La Isla Desafío Extremo Capitulo 25 Completo HD

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La Isla Desafío Extremo Capitulo 25 Completo HD
00:00:00Today, on the island, extreme challenge.
00:00:04Welcome to Antalya.
00:00:07Today is a survival Tuesday.
00:00:10Yesterday, Carmen de las Águilas became the third outcast on the island.
00:00:15It's not easy to have to get someone so dear out of my hands.
00:00:20Here, the eagles have to pull out their claws.
00:00:23The challenge for the territory begins now.
00:00:27Go, go, go, go, go.
00:00:29Oh, I'm sorry.
00:00:30You stepped on it.
00:00:31Whoever makes a mistake, loses.
00:00:33Oh, technique and courage, there's desire.
00:00:36Huaca, don't complain when I do the same thing of blowing the colors.
00:00:40I think we're giving the sharks their own medicine.
00:00:43Traitor, traitor.
00:00:46I just want to look at you and you look me in the eye and say you didn't cheat.
00:00:57The adventure continues and brings us to the beautiful Turkish coast, here in Turkey.
00:01:17We are in Antalya, in the southwest of the country,
00:01:20the owner of beautiful beaches like Caputas and Cleopatra.
00:01:29Antalya welcomes panthers, eagles and sharks,
00:01:33who will face stronger and stronger challenges.
00:02:04The path they still have to take is even longer than the easy way.
00:02:16But not giving up will be a deserved triumph for the effort they have put in to get here.
00:02:34Antalya, Turkey
00:02:39We did it!
00:03:04Antalya, Turkey
00:03:22The participants are eager to start the competitions.
00:03:27They come to give their body and soul in this stage that is about to begin.
00:03:39Join us to follow the course they will take before only one
00:03:46proclaims himself absolute winner of the island, extreme challenge and the grand prize of $200,000.
00:03:56Antalya, Turkey
00:04:02Panthers united we will never be defeated
00:04:05Panthers united we will never be defeated
00:04:09Eagles coming, Antalya is playing
00:04:12Eagles coming, Antalya is playing
00:04:15Eagles coming, Antalya is playing
00:04:28Eagles, eagles, eagles, eagles, eagles!
00:04:32Welcome to Antalya!
00:04:37We are on the southwest coast of Turkey on the Mediterranean
00:04:40and today is the day of survival.
00:04:45Antalya, Turkey
00:04:51From today, the crystal clear waters of the Turkish Riviera, its cliffs and mountains
00:04:56are the stages to face the challenges and challenges that await them.
00:05:01Antalya is the paradise of the earth.
00:05:04Its golden beaches on the shores of the Mediterranean were worth it to Ataturk,
00:05:09the first president of Turkey, to say that it is the most beautiful place in the world.
00:05:25Yes, sir!
00:05:26How did Antalya welcome you? What do you think of the place?
00:05:29A very beautiful place, the truth is that being an islander,
00:05:33having been born on the island of Cuba, I love to see the beach, I love to see the sand.
00:05:37I think I like it more than Ardvin.
00:05:40I think the mountains of Ardvin already had us a little crazy and already kind of dizzy and schizophrenic,
00:05:46but being at the level of the sea and seeing the Mediterranean Sea in front with so much history,
00:05:53the truth is that we are happy to be here.
00:05:56Alejandro Magno surely passed by here with his horses and we are happy to be here.
00:06:01Very good.
00:06:02You are a historian, Adrián, surprising.
00:06:04The fat book of Petete.
00:06:06Very good, very good.
00:06:08We are starting a new period in the competition.
00:06:17Yesterday, Carmen de las Águilas became the third outlander on the island.
00:06:25We saw how Sergio completed the duel first, then Valeria, then Gigi.
00:06:32In the end, everything was defined between you and Carmen.
00:06:37Here you can define everything.
00:06:39Visualize it.
00:06:40There it is.
00:06:41That's it.
00:06:43Come on, Carmen.
00:06:45You can also hear the support from the sharks for Carmen.
00:06:50What was going on in your head at that time?
00:06:52It was really very difficult because the plan was not to eliminate ourselves again.
00:07:03I admire and respect Carmen a lot.
00:07:06I love her like a little sister.
00:07:11Those desires of not wanting to make the point crossed my mind.
00:07:15It is not easy to have to get someone so dear and that it has been by my hand.
00:07:24So I couldn't celebrate that I stayed.
00:07:30I didn't feel like I won.
00:07:32At no time did I feel like I won.
00:07:34Rather, I lost.
00:07:36Well, there, in your defense, I have to tell you that it wasn't just you.
00:07:40It was the four, the hand of the four.
00:07:43You were the one who was left at the end and of the same team.
00:07:47But after all, that's what the game is about.
00:07:59I am very interested in knowing how your return was after that triumph to the Pantera territory.
00:08:09How did it go?
00:08:10How did they receive you?
00:08:12Very well.
00:08:13I mean, the truth is that at the end of the challenge, the whole team came to me.
00:08:18They hugged me.
00:08:20I said it before the elimination challenge started.
00:08:26That despite everything, I was going to be positive.
00:08:30For me, for my stability.
00:08:32And well, so that the team can also give it in the challenges.
00:08:37Because at the end of the day, not only does it harm one, but everyone.
00:08:42But I'm positive.
00:08:45What did Aguilda tell you in that hug?
00:08:47In that first hug after the triumph.
00:08:50Apart from everything, I'm a badass.
00:08:52Apart from everything, I'm a badass.
00:08:53Thank you.
00:08:54Aguilda told me after she hugged me.
00:08:59And she told me something like, that despite everything, I'm a badass.
00:09:05That in Mexico, I think it's like someone who is very good.
00:09:09Very good at what she does, right?
00:09:10That's right.
00:09:11Very good.
00:09:12Well, take note, Vale.
00:09:15Thank you.
00:09:16I want to tell you something so that your whole team knows.
00:09:20In the Panteras, you are the second person with the best efficiency when it comes to getting points.
00:09:3150% of the times you've had a chance to get a point for the team, you've achieved it.
00:09:40Thank you, Karim.
00:09:41The statistics don't lie.
00:09:43So that you write it down there in the statistics, I know you have the number very pending.
00:09:48The truth is that I have taken the nominations as a challenge for me.
00:09:53And to show what I'm made of.
00:09:55And I love it.
00:09:56I love that the people and the teams and my team can see me there.
00:10:03Tell him, sir.
00:10:04The moment of salvation yesterday was, let's say, tense.
00:10:08Because Chuy had the power to rescue.
00:10:11And he had two sharks in danger.
00:10:14Christy and you.
00:10:15He decided to throw a coin into the air.
00:10:20When I was walking to the ceremony, I found a coin thrown.
00:10:26And the truth is, I'm going to leave it to fate.
00:10:29Let's see what fate does.
00:10:36Let's see what happens.
00:10:37I'm still shaking.
00:10:48What does the coin say, Chuy?
00:10:51Chris, you're saved.
00:10:59The funny thing about the case is that he never mentioned who each face of the coin belonged to.
00:11:06I knew.
00:11:07Inside of me.
00:11:08So do you think he really threw it at fate?
00:11:12Or did he already have it decided?
00:11:14I'm going to tell you one thing.
00:11:15I fully trust my sharks.
00:11:17In each and every one of them.
00:11:19Point number one.
00:11:20And point number two.
00:11:21The honesty I see in this man's eyes is the same honesty I saw in my father's eyes.
00:11:26So I always give the vote of confidence to my sharks.
00:11:29Because they have always been there for me.
00:11:31And not just that.
00:11:32I know that I am as lucky as our entire team.
00:11:35And we work for it every day.
00:11:37You are a warrior of a distinguished character.
00:11:42I have to say that.
00:11:43Good attitude.
00:11:44Thank you.
00:11:46There is still a long, long way to go to the final.
00:11:51However, you must have your five senses focused on staying within the competition.
00:11:57On this Tuesday of survival.
00:12:03We are going to start with the mission challenge.
00:12:10The winning team of this challenge will receive the city symbol.
00:12:14And let me remind you that this is the challenge to win if you want to keep the name of the team alive.
00:12:21Come on, sharks!
00:12:22Because very soon, whoever accumulates the least number of symbols will disappear.
00:12:33So far, the sharks have accumulated two symbols.
00:12:37While eagles and panthers are tied with one each.
00:12:42Today they will face each other for the symbol of Antalya.
00:12:45Which is a turtle.
00:12:47Originally from the Mediterranean region.
00:12:51And that unfortunately is in danger of extinction.
00:12:54A shame.
00:12:55Pay close attention.
00:12:56The rules of the mission challenge are as follows.
00:13:00In this challenge, two participants from each team will face each other.
00:13:03A competitor with blindfolded eyes and tied hands must advance through the track in search of six buried eggs.
00:13:10While the other indicates where he must dig.
00:13:13The seeker has to go through the circuit digging.
00:13:16The buried eggs contain the missing pieces of the puzzle that the guide has to put together at the end of the circuit.
00:13:22The latter can only go to collect the pieces that the excavator has already unearthed.
00:13:27When all the parts have been gathered, the guide must put together the puzzle.
00:13:32The team that achieves it first will be the winner of the challenge.
00:13:38I ask you to meet briefly to choose the people who will represent you in this challenge.
00:13:44And see you at the beginning of the circuit as always.
00:13:47Good luck and welcome.
00:13:59Let's see what it's about.
00:14:01And from there we make the decision based.
00:14:05Because this flag is very important.
00:14:06No, it's very, very important.
00:14:07So let's go with Tocho Morocho.
00:14:10Mis Aguilas, Mis Aguiluchas.
00:14:12Let's go.
00:14:13Let's go with everything.
00:14:14Let's go with Mantalia.
00:14:15There we are.
00:14:16Let's go.
00:14:17Aguilas, Aguilas, Aguilas, Aguilas, Aguilas.
00:14:21This one defines.
00:14:22It would be three against one, one.
00:14:24It seems like speed because there is nothing more than those eggs and ...
00:14:27Of course.
00:14:28I don't cool down because I'm not that fast at running on sand.
00:14:31And my injury is so ...
00:14:32Run fast.
00:14:33I can't.
00:14:34I can throw myself.
00:14:35I'm a little afraid with my ankle, but I throw myself.
00:14:37It's worth it.
00:14:38I mean, it's worth hurting myself for the insignia and for you.
00:14:40No, no, no.
00:14:41I mean, I can throw myself.
00:14:42Yes, I know how to throw myself.
00:14:44But we all have it in our heads.
00:14:45Let's win this.
00:14:46Come on, come on, come on.
00:14:47Come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:14:48Ten and one.
00:14:51The Aguilas have one, just like us.
00:14:52So the person who goes there does not take this as an extra competition.
00:14:57Take it with a lot of responsibility.
00:15:00And if you feel capable, say, I'm going.
00:15:02If you don't feel capable, don't do it because it happened to us twice and we lost a symbol that we could have won.
00:15:09You will understand me.
00:15:10The same.
00:15:11Well, with this it is not like the pressure that if you win or lose.
00:15:14I mean, let's focus on winning.
00:15:16Yes, it's not pressure.
00:15:17It's giving our best.
00:15:18Yes, exactly.
00:15:19If I lose or win, maybe ...
00:15:20It will be supported.
00:15:22It will be supported.
00:15:24Here the idea is to give our best because we do need the symbol.
00:15:28Otherwise, it is very likely that we will not observe the name of the Panthers.
00:15:34Let's go with everything.
00:15:35Let's go with everything.
00:15:36Let's go.
00:15:39Come on, let's go.
00:15:42On this Survival Tuesday, the challenge for the territory begins now.
00:15:50There is technique, there is courage, there is desire.
00:15:52That's it, Ángela!
00:15:54I feel like this week is going to go well for us.
00:15:57No, no, no.
00:15:58In everything.
00:15:59In one easy.
00:16:00One easy.
00:16:01Only one.
00:16:02Of course, he told her everything, Alba.
00:16:03Right now, Alba just walked over to her and told her everything.
00:16:05No, no, no, I wasn't saying anything.
00:16:07Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!
00:16:22We are in Antalya, the territory of the turtle Caretta Caretta,
00:16:26which can weigh up to 160 kilos and live up to 62 years.
00:16:32That's why it's the symbol of our mission.
00:16:35We start with the challenge for the sharks.
00:16:39Guti and Samira compete.
00:16:43The eagles, Sebastián and Alba.
00:16:47Guti and Samira.
00:16:50The eagles, Sebastián and Bibi.
00:16:54And for the panthers, Alex and Monse.
00:16:59Participants came to win.
00:17:01For that, they are here.
00:17:04Are you ready?
00:17:06On this Survival Tuesday, the challenge for the mission begins now.
00:17:11There we see, ladies and gentlemen, how they move, trying to find these pieces.
00:17:30It seems that today is going to be more of a mental challenge than a physical one.
00:17:35However, scratching in this way the sand requires a lot of effort.
00:17:43We must remember that they are completely blind, tied by hands,
00:17:48trying to receive the instructions that the guides do.
00:17:52There we see Monse, he has to return.
00:17:55Tarzan must stop them both so that Monse can pick them up.
00:18:01Alex has already buried them.
00:18:04Right, right, right, there, to your left, to your left.
00:18:07Monse runs out for the first two eggs that contain these pieces of the puzzle.
00:18:15Where is the flag?
00:18:16Where is the flag? I don't see the flag.
00:18:19Right, right.
00:18:21There, more to your right, to your right, right, right, right, more.
00:18:24There, there, there, there, there.
00:18:26Be careful, Sebas, step back a little.
00:18:30Remove all that sand, remove it all.
00:18:34There, to your right, to your right.
00:18:36There, there, there.
00:18:37Carve, carve, carve, carve, carve.
00:18:40My God.
00:18:42I have more strength.
00:18:43Guti is about to find oil.
00:18:46A little back then, Sebas.
00:18:49But you are sending me calms backwards.
00:18:51It's not there then.
00:18:54Tarzan already has one more, but he must stop them both so that Monse can pick them up.
00:18:59No, it has to be more backwards then.
00:19:01Let's see if he can do it.
00:19:03By the eagles.
00:19:05Things are complicated.
00:19:07Alex already has the other two pieces.
00:19:10Monse already has them in his hand.
00:19:14I don't feel anything.
00:19:17Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:19:20Let's see, back there, back there, back there.
00:19:22Meanwhile, like a desperate can, Guti continues to scratch.
00:19:29Without being able to find the first pieces.
