• 3 months ago


00:00:00Bonsoir, bonsoir, bonsoir!
00:00:02Comment ça va, le Grand Rex?
00:00:04Bienvenue sur France Télévision pour cette soirée absolument...
00:00:12Vous aussi à la maison, sortez vos plus belles tenues paillettes,
00:00:15parce que ce soir ça va être la fête des Français.
00:00:18Bonsoir, bonsoir, bonsoir!
00:00:20Comment ça va, le Grand Rex?
00:00:23Bienvenue sur France Télévision pour cette soirée absolument...
00:00:29Ça va être la fête.
00:00:31Bienvenue à la grande finale de Drag Race France, saison 3!
00:00:37Ce soir, je vais élire la nouvelle grande reine du drag français.
00:00:39Vous avez envie de savoir?
00:00:41Ben, ça arrive.
00:00:43Cette année, vous avez été plus nombreux que jamais à nous regarder,
00:00:46et je voulais vous dire, vous avez raison.
00:00:49Et évidemment, merci.
00:00:53C'est plus important que jamais de célébrer la différence,
00:00:55et ce soir, on va le faire ensemble, ça vous dit?
00:00:59D'ailleurs, merci d'accueillir ma famille de cœur,
00:01:01le jury de Drag Race France,
00:01:03Daphné Burki et Kitty Smile!
00:01:21Il reste deux reines sur scène.
00:01:24C'est maintenant ou jamais.
00:01:26Non, je plaisante.
00:01:28Est-ce que vous avez aimé leur tenue tout au long de la saison?
00:01:32Daphné, prête pour le grand couronnement?
00:01:33Oh oui!
00:01:35J'attends quoi de la prochaine grande reine du drag français?
00:01:37En trois mots.
00:01:39Terriblement aimante, fantastiquement encourageante,
00:01:43parce qu'on en a vraiment besoin en ce moment,
00:01:46et absolument démente!
00:01:50Et toi, Kitty?
00:01:52Moi, j'attends de notre nouvelle reine,
00:01:54qui continue de porter des valeurs d'inclusion,
00:01:58de sororité,
00:02:00et qui fasse honneur à Paloma et Kiona,
00:02:02et à nous.
00:02:06On va découvrir ça ensemble ce soir.
00:02:08Je vous laisse vous asseoir, on vous a préparé de belles places
00:02:10avec des petites boissons, des petits snacks,
00:02:12c'est juste par là-là.
00:02:19Mais il y a Rosé Prunanier à notre place.
00:02:21Je vous laisse ça régler entre vous, d'accord?
00:02:23En gauche.
00:02:26Merci beaucoup, on les applaudit très fort les amis!
00:02:31C'est sur cette scène mythique du Grand Rex
00:02:33que l'année dernière, nous avons vécu ensemble
00:02:35la victoire de Kiona!
00:02:39Ce soir, on va enfin savoir qui va lui succéder
00:02:41et deviendra la nouvelle grande reine du drag français.
00:02:45Est-ce que ce sera le Philippe,
00:02:47Leona Winter, Lula Strega,
00:02:49Ruby on the Nail?
00:02:51Les amis, elles sont derrière, elles vous entendent.
00:02:53Alors faites du bruit pour elles, le Grand Rex!
00:02:59Elles ne sont plus qu'à ça de la victoire.
00:03:01Mais dans ça, il y a encore pas mal de choses.
00:03:03Ce soir, chacune des 4 finalistes
00:03:05va devoir faire une performance digne des plus grandes stars
00:03:07sur une chanson inédite créée spécialement pour elles.
00:03:09Mais seulement 2 d'entre elles
00:03:11accéderont ensuite à l'épreuve ultime.
00:03:13Les 2 reines qui m'auront le plus convaincue
00:03:15se battront pour la couronne
00:03:17sur un dernier lip-sync légendaire.
00:03:19Et sur un titre légendaire lui aussi.
00:03:21J'ai hâte. Ça vous dit?
00:03:27La première finaliste à performer ce soir est...
00:03:29Le Philippe!
00:03:35On regarde ensemble
00:03:37ses meilleurs moments dans l'émission
00:03:39et on commence cette finale. Ça vous dit?
