• el año pasado
DESTINO Y AMOR Capitulo 12 Español Audio Latino - Beautiful Gong Shim


00:00:35All the time I'm thinking about you
00:00:41From the moment I open my eyes
00:00:44Until I fall asleep
00:00:47And even during my dreams
00:00:54In short, I always think about you
00:01:01Dante, you...
00:01:05I want to tell you that I like you
00:01:23Gong Xi
00:01:26I'm sorry
00:01:31But I...
00:01:35I can't...
00:01:37Correspond to your feelings
00:01:40I ask you to please forget about me
00:01:47I don't understand what you're talking about
00:01:50Why did you tell me those things?
00:01:53Did you make me excited for nothing?
00:02:00What I told you then was true
00:02:05Now things have changed a lot
00:02:08It's a different situation
00:02:30When I close my eyes and listen to music
00:02:35The end of the day greets me
00:02:41Simple mixed feelings and words with no expectations
00:02:47Even my small hopes were crumpled
00:02:53I try to smile and comfort myself
00:02:56The footsteps that move me home
00:03:05Tears flow without me knowing
00:03:11Like the day I swallowed without a sound
00:03:17In the gaps of people running
00:03:19In the gaps of people running
00:03:22Wouldn't I have a lot of worries?
00:03:28On my faint path
00:03:34Even if everyone bows their heads
00:03:40I can do it well
00:03:43I comfort myself again
00:03:45Give me a little more strength
00:03:50I'm doing well
00:03:53Precious person
00:03:55You are a pretty person
00:04:20John So...
00:04:21What are you doing here?
00:04:28We agreed to meet today, right?
00:04:32I'm very sorry, but...
00:04:35Do you think we can meet another day?
00:04:39Of course
00:04:41I'm very sorry
00:04:42Of course
00:04:44I'm very sorry
00:04:47Suddenly I started to feel bad
00:04:53I'm sorry, excuse me
00:05:12I'm sorry
00:05:13I'm sorry
00:05:14I'm sorry
00:05:15I'm sorry
00:05:16I'm sorry
00:05:17I'm sorry
00:05:18I'm sorry
00:05:19I'm sorry
00:05:20I'm sorry
00:05:21I'm sorry
00:05:22I'm sorry
00:05:23I'm sorry
00:05:24I'm sorry
00:05:25I'm sorry
00:05:26I'm sorry
00:05:27I'm sorry
00:05:28I'm sorry
00:05:29I'm sorry
00:05:30I'm sorry
00:05:31I'm sorry
00:05:32I'm sorry
00:05:33I'm sorry
00:05:34I'm sorry
00:05:35I'm sorry
00:05:36I'm sorry
00:05:37I'm sorry
00:05:38I'm sorry
00:05:39I'm sorry
00:05:40I'm sorry
00:05:41I'm sorry
00:05:42I'm sorry
00:05:43I'm sorry
00:05:44I'm sorry
00:05:45I'm sorry
00:05:46I'm sorry
00:05:47I'm sorry
00:05:48I'm sorry
00:05:49I'm sorry
00:05:50I'm sorry
00:05:51I'm sorry
00:05:52I'm sorry
00:05:53I'm sorry
00:05:54I'm sorry
00:05:55I'm sorry
00:05:56I'm sorry
00:05:57I'm sorry
00:05:58I'm sorry
00:05:59I'm sorry
00:06:00I'm sorry
00:06:01I'm sorry
00:06:02I'm sorry
00:06:03I'm sorry
00:06:04I'm sorry
00:06:05I'm sorry
00:06:06I'm sorry
00:06:07I'm sorry
00:06:08I'm sorry
00:06:09I'm sorry
00:06:28Gracias, vuelvo pronto
00:06:37Sabe extraño
00:06:40Ay, no
00:06:41Nuestro tofu siempre sabe igual
00:06:43Eso no puede ser
00:06:45Deme dos paquetes
00:06:47¿Está fresco?
00:06:48Por supuesto, como siempre
00:06:51Oye, ¿pagarás eso?
00:06:53No se preocupe
00:06:54Solo estoy probando
00:06:57Bien, está bien
00:06:58Come más
00:06:59¿Son siete?
00:07:01Sí, gracias
00:07:05Señor, ¿el pescado está fresco?
00:07:07Así es, conchín
00:07:08Te vendo desde que ibas a la secundaria
00:07:10¿Cuándo te he vendido pescado malo?
