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00:03Had Diana Augen
00:05Aber Er. Had Ein Lächeln Aber Dafür Weiß Ich wo Er. Die nase her hat
00:09Irgendwas fehlt ihm Aber noch
00:18Kleine überraschung Er. Ist Eine sie
00:22Jake Wie hast du das das ist fantastisch nicht so fantastisch wie das original
00:34Entschuldige Jake Ich Ich Muss Leider weg also dann
00:42Ich Sag es euch es war das Perfekteste Erste date aller Zeiten und dann ist sie auf einmal weggerannt
00:47Was ist denn das Für. Eine nummer dass sie euch immer nur fast küsst das kann doch nicht so weitergehen
00:52Ja wie kommt das immer wenn ihr euch trefft einer plötzlich die düse macht und verschwindet naja ich habe ständig meine drachen einsätze und rose hat
01:00Erotik oder so was hey jakey ich will dich nicht unsanft wecken aber wenn das was hätte werden sollen zwischen dir und rose
01:06Denkst du nicht dann wäre es schon was geworden
01:09Ach was kopfhoch ja vielleicht mehr zeit füreinander wenn die erotik saison vorbei ist oder die drachen saison
01:15Das ist es doch die drachen saison wird niemals vorbei sein wenn ich will dass das was wird mit rose
01:20Dann Kann Ich Hier nur die Wahrheit Sagen Die Wahrheit Die Wahrheit dieses Wochenende Sag Ich Rose dass ich ein
01:25Jake Long Sie an du Kommst also mit ins Skilager Na Dann wird das Wochenende Ja Witzig Wenn Sie Wüssten wie recht sie da haben
01:38Ist cool und er weiß was zählt so jung und schnell er ist aus Erdnäht das euch nicht erschrecken
01:46von dem American Dragon
01:49Zu sehen wie er fürs gute kämpft ist ein abenteuer
01:54Drachen schweift vorsicht erspuckt vorher ganz ungeheuer
01:58American Dragon
02:01American Dragon
02:07Seht den American Dragon
02:10Er bleibt stets der coole dann großvater schule
02:14Er drückt sich nicht vor seiner pflicht wenn es sein muss tritt er auch ins Rampenlicht
02:17American Dragon
02:19Von dem J drüber das A und das K bis zum D
02:21Mache ich Action solange er in der Luft und auf See
02:27Hey an die Arbeit Jake
02:29Oh man
02:35Aufpasser heißt auf Französisch Chaperon von Chappen
02:38Und das heißt jeder von euch der sich irgendwas zu Schulden kommen lässt kriegt 20 Stunden Nachsitzen in Französisch
02:43Ich habe nicht 18 Jahre lang an der Frankenstein Universität studiert um mir von Skifahrenden Rabauken auf der Nase herum tanzen zu lassen
02:50Ist das klar?
02:52Hey da hat ja wohl jemand heute zum Frühstück sein Kamillentee nicht getrunken
02:56Psst schon gut dieses Wochenende lasse ich mir nicht mal von Roadwood verderben
02:59Achso ja was das angeht ich glaube nicht dass Rose die Wahrheit verkraftet
03:03Doch sie soll erfahren wer ich bin und dann ist jetzt ja auch noch Valentinstag der perfekte Zeitpunkt
03:07Und was hast du vor ihren Valentinstkärtchen unter der Tür durchzuschieben?
03:11Mit einem Bild von einem süßen Hündchen drauf
03:13Rosen sind rot
03:15Das Hündchen ist froh
03:17Eigentlich bin ich ein Drache oho
03:19Ich schreibe dies in Schönschrift auf die Karte
03:21Sag dass ichs darf
03:23Ich muss es machen und ich hab schon bei euch viel zu lange damit gewartet
03:25Und den Fehler mach ich nicht nochmal bei
03:31Hey hey
03:33Rosie Schneckchen
03:35Hi Brad
03:37Weiß du was ich hab völlig neue Seiten an mir entdeckt
03:39Ich liebe Sensibilität und solchen Schrott guck her
03:45Yeah der super Brad kann vor einem Mädchen weinen
03:47Darauf stehst du doch Baby hab ich recht
03:49Der wird auch noch ne ganze Menge Grund zum weinen haben
03:53So alles mal her hören
03:55Hier habe ich den Schlüssel zu eurem Glück
03:57Diese Vorzugsskipässe hat die Schule für euch ausgestellt
03:59Ihr müsst sie zu jeder Zeit
04:01Und überall bei euch tragen
04:03Was denn?