00:03:41Alors les amis, préparez-vous pour le départ
00:03:43et que la meilleure drag queen gagne!
00:03:49Y a-t-il trop de lumière
00:03:51ou c'est moi qui suis complètement allumé, baby?
00:03:55Le Philippe!
00:03:59Je vous rejoins en after, bande de pétasses. Allez.
00:04:01Oh my God.
00:04:03C'est une icône.
00:04:05Je suis une drag queen du rire.
00:04:07Les meilleures des blagues ont été déjà faites
00:04:09par les stylistes de Daphné Burki.
00:04:13J'ai adoré me prendre la fessée.
00:04:15En revanche, ce que je n'aime pas, c'est ta nonchalance.
00:04:17Ouais, c'est la femme de l'Est.
00:04:19Elle est froide.
00:04:21Effectivement, elle a un personnage qui est nonchalante
00:04:23et on sent qu'il y a quelque chose de plus profond aussi en elle.
00:04:25Tu n'aimes pas retourner en France?
00:04:27Non, je n'aime pas retourner en France.
00:04:29J'ai un peu la flemme de me faire subir des choses
00:04:31que j'ai déjà survécues.
00:04:35Beaucoup de violence physique.
00:04:37Déjà, de ne pas se sentir en sécurité dans la rue,
00:04:39de ne pas pouvoir marcher sur un trottoir sans en permanence
00:04:41regarder derrière soi.
00:04:43Des agressions verbales constantes.
00:04:45La vie nous opère un nouvel enfant.
00:04:49Moi, j'ai adoré ta performance.
00:04:51Je l'ai trouvée hilarante.
00:04:53C'était le bon moyen de nous montrer
00:04:55ta non-nonchalance.
00:04:57Leona Winter, félicitations.
00:04:59Tu es la gagnante de la semaine.
00:05:01Pas de regrets.
00:05:03Par contre, la semaine prochaine,
00:05:05c'est ma semaine.
00:05:07Dalida et David de ce soir.
00:05:09Un secret pour bien vous imiter?
00:05:11Peut-être d'arrêter de jouer au Barbie
00:05:13parce que je viens de chier mon Snatch Game.
00:05:15Selon vous, qui doit partir ce soir?
00:05:17Le Philippe.
00:05:19Le Philippe.
00:05:21Norma Belle, Le Philippe.
00:05:23Je suis désolé mes douces,
00:05:25mais vous risquez de partir ce soir.
00:05:31Le Philippe, Chanté tu restes.
00:05:35Je n'ai plus jamais envie de revivre ça
00:05:37parce que je n'ai pas envie d'avoir un moment comme ça
00:05:39avec une note de copine.
00:05:43Je ne parle pas de la taille de chaussure de Keiola.
00:05:45Quelle actrice, très sincèrement.
00:05:47Félicitations, tu vas en finale.
00:05:53Oh mon Dieu.
00:05:55Merci de me faire croire en moi.
00:05:57Plus que j'ai jamais cru.
00:05:59J'ai appris à lâcher prise.
00:06:01C'était une belle aventure.
00:06:03Ta fille va en finale.
00:06:05Je vais en finale.
00:06:07Je vais en finale.
00:06:09Je vais en finale.
00:06:11Allez copine.
00:06:13On laisse la couronne à Vivi.
00:06:15J'ai déjà gagné, mais je crois que t'as pas bien compris.
00:06:17Dix paires de talons, mais une seule sera la reine.
00:06:19T'as besoin d'une leçon,
00:06:21mais franchement, j'ai la flemme.
00:06:23Fais pas le timide.
00:06:25Fâche pas la tête à notre foi.
00:06:27Bon allez, accroche ton train chérie.
00:06:29Et incline toi devant la star.
00:06:31Ce soir, c'est le début du reste de ma vie.
00:06:33Et toi, t'as d'autres filles, ou comment on fait?
00:06:35Je suis la fille de l'est, la plus à l'ouest.
00:06:37Et t'inquiète, je te fais pas le nom chérie.
00:06:39C'est quoi bébé?
00:06:41Tout le monde dit ça comme ça.
