VOD373-Baldur's Gate 3

  • 2 months ago
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tmangaming91
00:00Oh yeah, well let's see how long it takes to load because it's on the USB hard drive
00:08because I don't have the space.
00:19You know, even though it's a third party launcher, at least it's built into the game.
00:25That is so true.
00:29It's not something I have to, I guess, install itself.
00:36Come on.
00:55Yeah, I'm not going to make a naked guy.
00:59One, I don't want it to be that way.
01:03It doesn't feel like that type of game to me.
01:06You know what I mean?
01:07Yeah, it'll be enabled, but I'm not doing it.
01:14What the fuck?
01:20Um, I clicked continue after the shadow key.
01:24My game's glitching out hard.
01:27Oh good, I'm stuck at a load screen because my hard drive's so slow.
01:32Well, I'm starting my stream.
01:34It's still doing it, so if you have the time, I want you to check it out.
01:44If it's not too much of a hassle.
01:54Alright, I'm going to look.
01:58The blue?
02:00Yeah, what the hell is this?
02:02I don't know.
02:03Does it not supposed to look like that?
02:05I don't think so, because there's a statue right here.
02:08You know, all the green foliage and everything.
02:11I'm almost in.
02:13Watch it not be playable because it's on the hard drive like it is.
02:17Dude, that would suck.
02:22I'd just have to move stuff around.
02:38Yeah, these load times are going to be terrible.
02:43Mine's not blue, mine's all nice.
02:47I went forward and it was still blue at the menu screen.
02:50I hit options and it's back to normal.
02:55It's so loud.
02:57Mine did not look rendered.
03:02I should really buy an SSD.
03:04Just swap out my one hard drive.
03:18I am not doing 4K, you mad lads.
03:22I want 1080p.
03:23I want the smoothest I can have.
03:31You know what I mean?
03:38What was that sound?
03:41I didn't do anything.
03:47What was that?
04:07I don't even care.
04:10I don't see motion blur.
04:22That's not good.
04:24That's never good.
04:55You can do system of measurement.
04:59Or Imperial?
05:01I don't know.
05:02What are you going to do?
05:04Probably leave it on metric.
05:13There's Twitch integration.
05:16I don't know.
05:17I'll have to look that up later.
05:25Did you do balanced?
05:30For what?
05:37Where is that at?
05:39I went to new game because I have to make a game.
05:43I'm still in the settings.
05:47I'm just going to do balanced.
05:49Yeah, that's fine.
05:54I don't know if it matters.
05:57Like if we play with Chris.
05:59Oh, wow.
06:02Allow access.
06:03I like that it now is asking me and kicked me out of the game.
06:09But don't worry.
06:11My load times are so trash that I beat it.
06:28My cut scene is stuttering and I'm pretty sure it's because of the hard drive.
06:58I just make sure suppose is on.
07:39Are those like semen?
07:43You're a little bit ahead of me, so I don't know.
08:08The mind flayer parasites.
08:38Who are you?
08:46God damn.
08:47I'd rather that go up.
08:48My nose or my ear.
08:52Oh, geez.
08:53My frames.
08:55Can I adjust my settings here?
08:58I can.
09:01My God, the teeth on that.
09:04I know.
09:05Right, dude.
09:07We're going to do medium because I don't care.
09:13Why is everything so blue?
09:19I can't even see characters.
09:29I'm going to look at your stream.
09:36Try just changing your settings.
09:39You know, graphics quality.
09:43Do the generic one, you know.
09:48In video.
09:53I don't know.
09:54I don't know.
09:55I don't know.
09:56I don't know.
09:57I don't know.
09:58I don't know.
09:59I don't know.
10:00I don't know.
10:01I don't know.
10:02I don't know.
10:03I don't know.
10:06Overall preset.
10:10Maybe try to switch it to a different one.
10:12And then see if that fixed it.
10:20Am I just doomed to have.
10:26Okay, music.
10:35We're not having a fucking concert here.
10:38Jesus Christ.
10:40That still didn't do it.
