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00:00She's ready. She's steady. She's up on her feet. Dancing on the water to her own kind of beat.
00:13Herzlich Willkommen bei Guten Morgen Oceana. Heute feiern wir den ersten Jahrestag von Prinzessin Merlia's Ankunft in unserer Unterwasserwelt.
00:23Merlia is cool.
00:25And she's so, so beautiful.
00:28Merlia is the daughter of our queen, Calissa.
00:30But because the poor girl was born with legs, Calissa gave her to the care of her human grandfather, Brake.
00:38And this decision was just right.
00:40Because only a short time later she was taken prisoner by her evil sister, Eris.
00:45She was a tyrant who ruled us for years with an iron tail.
00:53Was she evil?
00:54But the brave Merlia came to save Oceana.
00:58She dived down into our world and learned to accept her true self.
01:03I am Merlia, mermaid princess of Oceana.
01:06And it is my duty to protect my subjects.
01:15Merlia became a real mermaid.
01:18Und mit ihrer neu gewonnenen Stärke besiegte sie Eris,
01:21die in ihrem eigenen Strudel gebrannt und auf den Grund des tiefsten Rades des Ozeans verschlappt wurde.
01:26Das habe ich nicht verdient!
01:29Und auch du hast verdient!
01:32Nachdem Eris vertrieben war, konnte sie ihre Mutter, Calissa, befreien.
01:36Und seitdem regiert Calissa uns wieder mit Liebe und spinnt jeden Tag Merlia für uns.
01:41Sie schenkte Merlia aus Dankbarkeit eine magische Kette,
01:45die es ihr erlaubt, Mensch oder Meerjungfrau zu sein, wann immer sie es sich wünscht.
01:50Und seit diesem Tag ist unsere Prinzessin ein Superstar,
01:54und zwar in der Menschenwelt und in der Unterwasserwelt.
01:57Und wenn ich richtig gehört habe, nimmt sie gerade in diesem Moment am wichtigsten Surfwettbewerb ihres Lebens teil.
02:03Wir gratulieren zum Jahrestag, Prinzessin Merlia,
02:06und mögen noch viele glückliche Zeiten für ganz Oceana vor uns liegen.
02:10Sie ist die schönere Dame!
02:30Ein fantastischer Tag hier in Laguna Beach,
02:32die Endausscheidung zur Surfweltmeisterschaft.
02:34Unsere Surferinnen haben die Wellen voll im Griff,
02:36und da sehe ich gerade unseren Publikumsliebling Merlia Summers.
02:41Das war super, Merlia!
02:53Merlias größte Konkurrentin ist wohl dieses Jahr Kylie Morgans.
02:56Offiziell hat sie beschlossen, Merlia vom Trost zu stoßen.
03:02Das ist meine Welle, Kylie.
03:04Das werden wir ja noch sehen.
03:27Mach noch mal besser!
03:29Tja, sowas schaff ich sogar mit geschlossenen Augen!
03:32Oh, yeah.
03:33So, let's see how it goes.
03:34What is that supposed to be, Kai?
03:36Wow, Aaliyah Summers just conjured a cool trick out of the hat.
03:37That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:38That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:39That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:40That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:41That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:42That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:43That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:44That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:45That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:46That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:47That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:48That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:49That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:50That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:51That's Aaliyah Summers!
03:53Thank you, grandpa.
03:55You... did well, Aaliyah.
03:59You're gonna win.
04:00But you were also very good, Aaliyah.
04:12That's right, Kai.
04:15You are incredible.
04:16Yeah, I'm special!
04:19But you were also incredibly good, Fallon.
04:21Wait! You know what? I have a vision right now.
04:24I see you two with your surfboards,
04:26like you're cute koalas in Australia.
04:32Oh, I'm sorry.
04:34Did you get wet?
04:35My fault.
04:36Do you have a problem?
04:38Come on, Fallon. What's that?
04:39Leave Kylie alone.
04:40If she had tried a little harder out there,
04:43she could have even beaten me here today.
04:45Oh, you mean like last week in La Jolla?
04:48Did you forget what happened last week?
04:50I beat you in Redondo, my love.
04:53Of course.
04:54Keep dreaming.
04:55Listen up, everyone.
04:56I have something to tell you.
04:57Our judges have found a winner.
04:59The third place goes to Fallon Casey.
05:03You did it!
05:05Oh, Helen!
05:06I'm so proud of you!
05:08Well, I'm sure you two are next on the winning trail.
05:12Exactly. It doesn't matter who's first.
05:14Oh, and if that's important.
05:16And the second place goes to Kylie Morgan.