00:06:43À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:06:45À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:06:47À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:06:49À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:06:51À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:06:53À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:06:55J'adore ce que vous portez.
00:06:57Rien de vos amis.
00:06:59Vraiment rien.
00:07:01C'était le meilleur event de l'année ce soir?
00:07:03Ah bien, regardez les autres filles.
00:07:05J'ai du mal à y croire.
00:07:07À toutes les filles qui flattent.
00:07:09Les filles qui t'érogulent.
00:07:11T'as celle qui aime le vodka.
00:07:13Mais un peu trop les bulles.
00:07:15Pas reconnaître en chalance.
00:07:17Soyons un peu plus chalants.
00:07:19Je vais pas te faire un déjeuner.
00:07:21T'arrives avec science.
00:07:23À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:07:25À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:07:27À l'est, à l'ouest.
00:07:29À l'ouest.
00:07:31À l'est.
00:07:33À l'ouest.
00:07:35Et puis dans la chalance bébé.
00:07:47C'était le Philippe.
00:07:55Alors les amis, on va laisser le Philippe reprendre ses esprits.
00:07:57En attendant, on va parler à nos incroyables juges.
00:07:59Daphné, qui dit?
00:08:01Un mot sur la saison de le Philippe?
00:08:03Tellement heureuse d'avoir prononcé le mot nonchalante.
00:08:07C'était exactement l'effet escompté.
00:08:09T'as très bien compris.
00:08:11Nous deux on a très bien compris pourquoi je t'avais dit ça.
00:08:13Il n'était pas question que tu n'arrives pas en finale.
00:08:15Il n'était pas question que tu abandonnes en chemin.
00:08:17Il n'était pas question que tu perdes ton énergie.
00:08:19Donc encore une fois, t'es ma nonchalante préférée.
00:08:21Merci pour ton sarcasme.
00:08:23J'adore le sarcasme.
00:08:25T'es la plus belle.
00:08:27Tu nous as enchanté toute cette saison.
00:08:29Merci pour tes confidences.
00:08:31Et je crois que t'es officiellement la plus parisienne des filles de l'est.
00:08:33Le Philippe, comment ça va?
00:08:35Oh, mieux maintenant.
00:08:37Oui, après c'est le joli mot.
00:08:39Très bien.
00:08:41Alors, Vatica, ça veut dire quoi pour celles et ceux qui ne parlent pas croate?
00:08:43Ça veut dire Croate.
00:08:45C'est un mot qui vient de l'anglais.
00:08:47C'est un mot qui vient de l'anglais.
00:08:49Et si je ne parle pas croate?
00:08:51Ça veut dire croate.
00:08:53Parce que je crois que je suis croate.
00:08:55Non, je rigole pas.
00:08:57Ça veut dire croate.
00:08:59Je suis croate.
00:09:01Du pays la Croatie.
00:09:03Elle est comme ça tout le temps.
00:09:05Alors, le Philippe, tu te sens comment ce soir?
00:09:07Plutôt chalente, plutôt nonchalante?
00:09:09Oh, les trois, chérie.
00:09:11Bien, non, honnêtement, sublime.
00:09:13Je suis devant une des plus belles femmes de France.
00:09:15Face à un des plus gros publics du monde.
00:09:17En tout cas, je crois que les fans de l'émission
00:09:19sont tombés fous amoureux de toi, n'est-ce pas?
00:09:23Est-ce que tu as une idée de pourquoi?
00:09:25Oui, parce qu'on a du goût en France, non?
00:09:27C'est pour ça le pays du...
00:09:29Non, le luxe, le parfum, le chocolat.
00:09:33Alors, le Philippe, tu es venu accompagner ce soir
00:09:35de tes amis Constance et Pascal.
00:09:39Vous êtes où?
00:09:41Pascal, c'est comment d'avoir la reine la plus nonchalante
00:09:43de France à la maison comme amie?
00:09:45Comment ça va?
00:09:47Très bien.
00:09:49C'est quelque chose que je n'ennuie pas du tout dans ma vie.
00:09:51Elle remplit ma vie de joie, de bonheur,
00:09:53de paillettes et de sincérité.
00:09:55Je t'aime, mon amour.
00:09:57Merci, mon amour.