00:19:33There, there is carve, there is carve.
00:19:41More to the left, carve over there, more, more.
00:19:45There they are, there they are, the two of them, there they are.
00:19:47Tarzan, on behalf of the panthers, is already in the final stage.
00:19:50Get out of your left, get out of your left.
00:19:52Get out of your left, that's it, that's it, that's it.
00:19:54Go, go, go, go.
00:19:55More, more, more.
00:19:57Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:19:58There, there, more, more.
00:19:59I can't go.
00:20:00More, Tarzan.
00:20:01More, more, more.
00:20:02Get out of this one.
00:20:03More, more.
00:20:04To your left, there.
00:20:05To your left, Tarzan.
00:20:06To your left.
00:20:07Sebastian finally finds this first egg that has the first pieces.
00:20:11There it is, there it is.
00:20:12Scratch, scratch, more to the left.
00:20:14More to the left.
00:20:16Alex already found the last two and now, Monse begins to put together this puzzle.
00:20:22Who finishes first?
00:20:23To the left, to the left.
00:20:24He has the challenge in his hands.
00:20:26Let's see if this huge advantage that the Panthers have gives Monse the possibility
00:20:32to have enough time to calmly put together the puzzle.
00:20:37To your left, to your left.
00:20:38Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
00:20:40There, there it is, there it is.
00:20:41There, there, exactly there, there it is.
00:20:43More, more, more.
00:20:44Faster, faster, faster.
00:20:45You got it, Monse.
00:20:46Go, go, go, go.
00:20:47Get it out, get it out, get it out.
00:20:49Vinny already has the first pieces in his hand.
00:20:51Go, go, go.
00:20:52The other egg, the other egg.
00:20:53There are two.
00:20:54Go, go, go.
00:20:55Guti finally finds the first egg with the first pieces.
00:21:00Go, throw, throw, throw.
00:21:01He already has both.
00:21:02Throw, throw, throw.
00:21:03Come on, come on, come on.
00:21:04Come on, come on, come on.
00:21:05Sebastian continues to work to obtain the next two pieces.
00:21:08There, there.
00:21:09Ah, he already has it?
00:21:10Ah, okay.
00:21:11You already felt it, you already felt it, come on.
00:21:13Monse is very, very advanced with the puzzle.
00:21:16Practically a couple of pieces to finish it.
00:21:20Let's see if he can do it.
00:21:22To your pelvis.
00:21:23That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.
00:21:25Don't be afraid, faster, faster.
00:21:27There he battles with one of the pieces.
00:21:29There it is.
00:21:34It's the Panthers.
00:21:36The challenge of the mission is Pantera.
00:21:40And the symbol goes with them.
00:21:45Pantera, Pantera, Pantera, Pantera, Pantera.
00:21:49Pantera, Pantera, Pantera, Pantera.
00:21:51Pantera, Pantera, Pantera, Pantera.
00:21:54But I did it and I did it and I didn't find anything.
00:21:57It's just that you know where they put them here.
00:22:02Good, good, very good.
00:22:07Well guys, look, with what we talked about right now.
00:22:10This is different, one does not open, something different.
00:22:13It's going to vibrate.
00:22:14And you know what's good?
00:22:15We already have two, two.
00:22:17And this team is not going to disappear.
00:22:18It's not going to go, Pantera, it's not going to go.
00:22:20It's not going to go, Pantera, it's not going to go.
00:22:23This point is important because it is an emblem.
00:22:26Obviously, the one with the least emblem disappears.
00:22:30And we don't want Pantera to disappear.
00:22:32So, for the moment, Pantera is still alive.
00:22:35And it will remain until the last day of the island.
00:22:38And I think, well, it was noticeable the desire to want to continue together as a team.
00:22:41With that fierce advantage.
00:22:43So, nothing, we're going to keep going.
00:22:45We did a good job.
00:22:46Very good.
00:22:48Montse and Tarzán, what a class.
00:22:51They did it.
00:22:53Because you were already in the third and the others in the first.
00:22:55In the first.
00:22:56But I'm going to tell you something, what Tarzán said at the beginning,
00:22:58it would not have been possible without you telling him.
00:23:01Exactly, you did it perfectly.
00:23:03And Montse's strategy was perfect.
00:23:05I can't go ahead if you don't guide me.
00:23:07And they did it very well.
00:23:08I tried, I said, in what he does, he does a lot.
00:23:10Yes, I told them, put me in the center.
00:23:12You did it perfectly.
00:23:13You did it spectacularly, Tarzán.
00:23:15I loved your strategy, my love.
00:23:16While he was there and you were there.
00:23:17Yes, go ahead, go ahead.
00:23:19That's spectacular.
00:23:20The first time I was seeing the strength, the strength, the strength.
00:23:22And he did it and he did it and he couldn't find anything.
00:23:24We didn't know.
00:23:26I couldn't open my hands.
00:23:28It seemed easy, but go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
00:23:32I feel very sad, really, because we had to win this flag.
00:23:36It was crucial for the Eagles.
00:23:38I don't know if suddenly the indications, I went a little too far back,
00:23:42but I couldn't find the first eggs, I couldn't find them.
00:23:45I made a big hole, just like sharks.
00:23:50No, sad, sad.
00:23:51This had to have been the Eagles.
00:23:53It's okay, it's okay.
00:23:54Yes, right?
00:23:55Well done.
00:23:56Well done, dad.
00:23:57Well done.
00:23:58I thought it was ours, I swear to you.
00:23:59It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:24:08Congratulations, Panthers.
00:24:09Panthers, this week are the winners of the symbol of the province of Italy.
00:24:15Montse, please, go through the symbol.
00:24:18Montse Kazan, very good, very good.
00:24:22This represents the turtle Caretta Caretta,
00:24:24which is estimated to have only 60,000 reproductive females.
00:24:29That is why it is considered a vulnerable species, in danger of extinction.
00:24:33Congratulations to the Panthers.
00:24:35Thank you, Javi.
00:24:36You accumulate your second symbol.
00:24:38You tie the Panthers with this.
00:24:40So, very good.
00:24:41I remind you that soon the team that has obtained the least symbols will disappear completely.
00:24:47They have to fight to stay as a team in the competition,
00:24:50since they still need the support of their teammates to be able to reach the final
00:24:54and compete for the grand prize of $200,000.
00:24:58This is just the beginning.
00:25:00A day with challenges awaits us, where they will have to use their physique,
00:25:05but above all, their heads, their minds.
00:25:07You'll see.
00:25:08See you in the next circuit.
00:25:10Congratulations, guys.
00:25:21The reality is that we, the sharks,
00:25:23like to unmask the enemy.
00:25:26We wanted to manipulate the eagles a bit.
00:25:29No more negotiations, nothing, nothing.
00:25:33We've never needed anything.
00:25:36I think it's time for the eagles to change the menu a bit.
00:25:46Well, I confess that I am quite sad, disconcerted,
00:25:50because I thought this was ours.
00:25:54It was essential to win this flag to stay together.
00:25:59The eagles are coming together.
00:26:01It's time for the competition,
00:26:03which is annihilating us.
00:26:07We are disintegrating.
00:26:09There's another one, right?
00:26:10Right now there are 2-2 and we can fight,
00:26:13I mean, to tie 2-2-2.
00:26:15Yes, because it would be great if we were all tied up.
00:26:18Let's see what happens.
00:26:19Let's see what you gave us, Javi, after that.
00:26:22But well, guys, we have two weeks on the beach.
00:26:29We need to go to that high beach, whatever it is.
00:26:33High beach for the eagles means being able to eat,
00:26:37being able to rest, being able to be a little calmer.
00:26:41We've been on low beach for 15 days, just beans,
00:26:45and I think it's time for the eagles to change the menu a bit.
00:26:50As you always say, 0-0,
00:26:52let's leave behind what has just happened,
00:26:54let's concentrate,
00:26:55let's start to have a more positive mentality,
00:27:00let's fight, let's move forward.
00:27:02We need the high beach apapacho,
00:27:05because we have already lost half of our group.
00:27:11We have already lost, we started with José, Julián, Ailín,
00:27:16and now Carmen, there are four.
00:27:19There are five of us left, two women, three men.
00:27:25We really need a change.
00:27:30Here the eagles have to get their claws out.
00:27:33We're going to fly, we're going to fly.
00:27:36Let's get it, we're here in Turkey,
00:27:39let's get it until the last day we're here.
00:27:42If something defines us, the group of the eagles,
00:27:45is that it doesn't matter how many defeats,
00:27:47we continue with our heads held high, in a positive way.
00:27:50And well, for the next event,
00:27:55that here the event is to get out of Playa Baja.
00:27:59Playa Baja is ours.
00:28:01Good, man.
00:28:02Let's go with everything.
00:28:03Let's go with everything.
00:28:06They canceled the event.
00:28:07They canceled the event?
00:28:09Nothing, everything we had done as a strategy with the eagles,
00:28:12for the flags, I mean, it didn't work.
00:28:14You're going to keep taking care of yours,
00:28:16and I'm going to keep taking care of mine.
00:28:17As far as I can.
00:28:18And I'm going to disintegrate Panteras,
00:28:20because Panteras is the one that gives the most war to my children.
00:28:22Yes, of course.
00:28:23We make chicken broth.
00:28:25Well, yes, we'll have to get out and stay,
00:28:28I mean, and try to steal Bibi, and Bibi, and Bibi, and Bibi.
00:28:36We were already safe with two badges,
00:28:38but I wanted to destroy the Panteras,
00:28:41to be able to eliminate them,
00:28:43and that the sharks would get further away.
00:28:45But well, now we're going to have to recalculate the normal route.
00:28:50This is what happens on the island.
00:28:52And well, what better than recalculating the route here in the Mediterranean Sea.
00:28:57The main thing is that we do not separate ourselves.
00:28:59What happens with the others is no longer our problem.
00:29:02We have to focus on ourselves.
00:29:03We have to move to the Panteras.
00:29:04And no more negotiations, nothing, no agreement, nothing.
00:29:07No, no, no.
00:29:08We have never needed anyone.
00:29:10Never, no, never.
00:29:11We wanted to manipulate the eagles a bit,
00:29:14because we see them like that.
00:29:17In reality, we always wanted to get rid of them.
00:29:20But they go where the tortilla heats up.
00:29:23That's it.
00:29:24They go to where it heats up the most.
00:29:26But if you were manipulating the breath.
00:29:30You are the most manipulative in the video.
00:29:33Stop talking.
00:29:35Many people would think that we started this place with our left foot,
00:29:39because we do not win the badge.
00:29:40The reality is that we, the sharks,
00:29:43we like to stun the enemy.
00:29:46Let them think that we are not stepping so hard.
00:29:49And suddenly, boom, like the Trojan horse.
00:29:52I think it's for these lands.
00:29:53That's how we bring that tactic.
00:29:55We go like this, and suddenly, the monster comes out.
00:29:59So be careful, Panteras and eagles,
00:30:01because we, the sharks, are in our element.
00:30:04Monse has something, that she has a sting.
00:30:06She knows how to solve it in the moment.
00:30:08She thinks.
00:30:09She is very clever.
00:30:10She observes everything.
00:30:11And she moves.
00:30:12And she moves.
00:30:13She moves, my love.
00:30:14She is small, but there are others who are small,
00:30:18and what they do is talk a lot.
00:30:19She moves, solves, and solves.
00:30:22I'm going to tell you something,
00:30:23so it's clear, and I want to express it to the others.
00:30:26It has been shown that everyone plays here.
00:30:29It was not Adolfo, it was not Wilda, it was not Huaca, it was not Alba.
00:30:33That's how I'm going to understand.
00:30:34And we gave it.
00:30:35And we gave it.
00:30:36And Alex, Alex gave it.
00:30:37Alex gave it very well.
00:30:38Alex gave it because Guti became an 8,
00:30:40and Sebastián, I don't even tell you.
00:30:41Sebastián was spinning, I didn't know what it was.
00:30:43Alex and she had a very nice connection,
00:30:46and it was achieved.
00:30:56Teams, the next challenge
00:30:58is one of the most anticipated by you on the island.
00:31:02I mean the challenge for the territory.
00:31:13Where the place where you will live in the next few days is defined.
00:31:17The winning team of the challenge
00:31:19will get the precious key to the high beach
00:31:22that I have here in Antalya.
00:31:25They will have everything to live comfortably in large spaces.
00:31:28You know, pool, hot water,
00:31:30and comfortable beds to sleep.
00:31:34And they will also have a chef
00:31:36who will cook what you like.
00:31:38And the drink, you know, is unlimited.
00:31:41One to my health, please.
00:31:43The one who obtains the second place
00:31:45of the territory challenge
00:31:46stays with the keys to the middle beach.
00:31:48It only has the basic needs.
00:31:50They will have a small refrigerator,
00:31:52beds, food and drink are limited.
00:31:55And the team that is in last place
00:31:57will have the keys to the low beach
00:31:59where, let's say,
00:32:01they will have to survive to make the summary, right?
00:32:04They will spend the night inside sleeping bags,
00:32:07without hot water,
00:32:08they will not have a bathroom or a stove,
00:32:10and they will have to light their own fire.
00:32:12The food will be very, very, very little.
00:32:16Think that being in a good place to rest
00:32:19can sometimes be very, very difficult.
00:32:22That being in a good place to rest
00:32:24can sometimes have a lot of influence
00:32:26on the team's triumphs.
00:32:28Probably spending so much time on the low beach
00:32:31has affected my eagles.
00:32:33And proof of this
00:32:34is that the three exiled so far
00:32:36have been part of their team,
00:32:38they have been eagles.
00:32:39You, eagles, have to fight more than anyone
00:32:42to avoid falling again on the low beach.
00:32:48Pay attention to the rules of the challenge
00:32:50for the territory are the following.
00:32:53In this challenge,
00:32:54two participants compete per team.
00:32:56Both start on the platform,
00:32:59they must advance to the wall and jump it,
00:33:01then go through the straw pit,
00:33:03take the bag of pieces of puzzles
00:33:05that are there and go up the tunnel.
00:33:08Later, you have to release the ropes
00:33:11that hold the other two bags
00:33:12and go down the network maze
00:33:14to pick them up on the other side.
00:33:16They must cross the next wall
00:33:18and go under the rake.
00:33:20There, you have to pick up the last bag
00:33:23and with all of them,
00:33:24reach the end of the track.
00:33:26With the collected pieces,
00:33:28they must build the puzzle
00:33:30connecting the circles with the squares
00:33:32of the same color.
