La Isla Desafío Grecia y Turquía Capítulo 28 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
La Isla Desafío Grecia y Turquía Capítulo 28 Completo HD
00:00:00La Vista
00:00:30Welcome to your home, dad
00:00:32Welcome home, brother
00:00:34Welcome to your fucking home
00:00:36I feel super happy to join the team of the Intense
00:00:39To the team of the Oranges
00:00:41First of all because I see familiar faces
00:00:43Faces that I have known for years
00:00:45Faces that I count on them
00:00:47With loyal people that I already know
00:00:49To what degree I can trust them
00:00:51Yes brother, there is the singing shot
00:00:53They declared war on us
00:00:55And we are already getting up
00:00:57They are already down
00:00:59They happened to go to Playa Media
00:01:01And in that team things are going to happen this week
00:01:04And pure beach
00:01:06I saw the face, brother
00:01:08You don't know what they did
00:01:10They are afraid of us now
00:01:12The face they had was of
00:01:16They know the command
00:01:18It is something that we have already talked about in the Orange team
00:01:21That here we are to take care of ourselves
00:01:23All and all
00:01:25And so it will continue to be
00:01:27I hope that things do not change
00:01:29Now that a new member arrives
00:01:45Welcome to our mansion
00:01:49Before entering the house
00:01:51Where is the carpet?
00:01:55We are going to cook
00:01:57The Pabst and Reyson throw themselves in the kitchen
00:01:59This is yours
00:02:01Hey, mine is already
00:02:03Today we are going to pamper you
00:02:05They don't like to get into the kitchen
00:02:07Today we pamper you
00:02:09I come with a lot of energy
00:02:11With adrenaline
00:02:13I feel fresh
00:02:15And right now the truth is that I arrived
00:02:17With that good vibe of all
00:02:19The truth is that yes
00:02:21I think I'm in a very strong team
00:02:25It shows
00:02:27Who are the leaders
00:02:29But in the end there is a certain harmony
00:02:31In the end
00:02:33This week I am still adapting
00:02:35I don't know what will happen
00:02:37In the end everyone is here
00:02:39Playing their game
00:02:41But creating alliances
00:02:43Right now I'm listening
00:02:45Listening to each one
00:02:47Seeing the roles of each one
00:02:49But so far
00:02:51I feel that we are going to be able to
00:02:53Couple well
00:02:55I think there are also very mature people
00:02:57Who listen to you, who are there
00:02:59And that in the end
00:03:01It gives you certainty in the games
00:03:03It is very clear, I see it that way
00:03:05I see Fer and I see Asina
00:03:07Like two lions
00:03:21The truth is that we all expected
00:03:23The arrival of a new participant
00:03:25In this case
00:03:29And very special
00:03:31The men of the team
00:03:33Jorge Chispe and I
00:03:35We expected it because
00:03:37First of all
00:03:39We are not a minority
00:03:41Right now we are complete
00:03:43We need you
00:03:45Because we are four
00:03:47What has been happening here?
00:03:49What has been happening here?
00:03:51I don't know if you knew or anything
00:03:53It rained me
00:03:55Like a plot against me
00:03:57Yes, everywhere
00:04:01That if Silverio did this, that as I said
00:04:03It was great
00:04:05And Bea
00:04:07And Diana
00:04:09They supported her
00:04:11They understood the reason
00:04:13And this is all said by them
00:04:15I feel good with the girls
00:04:17And apart from all this topic
00:04:19That we have had with Silverio and Jorge
00:04:21The fact that at some point he felt betrayed
00:04:23And that he shares it with me
00:04:25Obviously I understand it
00:04:27But I also want to understand the part of the girls
00:04:29Now they realized
00:04:31And they said it
00:04:33If there was an idea
00:04:35Let's get all the men
00:04:37But in the green team they could never do it
00:04:39Because they were the minority
00:04:41And here they were always the majority
00:04:43So we could never do anything
00:04:45And now they realized
00:04:47How this game is played
00:04:49Exactly, so now they want to use us
00:04:51To save themselves
00:05:19What a thrill!
00:05:21That's it!
00:05:23And at this moment the green team
00:05:25With the sixth and second ball
00:05:27Has Suters on target
00:05:29They face the adventure
00:05:31Here in Bursa
00:05:35Come brother, come!
00:05:39Have you seen the country?
00:05:41Hello, welcome!
00:05:43He is the only one who has done this before paragliding
00:05:45It's very different from paragliding
00:05:47I don't know how to fly a paraglider
00:05:49But I know it's wonderful
00:05:51Because it's literally flying
00:05:53I'm going to stay here
00:05:55Seeing how they throw themselves
00:05:57Just like when mothers
00:05:59Go to see their children swimming
00:06:01In the same way I see my chicks
00:06:15I'm flying!
00:06:27Turkey, I love you!
00:06:33Look, Cristian Estrada
00:06:35Is a crazy guy
00:06:37A crazy guy
00:06:39Who likes adrenaline
00:06:41But the cool thing is
00:06:43That I did it in Turkey
00:07:03These are unique opportunities in life
00:07:11And they will be remembered
00:07:29I had a great time
00:07:31I loved it, it was a dream
00:07:33I enjoyed it a lot
00:07:41At least something like this
00:07:43Was impressive
00:07:45To be able to see the city
00:07:47The whole landscape from above
00:07:49It was crazy
00:07:53We waited for them with a delicious meal
00:07:55We know they are people
00:07:57So I waited for them
00:07:59With a spectacular meal
00:08:01What happened?
00:08:03I went up alone
00:08:05And I threw myself
00:08:07I arrived faster
00:08:11To cover up
00:08:13They gave us a nice restaurant
00:08:15Very comfortable
00:08:17With a delicious meal
00:08:19And that was really what we needed
00:08:31And now up
00:08:33Here in short
00:08:35Green, green, green!
00:08:37All the energy
00:08:49Look, how disgusting
00:08:51What is that?
00:08:53What is that?
00:08:55A bone
00:08:57Did you eat the meat?
00:08:59Today after being
00:09:01One month of adventure
00:09:03I realize
00:09:05That we have not had
00:09:07Something that identifies us as a team
00:09:09And that really makes me question
00:09:11Many things
00:09:13We've been here all day without doing anything
00:09:15Can we do something?
00:09:17Maybe it's something
00:09:19Very symbolic, the issue of the bones
00:09:21But I think we can take it
00:09:23In favor
00:09:25A symbol
00:09:27The symbol of the reincarnation of the purple
00:09:29The symbol of death
00:09:31We are no longer going to be afraid
00:09:33No more fear
00:09:35We have missed that punch
00:09:37Of going wilder
00:09:45The idea of ​​the reincarnation
00:09:47And the bones and all that
00:09:49It really seems to me
00:09:51A little funny
00:09:55I don't care
00:09:57As long as they are motivated
00:09:59I'm going to get on the train
00:10:04It is very important to have
00:10:06This little meeting, girls
00:10:08Because tomorrow is a very important day
00:10:10Tomorrow is the bracelet
00:10:12Tomorrow is the bracelet that we have agreed so much
00:10:15Brandon's arrival
00:10:17Obviously puts us
00:10:19A little more alert
00:10:21Because there are already four boys
00:10:23And we are also four
00:10:25Where they have one more vote
00:10:27We already know that in the case of not winning
00:10:29It will be for one of us
00:10:31So much so that other teams
00:10:33That they go against men and women
00:10:35It is not true
00:10:37They are going against us
00:10:39That's why we have to make sure of this bracelet
00:10:41We won three times
00:10:43Right now the disadvantage we have
00:10:45Is that there is another man
00:10:47But we have to try
00:10:49And if they win
00:10:51Tell them that the decisions are taken
00:10:53As a team
00:10:55That is what we have been doing
00:10:57We won but the decisions are taken as a team
00:10:59We have said several times
00:11:01That what we are talking about with women
00:11:03It is not a strategy against men
00:11:05But it is to take care of ourselves
00:11:07So tomorrow's game
00:11:09You have to have an order
00:11:11I would put first
00:11:15S, J
00:11:17S, J, C
00:11:21In third place
00:11:23I would like
00:11:25Propose another order
00:11:27So that
00:11:29It is not seen
00:11:31Because we always go first
00:11:33For the S
00:11:35How do you see the new one?