00:07:13Me llevaré unos de esos, por favor
00:07:17Señor, deme un descuento
00:07:19No se ven tan frescos
00:07:20Está bien
00:07:22¿Te sucede algo, niña?
00:08:44No puedo
00:08:46Corresponder a tus sentimientos
00:08:49Te pido, por favor, que te olvides de mí
00:08:56No entiendo de qué estás hablando
00:09:00¿Por qué me dijiste esas cosas?
00:09:02¿Me hiciste ilusionar por nada?
00:09:18El número que usted marcó no está disponible
00:09:33¿Cómo fue capaz?
00:09:34¡Miren! ¡Hay una secretaria aquí!
00:09:36¡No puedo creerlo!
00:09:38¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo estás?
00:09:41Buen día, ¿cómo están?
00:09:43Veo que están muy ocupados
00:09:45Ni lo menciones
00:09:47¡Apresúrate! ¡Dile!
00:09:48Está bien
00:09:51Es que nosotros
00:09:53Si tú no le dices, entonces yo lo voy a hacer
00:09:57Bien, lo que sucede
00:09:59Es que el equipo de limpieza tendrá una fiesta hoy
00:10:02Y nos encantaría que vinieras a festejar con nosotros
00:10:06¡Vamos! ¡Podemos conversar y cantar!
00:10:08¡Acepta! ¡Será muy divertido!
00:10:10¡Ay, sí! ¡Tienes que aceptar!
00:10:15Lo siento
00:10:16Debo ir a un lugar justamente ahora
00:10:20¿En serio?
00:10:21No puedo creer que estés ocupado
00:10:23Imposible, no te creo
00:10:25Ay, no
00:10:26Es que todos queríamos escucharte cantar
00:10:29Les prometo que asistiré a la próxima fiesta
00:10:32¡Está bien! ¡Hasta luego!
00:10:34¡Hasta luego!
00:10:37Hola señor
00:10:40John So
00:10:52¿A qué?
00:10:55¿A qué te refieres con eso?
00:11:00A mucho
00:11:03Parece ser amigo de la gente del equipo de limpieza
00:11:08Ya sé de qué hablas
00:11:09Me viste bailando, ¿verdad?
00:11:12No entiendo
00:11:17Debo irme
00:11:19John So
00:11:21Cometí un error
00:11:23Y sé que mi comportamiento no fue el más adecuado
00:11:27Ya me voy
00:11:29John So
00:11:33¿Encontraste tus cosas?
00:11:38¿En serio te importa el bolso?
00:11:40¿O la insignia de ejecutivos?
00:11:44Ambas son importantes
00:11:46Pero lo que me interesa más es la insignia
00:11:48Te dije que fue robada
00:11:51Así que debes olvidarla
00:11:53Además, ¿qué tiene de importante?
00:11:56¿Para qué quieres averiguar?
00:12:02Seguro debe haber una razón
00:12:07¿O no?
00:12:29Dime por qué hiciste tanta comida
00:12:32Esto es demasiado para nosotros
00:12:34Nos lo comeremos
00:12:36Preparaste mucho aún así
00:12:38Vamos a tener que refrigerar todo esto
00:12:41Entonces me comeré todo sola
00:12:44¿Qué te pasa, eh?
00:12:45¡Sólo era una observación!
00:12:48Abogado pervertido
00:13:09El número que usted marcó por el momento no está disponible
00:13:17¿Qué pasa?
00:13:37¿Regresarás la ropa a su habitación?
00:13:41¿Ya hablaste con ella?
00:13:43No dijo nada al respecto
00:13:44No tengo que avisar o pedir permiso
00:13:47Es mi habitación
00:13:49¿Por qué no le dices a tu hermana primero?
00:13:51Se molestará por esto
00:13:54No me interesa
00:13:56Es lo justo
00:13:57Yo también merezco una habitación
00:14:02Oye, pero...
00:14:03¡Kong Shim!
00:14:14¿Solamente vas a regresar esto?
00:14:16No estarás pensando en sacar todas sus cosas, ¿verdad?
00:14:20Sacaré todo
00:14:21Voy a poner una cama
00:14:25Van a traerla mañana
00:14:28Y cuando llegue la recibes, por favor
00:14:30Ya que necesito que me ayudes a armarla
00:14:37¿Qué voy a hacer?