00:09:59J'ai roté de bonheur.
00:10:01Alors, Constance,
00:10:03d'après toi, pourquoi le Philippe devrait être
00:10:05la nouvelle grande reine du drag français?
00:10:07Déjà parce que c'est ma reine à partir du premier instant
00:10:09où je l'ai rencontrée.
00:10:11Parce que tu me montres tous les jours
00:10:13comment c'est beau d'exister,
00:10:15comment c'est poétique d'exister, donc merci.
00:10:17Tu représentes les Balkans
00:10:19et le 16e arrondissement.
00:10:25Alors, le grand Rex,
00:10:27le Philippe, j'ai une dernière question.
00:10:31Ah non!
00:10:33Qu'est-ce que tu dirais
00:10:35au petit Philippe?
00:10:39Pourquoi j'avais des dents droites ici?
00:10:43Je lui dirais, ouais,
00:10:45écoute ta mère un peu plus.
00:10:47Continue, change rien.
00:10:49À part les dents, du coup.
00:10:51Merci le Philippe,
00:10:53qui sera peut-être couronné
00:10:55grande reine du drag français ce soir.
00:10:59Les amis, une nouvelle finaliste
00:11:01va performer sur cette scène dans un instant
00:11:03et on regarde ses meilleurs moments de la saison.
00:11:05C'est parti!
00:11:09Alors, en balai?
00:11:15Je suis votre nouvelle
00:11:17petite sorcière préférée.
00:11:21Je suis la preuve vivante qu'avec beaucoup
00:11:23de passion, de hargne et d'acharnement,
00:11:25on peut déplacer des montagnes.
00:11:27La rousse, Lula belle et farouche,
00:11:29un cri dans l'ombre
00:11:31et tu t'effaces.
00:11:33Je t'ai sentie quand même un peu
00:11:35stressée, effacée dans le premier groupe.
00:11:37Ça me fait un petit peu
00:11:39un poignard dans le cœur.
00:11:41Non, mon petit cœur!
00:11:43Ouais, je le comprends.
00:11:45C'est normal.
00:11:47Ma timidité, c'est un truc
00:11:49qu'on m'a beaucoup reproché.
00:11:51Lula Strega,
00:11:53tu restes avec nous, tu peux rejoindre les autres.
00:11:57Je vais sortir de cette timidité, je vous promets.
00:11:59Vous verrez une nouvelle Lula.
00:12:03J'ai recouvert ma fiche de notes
00:12:05de plein de petits cœurs et quand t'as fait ton deuxième passage,
00:12:07tu m'as encore plus bluffée.
00:12:09C'était à la base d'un tapis de yoga, les amis.
00:12:11C'est pas vrai.
00:12:13Lula Strega, félicitations, tu es la gagnante de la semaine.
00:12:19Tu vas du classement en 6, gagnante.
00:12:21Tu vises quoi la prochaine fois?
00:12:23La couronne.
00:12:27T'es trop belle,
00:12:29y'a un truc sur la matière.
00:12:31Votre kid, c'est un peu particulier qu'il soit là.
00:12:33Quand j'étais au collège lycée,
00:12:35je me faisais harceler en me disant
00:12:37t'es gay, t'es féminine,
00:12:39tu as du harcèlement moral et des fois physique.
00:12:41C'est une période où je pensais au suicide
00:12:43et en fait,
00:12:45sa musique m'a un peu sauvé la vie.
00:12:47J'ai trouvé refuge dans ta musique
00:12:49à une période très compliquée de ma vie.
00:12:51Je me suis sentie réconfortée, empouvoirée.
00:12:53Donc ça fait quelque chose d'être en face de toi
00:12:55et que tu adores ma robe.
00:12:59Je crois que j'ai rarement vu
00:13:01de toutes les franchises confondues,
00:13:03quelqu'un qui a une telle poésie dans son drapeau.
00:13:05Je savais que t'étais une poétesse,
00:13:07je savais que tu maîtrisais les couleurs,
00:13:09mais je savais pas que t'étais stand-up buzz.
00:13:11Tu as gagné la finale déguisée en lavage auto.
00:13:13Franchement, c'était osé.
00:13:15Félicitations, tu es la gagnante de la semaine.
