The Boy with a Camera for a Face (2013) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

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Dječak s kamerom na licu je satirična bajka o dječaku rođenom s fotoaparatom umjesto glave. Pratimo ga od rođenja do punoljetstva i doživljavamo njegovu nesposobnost da živi normalnim životom, jer se svaki trenutak njegovog postojanja transformiše činjenicom da ga snima. Ispričana kroz slike, priču prati duhovita naracija u stihu koju čita Steven Berkoff. Magičan, duhovit, romantičan i na kraju srceparajući, Dječak s kamerom na licu je epska priča ispričana u petnaest minuta o načinu na koji živimo danas.
00:00Hello, the movie is here for a short time.
00:02Today we are making a summary of a movie from 2013 called The Boy with a Camera for a Face.
00:16At the beginning of the movie we are shown a broken TV.
00:19The camera zooms inside the TV and shows us the day when our protagonist was born.
00:24The doctor and his sister surround his mother and encourage her to push harder while the cat sits aside and films with the camera.
00:31He thinks he will catch the perfect moment, but what will happen is that he is forced to lower the camera in confusion.
00:38Even the doctor and his sister share the same confused look as they follow the newborn.
00:43When the baby came to the mother, she did not know what to think because the baby had a camera instead of a face.
00:49He accidentally filmed the birth from the opposite side, as an ordinary camera would do.
00:54The doctor goes crazy trying to figure out how this is possible.
00:58They talk in the sonogram for hours, but fail to find the reason why the child does not have a face.
01:02He tries to ascribe it to genetics, but there are no found camera genes in the parents.
01:07Over time, he becomes frustrated and blames the mother for sleeping with the camera.
01:11The husband accuses the woman of treason.
01:14She is left alone with the baby, for which she does not know if she will ever be able to cure him if she is the reason for his divorce.
01:19But her worries disappear when the doctor informs her that the child is really the son of her spouse.
01:25They also admit that they do not know the reason why the boy's head is actually a camera.
01:29But they found out that in order to successfully maintain the boy alive, they have to put an empty coffin in a slot on his back.
01:36This must be done every night to prevent a heart attack.
01:39Empty coffins meant that the child was destined to be filmed every moment of his life, even if he did not want to film anything.
01:46The doctors install the coffin under the name Day 1 and send the boy home with the parents.
01:50So far, the parents have accepted the boy as he is, because regardless of his face, he will always be their son.
01:57As the boy grows up, he manages to photograph on command.
02:00One day, trying to take a family photo, the parents cannot place the lighting.
02:05So they take the camera in their hands, and the son uses it to photograph them.
02:10Finally, they found something in which he is the best.
02:12Every night they would replace the coffins and put them in a safe closet.
02:17In the beginning, they were happy, because because of the coffin, they will always have a feeling of every moment of their life.
02:22But what the parents did not register is that for a lifetime of filming, a lifetime is needed to look over.
02:29The closet is filled with tapes and memories that are of no use to him.
02:33Soon, the boy grows up with the camera and goes to school.
02:37Although there is no expression on his face, it can be noticed that he is nervous.
02:40Everyone in school looks at him differently for obvious reasons.
02:43The children start to mistreat the boy, call him a cameraman and tell him how he should not live at all.
02:49What they forget is that the boy's memory is photographic.
02:52When the mother watches the footage, she burns with anger.
02:55She visits the principal's office the next day and shows him the video.
02:58Because of the solid evidence, they have no way to defend themselves.
03:01They are accused of their misdeeds, and from that day on they stop mistreating the boy.
03:05Anyway, they start to mistreat the other boy, telling him how fat he is and that he should kill himself.
03:11The boy with the camera looks at it in fear, not knowing that he is filming.
03:14The footage is re-recorded in the principal's office, where he gives a lecture.
03:19In the meantime, the boy makes friends.
03:22His unique ability to attract people, but also so much attention to his flaws,
03:26his friends, even the best ones, often treat him only as a camera.