00:14:39Es seguro que van a pelear
00:15:10Ya se acabó
00:15:15No olviden asistir a la reunión de hoy
00:15:19Por supuesto
00:15:21Va a ser a las seis
00:15:23¿A qué hora es?
00:15:24Será a las seis, ya lo habían dicho
00:15:27Seguramente ahí habrá cerveza
00:15:41Kong Shim
00:15:42¿Estás bien?
00:15:44Sí, ¿por qué?
00:15:47Es que no te escuchas tan bien
00:15:49Ah, me duele la garganta, pero estoy bien
00:15:52Ah, entiendo
00:15:54¿Podemos cenar hoy?
00:15:57Ah, tengo que ir a una reunión
00:16:02¿Y qué hay de mañana?
00:16:03Mañana estaré libre
00:16:05Espero que me deje elegir esta vez
00:16:08Yo decido qué comeremos
00:16:12Mañana te veo
00:16:13Diviértete y cuídate mucho
00:16:16Sí, hasta mañana
00:16:17Nos vemos
00:16:23Uno, dos
00:16:25Tres y cuatro
00:16:29¿Vieron? ¿Qué hace?
00:16:32¿Se va a casar?
00:16:33Seguro solo viene para entregar invitaciones
00:16:36Eso es cierto
00:16:37Ella nunca antes había venido a una reunión
00:16:39Es extraño que esté aquí
00:16:40Bebería de esa forma si quisiera invitarnos a su boda
00:16:42Lo dudo mucho
00:16:49¡Una más!
00:16:53Disculpen todos
00:16:56Quiero declararme hoy a una mujer que está en este lugar
00:17:05Jia, ¿me haces el honor de casarte conmigo?
00:17:21Kim Jia
00:17:27¿Nos casamos?
00:17:28¡Trago de amor! ¡Trago de amor!
00:17:41¡Mucha suerte!
00:17:42Te agradezco
00:17:43¡Salud! ¡Salud!
00:17:48Good luck!
00:17:50Thank you!
00:18:34Hey, come here.
00:18:36Kid, is there something you're looking for?
00:18:39Yes, that's right.
00:18:41I'm looking for a woman with very strange hair.
00:18:45She looks like a wig.
00:18:48Are you two playing?
00:18:52But you know, she's very good at hiding from me.
00:18:55I can't find her.
00:18:57Okay, take this.
00:18:59Go home, it's very late.
00:19:01I'll look for her for you.
00:19:03Okay, thanks!
00:19:47You found me!
00:19:50How did you do it?
00:19:53You rejected me.
00:20:10Did you drink a lot?
00:20:15That's the least important thing.
00:20:19One second.
00:20:27Yesterday, when you decided to reject me, I got very angry.
00:20:31So I started writing all your defects.
00:20:35And I'm going to read them.
00:20:38The first one is...
00:20:40You don't have money.
00:20:42You live in a small room.
00:20:46The second defect is...
00:20:50You're dirty.
00:20:52Do you know what I'm talking about?
00:20:55Here I wrote it, look.
00:20:57It says you have dirt on your fingers and your feet smell bad.
00:21:02And you eat the food that fell to the floor.
00:21:05Or not?
00:21:07And the third is the worst.
00:21:12It's bad.
00:21:17You're cheesy.
00:21:23This, this.
00:21:26You always do it, right?
00:21:30And the fourth defect is...
00:21:34I'd rather not say that.
00:21:37That's all.
00:21:42Kong Shim, let's go home.
00:21:45Hey Dante, do you want to know the fourth defect?
00:21:50Are you curious?
00:21:52One, dirty.
00:21:54Two, cheesy.
00:22:01You're poor.
00:22:07Yes, I understand. Let's go home. Come.
00:22:16Why don't you like me?
00:22:20Don't you like women with hair loss?
00:22:23Or is it...
00:22:25Because I'm stupid?
00:22:27I don't know how to multiply by seven, is that it?
00:22:33Or maybe...
00:22:35Because I don't have...
00:22:43It's not that.
00:22:46It's not that?
00:22:52It has to be because of the pot.
00:22:54I didn't throw the pot on purpose.
00:22:58That was just a big mistake.
00:23:03Is it because...
00:23:05The room is expensive?
00:23:07I'll give you a 20% discount.
00:23:13Kong Shim, I...
00:23:17I know.
00:23:19It's because I pull hard on your hair every time you make me angry.
00:23:27No, no.
00:23:29It's because I entered your room without permission,
00:23:32I ate your soup,
00:23:34and I brushed my teeth with your brush.