05:19Oh, only second?
05:21And that means our winner is the queen of the waves,
05:24Malia Summer!
05:27Oh, my little girl, you did it!
05:31For these three surfers,
05:33it's time to go to the Surf World Championships in Australia.
05:36Come on, give me a hug.
05:38Come on.
05:39Oh, man, that's awesome.
05:40You too, Kylie.
05:41Come on, join us.
05:42Come on, you were lucky today.
05:44I'll leave all my luck in Down Under.
05:46That's where I'm at home.
05:50Oh, great.
05:51Isn't Kylie a real sunshine, people?
05:59Hey, what do you say to that?
06:04Well, I know someone else who will be thrilled.
06:07Oh, my mother.
06:08I have to tell her right away.
06:10See you later.
06:26I wish I were a mermaid.
06:35You'll be the first in Oceania.
06:42I'll be the first in Oceania.
06:48Do the mermaid.
06:52Everybody jump, jump right in.
06:57And then see me with the swim, oh, yeah.
07:02Do the mermaid.
07:04Hey, hey.
07:07Grab your nose, snorkel down.
07:09All the pretty mermaid girls are dancin' all around, yeah, yeah
07:14Do the mermaid
07:17Hey, hey, do the mermaid
07:20Everybody drop, drop right in
07:23Join the party, wave and take a turn, I'll blow a spin, oh
07:27Everybody make the boat rock, rock, rock
07:36Do the mermaid
07:42Join, join, join the party, wave
07:45Ride, ride, ride the party, wave
07:49Give, give, give the party, wave
07:52Live, live, live the party, wave
07:59Hello! Nice to see you again!
08:01Hello! Hi!
08:06Yeah, I'm glad to see you again, too!
08:08Have a nice holiday!
08:09Oh, thank you!
08:12Oh, Princess Malia!
08:14We're all wondering how your surfing competition went.
08:18Oh, I'd like to tell everyone how it went,
08:20but first I'd like to tell my mother.
08:22Maybe Claudette Snout already has a few highlights.
08:24Thanks for your interest. Take care!
08:29I see, aha. So was that a throw with one elephant or with two?
08:41Thank you.
08:44I still remember how my mother gave him to me
08:46for the first time-changing ceremony.
08:51He's beautiful, Mother.
08:55Welcome home, Malia.
08:57And how did it go? Did you win?
09:00What can I say? I...
09:02Yes, I did.
09:03That's wonderful!
09:05Oh, congratulations, Malia!
09:07Thank you, Zuma.
09:09I'm just packing a few important things for the trip.
09:15What's that?
09:17That's a memory shell.
09:19It contains thoughts and many memories.
09:22Show me the last time-changing ceremony.
09:29So that's Aqualia?
09:31Yes, that's the city where the history of the people of the sea began,
09:35on the bottom of the sea off New Zealand.
09:38Every 20 years, a member of the royal family has to return to Aqualia,
09:42sit on the old throne,
09:44in order to regain the power to make Merilia.
09:47Is that all?
09:49I was incredibly nervous.
09:51Nevertheless, I took my place on the throne
09:54and spoke the ancient rites.
09:56In the changing of the times,
09:59rise up the power of Merilia to infinite heights!
10:02The royal sea maiden on the throne
10:05already knows about her true self.
10:08And then, at exactly noon, it happened.
10:13And then, at exactly noon, it happened.
10:25When it was over, I suddenly had the power to make Merilia
10:29and give her more life.
10:31That's incredible!
10:33You must be excited that it's happening again.
10:35I wished you would be honored.
10:37But the magic is so powerful
10:39that it changed my tailbone forever.
10:42I'm afraid it would change you, too.
10:44And you couldn't use your legs anymore.
10:47I can't imagine that.
10:49That's why I would never ask you, you hear?
10:52I'm just glad you're here to watch.
10:55You know, that's such a thing.
10:58Because the ceremony is on the same day as the Surf World Championship.
11:02That means?
11:04And that's why I won't watch, unfortunately.
11:08What did you say?
11:12You will have to miss this competition.
11:17You are the princess of Oceania, Merilia.
11:20Your presence is absolutely necessary.
11:22Hey, Merilia!
11:23Do you want to go to the cinema?
11:26Hunter of the Lost Carp?
11:28There will be no tomorrow.
11:30It's my chance to prove once and for all that I'm the better one.
11:33This is the most important competition ever.
11:35Competing with each other won't get you anywhere in life.
11:39Life is not a competition.
11:41Come on, let's have fun.
11:44Mother, please.
11:45Listen to me, okay?
