• 2 months ago
00:00:00I need my engagement ring back my mom said it's a family heirloom is this because my
00:00:16family went bankrupt it's not my fault your dad committed suicide and left a huge mess
00:00:21talk about my father oh my god he's he's so hot I should I should talk to him I should
00:00:37go get it get it it'll stand a chance with Byron he is the richest man in LA
00:00:41there's something you need, I'm a riser, he doesn't dig
00:00:50oh it's you hello Mr. Hanson it's been a while since we last saw each other what was it last
00:01:15Thanksgiving with your family look I'm gonna go order a drink from the bar you want anything Byron
00:01:19no I'm fine okay what is that that's Coraline Easton's ex-fiancé what are you doing here
00:01:32can't a girl get a drink by herself
00:01:36let go I don't want to I'm your fiancé's uncle ex-fiancé I guess you didn't get the memo
00:01:44uncle Byron and Easton we broke up and and I say
00:02:15what are you trying to do Cora is this about Easton do you know what he did he dumped me
00:02:23when I needed him the most and then he had the audacity to ask for the ring back some nephew
00:02:29you have there Mr. Hanson so this is about revenge so what if it is revenge is a dangerous game
00:02:39miscellaneous are you afraid Mr. Hanson because I'm not I want this
00:02:55don't say I didn't warn you
00:03:31what is wrong with me I've got to get off of myself
00:03:39good morning did you drive what I have a meeting so I won't be able to drive you home
00:03:50you didn't drive last night I call you no no it's okay I live close by I can walk okay
00:04:05yes get the numbers ready make sure everybody's in the room before I get there
00:04:11I'll be there in 23 minutes goodbye Miss Lane
00:04:21goodbye Mr. Hanson
00:04:29it's okay Cora it's not like you are ever going to see him again
00:04:35you're good you are a capable smart powerful woman and you do not need a man in your life
00:04:46hello Cora your mother has woken up from her coma I'm on my way
00:04:51hi hey mom Cora sweetheart what happened to me you had a stroke but it's okay you're awake now
00:05:02it's only up from here how long have I been here three weeks I thought that
00:05:11but it's okay just focus on getting better
00:05:14um I'm sorry about the mess with your father I'm so sorry you've got me
00:05:21and we make a pretty good team we'll figure it out
00:05:25we should let her rest um it's gonna be a long recovery process also we should talk about billing
00:05:51I'll be frank Cora your mother's treatment will involve a lot of aftercare for stroke patients
00:05:57she's been on life support for three weeks now this isn't going to be an easy recovery
00:06:03I understand how much are we talking Dr. Kim your insurance will cover some
00:06:07um but I would say about 50k out of pocket
00:06:15we've discussed your situation and I know that this is going to be a lot of money for you
00:06:19we could try a more conservative approach but no I'll get the money you just focus
00:06:25on getting my mom better she's all that I've left
00:06:38so Cora what are you doing here hey Cora now it's not a good time I'm kind of in the middle
00:06:47of something look Easton I just need one simple thing I need the 50k that you owe me so that I can
00:06:58fuck my life
00:06:59fuck my life my uncle is here let's talk later
00:07:11Cora you and Easton are through you can stop begging to get him back what are you even doing
00:07:18here I just want the 50,000 that he owes me after everything I've given you I think it's only fair
00:07:26you can pay me in cash or give me back the stuff I bought your choice I don't owe you shit
00:07:32you know I used to think of you as the daughter I never had but now I'm so shameful coming to
00:07:40beg us for money you aren't getting a time oh things really change when you're broke
00:07:47I just need the money to pay for my mother's medical bills after everything happened she
00:07:54couldn't handle the pressure and she fell ill not one dime I just want what's mine Easton asked for
00:08:01my engagement ring back I think I can ask for my gifts back too look 2019 I gave you that Mont Blanc
00:08:10pen $15,000 2028 the Rolex watch on your wrist um $40,000 uh 2021 the Jojo Keith painting and then
00:08:192022 the Land Rover sitting right out there you gave that to me for my birthday you can't ask for
00:08:25that back you proposed and gave me that engagement ring you can't ask for that back look just give me
00:08:32the 50k and we never have to see each other again I'll give you the money if you beg me for
00:08:50it's been a while Coraline how does it feel to be a nobody now I wouldn't know well
00:08:59the princess has fallen from her tower Mia Thompson Mia Thompson is your new girl
00:09:06that's a few steps down in class even for you Easton who are you to talk class now Cora
00:09:15besides Mia is a wonderful young lady Cora can we talk in private about this please talk in private
00:09:23absolutely not I think my solution is far better so are you going to beg me or what I'm not begging