00:23:37I know, it's because I pushed you down the stairs, right?
00:23:43It must be.
00:23:47You don't like me drinking either.
00:23:53I'm not pretty, is that it?
00:23:57It's not in my hands.
00:24:01I can't do anything with my appearance.
00:24:08Hey Kong Shim, it's late.
00:24:11Let's go home now.
00:24:13You drank a lot.
00:24:16I want to know why you rejected me.
00:24:20I'll leave after that.
00:24:28You better not tell me.
00:24:32Yes, tell me.
00:24:34I'm listening.
00:24:38I don't want to go.
00:24:45I'm ready.
00:24:47Tell me.
00:24:53Kong Shim, right now...
00:24:57I'm in...
00:25:07I'm in love.
00:25:15Never tell me.
00:25:17I don't want to know.
00:25:21I'd better go.
00:25:37Kong Shim!
00:26:07I love you.
00:26:38Hi, good morning.
00:26:42Come in.
00:27:08Guys, let me introduce you.
00:27:11Listen, he works with the president.
00:27:14The lawyer, Dante.
00:27:16Kong Mi is a member of the legal team.
00:27:24It's a pleasure.
00:27:26Thank you, likewise.
00:27:38Oh, I'm here. Excuse me.
00:27:40Come in.
00:27:45Excuse me.
00:27:55I heard you helped my mother when you were in the car.
00:27:59Yes, I was able to support her.
00:28:02Thank you very much.
00:28:04It was nothing.
00:28:06My mother and my grandmother speak very well of you for what you did.
00:28:12Sometimes they ask me to visit them.
00:28:15But I didn't know what I would think, so that's why I've held back.
00:28:19Although I really like spending time with them.
00:28:23I have no problem.
00:28:25You can do it.
00:28:44Hot video on the Yung Peng tree.
00:28:47High quality video.
00:28:49I haven't received garbage messages in a long time.
00:28:54I wonder if it will really be a good video.
00:29:00You shouldn't open that link. Just delete it.
00:29:04Yes, of course. Later.
00:29:07Shall we go in?
00:29:11Don't open those messages.
00:29:14Oh, I'm very curious.
00:29:17Hey, Director Kwan, did you also receive the message from the tree?
00:29:21Yes, but the truth is, there is nothing.
00:29:25It's just to bother.
00:29:28He's accepting that he opened it.
00:29:33Ah, everyone must have received the garbage message, right?
00:29:38It's everywhere.
00:29:43Don't you think it's strange?
00:29:46It was received by all the executive members of the company.
00:29:57Hot video on the Yung Peng tree.
00:29:59Director Yeung also received it.
00:30:05It seems that our phones were leaked.
00:30:13Hey, Director Kwan, did you open the message?
00:30:17Yes, and you know what I saw?
00:30:20I didn't see anything special.
00:30:23What a joker.
00:30:35What does all this fuss mean?
00:30:38Well, let the meeting begin.
00:30:42The meeting is over.
00:30:56Yes, tell me.
00:30:57Lawyer, I sent the messages to everyone.
00:31:00They already have them, as you asked me.
00:31:02Good job, Goh Jung. I thank you.
00:31:05It's nothing, sir.
00:31:07Friend, send me the message too.
00:31:09Yes, of course, right away.
00:31:25Original copy, video, arboretum.
00:31:28You will not resist the 300,000.
00:31:33When you present yourself, we will have the culprit.
00:31:39Dad, you have to resist.
00:31:46Hello, aunt.
00:31:48Here, here it is.
00:31:51This is the clothes my father wore when he was injured, right?
00:31:55That's right.
00:31:56The washbasin is already clean, but I don't understand what you're going to do with it.
00:32:02I'm going to use it for something.
00:32:04But for what?
00:32:06Is it dangerous?
00:32:08No, aunt. You can be calm.
00:32:10It's not dangerous.
00:32:12Yes, it's okay.
00:32:14Just be careful.
00:32:16I promise.
00:32:33I love you.
00:32:34I love you.
00:32:35I love you.
00:32:38Dad, react. Wake up.
00:32:48Oh, friend.
00:32:50Tell me, does he adapt to paper, sir?
00:32:55Your body is similar to my father's.
00:32:58Very good. It will work.
00:33:00She's so happy. She wants to help us.
00:33:05I'm glad you came.
00:33:06Thank you very much.
00:33:07You're welcome.