00:13:17Tu vas en finale.
00:13:21J'aurais pu m'écraser au sol
00:13:23dès la première semaine,
00:13:25mais j'ai saisi l'opportunité.
00:13:27C'est une revanche sur la vie
00:13:29de prouver à ce petit garçon timide
00:13:31qu'il est capable de faire des miracles.
00:13:33Et les rookies en finale !
00:13:35Voyer en finale dans mes fantasmes les plus fous.
00:13:37Et là, j'y suis.
00:13:53J'y suis.
00:13:57J'y suis.
00:14:03J'y suis.
00:14:07J'y suis.
00:14:11J'y suis.
00:14:15J'y suis.
00:14:19J'y suis.
00:14:23J'y suis.
00:14:27J'y suis.
00:14:31J'y suis.
00:14:35J'y suis.
00:14:39J'y suis.
00:14:43J'y suis.
00:14:47J'y suis.
00:14:49J'y suis.
00:14:57J'y suis.
00:15:01J'y suis.
00:15:07J'y suis.
00:15:11J'y suis.
00:15:19It was Loula Strega!
00:15:25Did you like the Grand Rex?
00:15:29Daphné, what do you think?
00:15:30It's impressive what we just saw.
00:15:32When you first saw it, you had a hard time with Laure.
00:15:34Do you remember?
00:15:35You were scared, it was difficult.
00:15:36And you were very brave.
00:15:37You were a fighter.
00:15:38And now you're an ultra-powerful witch.
00:15:41I'm very proud of you.
00:15:43Thank you, Daphné.
00:15:44Thank you, Gabi.
00:15:46I'm happy to have shaken you up a bit in the first episode.
00:15:50I'm a very sincere person and I always say what I think.
00:15:53In the end, it gives you a bit of fuel to move forward and give us this performance.
00:15:58Thank you very much.
00:15:59And good luck to you because you deserve everything that's going to happen to you.
00:16:02Thank you, Kidi.
00:16:03Thank you.
00:16:05How are you, Loula?
00:16:06I'm fine.
00:16:07I have to work on my cardio, but I'm fine.
00:16:10So, Loula, you started the season a little shyly.
00:16:13And then you woke up.
00:16:15We shook you up.
00:16:16And you had two wins in the season.
00:16:19So, where does this desire to win come from?
00:16:22As I said in the semi-final episode, it's a revenge on life.
00:16:25To never have believed in myself and to finally find this confidence that I lacked when I was a child,
00:16:32when I was a teenager, when I was bullied.
00:16:34And to finally touch it and be able to take it.
00:16:40And yeah, it feels good to be in power, for once.
00:16:46You also made everyone cry with the declaration of love to Woodkid,
00:16:50who also cried because you realize that now it's you who probably has the power to save someone with your art.
00:17:16Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula, Loula.
00:17:23It's my biggest gift to be able to bring light into the lives of queer people,
00:17:30of young lost queer people who need a voice, a guide.
00:17:35And it's a huge honor to potentially be this person for young queers.
00:17:40It's not your most beautiful gift, it's our most beautiful gift.
00:17:42So thank you.
00:17:43Thank you.
00:17:45So Loula, you didn't come alone tonight, you came with your drag sister Oona and your mom.
00:17:51Hello Mama Strega!
00:17:52Is there something in particular you would like to tell her tonight?
00:17:56Congratulations on her journey,
00:17:58and tell her that we love her very, very much with her father,
00:18:01and that we will support her, whatever she decides.
00:18:06Thank you very much.
00:18:10I love you with all my heart.
00:18:11Me too.
00:18:13Oona, how are you?
00:18:15Girl, I'm about to cry.
00:18:18If you're part of the Strega family, I don't doubt it.
00:18:21In your opinion, why do you think Loula should win the crown tonight?
00:18:24Because an inspired and inspiring woman like that, there's not two of them.
00:18:27Every thing she does is a fairy tale.
00:18:30And the strength and emotion she puts into everything she does is incomparable.
00:18:34And tears of joy, the way she brings them to everyone, it's priceless.
00:18:38And I love you a lot, girl.
00:18:42Thank you Oona and Mama Strega.