11:46I know you want me to be there at the ceremony, but...
11:49I have to go to Australia.
11:50Hey, have you ever seen a dolphin swimming?
11:55Don't you understand that the people of the sea have to see
11:58that the princess of Oceania is interested in the future of the seas?
12:01And what I want doesn't count at all?
12:03Don't you care about that at all?
12:05Of course I don't care, but please be reasonable.
12:09Don't you understand that?
12:10I trained hard for this competition.
12:12If you really loved me, you would understand that.
12:15And you would be happy for me.
12:18Merilia, come back!
12:23Something like that.
12:25Well, that went quite well.
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14:28I don't know.
14:29I don't know.
14:31I don't know.
14:41I'm not sure. To get further, I have to make it into the top three, like I did in my qualification.
14:46Just think positively.
14:48Think positively?
14:50Kitties, ponies, sardines with jam.
14:55You know I'm up for it.
14:57Fluffy pink panties.
15:00Melia, wait a minute.
15:01I think you have something on your back.
15:03Oh, wait.
15:05I can already see my footprints because you were the footprint for me today.
15:08Really funny.
15:10Let's wait and see what happens in the final tomorrow.
15:14If you qualify.
15:18Excuse me. I think the reporters want to hear everything about my latest tricks.
15:31The winners are determined.
15:32Cinnamon buns with sugar glaze.
15:34Lemon glaze.
15:35Herb bread.
15:36Marshmallow pillowcases.
15:37You want to know who is in the final?
15:40Third place, Ernie Mahoney.
15:42Second place, Melia Summers.
15:44And on the first place, Kylie Morgan.
15:47Congratulations, surfers.
15:49Wow, I can't believe it.
15:51I actually made it to the first place.
15:53Me, Kylie, the winner.
15:58Melia, what's the name of this move with the handstand?
16:00It's called the Summer Switcheroo, of course.
16:03And we will show it in our latest advertising campaign for Wavecrest Surfgear.
16:09That means, assuming you want to be our new face at all.
16:12They are...
16:13Oh, they are Georgie Majors.
16:15And Wavecrest Gear belongs to them.
16:17Those are really the best clothes ever.
16:19I agree.
16:21So, Melia, I agree with your attitude.
16:23So, what do you say?
16:24We could do our first shooting tonight at the Loire.
16:27Do you mean that seriously?
16:29I'm excited.
16:30Then we'll see each other there.
16:32I'm already excited.
16:36Miss Majors, Miss Majors.
16:38I just wanted to introduce myself.
16:40Uh, Kylie Morgan.
16:42I won the last quali.
16:43Yes, I won and not Melia Summers, me.
16:46Ah, all right.
16:49I mean, maybe you want another face for the campaign.
16:52Or another face.
16:53I also have the handstand on it.
16:58Even on one hand.
16:59Uh, yes, impressive.
17:01Really beautiful.
17:02I'm sure we'll see each other again.
17:03But I was first today.
17:05I won.
17:30Ah, the micropolis is so beautiful.
17:40It's an honor to accompany you.
17:43I'm glad that at least you see it that way.
17:45You could go to her and talk to her.
17:48We're not far from the Australian coast.
17:53My ambassador.
17:56Kalissa, we're so glad to see you.
17:58You're the eternal one and you have to be.
18:00I'm glad to meet you.
18:02Yes, I'm glad too.
18:05Apparently you're still the fastest mermaid of all.
18:12The atmosphere in the micropolis is wonderful.
18:15So spacious and the thoughts can travel.
18:18This is the perfect setting for the time change ceremony.
18:22You're right, Mirabella.
18:23I'm very happy that we'll finally see each other again.
18:27You look stunning.
18:29Not half as stunning as you, Selina.
18:31Your tail fin is breathtakingly beautiful.
18:34I think so too.
18:35And the light reflects so beautifully when I swim.
18:39Yes, charming.
18:43It's a pleasure for me.
18:44Your Majesty.
18:45We have so much to tell each other.
18:48Up on the roof of the micropolis you have a breathtaking view.
18:52You can see miles away.
18:54So that sounds perfect to me.
18:57We'll go in two rafts.
18:58The last one is a cuttlefish.
19:07Didn't we want to go somewhere, Your Majesty?
19:10No, Zuma.
19:11Merlia knows where to find me if she really wants to.
19:36Hey Zuma.
19:38I'm Norman.
19:56Um, what is that?
20:00I think it's staring at me.
20:02That's pickled beetroot and pomegranate, darling.
20:05That's an Australian-Hawaiian delicacy. We should try it.
20:09A large portion for me, please.