00:11:37Let's see
00:11:39I don't know him
00:11:43The truth is that I don't know him that much
00:11:45We already said
00:11:49It's good
00:11:53I wouldn't trust him that much
00:11:55I'm going to give him the opportunity
00:11:57I'm going to meet him
00:11:59I'm going to see how he is
00:12:01And have my own
00:12:03Judgment about him
00:12:05But I will always be careful
00:12:07Of that comment he made
00:12:17It is very true
00:12:19That this is my job
00:12:21Go out sporadically
00:12:23Two months, three months
00:12:25Up to six months
00:12:27But the biggest difference is that
00:12:29Right now
00:12:31Leandro, my little boy
00:12:33Is my fan
00:12:37And right now
00:12:39I have to be
00:12:41Like the star in the house
00:12:43Instead of looking for mom
00:12:45To sleep, to play
00:12:47For all those things
00:12:49I'm here
00:12:51This month
00:12:53It's Leandro's birthday
00:12:55The second day
00:12:57I don't know when it was
00:12:59I couldn't talk to him
00:13:01Plus two birthdays
00:13:03That I'm not with him
00:13:05Because I've had work
00:13:07This is a great adventure
00:13:09That I wanted to live
00:13:11And that my wife also told me
00:13:13That's a dream for you
00:13:15Live it, enjoy it
00:13:17And Leandro will enjoy it from home
00:13:19And I don't know
00:13:21How he sees me from the outside
00:13:23I don't know if he sees me good or bad
00:13:25But I'm here fighting for my baby
00:13:27And for my wife
00:13:29That are my world, my engine, my everything
00:13:31I miss that good morning
00:13:33I miss taking him to school
00:13:35I miss picking him up
00:13:37Go to the park, play, run, ride a bike
00:13:39I miss reading him stories at night
00:13:41I miss sleeping with my wife
00:13:43I miss a lot of things
00:13:45But I want to stay strong
00:13:47I want to stay strong
00:13:49And I want to kill everyone
00:13:51I want to win this
00:14:01The Island
00:14:03The Island
00:14:11Welcome to the game
00:14:13For the power here on the Island
00:14:15Challenge Greece and Turkey
00:14:23I understand your emotion
00:14:25Intense, rebellious and unknown
00:14:27You know perfectly well
00:14:29The importance of this game
00:14:31And now, in seconds
00:14:33Each squad will face each other
00:14:35Because there will be only one winner
00:14:37For each group
00:14:39And that person will get
00:14:41An advantage that can
00:14:43Modify the course of the adventure
00:14:45That's right, gentlemen
00:14:47The winner of each group will get
00:14:49One extra point
00:14:51To sentence on Friday
00:14:53In the trial
00:14:55This means that automatically
00:14:57They would have two votes
00:14:59A strategic opportunity
00:15:01For the winner
00:15:03So, challengers
00:15:05You have to give it
00:15:07Absolutely everything
00:15:11Team Purple
00:15:13Team of the Unknown
00:15:15I see new clothes
00:15:17New looks
00:15:19New challengers
00:15:21The attitude, the energy
00:15:23Is completely different
00:15:25Eduardo, can you tell me about your team
00:15:27What's going on?
00:15:29Yes, Luchini, you know
00:15:31We were already
00:15:35Talking to each other
00:15:37Now we are in peace with Playa Baja
00:15:39We are not afraid
00:15:41To fall again
00:15:43However, we are not going to do it
00:15:45But it's like
00:15:47We are reincarnating
00:15:49We are reincarnating
00:15:51We are having that new
00:15:55Of where we are going
00:15:57And we are not afraid
00:15:59We come from where the bones are
00:16:01Where the dogs are eating them
00:16:03Where we sleep
00:16:05And we are not afraid
00:16:07Here we continue with our heads up
00:16:09Standing up and fighting
00:16:11Now let's see
00:16:13This marks a before and after
00:16:15In the team, we come more wild
00:16:17We always bring the attitude
00:16:19And it's part of our wardrobe
00:16:21But today
00:16:23It's part of our
00:16:25Before and after
00:16:27We come with everything
00:16:29We leave everything aside
00:16:31And we stretch our hands with Playa Baja
00:16:33Always thinking that we are going to Playa Baja
00:16:35I love that you find strength
00:16:37Where it is very complicated
00:16:39In this case, Playa Baja
00:16:41And that's the attitude
00:16:43That's the only way to be able to keep moving forward
00:16:45Here on the island, Challenge Greece and Turkey
00:16:47Very well, strangers
00:16:49I like that attitude
00:16:51Strangers, listen very well
00:16:53I have some information
00:16:55To share with you
00:16:59The new challengers
00:17:01Who arrived on the island
00:17:03Carmen from Rebels
00:17:05And Brandon from Intensos
00:17:07Are not at risk this week
00:17:11They will be able to sentence
00:17:13But they will not be able to be voted
00:17:15During the trial
00:17:17So Carmen and Brandon
00:17:19This is your week of adaptation
00:17:21Enjoy it and use it
00:17:23With a lot of intuition
00:17:25And intelligence
00:17:27Very well, Intensos, Rebels and strangers
00:17:29We have to move forward in this adventure called the island
00:17:31Strategic advantage
00:17:33At stake
00:17:35An extra point in the trial on Friday
00:17:37So it's time to show
00:17:39Your strength and skills
00:17:41Because reaching victory
00:17:43Can be the difference
00:17:45Between staying
00:17:47Or being banished
00:17:49From the island
00:17:51And to win, listen very carefully
00:17:55The dynamics of the game
00:17:57Is as follows
00:17:59The challengers of the team that is in the contest
00:18:01Will have to catch the ball
00:18:03Which will be thrown
00:18:05With a catapult
00:18:07By the rival teams
00:18:09Once one of the challengers in the contest
00:18:11Manages to catch the ball
00:18:13He will have to choose the structure
00:18:15Of the person he wants to eliminate
00:18:17From the game and put it there
00:18:19The challenger who accumulates
00:18:21Three balls in his structure
00:18:23Will be eliminated
00:18:25The last person who continues in the game
00:18:27Will win the precious
00:18:29Bracelet of power
00:18:31Is it clear, challengers?
00:18:37You start this test
00:18:39To your positions
00:18:45La Liga
00:19:05It's your turn
00:19:07To give it all
00:19:09To get the bracelet
00:19:11Of power
00:19:13Let's go
00:19:15I remind you
00:19:17The challenger who accumulates
00:19:19Three balls in his structure
00:19:21Will be eliminated
00:19:23The last challenger
00:19:25Who remains in the game
00:19:27Will get the precious
00:19:29Bracelet of power
00:19:31Are you ready?