00:18:46Now, Loula, I have one last question for you.
00:18:51What would you say to little Nicolas?
00:18:58Already, the broom in the hand since the first day.
00:19:01We don't fool around.
00:19:04Never lose the creativity and the imagination you had when you were a kid.
00:19:08That's what will make you strong, that's what will make you poetic.
00:19:11And that's why people will applaud you when you're an adult.
00:19:14So, believe in yourself, cultivate this poetry, and never give up on your dreams.
00:19:21Thank you Loula Strega, let's give her a big round of applause, my friends.
00:19:29Do you want to laugh a bit after all this?
00:19:32So, my friends, back to the funniest moments of season 3.
00:19:37New day!
00:19:38Say the best Jack we win!
00:19:41Watch out, the boom is about to start.
00:19:46Let's go!
00:19:50Paf, he flew to the other side of the set.
00:19:55Nice to meet you, Jean-Michel.
00:19:57It's not going well.
00:20:05You're heavy, my beautiful.
00:20:06And of course, it's Edea who comes to me, while I'm very thin.
00:20:09My spine is like...
00:20:11I just hope you get eliminated, my beautiful.
00:20:12Edea, the party is over.
00:20:24Misty, your results are negative.
00:20:28So, this one, the best.
00:20:31I didn't get it.
00:20:34Between 2pm and 3pm, the numbers can't match.
00:20:39I still didn't get it.
00:20:40Leona Winter is with us tonight.
00:20:41Some even say her song brings the dead back to life.
00:20:44Yes, to tell her shut up.
00:20:48It's so funny because it's so true.
00:20:51You didn't hurt yourself, my dear.
00:20:52Ruby is really the queen at the end of the night.
00:20:54Her husband wants to tell her, come inside.
00:20:56And she says, no, no.
00:20:57And she stays.
00:20:58My name is Ruby Undernail.
00:20:59And I want to apply for the position of slave.
00:21:01A bit of sweetness after all that.
00:21:19Do you know how to play Isabelle Huppert?
00:21:23You composed the last album of another of our favorite divas.
00:21:27Go ahead, write to her, we have 2 minutes.
00:21:29I can lend you my bra so I don't slip on the next runway.
00:21:35Yes, I did it!
00:21:40Ok, it's good.
00:21:42I didn't hear the sound.
00:21:45There you go.
00:21:47Was it good?
00:21:48No, no, it was particularly bad.
00:21:49What's your name?
00:21:50Nicky Doll, D-O-L-L.
00:21:56See you soon.
00:21:59Mom, I'm tired.
00:22:02Welcome to those who join us on France Télévision for this exceptional evening,
00:22:06the grand finale of Drag Race France season 3.
00:22:11My friends, tonight I'm going to make my decision and we're going to discover together
00:22:14which of our 4 finalists will become the new queen of French drag.
00:22:19But first, let's welcome the other stars of the season.
00:22:26Aphrodite Amour!
00:22:31Aphrodite, did you expect to receive so much love from the fans?
00:22:39I really hoped to receive as much love as I'm trying to give.
00:22:44And I have the impression that it was pretty good.
00:22:49You managed to make the audience laugh and cry in one episode
00:22:52and also make the Guadeloupe proud.
00:22:54A message for those who are watching us over there?
00:22:56First of all, Guadeloupe, we love you!
00:23:00And thank you to my Guadeloupe, to Lyon, to my overseas countries.
00:23:04Thank you to all the people who felt represented by my drag
00:23:07and who were able to be touched in one way or another.
00:23:09Thank you to this incredible audience.
00:23:11Bravo to you, it was incredible to have you with us.
00:23:14Let's move on to Magnétika!
00:23:18Good evening, France!
00:23:22The whole world fell in love with you and your incredible looks.
00:23:25What you see here, my friends, is art.
00:23:27Can you stand up, please?
00:23:34Your elimination disturbed a lot, made the French cry.
00:23:39And you too, because we saw you burst into tears when you were eliminated.
00:23:42What happened to you since then?
00:23:44I was very lucky.
00:23:45The audience was incredible.
00:23:47So thank you to all of you.
