• last year
La Isla Desafío Grecia y Turquía Capítulo 36 HD Completo
00:00:05Estamos en una Nueva Ciudad Chana, Calais
00:00:19Ciudad que fue el campo de batalla en la guerra que convirtió a turquía en una república
00:00:30Welcome to the eighth week of the island challenge Greece and Turkey, last week in Amasra
00:00:42Playa Alta was in play and the intense got it for the second week in a row
00:00:50The unknowns arrived at Playa Media and the rebels fell to fear
00:00:56Fernando de los Rebeldes won the battle of the captains and with it a strategic advantage
00:01:06But his tactic to use it was not as they thought
00:01:16The unknowns for the first time win the salvation in the season
00:01:21Los desconocidos por primera vez ganan la salvación en la temporada
00:01:28Y la presión quiebra a Carmen de los Rebeldes
00:01:40Daniel embajador del equipo morado, los desconocidos que pases a la zona de votación y emitas tus votos, adelante
00:01:46Los votos que vengo a representar del equipo morado es para Brandon y para Shadab
00:01:50En el juicio intensos y rebeldes votaron
00:01:56También es para ti Carmen
00:01:57Pues la verdad esperábamos que Carmen nos demostrara el hambre que tenía y si realmente quería estar aquí
00:02:05Es para ti Alba
00:02:07Cuando yo llegué al equipo de los naranjas, lo primero que me dijeron las chicas es
00:02:11Tenemos un acuerdo entre nosotras, nos tenemos que proteger, nunca vamos a nominarnos entre nosotras
00:02:17Y pues yo creo que fui la única que respetó ese acuerdo
00:02:21Es para ti la Bea
00:02:22Me duele muchísimo lo que acaba de pasar con Bea porque la quiero bastante
00:02:26Pero yo estoy super segura que ella si lo veía venir de mi lado, el que votara por ella
00:02:37Yo llegué, Carmen pensaba que yo la iba a dejar colgada, cosa que hacían mis compañeros
00:02:43Pero que creen familia, yo no
00:02:45Y después de un enfrentamiento cardíaco, la Bea de los intensos fue desterrada de esta aventura
00:02:54Es la isla, es el desafío, los más fuertes, la estrategia, los que se adapten
00:02:59Y a la pobre Bea le estaban fallando ciertas cosas, la pobre ya estaba luchando contra ella misma
00:03:06Esta odisea avanza sin parar, y esta vez el destino nos regresa por segundo año a Xanacalé
00:03:26Una mítica ciudad conocida por la popular batalla de troncos
00:03:32Una mítica ciudad conocida por la popular batalla de Troya
00:03:39Aquí en donde los desafiantes tendrán que pelear por alcanzar la victoria y demostrar que están hechos para continuar en la isla
00:03:53El juego por el territorio se acerca, quien ganará playa alta obtendrá playa media
00:03:59Y se quedará con la nada deseada playa baja
00:04:29Descubramoslo aquí y ahora en la isla, desafío Grecia y Turquía
00:05:00Intenso, vamos!
00:05:14Intensos, rebeldes y desconocidos, bienvenidos a la octava semana de esta aventura aquí en la isla, desafío Grecia y Turquía
00:05:22Desde este lugar sagrado, las ruinas del santuario de Apolo, empezaremos con una misión que lo cambiará todo
00:05:34Como saben, estamos en una nueva ciudad, Xanacalé
00:05:38Este lugar cuenta con historias y paisajes asombrosos
00:05:42Y muy cerca de aquí ocurrió la batalla de Troya, en donde las estrategias llegaron a otro nivel
00:05:48Cambiando para siempre la forma en que se combatía
00:05:52Porque quizás la inteligencia era un elemento aún más poderoso que la misma fuerza bruta
00:06:00Y como ustedes bien saben, la isla es inesperada y evoluciona constantemente
00:06:07Y ya que estamos en una etapa determinante, porque recuerden que la próxima semana es la prefusión
00:06:14El equipo con menos emblemas desaparecerá, y sus integrantes serán divididos en el resto de los grupos
00:06:21Pero será fácil, porque en ese momento que esas personas se integren a los grupos
00:06:26Estarán en desventajas, serán el objetivo de sus nuevos compañeros
00:06:32Y en ese momento, las estrategias empezarán a salir a luz
00:06:36Porque en ocasiones la única forma de avanzar, es con la fuerza bruta
00:06:41En ocasiones la única forma de avanzar, es avanzar, pero avanzar con inteligencia
00:06:47Brandon, ¿tú crees que también fue por tu fortaleza?
00:06:51¿O existe alguna estrategia oculta detrás de todo esto que no se vea?
00:06:57Pues, no sé, al llegar nosotros a la playa, a nuestra casa
00:07:02Decidimos ser objetivos con nuestros votos
00:07:05Obviamente aquí seguimos la estrategia de Intensos, no la estrategia de Los Verdes
00:07:12Al menos hay alguien en la vida, bro
00:07:14¿Qué quieres?
00:07:16Para que te den billete, padrino
00:07:18No haces nada en tu vida
00:07:23Ríete, ríete
00:07:25Muy bien, desafiantes, les aseguro que la siguiente prueba requerirá toma de decisiones fundamentales
00:07:35Y además, concentración absoluta de cada uno de ustedes
00:07:40Porque en este momento, Intensos, Rebeldes y Desconocidos
00:07:47Escuchen bien, dos de sus compañeros
00:07:53Un hombre y una mujer
00:07:57Quedaran flotando en el limbo
00:08:02Así es, desafiantes, cada escuadra tendrá que votar
00:08:11Y el hombre y la mujer de cada escuadra que obtenga más votos, quedarán en ese lugar
00:08:18En el limbo, como les dije
00:08:20Porque aquí y ahora, no habrá una misión por emblema
00:08:27Habrá una misión que le llamamos una misión de rescate, desafiantes
00:08:36Dos de ustedes están portando por última vez esos colores
00:08:49Así que, Intensos, Rebeldes y Desconocidos
00:08:52Intensos, Rebeldes y Desconocidos
00:08:55Ustedes, cada escuadra tendrá que emitir sus votos
00:08:58Para decidir qué hombre y qué mujer serán expulsados en este momento de sus filas
00:09:09Comenzamos con el equipo morado, Los Desconocidos
00:09:13Daniel, te escucho, ¿para quién es tu voto?
00:09:16Ahora sí me agarraron de bajada y en curva
00:09:21Pero realmente yo creo que
00:09:26Tiene que ser un hombre o una mujer
00:09:28Sería uno por Nadia
00:09:31Y el otro por Mao
00:09:35Nadia y Mao, muy bien
00:09:38Seguimos contigo, Diana
00:09:41Dame tus dos votos
00:09:42Es una decisión bastante complicada
00:09:44Pero por un tema de tiempo en el juego
00:09:47Mi voto también es para Mao y para Nadia
00:09:51Mao y Nadia
00:09:53Bien, continuamos contigo, Eduardo
00:10:04Nadia y Daniel
00:10:07Nadia y Daniel
00:10:09Nadia y Daniel
00:10:12Nadia y Daniel
00:10:15Muy bien, es tu turno, Mao
00:10:20Mi voto es para Nadia y Daniel
00:10:23Nadia y Daniel
00:10:24Y finalmente tú, Nadia, ¿para quién son tus dos votos?
00:10:28Para Diana y para Eduardo
00:10:32Para Diana y para Eduardo, muy bien
00:10:34Que existe un empate
00:10:35Esto quiere decir
00:10:37Que la mujer expulsada del equipo morado, los desconocidos
00:10:41Es Nadia
00:10:42Y en cuanto al hombre
00:10:44Tenemos un empate entre Mao con dos votos
00:10:47Y Daniel también con dos votos
00:10:49¿Cómo saben?
00:10:51Es inicio de semana, aún no se han elegido capitanes
00:10:54Por lo tanto, la decisión la vamos a hacer
00:10:58Al azar
00:10:59Para Diana y para Eduardo, muy bien
00:11:02Que existe un empate
00:11:03Esto quiere decir
00:11:05Que la mujer expulsada del equipo morado, los desconocidos
00:11:09Es Nadia
00:11:10Y en cuanto al hombre
00:11:12Tenemos un empate entre Mao con dos votos
00:11:15Y Daniel también con dos votos
00:11:18¿Cómo saben?
