children's sake.
00:42:49It's for our children's sake.
00:42:50It's for our children's sake.
00:42:51It's for our children's sake.
00:42:52It's for our children's sake.
00:42:53It's for our children's sake.
00:42:54It's for our children's sake.
00:42:55It's for our children's sake.
00:42:56It's for our children's sake.
00:42:57It's for our children's sake.
00:42:58It's for our children's sake.
00:42:59It's for our children's sake.
00:43:00It's for our children's sake.
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00:44:26It's for our children's sake.
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00:44:29It's for our children's sake.
00:44:30It's for our children's sake.
00:44:31It's for our children's sake.
00:44:32It's for our children's sake.
00:45:06Oh, man, what's that?
00:45:07Today's pay.
00:45:09Oh, thank you.
00:45:10I thought you were going to pay me per week.
00:45:12No, well, that way I can work better.
00:45:14Ha, ha, ha.
00:45:16See you tomorrow.
00:45:17Can I give you a hand?
00:45:18No, no, thank you.
00:45:23Well, have a good rest.
00:45:26I hope that tomorrow we have an opportunity to continue talking.
00:45:30I never imagined you and Eliza were brothers.
00:45:33It's just that between us, we're not brothers.
00:45:36What did you say?
00:45:38The truth.
00:45:39We're not brothers.
00:45:41We're half-brothers.
00:45:43No, our dad was tremendous.
00:45:45You know how many children he has around there.
00:45:48Well, go now.
00:45:50Don't make your mom worry about you.
00:46:02What happened?
00:46:03What did you tell Carmen?
00:46:04I saw you talking to her several times.
00:46:06Relax, princess.
00:46:08I wanted her to tell her how I suspected the guy who supposedly stole the money.
00:46:12I got dizzy with the story that he's always been very suspicious.
00:46:16He's a bastard.
00:46:19Why do you say that?
00:46:21It wasn't for you.
00:46:22I said it for her.
00:46:23The very unfortunate one was the one who stole the money from the box.
00:46:27Don't do it.
00:46:28And why did she do that?
00:46:31She wants to see Dario's face, that he challenges good people.
00:46:34No, the very unfortunate one, what she wanted was to blame us.
00:46:37And she put the money between Frida's things.
00:46:39I know it's a lie what you said about the guy who had stolen it, huh?
00:46:43No way.
00:46:45That's why she wanted to take the soup out of me.
00:46:47You have to be very careful with her.
00:46:49Don't trust her.
00:46:50And what?
00:46:51Are they going to stay quiet?
00:46:53It's not convenient for Dario to know what kind of woman she is.
00:46:56And for us to tell him that what you said was just a story.
00:47:00Let's see.
00:47:03Here, so you can pay for the shrimp.
00:47:05Thank you.
00:47:07Tomorrow, before I come to work, I'll go see him.
00:47:12What? Why do you look at me like that?
00:47:14I've been watching you all night.
00:47:16You look very handsome like that.
00:47:21You already made my day.
00:47:23Well, look, just so you're proud of me.
00:47:25And that you look at me like that with pleasure.
00:47:27Whenever I see you, that's how I'm going to dress.
00:47:48Someone can see us.
00:47:50Brothers don't kiss.
00:47:53See you tomorrow.
00:48:03Can we talk?
00:48:05Whatever you want to tell me, do it tomorrow.
00:48:08It's already four in the morning.
00:48:10What I have to say, you can't wait.
00:48:12Things between us are very bad and we can't continue like this.
00:48:15I agree.
00:48:16He should never have come back.
00:48:18It's not good for either of us who live here.
00:48:20Stop it, okay?
00:48:22I'm not going to let you keep mistreating me.
00:48:24I understand that you're hurt, but you're crossing the line.
00:48:27I'm going to go, but first you have to listen to me.
00:48:30I loved your father.
00:48:31I got married very in love, but he changed.
00:48:33He started drinking, going out with women.
00:48:36Every time I complained, he hit me and left me lying on the floor.
00:48:39Once I thought I had broken my rib.
00:48:42It hurt me for a long time.
00:48:44And I never allowed you to realize.
00:48:46Although I was dying.
00:48:48I did anything so you wouldn't realize.
00:48:51So you wouldn't find out.