00:19:33Rebels and strangers
00:19:35Are in charge of throwing
00:19:37With the catapult
00:19:39The balls
00:19:41One of the rebels
00:19:43Go ahead
00:19:45The strategy here
00:19:47Is fundamental
00:19:49Will Diego choose
00:19:51A specific challenger
00:19:53From the orange team
00:19:55To get the ball
00:19:57Let's find out
00:20:25This is Silverio
00:20:27Who do you want to give
00:20:29The ball to, Silverio?
00:20:31Diana Chiquete
00:20:35I'm going to grab the cork
00:20:41Go ahead
00:20:47He almost got it
00:20:51Christian's great throw
00:20:53Go ahead, Mau
00:20:57That ball
00:20:59Is taken by Jorge
00:21:03Who will he give
00:21:05The ball to, Jorge?
00:21:11He gives it to Diana Chiquete
00:21:13It's Carmen's turn
00:21:15Great throw
00:21:17And it's for
00:21:21What a catch
00:21:23He has some experience
00:21:25I suspect
00:21:27He's going for Diana
00:21:29To the bench
00:21:31They want to win too
00:21:33I give them a chance
00:21:35What a great attack by Silverio
00:21:37Diana in charge of the throw
00:21:41That's for
00:21:45He doesn't let one pass
00:21:47He doesn't let one pass
00:21:49And he takes it again
00:21:51Who will Silverio go for
00:21:53He gives it to
00:21:55Maria Nela
00:21:57A declared strategy
00:21:59And very close
00:22:01Very close
00:22:05To catch it with one hand
00:22:07Daniel to the front
00:22:09The throw
00:22:11And he catches it
00:22:13The ball belongs to Jorge
00:22:15And he gives it to
00:22:19He gives it to
00:22:21Maria Nela
00:22:23They're aiming at the women
00:22:25Diego throws
00:22:27And he takes it again, Jorge
00:22:33Maria Nela starts to walk out
00:22:35I think he suspects
00:22:37He's out of competition
00:22:39Maria Nela on the bench
00:22:43To Mauricio
00:22:47Strong pass
00:22:49And he deflects it
00:22:57Very strong
00:22:59Jorge catches it
00:23:01It's for
00:23:05Brandon with a tremendous
00:23:11It's for
00:23:19And this ball
00:23:21is for
00:23:23Chispa who catches it
00:23:25with a rebound
00:23:27It's also for
00:23:31Alba at the moment
00:23:33The ball
00:23:35The green team throwing
00:23:39Who wants to make a strong throw
00:23:41And she makes a very strong throw
00:23:43And what a catch
00:23:45by Silverio
00:23:47Floating to catch the ball
00:23:51And at this moment
00:23:53Alba is eliminated
00:23:55You can go to the bench
00:23:59Great throw
00:24:01Jorge takes it with his foot
00:24:03And that ball seems to be for Jorge
00:24:09It's for the B.A.
00:24:11We continue, Fernando
00:24:13Throwing by the green team
00:24:15The rebels
00:24:17It's a strong throw
00:24:19And that ball is for
00:24:21Silverio who catches it with one hand
00:24:23Silverio gives it
00:24:25To the B.A.
00:24:27His second ball
00:24:29Daniel, you can continue
00:24:33And this throw is
00:24:37Silverio brings a magnet
00:24:39Because he brings all the balls
00:24:41Or he brings a rope with the other teams
00:24:45Now I want to see who they are going to give those balls
00:24:47There are four men in the battlefield
00:24:49Diego throwing
00:24:51Very strong throw
00:24:53Brandon takes it
00:24:55And Jorge takes advantage
00:24:57Of the ball
00:24:59And he takes it
00:25:01Delivering that good gesture
00:25:03And he gives it to Silverio
00:25:09With a lot of strength
00:25:11And that is for Silverio
00:25:13Who loses a great opportunity
00:25:15He had it in his hands
00:25:17And he leaves it there
00:25:19She gives it with medium strength
00:25:21Her throw is high
00:25:23And it's for
00:25:25Silverio who lets her fall
00:25:27But he can take it with a lot of tranquility
00:25:29And he gives it
00:25:31To Chispa
00:25:33The good gesture
00:25:35It's the turn of the purple team
00:25:37The Unknowns throwing
00:25:39And it's a bullet
00:25:41And it goes out of their hands
00:25:43First to Brandon, then to Silverio
00:25:45And finally Chispa lets the ball go
00:25:51Very powerful
00:25:53She can't take it
00:25:57We continue with the purple team
00:25:59Diana throwing
00:26:01It's high, it's strong
00:26:03And Chispa grabs it with her chest
00:26:05But Silverio takes it with one hand
00:26:07And he takes it masterfully
00:26:09And he gives that point
00:26:11To Chispa as well
00:26:15Chispa has two balls at the moment
00:26:21Very easy throw
00:26:23And Brandon takes it
00:26:25And it's for
00:26:29Jorge who accumulates his first ball
00:26:33It's a burst
00:26:35Jorge takes it with one hand
00:26:37And Brandon takes it
00:26:41And he gives the second ball
00:26:43To Jorge
00:26:45We continue with the Rebels
00:26:47Fernando throwing
00:26:49Soft throw
00:26:51Jorge takes it very well
00:26:53He takes it with two hands
00:26:59He gives it to Brandon
00:27:07He throws a burst
00:27:09And it looks like Chispa grabs it
00:27:11Very well at the back of the court
00:27:15To Silverio
00:27:19Let's see where he's going
00:27:21It's high and very strong
00:27:23He gives it to Jorge
00:27:25He's in a better position
00:27:27But he takes it with one hand
00:27:29Brandon keeps the ball
00:27:35Silverio decides to send it to the bench
00:27:41And he does it
00:27:43And he gives it to Chispa
00:27:45It's a soft throw
00:27:47Chispa is going to eliminate it
00:27:49And he gives it to Brandon
00:27:53He throws it with a lot of depth
00:27:55The ball
00:27:57Brandon touches it with one hand
00:27:59Jorge grabs it in the air
00:28:01And Jorge is going to say goodbye
00:28:03Brandon sends it to the bench
00:28:07Jorge and Chispa continue to fight
00:28:11It's a soft throw
00:28:13And he takes it with a burst
00:28:15At the level of the shoulders
00:28:17Jorge is going to give it to him
00:28:19That third ball
00:28:23Of course it's for Chispa
00:28:25And with this Chispa goes to the bench
00:28:27And Jorge, you are the winner
00:28:29This week of the very powerful
00:28:31Bracelet of power
00:28:33By your squad, Naranja Los Intensos
00:28:35Naranja Los Intensos
00:28:41And he delivers it
00:28:43Well done Jorge
00:28:45We've talked a lot
00:28:47Especially in the last few days
00:28:49About the gender struggle
00:28:51Inside the Naranja team
00:28:53And this time, the only thing I can say
00:28:55Is that the first four eliminated
00:28:57Were the Intense Women
00:28:59Any specific reason
00:29:01Or strategy
00:29:03Behind all these decisions
00:29:05That were made on the battlefield
00:29:07Obviously Milukini, there's always a strategy
00:29:09Behind every move, every action
00:29:11In this case, it's a bit like the captaincy
00:29:13It's been Diana lately
00:29:15The Bracelet of Power
00:29:17Has always been given to a woman
00:29:19Three times in a row
00:29:21So in this moment
00:29:23We wanted to change it right now
00:29:25Try like the captaincy
00:29:27To see how a man wears it
00:29:29In this case, to have the bracelet in the hands of a man
00:29:31But the strategy, we've always said
00:29:33And the good thing is that the way we're moving
00:29:35And managing is a very transparent way
00:29:37In which we say that the strategy
00:29:39Has to be based on a performance
00:29:41Always for the good of the team
00:29:43To reach the goal
00:29:45So that's basically it
00:29:47Always with the goal of a good performance
00:29:49Inside your team, correct?
