Kung Fu Boys (2016) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Problematično dijete iz Kine koje živi u SAD-u je poslano da živi s ujkom u Kini. Odmah se suočava s teškim situacijama, kao što su lopov zec, tajna simpatija njegovog ujaka i neki školski drugovi koji ga baš i ne prihvaćaju. Ali na sreću, ima izvrsne vještine kung fua.
00:00Lin Quinlan is a six-year-old problematic boy who dreams of becoming a superhero one day.
00:05He grew up in America with his parents, who are tired of his nonsense.
00:09Since there are no characters to fight with in everyday life, Lin decided to abandon his teachers and parents to prove his abilities as a superhero.
00:18He was expelled from several schools for violent behavior.
00:21One day, the principal of his current school comes to his parents with a broken tooth or a new letter for moving.
00:28He asked a couple to send his son to another educational institution because the teacher in his school could not cope with him.
00:34Parents, who already have enough of everything, decide to send him back to China to live with their boyfriend Lai.
00:41Lai is a young music teacher at school. He planned to enroll Lin in the same school so he could surpass him.
00:47A few days later, Lin finally arrives in China, but Lai, later to pick him up in front of the airport, meets a colleague named On Ron on the way.
00:56Lai has been in love with her for a long time. He offered to transport her, but she refused and instead took a taxi.
01:01A short conversation further slows him down, causing Lin to impatiently leave the airport alone.
01:06At the same time, the violent criminal Li goes to his apartment with the case of something valuable.
01:10He talks to his partner over the phone about the case that seems to be the key to becoming a millionaire.
01:16Before he reaches the checkpoint, the thief investigates the case and runs away.
01:20The man is on the run, which causes him to lose sight of the thieves and the case.
01:24On the field, Lin is ready to take a taxi when the same thief hits him.
01:27Lin, who always seeks a chance to become a superhero, does not miss the opportunity to follow him, sure that the case is stolen.
01:34In the meantime, Lai arrives at the airport, but cannot find his boyfriend.
01:38He tries to show Lin's picture to passers-by, but without success.
01:42In the meantime, Lin and the thief start a fight.
01:44The thief cannot keep up with Lin's speed and has to stop.
01:48At first, he tries to persuade Lin to give up, but the boy is looking for a case, not money.
01:53As a last resort, the thief starts fighting with Lin, but the boy encourages him.
01:57Lin not only dreamed of becoming a superhero, but also practiced kung fu for a few hours and trained to be the first, which is why he fights and defends himself very well.
02:05He opens the case and finds a scruffy boy inside.
02:09After that, he returns to the taxi driver and calls the police to inform them of the stolen boy.
02:14However, the policeman thinks the boy is kidding and advises him to keep him as a pet.
02:19In the meantime, Lai is also at the police station reporting the disappearance of his boyfriend.
02:24The police promise that they will find him as soon as possible.
02:27The boyfriend is already on his way to Lai's apartment in a taxi because he knows the address.
02:31When Lai returns home that evening, he hears a bang from his apartment.
02:34Thinking that he failed, he tries to enter through the window, but does not enter the line that hits him with his foot in the face.
02:40A few minutes later, he tries to stop Lai's blood from the nose.
02:43It turned out that Lin lost his phone while fighting with the thief earlier, but that does not tell his boyfriend.
02:49On the other hand, the new L.A. criminal Lee and her partner Chang are with their boss.
02:53They apologize for losing the case and promise to find him as soon as possible.
02:58Their boss is a gangster who promises to kill them both if he doesn't return the case.
03:02The next day, Lai takes Lin to school for the first time.
03:05His teacher is Lai's crush, Mrs. N.
03:09On the way, Lin sees a beautiful girl named Xena and immediately falls in love with her.
03:13He confidently approaches her to call, but Lai interrupts them.
03:16In class, Lin presents himself to his schoolmates as a superhero and promises to save them all.
03:22When he sits next to Xena, the rapist yells at him, but Lin calls him.
03:26A group of rapists stops to teach Lin a lesson while their teacher is not present.
03:30On the field, N hears a loud bang and runs to the classroom.
03:33All the students sit down, but it is obvious that Lin put the rapists in their place.
03:37After school, a group of older boys approach Lin and ask him to bow to their leader, who they call Big Brother.
03:43Lin rejects them and instead challenges them to an official fight in Kung Fu.
03:47Later, they gather in the Kung Fu club and start competing.
03:50At first, they individually show different skills and techniques, which forces the audience to cheer.
03:55Then the fight begins and Lin easily surpasses Big Brother.
03:59When he is embarrassed, a group of older boys come to fight Lin.
04:03To everyone's surprise, Lin manages to beat them.
04:06Big Brother and his team admit defeat and promise to make Lin their master if he manages to defeat their bodyguard,
04:12that is, Mr. Ma.
04:14In the second place, Li and Cheng are looking for the rapist.
04:16They find the thief who stole the case and threaten to return it to him.
04:20However, the man embarrassedly admits that he lost it to the child who took the case.
04:24He has Lin's phone with his pictures showing Lin.
04:27Now, when the two know what he looks like, they start looking for Lin.
04:30In the meantime, the egocentric bodyguard Mr. Ma sees N and Lai together and takes him by the collar.
04:36He also had sympathy for Mrs. N and decided to somehow make her his girlfriend.
04:42Inviting them to a basketball practice and using them as props to seduce the child.
04:46He throws the ball at Lai when he is not ready and intentionally hurts him.
04:50This repeats until Lai bleeds out of his nose.
04:53Lin notices that Mr. Ma is mistreating his bodyguard and promises to make up for it.
04:57During lunch break, Lai eats alone when N joins him.
05:01He is worried because he has been hit several times.