00:33:33The team that manages to build it first
00:33:35will get a point.
00:33:37The team that reaches three points
00:33:38will be the winner of the challenge.
00:33:40I'm going to give you a few minutes
00:33:41for you to meet and decide
00:33:43who is going to compete.
00:33:44And we'll see you, as always,
00:33:46at the beginning of the circuit.
00:33:52Well, family,
00:33:53it's time to ratify
00:33:54what we did in the first game.
00:33:56The truth is that today I feel,
00:33:58as my grandmother told me,
00:33:59the beautiful aura.
00:34:01I feel that Playa Alta
00:34:02is one of the Panthers.
00:34:03We started with good energy, my love.
00:34:04And how nice to have it here in Antalya.
00:34:07Of course.
00:34:08So, guys...
00:34:09It has to be a good mansion for sure.
00:34:11That's it!
00:34:12We're going to go to another race
00:34:13like in the afternoon.
00:34:14The one who has to play
00:34:15and the one who doesn't have to play,
00:34:16supporting each other.
00:34:17Yes, always.
00:34:18That's it.
00:34:19Let's see how the game is,
00:34:20what it's about.
00:34:21And nothing, guys,
00:34:22let's give our best.
00:34:23Everyone has already shown
00:34:24that we all play here
00:34:25and we're all going to put
00:34:26our little grain of sand.
00:34:27So, let's go with everything, damn it!
00:34:29Let's go Panthers!
00:34:32There's a kind of coastal
00:34:34on the back.
00:34:36I don't know.
00:34:37They're a puzzle
00:34:38or something we have to put.
00:34:40Calm down.
00:34:43You have to win it.
00:34:44It's very important.
00:34:45Definition, as always.
00:34:46Come on, let's go.
00:34:47Let's go!
00:34:48Come on!
00:34:49Come on, Tiburones!
00:34:50We don't know.
00:34:51It will probably be
00:34:52man or woman.
00:34:54And you start by throwing
00:34:57Obviously, it would be
00:34:58if you started,
00:34:59you and Bibi.
00:35:00Do you think it's good with Uriel?
00:35:01Let me start with Uriel.
00:35:02I'm going with Bibi first.
00:35:04And then...
00:35:05Yes, it's a couple.
00:35:06It's a couple.
00:35:07Yes, it's a couple.
00:35:08And then...
00:35:09I'm going to start with Uriel.
00:35:11You're going to start with Uriel.
00:35:12I think it's more than good, and we're going to...
00:35:15And we're going to watch.
00:35:17We're going to watch, let's hope it's like that,
00:35:19because I think it's two people, it's a man and a woman for sure.
00:35:22Here the women are going to have a good time,
00:35:24now it's their turn to repeat several times.
00:35:27We're going to be very close.
00:35:29Let's see how the aim or the shot is,
00:35:32if we pass you or me.
00:35:35Let's go for that high beach, guys.
00:35:37Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:35:39Aguilas, Aguilas, Aguilas, Aguilas, Aguilas!
00:35:44There is a desire to win the challenge for the territory,
00:35:48fundamental for all participants of the Island of Extreme Challenge.
00:35:52Oh, forgive me!
00:35:53The yellow, the yellow, the yellow!
00:35:55And now, I saw that he cheated,
00:35:58and the strategy is wrong.
00:36:00I've never cheated, I don't like cheating,
00:36:02I've never cheated.
00:36:07Participants came to win,
00:36:10that's why they're here.
00:36:12Are you ready?
00:36:13In this survival Tuesday,
00:36:15the challenge for the territory begins now!
00:36:20Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, the three teams,
00:36:23there go the eagles, the sharks, the panthers,
00:36:26the eagles represented by Sergio Mayer and Viviana,
00:36:31the sharks by Adrián and Samira,
00:36:37and the panthers have the couple of the island.
00:36:41Support yourself, Samira, support yourself.
00:36:47Let's go, let's go.
00:36:51That's it, Aguilas!
00:36:53There they are, in this kind of network maze.
00:37:01The eagles take the lead, they take the lead,
00:37:03and there's Sergio Mayer, already with his shields in hand,
00:37:06jumping as if he had done military service.
00:37:10Look at you, the panthers too,
00:37:13they arrive second, the sharks are a little behind,
00:37:17but there comes Samira, already trying to catch up.
00:37:21There we see the panthers, ladies and gentlemen,
00:37:23who arrive first to the arm of this puzzle
00:37:27puzzle that has to do with colors
00:37:30and that tests all the mental skill
00:37:34that the participants may have
00:37:36due to this extreme heat that we are experiencing.
00:37:43Green, green here, yellow.
00:37:45Yellow, yellow.
00:37:46No, no, no, it was here, it was here, it was here.
00:37:50Come on, sharks!
00:37:54There are the three teams working hard
00:37:57to try to get the arm of this puzzle as soon as possible.
00:38:03There we see the panthers advancing at a constant pace.
00:38:08Then Sergio, Bibi doing his own thing.
00:38:13The sharks are there in the battle,
00:38:16trying to organize the pieces from the ground.
00:38:19I take this opportunity to send a hug
00:38:24to the entire American community
00:38:26who does us the favor of following us
00:38:28through the signal, of course, from Telemundo
00:38:31to all of Miami, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Texas,
00:38:37Houston in particular, and Puerto Rico, of course.
00:38:41Green, green.
00:38:45Here, here, here.
00:38:51The panthers very close to the sharks
00:38:54trying to find the pieces as soon as possible.
00:39:02The eagle flag is up.
00:39:05Point for the eagles!
00:39:09Come on, very good, very good.
00:39:21Here with the hunter, things are much easier.
00:39:26It was complicated, the algorithm they gave us to do,
00:39:30but we coordinated quite well.
00:39:33I put some, Bibi put others,
00:39:35Bibi put others, we made a good team,
00:39:38and here are the results.
00:39:39They did it very well, very well.
00:39:44Really fast.
00:39:46And the others, in terms of colors,
00:39:49very well, the notes well synchronized.
00:39:52How did you feel? What tips for those of us who follow?
00:39:55Concentration, above all, love.
00:39:57The last part, right? Everything else is...
00:39:59Yes, everything else.
00:40:00Here the bank looks easy, but there it doesn't.
00:40:05With one that you read, you already read them all.
00:40:10Come on, but everything is possible, let's go.
00:40:12There is still nothing said, nothing written.
00:40:15We are fine.
00:40:17Thank God, we have been very well.
00:40:19Let's go.
00:40:20Let's go with everything.
00:40:21I think it's already a mermaid, the body needs it,
00:40:25a good rest, good nutrition.
00:40:27I think it's something that, apart from the fact that we deserve it,
00:40:30I think it's time for the eagles to go to Playa Alta.
00:40:32Son, the truth is that we had it,
00:40:34we did the circuit super well, we got ahead.
00:40:37At the time of taking out the pieces and putting together the puzzle,
00:40:41there was a confusion in the colors.
00:40:43But I say, it's part of it.
00:40:44We were close and nothing, this doesn't stop us,
00:40:47we're going to keep giving.
00:40:48Take out the pieces and put them on.
00:40:51If you can help your partner to put them in organized colors,
00:40:55it would be ideal.
00:40:56It's just that they get stuck a lot in the bags.
00:40:59Yes, the bag.
00:41:01Yes, I saw it at the end.
00:41:02And the bag.
00:41:03But, listen to what Valeria did.
00:41:06They were on the floor because they didn't see them.
00:41:09Blue skirt.
00:41:10Sometimes the sand covers them.
00:41:12So that's why it would be good to go up.
00:41:15It takes a long time to open.
00:41:17Of course, of course.
00:41:18You can't leave them all.
00:41:20And then there are empanadas.
00:41:22Yes, that's why.
00:41:24It was inside.
00:41:25It was inside, it was already on.
00:41:27It wasn't in the sand, it was on.
00:41:28Remember that they can bury themselves in the sand.
00:41:30Yes, yes.
00:41:31If they don't find them there.
00:41:32We already had it.
00:41:33I think we didn't do anything wrong.
00:41:36For the next one, well, nothing.
00:41:40The truth is that Panteras always comes first.
00:41:43We are still nothing.
00:41:44And that's what gives courage.
00:41:46But I know that in that next round,
00:41:48those who go will give it.
00:41:51Brother, I'm sorry for your son.
00:41:54Messing with the kids, I think it's too much.
00:41:57Because you have daughters.
00:41:58If they mess with the most sacred thing I have,
00:42:03it's not worth it.
00:42:09Point for the eagles,
00:42:11who are desperate to occupy Playa Alta.
00:42:14Participants, are you ready?
00:42:17The challenge for the territory continues now.
00:42:21Ladies and gentlemen,
00:42:24the three teams
00:42:27looking to win the challenge for the territory.
00:42:31Let's see what soldiers go to battle.
00:42:34Huaca and Monse on the Panteras.
00:42:37There we see Angelica and Uriel on the eagles.
00:42:42The bull, Chuy,
00:42:45along with the viking,
00:42:47giving it all for the tigers.
00:42:49You can, you can.
00:42:50We see the Panteras with a remarkable advantage
00:42:53there in this network maze.
00:42:58Oh, forgive me.
00:42:59You stepped on me.
00:43:01Run, run, run.
00:43:02Come here, come here, with confidence.
00:43:04Do you see the way, nothing else,
00:43:07to jump that fence
00:43:08by this demonized little girl
00:43:11who has a huge heart.
00:43:16And the Panteras are already
00:43:18putting together this puzzle.
00:43:26Those are the screams of the Guru.
00:43:31It is Sergio Mayer who is desperate
00:43:34for his team to arrive
00:43:36and start putting together the puzzle.
00:43:39Of course, the eagles
00:43:41manage to win
00:43:43this challenge for the territory
00:43:45after having lived for a while
00:43:48on Playa Baja.
00:43:51Celeste, Celeste.
00:43:59An orange.
00:44:05It's purple, purple.
00:44:09Uriel and Angelica are already in the army
00:44:12of this puzzle.
00:44:14However, they are behind
00:44:16compared to the Panteras
00:44:19who are giving it absolutely everything.
00:44:21There we see Monce working in green,
00:44:25collecting the pieces that fall.
00:44:27Meanwhile, the sharks
00:44:29are also going for more advanced.
00:44:31The Pantera flag is up.
00:44:34And the point is for the Panteras.
00:44:39Take it.
00:44:40Thank you.
00:44:42Come on.
00:44:43Come on.
00:44:55No, really, what a master.
00:44:57What did you open?
00:44:59What I did is that when I went to the net,
00:45:04as I already had a bag, I was going.
00:45:07Of course.
00:45:08I was already opening.
00:45:09I was telling her that.
00:45:10Open, open, open.
00:45:12Go opening from before.
00:45:14This is a game of confidence.
00:45:16And the truth, from the beginning,
00:45:17Celeste and Monce,
00:45:18I'm very sure with you.
00:45:20And it was shown in the field of play.
00:45:22I know that maybe she was going to
00:45:24lay the big railings
00:45:26when I saw that she was next to me.
00:45:28We loved it.
00:45:29We got there first.
00:45:30And there was something very important at the end.
00:45:32And that I took out the chips
00:45:34and I was putting.
00:45:35When I finished, I was helping her.
00:45:36And that was in five seconds.
00:45:38Did we finish that?
00:45:39Yes, I think so.
00:45:40Yes, I think that an essential part
00:45:42of a successful game
00:45:44is to understand each other well.
00:45:46In this part, it is known that
00:45:47Waka is a little more accelerated.
00:45:49Me too, but I arrive at a moment
00:45:50in which, okay, calm is calm.
00:45:52So, as I am a little calmer
00:45:54for the armor of these colored things,
00:45:57I said, Waka, you take out the pieces
00:45:59and when you can, help me.
00:46:00Meanwhile, don't get in here.
00:46:01This is my area.
00:46:03So I think that's what happened.
00:46:04And at the end, obviously,
00:46:05he cooperated with me
00:46:06and we gave him the point
00:46:07that he had to give.
00:46:08His face was full of sand.
00:46:09But it was worth it.
00:46:10Yes, he jumped like,
00:46:11I jumped the fence like crazy,
00:46:13but it was worth it
00:46:14because we already have the point
00:46:15in our favor.
00:46:17Did you slip, Nat?
00:46:19Did you slip a lot?
00:46:20I grabbed the rope.
00:46:22Because Chuy told me
00:46:23to grab the tubes first,
00:46:24but I grabbed the rope
00:46:25and like from the side,
00:46:26because we are too high in this.
00:46:29Too high.
00:46:31As much as you lower it,
00:46:32it always collides with you.
00:46:34Always, in everything.
00:46:36Oh, we are very big.
00:46:38Very, very big,
00:46:39all the sharks,
00:46:40but the truth is that
00:46:41always passing with Chuy
00:46:42gives me a lot of encouragement.
00:46:44I go there watching,
00:46:45I almost leave him without a hand.
00:46:47Did you step on me?
00:46:48You didn't realize.
00:46:49I stepped on him,
00:46:50but hey, we got there,
00:46:51we got there,
00:46:52to give it all
00:46:53and it's super complicated.
00:46:54Yes, one thing is to see it
00:46:55from the stand,
00:46:56because every colleague
00:46:57who passed by,
00:46:58you see it,
00:46:59you analyze it.
00:47:00You have time to...
00:47:01I have it,
00:47:02but when you get there agitated,
00:47:04it's another ticket.
00:47:05You have too many colors
00:47:07and if we failed there,
00:47:08but the game is not over.
00:47:09I am 100% sure
00:47:10that my sharks
00:47:11take out the cast in this one.
00:47:14You are very big,
00:47:15so you can't go up
00:47:16because you are hitting yourself.
00:47:18You have to hit the floor
00:47:19with your chest.
00:47:20Like kicking.
00:47:21You were kicking,
00:47:22but up,
00:47:23so it's impossible.
00:47:25but grabbing
00:47:26like a lizard.
00:47:30You have hit
00:47:31the whole body to the floor.
00:47:33Yes, like ice cream.
00:47:35Point for the Panthers,
00:47:37who tie the Eagles
00:47:38in the battle
00:47:39for the conquest
00:47:40of Playa Alta.
00:47:43are you ready?
00:47:45The challenge
00:47:46for the territory
00:47:47continues now.
00:47:48Start, ladies and gentlemen,
00:47:49the three teams.
00:47:50There is this jump
00:47:51of the first barrier.
00:47:52I see you,
00:47:53nothing more.