00:09:31you yeah wow somebody forgets her place you think you're still an heiress your daddy committed fraud
00:09:40and offed himself you have nothing now you are nothing yeah what it's true well it's no mystery
00:09:50why you didn't have any friends in college Mia you're a bully what was that you said Easton
00:09:58right you would never be with Mia even if she was the last person on earth well I guess people
00:10:06change I I did not say that just as I thought you're a liar you little bitch that's enough
00:10:21that's enough uncle Byron
00:10:27Easton it seems your new girlfriend lacks manner uncle Byron you don't understand Cora
00:10:32uncle that title needs to be earned or did I miss the wedding are you married to Easton
00:10:40well we are engaged don't piss off my uncle
00:10:44Byron let's just not concern yourself with these matters let's just go back and talk
00:10:50about the maple plaza project stop embarrassing yourself at my house can't you see we're busy
00:10:57you know what you're right this was a mistake keep the gifts Easton I'll figure it out on my own
00:11:06on second thought consider them payment since you only date women who pay you to be their
00:11:11boyfriends what's that called again prostitution consider it payment for being a man whore
00:11:20that rude child Byron let's reschedule I have something I need to attend to wait Byron
00:11:30this is all Cora's fault Byron almost agreed to give us the maple plaza project
00:11:35it's okay mom we can talk to uncle Byron later
00:11:39seriously Mia don't piss off my uncle you won't like the outcome
00:11:55get in
00:12:11thank you so much for the ride um Mr. Hanson wait
00:12:19it's fifty thousand dollars
00:12:27what you're not going to take it
00:12:34thank you so much I promise I will pay back every penny um with interest
00:12:42like a loan three percent of course you'll be paying me back but under my condition
00:12:54oh I'll have you know Mr. Hanson I'm not like that I know we had a one night stand but I'm not
00:13:00going to sell my body for money so you think you're only worth fifty thousand
00:13:38in that bar from last night I own it so you'll be working there until you can pay me back
00:13:49girl for real he just gave you a fifty thousand dollar check
00:13:54what I would do with that does he have any hot gay friends by chance
00:14:00I don't know either way I have to work off the debt at the bar he owns
00:14:04nice so he gave you 50 grand and gave you a job this guy like like likes you
00:14:12no no it's Byron Hanson he doesn't do romance not to mention he's my ex-fiance's uncle
00:14:20even better marry him and be the auntie of this lying cheating tiny dick man child
00:14:25that's not happening it is a huge help from Byron though maybe after I pay off the debt
00:14:32I can start paying my half of the rent or maybe I can get you a gig at the bar so you can actually
00:14:37perform your music for an audience don't worry about that my music is not as important as your
00:14:43crazy situation as long as I have a roof over my head you'll have a roof over your head okay
00:14:50thanks tie-dye you're a true friend seriously and not ditching me like everyone else
00:15:01I miss my dog oh oh mr pickle
00:15:06so when do you start your first ever job tomorrow
00:15:19you get your tips paid in cash at the end of every shift and then your bi-weekly paychecks
00:15:25go through a direct deposit you can check it on the ADP app what's the uh ADP app
00:15:33lord you haven't worked a day in your life have you I'm a fast learner and I'll work hard
00:15:38mr jones kind of just sprung you on me so just so we're clear there will be no slacking off on my
00:15:43watch now bring these drinks to table four uh table four over there with the two gentlemen
00:16:09the girl just started her first shift I'm busy
00:16:12and she's not my girl you dumped her in my bar she is your girl your bar I own 51 percent of
00:16:19the shares fine our bar anyway just want to let you know she started I didn't take her for the
00:16:27work okay um sir everyone is here should I go ahead and start the meeting no have them
00:16:40reschedule the meeting thank you wow he's never ditched a meeting before one merlot and uh long
00:16:52island iced tea mm-hmm thank you
00:17:04who knew former heirs would be capable of serving others
00:17:13nice job so far
00:17:16thanks for showing me the ropes oh we have a group of VIPs coming in a bunch of trust fund
00:17:22kids take care of them they tend to tip well okay oh here they are
00:17:31just here their usual table six what are you waiting on go on it
00:17:56hey guys
00:17:59it's been a while can I get you anything else coralline
00:18:07I can't believe my eyes the coralline is working as a waitress
00:18:16guys are you seeing this or am I just imagining it oh cora this is sad babe your dad didn't leave
00:18:22you any money after he if you guys don't need anything else I'll go I've work to do hey come
00:18:29on we're just joking how about you come have a drink with us be our entertainment we'll tip you
00:18:36a few grand you look like you could use it I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to do it