00:11:19Es inicio de semana, aún no se han elegido capitanes
00:11:22Por lo tanto, la decisión la vamos a hacer
00:11:26Al azar
00:11:29Voy a tomar una piedra que está aquí
00:11:35¿Quién quiere iniciar seleccionando mano?
00:11:38Empieza Mao
00:11:41El que encuentre la piedra en una de mis manos
00:11:44Quedará expulsado
00:11:46Adelante, Mauricio, puedes escoger
00:11:49Tu mano izquierda
00:11:50Mano izquierda
00:11:58Te quedas en el equipo morado
00:12:02Tú estás en el limbo
00:12:04Estás expulsado del equipo morado
00:12:09Vamos con ustedes
00:12:10Equipo naranja, equipo de los intensos
00:12:13Jorge, dame tus dos votos
00:12:16Boss, esto no lo esperábamos
00:12:18Ha sido un equipo muy consolidado
00:12:20Nos ha costado mucho
00:12:21Sudor, sangre y lágrimas
00:12:23Y la decisión complicada
00:12:25La voy a basar también en antigüedad y rendimiento como siempre
00:12:28Así que con todo el dolor de mi corazón
00:12:30Digo que Alba y Chispa
00:12:32Alba y Chispa
00:12:35Vamos contigo, Brandon
00:12:37Mi voto es para Alba y Chispa
00:12:41Diana Chiquete, tus dos votos
00:12:43Pues mi voto para los hombres es para Chispa
00:12:46Para las mujeres se me hace difícil porque las dos las quiero mucho
00:12:49Pero pues Alba ya se arriesgó en eliminación
00:12:51Entonces es para Nela
00:12:53Marianela y Chispa, muy bien
00:12:55Vamos contigo, Alba
00:12:57Mi voto es para Chispa y para Nela
00:13:01Para Chispa y para Marianela
00:13:02Marianela, es tu turno
00:13:04Alba y Chispa
00:13:05Alba y Chispa
00:13:07Silverio, te escucho
00:13:08Jamás pensé que una decisión así fuera a costar tanto, Luchini
00:13:13Han sido semanas de rompernos la cabeza
00:13:17De hacer estrategias
00:13:21No contábamos con esto, ¿sabes?
00:13:22Para formar un equipo fuerte, para ir todos
00:13:24De manejar un ajedrez, de poner una pieza para perder
00:13:27Para poder navegar mucho mejor
00:13:32Y hoy se presenta esto, nos cambia todo
00:13:35Pero esa es la isla, ¿no?
00:13:36Así que parte del juego
00:13:41Te quiero, hermano, lo sabes
00:13:42Mi voto es para Alba y Chispa
00:13:44Para Alba y Chispa
00:13:49Lo entiendo, entiendo tu sentimiento, Silverio
00:13:52Vamos contigo, finalmente, Chispa
00:13:53Para quiénes son tus dos votos
00:13:55Sí, Luchini, bueno
00:13:57Me duele que si es por antigüedad
00:14:00No soy de los más nuevos
00:14:02Pero hay que tomar decisiones
00:14:03Y entiendo a mi equipo y no hay ningún problema
00:14:06Es para Alba y Brandon
00:14:08Para Alba y para Brandon
00:14:10De los intensos de Equipo Naranja
00:14:12Que los expulsados
00:14:14Son Alba y Chispa
00:14:17Y recuerden, desafiantes
00:14:18Si Troya cayó por un caballo
00:14:21Sus decisiones
00:14:23También tienen todo el peso del plan
00:14:26Vamos con ustedes, equipo de los rebeldes
00:14:28Equipo Verde
00:14:29Comienzo contigo
00:14:31Te escucho, Carmen
00:14:33Mi voto es para Shada y para Diego
00:14:36Shada y Diego
00:14:38Vamos contigo, Fer
00:14:44Mi voto es para Carmen
00:14:46Mi voto es para Carmen
00:14:52Creo lazos muy fuertes con ellos, sobre todo
00:15:05A ver
00:15:07No puedo hacerlo de otra forma
00:15:09Que alguien escoja una mano
00:15:11Me da igual
00:15:13Sea tu decisión
00:15:14Derecha o izquierda
00:15:17Tú dime, derecha o izquierda
00:15:22¿Cuál es tu decisión, Fer?
00:15:25Mi voto va para Cristian
00:15:27¿Va para Cristian?
00:15:30Shada, es tu turno
00:15:33Mi voto va para Carmen
00:15:38Ay, es que
00:15:40No sé
00:15:45No es nada personal
00:15:47Ambos los quiero mucho
00:15:49Pero creo que va para Diego
00:15:51Muy bien, para Carmen y para Diego
00:15:53Te escucho, Cristian
00:15:56Venimos a verlo todo aquí en la isla a competir
00:16:01Yo sé que mi equipo es mi equipo
00:16:03Pero yo estoy listo para mis tiros directos
00:16:05Y eso vine
00:16:07Mi voto es para
00:16:08Mi voto es para
00:16:21Me gusta competir con rivales fuertes
00:16:23Es que mi voto es para Fer
00:16:25Y para Carmen
00:16:28Muy bien, Cristian
00:16:30Y finalmente tú, Diego
00:16:31Te escucho
00:16:33Es algo difícil
00:16:35Creo que aquí todos traemos la playera superpuesta
00:16:38Y es algo que vamos peleando desde el día uno
00:16:42Es con lo que más me he peleado con todos los equipos
00:16:44Nosotros somos rebeles
00:16:46Llevamos un tiempo
00:16:48Son mis amigos
00:16:50Les he aprendido a los dos
00:16:52Sobre todo a Fernando y a Cristian
00:16:55Esta decisión
00:16:58Pues no es porque era uno más
00:17:00Ni es porque era otro menos
00:17:01Ni nada
00:17:03Mi voto va a ser
00:17:07Para Cris porque llegó un poco después
00:17:09Y Fernando y yo estamos aquí desde el principio
00:17:11Sin embargo quiero decirte que te amo con todo mi ser
00:17:14Eres mi hermano
00:17:16Me duele decirte que no soy este
00:17:18Sabes y no
00:17:20Nunca quiero ponerme a escoger entre
00:17:22Sobre todo entre ellos
00:17:23Que son mi familia
00:17:24Que hemos llorado
00:17:25Hemos sufrido hambre
00:17:27Hemos hecho de todo
00:17:29Y sé que esto no se acaba
00:17:31Igual y en la profusión
00:17:33Nos volvemos a ver si tengo que irme
00:17:35Yo sé que ellos van a seguir conmigo y yo con ellos
00:17:37Incluso a lo lejos
00:17:39Ninguno de esos dos equipos son mi equipo
00:17:41Y si tengo yo que irme
00:17:43Voy a jugar con la playera voltada
00:17:44Porque yo soy rebelde
00:17:46Pero mi voto se lo doy a Cristian
00:17:48Y a Carmen
00:17:50Muy bien
00:17:52Sus votos han sido emitidos
00:17:53Equipo verde
00:17:55Esto quiere decir
00:17:57Carmen tú estás expulsada
00:17:58Del equipo verde
00:17:59Los rebeldes
00:18:01Y tenemos un empate
00:18:03Entre los hombres
00:18:04Entre Diego y Cristian
00:18:07Por lo tanto
00:18:08Nuevamente el azar
00:18:11Quien de los dos
00:18:12Será el expulsado
00:18:13No es necesario hacerlo
00:18:15Tú me pongo
00:18:17Expulsa el azar
00:18:18No es necesario
00:18:20No es necesario
00:18:21Que sea el azar
00:18:22No es necesario
00:18:23Que sea el azar
00:18:25¿Cómo crees?