20:19Yes, just like that. Now a surprised look. Very good.
20:22Very good. Now I'm scared.
20:24Yes, very good. That's good. Wonderful. Go on like that. Very good.
20:27Oh, what a beautiful necklace. Thank you.
20:30Unfortunately, it only distracts too much from the outfit.
20:34The fantastic Wavecrest bikini is no longer in fashion.
20:37Unfortunately, you have to put it down.
20:39You know, today only outfits and accessories are from Wavecrest.
20:43Try it instead.
20:46But I really don't like to put it down.
20:48It's very important to me.
20:50Could I leave it on, just in case?
20:52That's really touching. And thank you for asking so nicely.
20:55No problem.
20:57But the answer is no.
20:58You are a Wavecrest Surfgear Girl.
21:01You wear Wavecrest Surfgear bikinis and accessories.
21:04You want to be my new Wavecrest Surfgear Girl, don't you?
21:08Yes, definitely. This is an incredibly great opportunity.
21:11Yes, exactly.
21:19Hedley, how can you only eat that?
21:21Hello, this is a specialty here.
21:23You were the one who said I should eat it.
21:25Yes, but I couldn't guess that it was so disgusting.
21:29Does that mean I'll get your plate too?
21:31Is that really serious?
21:55Hey, Hedley.
21:56Would you watch my stuff during the shooting?
21:58It won't take long.
22:01My watch and my chain are in the bag.
22:03Please make sure they don't fall out.
22:08Thank you.
22:09Enjoy your...
22:24Oh, very good.
22:26That's what I want more of, Nelia.
22:28Now again over the shoulder.
22:29You're doing it really fantastic.
22:31You're a natural talent.
22:32Thank you.
22:37Oh, you're the best mood canonist today.
22:42Oh, and you're so attentive.
22:44Who's talking?
22:45Oh, Sniggy the Snack.
22:46Do I really have to explain everything to you?
22:48Look down.
22:49Your mumbling mouth angles are making it up to you.
22:54You're screaming around with all the cookies
22:56before I could tell you how you can beat Merlia Samus in the world battle tomorrow.
23:00No wonder no one takes you seriously.
23:02You're a transforming disaster.
23:05Wait, uh, Mr. Fish.
23:08What did you just say?
23:10You're a transforming disaster?
23:12Uh, no, before that.
23:14About Merlia.
23:15Oh, so this girl has a magical advantage.
23:18I'm surprised you didn't figure it out yourself.
23:21Her necklace gives her magical powers.
23:25She creates the necklace and you steal her powers.
23:28A magical necklace?
23:29You don't have all of them anymore.
23:31Are you sure?
23:32You're the one who's talking to a fish.
23:36Yes, that's right.
23:38Go on.
23:39If you want to win, grab this necklace and bring it back here.
23:43How? I can't just go and rip it off.
23:45It's a shame that I'm standing under you in the food chain.
23:49Merlia took off her necklace.
23:51It's in the pocket of her sweater.
23:53And it fits her friend, who's wearing her dress.
23:59So you want me to just steal it?
24:02Oh, forget it.
24:03I obviously confused you with someone who really wants to win.
24:14I'm going to get the necklace.
24:20Ah, great pose.
24:21Oh, you're fantastic.
24:23And now do the summer switcheroo.
24:30Hold it.
24:31Hold it.
24:32Very good.
24:33Yes, we have that in the box.
24:35Super, that was great.
24:37Thank you.
24:54Please tell me there are more red beets and foie gras.
24:57Is that supposed to be a joke?
24:59I have a lot of that stuff.
25:00You can eat as much as you want.
25:03Then get in the good bowl.
25:16Hey, Hadley.
25:17Do you need help?
25:19I'll take the sweater, right?
25:21While you bring your appetizing food to the table.
25:25Thank you, Kylie.
25:27That's the great thing about sports, I think.
25:29Out on the water, you're the biggest competitor of Merlia.
25:33You fight, splash wet, take away the best waves.
25:36But on land, you're a really nice person, you know that?
25:39Oh, really?
25:41Well, if you say so.
25:45So, enjoy your pampas.
25:47The cake is really great.
25:50Great, great, great for the competition tomorrow.
25:53And if you get nervous,
25:54just imagine all the competitors in underwear.
25:57But that's actually kind of difficult, isn't it?
25:59Since everyone wears bikinis anyway,
26:01that's almost like underwear.
26:03Ah, thanks for the tip.
26:05But you know what?
26:07I suddenly have the feeling
26:09that I'm not going to cut my hair that badly tomorrow.
26:25So, here it is.
26:27Listen, I don't like this at all.
