Take a Letter, Mr. Jones (1981) - S01E03 - The Holiday

  • 3 months ago
#TakeALetterMrJones #BritishSitcom #ClassicBritishTV #BritishComedy #VintageSitcom #TVComedy #SitcomClassic #RetroTV #BritishHumor #ClassicSitcom #ComedySeries #BritishTelevision #UKComedy #TVClassic #VintageComedy #RetroSitcom #BritishTVShows #ClassicComedy #BritishActors #TVNostalgia #SitcomHumor #RetroComedy #ClassicTVSeries #BritishEntertainment #ComedyGold #OldSitcoms #ClassicBritishComedy #TVHistory #SitcomScenes #BritishTVComedy #ComedyTVShow #VintageTVShow #RetroBritishTV #ClassicTelevision #SitcomLovers #ComedyEpisodes #BritishTVSeries #ComedyClassic #TVComedyShow #ClassicBritishSeries #SitcomFans #VintageTVSeries #TVHumor #RetroComedyShow #BritishSitcoms #TVRetro #BritishTVGold #ClassicTVComedy #SitcomMoments #UKTelevision #TVSitcoms #ComedyClassics #ClassicUKTV #BritishTelevisionShows #RetroTVShow #SitcomEpisodes #TVClassics #RetroTVSeries #ClassicTVMoments #SitcomActors #BritishComedyShow #VintageBritishTV #ComedyHistory #RetroTVComedy #TVShowClassics #SitcomClassicEpisodes #BritishComedySeries #ClassicSitcoms #RetroTelevision #BritishTVComedyShows #SitcomVintage #TVComedyClassic #UKTVShows #ComedyLegends #ClassicTVComedyShow #RetroTVMoments #BritishRetroTV #SitcomTelevision #TVComedySeries #ComedySitcom #ClassicTVGold #BritishTVHistory #TVShowComedy #VintageBritishComedy #ClassicComedySeries #BritishSitcomMoments #TVComedyHistory #SitcomGold #RetroUKTV #BritishTVEpisodes #TVShowHistory #BritishSitcomScenes #VintageTVComedy #ClassicTelevisionShows #RetroSitcomScenes #BritishClassicTV #ClassicUKSitcom #BritishTVComedySeries #RetroTVClassics


00:00Take a left turn, Mr Jones, ignore the telephone.
00:26You're a model, secretary, you don't leave me in a mess.
00:30I get my satisfaction sharing your success.
00:34Take a left turn, Mr Jones.
00:36Feeling better, Mr Jones.
00:38You have my appreciation, you always save my life.
00:42I'm a perfect combination, a computer and a wife.
00:46You're a wonder.
00:48You're a model.
00:50You're a treasure.
00:51Ha ha.
00:52End of letter, Mr Jones.
00:53End of letter, Mr Jones.
00:56How kind.
00:59Morning, darling.
01:01Morning, darling.
01:05Send me a cup of coffee, darling, will you?
01:07You're a bit late this morning, Mr Jones.
01:08It's after half past nine.
01:09I thought you were coming in early to work on that special report with Mrs Warner.
01:13Just some last minute shopping for my holiday.
01:15Yes, of course.
01:16You're going off first thing in the morning, aren't you?
01:18Mediterranean, here I come.
01:20Thank you, darling.
01:23Now, wait till you see this.
01:26Oh, they're nice.
01:28Very bright, aren't they?
01:29They'll see you a mile off if you go in the sea with those.
01:32They don't have sharks where you're going, do they?
01:34Well, I wish you wouldn't say things like that.
01:36Hey, do you know what?
01:37They'd fit me.
01:38Well, I'll lend them to you when I come back.
01:40Oh, great.
01:41I can wear these and a couple of handkerchiefs up here.
01:43I'll lend you those as well.
01:44You'll need man's size handkerchiefs.
01:47They're very cheap, these, you know.
01:48Made in Hong Kong.