00:29:51Diana, I want to hear your opinion
00:29:53Do you agree with Jorge's words or not?
00:29:57I've won it three times
00:29:59We didn't need it
00:30:01And the only time we did need it
00:30:03We all agreed as a team
00:30:05Obviously there are strategies
00:30:07But they're always in the team
00:30:09I hope this time it's the same
00:30:11That's what you expect, Diana Chiquete
00:30:13Of course, that's how I would do it
00:30:15I hope what you're wishing comes true
00:30:17In case you get to the trial
00:30:19Very good, Jorge
00:30:21Congratulations, challenger
00:30:23Well won that bracelet
00:30:25And the next team to fight for the power
00:30:27Are you, Los Desconocidos
00:30:29Let's go!
00:30:39Desconocidos, the time has come
00:30:41Only one of you
00:30:43Will get this
00:30:45Bracelet of power
00:30:49The advantage, as you know
00:30:51Unparalleled strategy
00:30:53Are you ready?
00:30:55Let's start with the green team
00:30:57Los Rebeldes
00:30:59And Diego decides to start
00:31:01From his team
00:31:03Let's see if they have a strategy
00:31:05The green team with the purple team
00:31:11Someone will throw the ball
00:31:13This ball bounces
00:31:15But it comes out of the box
00:31:17Diana almost reaches it
00:31:19But the fuel didn't reach it
00:31:21Next challenger
00:31:23The orange team
00:31:25Brandon, with a lot of power
00:31:27And he throws the ball
00:31:29And he grabs it
00:31:31And he snatches it
00:31:33To Nadia
00:31:35Who will he give
00:31:37The ball
00:31:39And he gives it directly
00:31:41To Nadia
00:31:43Apparently, he didn't like
00:31:45That he tried to snatch the ball
00:31:47From Nadia
00:31:49The green team's turn
00:31:55A lot of power
00:31:57The shot is high
00:31:59And he grabs it perfectly
00:32:01But again
00:32:03It bounces out of his hands
00:32:05And he takes the ball
00:32:09And he gives it again
00:32:11A second gesture
00:32:13Of thanks to Nadia
00:32:17The orange team's turn
00:32:19The shot is high
00:32:21It will be soft
00:32:23And he throws it
00:32:25And he grabs it again
00:32:27Mau wants to throw it
00:32:29But this is not football
00:32:31That third ball
00:32:33To Nadia
00:32:35And he snatches it
00:32:37To the bench
00:32:39The rebels, Cristian
00:32:43A lot of power
00:32:45It looks like the ball
00:32:47It's a shot
00:32:49At the beginning of the pitch
00:32:53He grabs it
00:32:55But he gets it back
00:32:57Who will he give the ball
00:32:59Let's see
00:33:01He gives it to Daniel
00:33:03With a soft ball
00:33:05The green team's turn
00:33:11He grabs it again
00:33:13But he bounces it
00:33:15And he grabs it
00:33:17For the first time, Daniel
00:33:21Who will he give the ball to
00:33:23And he gives it
00:33:25Directly to Eduardo
00:33:29Does Silverio have a strategy
00:33:31He wants to support
00:33:33A participant
00:33:35Let's see
00:33:37He grabs it again
00:33:39With ease
00:33:41Who will he give the ball to
00:33:43Daniel, without thinking
00:33:47The green team's turn
00:33:53He grabs it
00:33:57Who will Eduardo give it to
00:33:59And he gives it
00:34:03He gives it to Daniel
00:34:05And Daniel is out
00:34:07On the bench, eliminated
00:34:09Only as an observer
00:34:11Who will he give the ball to
00:34:17He gives it to Diana
00:34:19But she wastes the chance
00:34:21And Mau again
00:34:23He grabs it
00:34:29And he gives it to Eduardo
00:34:35Diego, from the Rebels
00:34:38He bounces it
00:34:40And Mau again
00:34:42He grabs it
00:34:44From his face
00:34:48Who will Mau give the ball to
00:34:50And he gives it
00:34:52To Eduardo
00:34:54On the bench
00:34:56On the bench, Mau and Diana
00:35:00Alba, from the orange team
00:35:04He throws it
00:35:06He grabs it
00:35:08And he bounces it
00:35:14The green team's turn
00:35:18He throws it
00:35:20He grabs it
00:35:22But he misses
00:35:26Next, Brandon, from the orange team
00:35:28Los Intensos
00:35:33Diana takes it
00:35:35With her feet, but she bounces it
00:35:37And Mau grabs it
00:35:41And he gives a second ball
00:35:43To Diana
00:35:45Carmen, from the Rebels
00:35:50With a lot of strength, but not enough
00:35:52And she's out of the rectangle
00:35:55Chispa, from the orange team
00:35:57Throws it
00:36:00He misses it
00:36:02But he throws it
00:36:04And he grabs it
00:36:06And he gives the ball
00:36:08Of course, to Diana
00:36:10And he sends it to the bench
00:36:12Which means that you, Mau
00:36:14Are the winner of the bracelet
00:36:16Of the power by the orange team
00:36:18Los Desconocidos
00:36:20This week
00:36:24Congratulations, Mau
00:36:26Well done
00:36:28Thank you very much
00:36:30A great strategic advantage
00:36:32That you'll be able to use
00:36:34In this trial
00:36:36On Friday, to be exact
00:36:38And you'll get an extra point
00:36:40You'll get two points
00:36:42And you could change the history of your team
00:36:44Of course, if necessary
00:36:46That's why, Mau, congratulations
00:36:48Well done
00:36:52It's your turn to play for the power
00:36:54To the rectangle
00:36:58I don't know
00:37:04We were here
00:37:12Rebels, are you ready?
00:37:16I remind you, only one of you
00:37:18Will get the power
00:37:20And that extra point
00:37:22In this Friday's trial
00:37:24Are you ready?