00:18:41be our entertainment we'll tip you a few grand you look like you could use it now what's a few
00:18:47grand coralline oh wait she's broke now let go okay you still think you're hot shit oh honey
00:18:57you're nothing now do something I kind of like this version of you yeah hey sir please keep
00:19:03your hands to yourself
00:19:12sir are you okay no I am not fucking okay I want this bitch fired sir please I'm sure we can work
00:19:19out a compensation we can cover all your medical bills are you calling me poor I am Josh fucking
00:19:28Snyder do you have any idea who my dad is oh I am going to sue this whole fucking chain of bars
00:19:36you're so fucked Cora we're gonna make sure nobody in the city hires you again ever I'd like to see
00:19:42you try
00:20:01what are both bosses doing here today especially Mr. Hanson he is never here
00:20:07oh shit that's Byron Hanson no wonder he looks so familiar
00:20:14Amy what happened well when I got here Mr. Snyder was holding Cora against her will
00:20:20she punched me in the fucking face is what happened and it looks like you deserved it
00:20:25okay get lost I mean who the hell even are you this here is Byron Hanson maybe you've heard of
00:20:32maybe you've heard of him and this is our bar we don't appreciate you harassing our employee
00:20:39uh Mr. Hanson I I had no idea that you Harry I want these three blacklisted from all of my
00:20:47property oh and Josh Snyder right your father is Richard Snyder well you should tell your father
00:20:54to start looking for new clientele because I am canceling his contract you heard the man
00:20:59you three get the fuck out of our bar
00:21:13thank you so much Mr. Hanson I'm so sorry that's not gonna happen we need to talk now
00:21:19what you did back there was really nice I'm sorry for causing trouble what the hell were
00:21:25you thinking punching a customer I mean what would you do if I wasn't here how are you planning on
00:21:30getting yourself out of that mess I asked him to let go and he didn't and why didn't you call
00:21:35out for help why are you always the one that's getting yourself into trouble wherever you go
00:21:39I mean do you ever think before you react you don't even know me I don't even know you
00:21:43why are you always the one that's getting yourself into trouble wherever you go I mean do you ever
00:21:47think before you react you don't know me Byron I used to be like you rich wealthy not a care in
00:21:53the world and then my father died which sent my mother spiraling into a coma and then the bank
00:22:03took all of our assets my dog my fiancee dumped me and those three assholes back there used to
00:22:09be my best friends they knew who you were why do you think they were joking with me
00:22:16when you have money people are kind to you try being broke the world is not so kind
00:22:25so you ask me why trouble follows me it doesn't you just don't know what it's like to lose
00:22:30everything don't worry Mr. Hanson if Josh sues the bar I'll take full responsibility
00:22:37hmm he won't but unless he wants his ass kicked by his father you're Byron Hanson
00:22:46through it there
00:22:49well I should get back to work
00:23:10there you are is everything okay there you are is everything okay
00:23:19everything's a-okay I didn't see anything we were just talking
00:23:24Cora's had a rough night so I'll be taking her home sure just leave me short-staffed
00:23:30no not a problem at all Mr. 51 you can close the bar early if you'd like
00:23:36it's Cora coming back what do I tell Amy I'll be back tomorrow right on time sure okay cool
00:23:45cool I guess
00:23:51interesting there is a heart inside that machine that is Byron Hanson
00:24:00thank you for the ride Mr. Hanson
00:24:04hey hey hey uh um from now on you can call me Byron uh give me a call
00:24:12technically you are my employee so if you ever get into any trouble again you can just call me
00:24:18why are you being so kind to me uh Cora I think I just oh wait hold on shit
00:24:26hey Ty I'm on my way home now pizza sounds great thanks
00:24:33so your roommate's a guy yeah Tyler he took me in when the bank took my house
00:24:39he's a true friend everybody else ditched me cool
00:24:59not this guy
00:25:09yeah Tyler he took me in when the bank
00:25:26what does it mean when a man and a woman live together I think it probably means that they're
00:25:35what was the question
00:25:40well uh sir I think it probably means that they're together in a romantic sense
00:25:52Tommy I want you to look into Coraline I want to know everything about her
00:25:57including where she lived before and what bank seized her family's asset
00:26:02uh okay I'll get started on that right now oh and one more thing
00:26:10your sister dropped this off yesterday he just missed her because he left early
00:26:22my god
00:26:52maybe I'm shaking from doing the impossible
00:26:57sometimes I aim too high
00:27:10wow week three on the job and you already knocked out the hardest cocktail when you're in desperate
00:27:15need for cash hard work is the only option I'm impressed honestly this has been really fun right