05:04At that moment, Lin approaches him and tells N that she should go out with his bodyguard to find out if he likes her for real.
05:11Confused, Lai begs him to stop, but Lin forcefully forces them to hold hands.
05:15Mr. Ma sees this and explains himself.
05:17She accuses Lai of making N feel uncomfortable by showing an unwanted inclination to the public.
05:22Embarrassed, N runs away before Lai can speak.
05:26During the hour, Mr. Ma's tears flow, Lin calls him to the ball.
05:30At first, Ma laughs, but when he realizes that the boy is serious, he accepts the challenge.
05:34He even ties his hand behind him to show his talent.
05:37However, his self-confidence leads him to a shameful defeat by the boy.
05:41He unties his hands, but he still can't beat him.
05:43The children are cheering for Lin, a little dissatisfied.
05:46Even Lin's sympathy for Mr. Ma is impressed.
05:49In the end, Mr. Ma slaps Lin in the face, trying to attack him.
05:53Since N and Lai are responsible for the boy, they also have to take responsibility for his violent behavior, while Mr. Ma is left without consequences.
06:01After school, Mr. Ma gives Lin a razor to cut his hand.
06:04He shows it to the children, and Mr. Ma accuses him for a few days because he wants to play with him.
06:09Then a group of boys asks him to take them as students and to teach them Kung Fu.
06:13Lin agrees and calls their group the Kung Fu Boys.
06:17At the same time, Li and Cheng break into Li's apartment to look for a mace.
06:20They were never told what was in the mace, except that it contained an animal.
06:24When they find an empty mace, they take it to their boss.
06:28The boss thinks about not getting what he wants, so he sends his fighting girls to attack Li and Cheng.
06:34They take Li for the father and order Cheng to bring them a rabbit in exchange for her life.
06:38That night, Lai and Lin go to a restaurant and talk for a long time.
06:41Lai discovers that he is in love with N and that he was very sad when Ma offended them during lunch break.
06:47The next day, we see how Lin gives Ma a challenge letter.
06:50The letter says that Ma and Lai have to compete with each other in front of N so that she can choose a partner herself.
06:56Ma immediately accepts, knowing that N is involved, but when he comes to the place, he realizes that the boy lied about everything.
07:02Instead, Lin wants Ma to fight him and avoids N if he loses.
07:06Ma refuses to accept the challenge, but Lin still attacks him.
07:09At the end of the fight, Ma's mace is removed and his arm is broken.
07:13N stops the boy from hurting him further and finds the challenge letter.
07:17When he reads it, he believes that the letter was sent by Lai and is angry at him because he treated her as a reward.
07:22Lai gets angry and doesn't wait for him.
07:25Vichenalina, who destroyed his relationship with N, asks him to leave.
07:28Lin takes it seriously and walks to N's house in the rain.
07:32Lai asks the boy for a bowl and leaves when N calls him and tells him that he is with her.
07:36At the same time, Cheng is in the left apartment and is looking for the boy he can't find.
07:40Exhausted for his life, he decides to meet Lin and ask him for the boy himself.
07:44The next day, Lai, Xena and N are in the hospital with Ma.
07:48While talking to the receptionist, Lin's gaze falls on the newspapers in front of him.
07:52On them is a picture of his pet boy, recognizable by the mark between his eyes.
07:57The report states that the boy is a rare species that is a medical miracle.
08:00If used for science, it can lead to the creation of several cures and save millions of lives.
08:06However, some criminals have stolen it and the police are looking for it.
08:09The children tell Mrs. N that they have the boy and go to Xena's house to take the pet.
08:14But then Cheng comes to them, begging for the boy because the life of his partner is in danger.
08:19Before they can talk, the bosses of Cheng and the rapists are all in darkness.
08:23Lin remains behind, fighting with the two rapists while the others are taken to the hideout.
08:27A woman from the criminal group tells Lin to come to a certain place with the boy if he wants to keep his friends alive.
08:33In the next scene, Lai and Lin drive to the hideout.
08:36Along the way, they buy drugs to deceive the antagonists.
08:39When they arrive at the scene, Lai decides to stay at the entrance and help them escape, while Lin enters with a fake drug.
08:45She forces the criminal boss to untie his friends before he gives him the bribe.
08:50While the boss realizes that the group has been deceived, he starts running.
08:53The rapists chase them, but Lin manages to beat them all.
08:56However, N is finally taken away, and only Xena and Lin manage to escape.
09:00When Lai finds out that N is gone, he asks the kids to run as far as they can and goes inside to get him back, but the rapists catch him in the arm in a matter of seconds.
09:08Outside, Lin orders Xena to call the police and returns to save Lai and Mrs. N.
09:13He finds them in the open air at the entrance.
09:15When he realizes that he is about to die, Lai confesses his feelings to N, and she brings him back.
09:20Lin rushes to save her, not knowing that it was the lock that the gang had set.
09:24They surround him from all sides and ask him where Z is.
09:27He effectively fights against adults, but has to stop when the boss forbids him to cut the nails on which Lai and N were promised.
09:34In a matter of seconds, he is surprised to see several explosions around the hideout.
09:38A few moments later, Kung-Fu Boys and Mr. Ma come to his sight.
09:43The group has arrived to save and secure the victory.
09:46A fierce battle breaks out between the criminal boss and the kids, while Mr. Ma fights against several other rapists.
09:52In the end, the boss cuts the nails and N and Lai fall to the ground.
09:55Immediately after that, the kids attack him with their strength and defeat him.
09:59The police come and save everything.
10:01It turns out that Lai and N were stuck in a suspended pipe, which saved their lives.
10:06The school hosts a program in which Lai sings the song he wrote for N, with whom he is currently having fun,
10:11but the boss presents the performance of Kung-Fu Boys.
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10:19Thanks for watching.
10:25Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