01:49Oh, dear.
01:50I hope they're all right.
01:51I've heard about these cheap ones.
01:52When you go in the water, they shrink to half their size.
01:55I wish you wouldn't say things like that.
01:57Hey, come on.
01:58Tell us what's in the other bag.
01:59Oh, wait till you see this.
02:01A safari suit.
02:04Oh, I don't think so.
02:05That's not quite your thing, Mr. Jones.
02:06Safari suits only look good on someone with a tall, tough, manly figure.
02:10You ought to get yourself one.
02:13Where are those files?
02:14We've got a lot to do.
02:16Here we are.
02:17Hey, what's the big deal about this report?
02:19Oh, Mr. Lewis wants a full rundown of all the division's activities for the last three years.
02:24It's a sort of budget allocation.
02:26Right, I'll take this in to Mrs. Warner.
02:28You can't do that.
02:29She's not here yet.
02:30Well, that's strange.
02:31Mrs. Warner said she'd be in at half past nine prompt.
02:33Anyway, I'll put them on her desk.
02:37Oh, morning, Mr. Lewis.
02:38Morning, Ray.
02:39Mrs. Warner not here yet?
02:40No, not yet.
02:41But I am expecting her any minute.
02:43We're just reminded that I need that special report that I asked for by tomorrow lunchtime.
02:46It's absolutely vital.
02:48Well, I've got everything here.
02:49I'm going to work on it with Mrs. Warner.
02:51We've allocated today so it'll be done before I go on my holidays.
02:54Great stuff, Graham.
02:55Great stuff.
02:56I rely on you.
02:58Mr. Jones.
02:59Now what is it?
03:00There's just been a call from Mrs. Warner.
03:02She's not coming in today.
03:04She's got a sore throat and a temperature.
03:06But that's dreadful.
03:07Oh, she'll be all right.
03:08She's got that mad Italian maid to look after her.
03:10I mean, it's dreadful for me.
03:11I can't do the report without Mrs. Warner.
03:13Ah, well, she said you've got to take this electric typewriter and the files to her house and work with her there.
03:18Well, that's one way around it, I suppose.
03:20Thank you.
03:21Get me my papers and bits and pieces.
03:23Typical of management.
03:24Everything to suit themselves.
03:26The staff get no consideration.
03:27I staggered into this place half dead and no one's noticed.
03:30Well, they wouldn't notice unless you told them, would they?
03:35Sean, you ought to take her some flowers.
03:37Oh, yes.
03:39Look out here.
03:44It's the thought that counts.
04:05Ah, Signor Graham.
04:06What are you doing here?
04:07I've come to see Mrs. Warner.
04:08But Mrs. Warner is in bed.
04:10Yes, that's why I'm here.
04:11But you can't do nothing with Mrs. Warner in her bed.
04:14I've no intention of doing anything with Mrs. Warner.
04:17Just put my things down.
04:18Please, please, you don't make a mess.
04:20I'm busy all morning.
04:22First I have to take Lucy to school.
04:24Then I bring Mrs. Warner her breakfast.
04:26Now I'm cleaning.
04:27I'm working, working, working all day.
04:30Well, Mrs. Warner's very tired.
04:31You know, she's been working too hard.
04:34What about me?
04:35I'm going up and down those stairs all day.
04:37Like this, you see.
04:43It's very bad for my body.
04:45Doesn't go up the stairs much good, either.
04:49I'll just take these out.
04:50Please, I go first.
04:51She is not ready for a man.
04:53I've only come to do the tidying.
04:56You find out whether she's decent.
04:58Okay, you follow me.
05:05Signor Graham is here.
05:08Hello, how are you feeling?
05:09Not too well, actually, Graham.
05:11I've got a terrible sore throat and a bit of a temperature.
05:13The doctor's coming to see me in a minute.
05:15I brought you some flowers.
05:16Oh, you are sweet.
05:17You really shouldn't spend your money on me, Graham.