10:43This music's pissing me off.
10:50It like ramped up so fucking much.
10:55All right, go back so I can see your settings.
11:00We tap back in.
11:19You might just have to restart the game.
11:22It might just be like a glitch.
11:26You know what I mean?
11:30That's what I would recommend.
11:32I gotta run the game at low or I get shit frames.
11:35Isn't that just sad?
11:38It still looks great, but my poor shitty card.
11:47And not like I can overclock it.
11:50It's a cunt if I try that.
11:58It doesn't look like you restarted your game.
12:01No, I was looking at something to see if there's a setting real quick.
12:05Okay, well be fast because it's 2.54, brah.
12:31At least I don't gotta re-log into the launcher every time.
13:49I guess let me Google it.
15:45Oh, you can also try to launch it with Vulkan instead.
15:48Alright, well when it's done validating, I will.
16:02You can still create your guy, I don't mind.
16:07That'll just take me a while to catch up.
16:10Maybe not.
16:12Well, that's true.
16:28That's not, ugh.
16:44So why can't I be a full orc? Why is it half orc?
16:52Whoa, I think I saw some junk for a second.
16:58Ew, why would I want to be a human ever?
17:09Also, where can I adjust the height?
17:12The body type?
17:14Oh, female, male.
17:17Big girl.
17:19Big guy, wow.
17:24Yep, that's how it always is.
17:38What are you going to play? Do you remember?
17:41I think I'm going to be one of the gnomes.
17:47About a 99% chance I'm going to be a gnome.
17:53But there's that 1% chance, if I be a fighter,
17:57I might be a half orc.
18:00Only because of their racial bonus.
18:11The gnome is so small, dude.
18:14Dude, they're tiny.
18:17They actually move at a lower rate because of their short legs.
18:20They can only move 25 feet per round.
18:23While everyone else can move 30.
18:26Actually, I think half of them can move 25 feet.
18:29But wood elf, which is a subspecies elf,
18:32can go 35 instead of the original 30.
18:35I don't see wood elf.
18:38All I see is elf, githyakni, and half elf.
18:44If you click elf, or if you click half elf,
18:47you can move 25 feet.
18:50If you click elf, or if you click
18:53gnome or dragonborn,
18:56you can do subraces.
19:02Do you see on the left?
19:05You've got origin, custom, race, class.
19:08Dragonborn has the most subraces.
19:14No way.
19:17Dude, that's the one I'm going to pick.
19:20Which one?
19:23The gnome nasty boy?
19:26Yeah, dude. Are you going to be a dwarf nasty boy with me?
19:29I thought about it.
19:32No, I've got to be small.
19:35We've got to be the midgets to Chris'
19:38gargantuan size.
19:41I forgot what he even was. Let me go back and check.
19:44Yeah, it was in discord.
19:47Thankfully, I can just scroll up.
19:50I've got to go through all this gold you sent me again.
19:58I love my character.
20:06Let me know when you're in.
20:09You're going to be a gnome, you think?
20:13There's so many subraces of dragonborn.
20:16That's because each one's got
20:19different breath weapon, different resistances
20:22to that said element.
20:25So if you pick a gold
20:28or a red, you'll have fire breath
20:31and be resistant to fire.
20:38Pick black, you'll have an acid breath, I think.
20:41And be resistant to it.
20:46How close is your thing to being done?
20:49I scrolled up so far, I'm at 36%.
20:56Dude, how long ago did he
20:59message us?
21:02Not long. I've probably passed it.
21:32I'm kind of scared to go back to what you're making.
21:35I did pass it.
21:38Yeah, I can't see what race he is.
21:41But he's tall.
21:44I found it.
21:51Is that spiky hair he has?
21:54He looks like a viking or like the witcher dude almost.
21:57He could either be a githyanki
22:00half-elf, elf, tiefling even.
22:06I don't know what he is, but he's not going to be the same as us, thankfully.
22:09Nobody can be us.
22:17But you're for sure being a gnome?
22:20Yeah. It's either gnome
22:23or orc.
