We asked people have you ever had to buy something online because you couldn't find it in Sheffield
00:00Q. Can you tell me if there's anything that you've not been able to buy at shops in Sheffield that you've ended up having to go to Amazon for?
00:06I don't think it's the fact that I can't buy it, it's the fact that I then have to go and look for it, and I don't think many people have the time anymore to do that.
00:17I think they just want to get in, get out, and then if you've got kids as well, it's much easier to just buy online and then it comes the next day.
00:23You're not spending two hours in town, the travel fare and all that to go in it. I just think it's taken over, really, it's the next thing.
00:32Q. Can you tell me if you've ever had to buy something off Amazon because you've not been able to get it in Sheffield?
00:37Not particularly, but I prefer Amazon because it's more varied, you've got a better choice, and the items tend to be cheaper as well, rather than high street shops.
00:48Q. Can you tell me if you've ever had to get stuff off Amazon because you couldn't get it in Sheffield city centre?
00:53No, I don't use Amazon at all, I get quite a lot of things in Sheffield city centre, yeah, what I need to get, yeah.
00:59Q. Do you find you can get most things that you need in Sheffield city centre?
01:01Yes, I do, yeah, yeah.
01:03Q. Can you tell me if you've ever had to buy something off Amazon because you were unable to buy it in a shop in Sheffield?
01:08Never shopped on Amazon, never.
01:11Q. And do you find that you can get everything that you need in Sheffield?
01:15Mostly medical, sometimes dermatol, but mostly medical.
01:21Q. Do you find you can get most things that you need in Sheffield?
01:22Do you find you can get most things that you need in Sheffield?
01:23Q. Do you find you can get most things that you need in Sheffield?
01:24Do you buy something off Amazon because you've not been able to get it in Sheffield?
01:25No, I don't use Amazon on principle, I want to buy anything I'll use local, or anything other than Amazon.
01:31Q. Do you normally find you're able to get what you need in Sheffield?
01:33Yes, definitely, if I have to wait longer, it doesn't come the next day, but it's fine.