05:20No, it was nothing.
05:21Really nothing.
05:22Maria, could you put them in a vase, please?
05:24Ah, si, signor.
05:27Oh, dear, my throat.
05:28My glands are a bit swollen, aren't they?
05:30I don't know.
05:31I thought for a few weeks you were a bit chubby around there.
05:34Well, you're not as skinny as you used to be.
05:37Well, I mean, are your other glands swollen?
05:40Exactly where are you talking about?
05:43Well, I mean, anywhere you've got glands.
05:45I think we'll let the doctor find out about that, Graham.
05:47Well, he should know where everything is.
05:50Oh, that's probably him now.
05:51Could you pass me the spray on the dressing table, please, Graham?
05:54Thank you.
06:03Are you going out?
06:06No, just making myself look respectable for the doctor.
06:10Yeah, well, that should encourage him to look for your glands.
06:25Dottore Norton!
06:31Thank you.
06:32Ah, Mrs Warner, how lovely to see you again.
06:34Good morning.
06:35Good morning, Doctor.
06:37This is my personal secretary, Graham Jones.
06:40Ah, how do you do, Mr Jones?
06:41Good morning, Doctor.
06:42Well now, what's all this business about you being ill, eh?
06:45Well, I've got a terribly sore throat, Doctor.
06:49Well, I think we ought to just take your pulse.
06:55Yes, well, your heartbeat is a little up.
06:58I really think we ought to give you a thorough examination.
07:03Is there some place I could wash my hands?
07:07Yes, certainly. The bathroom's just through there.
07:09Thank you.
07:16Well, if your pulse is up when he holds your hand,
07:18you'll have a heart attack when he gives you a thorough examination.
07:21Graham, don't be so ridiculous.
07:23You're just a doctor, as far as I'm concerned.
07:26I'd better take off my bed socks.
07:30I put them on when my hot water bottle went cold.
07:33Bed socks? It's only going to look down your throat.
07:35Graham, do stop being silly.
07:37Come on, let's look at those files.
07:39All the details are there.
07:41Now, if you'd like to mark out the relevant passages,
07:43I'll get on with the cover page.
07:45I'll do all the typing downstairs,
07:46then I'll bring it up as I've done it for you to check it,
07:48and then I'll get on with the rest.
07:50Excellent. Oh, Graham, just before the doctor comes out,
07:52could you pass me the face cream, please?
07:57Thank you.
08:02Well, if you've got glands, you may as well make them look good.
08:11How is she, Doctor?
08:12Oh, she's fine. I've given her something,
08:14and as long as she relaxes today,
08:15then she should be back again at work tomorrow.
08:17What she really needs is a good holiday.
08:19Yes, I'm looking forward to my holiday.
08:21Oh, I don't know. Why, you look very fit.
08:23You're in... You're in very good condition.
08:25For your age.
08:33Victoria's gone?
08:35Am I just taking up a cup of coffee to Mrs Warner?
08:39I could do with a cup of coffee.
08:41I have no time to make you a cup of coffee.
08:44All day long, I'm washing cups.
08:46It's too much for me, OK?
08:47I'm too busy, OK?
08:49All right, all right, all right.
08:51I don't want any coffee, anyway.
08:53It'll probably give me indigestion.
08:55What is wrong with my coffee, huh?
08:57Let me tell you something.
08:58You know what they say at home?
09:00At home, they say...
09:04Especially, they come to drink my coffee, OK?
09:07OK. OK, fine.
09:09I don't want it.
09:10I don't want your coffee. It'll make me excited.
09:13No, no.
09:14Listen, I'm making my coffee, OK?
09:17I never get excited.
09:19Listen, I tell you what.
09:20I'm going to make you a cup of coffee,
09:22and you're going to drink it, OK?
09:37Graham! Graham!
09:45I thought the doctor said you were supposed to stay in bed.
09:48I'm just straightening it out, Graham.