00:27:22hey I don't know your situation but I know what you mean
00:27:25I had to fight really hard too to stay off the streets
00:27:32hey we booked a gig an engagement party the tip payout's gonna be fantastic you busy
00:27:38when is it next Saturday the couple are from super elite families you can expect five grand in tip
00:27:43minimum I'm in thank you so much yeah we actually got it thanks to Mr. Hanson he's the
00:27:51the uncle of the groom or something is it uh Easton Patton and Mia Thompson's engagement party
00:28:00yeah you know them
00:28:14I still can't believe you're going to X's engagement party
00:28:18as a waitress you got balls girl I give you that I need to make money so I can go back to
00:28:24school and get a better job I'm not turning down five grand or anything five grand used
00:28:31to be just a pair of shoes for you you're a changed woman god that feels like forever ago
00:28:39okay gotta go see ya yeah
00:28:49Easton I said that I wanted Taylor Swift for my engagement party so why the hell are you telling
00:28:58me now that she can't come Mia her agent turned us down what do you want me to do kidnap Taylor
00:29:05Swift don't be so unreasonable unreasonable should I remind you what my family has done for
00:29:13you for your mom's company because I can ask my mom to take it all back
00:29:21because I can ask my mom to take it all back
00:29:23you're right I'm sorry I promise you for our wedding I'll get Taylor Swift
00:29:38okay geez and Beyonce for the reception happy fine I'll let you off the hook this once
00:29:44just remember you promised
00:30:02why are you wearing a mask are you feeling sick or something
00:30:05you know post-covid big party just in case Mr. Hanson's here
00:30:24I did not think Byron Hanson would actually show up why not isn't he Easton's uncle their family
00:30:31yeah but I heard that Byron and Lydia aren't even close they're like 18 years apart plus I mean
00:30:37they come from generational wealth no one is close in the family like that true not to mention the
00:30:44Hanson family has way more money than the Patton family too we haven't spoken much since that night
00:30:57what's wrong I thought he liked me what the hell is she doing here is she here for Easton
00:31:06god this girl get a grip Cora there's no reason to speak with him you don't need him you are
00:31:12powerful smart capable caring uh whiskey on the rocks double
00:31:18Cora you sir Cora is that you
00:31:38it is you what do you come with me
00:31:43excuse me
00:31:45sir what go Easton what the hell do you want I need to get back to work I should be asking you
00:31:52that question what are you doing here trying to win me back when you're back you think I'm here
00:31:58to win you back in this uniform why else would you be at my engagement party
00:32:07why else would you be at my engagement party believe it or not Easton
00:32:13believe it or not Easton I'm here to do my job and make money unlike you I actually have to work
00:32:20you should try it sometime why are you like this Cora you used to be so fun and sweet now you're
00:32:26just work work angry angry yell at Easton people change Easton I did and so did you
00:32:35look I've had a lot of time to think about this and I really miss you
00:32:46you know why I'm with Mia you know I don't love her how about how about I marry Mia for business
00:32:54but you and I stay together committed for love I'll pay your bills I'll buy you a new car
00:33:04I'll get you your own apartment just come back to me babe please
00:33:13you want me to be your side chick don't have to say it like that let me tell you something
00:33:19Easton Patton we are never ever getting back together and for the love of god grow a pair
00:33:28of fucking balls you man child
00:33:40whoa there drinking on the job okay okay just something to soothe my nerves that is a lot of
00:33:48something why didn't Easton Patton want to speak with you it's a long story and it's not the place
00:33:56to talk about it valid that was so weird right Mr. Hanson Amy a drink sure Cora fine Mr. Hanson
00:34:13funny to see you here Mr. Hanson I asked Cora to come I need an extra hand and I figured she
00:34:19could use the experience I see they keep up the good work oh and uh try to stay out of trouble
00:34:26okay did that feel real to you why does today have this strange feeling I'm gonna go in the
00:34:34back room and check on the stock make sure it's still in stock Cora the stock is here
00:35:00hello Cora
00:35:14before you say anything I'm just here to do my job you don't give me trouble I won't give you
00:35:20trouble don't be so tense Cora just wanted to thank you for coming even if you are here to
00:35:28serve us well I better get back to serving your highness
00:35:38you know I don't even love Easton right this is all business our families would make
00:35:44a strong alliance he's not even good in bed we feel so sorry for you what was that four years of
00:35:54bad sex you're marrying him Mia that's a lifetime of bad sex who should we really be feeling sorry