00:33:08Do you think I can wear this outfit?
00:33:10Yes, of course.
00:33:18Thank you.
00:33:19I know it's not an easy task.
00:33:21I appreciate it.
00:33:22What are you talking about?
00:33:26You scared me.
00:33:31And now...
00:33:32Please lower your head a little.
00:33:34Your face looks too...
00:33:37It's perfect.
00:33:41Excuse me.
00:33:42Will my face be completely visible?
00:33:44We'll blur your face. Don't worry.
00:33:49Take a video.
00:33:56What do you propose in the message?
00:34:04I'm thinking.
00:34:08Hot video.
00:34:11In the Yang Peng arboretum.
00:34:13Three points.
00:34:14High quality video.
00:34:16In the next one.
00:34:17In the...
00:34:20Put some hearts on it.
00:34:23That one over there.
00:34:24Right in the middle.
00:34:30Do I put the link?
00:34:32Click on the link.
00:34:40Video of the Yang Peng arboretum.
00:34:44Tomorrow, full version.
00:34:50Three hundred thousand.
00:34:53At five o'clock.
00:34:56In the arboretum.
00:35:16Tell me!
00:35:23Oh no, damn it!
00:35:26It can't be possible.
00:35:27Who recorded that day?
00:35:33Tell me something.
00:35:34Are you sure the image is from An So Yung?
00:35:38I'm sure.
00:35:39It's from So Yung.
00:35:40The image is from the place where we met.
00:35:43I have no doubt.
00:35:45Oh, and it means...
00:35:46That someone else was there that day and took a video of his fight.
00:35:52I guess so.
00:35:53That man must have found my executive badge and sent it to him.
00:35:57He wants to finish me.
00:36:01So, what do we do?
00:36:03Will you pay to get the video back?
00:36:05That's right.
00:36:07Whoever sent this message wants to get money.
00:36:10He has evidence that he attacked An So Yung.
00:36:13So I'm going to have to give him the money he's asking for.
00:36:16If the video spreads, they'll interrogate me.
00:36:18The police will discover that I kidnapped Yongpyo years ago.
00:36:22What if...
00:36:24All this was done by An Dante?
00:36:26Dante is An So Yung's son.
00:36:28If Dante knew the whole truth, he would have already reported me.
00:36:32He doesn't know anything.
00:36:35An So Yung didn't tell his son anything because he also feels guilty.
00:36:41Or would you tell Yong So?
00:36:43I don't know that.
00:36:45But I don't like that Dante is in the company.
00:36:48That position he has worries me too much.
00:36:51Soon I will take care of getting rid of him.
00:36:55You must have the $300,000 ready for tomorrow.
00:37:00Did you hear me?
00:37:02Give me that money.
00:37:04Or you won't do it.
00:37:05Oh, okay.
00:37:07I'll give it to you.
00:37:10Where do I take him?
00:37:25Yong So...
00:37:29Can we talk?
00:37:32Yes, of course.
00:37:35I guess...
00:37:36We changed.
00:37:38I understand that you feel that way.
00:37:40I feel the same way.
00:37:42Lately, we've been acting differently.
00:37:45I wonder why.
00:37:47Maybe we're not honest with each other.
00:37:49If we tell the truth,
00:37:51and we're honest,
00:37:52there will be no misunderstandings.
00:37:55First we ask,
00:37:57and then we answer?
00:37:59We would have to determine how honest...
00:38:02we answer.
00:38:03It's true.
00:38:04Only we would know if the answers are true.
00:38:08Ask first.
00:38:11You can start.
00:38:15Very well, then I'll do it.
00:38:19I could verify...
00:38:20if Yong So is on the list?
00:38:23It's only to confirm the attendees to the seminar.
00:38:26His name is not on it.
00:38:29Is it true...
00:38:31that you showed up at the seminar at the hotel,
00:38:34or you didn't go?
00:38:38I didn't go.
00:38:40I lied about going to the seminar.
00:38:43I didn't show up.
00:38:45You said you lost the executive badge.
00:38:48Was it a lie?
00:38:52I really lost the badge.
00:38:55I parked my car to buy a coffee,
00:38:58and I guess it fell.
00:39:00Are you sure you didn't give your badge to any other executive?
00:39:04Why do you think I would do that?
00:39:08Is it my turn?
00:39:10Yes, go ahead.
00:39:11Is there a reason...
00:39:14why you're looking for the badge?
00:39:17This is not just about penalizing those who lose their badges.