09:50Now, look, I've finished the first lot of amendments,
09:52so you can take them downstairs and start typing them straight away.
09:54Good. Now, will you please get back into bed?
09:56You're supposed to be resting.
09:57It'll be a pleasure.
10:01Oh, my God! What's that?
10:03That's Maria! What on earth has happened?
10:07Oh! Oh, Maria!
10:09What have you done?
10:12There was a wire on the floor!
10:14Of course there was a wire on the floor.
10:15That was fastened to my typewriter.
10:17Graham, what a stupid place to put it.
10:19She couldn't see it if she was carrying a tray.
10:21She couldn't see it if she wasn't carrying a tray.
10:24There was nowhere else to plug it.
10:25There's another socket behind the sateen.
10:27Lift me up! Lift me up!
10:29Lift you up?
10:30I don't know, Maria.
10:31They do say that if you've had a heavy fall,
10:33to move someone, it can cause serious injury.
10:36Yeah, you're dead right. I could rupture myself.
10:39Just a minute.
10:40Where's my typewriter?
10:42Oh, no. We'll have to get her up.
10:44She's squatting on the machine.
10:53It's no good. I'm fighting a losing battle.
10:57Is it still plugged in?
10:59Well, switch it on. That'll get her up.
11:01Graham, how can you be so callous?
11:03Well, you just have to give me a hand.
11:05All right, Maria. Uno, due, tre.
11:08Oh, shit.
11:09Oh! The foot! The foot!
11:11Easy, easy, easy.
11:13What about my typewriter?
11:16Oh, God, I hope she hasn't broken anything.
11:19My carriage is crushed.
11:21How can you be so unfeeling?
11:23I've got another machine. It doesn't matter about that.
11:25Come and have a look at Maria's ankle.
11:27Where does it hurt, Maria?
11:28Oh, it's here, here and here.
11:32We'd better get somebody that knows their way around.
11:36That's a good idea.
11:37She obviously can't move in this state.
11:39Oh, my God, she was supposed to pick Lucy up at 12.
11:42Blast them. The doctor said I mustn't go out.
11:44Well, I suppose...
11:45Oh, that's awfully kind of you to offer, Graham.
11:48I do hope you won't mind coming round so quickly
11:50just to look at Maria's ankle.
11:52Don't mention Maria. Tell him it's your glands.
11:59Mummy, I'm back. Are you all right?
12:01Better, thank you, darling.
12:03How's Maria?
12:04I wish we'd had the foot hurts.
12:06The doctor's going to ring me as soon as he gets back from surgery.
12:09You've been working hard this morning, darling.
12:11Oh, yes. We had our first lesson in cooking.
12:14Did you?
12:15Look what I made.
12:16Ooh, what's that?
12:18They're rock cakes. I brought them home specially for you.
12:21Here, you can have one now.
12:23Oh, no, thank you, darling. My throat's still a bit sore.
12:26No, too fat.
12:27I'm sure Graham would like one.
12:29Wouldn't you, Graham?
12:30Hm? What?
12:31Oh, please, Mr Graham.
12:32And as you're always so kind to me,
12:34you can have this big one.
12:36Oh, thank you.
12:39Is it nice?
12:40Mm. It's lovely.
12:42It's not bad.
12:43Then eat it all up.
12:45That's what Mummy always says.
12:47If the food is nice, I must eat it all up.
12:50These currants are a bit tough.
12:53Well, you see, that's horrible gold Betty
12:55cos I put rubber into pieces and...
12:58It's a mixing bowl.
13:00I tried to get them all out.
13:02You didn't succeed, did you?
13:04I'm glad you like it, Mr Graham.
13:07I offered that big one to Timothy, but he wouldn't eat it.
13:10Who's Timothy, darling?
13:11He's our pet mouse.
13:13It's all right, Graham. It's only the school's mouse.
13:17Go on, darling.
13:18He licked it all over, but he wouldn't eat it.