00:37:28Very good
00:37:30Intense and Desconocidos
00:37:32You'll throw the balls
00:37:34We'll start
00:37:36With the orange team
00:37:38Go ahead
00:37:40Jorge, throw
00:37:42Come on, guys
00:37:44I'll observe
00:37:46He takes it
00:37:48Cristian takes it
00:37:50Fernando wanted it
00:37:52Cristian takes it
00:37:54A battle between Fernando, Shada and Cristian
00:37:56Let's see who Cristian throws
00:37:58The blue team
00:38:04He throws it directly to Fernando
00:38:06Nadia throws
00:38:12He throws it well
00:38:14At the beginning of the court
00:38:16And again, Cristian
00:38:18Cristian comes with everything
00:38:20He doesn't let anything happen
00:38:22Not a ball, not a fly
00:38:24Not even the wind
00:38:26And he goes for
00:38:28Rey Grupero
00:38:34Orange team
00:38:40Very smooth throw
00:38:42And it's very easy
00:38:44For Cristian to take it
00:38:46Very good
00:38:50And he decides to give it
00:38:52To Diego
00:38:56Mauricio by the
00:38:58Purple team
00:39:00The new winner of the bracelet
00:39:02Of power this week by his squad
00:39:04Half court throw
00:39:06He takes it with the knee, Shada
00:39:08But he bounces and gets out of the court
00:39:14Orange team
00:39:18Cristian takes it
00:39:20With one hand
00:39:22And consolidates it
00:39:24And again
00:39:34And he gives the second gesture
00:39:36Of goodwill to Rey Grupero
00:39:38The purple team
00:39:40The strangers
00:39:42Diana throwing
00:39:50And again
00:39:52Cristian takes it
00:39:54He comes with everything
00:40:00The second ball
00:40:02Let's continue
00:40:04Diana Chiquete
00:40:06With your throw
00:40:12Floated at the beginning of the court
00:40:14He takes it
00:40:18It was very easy
00:40:20And Fernando takes it
00:40:26The gesture
00:40:28Purple team
00:40:32The strangers
00:40:38Floated at the beginning of the court
00:40:40And it seems that it is for Shada
00:40:42He takes it
00:40:44With a lot of will and determination
00:40:50Rey Grupero is out of contention
00:40:52We continue
00:41:00He almost sees it
00:41:04Very close
00:41:06But you will have to line up
00:41:14He learned how to throw it
00:41:16And he takes it
00:41:18Masterfully as a receiver
00:41:24And Fernando
00:41:26Deposits the ball in Shada's box
00:41:28Let's go
00:41:32A literal bullet
00:41:34Falls at Cristian's feet
00:41:36But Fernando
00:41:38Doesn't let it go
00:41:40He fights hard for the spherical
00:41:42But finally Fernando takes it
00:41:44And he deposits the ball
00:41:46To Carmel
00:41:50Who will send this spherical?
00:41:58But he takes the spherical
00:42:04Soft throw
00:42:06And he takes it without any complication
00:42:14And he gives a second spherical to Carmel
00:42:20By the purple team
00:42:22At medium height
00:42:28Almost on the ground
00:42:32He gives it to Shada
00:42:34Without thinking
00:42:36Jorge by the intense
00:42:38Orange team
00:42:42Medium height
00:42:44Very strong
00:42:46Diego takes it
00:42:48He bounces it
00:42:52Purple team's turn
00:42:54Los Desconocidos
00:43:00To a specific side
00:43:02But Cristian receives it
00:43:04Perfectly with both hands
00:43:06And he keeps the spherical
00:43:08Fernando takes it
00:43:14Shada stays out
00:43:16And goes straight to the bench
00:43:18We continue
00:43:20Orange team
00:43:24Fernando and Cristian
00:43:26Tied up
00:43:28Almost in one arm
00:43:30He wants to throw the spherical
00:43:32It's inside
00:43:34Fernando takes it
00:43:36Cristian takes it
00:43:38But he takes it again
00:43:40With his hands
00:43:42Who will give it to Cristian?
00:43:48By will
00:43:50He gives it to Fernando
00:43:52Without thinking
00:44:00Cristian takes it
00:44:02Carmen doesn't let him
00:44:04And finally
00:44:06He gives it to Cristian
00:44:10He gives it to Cristian
00:44:12Next challenger
00:44:16Orange team's turn
00:44:20Will he take it?
00:44:26But Diego takes it
00:44:28And the ball is for Diego
00:44:30Let's see
00:44:32Cristian or Carmen
00:44:34And he decides to eliminate Cristian
00:44:36He's out
00:44:38Diego continues
00:44:40And Carmen by the rebels
00:44:42The one in charge
00:44:44Is nobody from the orange team
00:44:46The unknown
00:44:48They go to the front of the field
00:44:50And he takes it without any complications
00:44:52In the air, Diego
00:44:56So at this moment, Diego
00:44:58When he puts the ball
00:45:00In Carmen's box
00:45:04You, Diego, are the winner
00:45:06Of the power bracelet
00:45:08By your squad
00:45:10The rebels of the green team
00:45:12This week
00:45:14Go ahead, Diego, pick up your bracelet
00:45:20Diego, great effort
00:45:22Great strategy
00:45:24Finally, you manage to get this
00:45:26You let them eliminate each other
00:45:28And you stayed there
00:45:30Intelligently, you made decisions
00:45:32And they paid off
00:45:34Here is your bracelet
00:45:36And for that, Diego, my congratulations
00:45:38Go ahead
00:45:40Very good
00:45:42Intense rebels and unknown
00:45:44The power
00:45:46Already has owners
00:45:48Jorge of the intense
00:45:50Mau of the unknown
00:45:52And Diego by the rebels
00:45:54You will have
00:45:56One more point
00:45:58One extra point
00:46:00Two points in total
00:46:02That you can use in the trial
00:46:04Of this Friday
00:46:06Strategic challenge
00:46:10Take advantage of it
00:46:12With a lot of intelligence
00:46:14Meanwhile, challengers
00:46:16See you later
00:46:18Let's go
00:46:32Yes, finally
00:46:34The power bracelet is obtained
00:46:36Soft launch
00:46:38He is in the middle of the field
00:46:40And he takes it
00:46:46It's nice to share with you
00:46:48All this that is happening to me
00:46:50With you
00:46:54The faces of the girls
00:46:56We have the bracelet
00:47:00Another goal this week
00:47:02The bracelet
00:47:04They had a face
00:47:06First the girls
00:47:08And then
00:47:10And then Lela
00:47:12And I tell you
00:47:14At the end of the day
00:47:16We have not put ourselves like this
00:47:18When they have won
00:47:20So equality above all
00:47:22The power bracelet
00:47:30Having won the game of power
00:47:32It gives me energy again
00:47:34Just like it was
00:47:36The game of the captaincy
00:47:38Very soft
00:47:40In the middle of the field
00:47:42He escapes but he takes a nail
00:47:44And he takes it
00:47:46And I'm sure this week
00:47:48It will not be necessary to use it
00:47:50Just with this change
00:47:52This resurrection
00:47:54Of the purple team
00:47:56We are going to go for the next tests
00:47:58Great strategic advantage
00:48:00That you can use
00:48:02In this trial
00:48:04But not use it
00:48:08Although I am very proud
00:48:10Of having won
00:48:20What I do want
00:48:26To conclude the punishment
00:48:28And be well for salvation
00:48:30And not have orange and green
00:48:32Break there
00:48:34Between them
00:48:36If we focus
00:48:38Punishment, salvation
00:48:40And our week is over
00:48:42We week by week
00:48:44We came to the person
00:48:46That we thought was the weakest
00:48:48And we gave our support
00:48:50For this person to return
00:48:52But what worries me
00:48:54Having this power bracelet
00:48:56If we need it
00:48:58Maybe his strategy is different
00:49:00Maybe the strategy would not be
00:49:02So much to throw the person
00:49:04With a low performance
00:49:14What happened?
00:49:16Tell me why
00:49:22Do you want us to hug you?