00:36:04for who cares about any of that when billions are at stake if only your daddy didn't die
00:36:11this could have all been yours is that you're just a dirt poor servant
00:36:17you know Mia sometimes I wonder who hurt you
00:36:39look like you love me Easton this is going to be on the front page tomorrow morning
00:36:46oh that's so cute a kiss for the camera
00:36:49the ring tell us about the ring oh yes of course it's a six carat diamond
00:36:55and it's a family heirloom that's been passed down in the family for just my ring where's my ring
00:37:05where's my ring
00:37:12oh my goodness that was my mother's ring so sorry I had it on my finger
00:37:19this morning you saw me putting it on what's going on I don't know something about a ring
00:37:31um where did you last see it that ring is worth two million dollars I don't know
00:37:38I took it off to wash my hands I put it on the counter and then
00:37:43wait that's right I saw Cora she walked into the bathroom after me what you you stole my ring
00:38:01you stole my ring
00:38:07can you please stop recording wait that's Cora Lane holy shit what is she doing here
00:38:13isn't she Easton's ex yeah yeah yeah but her father committed fraud and then
00:38:16killed himself after that Easton broke up with her Mia what are you doing I know she took it
00:38:25I left that ring on the counter and we were the only two in the bathroom
00:38:28just give me back my ring Cora what the hell are you talking about I didn't steal anything from you
00:38:34okay well then you won't mind if we do a little search would you empty your pockets
00:38:42you can't just search me that's right this is a catering service we're not your servants you
00:38:47can't just come and search my employee like that it seems like to me that you have something to
00:38:53hide hi I'm gonna search my pockets
00:39:08you know that ring is worth millions you're going to jail Cora Lane
00:39:12I knew it so desperate is this why you came here to steal my ring you set me up
00:39:31as you all may know Cora Lane used to date Easton and Cora has hated and bullied me
00:39:46since college and I'm guessing that she hates me even more now that I'm engaged to Easton Cora
00:39:55I know it must hurt to have the man that you love marry another but a crime is a crime
00:40:03I'm calling the police Mia wait and who says the ring belongs to you uncle
00:40:14Byron what do you mean of course the ring is mine Easton proposed to me with this ring
00:40:21to me with this ring that ring is a Hanson family heirloom it belonged to my mother
00:40:27Rosalinda Hanson and I didn't even know it was taken from the vault so really who's the thief
00:40:36so really who's the thief
00:40:41what the heck just happened it sounds like to me Easton proposed with the ring that belongs to
00:40:45Byron how embarrassing say something Easton Byron I am your sister that ring belonged to
00:40:58our mother you took it away from me behind my back Byron how could you say something like that
00:41:05why are you helping this outsider against your own family for the last time I didn't steal anything
00:41:14Mia probably slipped it in my pocket when she cornered me in the storage room
00:41:18I believe you do without a doubt
00:41:26I believe you do without a doubt and this is just another piss poor effort at framing someone
00:41:33seems it runs in the family now my mother's ring no no please oh Byron you can't do
00:41:44this Lydia if you want to dispute our late mother's will then we can in court but need I
00:41:49remind you the deal that you signed when you married into the Patton family just so happens
00:41:54that my lawyer friend is here today hey Harry right Lydia if I remember correctly you took a
00:42:04cash out of 20 million dollars when you married into the Patton family thus relinquishing you of
00:42:10all your inheritance rights Byron how can you do this to your own sister you are my sister that's
00:42:18why I gave you access to the family vault in good faith and I could take that away just as easily
00:42:23from you now once again my mother's ring now once again
00:42:34my mother's ring
00:42:42don't make me call the police the press are right outside and that won't look pretty
00:43:04oh my god I told you
00:43:11if you like it it's yours I can't take this I feel like I ruined the party shall we go let's
00:43:31this is all your fault
00:43:36you are so fucked
00:43:43oh you are so fucked
00:43:48okay let's go you're bleeding
00:44:02hey Cora Cora call an ambulance now on right now Cora please
00:44:14you you did this what this is going to do to my family I can't
00:44:24I can't there can only be one winner Thomas I trusted you
00:44:37you framed me don't worry insider trading maximum jail time is 20 years
00:44:42if you find a good lawyer you should be out in 10 good luck affording one now
00:45:23Janet can you get that
00:45:37special agent Joey Murphy is uh Thomas Lane home um I'm his daughter what's going on
00:45:49what's going on I think it's best if we speak to him directly uh you won't be speaking with
00:45:53anyone unless you tell me what's going on we believe he's involved with financial fraud
