Warren Sharp Talks 8th Edition of "The Sharp Football Analysis"

  • 3 months ago
00:00You have got to be kidding me in the middle of July.
00:08They're going to let me talk to the mad scientist before training camps even open up.
00:14I get a hookup with Warren Sharpe.
00:17I mean, who came up with this stuff?
00:20I mean, this guy is making so much money with Sharpe football analysis.
00:25He has, he's just omnipresent.
00:27He's everywhere.
00:28He's moved up in the rankings, moved up in the world, bought himself a new crib.
00:33I looked at his shot.
00:34I said, where's the fireplace?
00:36Where's the family room?
00:38Where's the bed MGM sign?
00:40What happened?
00:41And he said he moved into a gated community, a much bigger house.
00:45Look at him.
00:46It's Warren Sharpe, our lead analyst.
00:47Look at him right now.
00:48Just styling.
00:49He's got footballs behind him.
00:50He's got it all going.
00:51I think I saw you on that set the other day.
00:53I almost fell over.
00:54It looked so fantastic.
00:56He had to move to a better crib to put out his eighth rendition of his book that comes
01:03out eight years of doing it.
01:05The Sharpe football analysis, 24 football preview.
01:09It's the greatest book in football.
01:12Everybody's talking about it and it has taken you forever to get it done.
01:16Every year you finally got it done.
01:18What a relief.
01:20That's the exact word that I was going to use.
01:22Scott, you're reading my mind here.
01:24It's absolute relief when I'm done writing this thing.
01:26It's 559 pages of analysis here, breaking down every single team, different team chapters
01:33so you can go through.
01:34But the way that I try to deliver it is in a way that's easily digestible by the end
01:39user, by the reader, so that you're going to be able to go through it.
01:43And it's the fastest way for you to get smart for this upcoming season, because whether
01:47you're playing fantasy football, whether you're betting on these games, you need to know what's
01:51changed since last year and you need to know then what is expected out of these teams this
01:56year. And a lot changes with a lot of these teams, whether it's coaches, players, philosophies,
02:02strategies, youth, age, all of these different factors play a role in addition to the salary
02:08cap constraints that the general manager may be working with.
02:12And so that changes our perspective on a lot of these teams.
02:14So it takes, you know, four months, two of which are absolutely insane to get this book
02:20ready. But I tell people you're not going to find a better book out there.
02:24And if you buy this book and you disagree, I'll give you your money back because that's
02:28how confident I am in my work and my staff's work that we've got a great, great preview
02:34to get you guys ready for the upcoming season.
02:36It is bigger than the Bible.
02:40It is actually more important than the Bible.
02:44And I have to say now, I know a ton of people love fantasy and make a lot of money off of
02:49it. But I'm interested, as you know, in my betting problem.
02:53And I like betting on football.
02:55And that's why I have to get my hands on that book.
02:58My God, is that book enormous?
03:01I mean, how do you guys put that together?
03:04It is insane. What do you have?
03:06Like each guy's got a responsibility and then you've got an overwhelming responsibility
03:11as the main guy.
03:13Like, how does it break down?
03:15Yeah, so years ago when I was writing the book all by myself, I obviously would do
03:20everything. Now I've outsourced when I need somebody to write about the draft class, I
03:26go to my draft expert, who is one of the most accurate mock drafters in the industry, Ryan
03:31McChrystal. So he writes just the little section on all the new players that are coming
03:36into the NFL. I've got a defensive specialist on staff who writes only about the
03:41defensive side of the football.
03:42I've got my fantasy guy.
03:44He writes only about the fantasy aspect.
03:47He predicts what's going to happen with all the different players on the teams.
03:51So we've got a section in there for the fantasy side of things.
03:53And then the majority of the chapter is me writing analysis about what I think is going
03:59to happen for each team this upcoming season and why.
04:03And in addition, on my shoulders falls all the data, the analytics, the charts, the
04:08graphics that are on every single page, a shock full of them.
04:12And so, yeah, I'm putting the most work into the book, but it wouldn't be as nearly as
04:18great as the end product if all of these guys didn't bring their specific expertise to
04:23the table as well. So it's a really great group that I work with and I'm working on every
04:28single team. I know there's other books out there where this guy writes about that team
04:31and another guy writes up another team.