00:18:26Tú me expulsa solo
00:18:27Yo voy con Carmen
00:18:29Muy bien
00:18:30Cristian entonces
00:18:31Tomo tus palabras
00:18:32Así es
00:18:33¿No quieres que el azar
00:18:34Decida este estratégico movimiento?
00:18:37Muy bien
00:18:38Eso quiere decir
00:18:39Que por parte del equipo verde
00:18:40Cristian y Carmen
00:18:41Ustedes son
00:18:42Los expulsados
00:18:45Muy bien desafiantes
00:18:46Llegó el momento
00:18:47De explicarles
00:18:48En qué consiste
00:18:49La misión
00:18:50De rescate
00:18:52Como les dije
00:18:53Las parejas
00:18:54Expuestas de sus grupos
00:18:55Están en el limbo
00:18:57Intensos rebeldes
00:18:58Y desconocidos
00:18:59En esta aventura
00:19:00Y en nuestro paso
00:19:01Por Turquía
00:19:02Les he contado
00:19:03Sobre la gran influencia
00:19:04De culturas
00:19:06Y un ejemplo de ellas
00:19:07Es su alfabeto
00:19:11Este ha sido
00:19:12Modificado a través
00:19:13De los años
00:19:14Hasta el que se conoce
00:19:15Hoy en día
00:19:16Durante el imperio
00:19:19Se adoptó
00:19:20El alfabeto árabe
00:19:22Que se utilizó
00:19:24Por más de mil años
00:19:26Pero en el año
00:19:27Mil novecientos
00:19:30Se convirtió
00:19:31En república
00:19:32Y su líder
00:19:34En el año
00:19:35Mil novecientos
00:19:37En esta nueva era
00:19:40El alfabeto
00:19:42Y la misión
00:19:44No podrá ser
00:19:46Si no regresamos
00:19:48Al pasado
00:19:51La dinámica
00:19:52De la visión
00:19:53Es la siguiente
00:19:55Dos personas
00:19:56De cada grupo
00:19:58Los dos desafiantes
00:20:00De cada equipo
00:20:01Estarán atados
00:20:03Y tendrán
00:20:04Un candado
00:20:05Con una contraseña
00:20:06De cuatro dígitos
00:20:08Los participantes
00:20:09De las escuadras
00:20:11Con un pizarrón
00:20:12Con palabras
00:20:14En árabe
00:20:15Pero tendrán
00:20:16Que localizar
00:20:17Unas tres guías
00:20:18Que están dispersas
00:20:20Para poder traducir
00:20:21Las palabras del árabe
00:20:22Al español
00:20:24Y luego
00:20:25Utilizando su inteligencia
00:20:26E intuición
00:20:28La contraseña
00:20:29De cuatro dígitos
00:20:31Que van a necesitar
00:20:32Para abrir el candado
00:20:34Una vez que tengan
00:20:35La contraseña
00:20:36Tendrán que elegir
00:20:38Cual es la pareja
00:20:40Que más les conviene
00:20:42Para que se integre
00:20:43A sus grupos
00:20:45Y así
00:20:46Correr hacia ellos
00:20:47Y liberarlos
00:20:49La pareja
00:20:50Que logre abrir
00:20:51El candado
00:20:52Que aprisiona
00:20:53A las personas
00:20:54Que desean
00:20:55Que se unan
00:20:56A sus grupos
00:21:00Que estas dos personas
00:21:01Sean los nuevos
00:21:03De esa escuadra
00:21:06Esto significa
00:21:08Que en ese momento
00:21:10Se acaba el juego
00:21:11Porque automáticamente
00:21:12Las otras parejas
00:21:15Al grupo contrario
00:21:17Les recuerdo
00:21:18Ninguna de las parejas
00:21:19Puede rescatar
00:21:20A los integrantes
00:21:21De su propio color
00:21:26Así es desafiantes
00:21:28Ustedes han sido
00:21:30De sus grupos
00:21:32Por lo tanto
00:21:33No regresarán
00:21:34Para aportar
00:21:35El color
00:21:36Que han llevado puesto
00:21:38Muy bien
00:21:41Y rebeldes
00:21:42Tienen que elegir
00:21:43A las dos personas
00:21:44Que participarán
00:21:45En esta misión de rescate
00:21:47Equipo morado
00:21:48Comenzamos con ustedes
00:21:54Diana y yo
00:21:56Diana y tú Eduardo
00:21:57Muy bien
00:21:58Por parte del equipo naranja
00:21:59¿Quién es el vocero?
00:22:00¿Quién me va a decir quién?
00:22:05Vamos a ir
00:22:06Brandon y yo
00:22:07Brandon y tú Jorge
00:22:10Y finalmente
00:22:11Equipo verde
00:22:12¿Quién me quiere decir
00:22:13Quienes van?
00:22:14Vamos a ir
00:22:15Diego y yo
00:22:16Tú y Diego
00:22:18Muy bien
00:22:19Las decisiones están tomadas
00:22:20De quienes estarán
00:22:21Participando activamente
00:22:22En la misión
00:22:24Nadia y Daniel
00:22:25Del equipo morado
00:22:26Los desconocidos
00:22:28Por parte de los intensos
00:22:30Alba y tú Chispa
00:22:32Y por parte del equipo verde
00:22:33Carmen y Cristian
00:22:35De los rebeldes
00:22:39Pueden partir
00:22:49Nos vamos a alcanzar
00:22:52Esta es la última vez
00:22:53Que portarán
00:22:55Esos colores
00:22:58Cuando regresen
00:23:02A otras escuadras
00:23:15De la vida
00:23:28Intensos rebeldes
00:23:29Y desconocidos
00:23:31¿Están listos?
00:23:35Hay que entregarlo
00:23:36Absolutamente todo
00:23:37Para obtener
00:23:38Esas dos personas
00:23:39Que quieren que se unan
00:23:40A sus grupos
00:23:42Pueden observar
00:23:43Cada uno tiene un pizarrón
00:23:45Y cada pizarrón
00:23:46Tiene cuatro palabras
00:23:47En árabe
00:23:49Tienen que encontrar
00:23:50Las tres guías
00:23:51Que los van a ayudar
00:23:52A traducirlas
00:23:53Alrededor del recinto
00:23:54De este lugar
00:23:56Y de ahí
00:23:57De terminar
00:23:58Con su inteligencia
00:23:59El número
00:24:00Es decir
00:24:01La contraseña
00:24:02De cuatro dígitos
00:24:03Que abrirá el candado
00:24:04Para poder liberar
00:24:05A la pareja
00:24:06Que ustedes deseen
00:24:07A mil señal
00:24:09¡Venga rebelde!
00:24:11Venga intensos
00:24:12¡Vamos intensos!
00:24:13¡Vamos intensos!
00:24:23Ahí está
00:24:24Para acá
00:24:26Va, agárralo a Dennis
00:24:28Acá hay otras
00:24:29¿Ya viste otra?
00:24:31Ahí está, ahí está
00:24:32Ahí está
00:24:39Dale bro
00:24:42El equipo de los intensos
00:24:43Son los primeros en arribar
00:24:45Para poder descifrar
00:24:46Las cuatro palabras
00:24:47Al igual que Eduardo
00:24:48Por parte de los conocidos
00:24:49¡Llegan los verdes!