22:26Alright, I'm going to
22:29go with the
22:32oh yes.
22:35Can I edit my appearance?
22:44What the hell?
22:50I told you I'm going to play it
22:54I told you I'm going to play it dumb as hell.
23:33I don't...
23:36This one gives me chapped
23:39looking lips.
23:50No, I don't give a fuck right now.
23:53I gotta be
23:56sunbaked to hell.
24:03Dude, what are you?
24:13Penis B?
24:16What's Penis C?
24:19I can't see.
24:41How do I...
24:44Body art?
24:59Not sure if I'm feeling the
25:02paint on my guy.
25:12They do have quite a bit though.
25:15That's quite cool.
25:44What in the world?
26:11These look atrocious.
26:40Oh, Crew's here.
26:43Crew, how are you, young man?
27:06How you been, Crew?
27:29Happy belated birthday.
27:35Oh, heck yeah, man.
27:38Happy belated birthday, boy.
27:41I hope it was good for ya.
27:54He's good. That's awesome.
28:10Chris is gonna wanna fuck me.
28:16I think I got it.
28:19What is this?
28:22I don't know what this even is.
28:28We've been decent, Crew.
28:31Thank you, man.
28:34But I already did.
28:41I'm judicious.
28:50What is this?
28:54I might do the mustache.
28:57I think that looks good.
29:00The fancy curled mustache.
29:11That's the closest I can see.
29:18Oh, cool, dude.
29:21What's her name?
29:24That's not what I thought you were gonna say.
29:27What's her measurements?
29:30But awesome, man.
29:37Okay, how do I go?
29:40Is this all I can do?
29:46So I guess I click proceed.
29:50That's what I'm already doing.
29:53Now back to this, I guess.
29:59I gotta pick my class now.
30:04Oh, yes.
30:14Cool, dude.
30:17Is she from your school?
30:24Oh, what's my starting instrument?
30:36Okay, I can have a hand drum, a flute, a lute, a lyre, and a violin.
30:44Donkey Kong has prepped us for this moment.
30:56Oh, those are, like, what you came from.
30:59Like, you could pick a soldier, like that's what you used to be in the past.
31:03You could be a criminal.
31:06Let's see, folk hero would be decent.
31:12Wouldn't entertainer also?
31:15Because acrobatics and performance.
31:20Big booty Latina.
31:23You get it, crew, you get it.
31:26As long as she's good to you.
31:35Entertainment would be good. What about criminal?
31:38Deception and stealth?
31:41You want me to sneak up and then play instruments?
31:44Guild artisan looked pretty good.
31:47Persuasion and insight?
31:50I've wondered about persuasion.
31:53Persuasion's, like, the best skill for you if you're going to be even, like, half-barred.
31:56Alright, I guess I'll just do that.
31:59Because that works off your charisma, which is going to be your spellcasting.
32:02Should I just leave this, then?
32:05Abilities, yeah.
32:08Oh, she's great.
32:11They're all I'd have to take away.
32:14Yep, and then you see what you get if you're assigned bonuses, right?
32:17You get a plus one and a plus two.
32:20You can put anywhere.
32:23So, highest you're going to have is 15.
32:26Oh, wait, no, no.
32:29I would, if you're going to be...
32:32If you're going to be a druid,
32:35I would lower your intelligence and raise your wisdom.
32:38Yeah, but I'm not worried about that right now.
32:44It's hard to raise your stats.
32:47Well, I don't know if I'm actually going to do that or not.
32:50Alright, then charisma, constitution, and dexterity.
32:53Well, dexterity, or charisma, then dexterity.
32:56That's what you're going to want.
33:00Because your dexterity is going to be your melee.
33:03Constitution is your health, and charisma is going to be your spells.
33:06Wait, I can't...
33:09Wait, you want me to do charisma,
33:12and then dexterity?
33:18I can only click two, one on each row.
33:21Yeah, and then click the plus one on the other.
33:25On dexterity?
33:28Or on...
33:31What do you mean? Look.
33:34Could you lower your...