00:48:53I didn't want you to know that you had an alcoholic father.
00:48:56And a hit man.
00:48:58It's easy to talk about a dead man when he can't defend himself.
00:49:01I'm not telling you more than the truth.
00:49:03And not to justify myself, but so you know.
00:49:06And I can't do more.
00:49:08And yes, if you insist on blaming me,
00:49:10I saw that there is no power in the world that makes you change your mind.
00:49:14But I feel it in my soul.
00:49:16I will not allow you to continue hurting me.
00:49:19In prison, I learned to be respected.
00:49:21And I will not tolerate you humiliating me again.
00:49:24No matter how much my son is, it's over.
00:49:26No more.
00:49:38I'm going to take a shower.
00:49:45Last night I gave Eric the money to pay the loan he was given.
00:49:50What money are you talking about?
00:49:52Oh, you didn't find out because you weren't there.
00:49:56But the money disappeared from the box and they blamed us.
00:49:59Dario called the police.
00:50:01And if it hadn't been because Eric invented that a client had stolen the money,
00:50:06we wouldn't have gotten rid of it.
00:50:07And later, the money appeared among Frida's things.
00:50:10It was Carmen who stole it and put it there to have all four of us.
00:50:15We have never been a saint of his devotion,
00:50:17but for that you need to be very, very bad people.
00:50:20Well, yes.
00:50:21I faced her and threatened her with telling Dario that she is an impostor.
00:50:24Does everyone already know about Perla?
00:50:27Everyone except Marta.
00:50:28Well, how bad they had to go through that.
00:50:31On the other hand, Alejandro and I are finding things
00:50:33that will allow me to prove my innocence.
00:50:36Look, I understand how important that is to you,
00:50:40but you forget that we are fugitives.
00:50:42They can't see us on the street and you spend all day outside.
00:50:45I've been very careful, but I'm going to pay more attention.
00:50:49I promise.
00:50:50Don't worry.
00:50:51That's why you ran away, right?
00:50:53Yes, that's right.
00:50:54Although Monce is right.
00:50:55If I'm careless, I can put them all at risk.
00:51:01I made you muffins and rooster's beak.
00:51:04Do you like them?
00:51:05Yes, thank you very much.
00:51:10Last night I was thinking about what your friends and family told me.
00:51:14I think they're right.
00:51:15We are very different.
00:51:17The best thing is that we stay together.
00:51:21There are too many obstacles between us.
00:51:23Whether you want it or not,
00:51:24your family will always see me as the sister of a murderer.
00:51:27What my family thinks or my friends say,
00:51:29I don't care.
00:51:31You are a beautiful, responsible, loving girl.
00:51:35That's all I care about.
00:51:36And what I least want is to lose you.
00:51:38Don't let yourself be influenced by what others say.
00:51:41We can't isolate ourselves from everything.
00:51:43There will always be someone who wants to separate us.
00:51:47As long as you and I are fine,
00:51:49I don't care about the world.
00:51:55Let's go.
00:51:56I'll help you prepare breakfast.
00:51:58No, I'm not going down.
00:51:59Last night I had a very strong argument with Dario.
00:52:02He told me that I should never return to this house.
00:52:05And what are you going to do?
00:52:06I don't know.
00:52:08But what I am sure of is that I will not allow him to continue to mistreat me like that.
00:52:11Well said.
00:52:13You have to put a limit on him to see if he reacts like that.
00:52:16But he has to have breakfast.
00:52:18I will do it when Dario leaves Matías at school.
00:52:30Are you ready?
00:52:32Do you have the address?
00:52:33Area 29, Colonia Roma.
00:52:40Put on flip-flops so we can find her.
00:52:43Let's go.
00:52:54Let's go.
00:53:00Good morning.
00:53:01Good morning.
00:53:02Sit down.
00:53:03Everything is ready.
00:53:05A black coffee, well charged for you, young man, as you like.
00:53:09Thank you.
00:53:10And since when do you drink coffee here?
00:53:12For a while.
00:53:13What happens is that you had not noticed.
00:53:16And my grandmother?
00:53:18No, I didn't feel like having breakfast.
00:53:20And Angelina?
00:53:21I never see her anymore.
00:53:22She neither has breakfast nor eats at home.
00:53:24She only appears to work at night.