00:25:04Necesitas primero
00:25:05Descubrir la contraseña
00:25:07Es la única forma
00:25:08Que podrás liberar
00:25:09A los compañeros que quieras
00:25:10Y la forma
00:25:11Que lo podrás hacer
00:25:12Es teniendo
00:25:13Las palabras correctas
00:25:19La U
00:25:23Abajo, abajo
00:25:31Al parecer
00:25:32Los naranjas ya tienen
00:25:33La U
00:25:34Al parecer
00:25:35Los naranjas ya tienen
00:25:36Un objetivo
00:25:38Y lo revelaron
00:25:54Los desafiantes
00:25:55Que están participando
00:25:56En esta misión
00:25:57Tienen que descifrar
00:25:58Que significa
00:25:59Cada una
00:26:00De las cuatro palabras
00:26:02Para eso
00:26:03Son las tres guías
00:26:04Que los van a ayudar
00:26:05Para traducir
00:26:06Cada palabra
00:26:07Son cuatro
00:26:08Las palabras
00:26:09Lo que se traducirá
00:26:10En cuatro números
00:26:12Cuatro dígitos
00:26:14Que son los mismos
00:26:15Que van a abrir
00:26:16Los candados
00:26:17La pareja
00:26:18Que descifre primero
00:26:19El código
00:26:20Y logre abrir
00:26:21El candado
00:26:22De quienes desean
00:26:23Que se integren
00:26:24A sus filas
00:26:26Esas dos personas
00:26:27Formarán parte
00:26:28De las filas
00:26:29De esa escuadra
00:26:31Es que es una misión
00:26:32Bastante compleja
00:26:34Porque una vez
00:26:36Cada una
00:26:37De las palabras
00:26:39Tienen que analizar
00:26:41Y utilizar
00:26:42Su inteligencia
00:26:44Para poder descifrar
00:26:45El código correcto
00:26:49El número que correspondería
00:26:50A esa palabra
00:26:51respondería a esa palabra.
00:27:13Las escuadras siguen buscando, tratando de encontrar y poder traducir letra por
00:27:19In that way, you will be able to find the word that is there.
00:27:25With that word, you will have to think to decipher what the correct code is.
00:27:31I don't know.
00:27:35I don't know.
00:27:38Jorge, again he goes to the ex-members of the green team.
00:27:43Let's see if he has the right combination.
00:27:45At this moment, no.
00:27:47You have to keep looking for the correct code.
00:27:51Once you discover the meaning of each word, you have to analyze.
00:27:57Find the logic to be able to establish what is the number that dictates that word.
00:28:05I'm going to make you lose in every game you have.
00:28:07If you don't choose, I'm going to make you lose.
00:28:09Because I already know that I'm going to elimination.
00:28:11So, you're going to suffer.
00:28:13If I suffer, you will also suffer.
00:28:15You're going to be on the beach and you're going to lose all the games.
00:28:21Oh well.
00:28:25You too, my king.
00:28:30Los Morados, there is another padlock that they can try simultaneously with the orange team, with Jorge.
00:28:35Both unknown and intense, they want the greens.
00:28:39And at this moment, they manage to break the orange team.
00:28:42The correct code is released at that moment to Cristian and Carmen.
00:28:47This means that you are now part of the intense team.
00:28:53The orange team, Cristian and Carmen.
00:28:56Therefore, Daniel and Nadia are part of the green team.
00:29:01Chispa and Alba are part of the unknown.
00:29:05Chispa and Alba are part of the unknown.
00:29:10Intense, rebellious and unknown challengers.
00:29:14Now, the new members of your squads have been defined.
00:29:24Intense, Jorge and Brandon.
00:29:28You managed to reach the victory.
00:29:30You deciphered the words and the correct code first.
00:29:34Jorge, tell me how you did it. How did you manage to decipher it?
00:29:38Yes, my voice was...
00:29:40We were already thinking about several things.
00:29:42We entered the game focused on 200.
00:29:44I think that's the way to approach this challenge.
00:29:46And we started to see...
00:29:49We knew that, obviously, Arabic is read backwards.
00:29:51So I said, I'm going to start on the right to the left.
00:29:54I started to decipher.
00:29:55And already seeing the first words, the first letters of the word,
00:29:59I already started to see that it had a little more to do with the teams
00:30:02and more correspondingly with the players who have been leaving the island, right?
00:30:08So when I saw what they were, I said,
00:30:10okay, first option, test the number of letters that the color of those members has.
00:30:16When it wasn't that, it has to be the weeks in which they left.
00:30:19What you said is perfectly correct, Jorge.
00:30:22It's the second option.
00:30:23The week in which each of the challengers who were able to decipher the names left.
00:30:29You did very well.
00:30:31Each word was the name of a person who was exiled from the island.
00:30:36And the digit that corresponded or corresponded to the padlock
00:30:41was the week in which it was eliminated.
00:30:44Therefore, the correct code was 4544.
00:30:52And this means that you, Orange Team, Intense Team,
00:30:56can welcome Christian and Carmen to their squad right now.
00:31:01The Orange Team.
00:31:03And for that, my congratulations.
00:31:05Thank you.
00:31:09Christian and Carmen receive the t-shirts that from now on,
00:31:13Production will be able to wear.
00:31:19Christian and Carmen, from now on,
00:31:21you are Intense and you are represented by the color orange.
00:31:27Let's go.
00:31:28Let's go.
00:31:34Obviously, this was in the case of the Intense,
00:31:36who managed to win this rescue mission
00:31:39and choose the couple they wanted to be part of their squad.
00:31:45Therefore, strangers and rebels will have to receive the couples
00:31:51who were not released.
00:31:53Simply exchange them,
00:31:55because they cannot obviously return to the team they belonged to.
00:32:00Therefore, Chispa and Alba,
00:32:03from now on, you are the Purple Team.
00:32:06You are strangers.
00:32:09Welcome to your team.
00:32:11I give you the corresponding t-shirts.
00:32:13Let's go.
00:32:14Let's go.
00:32:15Let's go, Alba.
00:32:24Chispa and Alba,
00:32:26you are strangers
00:32:29and you are represented by the color purple from now on.
00:32:34Come on.
00:32:35Let's play.
00:32:38You can return to your team.
00:32:40That's it.
00:32:43And rebels, you are...
00:32:46Welcome Nadia and Daniel.
00:32:50From now on, they are the new members of your team.
00:32:53Come for your production t-shirts.
00:32:55Thank you.
00:32:56Welcome the rebels.
00:32:58Thank you.
00:33:03Come on, team.
00:33:04Nadia and Daniel,
00:33:05from now on, you are rebels
00:33:08and you are represented by the color green.
00:33:11Come on.
00:33:17Very well, intense rebels and strangers.
00:33:20The rescue mission has concluded,
00:33:22but the challenge is on Monday.
00:33:25And that means that the territories are waiting for their new tenants.
00:33:31So you have to give it and give it absolutely everything.
00:33:35Come on.
00:33:37Intense rebels and strangers,
00:33:40see you in the game for the territory.
00:33:43You can go.
00:34:06Come on, come on.
00:34:07We're here, we're intense.
00:34:15We're here, we're intense.
00:34:18And we won't die here.
00:34:22Come on, come on, come on.
00:34:24Come on, green.
00:34:26Come on, come on.
00:34:27Who are we?
00:34:29Who are we?
00:34:31Blue, blue, blue.
00:34:35Intense rebels and strangers,
00:34:39It's time to give absolutely everything as teams.
00:34:44New faces in each squad,
00:34:46new dynamics,
00:34:48new strategies that they will have to create
00:34:51to be able to advance as a challenging group.
00:34:55Because here and now,
00:34:57the territory is at stake.
00:34:59Only one squad will be able to get the keys to Playa Alta.
00:35:05Come on, come on, come on.
00:35:07We're going to get to know it here.
00:35:08We're going to get to know it here.
00:35:10Challengers, in front of you is the opportunity
00:35:14to get the jewel of the crown,
00:35:17to get the most precious good.
00:35:19Because this week, Playa Alta has qualified it
00:35:23as the best of all time.
00:35:26Oh, my God.
00:35:27With incredible comforts and benefits
00:35:30during their journey this unique week.
00:35:35Come on.
00:35:36The team that gets Playa Alta in Chanacalé
00:35:39will have all the amenities that are included.
00:35:43Refrigerator with unlimited beverages,
00:35:46infinite pool, panoramic view of the Egeo Sea,
00:35:50luxury rooms, outdoor patio,
00:35:54and all the foods they want
00:35:56that will be prepared by a professional chef.
00:36:00But not everyone can get it.
00:36:03The group that gets second place in this contest
00:36:07will win Playa Media,
00:36:09which will provide them with basic amenities,
00:36:12very basic, let's say, for subsistence.
00:36:16Playa Media in Chanacalé has the basic necessities
00:36:21for subsistence like a house with a sheet roof,
00:36:26mattresses, bathroom,
00:36:28and their food will be limited.