00:47:55Hang on to the tubes.
00:47:56As I told you.
00:47:57There is technique,
00:47:58there is courage,
00:47:59there is desire.
00:48:00That's it, Victor.
00:48:01There is a desire to win.
00:48:02The challenge
00:48:03for the territory
00:48:04is fundamental
00:48:05for all the participants
00:48:06of the Island
00:48:07Extreme Challenge.
00:48:08Come on, quick, Cris.
00:48:09Quick, Cris.
00:48:12There we see
00:48:13how they all do
00:48:14a little ball
00:48:15to untie
00:48:16their ribs
00:48:17and be able
00:48:18to continue
00:48:19through the maze of the network.
00:48:20I see the Eagles
00:48:21with a certain advantage.
00:48:22Vivi is already leaving
00:48:23the maze,
00:48:24just like the puppy
00:48:25by the Panthers.
00:48:26There we see
00:48:27Sebastián and Vivi.
00:48:28You see the technique
00:48:29of facing the bar.
00:48:30The puppy
00:48:31is already on the other side
00:48:32with the glamour
00:48:33that characterizes him.
00:48:34Let's see
00:48:35who starts
00:48:36with the arm of the puzzle.
00:48:37They are the Eagles,
00:48:38ladies and gentlemen,
00:48:39who are fighting
00:48:40with everything
00:48:41to get
00:48:42their second point.
00:48:44the Panthers
00:48:45are not going
00:48:46to be left behind.
00:48:47They are hungry
00:48:48for success
00:48:49and hungry
00:48:50for the other,
00:48:51for the good one.
00:48:52That's right,
00:48:53they are also going
00:48:54to fight
00:48:55with absolute
00:48:57They are going
00:48:58to fight
00:48:59with absolutely
00:49:01And they are already
00:49:03with the arm
00:49:04of the pieces
00:49:05that they take
00:49:06from the ribs.
00:49:07They go to the ground.
00:49:09the sharks
00:49:10are already
00:49:12the arm board
00:49:13and there we see
00:49:14how they begin
00:49:15to do
00:49:16this teamwork.
00:49:17A lot of concentration
00:49:18is required,
00:49:19like the one
00:49:20that Sebastián and Vivi
00:49:21are having
00:49:22of the Eagles
00:49:23who are already
00:49:25on the board.
00:49:26We all know
00:49:27the efficiency
00:49:28of these two participants
00:49:29at the moment
00:49:30of getting
00:49:31the points.
00:49:32I mean Viviana
00:49:33and Sebastián.
00:49:34For their part,
00:49:35Agüita and El Cachorro
00:49:36are there
00:49:38to organize
00:49:39all the pieces
00:49:40by color
00:49:41so that later
00:49:42they can follow
00:49:43this pattern
00:49:44of arming.
00:49:45So far,
00:49:46the Eagles
00:49:47have a considerable
00:49:49Vivi seems
00:49:50to already know it.
00:49:52understood it well.
00:49:53The sharks
00:49:55I see them
00:49:57but surely.
00:49:58Let's see
00:49:59if they make it.
00:50:00You can see
00:50:01the anguish
00:50:02of the Sensei
00:50:03crossing his leg
00:50:04throwing the prayers
00:50:05to all his gods.
00:50:06The yellow,
00:50:07the yellow,
00:50:08the yellow.
00:50:09The yellow,
00:50:10the yellow.
00:50:11The Eagles
00:50:12are throwing the flag.
00:50:13It's not correct.
00:50:14We have to
00:50:18This is not
00:50:19in the pattern.
00:50:20This is not
00:50:21in the pattern.
00:50:22The purple one
00:50:23up there.
00:50:24The sharks
00:50:29from making it.
00:50:30Let's see
00:50:31who finishes
00:50:33The Panthers
00:50:34are also
00:50:35about to
00:50:37There are the
00:50:39who raised
00:50:40the flag.
00:50:42for the sharks.
00:50:59Let's go.
00:51:00Let's go.
00:51:01That's 1-1.
00:51:02It's 0-0.
00:51:05Now we're all
00:51:06going 1-1.
00:51:07The Eagles,
00:51:08the Panthers,
00:51:09the sharks,
00:51:10we all have one.
00:51:11There are two points left
00:51:12so there is no
00:51:13room for error.
00:51:14You can't
00:51:15give up
00:51:16any second here
00:51:17so we have to get there
00:51:18and put all the cards
00:51:19in order.
00:51:20Whoever makes a mistake
00:51:22Look, the blue one,
00:51:23the blue one
00:51:24is 1-1.
00:51:25The yellow one
00:51:26is also easy.
00:51:27The yellow one
00:51:28is in the corner
00:51:29like this,
00:51:30the L.
00:51:31Look at it there.
00:51:32Don't complain
00:51:33when I do the same
00:51:34thing of blowing
00:51:35the colors.
00:51:36Which one?
00:51:37I just saw you
00:51:38blowing the colors.
00:51:39Listen to me,
00:51:40it's always the same here.
00:51:41Yes, because
00:51:42then it goes there.
00:51:44Then it goes there.
00:51:45Of course,
00:51:46he said everything.
00:51:47Right now,
00:51:48Alba just
00:51:49walked there
00:51:50and said everything.
00:51:51No, but yes.
00:51:52I swear,
00:51:54I saw you
00:51:55slipping things.
00:51:56I did,
00:51:57I copied Guaca.
00:51:58Guaca goes to the side
00:51:59and with the feet
00:52:00and with this,
00:52:01this goes to the bag.
00:52:02So he goes using
00:52:03and goes using.
00:52:04So when I saw
00:52:05that you needed support,
00:52:06I said,
00:52:08let my head do it,
00:52:09I don't care.
00:52:10No, we got
00:52:11with a lot of advantage
00:52:12with Bibi.
00:52:13We just needed
00:52:14to get some cards
00:52:15out of a bag.
00:52:16I was putting together
00:52:17very quickly
00:52:18and we got confused
00:52:19in a color,
00:52:20there was no pattern
00:52:21and to correct
00:52:22and to correct
00:52:23Bibi went for the flag.
00:52:24There was a confusion
00:52:25there that
00:52:26was not understood
00:52:27very well.
00:52:28Already at the time
00:52:29of recomposing
00:52:30the game
00:52:31was gone,
00:52:32the game
00:52:33was gone
00:52:36I'm going to tell you
00:52:37one thing,
00:52:38you two are going to arrive
00:52:39very quickly
00:52:40and that's a very good
00:52:44when you get away
00:52:45I'm going to open
00:52:46everything and
00:52:47I'll start with you.
00:52:48And the colors,
00:52:49put the colors.
00:52:50I was putting
00:52:51several colors
00:52:52to put some
00:52:54as a advantage
00:52:55And we
00:52:56already know
00:52:57who will be
00:52:58the first
00:52:59We are going to
00:53:00start very well,
00:53:01the very first
00:53:02to go,
00:53:04who will
00:53:05be the first
00:53:16to arrive
00:53:17right here
00:53:18in Catalonia
00:53:20Two points to get the keys to Playa Alta.
00:53:23Participants, are you ready?
00:53:25The challenge continues now!
00:53:28Ladies and gentlemen, there's Sergio Mayer
00:53:32and Tarzán crossing this bar first,
00:53:36which allows them to continue on the parkour.
00:53:39Don't stop, Gigi, don't stop!
00:53:40Come on, come on, Tarzán, faster!
00:53:43In this metal tunnel, which is a battle,
00:53:46you see Sergio Mayer's technique from the side.
00:53:49Tarzán takes the lead,
00:53:51a remarkable battle for Angelica to get up.
00:53:56Gigi was extremely behind.
00:53:59He takes off his helmet.
00:54:01But look at this, what a way to squeeze Gigi,
00:54:04using both arms and legs to push himself up.
00:54:10And he's already reaching the next stage.
00:54:13Sergio Mayer is risking his physique again.
00:54:17Open, open, open!
00:54:18He's about to continue.
00:54:21You open them, you open them!
00:54:23Keep going, keep going, open, throw on the floor, throw on the floor!
00:54:25Now, yes, ladies and gentlemen.
00:54:28That's it, Gigi, that's it, that's it!
00:54:30Come on, come on, come on!
00:54:31There you are, come on, come on, Gigi!
00:54:32Wait, wait, Toni, wait there, wait, wait.
00:54:34You can't go there if you don't get out.
00:54:37That's it, well done, Toni, well done, well done, Toni.
00:54:40The Panthers with a remarkable advantage
00:54:42are already in the arms of the puzzle.
00:54:46Sergio Mayer pushes Gigi a little
00:54:48to make it possible to get to the second stage.
00:54:52And there's Sergio and Angelica.
00:54:54Look at this, what a way to help, in quotes,
00:54:59Gigi on behalf of Toni.
00:55:03Come on!
00:55:05The Panthers have a remarkable advantage.
00:55:08They arrived days ago to the puzzle.
00:55:10Toni, get out! Toni!
00:55:12Meanwhile, the Eagles, ladies and gentlemen,
00:55:15are emptying all these coastal areas.
00:55:18And Sergio starts with the puzzle.
00:55:21Gigi gets stuck, but there it is, there it is.
00:55:25So, there's a tremendous message on his back.
00:55:27Mommy, I love you.
00:55:33Green, strong, green, strong.
00:55:34Let's see how the puzzle is developed.
00:55:37I see the Panthers are almost done.
00:55:40Let's see if they're lucky enough to do it
00:55:42in the right way at the time of raising the flag.
00:55:46There's Tarzan Duda, one, another, on the other side.
00:55:49No, yes, I think he's going here.
00:55:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:55:53No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:55:56No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:56:03Now, they are fighting with blue.
00:56:05No, no, no, no, no, you're black.
00:56:06Don't take out the red, for each one of you.
00:56:08Meanwhile, Sergio Maker needs some time to finish off Yellow.
00:56:12And Angelica is checking.
00:56:14Check all the floors.
00:56:15The Panthers are going for the flag.
00:56:18He's asking, Mommy Panthers if this is right.
00:56:20As they raise the flag.
00:56:22Point for the purple team!
00:56:26Well done!
00:56:28Well done!
00:56:39Remember what they're saying, Mom.
00:56:41You did well.
00:56:42They told you to do well.
00:56:43Listen to them.
00:56:44You did well, Flavio.
00:56:46It's a shame your son is watching you, daddy.
00:56:48It's a shame your son is watching you.
00:56:51No, no, no, no, no, wey.
00:56:52Not that.
00:56:53That's not a way to win.
00:56:55And on top of that, he wants to celebrate.
00:56:57You're a little adolf.
00:56:58I'm not ashamed of you, father of the family.
00:56:59There's a moment left, Daniel.
00:57:00Let's win for a moment.
00:57:02So we don't get scared.
00:57:03We saw when Guaca was telling the bosses...
00:57:05No, no, no, I wasn't saying anything.
00:57:06I never said anything.
00:57:07I never said anything.
00:57:29What a shame for your son!
00:57:30Guaca is not getting me.
00:57:31He's getting my son.
00:57:32Hey, viking.
00:57:34I mean, we're here, I mean, messing with the children, I think it's too much, because
00:57:35you have daughters.
00:57:36What a shame, what a shame.
00:57:37I haven't gotten into your children, baby.
00:57:38Look, I, the day I cheat, get in with me.
00:57:39But I haven't gotten into your children.
00:57:40And I don't cheat either.
00:57:41When you cheat, get in with me, with my children.
00:57:42I, blessed with angry, cut.
00:57:43What a shame, baby, what a shame.
00:57:44What a shame.
00:57:45What a shame.
00:57:46What a shame.
00:57:47What a shame.
00:57:48What a shame.
00:57:49What a shame.
00:57:50What a shame.
00:57:51What a shame.
00:57:52What a shame.
00:57:53What a shame.
00:57:54What a shame.
00:57:55What a shame.
00:57:56What a shame.
00:57:57What a shame.
00:57:58What a shame.
00:57:59What a shame.
00:58:00What a shame.
00:58:01What a shame.
00:58:02What a shame.
00:58:03What a shame.
00:58:04What a shame.
00:58:05What a shame.
00:58:06What a shame.
00:58:07What a shame.
00:58:08What a shame.
00:58:09What a shame.
00:58:10What a shame.
00:58:11What a shame.
00:58:12What a shame.
00:58:13What a shame.
00:58:14What a shame.
00:58:15What a shame.
00:58:16What a shame.
00:58:17What a shame.
00:58:18What a shame.
00:58:19What a shame.
00:58:20What a shame.
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00:58:22What a shame.
00:58:23What a shame.
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01:00:35What a shame.
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01:00:40What a shame.
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01:00:43What a shame.
01:00:44What a shame.
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01:00:48What a shame.
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01:00:50What a shame.
01:00:51What a shame.
01:00:52What a shame.
01:00:53What a shame.
01:00:54What a shame.
01:00:55What a shame.
01:00:56What a shame.
01:00:57What a shame.
01:00:58What a shame.
01:00:59What a shame.
01:01:00What a shame.
01:01:01What a shame.
01:01:02What a shame.
01:01:03What a shame.
01:01:04What a shame.
01:01:05What a shame.
01:01:06What a shame.
01:01:07What a shame.
01:01:08What a shame.
01:01:15What a shame.
01:01:18What a shame.
01:01:23Let's see if they lift that flag, ladies and gentlemen.
01:01:25The purple flag is in the air.
01:01:28It's a point!
01:01:30And a challenge for the Panthers!
01:01:33To Playa Alta, boys!
01:01:35Let's go!
01:01:36Let's go!
01:01:37Let's go!
01:01:38Let's go!
01:01:39Let's go!
01:01:40Let's go!
01:01:41Let's go!
01:01:42Let's go!
01:01:43Let's go!
01:01:44Let's go!
01:01:45Let's go!
01:01:46Let's go!
01:01:47Let's go!
01:01:48Let's go!
01:01:49Let's go!
01:01:50Let's go!
01:01:51Let's go!
01:01:53How did we miss Paulino?
01:01:54sanding the flag!
01:01:59We've had one penalty!
01:02:00Here we come!
01:02:01Pinky and blue!
01:02:02Pink and blue!
01:02:03Pink and blue!
01:02:04Pink and blue!
01:02:05Pink and blue!
01:02:06Pink and blue!
01:02:07Pink and blue!
01:02:08Pink and blue!
01:02:09We made it!
01:02:11We made it!
01:02:13We made it!
01:02:15We made it!
01:02:17We made it!