33:37Is 12 the intelligence you want?
33:40Oh, you want me to lower it and be stupid and go into what?
33:46Either wisdom or constitution.
33:49Unless you're going to...
33:53I'll just do it like that.
33:59And I don't really care.
34:02It's a game, and this bitch is going to fuck everything in his path.
34:09And I think that is my character right there.
34:12I think I'm done, right?
34:15I know he does.
34:18I modeled it after myself.
34:23Instead of launching it with Vulcan, instead it helps with some players.
34:35Dude, your hands.
34:38I know.
34:47So, crew, have you been hanging out with your lady friend,
34:50just online, through text?
34:53I hope you get to at least hang out with her.
35:15All over.
35:18Oh, good. Good, dude.
35:21Is it still blue?
35:24I don't know.
35:27I'm waiting for the program to respond.
35:36I don't think it likes that I launched it in Vulcan.
35:42You know Doom?
35:45The 2016 one or whatever that runs amazing?
35:48It does because it uses Vulcan.
35:54Yes. Vulcan is amazing.
36:06Dude, she's worth it, though.
36:12Fucking A right, man.
36:15If you put the effort in, she will, too.
36:21That's how you know.
36:24Vulcan is fucking amazing.
36:27If every game used Vulcan, it would be awesome.
36:30Every other day? Nice.
36:43Does she have any siblings?
36:46Yeah, the older sister.
36:49Oh, my God. Any step-siblings?
36:52A step-mom?
36:55Yeah, hey.
37:00But I'm happy for you, Kurt.
37:03Very happy for you.
37:06God damn it. I'm sorry.
37:09Are they cute?
37:12Yeah, man.
37:15Dick's just bonus.
37:18I hear the birds chirping.
37:21Let's hope they're not blue.
37:24Blue birds all around.
37:27It's funny.
37:30You know, it's funny because
37:33your graphics card is in the same generation as mine.
37:36It should be the exact same.
37:47Everything's pretty.
37:53I wonder if Vulcan would run better for me.
37:56I'll have to research that.
37:59Maybe, man.
38:07Do we have to play to save our character?
38:10I think so.
38:13They're just looking out for their sister.
38:22I guess I'm going to proceed, then.
38:25I think you'll probably get a cutscene.
38:36I've seen this cutscene, so...
38:39Sorry, guys.
38:45Jesus, a guardian?
38:53Oh, yeah.
38:56Your mental guardian, I forgot.
39:06And, well, here we go.
39:09There we go.
39:26That wasn't bad.
39:29That was...
39:32Not bad, I'd say.
39:35looks good to me
39:54I guess you're going to be
39:58I guess you're going to be
40:24What the fuck?
40:41Is this just a normal thing that happens in this universe?
40:44Giant squid man?
40:47They're um, Illithiids.
40:52Mind flayers, they feast on brains.
40:59They fly those tentacle ships, you know.
41:01They're all...
41:04They're all being hunted by Githian dragons.
41:13And it's funny, it's the race that used to be enslaved, you know.
41:17By the mind flayers.
41:21Yet dark to guard.
42:06Uh oh.
42:07Githian beasts and shit.
42:12I don't know how a turtle...
42:21Uh oh.
44:00Honestly, Krewe, I think you're setting yourself up for failure.
44:04You want the family to like you.
44:06You really do, actually.
44:09You're just gonna be seen as a douchebag dick if you keep that up.
44:15Good luck, my man.
44:21If I really like a girl, I don't disrespect her family.
44:33Yeah, but her brothers are part of her family.
44:37It doesn't just matter with the parents.
44:39One day they could be your brothers.
44:43Oh, Jesus, frames and game render and this is supposed to look like this.
44:54Wait, I was just standing there.
44:56Now I'm in the pod and my frames are horrible.
45:01What is going on?
45:04It was just good.
45:09Yeah, but I was standing already out right here.
45:17My frames are so bad.
45:20Jesus, this game.
45:27Can I adjust settings?
45:29I'm going to have to try Vulcan tomorrow or something.