00:36:31And the losing team will have to go to that place,
00:36:36Playa Baja,
00:36:37because they know perfectly well how difficult it is.
00:36:40Absolute solitude, darkness,
00:36:43and unimaginable challenges
00:36:45that they will have to live in that territory.
00:36:48And the only thing they will have to try is to subsist
00:36:52in nothing more and nothing less than the dreaded Playa Baja.
00:36:57Playa Baja in Chanacalé
00:36:59is a piece of land with a wooden roof.
00:37:03The challengers who get it
00:37:05will sleep in sleeping bags without a bathroom,
00:37:08and the precariousness of their food
00:37:11will be discovered later.
00:37:14So, intense rebels and strangers,
00:37:17it's now or never,
00:37:19because getting Playa Alta
00:37:21will make a completely absolute difference.
00:37:25Intense, you've been at Playa Alta
00:37:30for a new week,
00:37:32starting new faces in your squad.
00:37:35Cristian, how does it feel to really get to the orange group,
00:37:40to belong now to a squad that is no longer green?
00:37:44Well, first of all, honestly, my face has changed.
00:37:47That's how I say it.
00:37:49I feel happy.
00:37:51In fact, I saw you throwing the green shirt.
00:37:54What can I say, Luquini?
00:37:56Yes, I know I come from the rebels,
00:37:59but at the same time I have a new team,
00:38:01a new family, new energy, and a new beginning.
00:38:05So I'm going to be faithful to the new team,
00:38:08and obviously I'm a reinforcement here with the Intenses
00:38:11to show them that I'm here to win.
00:38:14And with them I want to go far, and I know I'm going to do it,
00:38:17because now I see different faces,
00:38:19and I see the best team on the island.
00:38:21Awesome, like that.
00:38:23Okay, very good, Cristian.
00:38:26But getting to a new team, Cristian,
00:38:29involves new revelations, new relationships.
00:38:32Do you think the relationships between your teammates,
00:38:35with you and them, will really flow?
00:38:38Well, maybe, Luquini.
00:38:40I think it's too early to decide and talk about that.
00:38:43I think right now it's about gaining the confidence
00:38:46of each one of the Intenses,
00:38:48and it's going to happen, right?
00:38:50But right now, as I see it,
00:38:52we're going to win everything,
00:38:54more than anything, Salvation and Playa Alta,
00:38:56so that no one leaves because they're a family.
00:38:59And I say it here, we're going to win everything.
00:39:02Very good, Cristian.
00:39:04Rebels, you made the decision
00:39:07to expel two of your own,
00:39:09but you received two new members,
00:39:12tenants, Daniel and Nadia.
00:39:17New color in you.
00:39:19I want to ask you,
00:39:21you were the captain
00:39:23of the purple team, Los Desconocidos,
00:39:26and now you're a rebel.
00:39:29How are you?
00:39:30Well, Luquini, it really was an activity
00:39:33that surprised us all.
00:39:35It was something that no one expected here,
00:39:37and something that I didn't expect either
00:39:39was when it came to the vote, right?
00:39:41Really, seeing who had to leave the team,
00:39:45we didn't know we were going to change,
00:39:47but this is really something
00:39:49that I felt from the bottom of my heart.
00:39:51I felt bad because with Lalo,
00:39:53I've made a very good friendship,
00:39:55and at the moment that the vote,
00:39:57I feel that his vote was for me,
00:39:59I said, the truth is that I didn't expect it from Lalo.
00:40:03Oh well, now we're rivals again,
00:40:06so the only thing I appreciate
00:40:08is that green matches my eyes better,
00:40:10and we're all a great team,
00:40:12we're great people,
00:40:13so let's see what happens.
00:40:15So you felt, in a nutshell,
00:40:17betrayed by Eduardo.
00:40:19Yes, I really felt that betrayal
00:40:21from my friend Lalo,
00:40:23that we had said,
00:40:24Pilar, from the beginning,
00:40:26good friendship,
00:40:27I'm always going for you,
00:40:29I know you're going to go for me,
00:40:31I really didn't notice that,
00:40:33from Mau, I knew the vote was going to be for me,
00:40:35it was very logical,
00:40:37but from Lalo, I didn't expect it,
00:40:39so, well,
00:40:40no way, that's how it goes on the island.
00:40:42The bad vibe of one...
00:40:45Well, I wouldn't see it that way,
00:40:49one is playing their game,
00:40:51strategies and everything,
00:40:53of course we've been through
00:40:55all this adventure together,
00:40:57but now,
00:40:59everyone is moving their chips and everything,
00:41:01so, well, it's part of the game,
00:41:03if he feels betrayed,
00:41:05he could have come to me,
00:41:07the directions are changing,
00:41:11excuse me, but you have to play, right?
00:41:13Very well,
00:41:14Intenso Rebeldes and Desconocidos,
00:41:18the time has come,
00:41:20each of your squads,
00:41:21in minutes,
00:41:22will be tested once more,
00:41:24and now,
00:41:25with new members,
00:41:27new dynamics will emerge,
00:41:29and new ways of working
00:41:31have to be discovered
00:41:33in order to achieve victory,
00:41:35but first,
00:41:37we're starting the week,
00:41:40we have to choose new captains,
00:41:43we'll start with the team,
00:41:46the Intensos,
00:41:47will have to cast a vote,
00:41:48each one,
00:41:49to choose
00:41:50that person
00:41:51they want to be
00:41:52their captain
00:41:53for this week,
00:41:54we'll start with you, Jorge.
00:41:57My boss,
00:41:58this week,
00:41:59I'm very happy
00:42:00with the way
00:42:01we're starting the cycle,
00:42:02I think we have
00:42:03a very powerful team,
00:42:04and I want to give,
00:42:05this week,
00:42:06the chance
00:42:07to Tete,
00:42:08my brother,
00:42:10to be captain,
00:42:11so, my vote is for him.
00:42:13one vote,
00:42:15who do you cast your vote?
00:42:17I think these two weeks
00:42:18Jorge led very well,
00:42:19but I think we're
00:42:20a very united team,
00:42:21and I'm also going to
00:42:23give my vote of confidence
00:42:24to Silverio.
00:42:25To Silverio,
00:42:26two votes at the moment,
00:42:27Diana Chiquete.
00:42:29Well, I think these two weeks
00:42:31have done things
00:42:32quite well,
00:42:33so my vote is again
00:42:34for Jorge.
00:42:35For Jorge.
00:42:36Silverio, two votes,
00:42:37Jorge, one vote,
00:42:39who do you cast your vote?
00:42:40Well, as I said,
00:42:41new energies,
00:42:42new faces,
00:42:43new family,
00:42:44and obviously,
00:42:45my vote is very basic,
00:42:47the truth,
00:42:48from the heart,
00:42:49a beast,
00:42:50a Viking,
00:42:51a friend,
00:42:52a brother,
00:42:53so my vote goes to
00:42:54my dear Silverio.
00:42:56Very good,
00:42:57Silverio with three votes,
00:42:58Jorge with one vote.
00:42:59Let's go with you, Carmen.
00:43:01I still don't know
00:43:02my team at all,
00:43:04I'm very happy,
00:43:05the truth is,
00:43:06it's a relief for me
00:43:07to be here,
00:43:08and I'm going to
00:43:09follow the team's line.
00:43:10I'm going to give my vote
00:43:11to Silverio.
00:43:12Very good,
00:43:13Silverio with four votes
00:43:14at the moment.
00:43:15You are automatically
00:43:16the captain
00:43:17of the orange team,
00:43:18Los Intensos,
00:43:19for this week.
00:43:20Thank you.
00:43:21Thank you.
00:43:22Thank you.
00:43:23Thank you.
00:43:25who would you have voted for?
00:43:26Of course,
00:43:28because of my good silver.
00:43:29Very good,
00:43:31new captain.
00:43:32We will go
00:43:33with the green team,
00:43:34the rebels.
00:43:35I'll start with you,
00:43:37Go to my favorite
00:43:39which is Diego.
00:43:40Very good,
00:43:41vote for Diego.