01:02:25The good shadow gives, they want to throw stones at the tree.
01:02:28The sharks realized that in this game I was a fundamental piece,
01:02:32because I was going to repeat and they wanted to disconcentrate me.
01:02:35What did I say? Now I'm not going to fight, I'm not going to argue.
01:02:37After the point and I told them we won the point now if they want to say what they want I am not cheating I do not like
01:02:44The traps and it is more if someone has to tell you about cheating or not in my team if I am cheating and everyone
01:02:49I say guys, let's not do this, let's comply with the rules, so I'm very calm, what I do not like is that they mess with my family
01:02:54To give respect there you have to respect then nothing I am very calm and today and right now I am going to sleep
01:03:00Happy high beach today I liked something that this is why it is malicious we had a bad one and I
01:03:07I analyzed and they changed it quickly, but the good thing is that it was to put them and then nothing else
01:03:14In one I had to tear the bag, it wouldn't open, in Arby's we started like this, winning six games in a row
01:03:25No team had done it and from one moment to another we started in declines, declines, declines and we realized
01:03:29That the sharks want to play with our mind so on the trip to here that were many hours
01:03:34We made the decision guys this has to be changed we are going to turn the map that they play with their own mind
01:03:41But not with our minds and that's how we all won if they realized today in the first round that we won
01:03:47The emblem was Alex and Montse and in this final was Huaca and Valeria then we all played and that's how we were
01:03:55Today something happened that I always like and I'm going to emphasize it again, we won or we lost but we gave everything
01:04:01That is, let's not say there I could have given everything, in the first round, well, what happened happened
01:04:07In the round of Aguilda and Adolfo too, that is, in the whole round we gave everything for everything
01:04:11Well, let's go to Playa Media, let's go to Playa Media anyway, let's make this point what we can do
01:04:18You know, as soon as we get there, please take out all the pieces, I take out both that I bring and you
01:04:24And the patterns, the small ones, the short ones first, the short ones, and you know you can help me
01:04:29In which you see that there are many colors, put them together, put them together, put them together, while I'm doing the others
01:04:35Yes, while I'm doing the others
01:04:36At the end this game is a roller coaster, there are ups and downs, the energies are moving
01:04:42I think Shark was with Playa Alta and it already moved, it goes to Panteras, so we are going to move that energy
01:04:48For us to go to Playa Media, and well, I'm going to inject all the energy that my team can in these next rounds to be able to achieve that
01:04:57I just want to see that you look us in the face, those of us who do play for real
01:05:01I just want to look at you and that you look me in the eyes and say that you did not cheat, because I saw you
01:05:06Third point for the Panteras, who have the keys to Playa Alta, where they will live with luxury and comfort
01:05:22Pool, good food, hot water, and some pleasant beds, how wonderful, eagles and sharks
01:05:30You have to continue competing for Playa Media with the points you have accumulated so far, both of you, as you can see, have one
01:05:39The first to reach three points stays with Playa Media, the team that is in last place will live in Playa Baja
01:05:48Participants, are you ready?
01:05:52On this Tuesday of survival, the challenge for the territory continues
01:05:57Now, the eagles and sharks are starting, look at this hand in hand that Adriana and Sebastian, Cristina and Angelica are giving each other
01:06:08And there they are entering this slope, this metal tunnel, to later reach the network labyrinth
01:06:19There are the two waiting for their companions to arrive to be able to untie the ribs
01:06:26The sharks are already doing their own thing, Cristina comes to the support, the shark is already below, the shark too
01:06:36The eagles fly, ladies and gentlemen, see nothing else, the tenacity of Sebastian to also cross the labyrinth
01:06:45Come on, Chris you can, go, go, go
01:06:50There these two warriors cross the last line, they go through the track, Adriana takes it calmly
01:07:00Sebastian a little more anxious to have an advantage at the moment of arming the puzzle
01:07:06Come on, open it, open it
01:07:08He's armed his headbreaker.
01:07:13I'll take the yellow ones.
01:07:14Let's see, ladies and gentlemen.
01:07:16The white one.
01:07:17Both teams are fighting,
01:07:19eagles and sharks,
01:07:21on Playa Media.
01:07:27The white one.
01:07:28The white one.
01:07:29I need your help.
01:07:30I'm coming, honey.
01:07:31I'm coming.
01:07:32I'm coming.
01:07:33I'm coming.
01:07:34I'm coming.
01:07:35I'm coming.
01:07:36Hurry up, hurry up!
01:07:41So far,
01:07:42I have the impression
01:07:43sharks have an advantage.
01:07:46I see a lot of yellow,
01:07:50green, red.
01:07:52For their part,
01:07:54the eagles
01:07:57already have the purple one.
01:07:59They're working with red.
01:08:04Let's see.
01:08:06Anything can happen to get...
01:08:11this second point.
01:08:16This one has to go.
01:08:28I see the board, Shark.
01:08:29No, this isn't going.
01:08:31With many more pieces than the Eagles,
01:08:34however, a single piece could be a reason
01:08:38for things to get more agile on either side of the board.
01:08:46Stay focused.
01:08:47I hear a cry of despair from Sebastian.
01:08:51Something happened to the orange pieces.
01:08:53They're giving him a hard time.
01:08:55And here, one gets in the way, another gets out of the way.
01:08:58That's why he has to be in his place
01:09:01and follow a precise order.
01:09:03Where is it?
01:09:05There's one missing.
01:09:06Let's see.
01:09:08Just to be on the safe side,
01:09:10all the participants on the board are lining up
01:09:15to see how this point is defined.
01:09:18It's a challenge for the territory.
01:09:20I'm Javier Poza, and I'm infinitely grateful
01:09:23that you're following us
01:09:25through the excitement of the Island of Extreme Challenge.
01:09:29What is it?
01:09:32There it is!
01:09:34Run, sharks!
01:09:37It's not working.
01:09:38Raise the blue flag!
01:09:40Point for the sharks!
01:09:50I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
01:09:52I mean...
01:09:54I'm going, I'm going.
01:10:03We weren't going to go wrong either.
01:10:06I went the wrong way.
01:10:08I went up the stairs dragging my back.
01:10:13Pull, pull, pull, pull.
01:10:15How did it go?
01:10:18Why don't I scratch my skin?
01:10:20It works better for me.
01:10:22I passed Adriana.
01:10:23On the side.
01:10:24I went up on the side.
01:10:25I went up on the side the last time.
01:10:28Whenever the pieces are close to the edge
01:10:31and you see the colors, join them.
01:10:33If they're close to the corners,
01:10:35always join them at the corners
01:10:36because that doesn't interfere with any other line.
01:10:39So, everything short.
01:10:40Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa.
01:10:41And when you don't know what to do,
01:10:42put them up by colors.
01:10:44Angelica was missing.
01:10:46And I say...
01:10:48That's why.
01:10:49She did the circuit.
01:10:51You have to give it to her.
01:10:52They were almost a couple, her and Cristina.
01:10:54But the moment she unties the bags,
01:10:56that's something very important.
01:10:59Come on, Angie, come on, Angie.
01:11:04Open them.
01:11:05Come on, come on, come on.
01:11:06Come on, come on, come on.
01:11:08And I think something very important
01:11:10is that the two have to collaborate
01:11:12on the boards.
01:11:13Yes, of course.
01:11:14Second point for the sharks.
01:11:15And they're just one away from moving to Playa Media.
01:11:18This is the last chance
01:11:20for the eagles
01:11:22who dream of a better life.
01:11:24But for that,
01:11:25they have to give absolutely everything.
01:11:27Participants, are you ready?
01:11:30The challenge continues now.
01:11:33Start, ladies and gentlemen.
01:11:35Come on, come on, come on.
01:11:36There are the sharks
01:11:38who go just for one point.
01:11:40Fighting with the eagerness of the eagles
01:11:44for a better world.
01:11:46Let's see who makes it.
01:11:48Let's see who makes it.
01:11:50So far,
01:11:52the battle is between Tony
01:11:55and Viviana.
01:11:59Let's see who makes it
01:12:01through this tunnel, this network,
01:12:04this labyrinth.
01:12:05First, I can see the advantage.
01:12:08Shark, so far, Tony is already crossing.
01:12:11However, Viviana appears there out of nowhere
01:12:16this is not defined until the end.
01:12:19Let's see.
01:12:20That's it.
01:12:21Let's go down.
01:12:22Let's go, let's go.
01:12:23The last one, let's go.
01:12:24Let's go.
01:12:25Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:12:27Just look at Viviana's technique
01:12:30with the shell practically in the mouth
01:12:33like San Bernardo, ladies and gentlemen.
01:12:36Just look.
01:12:38Here you have to use absolutely
01:12:40all the resources you have.
01:12:42Come on, Viviana.
01:12:44Come on, Natalia, I'm talking to you.
01:12:46There is the anxiety,
01:12:48the impatience of Sergio Mayer
01:12:51who tries to turn it into courage,
01:12:54into concentration,
01:12:55to be able to achieve first
01:12:58that the sharks,
01:12:59the arm of this complex,
01:13:01break heads,
01:13:02that gives him the possibility
01:13:04to tie the competition.
01:13:05Use it, love.
01:13:07Fix it.
01:13:09If the sharks get one more point,
01:13:12they will be in Playa Media
01:13:15and the eagles again
01:13:18in this low, low-lying nest
01:13:21which is Playa Baja.
01:13:36They need absolutely
01:13:38all the concentration.
01:13:40It has been a long day.
01:13:41That's my Tony, go.
01:13:43Go, Tony, go.
01:13:45The weather does not help.
01:13:47The flag, the flag.
01:13:48Look at you there
01:13:49how you lose a piece, Sergio.
01:13:51He already placed it.
01:13:53He wants to finish.
01:13:54Ladies and gentlemen,
01:13:55Sergio Mayer goes for the flag.
01:13:57The eagle flag is up.
01:13:59The shark too.
01:14:01Point for the sharks.
01:14:04That's it.
01:14:06We are in Playa Media.
01:14:08Yes, Sergio.
01:14:10I love you so much.
01:14:12That's it.
01:14:16Well done.
01:14:18Well done.
01:14:21Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:14:23Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:14:27We left the easiest one.
01:14:30Well done.
01:14:31Well done.
01:14:32Well done.
01:14:38What happened there in that last card?
01:14:40We left the easiest one.
01:14:42They left the easiest one.
01:14:43The easiest one.
01:14:44I was on that side.
01:15:01Very good.
01:15:02Very good.
01:15:04Enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it.
01:15:07Well done.
01:15:08You deserve it.
01:15:13The topic was delicate.
01:15:14Here it was about the family.
01:15:16And it is being touched by people
01:15:18who are talking about family.
01:15:20That's not done, people.
01:15:23You have to defend what is preached.
01:15:25Because the person who said it
01:15:27is who is always there.
01:15:28My daughters, my products.
01:15:30And she is respected.
01:15:42You at home, don't miss any detail.
01:15:44Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook
01:15:46at Telemundo Realities.
01:15:48And on Instagram at the island TLMD
01:15:51to find exclusive material
01:15:53of everything that happens on the island of Extreme Challenge.
01:15:56Panthers, congratulations.
01:15:59Your perseverance and decision has made you deserving
01:16:02of the keys to the desired high beach.
01:16:06Come for your key, please.
01:16:08Here is your key.
01:16:10Come on.
01:16:14Very good.
01:16:15You will live with luxury and comfort.
01:16:17In addition, you will have a pool, hot water, bathroom.
01:16:20You will sleep in comfortable beds
01:16:22and you will be able to eat whatever you want.
01:16:25Congratulations, really.
01:16:26You can return with your team.
01:16:28Good there.
01:16:29Very, very good.
01:16:35You get the second place.
01:16:38The key to Playa Media belongs to you.
01:16:40Come for it, please.
01:16:42Come on, come on.
01:16:44Come on, Tony.
01:16:46There it is, there it is, Playa Media.
01:16:48Well, you know, you have your limitations.
01:16:51But it's not that hard to live there.
01:16:53I want to thank all my team
01:16:55and this point I made with my older sister.
01:16:58Thank you!
01:16:59Thank you, Tony.
01:17:01Now, now, now...
01:17:03He took the opportunity to scratch you.
01:17:05What a thing.
01:17:06I can't believe it.
01:17:07You know what Playa Media is like, right?
01:17:09You have a bed, your refrigerator
01:17:11and the food is packed by participants
01:17:13but nothing serious.
01:17:15Congratulations, really.
01:17:16My eagles.
01:17:21You are in last place.
01:17:23Playa Baja.
01:17:24It will be your destiny.
01:17:28Come for your key, please.
01:17:30Come on, Águila!
01:17:32With dignity, my Sebi.
01:17:33Very good.
01:17:34There you go.
01:17:35That's it!
01:17:40In Playa Baja, they'll only have their sleeping bags.
01:17:42They won't have hot water, or a shower, or a bathroom.
01:17:44They'll light their own fire.
01:17:46And the food will be very, very scarce.
01:17:55You are, Vivi,
01:17:57the one who gives the most points to your team, no doubt.
01:18:00However, you've been living in Playa Baja for two weeks.
01:18:08We see frustration, tears on your face
01:18:11because of the result of the competition.
01:18:13Damn, Javi, you caught me in a moment...
01:18:28I think that the people out there don't know
01:18:32what it's like to be here every day in this confinement.
01:18:36And, obviously, you struggle with your emotions,
01:18:39with your thoughts, and there are many things.
01:18:42And it's not courage.
01:18:45It's a little bit of sadness.
01:18:48To know that every day my team breaks up.
01:18:52The soul breaks up, everything is left in the circuits.
01:18:55They never leave.
01:18:57We're there, we're left with a little dot, a little ball, nothing.
01:19:02And to see that we're still down.
01:19:07Obviously, it makes me a little bit sad
01:19:10not to be able to go to that high beach
01:19:13that we all long for so much.
01:19:20But, well, if we have something in our hearts,
01:19:23it's that we're very persistent.
01:19:25And with that grip that they saw us take today,
01:19:28grabbing the bags with our mouths,
01:19:30taking them out, cutting ourselves, bleeding.
01:19:33That's how we're going to go out every day
01:19:35until the time comes when that high beach becomes Águila.
01:19:38Well, well, well.
01:19:42Hey, let me tell you something.
01:19:45Every week, we have 13 challenges in total.
01:19:51La semana pasada fue la más competitiva de todas.
01:19:56Los tiburones ganaron cinco retos,
01:19:59las panteras ganaron cuatro,
01:20:01y las águilas, ¿saben cuántas ganaron?