00:39:22What is the real reason to find it?
00:39:29It's to find Yong Pyo.
00:39:32That's why I couldn't tell you.
00:39:37Excuse me?
00:39:39I'll ask you again.
00:39:41Did you lose your executive badge?
00:39:43Are you sure?
00:39:46I'm sure of what I'm saying.
00:39:49The person who took your bag is responsible
00:39:52for Yong Pyo's kidnapping.
00:39:54The person who stole my badge
00:39:58is the kidnapper?
00:40:01The person who sent the badge to the company
00:40:03left another message.
00:40:05It was about Yong Pyo.
00:40:08The owner of the badge
00:40:09is the person who kidnapped Yong Pyo,
00:40:11and that's why I'm looking for him.
00:40:17Is all of this true?
00:40:19Yes, it's true.
00:40:26I'll ask you something else.
00:40:31Where did you go when you said
00:40:33you were going to the seminar?
00:40:40I want my own business.
00:40:43Be independent.
00:40:44Be a businessman.
00:40:46I saw some investors.
00:40:48That's why I couldn't tell any employee.
00:40:55That happened.
00:40:57Kong Shim knows.
00:40:58She knows the truth.
00:41:00She helped me.
00:41:03Does Kong Shim know?
00:41:07Besides, I like her.
00:41:08I like her a lot.
00:41:12And I want her to be happy.
00:41:14I want her to be happy.
00:41:19I want to do things right with her.
00:41:24I also want the same.
00:41:29We already have our answers.
00:41:32I think we should feel better now.
00:41:35Yes, I hope so.
00:41:41I should go now.
00:41:45I'm sorry.
00:42:13It's very spicy.
00:42:15My tongue is numb.
00:42:19Don't you eat spicy food?
00:42:21I don't usually.
00:42:23How can I eat spicy food
00:42:24when I'm stressed or angry?
00:42:27I guess you haven't experienced that situation.
00:42:32Why do you say that?
00:42:34I asked you to eat together
00:42:36because I was too stressed.
00:42:39It must be because of the new business.
00:42:45It's because of someone.
00:42:47Is someone stressing him out?
00:42:49Who could it be?
00:42:53Kong Shim.
00:42:55The octopus character is a success.
00:42:58All the clients love it.
00:43:00I'm glad.
00:43:02And a client asked me for your phone number.
00:43:04He also wants you to design a character for him.
00:43:06Do you think I can give him your number?
00:43:08Well, if you don't mind.
00:43:10Yes, I agree.
00:43:12What should I design?
00:43:15Kong Shim, what are you talking about?
00:43:18Boy, haven't you seen it?
00:43:20It's not important.
00:43:22Look, look.
00:43:23You can see it here.
00:43:24We did a contest for our 10th anniversary
00:43:26and Kong Shim won.
00:43:30Kong Shim, really?
00:43:33The prize is 50 octopuses.
00:43:42Can you give me a new tablecloth, please?
00:43:45Yes, I'm coming.
00:43:48It's nothing.
00:43:49What are you doing?
00:43:50It's just a restaurant.
00:43:52It doesn't matter.
00:43:53I want it.
00:43:55It's amazing.
00:43:57I'm glad you like it.
00:43:59You can eat a lot of octopus.
00:44:01All yours.
00:44:02Thank you very much.
00:44:06Kong Shim.
00:44:07Sign it.
00:44:09An autograph.
00:44:10Sign it.
00:44:12Don't do that.
00:44:14I'm sincere.
00:44:15Sign it.
00:44:18I don't know how to give autographs.
00:44:28With love,
00:44:31for John Soh
00:44:48I didn't put director.
00:44:54I'll keep it.
00:44:55Thank you very much.
00:44:58It's nice to see you smile.
00:45:06Do you want to go to the movies?
00:45:07Or go shopping?
00:45:09Kong Shim.
00:45:10Do you have anything to do today?
00:45:12In fact,
00:45:13I bought a bed and it will arrive today.
00:45:16A bed?
00:45:24Thank you for the food, Kong Shim.
00:45:26We can eat 43 octopus for free.
00:45:30Call me if you want something spicy.
00:45:33Of course.
00:45:34I'll call you.
00:45:35Now you must hurry.
00:45:37Go get your bed.
00:45:39I'm sorry.
00:45:40No problem.
00:45:41See you.
00:45:43See you later.
00:46:02This looks delicious.