00:43:43it's your turn.
00:43:44I was going to say it.
00:43:47my vote is the same,
00:43:48it'll be for
00:43:51two votes.
00:43:52We'll go with you,
00:43:53This week, I'd like to meet Diego as the captain.
00:43:56Come on, Nadia.
00:43:58Diego, with three votes,
00:44:00you are the new captain of the Green Squad,
00:44:03Los Rebeldes, this week.
00:44:06I don't want to die alone.
00:44:09Let's go with the purple team.
00:44:11Team Los Desconocidos.
00:44:13Chispa, I'll start with you.
00:44:14The vote is for Lalo.
00:44:16For Eduardo, very good.
00:44:19Alba, your vote, who is it for?
00:44:22My vote will also be for Lalo.
00:44:24Very good, Eduardo, two votes at the moment.
00:44:26Eduardo, your vote, who is it for?
00:44:28Dianita, who has proven to be a warrior.
00:44:33Two votes, Eduardo, Diana, one vote.
00:44:36Mau, who do you vote for?
00:44:38My vote, like my teammates, is for Lalo.
00:44:43Very good, Eduardo.
00:44:45With three votes, you become the captain
00:44:48of this week's Green Squad, Los Desconocidos.
00:44:51Come on, come on.
00:44:52Yeah, baby.
00:44:54Challengers, your captains have been decided.
00:44:58It's time to hand over the bracelets
00:45:00that identify your leaders.
00:45:03Let's start with you, Sincero,
00:45:05with the team of Los Intensos.
00:45:09Thank you, Sincero.
00:45:12Diego, Los Rebeldes,
00:45:15Eduardo, Los Desconocidos.
00:45:17Thank you.
00:45:25Very good, challengers.
00:45:27I'm looking forward to seeing
00:45:29the new way of working of each of the squads.
00:45:33To welcome two completely new people
00:45:36into their teams.
00:45:38So, the time has come
00:45:42for you to give everything you've got.
00:45:44A high beach is at stake,
00:45:46and only one will be able to get it.
00:45:49And for that, listen carefully.
00:45:52The dynamics of the game are as follows.
00:45:55Four challengers will participate per team.
00:45:59They will have to carry a ladder
00:46:01through an obstacle course
00:46:03and collect a bucket.
00:46:05In the final station,
00:46:06they will have to fill a structure with water
00:46:09until the ball comes out of it.
00:46:12Attention, challengers.
00:46:13Three of the participants of each group
00:46:16will be tied to each other.
00:46:18And two of them will not be able to see anything at all.
00:46:21The first team to collect two points
00:46:25wins the high beach.
00:46:27The second team to collect two points
00:46:30stays with the medium beach.
00:46:32And the losing team
00:46:34with the low beach.
00:46:36Is that clear, challengers?
00:46:40To your positions.
00:46:56intense rebels and strangers,
00:46:59I remind you,
00:47:00the team that collects two points first
00:47:05will win the high beach.
00:47:07Are you ready?
00:47:10Remember that the impossible
00:47:12only costs a little more.
00:47:14On my signal.
00:47:26Concentration of each of the squads
00:47:28to be able to do it
00:47:30as fast as possible.
00:47:36A lot of communication!
00:47:41Hold on.
00:47:42A very complex challenge.
00:47:44Two of the challengers of each squad
00:47:46are blindfolded.
00:47:47They can't see anything at all.
00:47:49And three of them are tied to each other,
00:47:52which makes the challenge more complicated.
00:47:56The green team and the orange team,
00:47:59very even.
00:48:00A slight delay for the purple team,
00:48:02but here it comes.
00:48:04Go, go, go!
00:48:11Go, go, go!
00:48:15The first group to do it gets a point.
00:48:18This way, this way.
00:48:20There it is, there it is.
00:48:22Come on, you're doing great!
00:48:23The team of rebels
00:48:25with some complications
00:48:27at this stage of the circuit.
00:48:30getting out of the obstacle.
00:48:38Jorge, in charge of climbing
00:48:40through the pit.
00:48:41And at that moment, he takes it
00:48:43and heads to the last station.
00:48:46The rebels free the ladder from the obstacle.
00:48:49Now they go through the pit.
00:48:51But the intense ones are already in the last station
00:48:54with some advantage.
00:48:58The purples also place the ladder
00:49:01to be able to go down the pit
00:49:03of the penultimate station.
00:49:04Just like the reds.
00:49:11Go, go, go!
00:49:12The one in charge of pouring the water
00:49:14so that it enters the container is Brandon.
00:49:18They also have to take into account
00:49:19the wind factor, which is very important.
00:49:23The purple team and the green team
00:49:25are reaching the last station.
00:49:27Nobody wants to lose this valuable point.
00:49:30Go, go, go!
00:49:31Go, go, go!
00:49:32Go, go, go!
00:49:35Go, go, go!
00:49:36Go, go, go!
00:49:37Go, go, go!
00:49:38Go, go, go!
00:49:39Left, left!
00:49:41Here, Mau!
00:49:42Now Jorge is exchanging and pouring the water.
00:49:45There, there!
00:49:49To the left, to the right, to the left!
00:49:51Go, go, go!
00:49:52The challengers don't lose sight of the objective.
00:49:55Playa Alta, I guarantee,
00:49:58the best of the entire season.
00:50:00The best territory they can get.
00:50:03Go, go!
00:50:04Take it completely!
00:50:05Go, go!
00:50:09Speed, communication, teamwork!
00:50:39The group that manages to get the ball out of the container is the group that has a first point.
00:51:00The Intense are very close to achieving their goal, but the Rebels and Unknowns are not far behind.
00:51:06Wasting water will cost a lot of money.
00:51:13The ball has to get out of the container, not float on top of it.
00:51:23We continue, we continue, and this is a point for the orange team!
00:51:36The first shot was in the corner, it wasn't floating in the water.
00:51:51A point for the Intense, orange team!
00:51:55The Intense!
00:52:03Challengers, score at the moment!
00:52:06The Intense, a point for the Rebels and Unknowns, without scoring at the moment!
00:52:12Are you ready?
00:52:15Remember that the impossible only costs a little more.
00:52:18On my signal, now!
00:52:22Right, right!
00:52:24Right, right!
00:52:26Up, up, Dani!
00:52:28There you have it!
00:52:30Cristian for the first time competing with the orange team!
00:52:34The Intense!
00:52:36I'll bring it, I'll bring it!
00:52:38You still have another seven, Dani!
00:52:40Alba for the first time in the team, purple, the Unknowns and Nadia with the Rebels!
00:52:49Grab the ropes!
00:52:51You didn't tell me to go that way!
00:52:53Keep going, keep going, Dani!
00:52:55Nadia gets stuck in her head, but she has to keep going!
00:53:00Jump to the right, Cristian!
00:53:02Jump, jump, jump!
00:53:04Get comfortable!
00:53:06There you go!
00:53:08Move to the left, girls!
00:53:20Go, go, go!
00:53:33Concentration, communication, teamwork, synchronization!
00:53:38The orange team are the first to get out of the obstacle!
00:53:43But the green team is very close, and the purple team don't want to leave this point.
00:53:50To the right, run!
00:53:52Be careful, be careful!
00:53:54Go, go, go!
00:53:58The Intense are on the stairs at the final station.
00:54:01Now it will be the work of Cristian and Marianela to bring the water
00:54:07so that Jorge and Silverio can pour it over the container.
00:54:19Jorge falls very carelessly.
00:54:22Are you okay, Jorge?
00:54:24Are you okay, Jorge?
00:54:26Are you okay, Jorge?
00:54:40The orange team has a lot of advantage in this round.
00:54:44With complications, the green team and the purple team.
00:54:52To the right, to the left!
00:54:54To the left, to the left!
00:54:56To the left!
00:54:58They go down their bucket and go to the last station.
00:55:00The green team is already at the last station.
00:55:03They are arriving at this moment, but with a lot of advantage for the orange team.
00:55:09The group that manages to fill the container and make the ball come out of it,
00:55:16gets a point.