26:29Papalapap, that's good.
26:30Now put on the kit and jump into the water.
26:32Jump into the water? Why?
26:34Oh, but...
26:35You can only swim in the water.
26:37If you want my help,
26:39then do what I tell you.
26:40In here!
26:47And now repeat after me.
26:49I wish I were a mermaid.
26:51I wish I were a mermaid?
27:05What's happening to me right now?
27:11Take care, sweetie.
27:13And now follow me into the deepest depths.
27:27Yes, congratulations.
27:29Now you are a mermaid.
27:31Unfortunately, you look like a full-eaten pumpkin.
27:34Hello, you can breathe underwater.
27:36I can breathe?
27:43Inlaid red beets with poi.
27:49I can breathe underwater.
27:52And I have a tail fin.
27:54I don't understand, how is that possible?
27:56And it's the same with Melia.
27:58I see.
27:59This is the first part to the secret of her success.
28:02What do you mean?
28:03Just being a mermaid doesn't make you a better surfer.
28:06Or do you think you could get on a board with this thing and stay on top?
28:10No, but...
28:11Your curiosity will be satisfied.
28:13And now stop asking questions and follow me!
28:29My necklace has to be here somewhere.
28:31But we looked everywhere.
28:33I just don't understand.
28:35How did you get it out of your pocket?
28:37I don't know either.
28:38Melia, I'm so sorry.
28:40I'm not blaming you.
28:41I just have to find it.
28:42That's right.
28:43But it doesn't make sense to look in the dark anymore.
28:45The necklace could be right in front of our noses and we wouldn't see it.
28:48We'll try again tomorrow morning.
28:50But I really have to find it.
28:52Let's keep looking.
28:58I'm so sorry.
28:59I'm so sorry.
29:00I'm so sorry.
29:01I'm so sorry.
29:02I'm so sorry.
29:03I'm so sorry.
29:04I'm so sorry.
29:05I'm so sorry.
29:06I'm so sorry.
29:07I'm so sorry.
29:08I'm so sorry.
29:09I'm so sorry.
29:10I'm so sorry.
29:11I'm so sorry.
29:12I'm so sorry.
29:13I'm so sorry.
29:14I'm so sorry.
29:15I'm so sorry.
29:16I'm so sorry.
29:17I'm so sorry.
29:18I'm so sorry.
29:19I'm so sorry.
29:20I'm so sorry.
29:21I'm so sorry.
29:22I'm so sorry.
29:23I'm so sorry.
29:24I'm so sorry.
29:25I'm so sorry.
29:26I'm so sorry.
29:27I'm so sorry.
29:28I'm so sorry.
29:29I'm so sorry.
29:31I'm so sorry.
29:34Your Majesty, I've brought the girl along.
29:41She wants to become a better surfer.
29:45Oh, I want to help you so badly.
29:50Come a little closer then, child, I can change.
29:52It's all right, Y reasonable.
29:55Come a little closer, child. Then I can hear you better.
30:07I would like to surf better.
30:09I can not hear you, my love. Come closer.
30:14I would like to surf better.
30:17You know what? I guess the whole thing was not so good.
30:26Oh, I'm free again.
30:29You did well, Alistair. But I think you could have been a little faster.
30:34But did not you say the time change ceremony is only tomorrow?
30:38I think I had to do a lot of convincing, but I was pretty fast.
30:42Would you like to find out for yourself how it feels to be stuck in such a cage?
30:50Then try not to talk to me. You would have executed my orders quickly.
30:54Yes, Your Majesty. I mean, no. I was a snail.
30:57Good. And now come.
30:59We have to make sure that I sit on the throne of Aquila at noon.
31:04Then I will finally be able to make Merilia and rule over the sea.
31:11Then I will finally be able to make Merilia and rule over the sea.
31:17And who made that possible? That was me.
31:21What did you just say?
31:24Seawater. Would it be possible to nibble on some seawater, I said.
31:30Wise decision. Then nibble nicely.
31:39Wise decision. Nibble nicely.
31:41She can be glad that I'm helping at all. She didn't even thank me.
31:45Is there anyone? Please help me to get out of here. Help!
31:51Wait! Where are you going? Come back!
32:05Where is she? And she wasn't on the beach either.
32:08I don't know.
32:09I don't know either.
32:12Where is she? And she wasn't on the beach either.
32:15Okay. Let's think about it.
32:19Is it too early to think?
32:33I don't know. I have the feeling that something is wrong in the sea.
32:37As if there is evil energy there.
32:42Snout! Something is going on down there, isn't it?
32:47Here too. My necklace disappeared yesterday during the shooting.