13:21Oh, wouldn't he?
13:24Oh, wouldn't he?
13:26Aren't you going to eat any more, Mr Graham?
13:29It's rather filling, thank you, darling.
13:31I'll keep it for you until after lunch.
13:34You run along and wash your hands now, Lucy.
13:40Oh, Dr Norton.
13:42Yes, you heard about our little accident with Maria?
13:45Yes, I see.
13:47Fine, I'll see that she's there.
13:49Goodbye and thank you, Doctor.
13:51Is she not coming?
13:52He doesn't think it's serious enough,
13:53but he thinks Maria should go to the hospital to have the foot x-rayed.
13:57But she can't go on her own, not in this state.
14:00I'll take her.
14:01Are you sure, Graham?
14:03I hate to drag you away from the work.
14:04After eating that roll cake, I'd feel safer in a casualty department.
14:07Shall I call for a taxi?
14:09No, it's all right. I've got the car outside.
14:11Luckily, I've had the tyres done.
14:13Right, I'll go and get Maria's coat.
14:15You carry me.
14:16Oh, Maria, you're living in a fantasy world.
14:19No, I don't think I can, dear.
14:21Come on, Graham.
14:25That's it. Keep it going. Good.
14:32You're big with a gift like that.
14:36There's the coat.
14:39And there are the front door keys.
14:41Thank you very much.
14:42You're sure you're clean on underneath?
14:47Take a letter, Mr Jones
14:52Take a letter, Mr Jones
14:58Where have you been?
15:00I had to get one of the neighbours to take Lucy to school.
15:03You've been three hours in the casualty department.
15:06You've been sitting around for three hours doing nothing.
15:08No, I had 12 cups of tea.
15:10I read four episodes of a story in Woman's Own from November 1972.
15:14Maria's got to go back in three weeks' time.
15:16What, they want to see her again?
15:18No, I want to finish the cereal.
15:21How are you feeling, Maria?
15:22Oh, they're terrible.
15:23We sit there all the time and they take a photograph of the wrong foot.
15:27It's crazy.
15:29Surely they didn't x-ray the wrong foot, did they?
15:31No, no, no. He had a look at it.
15:32He said it was very badly sprained.
15:34So he bandaged it all up and said,
15:36don't put any weight on it.
15:37Then they x-rayed the other one to see if it would take the strain.
15:41Well, thank goodness you're back anyway.
15:43Listen, I'm going back up to bed.
15:44I'm feeling very shivery.
15:45OK, I'll get on with all this.
15:47Yes, you can start typing that as soon as you get back.
15:50Yes, it's three o'clock.
15:51It's time to pick up Lucy from school again.
15:55We're back.
15:56Oh, come on, Graham, and bring Lucy with you.
15:59I'll stay here, Mr Graham.
16:01Keeps him with your company.
16:02Oh, all right, darling.
16:03I'll tell your mummy you're all right.
16:04You do like him, don't you?
16:06Yes, he's lovely.
16:08He gets on that little wheel and keeps going and going.
16:10He never stops.
16:11No, he ought to work for your mother.
16:14Are you feeling any better?
16:16Oh, yes, much better, thank you, since I went back to bed.
16:18How's Lucy?
16:19Is she all right?
16:20Oh, yes, she's very excited.
16:21It's her turn to look after the mouse.
16:23Don't tell me she's brought that animal into the house.
16:25It's all right, it's in a cage.
16:26That is not the point, Graham.
16:27Go downstairs and tell her to put it in the garage.
16:29I have a thing about mice and I can't stand them being in the house.
16:32Now, I've finished the last lot of amendments,
16:34so you can take those downstairs now and start typing them straight away.
16:36It's going to take me all night to do this lot.
16:38Oh, but it'll be worth it, Graham.
16:40Just think of all that adventure and excitement awaiting you on holiday.
16:43I've had enough adventure and excitement in this house today.