00:45:57and insider trading uh my dad would never do that he's kind and smart and
00:46:18hey don't look
00:46:27oh Cora hey you're awake Byron hey I'm here you're okay you're with me you're safe now
00:46:41what happened the doctors think that you probably have vasovagal syncope they needed to test your
00:46:48blood just in case they so what a vasovagal syncope means you pretty much just follow
00:46:57out of the site of blood Amy called your emergency work contact Tyler McGinnis boyfriend right
00:47:06no Tyler's my best friend right our best friend that's the guy
00:47:15thank you guys I'm sorry for the trouble I should not have what no it's fine
00:47:22Mia Thompson went overboard and she'll be dealt with girl what the fuck
00:47:27are you okay you had me worried the whole ride here I brought wine to calm our nerves
00:47:44come here
00:47:49I almost had a heart attack when your manager called me I'm totally fine
00:47:53uh this is Byron Hanson good question would you happen to know any guys that like guys like your
00:48:03friends uh no and that's uh Harry Jones my boss he owns the bar
00:48:15hi Tyler McGinnis Harry Jones so you own the bar Cora works at yeah
00:48:20that's cool have you ever booked any live musicians to play there usually just DJs
00:48:30cool cool hey uh is your friend uh is he gay yes you never mentioned that why would I
00:48:43why would I aren't you jealous no no I just Miss Lane you're awake
00:48:54your blood work came back this is bad very bad
00:49:02Miss Lane we found a blood alcohol content of 0.08 in your system
00:49:06you can't be drinking any alcohol in your condition let alone three drinks
00:49:13I had one glass of wine to calm my nerves what what disease do I have pregnancy
00:49:25a woman in your condition shouldn't be drinking any alcohol it can lead to
00:49:29birth defects miscarriage you need to take this very seriously you're the father no I
00:49:36you're gonna have to take care of her from now on people give me such a headache
00:49:43wait you didn't know you were pregnant
00:49:52well you're gonna have to take a look at this yourself nurse Jackie
00:49:57please bring me a pregnancy test now
00:50:13is this from that night
00:50:17yeah let's see what we can
00:50:26I had so many questions
00:50:30whoa this is a strange sight I will leave you four to it Miss Lane you're fine just
00:50:38no more alcohol and make sure you set an appointment for an ultrasound with your OB
00:50:43I will thank you sign your discharge papers and you can go
00:50:49I'll call an Uber no I'll be taking her home no it's okay I'll
00:50:52go with Tyler we need to talk hold on
00:51:04how's that feels that tight
00:51:06what is he doing he wants to talk but he's not talking does he not want the baby
00:51:23you ready okay
00:51:26Gargan what are you doing driving driving like a grandpa I'm going to speed limit
00:51:33you're driving two miles per hour you should pull over we need to talk
00:51:56um I think we should get married
00:52:02what do you think
00:52:05I don't understand you said your house was taken by the bank I brought it back it's yours
00:52:27why are you doing all this Byron isn't it obvious I'm falling for you I can't Easton's my ex
00:52:38look none of that matters just answer me this do you have feelings for me too
00:52:58so are you gonna invite me inside there's a lot more to see
00:53:18it looks exactly the same way as when I left it how I thought the bank removed all the furniture
00:53:26I pulled some strings and they put it all back I can't believe this
00:53:33Cora let's get married let me take care of you let me protect you and our baby protect me
00:53:42that sounds a little dramatic Cora when I had Tommy look into your family's assets to buy this
00:53:50house back there were some shady things that came across my eye what do you mean
00:53:57I've been meaning to talk to you about this about your father's case
00:54:02something just doesn't feel right
00:54:08it's not my fault Byron Hanson showed up at the last minute and ruined everything
00:54:13I don't even want to marry that loser anymore he doesn't love me
00:54:18I caught him telling Cora that he still has feelings for her
00:54:29love since when has marriage ever had anything to do with love
00:54:35it seems like you've forgotten where you come from
00:54:38mom don't call me that you useless brat I went through hell to get rid of Thomas Lane
00:54:46so that you can marry into the Patton family and now you've put everything at risk by pulling that
00:54:52little stunt yesterday I was just trying to get rid of Cora Easton was confessing to her that's
00:54:58your problem you can't keep your man in line
00:55:06better question is why is Cora Lane able to have Byron Hanson wrapped around her little finger
00:55:11when you can barely even hold on to that mouth breather that is Easton Patton
00:55:18all right I'll fix it this marriage alliance is happening one way or another get your shit
00:55:25together Mia I raised you better than this I expected you to be smarter stronger I'm leaving