32:55It's somehow connected. What happened?
33:03Guys, if I didn't really have to, I would say that this robot is doing something.
33:08If I didn't really have to, I would say that this robot is doing something.
33:12Snout, do you want to say that Kylie has something to do with the events?
33:18That's funny. I met Kylie yesterday when I was looking after your stuff.
33:22Wait, you met Kylie?
33:24She had your sweater in her hand so that I could put my pill away.
33:27She held my sweater?
33:29Why do you repeat everything I say?
33:31Did you get water in your ears yesterday?
33:34I really have to go down there.
33:35And how?
33:36If Kylie has your necklace, then you can't become a mermaid.
33:39No, but I can still breathe underwater.
33:42I just don't have a tail fin.
33:49Wish me luck.
33:50If everything goes well, I'll be back for the final at the latest this afternoon.
33:54Please be careful.
33:55All the best, Melia!
33:58Well then, let's go, Snout.
34:10May I bother your majesty and ask you to swim a little slower?
34:15I'm not used to moving my tail fin all night.
34:18I'm already very sick.
34:36There's nothing, Alistair.
34:37You're just hallucinating.
34:39There's nothing to be afraid of.
34:41Oh, no.
34:46Don't panic, Alistair.
34:47Don't panic.
34:55Honestly, Alistair, what's wrong now?
34:59What do we have here?
35:02Pure white horror, your majesty!
35:05I can see why.
35:07Outstanding, impressive.
35:09Tell me, who of you has the command?
35:12That would be me, and I don't like intruders.
35:16You and your tail fin, get out of here right now.
35:20Tail fin?
35:25Look what the brave fish can do.
35:27I'm afraid this is the fastest way to get where I want to go.
35:32If you allow me and my tail fin to pass,
35:35then I allow you to become my faithful servants
35:37and to obey my orders gratefully.
35:42And why should we do that?
35:45Oh, I hoped you would ask that question.
35:48Fear rises in you.
35:50Dark fear overpowers you.
35:52Experience your worst nightmare here and now!
35:56Hey, what's going on here?
35:58What happened to me?
36:00You, my dear friend, had the honor of becoming the first victim
36:03of my new, evil, powerful spell.
36:06That means your rusted nightmare has become real.
36:10Don't make me dream again!
36:12Did you hear that question?
36:13Oh, no.
36:14I will not do that.
36:15But if you want, I can spread even more nightmares.
36:18I've been looking forward to it for so long.
36:21And what do you think?
36:22Do you prefer to be in your leader's company
36:24or do you prefer to follow me?
36:32Wise decision.
36:33Follow me.
36:34Aquelia is already waiting.
36:38You can't just leave me here!
36:40Come back!
36:41Come back right now!
37:06Au! Au! Au! Au!
37:09Why isn't anyone helping me?
37:12Oh, no.
37:13No, don't!
37:16Yes, Leah?
37:17Is that you?
37:18Yes, it's me.
37:19It's me.
37:20Don't be afraid.
37:21I'll get you out of there somehow.
37:28A rope!
37:41Okay, snout.
37:42Keep the rope in your eye.
37:49Okay, Kylie.
37:50I'm coming in now.
38:03More Leah!
38:05The current in here is much stronger than I remembered.
38:08I can't climb out anymore.
38:12Au! Au!
38:14Oh, no!
38:18What are you doing?
38:21Is everything okay?
38:22I can't do it.
38:23Now try to climb out while I pull.
38:27While we pull.
38:34I can't do it.
38:37Since when does the queen of the waves give up?
38:40Now do it!
38:58Swim away quickly!
39:28You could say that.
39:30Did you know about it?
39:32Did you steal the chain for that?
39:34No, I had no idea.
39:36There was a fish.
39:37A talking fish.
39:39I'm really crazy.
39:40A talking fish.
39:41I mean, look at me.
39:42I'm a talking fish.
39:44What did the talking fish do?
39:46It pushed me.
39:47And when I fell into the puddle,
39:49a mermaid came out of it.
39:51Oh, man.
39:52A bad mermaid.
39:54I shouldn't have done that with the chain.
39:57I want to go home now and forget everything.
40:01Thank you very much, Kylie.
40:11Oh, no!
40:12You have to say,
40:13I wish I were a mermaid.
40:15I wish I were a mermaid.
40:25Is everything okay?
40:26I didn't think about it.
40:27I'm sorry.
40:28Me neither.
40:29I'd better wear the chain
40:31until we're back on land.
40:33Yes, that's a good idea.
40:34Snouts will accompany you.
40:35I can't leave here yet.