03:30Soon, like every teenager, the boy falls in love with a beautiful girl.
03:34They go out to dinner, talk about different things and look like they get along well.
03:39Until one day, when they find themselves in a bed and things start to get hot.
03:43He tries to undress her, but she suddenly realizes that everything is being filmed.
03:47She pushes him away and calls him a pervert because of something he can't control.
03:52He offers to put a cover over the lens, but the girl forces him to leave the room.
03:56She never talked to him again, leaving him with a broken heart.
04:00She starts to think that she will never be able to find love because of her face.
04:04Starting from that day, his life starts to go downhill.
04:07He is never allowed to go to the cinema again because of the ban on filming movies.
04:11What's more, his father turns on the TV, because boy's every look can be seen as piracy.
04:16He becomes desperate and refuses to leave the house, but there is nothing to do even at home.
04:20He starts to get bored and becomes lonely, cursing his fate, which made him like this.
04:26Until one day, when his life completely changes.
04:29Walking down the street, he finds a girl.
04:31By some miracle, the camera can't focus on her face.
04:34He tries to move the frame, but it doesn't help to see her face.
04:39He doesn't know the reason for this phenomenon, but it doesn't bother him.
04:42That girl becomes his temporary friend, and they fall in love with each other.
04:47Since he can't see her face, he doesn't bother to undress in front of her.
04:51Everything looked like God himself noticed his depression and sent her just for him.
04:56The two of them went out a while ago, when a man came to him by surprise.
05:01It turned out that this is the producer who is trying to publish a series about the life of a boy with a camera instead of a face.
05:07He asks him to hand over all the footage until then, so that he can shoot a couple of episodes and reduce the budget.
05:14To hand over all the footage would mean to hand over the footage, not how love works.
05:18At least in the beginning, he doesn't want to hand over all the footage, but in the end, he accepts when he sees a laptop full of money.
05:24The series is released on the program and immediately becomes successful.
05:27The couple gets millions of fans in just a few days.
05:30They become famous, and the paparazzi chase them wherever they go.
05:34With the money, they buy a new house together.
05:36With the growing popularity of the series, the boy with a camera was offered his own program,
05:40where people would pay him to watch his life live on TV.
05:44He quickly asks for his girlfriend.
05:46That part of their life is also broadcast publicly to the whole world.
05:50They don't have any privacy, but that doesn't bother them, because the viewership reaches its peak after the request.
05:56The world followed their adventures and was happy with them.
06:00Then, something happens that he could never have imagined.
06:04People become addicted to his show, so much so that the whole nation stays in their house and follows his life 24 hours a day.
06:11It looks like he's the only person who lives his life, and everyone else lives through him.
06:16After he and his wife become bored, they return to the house of his childhood.
06:21As soon as he opened the door, he saw all the footage of his life on TV.
06:25In the house, there is hardly any room for accommodation because of the strong bars.
06:28He goes to the closet with the first bars and watches them, remembering his childhood and thinking about how much time has passed and where he has come.
06:36Then he goes into the room and sees his wife in front of the TV.
06:40She, like the others, becomes addicted and watches his show.
06:44He tries to turn off the TV, but nothing happens.
06:47He manages to let go of a tear and finally realizes that the only way to wake up everything is to stop filming.
06:54And because of that, he brings the first footage of the first day of his life.
06:58He plays the footage on the TV while he sits in the closet.
07:01People who watched the stream were also forced to watch his return to the world.
07:06Everyone is terrified while watching how he takes the TV and puts it in the closet and in that way takes his life, watching the video of his birth.
07:14The show finally stops working because of his death, and people realize how obsessed they were.
07:20They go outside and enjoy their lives as before the show.
07:24His wife is in the park with a broken heart after his death.
07:28But she is still happy that others, like her, have returned to their lives.
07:32The film ends by watching a man with his children playing in the park and taking photos together.
07:38The camera is reminiscent of his past wife.
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