Salute, Di Brino (Altems): "3 mld di costi sociali in meno con coperture vaccinali raccomandate”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo rilasciato una nuova ricerca sulla mancata vaccinazione, che ci ha permesso di stimare come il raggiungimento di coperture vaccinali raccomandate minime o raccomandate ottimali permetterebbe al sistema minori costi sociali per circa 3 miliardi, un recupero di risorse in termini di gettito fiscale di poco superiore ai 500 milioni di euro e un recupero di valore di produzione persa di circa 10 miliardi”. Sono le parole di Eugenio Di Brino, ricercatore Altems - Co-Founder & Partner, Altems Advisory, spin-off università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, a margine della nona edizione di Long-Term Care – Stati Generali dell’Assistenza a lungo termine, in programma il 16 e 17 luglio presso il Ministero della Salute. La due giorni, organizzata da Italia Longeva, riunisce e mette a confronto i principali decisori ed attori istituzionali a livello centrale, regionale e territoriale, esperti, industria e associazioni di pazienti e cittadini al fine di fornire aggiornamenti e avanzare proposte sull’evoluzione dei processi di gestione della Long-Term Care nel nostro Paese.


00:00In these days we have released a new research that has seen us committed in this last year
00:11on the study of the missing vaccination, on a portion of the vaccination calendar,
00:20specifically on some vaccinations that have allowed us to estimate how the reach of minimum
00:33or optimal vaccination coverage would allow the system to have lower social costs for
00:41about 3 billion and for a recovery of resources and a gain of resources in terms of fiscal
00:54revenue, a little more than 500 million euros, and a recovery of lost production value,
01:06of about 10 billion euros.
01:08We have focused the analysis on six different types of vaccinations, Herpes Zoster,
01:15Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, Covid-19, Influenza, and it has allowed us to somehow capture
01:25the impact on the system, we are talking about fragile populations that somehow manage to have
01:43greater benefits from vaccination compared to the normal population.
01:47Therefore, as a system, we should ensure that these vaccinations are guaranteed, accessible,
01:57we can increase vaccination coverage because the benefit derived from greater vaccination coverage,
02:07in addition to a health benefit for those who are vaccinated and for those who are not vaccinated
02:14and who are close to these people, so the so-called indirect effects of vaccination have a benefit
02:26that goes beyond health and has an economic impact not only on the national health service,
02:33but also on the country's system and we have also seen on productivity in general.