00:46:05Aren't you going to make our daughter's bed?
00:46:08Hey, let's eat first.
00:46:10Aren't you going to eat?
00:46:11I already ate.
00:46:12Thank you.
00:46:14I'll clean the room to make room.
00:46:19You need to have energy.
00:46:20It's not easy to make a bed.
00:46:22I'll do it.
00:46:24It's a lot of octopus.
00:46:27Should I invite Dante?
00:46:29Of course.
00:46:30Tell him to come down.
00:46:31Of course.
00:46:33Why do you always have to scare me?
00:46:35I'm sorry.
00:46:37It wasn't my intention.
00:46:38I was just on my way to my room.
00:46:41It's true.
00:46:43Hey, have you eaten yet?
00:46:45Not yet.
00:46:46Have you eaten, sir?
00:46:47Come eat with us.
00:46:49Come in.
00:46:51I'll eat alone.
00:46:52Thank you very much.
00:46:54But why don't you want to come in?
00:46:57Do you remember when we were kids?
00:46:59But why don't you want to come in?
00:47:02Remember you ate all the food last time.
00:47:05Come in.
00:47:06Thank you.
00:47:07I'm not hungry.
00:47:08Come on in.
00:47:09I know you're hungry.
00:47:10Come on in.
00:47:11Come on.
00:47:12Let's eat.
00:47:13Come on.
00:47:22How do I start?
00:47:23How do I start?
00:47:28Dad, can I open the box?
00:47:39Hey, Jim.
00:47:40Bring us rice.
00:47:43It's spicy and delicious.
00:47:47What are you doing?
00:47:48Give Dante some rice.
00:47:51Of course.
00:47:53Come on.
00:48:09I appreciate it.
00:48:10Go ahead.
00:48:12Thank you very much for the food.
00:48:16My daughter got this octopus
00:48:18as a prize for winning the character contest.
00:48:26Bring some blankets.
00:48:28The ones from the restaurant.
00:48:30We'll use them to eat.
00:48:31Bring us three blankets.
00:48:45Look at this.
00:48:47It's great.
00:48:49Where are you going, honey?
00:48:52Come sit down.
00:48:59She wanted to study art.
00:49:01It was her intention
00:49:02since she was just a little girl.
00:49:04But we didn't have any money.
00:49:06So we had to ask her
00:49:08to forget her dream.
00:49:09Her life would have been different with support.
00:49:11She didn't like her job
00:49:13and now she's unemployed.
00:49:15Her life is so sad.
00:49:18Isn't it, honey?
00:49:20It's all my fault.
00:49:22My business failed.
00:49:28I cry because it's spicy.
00:49:37I have to go.
00:49:38Thank you for the food.
00:49:40But you ate so fast.
00:49:43To help you digest the food
00:49:45would you help us with the bed?
00:49:47Excuse me?
00:49:48That's right.
00:49:49It's an easy job for any young man.
00:49:52In fact,
00:49:53I feel guilty
00:49:54that your father works so hard.
00:49:59Can you do us that favor?
00:50:03Listen, honey.
00:50:04Go get some tools.
00:50:06That way you can help him set up your bed.
00:50:23Would you hold that side?
00:50:50About what happened last night.
00:51:00What happened?
00:51:01Tell me.
00:51:03About last night.
00:51:05Yes, I can hear you.
00:51:08It was an accident.
00:51:12Can you hear me?
00:51:14It was like a car accident.
00:51:17It shouldn't have happened.
00:51:19What happened was an accident, okay?
00:51:26It was an accident?
00:51:31Then we're both to blame.
00:51:34There's no victim and no culprit.
00:51:41Are you looking at me?
00:51:44Will there be another accident?
00:51:49It wasn't an accident.
00:51:52I did it because I like you.
00:51:59And I don't care how you react
00:52:02or how you behave.
00:52:08I don't care if you accept me or reject me.
00:52:12I'm going to cook for you.
00:52:15I'm going to take care of you
00:52:16and talk to you whenever I want.
00:52:19I'll always do it.
00:52:21So it doesn't matter if you reject my feelings.
00:52:25I promise I'll keep doing it.
00:52:28Did you hear me?
00:52:31I'm going to be on your way.
00:52:33Maybe you won't see the green light now,
00:52:36but I'm going straight to you.
00:52:39Like an accident.
00:52:40Dante, that kind of accident was what happened.
00:52:43I hope that's clear to you.
00:52:54That's not how you build a bed.