16:47Lucy, your mummy says you should take that cage into the garage.
16:50She won't have it in the house.
16:51Oh, but, Mr. Graham, Timothy likes it in here.
16:54You wouldn't like to put us on your own in the garage, would you?
16:58There have been times today when I couldn't have liked anything better.
17:01Now, come on.
17:02No, come along.
17:03Look, Lucy, put that cage...
17:05I'm sure Timothy won't like it. It's cold out there.
17:08Well, put some antifreeze in his milk.
17:10Now, go on.
17:11No, you are not going out.
17:12Now, go on.
17:13Get it into the garage.
17:15Good girl.
17:19Right. Now, then.
17:23Oh, no. No.
17:27Mr. Graham, thank you for taking me to hospital.
17:30I have brought you some tea.
17:33Thank you, Maria, for just doing that.
17:35You know, I've got to type a hundred pages and I haven't even started yet.
17:38Where is the wire that goes from the machine?
17:41Oh, it's all right. I've plugged it in behind the settee.
17:43Ah, it's good.
17:44Hello, Maria. Are you better?
17:46Oh, sweet child. You lovely girl she is.
17:49Timothy wants to say hello.
17:52Oh, Maria, Maria.
17:53I don't like this.
17:55You've upset him.
17:56He's nice, isn't he, Mr. Graham?
17:58Yes, he's very nice.
17:59But take him away now.
18:00No, baby. Drop him.
18:03Oh, no. Now, don't panic.
18:05He's coming towards me.
18:07No! No!
18:08He's going to climb up my legs.
18:10My legs! Hold me up!
18:12Hold me!
18:17Graham, what are you doing?
18:19There's a mouse on the floor!
18:20A mouse?
18:22Lucy brought it into the house.
18:24I thought I told you to take it out of the house.
18:26I did tell you, didn't I?
18:28You told me to take the cage out, Mr. Graham.
18:31I didn't think you meant the mouse as well.
18:34She ought to go into politics. She'd make a marvellous Prime Minister.
18:37Lucy, you get that animal out of here at once.
18:40There it is, by the settee.
18:41Don't just stand there, Graham. Do something.
18:43I'm a secretary, not a mouse catcher.
18:45There it is on Maria's foot.
18:47Maria, don't move. Don't move.
18:53This mouse is not Italian.
18:59Am I going to faint? Am I going to faint?
19:01Wait till I get out of the way.
19:04Graham, look, there it goes, around the other settee.
19:06I'll get it.
19:07Towards the front door. Look here, quickly.
19:15That's the second one. Look, it's ruined.
19:18Well, what made you plug it in behind the settee?
19:21Because you told me to, to stop people from tripping over it.
19:24I found him.
19:25Well, don't let him get away again.
19:27That's it. I'm going. I've had enough.
19:29I've been here for seven hours and I haven't done a stroke of work.
19:32Except for break two typewriters.
19:34What about the report?
19:35I shall do it at home on my portable.
19:37It'll be in your office by 12 o'clock tomorrow before I go on my holidays.
19:45Oh, here he is.
19:47Is Mrs. Warner in?
19:48Yes, and she's perfectly well.
19:50Oh, good. Well, there's the document.
19:52I said it would be here at 12 o'clock and there it is.
19:54Do you know, I'm absolutely shattered.
19:56What time did you get to bed?
19:57I haven't been to bed.
19:58I didn't finish typing that till 9 o'clock this morning.
20:00Then I had to go to the laundrette and do my packing.
20:03Still, just think, in a few hours you'll be lying in the sunshine.
20:06Hey, what time's your plane?
20:08Three o'clock.
20:09You don't have a nice sleep up there.
20:10Oh, I doubt it.
20:11I heard on the radio this morning that there's extreme turbulence all over Europe.
20:14That's all I need.
20:16Luckily, I've got my travel-sick pills with me.
20:18I think I'll have a couple of these now.
20:20Daisy, get me a glass of water, will you?