04:07Da ist was gebrochen
04:09Halt es ist mir verstaucht
04:11Nein es ist gebrochen
04:15Jake ist nicht der einzige der hier flirttechnisch was am laufen hat
04:17Ach nein und wer ist die Arme?
04:19Nicht wer was
04:21Der Skilift ist mein Valentinsschatz
04:23Dieses Wochenende
04:25Wir sind noch ein bisschen auf Distanz
04:27Aber wenn der Bus am Sonntag hier wieder wegfährt
04:29Dann sind wir ein Paar
04:31Yo Jake könntest du sein Geschwafel für mich übersetzen
04:33Ich bin mit dem Skilift gefahren
04:35Er hat eine Mordsangst davor
04:37Nein Angst habe ich nicht
04:39Bloß Respekt
04:41So mein Mädchen komm her ganz ruhig
04:43Okay ich hab Angst
04:47Zimmer 215
04:49Das ist meins
04:53Du bist mit Rose in einem Zimmer?
04:55Nicht wenn du mich nicht durch die Tür da gehen lässt
04:57Okay okay
04:59Jetzt hör mal zu
05:01Heute früh erzählst du mir hart klein alles über ihre Hoffnungen, Träume und Lieblingstagelaxen
05:05Ja Baby das ist spitze
05:09Yo Jake
05:11Tussige Quatsche ist nicht mein Ding okay
05:13Trixie steht nicht auf girlige Kicher
05:15Nägel an meinen Zöpfe flechten
05:17Über Jungs tratschen und so ein dumpf Kram
05:19Ich geb dir 10 Mäuse
05:2120 und ich nehm dir sogar ihr Schnarchen auf
05:23Rose ich muss dir was erzählen
05:27Das ist meins
05:31Hallo Zimmerkamerad des neuen sensiblen Bradysofties
05:33Da fang auf
05:35Das ist wohl meins
05:37Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Valentinstag
05:39Was willst du denn hier?
05:41Los lass uns rein
05:43Du Spinner
05:47Du Spat
05:49Das ist das falsche Zimmer
05:51Wenn das das falsche ist, dann will ich kein richtiges
05:53Bei Schulausflügen wird erwartet, dass ihr euch vor dem Skifahren mit einigen Sicherheitsbestimmungen vertraut macht
05:55Also Nummer 1 nährt euch den Skilift stets mit großer Vorsicht
05:59Wie heißt das doch mal wenn ein gebrochener Knochen aus dem Fleisch heraus steht
06:01Was ist denn mit dir los
06:03Im falschen Zimmer
06:05Apropos Zimmer, hast du schon irgendwas rausgekriegt?
06:07Wir hatten
06:09Was erzählt Rose über mich
06:13Steht sie auf meinem Zimmer
08:13Oh, the heater is on.
08:16But one thing is great. These are my first rottzapfen, people.
08:21Oh, the dragon.
08:24Well done, young hunter.
08:25Thank you, great hunter. The clan can get him at sunset.
08:28The clan? Why should I send others when you are there?
08:31Master, as requested, I caught the creature, but...
08:34No buts. You are no longer a child, young hunter.
08:37Come home with the fur of the fabulous snowman or don't come back at all.
08:43I may be wrong, but isn't the sleepy yeti a threatened species?
08:47The only species that is threatened here is yours.
08:52What's wrong with you?
08:56What are you doing here? One could almost think you are stalking me.
09:00Maybe I am.
09:01Maybe you should leave that.
09:03Maybe you should cool down.
09:10You forgot something. Your... ski pass?
09:16You! No skateboarding in the house.
09:18You two, apart.
09:20You three, feet off the table.
09:26Don't worry, that was just my crutch.
09:31That was my leg.
09:32As I said, she ran away and that was there.
09:35Only students from our school have such things.
09:38That's right. The hunter girl is here in the ski camp. She is one of us.
09:42Congratulations for Valentine's Day, Jake.
09:45Roses are red, arrows hurt, your enemy goes to school with you.
09:50So we have the fox in our chicken coop?
09:53We could try to trap her.
09:55There she is.
10:05Yo, jumping on window dolls is not what I imagine under a trap.
10:09Yeah, you're right. The hunter girl would never just stand here in the hallway.
10:13What does that mean, you won't bring me the Yeti fur?