40:38The mermaid from the puddle is Iris,
40:40my aunt.
40:41Your aunt?
40:42When she's free,
40:43she'll try to take control
40:44of the underwater world.
40:46She'll enslave all creatures in it.
40:48Then I'll stay here too.
40:51we're on the bottom of the sea.
40:53You don't belong here.
40:54Don't be mean to me.
40:55I don't belong in the sea?
40:57Hey, I'm a surfer.
40:58The sea is my life.
41:00If your aunt threatens the sea,
41:02I'll help you stop her.
41:05you saved my life twice in the last five minutes.
41:08I owe you something.
41:09I can't ask you for that.
41:11It's way too dangerous.
41:13We don't have much time left.
41:14Am I right?
41:15Why are we still arguing?
41:17Okay, you're right.
41:18We have to hurry.
41:19Let's go.
41:24Um, Kylie?
41:26Could you maybe...
41:28Oh, sorry.
41:30I'll drive and you tell me where to go.
42:26Ladies and gentlemen,
42:28I would suggest we have a drink
42:30while we wait for the ceremonial tea to be served.
42:33I hope you have a cup of tea for me as well.
42:36Of course.
42:37And greet my guests!
42:43I don't know how you managed to escape,
42:45but you will not interfere with the time change ceremony.
42:49Tell me, and if I did, would that be your biggest nightmare, Calissa?
42:54I give you the opportunity to end this peacefully, sister.
42:57Turn around and leave us, now!
43:00Let me think about it quickly.
43:14I could swim faster than you, sister.
43:19But you never had as much sense as I do, sister.
43:25I enjoy fighting with you.
43:27That's probably the biggest difference between us.
43:31I don't want to fight with you, but to defend the sea, I will.
43:41Such a shame.
43:42Your sympathy will be your downfall, sister.
43:50Oh no!
43:51I can't swim anymore!
43:52My tail fin, it's heavy as meat!
43:58Now your nightmare will come true!
44:19He grabs her!
44:20Oh, now it's your turn.
44:38Welcome to your worst nightmare, ambassador.
44:41Very interesting.
44:43What are you most afraid of?
44:45What have you done?
44:52I took your speed, little one.
44:56And you lost all your self-confidence and courage.
45:02Do you need a mirror?
45:11Now look at this.
45:13Let me out of here right now!
45:15I can't stand being locked up!
45:17You can forget that.
45:18I think I'll make your nightmare a little worse.
45:22I'm going to kill you!
45:24I'm going to kill you!
45:26I'm going to kill you!
45:28I'm going to kill you!
45:30I'm going to kill you!
45:34And in a blink of an eye, he has defeated all of you.
45:37One could say that he is...
45:43Don't you think I would have liked to comment on that?
45:47Oh, sorry.
45:48I'm going to swim now.
45:50And I'm going to clean your throne.
45:52It's probably very dirty.
46:04Thank God!
46:05What did Eris do to you?
46:08My tail fin!
46:10I can't move.
46:11And that means I can't make it to the throne.
46:13But Eris can.
46:14She will have the power to turn Meru into a lion.
46:16I have to get in front of her.
46:17You have to help me.
46:19Hold on!
46:20And now swim!
46:21Swim as hard as you can!
46:24I'm so sorry!
46:25I can't do it!
46:27Try to get help!
46:28Get as many as you can so you can lift me up!
46:30Eris must not take the power!
46:32I could try to find Merlia!
46:35Find her and bring her to me!
46:37As fast as you can!
46:38I'll do that, Your Majesty!
46:46Now that Eris is gone,
46:48I can't swim anymore.
46:51Now that Eris is free,
46:53what will happen?
46:55She will try to prevent my mother from
46:57turning Merilia into her power
46:59while the time-change ceremony is resuming.
47:01Unfortunately, I only understand train station Merlia.
47:03Merilia is the life force of the sea.
47:08What's wrong?
47:09My mother, she is...
47:11She's in trouble.
47:13I can feel it.
47:15We have to go that way.
47:16Into the depths!
47:22There you are!
47:24And you?
47:25Aren't you...
47:26Pleased to meet you,
47:28speaking pink dolphin creature.
47:31Your mother, she is in terrible danger!
47:33Eris let her sink to the bottom of the sea
47:35with the help of a nightmare ball,
47:37and she's stuck there.
47:38Can you bring us to her?
47:40Follow me!
47:46She seems to be very powerful.
47:48She seems to be very powerful.
47:49Just wait until I get her into my raft.
47:51Oh, that would be a great pity.
47:55I'll never get on with this thing.
48:09Who's there?