00:53:26She doesn't live here anymore, does she?
00:53:27Of course she does.
00:53:28But the procedures she is doing are very cumbersome and take time.
00:53:32Hey Mati, did you like the song I sent you?
00:53:34Yes, a lot.
00:53:35Last night I fell asleep listening to it.
00:53:38I hope you like it.
00:53:44They are delicious, but...
00:53:46without offending, there are not like my grandmother's.
00:53:586 months later
00:54:16It's here.
00:54:19I'm going to jump.
00:54:21Help me.
00:54:22Are you sure?
00:54:23Yes, we're already here.
00:54:24Let's get out of here.
00:54:26Luis, be careful.
00:54:46Let's go.
00:54:54Let's go.
00:55:17I'm here.
00:55:21Yes, everything is in order.
00:55:23I'll take everything and no one will find out what happened to Juan Pablo.
00:55:31My son, so cute.
00:55:34So affectionate that you were with me.
00:55:40Who would have thought that you would despise me so much.
00:55:46I will never stop loving you.
00:55:51And you will always be my dear son.
00:56:03Stay calm, I'm not going to leave anything.
00:56:06I'll let you know when I'm on my way.
00:56:14It's Charo.
00:56:20What are you doing?
00:56:31What are you doing?
00:56:33She was probably talking to Juan Pablo's lover.
00:56:35That's why Charo is related to all this.
00:56:37We have to follow her.
00:56:38Be careful.
00:56:42Thank you.
00:56:50Let's go.
00:56:58What are you doing?
00:57:00We have to follow her before we lose Luis to the taxi.
00:57:03We're not going to follow her.
00:57:04Why not?
00:57:05Because that's not how things are done.
00:57:06But if we follow her, we can find out who Juan Pablo's lover was.
00:57:09Please, let's go.
00:57:10No, no.
00:57:11Realize that if they find out, we are lost.
00:57:15What we just did is a crime.
00:57:17If Charo finds out that two people on a motorcycle are following her,
00:57:20plus the call we made,
00:57:21they're going to take a long time to find us.
00:57:23Have you already forgotten that you are a fugitive?
00:57:26Look, we still don't have anything strong to prove that you are innocent.
00:57:30It would be useless for you to have escaped if they find us by force.
00:57:34Not only will you go to jail, but I will also help you.
00:57:36We have to think things through before we do it.
00:57:38We have to do things calmly.
00:57:40We can't let this opportunity pass.
00:57:43We need all the information we can gather, Alejandro.
00:57:45I understand that you want to do things as soon as possible,
00:57:47but this can't be resolved in one day.
00:57:49We have to be patient.
00:57:51We have to go before someone sees us.
00:57:53Let's go to my house and then we'll decide what's the next step we're going to take.
00:58:16Oh, you're finally here.
00:58:18Did you see anything strange?
00:58:21Everything was as I left it the last time I went to do the search.
00:58:24You didn't explain to me what could have happened.
00:58:26Veronica could have found the cell phone and called you.
00:58:29No, it wouldn't have been her.
00:58:30She wouldn't have stayed quiet and called me to tell me.
00:58:33Then who could it have been?
00:58:36Why does she have that cell phone?
00:58:38I have no idea.
00:58:40I spent all night thinking about the same thing
00:58:42and I can't think of who could have it.
00:59:02Well, given the circumstances, it's better for you to leave the house.
00:59:06You have to keep the enemy close.
00:59:10Join them instead of rejecting them.
00:59:12Good afternoon.
00:59:13If we had followed Charo, we wouldn't have to wait.
00:59:16I remind you that you are a fugitive.
00:59:18That woman knows you and for her you are Juan Pablo's murderer.
00:59:22I'm sure that among the things that Charo kept,
00:59:24there may be something that tells me who was Juan Pablo's lover.
00:59:26To get into a house without anyone seeing you,
00:59:28you have to know how to move and you lack malice.
00:59:32But you don't.
00:59:33No, no, don't even look at me.
00:59:39I love you a lot, but first
00:59:41it will always be my freedom, my game.
00:59:44I love danger and I face my fears.
00:59:46The adrenaline that sets me on fire.
00:59:49I love you a lot, but I don't die.
00:59:54I'm not perfect, I'm not a legend.
00:59:56I'm not what people make up either.