20:21But your plane doesn't take off for another three hours.
20:23You're not meant to take those until an hour before you fly.
20:26This isn't for the plane.
20:27This is for the coach to Luton.
20:31Last time I was ill before I passed Watford.
20:39Oh, good, right.
20:41Give me the dreaded report.
20:43We'd better say goodbye now, Mr Jones.
20:45We'll be going off for lunch in a minute.
20:46Oh, yes.
20:50I'll bring you a stick of rock.
20:52Ah, there you are, Graham.
20:54Right on time.
20:55Graham, so you will be going on holiday after all.
20:59Well done, Graham.
21:00That's superb.
21:03Oh, Graham, this is first class.
21:05Great stuff, great stuff.
21:06Thank you.
21:07Er, Jones, give Graham a drink,
21:08and let's wish him bon voyage.
21:09Oh, thank you very much.
21:10Gin and tonic, Graham?
21:11That'll be nice.
21:12Oh, no, this is first class, Graham.
21:14First class.
21:15On behalf of Eight Star,
21:16I'd, er, I'd like to thank you for this report.
21:18Yes, and, er,
21:20and wish you a very good holiday.
21:21Thank you.
21:22Yes, Graham, have a good one.
21:23Thank you.
21:29Come on, Jones,
21:30we've got to get this to Sir John.
21:31We're meeting for lunch at one, you know.
21:33Oh, right.
21:34Oh, you take your time, Graham,
21:35and have a good rest.
21:37Goodbye, Graham.
21:39Well, I think you ought to be pleased
21:40with the layout of that.
21:41Thank you.
21:42Yes, well...
21:43We had a slight problem with, er...
21:46I didn't expect that at all, girls.
21:48Lunch break was over three-quarters of an hour ago,
21:50and with Graham gone,
21:51we're going to have to work extra hard to fill in the gap.
21:53Oh, lucky devil.
21:54He'll be up there now in the sunshine,
21:56flying away.
21:59Cheer up, Daisy.
22:00I do hope the plane's all right.
22:02Don't worry.
22:03In this day and age,
22:04he's as safe up there
22:05as if he were sitting in the office.
22:11Graham, wake up.
22:12Come on.
22:13Graham, wake up.
22:14Come on.
22:15Daisy, I wish you wouldn't do that.
22:17Mrs Warner.
22:19Graham, it's past three o'clock.
22:21I've missed my flight.
22:22Quickly, give me your tickets.
22:23I'll ring the airport.
22:24These charters never leave on time.
22:27No wonder you're so dopey.
22:29You've been drinking
22:30after you've taken the travel pills.
22:32That's the one thing they warn you about.
22:34Oh, I was drenched.
22:35I was lying on a beach,
22:37and I had a drink in my hand,
22:38and the sun was filtering through the palm trees,
22:41and there was Maria in a grass skirt.
22:49Yes, I'd like some information on flight 244.
22:52Yes, that's me.
22:54Yes, I'd like some information
22:55on flight 2468 to Tunisia, please.
22:59Thank you.
23:04Oh, I see.
23:06Thank you.
23:08I've missed it.
23:11Oh, Graham, I am sorry.
23:13The first time in 38 days it's left on time.
23:20What are you going to do?
23:22I've got an auntie I haven't seen for ages.
23:24She lives in Rille.
23:25Oh, that's...
23:43Never let a Mr Jones
23:45ignore the telephone.
23:47He's a model secretary,
23:49never leaves her in a mess.
23:51He gets his satisfaction sharing her success.
23:55Take a letter, Mr Jones,
23:57feel better, Mr Jones.
23:59He is our appreciation,
24:01always saves her life.
24:03He's a perfect combination,
24:05a computer and a wife.
24:07You're a wonder.
24:09You're a marvel.
24:11You're a treasure.
24:13Mr Jones,
24:14end of letter, Mr Jones.
24:16How kind.
24:21End of letter.
