Surah Qaf Full By Sheikh Abdallah Abdal WIth English Translation

  • 3 months ago
Surah al qaf is the surah number 50 in the holy Quran. It was revealed to the prophet during the early stages of revelation when he was at Mecca. It was revealed to tell the people about the day of resurrection.
Surah Qaf also warns the disbelievers of what will happen if they don't believe in the prophet, showing theme evidence from what happened to the previous nations who denied their prophets. It is narrated that the prophet used to recite this surah in the Friday prayer and in each day of Eid.


00:00In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
00:06Qaf. By the glorious Qur'an.
00:14Nay, but they wonder that a warner has come to them from among themselves.
00:26But the disbelievers say, This is a strange thing.
00:32When we have died and become dust, that is a long return.
00:43We have known what the earth lacks of them, and with Us is a Book, a Guardian.
00:54Nay, but they denied the truth when it came to them, so they are in a confused affair.
01:07Have they not looked up to the sky above them, how We have built it and adorned it, and it has no openings?
01:28And the earth, We have spread it out and placed therein firm mountains, and We have produced therein from every kind of fruit,
01:47a sight and a reminder for every servant who turns back.
01:55And We have sent down from the sky a blessed water, and We have produced thereby gardens and fruits of the harvest.
02:15And the date palms, for them is a lofty hill,
02:24a provision for the servants.
02:28And We have given life thereby to a dead city.
02:34Thus is the exit.
02:37The people of Noah denied before them, and the companions of Arras and Thamud,
02:46and Aad, and Pharaoh, and the brothers of Lot,
02:52and the companions of Al-Aikah, and the people of Tubba'a.
02:57All denied the messengers, so the promise was fulfilled.
03:04Did We cause the first creation?
03:09Nay, but they are in doubt about a new creation.
03:17And We have created man, and We know what his soul whispers to him,
03:25and We are nearer to him than the rope of the spring.
03:32When the two receivers will receive from the right and from the left a seat.
03:42He does not utter a word except that with him is a watcher prepared.
03:51And the intoxication of death will come with truth.
04:00That is what you used to fear.
04:06And it will be blown into the Horn.
04:09That is the Day of Threatening.
04:13And every soul will come with a driver and a witness.
04:26Indeed, you were heedless of this,
04:32so We removed from you your cover,
04:39so your sight this Day is sharp.
04:44And his companion will say,
04:46This is not with me prepared.
04:51Throw in Hell every rebellious disbeliever.
04:59Preventer of good, transgressor, doubter.
05:06Who has made with Allah another deity.
05:12So throw him into severe punishment.
05:18His companion will say,
05:20Our Lord, I have not transgressed him,
05:26but he was in far error.
05:34He will say, Do not dispute with me,
05:38and I have already given to you the warning.
05:44The word is not changed with me,
05:48and I am not unjust to the servants.
06:01The Day We will say to Hell,
06:05Are you full?
06:07And you will say, Is there any more?
06:12And Paradise will be brought near to the righteous, not far.
06:21This is what you are promised for every gatekeeper.
06:29Who feared the Most Merciful in the unseen
06:33and came with a repenting heart.
06:41Enter it in peace.
06:46That is the Day of Eternity.
06:50For them is what they will therein,
06:57and with Us is more.
07:01And how many a generation have We destroyed before them!
07:07They are more severe than them in oppression,
07:14and they have transgressed in the land.
07:18Is there any escape?
07:22Indeed in that is a reminder for he who has a heart
07:30or he who casts down his ear while he is a witness.
07:37And We have created the heavens and the earth
07:42and all that is between them in six days,
07:48and We have not touched the clouds.
07:52So be patient with what they say
07:56and glorify the praise of your Lord
08:03before the rising of the sun and before the setting.
08:09And from the night glorify Him and behind the prostrations.
08:17And listen to the Day when the caller will call from a place near.
08:27The Day when they will hear the cry of truth.
08:33That is the Day of Exit.
08:38Indeed, it is We who give life and cause to die,
08:44and to Us is the destination.
08:47The Day when the earth will split open from them in a frenzy.
08:54That is a gathering easy for Us.
09:00We are most knowing of what they say,
09:04and no one has come to them with force.
09:13So remind with the Qur'an
09:22to those who fear My warning.
09:52Those you are promised will be truthful,
09:55and indeed, the religion will come to pass.
09:59And the heaven is full of thorns.
10:05Indeed, you are in a different saying.
10:10He who is turned away from it will be turned away.
10:13The deceivers will be slain.
10:17Those who are in a delirium.
10:23They ask, when is the Day of Recompense?
10:28The Day when they will be tried in the Fire.
10:34Taste your trial.
10:37This is what you used to hasten.
10:44Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and springs,
10:51Seizing what their Lord has given them.
10:56Indeed, they used to be before that doers of good.
11:02They used to, little by little, in the night,
11:09And in the daybreak, they ask forgiveness.
11:14And in their wealth is a right for the needy and the deprived.
11:22And in the earth are signs for the certain.
11:27And in yourselves, do you not see?
11:33And in the heaven is your provision and that which you are promised.
11:40So by the Lord of the heaven and the earth, indeed, it is a truth.
11:49Indeed, it is a truth like that which you speak.
11:58Has the story of Abraham's honored guests come to you?
12:04When they entered upon him and said, Salam.
12:09He said, Salam to a people who are denied.
12:15So he went to his people and brought a fat calf.
12:22So he brought it near to them. He said, Will you not eat?
12:29So he became afraid of them.
12:32They said, Do not be afraid.
12:35And they gave him good tidings of a son who was well-educated.
12:39So his wife came to him in a veil,
12:44And she covered her face and said,
12:48A helpless old woman.
12:51They said, Thus said your Lord. Indeed, He is the Wise, the Knowing.