00:49:24You ask because you do not know
00:49:28I'm in a place
00:49:30Where I do not feel protected
00:49:32Not even as a team
00:49:34To feel that every day
00:49:36I have the guard up
00:49:38Because this is a war
00:49:40And not even on our part
00:49:42It was a war of women against men
00:49:44Tell me why
00:49:46I feel that we are in a place
00:49:48In which
00:49:50Instead of feeling protected
00:49:52As a team by men
00:49:54I feel that they are giving us the back
00:49:56And I feel that everything is going to turn
00:49:58And that the next month it will be a woman
00:50:00It was very marked right now
00:50:02That all the balls were going to Silverio
00:50:04To win
00:50:06And I really do not feel
00:50:08That the men of our team
00:50:10Are against women
00:50:12They are against all women
00:50:14So that the end is really
00:50:16Of men
00:50:18No performance or anything
00:50:20It is already known that they go for women
00:50:22In all teams
00:50:24And that is what gives me courage
00:50:26That they are so hypocrites
00:50:28And that they go there and say
00:50:30Yes, we are talking about performance
00:50:32Everyone has been wrong, even the men
00:50:34So it's not that
00:50:36Tell me what your real plan is
00:50:38Your real plan is to eliminate all women
00:50:40And I know that I am very powerful
00:50:42From here no one is going to get me out
00:50:44Unless in an ambulance
00:51:10Great attitude, challengers
00:51:12And they will need it
00:51:14Because intense rebels
00:51:16And strangers here
00:51:18And now they will have to face
00:51:20To avoid sending their
00:51:22To a very hard penance
00:51:26To the game for the punishment
00:51:28Here on the list of
00:51:30Challenges of the day
00:51:32Let's go!
00:51:34Let's go!
00:51:36Let's go!
00:51:38Let's go!
00:51:42A new punishment
00:51:44Has come to this adventure
00:51:46You know that they are more and more demanding
00:51:48And more difficult
00:51:50So get ready
00:51:52For the unexpected
00:51:54Intense rebels and strangers
00:51:58That only the winning team
00:52:00Will be free to send their
00:52:02To face the hard penance
00:52:04And the captain of that group
00:52:06Will decide which of the losing teams
00:52:08Will have to send one
00:52:10And which other team will have to send two
00:52:12To face that penance
00:52:16The penance that the
00:52:18Members of the losing teams
00:52:20Will have to fulfill
00:52:22Will be to move a large amount
00:52:24Of sand
00:52:26To a specific point
00:52:28Where they will have to
00:52:30Mix it, that is, make mud
00:52:32You with that mud
00:52:34You will have to make
00:52:36Some beds where you will have to
00:52:38Spend the night
00:52:40Completely all night
00:52:42So as I told you
00:52:44You have to give your maximum effort
00:52:46Because that takes away energy
00:52:48For the battle that comes
00:52:50And it is a battle that you know
00:52:52It is fundamental here on the island
00:52:54The most important
00:52:58Always remember that not
00:53:00Fulfill the punishment
00:53:02It can bring consequences
00:53:04Very, very serious
00:53:06And for that
00:53:08Challengers, the dynamics of the game
00:53:10It is the following
00:53:14Three challengers per team
00:53:16And each one will have a specific role
00:53:18The first will be inside
00:53:20Of the roulette, the second will give
00:53:22Instructions and the third will
00:53:24Turn the wheel while
00:53:26He has his eyes blindfolded
00:53:28His goal is to advance
00:53:30Making the structure turn
00:53:32Overcoming the obstacles
00:53:34While picking up
00:53:36Two balls
00:53:38To then infest
00:53:40Two in the penultimate station
00:53:42In the final station
00:53:44They will have to position the structure
00:53:46Rotating and then the challenger
00:53:48Who was spinning
00:53:50He will have to throw a ball
00:53:52That will have to pass through the structure
00:53:54Rotating and infest
00:53:56The first challenger
00:53:58Who manages to infest a ball
00:54:00Will win a point for his team
00:54:02The team that obtains
00:54:04Three points
00:54:06Wins the game for the punishment
00:54:08That means
00:54:10They will not have to send any of theirs
00:54:12To face the harsh penance
00:54:14Of the challengers
00:54:16Has it been clear?
00:54:18To their positions
00:54:30Intense rebels
00:54:32And strangers
00:54:34The time has come
00:54:36They have to give it all
00:54:38To avoid sending theirs
00:54:40To that harsh penance
00:54:42Are you ready?
00:54:44To my signal
00:54:50Go a little to the right
00:54:52The right
00:54:54Difficult but
00:54:56Go a little to the right
00:54:58Difficult but
00:55:00The challengers have to work together
00:55:02If they really want to achieve victory
00:55:14The squads
00:55:16Are about to obtain
00:55:18The post with the balls
00:55:22Eduardo does it first
00:55:24By the strangers
00:55:26Then Fernando
00:55:28By the rebels
00:55:30And finally Marianera by the intense
00:55:32Great responsibility
00:55:34Of the challenger
00:55:36With his eyes completely closed
00:55:38He has to listen
00:55:40To the instructions
00:55:42To be able to execute
00:55:44The actions correctly
00:55:46Go Dani!
00:55:52In this part of the test
00:55:54The squads
00:55:56Have to untangle the rope
00:55:58To be able to move forward
00:56:06Go Chispa!
00:56:08That's it Morado!
00:56:10Very good!
00:56:12The Morado team does it
00:56:14Marianera, the green team
00:56:16Slight delay
00:56:20Now they have to untangle
00:56:22The balls one by one
00:56:26The Morado team
00:56:28One ball untangled
00:56:32They need two balls untangled
00:56:34To be able to move forward
00:56:36Marianera untangles the first
00:56:38For the orange team
00:56:40And they untangle two for the Morado team
00:56:44For the green team
00:56:46Untangle one
00:56:54Marianera untangles the second
00:56:56And they continue
00:57:00Making a mistake
00:57:02The Morado team
00:57:04Arriving at the final station
00:57:06Have to position the rotating structure
00:57:10They have to pass through the circle
00:57:12To then
00:57:14Fall into the basket
00:57:18Whoever manages to untangle
00:57:20One ball
00:57:22Wins the point
00:57:28Point for the team
00:57:30Orange team
00:57:34That's it
00:57:36Go Chispa!
00:57:42Let's go!
00:57:44That's a big one
00:57:46That's it
00:57:48That's a step
00:57:50That's a step
00:57:52That's it
00:57:54First point
00:57:56Completely orange
00:58:02It's not very heavy
00:58:04It's more about the orientation
00:58:06You have to turn it fast
00:58:08Sit down
00:58:10I'll be the guide
00:58:12We are stronger than ever
00:58:14We came for the victory
00:58:16To save us from the punishment
00:58:18The oranges were going fast
00:58:20Jorge was going like this
00:58:22And I was coming
00:58:24They took advantage of us
00:58:28They came here really fast
00:58:30I missed the second ball
00:58:34Hand above the other
00:58:36So that all the time
00:58:38You have control
00:58:40Of the wheel
00:58:42When I had to push
00:58:44I pushed like this
00:58:46With my hands
00:58:48And I heard the ball
00:58:52Let's go!
00:58:54Let's go!
00:58:56Let's go!
00:59:00Intense rebels
00:59:04At the moment
00:59:06Team of the intense
00:59:08One point
00:59:10Team of the rebels
00:59:12And the unknown
00:59:14Who manages to accumulate
00:59:16Three points
00:59:18Will be completely safe
00:59:20From the punishment
00:59:22Are you ready?