10:16Don't worry, I'll bring you something better. The skin of a dragon.
10:19I'll go sledding with it.
10:20Hey, did I hear that right?
10:22Oh, oh, I... well...
10:23You want to go sledding? I'm totally into sledding, you know?
10:26And that's why we could go sledding together. I... I wanted to tell you something.
10:30Hi, Rose. Oh, there, you dropped something.
10:33More roses for my rosy snail.
10:37I'll have to teach that fool a lesson.
10:39Forget him. We have more important problems now.
10:42Jake, I'd like to tell you that this plan is making me a little uneasy.
10:48What makes me even more uneasy is that Jake not only owns an Irish cowboy costume,
10:52but also takes it with him on a ski trip. What do you say to that?
10:55Well, everyone takes too much.
10:56Oh, if that's okay with you.
10:58I, poor little Irish cowboy, stroll through the country
11:01and hope that the mean ninja hunter won't catch me.
11:04Catch me, hunter girl!
11:07Hey, my name is Earl, without a G.
11:09Crazy, you look like a cowboy.
11:11Uh, you're just imagining it.
11:13This is a advanced stage of altitude sickness.
11:16Wow, cowboys are really strong.
11:20Guys, into my room, now!
11:22Right away!
11:23So, Jake, now get back on the carpet.
11:25You attack innocent people and...
11:27What is it?
11:33Oh, uh...
11:34Hey, guys.
11:35I'm just doing a little skiing gymnastics to warm up.
11:43Guys, did you just see that?
11:45Yeah, Rose has all the cookies.
11:49Believe me, Trixie, the plan is idiotproof.
11:54Attention, dear guests.
11:55Who is expecting a call from someone named...
11:59Big Hunter!
12:03Here she comes.
12:05The game is over, hunter girl.
12:07I recognize you in every disguise.
12:09I don't understand what you're saying.
12:12I just want to go to your bathroom.
12:18Okay, we need a new plan.
12:21I lost my ski pass.
12:24Could you get me a new one?
12:27Well, normally that's out of the question.
12:30But since you're asking so nicely, I don't want to be.
12:33Excuse me.
12:35My back!
12:37Now that's something to think about.
12:39Yeah, if I had learned that from aerobics,
12:41I would have never thought it possible.
12:44Listen to this!
12:45Dark snowfall and thunderstorm
12:46connect to a blizzard in the evening.
12:48Did you hear that?
12:49We're getting a blizzard!
12:50That's exactly what I need.
12:51Because when it's so cold, the rabbits want to cuddle.
12:55Tonight, I'm going all out with me and Rose.
12:57I already have all the romantic junk.
12:59Chocolate, candlelight...
13:00Let me guess. Romantic music?
13:02Are you crazy?
13:03I have that so I don't have to listen to her speech.
13:05Or your speech.
13:06What? What?
13:07Haha, I can't hear you.
13:09Don't worry about me.
13:11My extreme self-discipline
13:13allows me to endure extremely strong pain.
13:16What did you say, mom?
13:17The chickens ran away?
13:21That's enough!
13:22I have to tell Rose who I really am
13:23before this weak-nosed brat keeps coming to her.
13:25Uh, Jakey?
13:27I didn't really want to start with that, but...
13:29Unfortunately, you just don't want to see it yourself.
13:31Did you notice anything strange about Rose's behavior lately?
13:36Attention! Clear case of repression of reality!
13:38Listen to me, Jakey!
13:39The lost ski pass,
13:41the shoulder throw across the room,
13:43the professional wrestler muscles...
13:44Wake up!
13:45I'm sorry for you,
13:46but your Rose is 100% the Jägergirl.
13:48And I can't allow you to tell your enemies
13:51that you're a dragon.
13:52Think about it!
13:54You're pretty sure about that.
13:56Too sure!
13:57Possibly because you want to distract me.
13:59I searched every girl's room this weekend.
14:01Just one, not Jägergirl.
14:05You're starting to go completely crazy.
14:06If I were the Jägergirl,
14:08I would have pulled you out of traffic a long time ago.
14:10But I have nothing to do with this Kung-Fu nonsense.
14:12I'm sorry, dude.
14:13It's Rose!
14:14Roses are red.
14:15Jakey looks in shock,
14:16because his Rose is the Jägergirl.
14:19Hey, man!
14:20I'm really starting to like this.
14:24Well, then.