04:33And we take on different responsibilities, but each of us are writing all of the teams,
04:38one through thirty two. So we have that better understanding so that when we're talking
04:42about a certain team in a division, we understand how that team might perform because
04:46we've spent just as much time talking about the other three teams in that same division.
04:51And that's important when you're talking about betting on these teams to get a good
04:55perspective of where each one ranks within their own division, as well as within the
04:59conference and then the league as a whole.
05:02I'm hearing from my sources in the Pharrell Spew newsroom that by 2026, all other football
05:08books will be out of business because of the Sharp Football Analysis book being so much
05:14better than all of them, that they will all be doing something else, covering the World
05:18Cup. Where can fans get the book?
05:22Well, we do have a surprise coming next week, but right now you can go to Sharp.Football
05:27and you're going to be able to get the book.
05:29It's on early bird sale.
05:30So just type in Sharp.Football in your URL.
05:32That's where you're going to be able to get the book.
05:34It's on early bird sale right now.
05:37It's twenty nine ninety nine.
05:38That's five dollars off the list price.
05:40And I can assure you that you're not going to find a better way to spend those thirty
05:44dollars getting prepared for the upcoming season than with the Sharp Football Analysis
05:492024 football preview.
05:50How about the version that's been going out in in New Jersey and New York called the
05:57Not Sharp Football, which is a story being written about Joe Shane and how he's
06:03handled the television cameras and the Barkley situation and running the Giants, where
06:09his own owner is like scratching his head and nose, looking at him like, why did I hire
06:18Well, I you know, Mara is old school.
06:22I just wish Mara would sort of stay out of some of this, frankly, like I understand what
06:27he's doing there. But I think Joe Shane and Brian D'Abel are much better at running this
06:32team than than Mara's involvement.
06:33I think it was smart for them to move on from Saquon Barkley rather than paying them.
06:38Barkley is not going to get this team where they need to get what they need to figure
06:42out is the quarterback situation.
06:44And that's where the Joe Shane comment came into play here about the fact that he felt
06:49Patrick Mahomes would fare no better behind this offensive line than did Daniel Jones.
06:54And that's patently incorrect.
06:56Not only is Patrick Mahomes obviously significantly better, but let's just talk about how
07:00much a quarterback controls of pressure and sack rate, which if you take a sack on a
07:06drive, you are going to score points at one third the rate as if you don't take a sack on
07:13the drive. Taking sacks are absolute drive killers.
07:15Quarterbacks need to figure out ways to reduce the amount of pressure and reduce the
07:19amount of sacks that they take.
07:21And in years past, we talked about that this was an offensive line issue.
07:24If your O-line is good, your quarterback is not going to be pressured much.
07:27If your O-line is bad, that's when quarterbacks are going to get a lot more pressure.
07:31The reality is quarterbacks own and control a lot of that.
07:34What are they doing pre-snap to make audibles, to adjust the play, to adjust the
07:39protection scheme so they can stay upright faster, so they can reduce the amount of
07:44pressure that comes on them before the snap even occurs?
07:47They understand based on film study and what the defense might bring that what they need
07:53to do. And then there's obviously what they do post-snap, how quickly are they scanning
07:57their progressions? How fluid is their movement in the pocket to escape if they need
08:03to? Just things that Daniel Jones was not doing at all last season that guys like Josh
08:09Allen and Patrick Mahomes are expert at doing.
08:11And so this isn't lingering on the comparison because the comparison obviously was
08:16foolish. This is more so let's focus on the fact that 2024 Daniel Jones must improve in
08:22his ability to escape pressure and to get rid of the football and reduce sacks if the
08:27Giants want any shot here.
08:29Respectfully, I got about 30 seconds.
08:31Did you agree with all the Reid and McVeigh are the two best coaches in the NFL that came
08:36out a couple of weeks ago?
08:39Reid, definitely.
08:40McVeigh, so-so.
08:42There are things that I dislike about McVeigh, but he obviously is a great coach.
08:45But there's a couple others I would toss up into the mix.
08:48I just think we've got a lot of good coaches in the NFL right now that make some of the bad
08:53ones stand out.
08:54But the league is moving in a much better direction.
08:56There are smarter coaches now than there ever have been, in my opinion.
