Kisses and false claims: Key moments from Donald Trump’s RNC speech

  • 2 months ago
Key moments from Donald Trump's RNC speechSource: Reuters


00:00I started to, like this, turn to my right and was
00:07ready to begin a little bit further turn, which
00:12I'm very lucky I didn't do, when I heard a loud
00:17whizzing sound and felt something hit me really,
00:22really hard on my right ear.
00:28I said to myself, wow, what was that?
00:32It can only be a bullet, and moved my right hand
00:37to my ear, brought it down.
00:39My hand was covered with blood.
00:41Less than four years ago, I handed this
01:02administration the strongest border in
01:05American history.
01:07But you can see on the chart that saved my life
01:10that was the chart that saved my life.
01:12I said, look at it.
01:13I'm so proud of it.
01:14I think it's one of the greatest.
01:16It was done by the Border Patrol.
01:18One of the greatest charts I've ever seen.
01:20It showed everything just like that.
01:22You know the chart.
01:23Oh, there it is.
01:24That's pretty good.
01:26I got along very well.
01:27North Korea.
01:28Kim Jong Un, I got along very well with him.
01:30The press hated when I said that.
01:32How could you get along with him?
01:34Well, you know, it's nice to get along with somebody
01:36who has a lot of nuclear weapons, or otherwise.
01:39See, in the old days, they'd say, that's a
01:41wonderful thing.
01:42Now they say, how could you possibly do that?
01:44But now I got along with him, and we stopped the
01:47missile launches from North Korea.
01:49Now North Korea is acting up again.
01:51But when we get back, I get along with him.
01:55He'd like to see me back, too.
01:57I think he misses me, if you want to know that.
02:08I think he misses me, if you want to know that.