00:55:18If the orange team gets this point,
00:55:20they would automatically get the very precious trophy.
00:55:27Cristian, as a new member of the Intense,
00:55:30working very well with Jorge, Silverio and Marianela.
00:55:43Chispa doesn't want to waste any water.
00:55:47He knows the importance of not wasting a single drop.
00:55:51Just like Fernando.
00:56:01Don't lose sight of the goal of the challengers.
00:56:04Playa Alta, and as I have told you, the best of the season.
00:56:09You will not repeat it.
00:56:11Come on, come on, come on!
00:56:14Commodities that you will not believe.
00:56:32Don't fall!
00:56:34That's it for the orange team!
00:56:37And they get Playa Alta!
00:56:44Rebels and strangers, you will have to continue competing,
00:56:48because Playa Media is waiting for who will be their new occupants this week.
00:56:54And the one who accumulates two points first will have it.
00:57:04Come on!
00:57:05Second point for Los Intensos, the orange team.
00:57:09And they get the long-awaited Playa Alta.
00:57:22Rebels and strangers, the competition continues for you.
00:57:28Playa Alta already has tenants, and they are Los Intensos.
00:57:33And you, green team and purple team, will have to continue.
00:57:39And the team that manages to accumulate two points first will get Playa Media.
00:57:45And at that moment, we will automatically find out
00:57:49who has to stay with the challenger Playa Baja.
00:57:52Are you ready?
00:57:55Remember that the impossible only costs a little more.
00:57:58On my signal.
00:58:06Rebels and strangers, you will have to give absolutely everything
00:58:11if you do not want to fall in the very difficult and extenuating Playa Baja.
00:58:26There you go.
00:58:34The groups have to work as a team to be able to move the ladder
00:58:38through the different obstacles.
00:58:41Here I am.
00:58:43Go ahead.
00:58:46To the left.
00:58:48Keep going.
00:58:52There you go.
00:58:54Very different strategies from each of the squads.
00:59:05We need more.
00:59:07You can stop at the last pylon.
00:59:09There it is.
00:59:12The coordination of the work as a team in this obstacle is very important.
00:59:18It is fundamental.
00:59:20Alba's attitude is very interesting.
00:59:23She is, I don't know, apparently encouraging her squad,
00:59:28pushing it, taking it over the obstacles.
00:59:32To the left.
00:59:35Hold on there, hold on there, hold on there, Alba.
00:59:38Hold on there, Alba.
00:59:47The team of strangers is about to take the ladder out of this station
00:59:52and they do it!
00:59:54And they move on to the next one.
00:59:56They must position the ladder to be able to go up and down the pylon
01:00:01that they are going to use in the last station.
01:00:04There you go.
01:00:06Mauricio is in charge of going up.
01:00:08The green team does the same.
01:00:10They get to the penultimate station.
01:00:13Alba is shaking from one side to the other.
01:00:20Alba, to the right, to the right, Alba.
01:00:23Both strangers and rebels are moving on to the last station.
01:00:31Come on, Chispa.
01:00:35There it is.
01:00:37There it is.
01:00:39To the right, to the right, to the right.
01:00:41The squads have to start with the filling of the containers.
01:00:46The group that manages to first release the ball from the container,
01:00:51make the sand fall, gets a point.
01:00:54The purple team starts with the spilling of water on their container.
01:01:01I don't think anyone will talk to me right now.
01:01:11Concentration, a lot of speed, determination.
01:01:15Teams, playa media in play.
01:01:31The two squads are very even.
01:01:34Who will get this point?
01:01:36Purple or green?
01:01:38Alba seems to be praying to a higher being.
01:01:53At the moment, the purple team has an advantage over the green team.
01:01:57Let's see how the two teams conclude this test.
01:02:01Talk to him, talk to him, talk to him, talk to him.
01:02:10It's three in the morning.
01:02:14Come on, come on, come on, come on.
01:02:16Take it.
01:02:19With more energy, with more energy.
01:02:21The purple team is very close to getting the ball out of the container.
01:02:26But the rebels don't give up and put the accelerator in.
01:02:31It's time.
01:02:35Take it, take it, take it.
01:02:52That's it.
01:02:53Point for the purple team!
01:02:55Los desconocidos.
01:02:59The great support of Alba
01:03:01surely makes a difference
01:03:03for his team, for the triumph
01:03:05of the Purple Team.
01:03:15Point for the Purple Team,
01:03:16Los Desconocidos.
01:03:28Rebeldes y Desconocidos,
01:03:30marcador al momento.
01:03:32Equipo Morado, un punto.
01:03:34Equipo Verde,
01:03:35sin anotación al momento.
01:03:37Les recuerdo,
01:03:38se quedará con playa media
01:03:40quien acumule primero
01:03:42dos puntos desafiantes.
01:03:44¿Están listos?
01:03:46¡A mi señal!
01:03:51¡Derecha, derecha, derecha!
01:03:52¡Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos!
01:03:54¡Derecha, derecha, derecha!
01:03:55¡Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos!
01:03:57¡Derecha, derecha, derecha!
01:03:58Rebeldes tiene que obtener este punto
01:04:00porque en caso de una victoria
01:04:02de la Escuadra Morada
01:04:04acumularían automáticamente dos puntos.
01:04:07Por lo tanto,
01:04:08se quedarían con playa media.
01:04:10¡Escenario catastrófico
01:04:12para el Equipo Verde
01:04:13de ser así!
01:04:18¡Abajo, abajo, Mau!
01:04:19¡Abajo, abajo, abajo!
01:04:21Ya lo tengo aquí.
01:04:22La complejidad de la prueba
01:04:24es muy alta.
01:04:26Hay dos desafiantes
01:04:27por cada escuadra que van sin ver.
01:04:30Además, tres de ellos
01:04:31están atados entre sí.
01:04:33Inmovilizar esa pesada escalera
01:04:37lo complica absolutamente todo.
01:04:40¡Ya, bájense!
01:04:42¡Venga, venga, venga!
01:04:43¡Enfrente, enfrente!
01:04:44¡Velocidad, velocidad, velocidad!
01:04:45¡Jálate! ¡Jálate, Mau!
01:04:48Los Desconocidos y Rebeldes
01:04:50en el mismo obstáculo.
01:04:54Enfrentamiento al momento,
01:04:55muy cerrado, muy parejo.
01:04:59Espérame, espérame.
01:05:02Empújalo hacia enfrente, Diego.
01:05:04Hacia enfrente de ti,
01:05:05hacia enfrente de ti.
01:05:06Los Intensos ya ganaron playa alta.
01:05:09Estamos esperando
01:05:11para ver cuál de las dos escuadras
01:05:13obtiene playa media
01:05:15y quién se queda automáticamente
01:05:17con la nada deseable
01:05:19playa baja.
01:05:25Los Desconocidos
01:05:26a punto de superar
01:05:27el difícil obstáculo
01:05:28y lo hacen
01:05:29para pasar al penúltimo obstáculo.
01:05:36El Equipo Verde retrasado
01:05:38y están a punto de salir
01:05:44del obstáculo y lo hacen
01:05:45en este momento.
01:05:50Bájate, bájate.
01:05:51¿A poco se puede hacer eso?
01:05:53La escalera, la escalera, Diana.
01:05:55Los Rebeldes posicionan la escalera
01:05:58para obtener la cubeta.
01:06:01El Equipo Morado avanza
01:06:02hasta la última estación.
01:06:04Espérate, espérate, Lalo.
01:06:06Párate, Lalo, párate.
01:06:07No te muevas, no te muevas, Lalo.
01:06:09Chada, desabróchalo.
01:06:11No, no, no, está adentro, no.
01:06:13Nadia, desabróchense.
01:06:15Chada baja la cubeta
01:06:18para dirigirse
01:06:20a la última estación.
01:06:28iniciando la recolección de agua.
01:06:32En la última estación
01:06:34las escuadras tienen que,
01:06:36utilizando una canaleta,
01:06:38llenar un recipiente,
01:06:40un contenedor con agua.
01:06:42Hasta el punto en que la pelota
01:06:45brinque y salga del mismo.