48:17Where's your tail fin?
48:19It's a long story, really.
48:21Tell me, are you okay?
48:23I'll be fine when you've managed to lift me up.
48:25I'm so sorry.
48:26I shouldn't have participated in this surfing competition.
48:29No, I'm sorry.
48:31I have to accept that you're not just a sea princess.
48:34I should have realized how important human life is to you.
48:38And that's what surfing is all about.
48:40It's all my fault.
48:42I'm Kylie.
48:43I stole Merlia's chain.
48:46I'm sorry.
48:47That doesn't matter at all.
48:49You're too many.
48:50If you work together with all your might,
48:52you might be able to put me on the throne in time.
48:55But what about Eris and those evil beasts?
48:58We'll defeat them, Suma.
48:59Somehow we'll get past them.
49:01But I absolutely have to get on this throne.
49:03Are you ready?
49:06All right.
49:07We'll try on three.
49:08One, two, three...
49:16It's not working.
49:17It has to work.
49:19Come on.
49:20One, two, three...
49:29We can't give up.
49:30We can't allow Eris to take over Merilia's power.
49:33Eris can't take over the power.
49:37You're right.
49:38Try again.
49:39Try again.
49:40Do you hear me?
49:41Get ready.
49:42We won't be able to pull you up.
49:44Yes, you must be able to do it.
49:46Eris can't win.
49:47No, Mother.
49:48The only way to stop Eris
49:51is if another member of the royal family
49:54performs the ceremony.
49:57I have to do it.
49:58I'll perform the ceremony.
50:00If you do it,
50:01you'll have a tail fin.
50:04You'll never be able to run or surf again.
50:07I know that.
50:08But I'm the princess of Oceania.
50:10It's my duty.
50:11So I'll do it.
50:13Merlia, I...
50:14It's okay, Mother.
50:15I'll make it.
50:17But I'll need help.
50:19Merlia, do you really want to do it?
50:21You also risk a lot to do what's right.
50:24Of course I'll try to outdo you here, too.
50:26A good decision.
50:27And I'll help you.
50:29And me, of course.
50:32Don't worry.
50:33We'll be back soon.
50:34All the best, child.
50:38And? Do you have a plan?
50:41I trust my instincts.
50:43And everything else will work out somehow.
51:39And what do I look like, Alistair?
51:42Oh, Your Majesty.
51:44This throne really suits you.
51:47I know.
51:48It's made for me.
52:01Just so I understand.
52:03There are four of us against a gang of electric fish with super sharp monster teeth.
52:07Where is your aunt who can show us and make our worst nightmares come true?
52:11Pretty much, yes.
52:13That's what I call unfair conditions.
52:15We could tie our hands with seaweed.
52:18Then the others would at least have a real chance.
52:21Kylie, you're a genius!
52:24Merlia, that was just a joke.
52:26Yes, and the most brilliant joke in the world.
52:28That brings me to an idea.
52:30I'll just say two words.
52:32Wave riding.
52:37Wave riding.
52:45And don't forget.
52:46The eyes of these electric fish are sitting on their heads.
52:49As long as you stay under them, they can't see you.
53:30It's time.
53:32Then we can start.
53:38Princess Merlia!
53:40What's going on?
53:44That's cool!
54:00It's Princess Merlia!
54:05It's Princess Merlia!
54:08Don't get carried away.
54:10Alistair, do something.
54:12Grab the electric fish.
54:14I have to stay on this throne.
54:16Of course, Your Majesty.
54:18She is the queen of the world.
54:22The chapel!
54:23Come on, let's push him away with combined forces.
54:34Use the wings, Kylie.
54:46No, no!
54:48I have to listen to you.
54:54Just a few more minutes and I've done it.
54:59Very good!
55:01What are you waiting for, you overgrown sardine?
55:03Do you want a written invitation?
55:05Kill Merlia and her friends.
55:26We almost made it.
55:31Thank you very much, Zuma.
55:33Well done, Snout.
55:34Ambassador Selima?
55:36Long story.
55:38Come on, we have to stop Iris.
55:46Change of plan.
55:47We split up and hold the electric fish on the stairs.
56:17Now greet your worst nightmare, Merlia.
56:22Don't do that, Iris!
56:24And who do you think will stop me?
56:37I got you!
56:53Oh no, your child!
56:58Thank you very much.
56:59Always at your service, Your Highness.
57:05You again?
57:06Catch me if you can.
57:33Get off the throne!
57:35No chance!
58:03Why isn't it working?
58:10Oh, man.
58:11Not again.
58:14You don't have a tail?
58:19You can't...