00:55:32for Europe in a few days do not make me fly back from Europe to fix your fucking mess no please
00:55:38I'll I'll make it right then get the fuck out of my office and go make this right
00:55:49Mia remember I plucked you from the orphanage you come from nothing
00:55:55and I can always make you go back to being nothing
00:56:06without the Thompson name you are as low as a servant in this city
00:56:12yes mother
00:56:36your father was suspected of financial fraud and insider trading but the evidence against him it's
00:56:42almost almost what it's almost too obvious most people who cook their books hide it better
00:56:50so you're saying you think he was framed it's a real possibility I never believed he did
00:56:58any of this he was a righteous man fine you have to help me I'm going to look into this but
00:57:04with your father's passing the answers might be hard to find but I promise I'm going to do
00:57:11everything that I can okay Cora Cora you all right you're zoned out a bit I was just thinking
00:57:24about some stuff Tom is here I have a surprise for you
00:57:40my old car you didn't your car miss try the trunk what for trust me
00:57:54oh my god this is the best day ever thank you
00:58:04one more thing
00:58:07you ready yes sir walk straight no peeking to the left
00:58:15keep going you ready
00:58:17oh mr. pickles
00:58:31these are all of your things that got taken by the bank
00:58:35and some of the stuff that you sold to pay for your mother's medical bills
00:58:41I'm sorry I couldn't get you everything believe it or not two of your broken bags
00:58:45are actually on their way to China as we speak this is the most romantic thing anyone's ever done
00:58:54Cora I know I'm not a man of many words but I hope my actions speak loudly
00:59:02it seems like you're trying to put my life back together no you did that all by yourself
00:59:08and the resilience that you showed since your father passed taking care of your sick mother
00:59:13selling all of your belongings taking on a full-time job for the first time in your life
00:59:17I've seen you do those things and you're so strong
00:59:22I mean you piece your whole life back together all by yourself I just wanted to help
00:59:30and you are aware in the ring you just haven't answered my question yet
00:59:36Mia, will you marry me?
01:00:00you're dumping me? Mia for Pete's sake
01:00:03I'm not dumping you all I am saying is we should hold off on the wedding until this blows over
01:00:08have you not seen the news we are literally plastered all over the internet it's fucking
01:00:13embarrassing embarrassing I am the one who got humiliated how could you propose to me
01:00:19with your uncle's ring if you didn't try to frame Cora none of this would have happened
01:00:36I was wrong you're right we can take a bit more time it'll give us time to prep for the wedding
01:00:45wedding there will be no wedding
01:00:54wedding there will be no wedding mom what are you talking about Byron just called
01:01:04he said he's going to give us the maple plaza project only if you break up with Mia
01:01:14what are you guys talking about well in that case
01:01:19I guess you're right Mia
01:01:22I'm dumping you no hard feelings Mia I mean you of all people should know
01:01:29business is business you can't do this to me the Lane family was a better fit financially and
01:01:38well then the Lane family went bankrupt so I had no choice but to settle for you
01:01:41and now you've changed your mind simple math really the maple plaza project is worth more
01:01:46than being married to you to be honest I'm really glad I don't have to marry you anymore
01:01:52now we can both drop the act
01:01:56have you ever loved me no not once not ever
01:02:17uh what the heck are you doing here I'm going to work no I have direct orders from above you
01:02:23can't work here anymore says who says both owners I mean you're pregnant with Mr. Hansen's baby for
01:02:28crying out loud I'm pregnant not invalid it's so early on I can't even feel anything no no no no I
01:02:35am not having a pregnant woman work at my bar especially not my boss's baby what if you slip
01:02:40or what if you fall what if I drink water and I choke on it can I go then what am I doing here
01:02:45I don't care you rest now oh and you owe me a huge story time after my shift
01:02:52I need to know everything from start to finish
01:03:03I have to take this call
01:03:08thanks for calling me back Mr. Murphy I didn't expect to hear back from you
01:03:11what can I do for you Miss Lane it's about my father's case
01:03:15I have some questions I don't think it's best if we speak in person okay um can we at the coffee
01:03:22shop on third there were a lot of things that didn't know like you said the evidence against
01:03:30your father almost seemed too obvious but but he died before you could ask any questions
01:03:40hey by the way would you happen to know a Mia Thompson yeah why it's just that right after your
01:03:53father died she called saying she wanted to talk I scheduled an appointment but she never showed up
01:04:01I have to go thanks Joey I'll call you