01:20:08Entonces, levanten la cabeza, por favor,
01:20:12sigan adelante, porque la competencia
01:20:15cada vez se vuelve más reñida,
01:20:18cada vez está más justa,
01:20:20y las cosas pueden cambiar de un momento a otro.
01:20:24Así es que, ánimo, ¿eh?
01:20:27Sergio, te vi durante todo el día,
01:20:31muy ensimismado, batallando ahí con la frustración,
01:20:35muy concentrado, tratando de darle enfoque a tu equipo,
01:20:38y ahorita te veo para adentro.
01:20:41No sé si es resignación, si es frustración,
01:20:43si es coraje, si es tristeza.
01:20:45No sé, me gustaría escucharte, Sergio.
01:20:47Realmente es un poco de todo, Javi.
01:20:49Lo acabas de decir acertadamente.
01:20:51También Vivi lo explicó perfectamente.
01:20:54Siempre nos quedamos aún ya casi,
01:20:56por lo general, si ven las estadísticas,
01:20:58casi siempre, hablando de estadísticas...
01:21:00Me encanta.
01:21:01Casi siempre el primer punto lo logramos,
01:21:04y empezamos positivos con el primer punto,
01:21:06y algo pasa, y algo hay que ajustar.
01:21:09Es frustración, es coraje, es anhelo.
01:21:15Son muchas cosas las que pasan por nuestra mente,
01:21:17pero bueno, ya nos acostumbramos a...
01:21:20No nos hemos resignado, pero ya nos acostumbramos
01:21:23a la playa baja, y vamos a seguir peleando.
01:21:25Estamos seguros que en algún momento...
01:21:27No se puede acostumbrar a la playa baja, Sergio.
01:21:30No, no te puedes acostumbrar. Te adaptas.
01:21:32Así es.
01:21:33Pero no estamos resignados.
01:21:35Vamos a seguir peleando, y bueno,
01:21:37el equipo está muy fortalecido, pero algo falta.
01:21:40Ánimo. Muy bien.
01:21:42Y apoyando un poco lo que dices, Sergio,
01:21:44en las primeras tres semanas de competencia,
01:21:47ustedes ganaron tres retos solamente,
01:21:49y la semana pasada ganaron cuatro.
01:21:51Por lo cual, se notan los ajustes.
01:21:56Se nota que algo ha pasado.
01:21:58Sin embargo, está el detalle fino, creo yo.
01:22:01No bajen la guardia, por favor.
01:22:03Gracias, Javi.
01:22:04Suerte, suerte, suerte de verdad.
01:22:06Guaca, hermano.
01:22:10Durante este último reto,
01:22:12hubo un señalamiento por parte de los tiburones
01:22:16directo fuerte, además,
01:22:18de que tú le estabas diciendo el orden de las piezas
01:22:21a tus compañeros, si no me equivoco,
01:22:23fue a Mamá Pantera, cuando no estabas jugando,
01:22:26y consideraron que no era leal, que estabas haciendo trampa.
01:22:30Mira, el azul, el azul clave, es uno fácil.
01:22:32Un punto.
01:22:33Solo uno.
01:22:34Uno solo.
01:22:35El amarillo también está fácil.
01:22:37El amarillo es la esquinita así, mira, así la L.
01:22:39Mira, míralo ahí.
01:22:40Guaca, no te vayas a quejar cuando yo haga lo mismo
01:22:42de estar soplando los colores, ¿eh?
01:22:44Acabo de decir todo, Alba.
01:22:46Sí, todo el mundo está viendo.
01:22:47Aquí siempre lo mismo.
01:22:48¿Qué pasó en ese momento?
01:22:49¿Qué tienes que decir al respecto?
01:22:54Dilo, dilo, dilo.
01:22:56Tienes que reconocer.
01:22:57Señáleme de tramposo,
01:23:00ratero, lo que quieran,
01:23:01pero, por favor, no se metan con mi familia.
01:23:06¡Qué pena que te vea tu hijo, papacito!
01:23:08¡Qué pena que te vea tu hijo!
01:23:12No, no, güey, eso no, pero...
01:23:14Eso no es manera de ganar.
01:23:15Tramposo y encima quiere celebrar.
01:23:19Tú no, Dolfito.
01:23:21¡No te dé vergüenza, padre de familia!
01:23:25Que si se han dado cuenta, yo soy muy, muy de familia,
01:23:29y si se meten con lo más sagrado que tengo yo,
01:23:34no vale la pena.
01:23:41Yo no me metí con tus hijos,
01:23:42lo quiero decir,
01:23:43pero, pero yo sí vi,
01:23:45entonces yo solamente quiero ver
01:23:46que nos mires a la cara,
01:23:48a los que sí jugamos de verdad,
01:23:49solamente quiero mirarte
01:23:51y que me mires a los ojos
01:23:52y que digas que no hiciste trampa,
01:23:53porque yo te vi.
01:23:57Dentro del juego, yo nunca dije nada.
01:24:06Y te lo estoy diciendo, ojo.
01:24:07Yo no me he metido con nadie.
01:24:08Nunca, ojo.
01:24:09Pero yo te vi.
01:24:10Nunca, Cristina, en el juego, yo nunca dije nada.
01:24:11Estaba callada.
01:24:12No se metan con mi familia,
01:24:13que esto no va a ser.
01:24:14Que nadie, que nadie te lo hace.
01:24:16Ay, madre mía.
01:24:17Cristina, guácame, lo digo a mí directamente.
01:24:18¿Tú la escuchaste?
01:24:19Sí, a mí.
01:24:20A Alex.
01:24:21A Alex y todos se fueron para allá a platicar,
01:24:24a platicar.
01:24:25Él a mí no me dijo nada.
01:24:27Yo lo vi.
01:24:28A mí, y yo fui a decirlo.
01:24:29Pero a ellos, todos se fueron para allá.
01:24:32Mire, tranquilo, vamos a dejar esto,
01:24:34porque yo entiendo que el tema fue delicado.
01:24:36Aquí se tocó la familia,
01:24:38y lo están tocando personas que se jastan
01:24:40hablando de familia.
01:24:43Eso no se hace, gente.
01:24:45Javi, yo fui.
01:24:46O sea, yo creo que hay que dejar la competencia
01:24:48y tenemos que competir justos, limpios,
01:24:51y sobre todo, con la cabeza bien en alto,
01:24:54bien en alto,
01:24:55y tener presente que a la hora de la verdad,
01:24:58mira, nosotros somos los que estamos aquí dándola.
01:25:01Y hay que defender, hay que defender lo que se predica,
01:25:04porque la persona que lo dijo es quien siempre está,
01:25:07mis hijas, mis productos, y a ella se le respeta.
01:25:10Me parece una falta de respeto
01:25:12que en un juego se mencione al hijo de Waka.
01:25:14Bien, solamente para dejar claro, Waka,
01:25:17tú reiteras que no dijiste absolutamente nada.
01:25:21Dentro del juego, no dije nada.
01:25:22Antes de comenzar el juego,
01:25:23estaba dándole instrucciones a los chicos,
01:25:25porque todavía no hemos peleado la capitanía
01:25:27y yo todavía tengo el mando.
01:25:28Pero yo no le dije en el juego,
01:25:30hey, esto es más, las cámaras están ahí,
01:25:32y yo no dije nada.
01:25:33Además, son cuantas piezas de colores para memorizar.
01:25:36Hay que tener una memoria muy exacta.
01:25:38Un tablero tan grande es fácil de memorizar.
01:25:40Simplemente con decir, este color va aquí, este color va allá.
01:25:42Bien, OK.
01:25:43De eso es lo que están partiendo ellos.
01:25:45Muy bien, Samira, por favor.
01:25:46Espera, espera, un momento, un momento.
01:25:47Claro y conciso, no hay nada peor que la manipulación barata.
01:25:54Y me acuerdo el primer día que llegó Waka,
01:25:57que iba con el pecho alardeando
01:25:59de que él no era para nada tramposo.
01:26:01Es que no lo soy, Samira, no lo soy.
01:26:04Yo lo escuché como le dijo las ordenadas a Alba
01:26:08mientras Alba caminaba.
01:26:09Aprende a perder, aprende a perder.
01:26:11Se dice producto, no producto, dice producto.
01:26:14Aprende a perder, aprende a perder, ya, se acabó.
01:26:18Samira, pero a mí.
01:26:19Yo, no, no, no.
01:26:20O sea, no pasa nada.
01:26:22¿Cuántas veces hemos perdido?
01:26:23¿Cuántas veces vamos a perder?
01:26:24Amor, por eso no hay problema.
01:26:26Vamos a perder siempre, la vida es esto.
01:26:28Lo que pasa es que las cosas hay que reconocerlas.
01:26:31Yo lo he visto como te decía la ordenada.
01:26:34Y él iba con el pecho adelante diciendo que no hacía trampa.
01:26:37Ante los ojos de Dios que estaba hoy mismo acá,
01:26:40nunca Waka me dijo nada, nunca, nunca.
01:26:43Pero está bien, si ustedes dicen que no, yo me digo.
01:26:45Y si vamos a hablar de predicarse el ejemplo,
01:26:47prediquen ustedes.
01:26:49Por favor, hagan lo posible por no robarse la palabra.
01:26:52No hablen todos juntos porque es difícil comprenderlo.
01:26:58Por favor.
01:27:00No hablen todos juntos.
01:27:01Es difícil entender cuando hablan todos al mismo tiempo.
01:27:04Y más a ella que no sabe ni pronunciar palabras.
01:27:06Por favor.
01:27:07Cállate tú, cállate tú, Samira.
01:27:09Hey, hey, cuidado.
01:27:12Vamos a terminar con esto.
01:27:13Sergio, querías decir algo también.
01:27:15Yo sí, independientemente de lo que haya pasado,
01:27:18si se dijo o no,
01:27:19cada quien sabe dentro del juego lo que pasó.
01:27:22Yo sí los exhortaría, se los dije una vez,
01:27:25que seamos muy cuidadosos y respetuosos
01:27:27con lo que nos decimos entre nosotros.
01:27:29Y en este caso, independientemente
01:27:31de lo que haya pasado con Waka,
01:27:32que cuidemos, sí, el tema de nuestras familias
01:27:35porque nos están viendo niños, jóvenes, todo,
01:27:38y que seamos nada más respetuosos.
01:27:40Aquí nos podemos...
01:27:42La pasión siempre nos va a rebasar.
01:27:44Y esto es normal,
01:27:45pero que nos cuidemos y nos respetemos
01:27:48en el ámbito familiar
01:27:50porque es muy lamentable que nuestras familias
01:27:52vean ciertas expresiones que los lastimen.
01:27:56Muy bien, gracias, Sergio.
01:27:57Ese sería un exhorto para todos en general, ¿no?
01:27:59Si uno es exhorto, recuerden,
01:28:01se puede señalar cualquier falta, cualquier desacuerdo.
01:28:04Es válido, es un juego, es una competencia.
01:28:07Lo que no se vale, y se los vuelvo a reiterar,
01:28:10es ofenderse o utilizar cosas personales
01:28:14con el afán de dañar.
01:28:19De ofender, de denigrar.
01:28:25Eso no se va a tolerar más en esta competencia.
01:28:29Se los digo ya de manera personal.
01:28:35Ya no se va a tolerar eso.
01:28:37Se señala, se está en desacuerdo,
01:28:39pero no se ofende y no se utilizan cosas
01:28:42para denigrar a absolutamente nadie.
01:28:44Por favor, por favor.
01:28:49Participantes, la jornada aún no ha llegado a su fin.
01:28:55Ahora vamos a luchar en el reto por los capitanes.
01:29:01Los veo en el próximo circuito.
01:29:27Nos hemos mudado de la playa a la montaña
01:29:29porque ha llegado el momento de que cada equipo
01:29:31elija un representante que los conduzca
01:29:34y tome decisiones que a veces son un tanto complicadas,
01:29:36difíciles. Me refiero a un capitán.
01:29:40Este cargo tiene algunos beneficios,
01:29:41pero sobre todo muchas responsabilidades.
01:29:45Varios de ustedes ya han pasado por el momento
01:29:47de tener decisiones donde nadie más puede opinar.
01:29:51Equipos, es hora de elegir
01:29:53quién será su capitán o capitana esta semana.
01:29:56La persona elegida de las Panteras, por favor,
01:29:59que dé un paso al frente.
01:30:02Alex Tarzán, elegido como capitán esta semana.
01:30:07Tienes un rol muy complicado, Alex, muy difícil.
01:30:10Un equipo que ha tenido sus diferencias en la convivencia.
01:30:14¿Cómo vas a ayudar con tu capitanía
01:30:17para que las cosas vuelvan a tomar su cauce?
01:30:21Bueno, Javi, creo que desde el día uno
01:30:25me he puesto una postura muy neutral.
01:30:27Me he puesto muy tranquilo.
01:30:29Me he puesto una postura muy neutral con el equipo.
01:30:33Y esa es la idea.
01:30:34Acabamos de demostrar que estamos unidos,
01:30:36que ya dejamos los problemas atrás en Ardwin.
01:30:39Bueno, se acaba de ver en el juego.
01:30:41Para mí es un orgullo que me hayan elegido como capitán.
01:30:43Y digo, voy a representar a mi equipo con garra y corazón
01:30:46como lo he hecho desde el día uno.
01:30:48He terminado en el hospital por mi equipo
01:30:50y lo seguiré haciendo si es necesario.
01:30:53Muy bien.
01:30:58La persona elegida de los tiburones,
01:31:00por favor, un paso al frente.
01:31:10¡Guti, Guti, Guti!
01:31:16Los tiburones han tenido unas primeras semanas
01:31:21que han arrasado en los retos.
01:31:22La semana pasada fue la más competitiva de todas.
01:31:27¿Qué vas a hacer tú para que esto continúe?
01:31:29Esta maquinaria está avanzando solita.
01:31:33Simplemente hay que ajustar algunas cosillas en el timón,
01:31:35pero todo va bien.
01:31:36Es un gran equipo.
01:31:37Yo estoy muy feliz de estar aquí.
01:31:39Creo que cada uno de los integrantes
01:31:40del equipo de los tiburones cumple una función exacta.
01:31:44Sabe lo que tiene que hacer a la hora de las pruebas
01:31:46y por eso nos ha ido tan bien.
01:31:48Las estadísticas no mienten, ¿no?