00:59:24On my signal
00:59:28Come on
00:59:30The captains
00:59:32Will have difficult decisions
00:59:34To make
00:59:36Because the two captains
00:59:38Of the losing groups
00:59:40Will have to choose
00:59:42Who of their team
00:59:44Will have to comply
00:59:46With the hard penalty
00:59:48Green team
00:59:50Slight delay
00:59:52Brandon goes down
00:59:54The side with the balls
00:59:56At that moment
01:00:04Who are guiding
01:00:06Remember that you
01:00:08Can't touch the spinning structures
01:00:10At any time
01:00:16The unknown go down the side
01:00:18The team of the rebels
01:00:20Diego doing the same
01:00:22Left, left, left
01:00:24Right, right, right
01:00:26Right, right, right
01:00:28Right, right
01:00:30The team of the intense
01:00:32Overcome this station with advantage
01:00:34And keep moving
01:00:38The rebels
01:00:40Are delayed
01:00:42Left, right, left
01:00:44Left, left, left
01:00:46Down, right, right
01:00:50Behind, behind, behind
01:00:54Left, left, right
01:00:56Right, right, right
01:00:58Right, right, right
01:01:02Behind, behind
01:01:04Left, left, more left
01:01:06More, more, right, right
01:01:08Go fast, go fast
01:01:10Push, push, push
01:01:12Brandon's balls are not valid
01:01:14Because he didn't throw them
01:01:16In the right position
01:01:22In the basket
01:01:24The team of the purple
01:01:26The team of the green
01:01:28Brandon in the basket
01:01:30His second ball
01:01:32And they can continue
01:01:34The journey
01:01:36The team of the intense
01:01:38Have to recover
01:01:40No, you can't, Jorge, you can't
01:01:42Brandon, Brandon, Brandon
01:01:44You have to recover the balls
01:01:46Go purple
01:01:48Go purple
01:01:58Brandon has recovered the balls
01:02:00He had lost them
01:02:02Because the first two were invalid
01:02:04Without being well positioned
01:02:08Concentration, challengers
01:02:10The purple team achieves its two goals
01:02:12And comes to the final part
01:02:14Straight, straight
01:02:16Straight, straight
01:02:18Very close
01:02:20The orange team
01:02:22But they don't do it
01:02:24The team that manages to be one ball
01:02:26First gets a point
01:02:28There comes the purple team
01:02:30Strong, strong, strong
01:02:40The purple team coming to the last session
01:02:42Close, Alba
01:02:44It's not enough
01:02:46He makes his wrong throw
01:02:50Who will be able to score first?
01:02:52The orange team
01:02:54The purple team
01:02:56Both teams are very close
01:02:58The green team with slight complications
01:03:00In the back
01:03:10Longer, longer
01:03:12That's it
01:03:22The ball has to be in the basket
01:03:24To be able to get that precious point
01:03:26The rebels at that moment
01:03:28Arriving at the final station
01:03:30But they must position the wheel
01:03:32Nothing for anyone
01:03:34Who will take this point?
01:03:36Purple, green or orange?
01:03:42The basket is positioned
01:03:44In such a way
01:03:46That it needs momentum
01:03:48So that the ball can arrive
01:03:50Can enter
01:03:52Very close
01:03:54The orange team
01:03:56Also very close
01:03:58The purple team
01:04:04Come on, come on
01:04:14And a lot of aim
01:04:16And the green team has it
01:04:18The rebels, Carmen
01:04:20In the basket
01:04:22And gives the rebels a precious point
01:04:28Come on, Isur
01:04:30Come on
01:04:32Don't lose hope until the last moment
01:04:34Fight until the last moment
01:04:36Come on, good
01:04:38Point for the green team
01:04:40The rebels
01:04:42You threw it
01:04:44But I realized
01:04:46That when you threw it
01:04:48Your arm was more to one side
01:04:50And it went crooked
01:04:52Because they always hit the structure
01:04:54With one, my direction doesn't give
01:04:56But you did it with both
01:04:58The direction always
01:05:00Jumped, but bounced
01:05:02To the left
01:05:04Try other techniques
01:05:06Try something
01:05:08Because we had a good time
01:05:10Everyone knows it was hard
01:05:12But at that moment
01:05:14It was one and another shot
01:05:16And that part of not concreting
01:05:18It frustrates me again
01:05:26Intense and rebels
01:05:28One point each team
01:05:32Without scoring yet
01:05:34Are you ready?
01:05:36At my signal
01:05:44Great effort of each
01:05:46Of the squads
01:05:48To get
01:05:50This point
01:05:52No one wants to lose
01:05:54This group of the rotating structure
01:05:56As I was saying
01:05:58No one wants to lose this contest
01:06:00And send their own to face
01:06:02The very hard punishment
01:06:08Intense and unknown
01:06:10Going down the side
01:06:12Mauricio does it quickly
01:06:14Chispa too
01:06:16And slight delay by Carmen of the green team
01:06:18Right, right
01:06:22Right, right
01:06:24The team that
01:06:26Accumulates first three points
01:06:28Will win this game
01:06:30And will not have to send
01:06:32Any of their own to face the punishment
01:06:34In addition, their captain will decide
01:06:36Who of their rivals has to send
01:06:38Two people and who has to send
01:06:40Only one to the penitentiary
01:06:42Right, right
01:06:44Come on, let's go
01:06:46That's it, Diana
01:06:48Left, left
01:06:50Left, left
01:06:52Left, right
01:06:54Left, left
01:06:56Right, left
01:06:58Left, there, right
01:07:00Right, right
01:07:02The purple team
01:07:04As well as the orange team
01:07:06Have the second
01:07:08Side and advance
01:07:10To be able to intercept the two balls
01:07:12Push, push
01:07:16The one in charge
01:07:18By the orange team, Chispa
01:07:20By the purple team, Mau
01:07:22A ball intercepted
01:07:24By the orange team, Chispa
01:07:26Another ball intercepted
01:07:28By the purple team, Mauricio
01:07:32Two balls for the purple team
01:07:34And they advance
01:07:36To the penitentiary
01:07:38Two balls for
01:07:40The orange team
01:07:42The green team
01:07:44Without scores
01:07:46Right, right
01:07:48Right, right
01:07:52The orange team
01:07:54With problems of direction
01:07:56As well as the purple team
01:07:58The unknown
01:08:00Carmen is still powerless
01:08:02By the rebel team, the green team
01:08:06The teams have to position
01:08:08Correctly the rotating structure
01:08:10To be able to
01:08:12Start with the throwing of their balls
01:08:14The group that manages to intercept
01:08:16A ball first, gets a point
01:08:20The green team is still powerless
01:08:22To intercept not even one of the two
01:08:24Very close to the goal
01:08:38A ball intercepted by Carmen
01:08:40From the green team
01:08:42And at that moment, the orange team
01:08:44Manages to intercept
01:08:46And gets a valuable second point
01:08:52Interzón, Interzón
01:08:54Interzón, Interzón
01:08:56Interzón, Interzón
01:09:08I can't believe it
01:09:10I can't believe it
01:09:12I can't believe it
01:09:14I can't believe it
01:09:16I can't believe it
01:09:18I can't believe it
01:09:20Second point for the orange team
01:09:22Los Intensos
01:09:24They had already arrived
01:09:26I don't know why you didn't leave the circle
01:09:28At that moment, you could have left
01:09:30I don't know, I was dizzy
01:09:32I was dizzy
01:09:34The one that is inside
01:09:36The one that is inside
01:09:38He was telling me, wait, wait
01:09:40It was just a voice
01:09:42It was just a voice
01:09:44In the basket, I was really stuck
01:09:46So now
01:09:48I feel bad for my team
01:09:50Because I feel that we could have scored
01:09:52And that delayed it
01:09:54Also, Rey left the circle several times
01:09:56So I feel that it was hard for him
01:09:58Fer is also very strong
01:10:00He was pushing him very hard
01:10:02Because he is very aggressive
01:10:04Maybe there is a lack of coordination between the three
01:10:06But I think we will have it
01:10:08We are just getting to know Carmen
01:10:10And I see that she is very good
01:10:12But if she gets desperate
01:10:14She goes crazy like everyone here
01:10:18We have to slow down a little
01:10:20And focus
01:10:26Marker at the moment
01:10:28Los Intensos team, two points
01:10:30They are just one point away
01:10:32One point to reach the victory
01:10:34Rebelde is one point
01:10:38Without a score yet
01:10:40Remember what is at stake
01:10:44Avoid sending your own to face the very hard penalty
01:10:48Are you ready?