00:52:57Give me that.
00:53:10Johnso, let's have dinner and watch a movie.
00:53:14I'd like to spend some time with you.
00:53:19We used to do it, and now we're so far apart.
00:53:23What do you say? Let's have dinner.
00:53:26If you have an appointment, cancel it,
00:53:29because I'll get the tickets to the movies
00:53:31and book for dinner.
00:53:35I'll see you later.
00:53:40Johnso, are you serious?
00:53:42I'm so happy.
00:53:44We're going to have a great time.
00:53:46I'll be waiting for you.
00:53:48Thank you so much.
00:53:50I have to go.
00:53:52See you.
00:53:58The president is here!
00:54:00My son!
00:54:02What's wrong?
00:54:04What do you think if we go out for dinner?
00:54:06I don't know.
00:54:07My son.
00:54:09What's wrong?
00:54:11What do you think if we go to the movies
00:54:13and have dinner at a restaurant?
00:54:15Mom, that's enough.
00:54:17You should play on your phone.
00:54:19What did you have for breakfast?
00:54:36Listen, did you give me the management plan I asked for yesterday?
00:54:40Yes, I'm sure.
00:54:42Why? Can't you find it?
00:54:44Maybe it was transferred.
00:54:46I gave it to you yesterday.
00:54:48Wait, I'll go up and look for it.
00:54:56Yes, wait, I'm already up here.
00:55:01Did you find it?
00:55:05Yes, okay.
00:55:18Do you want a car from the company?
00:55:21No, I'll use mine.
00:55:23I'll drive my own car.
00:55:27Uncle Jeuntechul.
00:55:30What's up, uncle?
00:55:32No, I haven't left yet.
00:55:36I think it's in my office.
00:55:38Okay, I'll take it to you in a moment.
00:55:40Tell me, uncle.
00:55:42You already found it.
00:55:44Okay, take care.
00:55:48Whoever took your luggage is responsible
00:55:51for Johnso's kidnapping.
00:56:02It can't be true.
00:56:05It can't be true.
00:56:25So, Johnso, do you remember anything about your lost luggage?
00:56:28No, nothing.
00:56:30Did you go somewhere?
00:56:32I just went to the locker room.
00:56:34It's time to eat.
00:56:36In fact, I was very hungry.
00:56:39Pork, curry, hamburger, meat soup.
00:56:43I had to write it down.
00:56:45I always have a dilemma when it comes to choosing food.
00:56:59Aren't you going to have lunch?
00:57:01I can't, I have things to do in the office.
00:57:04Maybe later.
00:57:06I understand.
00:57:29The message is from the Jampeng tree.
00:57:52The text message tree is the same one
00:57:55where the message was found.
00:57:58It's the executive's badge.
00:58:00So the man in the video
00:58:02is the one who lost his badge?
00:58:04Maybe the person who recorded the video
00:58:07sent the message with the intention of getting money.
00:58:10If I go to the tree at five o'clock
00:58:13I'll be able to see who the kidnapper is.
00:58:28I think our phones got leaked.
00:58:59Jampeng tree
00:59:15Where are you going, uncle?
00:59:17Jonzo, what brings you to my office?
00:59:20Did something happen?
00:59:22No, I just wanted to have a coffee with you.
00:59:27In fact, I have to go to an important appointment today.
00:59:31Let's do it another day.
00:59:34Okay, another time.
00:59:36Of course.
00:59:38Now I'm leaving, it's late.
00:59:41Of course.
00:59:57Jampeng tree
01:00:10The culprit should introduce himself.
01:00:13If he read this message, he can't be in peace.
01:00:26Jampeng tree
01:00:56Jampeng tree
01:01:29How much are you going to pay?
01:01:31Only fifty.
01:01:56Jampeng tree
01:02:10Whoever comes to this place
01:02:12is the one who kidnapped Jampeng.
01:02:26Jampeng tree
01:02:27Jampeng tree
01:02:28Jampeng tree
01:02:29Jampeng tree
01:02:30Jampeng tree
01:02:31Jampeng tree
01:02:32Jampeng tree
01:02:33Jampeng tree
01:02:34Jampeng tree
01:02:35Jampeng tree
01:02:36Jampeng tree
01:02:37Jampeng tree
01:02:38Jampeng tree
01:02:39Jampeng tree
01:02:40Jampeng tree
01:02:41Jampeng tree
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01:02:50Jampeng tree
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