01:31:50Vamos a seguir haciendo que esas estadísticas aumenten
01:31:53y pues yo estoy muy feliz de poder estar esta semana...
01:31:55¡En crechero!
01:31:56Estamos en crechero, así que vamos con todo.
01:31:58Ah, están en crechero porque están en Playa Media.
01:31:59¡En crechero!
01:32:00Y van en crechero.
01:32:02Estamos en Playa Media, en crechero.
01:32:04Es que esta semana decidimos hacer un detox.
01:32:06Ahora resulta que necesitaban Playa Media.
01:32:10¡Estábamos aburridos!
01:32:11¡Era un viaje bikini!
01:32:13¡Necesitamos un poco de humildad!
01:32:14Tanto tiempo en Playa Alta, necesitábamos un detox.
01:32:17Bien, muy bien.
01:32:18Las Panteras ya están, Tarzán, los tiburones ya están también.
01:32:21Tenemos capitán, Habemus capitán, Guti.
01:32:24Mis águilas, por favor, la persona elegida,
01:32:27que pase al frente.
01:32:40Muy bien.
01:32:47Por fin.
01:32:49Hace un rato platicábamos de la frustración de las águilas
01:32:52por los resultados,
01:32:53pero, sin embargo,
01:32:55están compitiendo mucho mejor, están ganando más retos.
01:32:59¿Qué piensas aportar con tu capitanía, Sebastián?
01:33:03La verdad, primero, muy orgulloso de que llegara este momento.
01:33:07Lo anhelaba.
01:33:09Sino que tenía que esperar que la experiencia pasara primero.
01:33:14Y, sobre todo, también las mujeres.
01:33:16Pero, como mis compañeros saben,
01:33:20yo no doy el 100%, yo doy el 1.000%.
01:33:23Así, de pronto, no se nos den las cosas,
01:33:27pero dejo mi piel.
01:33:29¿Y qué voy a aportar?
01:33:30Ganas, motivación,
01:33:32y decirles que sí podemos salir de donde estemos
01:33:36y que el camino es largo, todavía hay águilas para rato.
01:33:39Que así sea.
01:33:44Alejandro, Guti y Sebastián,
01:33:47ustedes tres van a enfrentarse ahora mismo
01:33:50en el reto de los capitanes.
01:33:51El que gane obtendrá un comodín,
01:33:55una ventaja especial que será retirar uno de los obstáculos
01:33:58en el reto que ustedes prefieran durante esta semana.
01:34:01Presten mucha atención.
01:34:02Las reglas del reto de los capitanes son las siguientes.
01:34:06En este reto se enfrentan los capitanes de los equipos.
01:34:09Cada participante tiene un tablero al frente con letras desordenadas.
01:34:13Con ellas deben formar las palabras que se les indiquen,
01:34:16deslizando las letras sobre el mecanismo del tablero.
01:34:19Quien tenga una palabra correcta tiene un punto.
01:34:23El capitán que obtenga dos puntos gana el reto.
01:34:26Vamos al circuito, muchachos. Suerte. Va a estar chido.
01:34:53Vinieron a ganar. Para eso están aquí.
01:34:56En este martes de supervivencia,
01:34:58el reto por los capitanes comienza ya.
01:35:07La primera palabra que tienen que decir
01:35:11es el nombre de su equipo.
01:35:17La primera palabra que tienen que armar
01:35:21en este tablero que tienen frente a ustedes
01:35:24es la siguiente.
01:35:45¡Ya, ya, ya!
01:35:48Vamos a ver quién lo logra.
01:35:49Ahí vemos a Sebastián con la pasión que lo caracteriza.
01:36:14Muy bien.
01:36:16Muy bien.
01:36:17Ahí vemos cómo los capitanes están tratando de armar
01:36:21esta palabra que aparece en el pizarrón.
01:36:24Ellos tienen que seleccionar todas estas letras
01:36:28en este mecanismo.
01:36:29Esa pantera levantó la mano.
01:36:32Después el águila.
01:36:36Tiene el punto.
01:36:49¡Pantera, yo voy a ti!
01:36:52¡Pantera, yo voy a ti!
01:36:59Esto es una playa baja disfrazada de playa media con pollo.
01:37:05Si así está playa media, ¿cómo va a estar playa baja?
01:37:08Pobre. Ay, no, baby.
01:37:09Pobres gentes.
01:37:10Yo no pienso en nadie, solo pienso en mí, la verdad.
01:37:15La siguiente palabra que deben armar es la palabra...
01:37:36Ahí comienzan nuevamente a mover las piezas de este tablero.
01:37:40Nada sencillo.
01:37:41Armar una palabra como empatía,
01:37:43por supuesto, debe de tener la ortografía correcta.
01:37:49Ustedes pueden ver en su televisión
01:37:51cómo funciona este mecanismo.
01:37:53Hay que recorrer prácticamente todo el tablero
01:37:57para poder mover una letra y con esto armar la palabra.
01:38:02Se necesita mucha destreza a entenderle bien
01:38:05a cómo funciona este mecanismo.
01:38:07Se necesita mucha destreza a entenderle bien
01:38:10a cómo funciona este tablero
01:38:14para poder armar correctamente
01:38:18la palabra en esta ocasión.
01:38:21Gran palabra de mis favoritas.
01:38:24Qué buena falta hace.
01:38:26Ahí está el águila levantando las alas.
01:38:30Vamos a ver.
01:38:34Para las águilas.
01:38:36La cosa va empatada entre las panteras y las águilas.
01:38:40Estamos jugando a dos puntos.
01:38:50Siguiente palabra.
01:39:14Todos estamos recordando nuestras días de escuela,
01:39:18La única diferencia es que yo jamás pasé al pizarrón
01:39:21ni nunca pude exponer absolutamente ningún tipo de clase.
01:39:24Pero bueno.
01:39:27Ahí están armando esta siguiente palabra.
01:39:30La cosa va empatada entre las panteras y las águilas.
01:39:33Estamos jugando a dos puntos.
01:39:37Guti necesita hacer el punto para empatar este reto.
01:39:53Ahí están las panteras levantando la mano.
01:39:57¡Es correcto!
01:39:58Por lo tanto, punto y reto.
01:40:03Para el capitán de las panteras.
01:40:25Bien, bien, bien, muchachos.
01:40:26Pantera, yo voy a ti.
01:40:29Pantera, yo voy a ti.
01:40:32Pantera, yo voy a ti.
01:40:33Muchachos, lo siento.
01:40:35No, no.
01:40:36Una letra.
01:40:37Demasiado bien.
01:40:39Ya casi de las águilas.
01:40:40A mí estos juegos me gustan.
01:40:42La verdad que en la primera también él levantó,
01:40:45yo levanté.
01:40:46En la segunda y en la última, una letra.
01:40:49Te queremos, capitán.
01:40:50Vamos a ganar todo esta semana.
01:40:52Venga, venga, capitán.
01:40:54Te rimos, pero te rimos.
01:40:56Su, su, su.
01:40:57Sí, pero había algunas que tocaban como darle la vuelta
01:41:00y cuando ya ibas formando la palabra,
01:41:02solo te quedaba tipo este espacio
01:41:04y tenías que hacer así, meterlas para sacar,
01:41:06o si no, dar toda la vuelta.
01:41:08Y si, por ejemplo, tú te había tocado la i por ahí,
01:41:11por ese lado, ya la tenías.
01:41:12Y si no, tenías que dar toda la vuelta.
01:41:14Qué estrés.
01:41:15Siento que esta semana nos va a ir genial.
01:41:18Lo declaramos, lo declaramos.
01:41:20Venga, venga, venga.
01:41:23Chicos, nuevamente vamos con las sendas de las en línea.
01:41:27Llevamos tres en línea.
01:41:30Pero vamos, nosotros cauteló,
01:41:31somos lo que somos, las panteritas.
01:41:34Pantera, pantera, pantera, pantera, pantera.
01:41:39El tiranosaurio rey.
01:41:41El T-Rex, el T-Rex, el T-Rex.
01:41:52Usted que nos ve en casa,
01:41:53no se pierda el detrás de cámaras
01:41:55que puede encontrar siguiéndonos en Instagram
01:41:57y en Facebook en arroba Telemundo Realities
01:41:59y en Instagram en arroba LaIslaTLMD.
01:42:05Alex, has logrado la victoria para las panteras.
01:42:10Tu capitanía comienza con la victoria, muy bien,
01:42:13y además en playa alta, con el símbolo de la ciudad.
01:42:17¡Qué barbaridad!
01:42:19Hoy las panteras lo han ganado absolutamente todo.
01:42:22Es día, pantera.
01:42:23Muchísimas felicidades.
01:42:25Han obtenido un comodín, además una ventaja especial,
01:42:28y les recuerdo que ustedes deberán anunciar
01:42:30en cuál de los retos desean usarlo.
01:42:32Cuando lo hagan, se va a eliminar un obstáculo
01:42:35solo para su equipo en ese circuito.
01:42:37¿Ok? ¿Quedó claro?
01:42:39Muy bien.
01:42:41Los felicito a todos ustedes,
01:42:43tiburones, águilas también,
01:42:44por la voluntad que han puesto en los retos de hoy.
01:42:47Muchas felicidades.
01:42:48Es el momento, señoras y señores,
01:42:50de que vayan a conocer sus nuevos territorios en Antalya.
01:42:55Nos vemos pronto.
01:43:12Me siento apoteósicamente fantástica en esta mansión.
01:43:15No, la verdad que estoy enfadada.
01:43:17No, lo siguiente, porque ustedes saben,
01:43:19quienes me conocen saben que soy bien rabiosa
01:43:21a la hora de la pérdida.
01:43:23No vine aquí para perder,
01:43:24y me da mucho coraje, mucho coraje.
01:43:28A dormir en el piso, en la intemperie, con las piedras.
01:44:10¡No, manches!
01:44:11¡Me gusta lo que veo!
01:44:13¡No, la vista!
01:44:15¡Me gusta lo que veo!
01:44:18Mi amor, me siento apoteósicamente fantástica
01:44:21en esta mansión, que ya nos merecíamos.
01:44:25Hoy fue un día espectacular.
01:44:33Chicos, por favor, apenas tomamos todo el vestido de baño.
01:44:41Estamos en una mansión que de verdad es de ensueño.
01:44:56¡Qué emoción!
01:44:58El tío con ales.
01:45:00El tío con ales.
01:45:02¡Qué linda es!
01:45:08¡Está feo!
01:45:16¡Qué bella!
01:45:18La verdad que felicidad, llegar acá a Playa Alta,
01:45:20encontrarnos con este paraíso.
01:45:22O sea, esto es todo lo que necesitábamos
01:45:25después de estar dos semanas en Playa Media.
01:45:29¡Una cama, chicos! ¡Yo no sabía que había eso!
01:45:31¡Ay, me gusta!
01:45:32¡Es espectacular!
01:45:34¡Tú dices!
01:45:35¡Ay, me gusta!
01:45:36¡Mira, mira!
01:45:39¡Aquí ya me quedaba así!
01:45:42¡Venga, cómo me sigue bien!
01:45:44¡Yo les presto el baño!
01:45:47¡Me siento bella!
01:45:58¡Me estoy bañando!
01:46:08¡Gracias, Brasil!
01:46:11¡Gracias, Italia!
01:46:20¡Ganamos Playa Media!
01:46:24¿Y saben qué es lo más importante?
01:46:26¡Que estamos juntos!
01:46:27¡Ah, sí!
01:46:35¡Mira, comida!
01:46:36¡Ah, miren si hay ollas!
01:46:38¡Qué bonito comida!
01:46:39¡Papas, ollas!
01:46:42¿El resto está para allá?
01:46:43¿El resto está para allá?
01:46:44Sí, a ver.
01:46:53¡Oh, Dios!
01:46:55¡Mira, mírala!
01:46:59Aquí nos vamos a despertar al amanecer con un calorón.
01:47:04Dios santo.
01:47:05¿No saben el calor que hace ahí?
01:47:07Es horrible.
01:47:08No se puede ni respirar.
01:47:10Hay humedad.
01:47:11No hay suelo.
01:47:12Está todo hecho de tierra con alfombras.
01:47:15Los colchoncitos esos están encima de las alfombras.
01:47:18Los bichos han pasado.
01:47:20Hay telas de araña.
01:47:21No, la verdad que estoy enfadada.
01:47:24No, lo siguiente, porque ustedes saben,
01:47:26quien me conoce, saben que soy bien rabiosa
01:47:28a la hora de la pérdida.
01:47:30Odio perder.
01:47:31No vine aquí para perder.
01:47:32Y me da mucho coraje, mucho coraje.
01:47:34Qué triste nomás.
01:47:35Qué triste.
01:47:36Está terrible.
01:47:37No, es lo que nos ganamos.
01:47:38La verdad, no voy a mentir,
01:47:40fue un poco decepcionante llegar a esta playa media
01:47:44porque veníamos acostumbrados a otras playas altas
01:47:48y a otras playas medias.
01:47:50Entonces, esta sí nos dio como un bofetadón en la cara,
01:47:53como agua fría recién salida en la cara.
01:47:57Y, pues, bueno, nos tenemos que adecuar aquí.
01:48:19Nuevamente playa baja.
01:48:23Ya llevamos mucho tiempo en playa baja
01:48:25y mis compañeros más.
01:48:27Entonces, personalmente también llegué aquí
01:48:31para entregarlo todo, para empezar a ganar.
01:48:34Sé que hemos ganado,
01:48:35pero quizás los circuitos no tan importantes como este.
01:48:39Aquí no hay agua.
01:48:41No hay manguería.
01:48:42No hay agua.
01:48:43¿No hay manguerita?
01:48:45No hay nada, mi amor.
01:48:47Nos tiraron fue un tapete.
01:48:51Ay, no.
01:48:53Ven esta sillita, por favor.
01:49:00Y agarre mi puesto.
01:49:03De Estela.
01:49:05Bueno, espero no haya mosquitos, si no...
01:49:10No, de aquí la cosa es que está embajada, güey.
01:49:13Yo agarro acá.
01:49:14Está embajada.
01:49:17O sea, le tocó dormir así, en fila.
01:49:20Así dormimos las dos.
01:49:22Bueno, ahí vemos.
01:49:23En fila.
01:49:25Sí, si todos en el tapete o uno acá.
01:49:29Adormir en el piso, en la intemperie,
01:49:31con las piedras, todo, digo,
01:49:34como experiencia está padre,
01:49:36pero esto es una competencia y siempre queremos ganar.