14:25Time for the sweet Rose and Brad business.
14:28It's probably not nice for you,
14:30but who do you trust more?
14:31Us or her?
14:36Are you even listening?
14:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:38Can we talk about this later?
14:39No, we can't!
14:42Well, okay.
14:43But don't come running to Trixie,
14:45when this witch tears you to pieces
14:46with her Jägerlaserdingsbums.
14:48Roses are red.
14:49Spud is in shock.
14:50Trixie is in shock.
14:52Jake is in shock.
14:54Are you finally listening to Spud?
14:59Ring-a-ring, baby.
15:00You have a ticket for the Brad Express.
15:02And that goes until the last stop.
15:05Eye of the Dragon.
15:16Drache Wache!
15:23Didn't I forbid you
15:24from catching innocent creatures?
15:27You don't look that innocent to me.
15:35Oh, my!
15:40You know what?
15:41Just forget him.
15:42He should be done with the Blizzard
15:43and the Ninja Tussie on his own.
15:45Yeah, I'm worried about him, too.
15:47Well then, let's go!
15:49We have to save him,
15:50and quickly!
15:51Whoa, whoa, whoa!
15:53Where do you think you're going
15:54at this hour?
16:07Jake's tracks!
16:09And that's where he switched
16:10to flight mode.
16:11We can't run up the hill
16:12in the snowstorm.
16:14Who's talking about running?
16:23Finally, you're in my power.
16:25Do you think you can keep
16:26an American Dragon
16:27in a wooden cage?
16:28At least until I've got you.
16:35Oh, does the evil Blizzard
16:36blow too hard
16:37for your tiny little Dragonfly?
16:39Yeah, baby.
16:40But not for my Dragon Wings.
16:51Rose, baby!
16:52Where are you?
16:53Come on, it's me.
16:54The womanizer.
16:59But, but!
17:00That's not necessary at all. My bones will be fine again.
17:03A bit of rest, a cup of hot cocoa...
17:10Yo! Don't push me so close to the pallet!
17:14Give up, dragon!
17:16Very well!
17:18Catch me if you can!
17:21Snowboarding! That's exactly my thing!
17:31Not bad! Let's see what you've got in the forest!
17:53Ha! Nice piece of art, dragon!
17:55Yeah, so-so.
17:57But it's really cool when you can fly!
18:04Ha! What do you say now, girl?
18:06You'll pay for that!
18:07You want to run away already?
18:09I've got something against that!
18:14Come on! Finish it! The hunter clan will get me! Believe me!
18:18I'm sorry, but I don't believe you.
18:24So they were right.
18:26There! That's the sign of the hunter clan.
18:29It tells me every day that I'm only in the world for one reason.
18:32To hunt dragons.
18:34Say goodbye!
18:59Huh? What are you doing?
19:05Why did you save me? We're enemies!
19:07Did you forget that?
19:09I'd be happy if I could.
19:13You saved my life, but that doesn't change my mind!
19:16Do you have anything to say?
19:17Eat snow, hunter girl!
19:22Wow! Did you see that? I did it!
19:24I did it! I saved the ski lift!
19:27We'll see each other again, dragon. I'll take care of you.
19:32Don't you want to follow her?
19:34Just let her go.
19:37I should have listened to you from the beginning.
19:40Hey, it's not important anymore, Jakey.
19:42If you ask me, Rose isn't such a total loser anyway.
19:45Listen to this.
19:49She snores like a horse with sidewall inflammation.
19:51Man, and you should see her feet.
19:53Completely worn-out Kung-Fu kicks with chicken eyes.
19:56And don't even ask me how it is to share a bath with her.
19:59No, we should get in, kids.
20:01And be careful with the skis.
20:03There are no...
20:08Hey, girls!
20:09There are great group rates for trips with the Brad Express.
20:12Who wants to get in?
20:13The ride can go...
20:19Oh, there's stress on the rise.
20:21Hello, Jake.
20:24Hey, I'm sorry this weekend didn't work out.
20:27Well, you had too much to do.
20:29You wanted to tell me something.
20:31Is the seat free?
20:36Hi, you too.
20:38Time is right and I don't wanna let you go
20:51I'm sorry.
20:55Hey, where's the spot?
20:57You and me, Lifty.
20:58We made it together.
21:00This connection was made in heaven.
21:04Well, that's too bad.
21:05But if someone breaks up, it's me and you!