01:10:50On my signal
01:11:02Push hard
01:11:22Let's go
01:12:02Orange team, slight advantage
01:12:08There is going to be a ramp
01:12:10Keep pushing
01:12:12Keep pushing
01:12:16Silverio throwing
01:12:18To hit the two penalties
01:12:20He hits the first
01:12:24To this station
01:12:26The yellow team and the green team
01:12:28Continue to the last part
01:12:30Of the track
01:12:32Christian hits one
01:12:34Christian hits two
01:12:36Go, go, go
01:12:38The rebels are moving forward
01:12:40But sometimes they have
01:12:42Some small mistakes
01:12:44I don't know if it's because Christian
01:12:46Speaks English
01:12:48Maybe his teammates don't understand
01:12:54Hits the two penalties
01:12:56Jorge is in charge of throwing the balls
01:13:02In the final station
01:13:04The first team to hit the ball
01:13:06Will win
01:13:08And get a point
01:13:18Point for the team
01:13:20Orange, Los Intensos and Chonesco
01:13:26For the penalty
01:13:28A forceful victory
01:13:30Very good team
01:13:34Very good
01:13:48La Vista
01:13:50Point for the team
01:13:52Orange, Los Intensos and Arrasan
01:13:54With the game for the penalty
01:13:56La Vista
01:14:06Intensos, Rebeldes and Desconocidos
01:14:08Great battle
01:14:10Great battle
01:14:16You worked as a team
01:14:18You were coordinated
01:14:20You listened
01:14:22And that's why you get the victory
01:14:24And yours
01:14:26Are completely free
01:14:28To have to comply with the penalty
01:14:30And that's why
01:14:32Come on
01:14:34The victory
01:14:36In addition to the fact that
01:14:38His team won't have to send anyone
01:14:40To the penalty
01:14:42Carries responsibilities
01:14:44And it's in the hands
01:14:46Of his captain
01:14:50Jorge, you'll have to tell me
01:14:52Which team has to send two
01:14:54To pay the penalty
01:14:56And which other team
01:14:58To just one person
01:15:00To be honest
01:15:02It's not because there is
01:15:04A main rival
01:15:06And I'll tell you why
01:15:08Because honestly
01:15:10Orange has been doing an excellent job
01:15:12So much that
01:15:14We've been surprised
01:15:16By the way they're competing
01:15:18They're getting better day by day
01:15:20And I'm especially surprised
01:15:22By the conditions they're in
01:15:24So my congratulations
01:15:26I send you an impressive applause
01:15:28As you know
01:15:30It was only a strategic issue
01:15:32Two points for the purple team
01:15:34On the day of the elimination
01:15:36And in this way
01:15:38We decided to change it
01:15:40And send two greens to this penalty
01:15:42Very good, you're being fair
01:15:44With your decisions
01:15:46This means that the rebels
01:15:48You have to send two of yours
01:15:50To face the penalty
01:15:52And the strangers
01:15:54You'll have to send just one
01:15:56Who will go
01:15:58And who will be sacrificed
01:16:00Inside their groups
01:16:02It's in the hands of their captains
01:16:04I start with you
01:16:06Mau from the purple team
01:16:08The strangers
01:16:10Who will be the member of your group
01:16:12Who will have to go to pay the penalty
01:16:14Which will be nothing more and nothing less
01:16:16Than to transport sand
01:16:18Turn it into mud
01:16:20And make their own bed
01:16:22Where they will have to spend the night
01:16:24Thank you very much
01:16:26We have taken a joint decision
01:16:28And thinking about the tests
01:16:32Dianita has offered
01:16:34To take the penalty
01:16:38You will be the stranger
01:16:40Who will have to face this penalty
01:16:42That's right
01:16:44Diana, are you really prepared?
01:16:46Yes, I'm prepared
01:16:48Do you think this does not affect you
01:16:50In your performance tomorrow
01:16:52For the fundamental salvation?
01:16:54No, I'm sure it doesn't
01:16:56This adventure has prepared me
01:16:58With low beaches, medium beaches
01:17:00I miss the penalty
01:17:02And this is an experience
01:17:04And you have to live it to the fullest
01:17:06I've never gone to a penalty
01:17:08But I'm going to face it as it has to be
01:17:10I'm going to enjoy it
01:17:12And tomorrow we'll see each other
01:17:14To give it all
01:17:16You've been enjoying this adventure
01:17:18Little by little
01:17:20Christian, you as captain
01:17:22Of your squad
01:17:24You have to choose two of yours
01:17:26To go to the penalty
01:17:28We talked about it on the team
01:17:30We reached an agreement
01:17:32But I think that person who has to go
01:17:34It's me
01:17:36Because I came to the island to take my body to the limit
01:17:40Chicken and king
01:17:42You have to be strong tomorrow
01:17:44Come on king
01:17:46Give me the word please
01:17:48Tomorrow is a very important game
01:17:50The truth is that I had the fortune
01:17:52To be here one more week
01:17:54I'm fresh, I'm strong
01:17:56I know it's going to be very hard
01:17:58But I feel prepared
01:18:00And I need a strong element of my team
01:18:02With everything for tomorrow
01:18:04Because tomorrow we all have to save ourselves
01:18:06So I'm going to pass
01:18:08Very good you for raising your hand
01:18:10But the decision of course is of your captain Christian
01:18:12Christian I ask you again
01:18:14Who will be the first of your ranks
01:18:16Who will go to pay the penalty
01:18:20Come on king and carmen
01:18:22Come on
01:18:24King and carmen
01:18:26Very good
01:18:28The decisions have been taken
01:18:30Diana by the purple team
01:18:32The unknown
01:18:34Carmen and king
01:18:36Of the green rebels
01:18:38They will have to face a very hard penalty
01:18:40And they will have to transport sand
01:18:42Turn it into mud
01:18:44To make their own bed
01:18:46Where they will have to stay up all night
01:18:50Always remember
01:18:52That not complying with the punishment
01:18:54Can bring consequences
01:18:56Very, very serious
01:19:00Never lose sight
01:19:02That tomorrow is the most important game
01:19:04Of the island, the game of salvation
01:19:06So hopefully this punishment
01:19:08Does not diminish their strength
01:19:10And their performance for that meeting
01:19:12As I have told you
01:19:14Will be decisive in this adventure
01:19:16For the moment
01:19:18Intense rebels and unknown
01:19:20To their territories