01:49:40Es como un partido de fútbol.
01:49:42Siempre llegamos a los penales
01:49:45y siempre perdemos en el último penal.
01:49:48Entonces, obviamente, te bajonea.
01:49:52¿Qué tenemos por ahí?
01:49:54¿Qué crees?
01:50:00Qué rico.
01:50:02Frijoles, frijoles.
01:50:05Hay que hacer el fueguito, ¿no?
01:50:07Lo de siempre.
01:50:25Cuando te focas en lo malo, es lo malo.
01:50:27Cuando te focas en lo bueno, voltea para allá.
01:50:30¿Qué dijiste hace rato?
01:50:32Que triste.
01:50:33Pero ahorita mismo me estoy echando por allá solo.
01:50:36Si así está Playa Media, ¿cómo va a estar Playa Baja?
01:50:39Pobre. Ay, no, Bibi. Pobres gentes.
01:50:41Dios mío.
01:50:42Yo no pienso en nadie, solo pienso en mí misma.
01:50:45Esto es una Playa Baja disfrazada de Playa Media con pollo.
01:50:49Mira, yo nomás te puedo decir,
01:50:52Uriel y Bibi conocían la Playa Baja de Arben.
01:50:58De Arben.
01:50:59Y pues era un granero, tenía su techito.
01:51:02Ahora la van a sufrir.
01:51:03Y estaban tristes.
01:51:04Ahora imagina llegar a un lugar como nos tocó el primer día,
01:51:07donde de verdad no tienes nada.
01:51:09No tienes nada.
01:51:11Eso ya Ramos como que me dio, Bibi.
01:51:15Esto sí te va desgastando, pero a nosotros no,
01:51:17porque somos fuertes.
01:51:18Siempre se dice que uno vuelve a donde fue feliz.
01:51:21El boizcabo está en su salsa, con su cuchillo,
01:51:24en calzones, con su pareo, con sus zapatillas,
01:51:26con su sombrerito, con su cuchillito,
01:51:29buscando cosas que hacer.
01:51:31Adrián es un artista en todos los sentidos.
01:51:33Lo adoro, lo admiro, lo respeto.
01:51:36Aprendo un montón de él.
01:51:46¡Qué rico!
01:51:48¿Se ve tan delicioso esto, chicos?
01:51:50No manches.
01:51:51Se ve espectacular.
01:51:53Con una vista.
01:51:55Tiene maicito, está bueno.
01:51:56Señor, gracias.
01:51:57Nos recibieron con una cena poderosa.
01:52:02Ya nos hacía falta, porque venimos de comer
01:52:04solamente pollo y papas.
01:52:09La abundancia de nuestra vida.
01:52:11Bien, Pantera.
01:52:12Por hoy, por mañana y por siempre.
01:52:14Gracias, Dios.
01:52:15Muchachos, bien hecho.
01:52:16No merecemos menos, gente.
01:52:18Aprovechito, chicos, a disfrutar esta cena
01:52:20con la vista hermosa.
01:52:22Está bueno esta salsa como...
01:52:24¿De qué es eso?
01:52:25Parece como bacalao.
01:52:26No, parece como para esto.
01:52:28Es como un aderezo, ¿no?
01:52:29Aderezo, sí.
01:52:30¿Hay una ensalada para cada quien?
01:52:33Es verdad.
01:52:34Como siempre, nos compartimos toda la comida.
01:52:36No sabía si esto era para todos.
01:52:38¿Es una para cada?
01:52:40Mi amor, estamos en abundancia.
01:52:42¿Qué es lo que estoy diciendo?
01:52:44¿No me tengo con él para comer?
01:52:45No, abundancia, éxito, poder.
01:52:49Mira cómo estamos ya, el PTSD.
01:52:51Que no se pierda la costumbre.
01:52:52Todo un espectáculo,
01:52:54como lo que nosotros nos merecemos.
01:52:57Todo lo rico, todo lo bueno,
01:52:59todo lo saludable.
01:53:01Eso nos merecemos.
01:53:18¡Muchas gracias, chef!
01:53:20¡Ay, rico!
01:53:22¡Gracias, chef!
01:53:43Quedamos satisfechos y con ganas de más,
01:53:45pero adivina qué, aquí lo que hay es abundancia.
01:53:48Hay comida, pero mira, por un tubo y siete llaves,
01:53:51y la nevera ni te cuento.
01:53:52Así que estamos felices.
01:54:09Our spirits are on the ground,
01:54:11but we're going to get up.
01:54:15It was a very sad day for the Eagles in every way.
01:54:19Not having won the flag
01:54:21was very important to not disintegrate.
01:54:27It was the most important territory, I think.
01:54:31We're tired of losing the Eagles,
01:54:33because many have left us.
01:54:37Rather, in all the challenges,
01:54:39all the exile, the Eagles have left.
01:54:42And it's no longer beautiful, it's no longer happy.
01:54:47It's a slightly sadder atmosphere.
01:54:49The truth is, today I was a little sad
01:54:53to have lost Playa Alta.
01:54:56I felt a lot of nostalgia.
01:54:59We've been suffering a lot.
01:55:03And I said, today is the day.
01:55:04Today I felt like we were going to Playa Alta.
01:55:08It's two weeks of Playa Baja.
01:55:14And now we're going for the third.
01:55:16And these conditions are not the same as Artvin.
01:55:21We were...
01:55:23We had a roof, we had a barn.
01:55:25We didn't sleep on the floor.
01:55:28At least it wasn't this heat.
01:55:31We were full of sand.
01:55:33The conditions were different.
01:55:35It's going to be a long night.
01:55:39While we get used to this place.
01:55:41It's always the first night in a place like this.
01:55:44It's complicated.
01:55:46Especially because there's no board.
01:55:48We're on the floor, on a carpet.
01:55:51I don't know if it's...
01:55:52There's no wind, at least.
01:55:54There's nothing.
01:55:56What wind?
01:55:57There's no wind.
01:55:58No, there's nothing.
01:56:00No breeze, nothing.
01:56:01We need to win to be able to recover.
01:56:04We need to see that light at the end of the tunnel.
01:56:09It's really not easy to lose, lose, lose, lose.
01:56:14Look at Sergio.
01:56:15He's sleeping.
01:56:18Sergio is tired.
01:56:19He had to pass three times.
01:56:22And the sun was strong today.
01:56:25Yes, the sun was very strong.
01:56:26Very strong.
01:56:27He hit his knee, he told me.
01:56:31His back was hurting too.
01:56:33We are in a very crucial moment.
01:56:35And a red line as a team.
01:56:38I say to my 43 years,
01:56:40I have no way of complaining about this Sensei next to me.
01:56:44No, I admire each one of you, really.
01:56:49Let's hope that this new week,
01:56:51this new cycle that is starting,
01:56:53and being from beach to beach,
01:56:55gives us that strength to be able to fight for everything.
01:57:33Three, two, one!
01:57:41Mommy is not going to make you cry?
01:57:43He was really passionate.
01:57:44No opinions.
01:57:46Let's do the races.
01:57:48Let's do the races.
01:57:50Come on, come on.
01:57:52We'll be back.
01:57:54We'll be back.
01:57:56Race, race.
01:58:10On your marks, ready, go!
01:58:16On your marks, ready, go!
01:58:22Go, Jose!
01:58:24Go, go, go.
01:58:32That's it!
01:58:54I'm sorry, my love.
01:58:56And we destabilized her.
01:59:00Damn you, Juanjo!
01:59:02I hate you!
01:59:16It's okay.
01:59:18They took him with a trap.
01:59:20We're here, calm down.
01:59:22Calm down, calm down.
01:59:24They're your nieces and nephews,
01:59:26my daughters.
01:59:28The little ones will be proud and happy.
01:59:32And what those people want
01:59:34the most is to see us defeated.
01:59:36I'm very angry because we won
01:59:38with honor and honesty
01:59:40and look what happens to us for good people.
01:59:42We saw it.
01:59:44We're not going to help Valeria anymore,
01:59:46we're not going to do any of that.
01:59:48And Huaca, the truth is,
01:59:50he's very stubborn and very rude
01:59:52and very arrogant.
01:59:54Huaca is one of those people.
01:59:56He's very arrogant,
01:59:58he's very conceited
02:00:00and the truth is
02:00:02that it's good that they enjoy her.
02:00:04I've always applauded the triumphs of others,
02:00:06but I don't think you should win like that.
02:00:08I miss the beach in Baja de Estambul.
02:00:10Oh, no, shut up.
02:00:12Shut up, no.
02:00:14Because I'm going to get used to what we can't.
02:00:16We've been on a very, very, very high peak for many weeks
02:00:18The hell compared to this
02:00:20is frozen right now.
02:00:22God, give me patience, please.
02:00:30Damn Huaca!
02:00:32I hate you!
02:00:46What happened today,
02:00:50I think it's regrettable
02:00:52and it's a very serious issue.
02:00:54All for a game
02:00:56and because they were losing, the sharks.
02:00:58Something happened
02:01:00in the territory game
02:01:02that I still don't understand.
02:01:04The sharks were losing
02:01:06and they found each other.
02:01:08They made the idea, I don't know,
02:01:10they saw visions that Huaca was cheating
02:01:12telling Alba
02:01:14where the pieces were going, I don't know what.
02:01:16The light blue is an easy one.
02:01:18Only one.
02:01:20Cristina said
02:01:22that Huaca had told Alba.
02:01:24Then at the ceremony she said
02:01:26that Huaca had told me
02:01:28and that I had told Alba.
02:01:30When I do the same thing,
02:01:32I have to be blowing the colors.
02:01:34They went crazy because what they were saying was a lie.
02:01:36There go the Panthers for the flag.
02:01:38They ask Mama Pantera if it's correct.
02:01:40They raise the flag.
02:01:42The Panthers, point for the yellow team.
02:01:46Camposo wants to celebrate.
02:01:50You call me a dead dog.
02:01:52You can sweep the floor with me.
02:01:54You can even tell me that Marcado is going to die.
02:01:56But don't mess with my family
02:01:58because I'm going to defend.
02:02:00For me it was a lack of respect
02:02:02but the maximum power
02:02:04that the viking for a game
02:02:06mentioning your son
02:02:08for me is a lack of respect
02:02:10and more her
02:02:12that she gives her
02:02:14the most defensive woman
02:02:16the most...
02:02:18Maria Teresa of Calcutta.
02:02:20What a shame to see your son, daddy.
02:02:22What a shame to see your son.
02:02:26It has nothing to do with a game
02:02:28or cheating with the son of a cow.
02:02:30She addressed him saying
02:02:32what a shame you are for your son.
02:02:34What a shame, what a shame to see your son.
02:02:36What a shame.
02:02:38Seriously, More.
02:02:40It's the first time I see Alba
02:02:42that she gets serious.
02:02:44When she said that, Alba did
02:02:46Hey, mommy, with the son of a cow.
02:02:50That woman, her jaw fell off.
02:02:52Her face changed
02:02:54and she realized that she had
02:02:56messed up.
02:02:58Her face of Maria Teresa of Calcutta
02:03:00fell off.
02:03:02I think it's too much
02:03:04because you have daughters.
02:03:06And she said the truth.
02:03:08I don't care if they call me
02:03:10a cheater, although I'm not a cheater.
02:03:12I don't care if they call me whatever they want.
02:03:14Cheater, thief, whatever they want.
02:03:16But don't mess with my family.
02:03:20If they have realized
02:03:22that I'm very, very family-oriented
02:03:24and if they mess with the most sacred
02:03:26that I have,
02:03:28it's not worth it.
02:03:30That's the only way she has
02:03:32to sell herself, to insult people.
02:03:34We always answered her,
02:03:36but today we weren't for her.
02:03:38We were to win.
02:03:40What we did was we turned our backs on her, my love.
02:03:42We turned our backs on her
02:03:44and we destabilized her.
02:03:46There they are eating chicken with potatoes.
02:03:48Enjoy, my love.
02:03:50We did very well today.
02:03:52I'm proud.
02:03:54But I'm angry.
02:03:58Because we would have done very well
02:04:00if Huaca hadn't cheated.
02:04:02When someone wins for good,
02:04:04I really like it.
02:04:06I turn around and say,
02:04:08how good they left.
02:04:10I've always applauded them
02:04:12for doing well.
02:04:14But Huaca,
02:04:16it's very annoying to compete with him
02:04:18in front of the game.
02:04:20And the way he celebrates,
02:04:22knowing that he had cheated,
02:04:24was when he filled the stone pot
02:04:26and that's when I exploded.
02:04:32It's always said that
02:04:34if you cheat in the game,
02:04:36you cheat in life.
02:04:38And the truth is that Huaca
02:04:40has a very special way
02:04:42of being in the game
02:04:44and he has a certain flag
02:04:46that my way of being
02:04:48doesn't agree with.
02:04:50I don't care about what they do.
02:04:52I don't care about Balea.
02:04:54I don't care that she started crying
02:04:56and that Huilda...
02:04:58But you don't care because
02:05:00we saw her holding Huaca's hand
02:05:02when we tried to defend her.
02:05:04I'm not going to defend her anymore.
02:05:06That's why you don't care
02:05:08and you don't care about everyone.
02:05:10Huaca has an obsession with sharks
02:05:12and poor thing,
02:05:14I make sure that Huaca
02:05:16never gets to the sharks
02:05:18so I have to go.
02:05:20But that man will never
02:05:22step on my team
02:05:24because neither cheaters nor liars
02:05:26come here.
02:05:44Teams, today is Wednesday of punishment
02:05:46but there is also something good.
02:05:48I'm sorry my God,
02:05:50but this is already a punishment.
02:05:52We deserve a prize.
02:05:54We are not going to lie Javi,
02:05:56it was a very difficult night
02:05:58for the Eagles.
02:06:00It was the moment
02:06:02when we got to the Panthers
02:06:04and I love that the Panthers
02:06:06team is more and more united.
02:06:08We realized that
02:06:10we were going through
02:06:12things that were
02:06:14only making us lose,
02:06:16making us feel bad.
02:06:18We did not claim.
02:06:20I love that we
02:06:22as sharks do not need
02:06:24to be in luxury to be
02:06:26doing well.
02:06:28They came to win,
02:06:30that's why they are here.
02:06:36I think going to that punishment
02:06:38is going to be very hard
02:06:40and we are going to fight with everything
02:06:42to not go.
02:07:10As I have always said, physical contact
02:07:12and explosiveness are my thing.