01:06:47Quien lo logre primero, obtiene un punto.
01:06:49Diana, la encargada de derramar el agua
01:06:52por parte del Equipo Morado.
01:06:54Chada, la encargada por parte de la Escuadra Verde
01:06:57de llenar el contenedor.
01:07:05Estrategias distintas.
01:07:06Chada, cuidando mucho el agua.
01:07:08Diana, desperdiciando.
01:07:17Chada, posicionando correctamente la cubeta
01:07:20para que el agua no se desperdicie.
01:07:23Entiende la importancia de cada gota de agua.
01:07:29Diana, avienta el agua con mucha rapidez.
01:07:33Estoy seguro si sea la mejor estrategia,
01:07:35pero ella lo hace.
01:07:39En caso de que lo obtengan los rebeldes,
01:07:41empatarían a los desconocidos a un punto.
01:07:45Y en el siguiente enfrentamiento,
01:07:47se definiría quién se queda con playa media
01:07:50y quién con playa baja.
01:08:09Diana, no desperdices agua.
01:08:16Rapidez, escuadra, rapidez.
01:08:23Concentración absoluta de cada una de las escuadras.
01:08:26El trabajo en equipo se nota.
01:08:29Ninguno quiere perder este preciado punto.
01:08:33Una más, una más, una más.
01:08:40Enfrentamiento parejísimo.
01:08:42Corre, corre, corre.
01:08:43Una más.
01:08:44¿Quién logrará hacer que la pelota caiga
01:08:47de su contenedor primero, rebeldes o desconocidos?
01:08:54Muy cerca de lograrlo.
01:08:55Y punto del equipo verde.
01:08:59Y esto se empata, señores.
01:09:05Todo estaba en cómo echar el agua.
01:09:07No, ya le agarré el jaca, ya.
01:09:10Ya le dije, creo que lo tengo, y sí.
01:09:12Él también, pero en cómo echar el agua.
01:09:14Punto para el equipo verde.
01:09:16Los rebeldes empatan el marcador.
01:09:23Desafiantes, marcador al momento.
01:09:26Desafiantes, marcador al momento.
01:09:28Equipo de los rebeldes, un punto.
01:09:30Equipo de los desconocidos, un punto.
01:09:33Empate, señores.
01:09:34Esto significa que el grupo que alcance la victoria
01:09:38en este enfrentamiento automáticamente
01:09:41se queda con Playa Media.
01:09:44Y de esa forma conoceremos quién será la escuadra
01:09:47que tendrá que vivir esta semana
01:09:49en la desafiante Playa Baja.
01:09:52¿Están listos?
01:09:55Recuerden que lo imposible solo cuesta un poco más.
01:09:58A mi señal, ahora.
01:10:08Enfrentamiento determinante para una de las escuadras.
01:10:13La diferencia entre obtener Playa Media
01:10:16o tener que subsistir en Playa Baja
01:10:19es un solo punto, y es este.
01:10:22Tronco, tronco, tronco.
01:10:32Los dos nuevos integrantes de Los Desconocidos,
01:10:34tanto Chispa como Alba,
01:10:36están participando con su escuadra.
01:10:47Cae la escalera del equipo morado Los Desconocidos.
01:10:51Cuidado, desafiantes.
01:11:04Mando ventaja al equipo morado.
01:11:07Equipo verde, retrasado.
01:11:10Derecha, frente. Izquierda, frente.
01:11:13Derecha, frente. Izquierda, frente.
01:11:16Derecha, frente.
01:11:19Y el equipo morado libera la escalera
01:11:21para pasar a la penúltima estación.
01:11:25Tendrán que posicionar la escalera
01:11:27para poder subir y obtener la cubeta en lo alto,
01:11:29y esa cubeta la van a utilizar en la última estación.
01:11:33Arriba, arriba, arriba.
01:11:37Agárralo bien, agárralo bien.
01:11:39La encargada es subir Alba.
01:11:49Quítate, quítate, quítate.
01:11:54Arriba, arriba, arriba.
01:11:57¿Dónde está la escalera?
01:12:02A través de superan el obstáculo
01:12:04y posicionan la escalera para bajar la cubeta.
01:12:13Alba será la encargada
01:12:15de derramar el líquido en el contenedor.
01:12:19Y comienza el equipo.
01:12:22El grupo que logre hacer que la pelota
01:12:25salga del contenedor primero
01:12:27obtiene este valiosísimo punto.
01:12:30Y con ello, playa media.
01:12:32¿Ya estamos desabrochados?
01:12:34Ahí, a la izquierda.
01:12:38Ya nadie la agarró.
01:12:45Rebeldes avanzando a la estación final
01:12:47y Eduardo de rodillas en el suelo.
01:12:49pidiendo ayuda.
01:12:58El equipo verde llegando a la estación final
01:13:00y posicionando la escalera.
01:13:05¡Cae la escalera del equipo verde!
01:13:12Alba muy concentrada en lo suyo.
01:13:20Nadia la encargada de subir a la estructura
01:13:23y derramar el líquido en el contenedor.
01:13:29Nadia es el nuevo ingreso
01:13:31del equipo verde, los rebeldes.
01:13:40¡Velocidad desafiantes!
01:13:42¡Velocidad desafiantes!
01:13:48Eduardo sigue de rodillas pidiéndole al cielo.
01:13:58¡Muy parejos ambos equipos!
01:14:01¡Muy parejos!
01:14:08Rebeldes y desconocidos
01:14:10llegando absolutamente todo lo que les queda.
01:14:13Chispa choca con la escalera.
01:14:15Es que, además, nadie quiere perder este valiosísimo punto.
01:14:18Se trata nada más y nada menos
01:14:20de quedarse con playa media.
01:14:35¿Para quién será este punto?
01:14:41¡Fuerte, Nadia!
01:14:46¡Corre, corre, corre!
01:14:48¡Final cardíaco de fotografía!
01:14:51Nada más y nada menos que por playa media.
01:15:00¡Punto para el equipo verde!
01:15:03¡Remontan y ganan este punto!
01:15:05¡El equipo verde, los rebeldes se quedan con playa media!
01:15:09¡El equipo moreno va directa y estrepitosamente a playa baja!
01:15:23¡Punto para el equipo verde, los rebeldes!
01:15:25¡Importantísimo punto!
01:15:27¡Ganan y se quedan con playa media!
01:15:39Intensos, rebeldes y desconocidos.
01:15:42¡Qué gran batalla!
01:15:44Mis felicitaciones.
01:15:49Se notó que todos, absolutamente todos,
01:15:52querían playa alta
01:15:54y las increíbles comodidades que les ofrecerá.
01:15:57Pero solo un grupo podrá disfrutar
01:15:59de esas increíbles comodidades.
01:16:02¡Y son ustedes intensos!
01:16:07Y por eso, mis felicitaciones.
01:16:11Intensos, es momento de que reciban la llave
01:16:16a ese paraíso que tendrán que habitar esta semana.
01:16:24No es el caso de ustedes, rebeldes y desconocidos.
01:16:28Ustedes no alcanzaron la victoria para playa alta,
01:16:31pero rebeldes, ustedes lograron acumular dos puntos
01:16:35primero que el equipo morado
01:16:37y por eso, ustedes se quedan con playa media.
01:16:53Esto quiere decir, rebeldes,
01:16:55que ustedes pasaron la última semana
01:16:57en la desafiante playa baja
01:16:59y están ahora en un lugar un poco mejor,
01:17:03en la playa media.
01:17:05Y no es el caso para ustedes, equipo morado,
01:17:07equipo de los desconocidos.
01:17:09Ustedes, desafortunadamente,
01:17:11tendrán que vivir durante esta semana
01:17:13aquí en Chanacalé, en la temida playa baja.
01:17:17Será una semana un poco difícil para ustedes,
01:17:20pero tendrán que superarla.
01:17:22Recuerden que la isla los lleva al límite
01:17:24y su único objetivo es subsistir.
01:17:27Por lo tanto, intensos, rebeldes y desconocidos,
01:17:32es momento de que conozcan sus nuevas playas.