01:04:29okay can I get q3 please yes I need the business contract
01:04:33yes no this is this is the one we do have one more meeting tonight
01:04:46no no cancel that
01:05:03oh god this guy
01:05:12Mia are you in here
01:05:34oh my god Mia wake up
01:05:48I don't
01:05:55911 what's your emergency ma'am ma'am I can't hear you are you hurt
01:06:01hello hello go on hello hey hey hey it's okay are you don't look at it who's with you
01:06:13hello yes yes I need an ambulance to one two seven seven Crandall circle
01:06:19it's a female mid-20s she needs immediate medical attention looks like looks like she's
01:06:25looks like she's so nervous hurry please
01:06:29are you okay okay hey don't you ever do that again okay you scared the hell out of me
01:06:38no matter what it is just know that I'm with you okay
01:07:08you lost a lot of blood but you'll be fine you what's going on
01:07:16I found you in your bathtub in a pool of your own blood why did you try to kill yourself Mia
01:07:23why do you care are you here to gloat no I just want to talk please get out I don't want to see
01:07:33you I saved your life Mia I'm supposed to thank you I don't care if you thank me or not
01:07:43I want to know why you contacted Joey Murphy after my father passed away I think you know something
01:07:49I don't know what you're talking about you know what I think Mia
01:07:55I think you contacted Joey Murphy because deep down you feel guilty
01:08:03you knew my father was framed and he wanted to say something after he killed himself
01:08:09I think under that hard exterior is a scared little girl who just wants to be loved you don't
01:08:14understand if you lived one day in my shoes you would want to die too
01:08:21want to die too
01:08:42you're right Mia I don't understand but Mia if you're not even afraid to die
01:08:49why why are you afraid to live I wanted to ask my dad that
01:08:57but it was too late
01:09:02maybe it isn't for you
01:09:07wait if I tell you everything will you help me
01:09:19special agent Joey Murphy Rachel Thompson you were under arrest for falsifying financial
01:09:24documents insider trading witness intimidation and other felonies what the hell get off me
01:09:32you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a
01:09:36court of law you have the right to an attorney you are so fucked you have no idea who you're
01:09:42messing with your daughter Mia Thompson she confessed we got her
01:09:57breaking news Rachel Thompson of Thompson group has pled guilty in a case that has shocked the
01:10:02nation that's my ice cream clear in the name of Thomas Lane family will be meeting in a court
01:10:07in a few months to discuss further action hey it's over okay Rachel Thompson is going to prison
01:10:16for a very very long time you know when Mia told me that Rachel framed my father to help her marry
01:10:24into the Patton family I felt like I could have avoided this whole thing no no no hey don't do
01:10:31that okay it's not your fault there's nothing you could have done to prevent it ultimately
01:10:37it just came down to Rachel's greed that led to this whole tragedy plus I would have never fallen
01:10:42in love with you by the way I really need to get you a new engagement ring every time I see it it
01:10:50reminds me of Easton proposing to you makes me want to vomit I like this ring it was your mother's
01:10:56it makes it special yeah but I don't know maybe it was fate it was always meant for me because
01:11:06I was meant for you
01:11:10I love you Byron I love you more
01:11:26Mom you're doing so great wow this is the longest I've gone you're getting a little bit better
01:11:33every day let's sit down for a bit okay
01:11:40I saw the news yesterday you cleared your father's name I'm so proud of you I couldn't
01:11:46have done it without you you make a great team nonsense all I did was drag you down with my
01:11:51illness when you needed me most I went into a coma mom you woke up from a three-week coma
01:11:58it's a miracle
01:12:04hey Cora long time no see um I'll have the nurse walk with me more go
01:12:11uh you look great I know yeah yeah
01:12:31I wanted to apologize I realize now that I made a terrible mistake I betrayed you
01:12:39our love I left you when you needed me the most I'm sorry apology accepted
01:12:47I uh moved out of my mom's place got my own now that's good
01:12:56are you really marrying my uncle this feels unreal like some alternate reality
01:13:04not only is she marrying me you're going to have a baby cousin soon
01:13:21are you serious and from now on you call her aunt Cora oh and if you ever disrespect your aunt again
01:13:31I'm going to whoop your ass don't say I didn't warn you
01:13:48five four three two one
01:14:00it's so wonderful isn't it yes now we're gonna have two men in the house to protect
01:14:15so um do you have any openings for yet you know
01:14:21maybe singer some brighter I mean we usually do djs in the lounge
01:14:27but we have open mic nights on Thursdays oh my god thank you so much I'll be there
01:14:36thank you so much I'll be there
01:14:43okay guys who wants to play a game