45:33Holy fuck.
45:37Can I do super low?
45:42Why do I want texture?
45:43Oh, I have to.
45:44What the fuck?
45:45Can I turn this off?
45:50Jesus Christ, my poor graphics card.
45:53All right, get me out of here, game.
45:59Yeah, well, crew, you just pretty much said the opposite a minute ago.
46:07The sphincter.
46:14Go out of it, even though I like being in it.
46:19All the movement is weird.
46:27I don't care if you're here.
46:29Leave me alone.
46:39What the fuck is?
46:42Who the fuck is trapped?
46:48What the hell?
46:49Well, my frames got better.
46:52That's good.
46:56Help you.
46:57Oh, he looks rough.
46:59Oh, I've seen this part.
47:13Yeah, I know what I can do.
47:16The exposed brain quivers in expectation.
47:22You realize you're talking to an intellect devourer.
47:26A minion of the mind flayers who abducted you.
47:30Before they return.
47:31They return.
47:32Wait, so they're a minion?
47:33What do you mean?
47:34The enemy.
47:35So many enemies.
47:36Remove us from this body.
47:37From this case, free us, please.
47:56I'm going to try.
48:12I'm going to try this.
48:15I don't know what that.
48:16Oh, shit.
48:17Oh, shit.
48:18Oh, shit.
48:27Well, crew, because cut scenes are flashy.
48:30Oh, that mouth, that purty mouth.
48:34The brain lifts from the skull, but you notice an opportunity.
48:41You could cripple the strange creature, making it more subservient should it prove a threat.
48:48I'm going to fuck and mutilate that son of a bitch.
48:55Oh, the creature seems unaware of your interference.
49:00It relaxes in your hands.
49:07oh the creature seems unaware of your interference it relaxes in your hands I
49:16got a pet you what the hell
49:28the creature pauses listening something behind your eyes ceases in recognition
49:36we must go to the helm but the helm we are needed
49:46all right what can I call you bitch
49:52I don't trust us
50:23I don't trust this son of a brain hey oh he didn't have anything good for you
50:39crew man good for you what is that my my guy oh my follower dude oh wait I
51:00wanted to be gross like that why you're still doing that wait does this do
51:14anything can't do anything god I don't like this camera system dude you use WASD
51:24to move the camera yeah I think you can change it to WASD your character oh
51:31well that's not something I want to do at 3 in the morning or 3 30 in the
51:38morning where the fuck is the helm is it at this state what are these what the
51:49fuck oh watch the fire get out of the fire you stupid prick
52:11oh you gonna backstab me
52:19abomination this is your end let me finger blast her
52:28visions rushed past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face
52:36seen through the strange woman's eyes
52:41what is this
52:50black it blesses me this day together we might survive
53:00where's my mouse ah there it is yeah bitch who are you
53:07Oh Wow we carry mind flayer parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed
53:17our bodies and minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be gay
53:23mind players we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority
53:37then we find the helm and take control of the ship that's for that thing it
53:44will remain tame as long as it believes we are thralls it may be of use in the
53:49fight to come
54:07Jesus oh man this is gonna be bad oh really I probably should no get over here
54:24I can't wait can I click how do I ah yes that's what I do get over there brain
54:34dude brain dude has power dude what your brain I don't like her oh there's
54:53another demon shit yeah crew I don't know what that is at all crew get it
55:12brain no it's actually all right can I save like this I can save all right I
55:27think I'm gonna save oh yeah but uh-uh this is the end of it there's nothing
55:42else to watch
55:49Ellie brah I'm sorry this is the end of it it was just we're just trying to make
55:54our characters that's kind of funny
56:04oh man and if I click load yep it's there ah did you make your guy yet yeah
56:12made my guy damn of course it recommends it right at the end oh man well dude
56:20thank you for stopping by oh man we'll have to let Chris know our guys are made
56:32now yeah
56:38I wasn't paying attention crew came in my chat now oh that's cool crew thank you
56:48Ellie brah thank you you guys have a good night yeah take care guys