00:23:49I'm really proud of all the people who were able to contact me,
00:23:52see me, and I'm proud to be here wearing the colors of Bolivia
00:23:56with this beautiful fabric.
00:23:59So, you who have a great sense of fashion,
00:24:01according to you, who was your biggest competitor this season?
00:24:04The competition?
00:24:06Or that?
00:24:08Or that?
00:24:10No, in truth, my sisters had the most beautiful drag in the world.
00:24:14But I had the most beautiful drag in the universe.
00:24:18You always have to be wary of compliments.
00:24:20Thank you, Magnétika.
00:24:22Edea Noir, the tragic!
00:24:24Good evening, good evening!
00:24:28So Edea, the last sentence you said in the show,
00:24:30sorry, the last sentence you yelled in the show,
00:24:32was a marriage proposal.
00:24:34And the whole of France wants to know.
00:24:36Did he say yes?
00:24:38Of course he said no.
00:24:41But no, I'm kidding, look!
00:24:45And you are all invited to my wedding in the summer of 2025.
00:24:52But since I'm a bit afraid, we're going to ask him.
00:24:55Good evening, Vincent.
00:24:57Good evening.
00:24:58He's so handsome.
00:24:59So how did you react when you saw the episode?
00:25:01It was in viewing, it was very surprising,
00:25:04but it was in family, in friends, so it was incredible.
00:25:09Well, listen, congratulations.
00:25:12And did you really say yes?
00:25:13Of course I said yes.
00:25:14Of course, he had no choice.
00:25:17They live happily and already have children, so I don't know.
00:25:19Exactly, way too much.
00:25:20Congratulations, friends.
00:25:21Thank you very much.
00:25:22We then move on to the incredible Norma Belle, the queen of La Réunion.
00:25:28The queen of La Réunion is here!
00:25:31So Norma, you won everyone over from the first episode of Cabaret.
00:25:34You were a formidable competitor.
00:25:36Who was your greatest competitor, according to you, in the season?
00:25:39Difficult to choose, but I think it's indescribable to be so beautiful.
00:25:43I would say Philippe.
00:25:48Perseo, Perseo, my love!
00:25:53So Perseo, who showed us everything from the moment he entered the studio.
00:25:56Literally everything.
00:25:57You did this very difficult competition in a language that is not your mother tongue.
00:26:00Did you think you would go that far?
00:26:01Honestly, I didn't even think about it, because even if I was eliminated first,
00:26:05honestly, it doesn't matter, it's a huge exhibition.
00:26:07But it's true that once in it, I said to myself, well, let's go.
00:26:11I'm not afraid.
00:26:12And I got far anyway.
00:26:17I gave my all in everything.
00:26:19And I did it with a lot of desire and a lot of passion.
00:26:23I did it with a lot of desire and a lot of passion.
00:26:27It was so good.
00:26:29So Perseo, I think you made the most legendary gap in the history of Drag Race France.
00:26:34Literally no other queen could have done it.
00:26:44Sarah, do you have anything to say?
00:26:53Perseo, do you have anything to say?
00:27:00So everyone hold their breath.
00:27:13My friends, I'm so proud of you.
00:27:15I'm so proud of you.
00:27:16I'm so proud of you.
00:27:17I'm so proud of you.
00:27:18I'm so proud of you.
00:27:19I'm so proud of you.
00:27:21My friends, it was Perseo.
00:27:27And I think we're going to stop there because we're not sure.
00:27:30Neither is she.
00:27:31Bravo Perseo, thank you very much.
00:27:33I love you France!
00:27:37And now we move on to Misty Fenix.
00:27:39Hi everyone.
00:27:41Hi everyone.
00:27:49Hi everyone.
00:27:50So Misty, just 24 years old and already 24 years of career.
00:27:53Because you've been doing drag for a long time, especially thanks to your parents,
00:27:56whom you have often spoken to and who have supported you.
00:27:58They are here, Jean-Pierre and Patricia.
00:28:03And it's when we see Drag Race that we realize love.
00:28:08And if everyone had parents like that, all LGBTQIA plus would be in power.
00:28:15I think they have something to say.
00:28:16They're going to cry.
00:28:22Already as a child, you were told that the difference made the group rich.
00:28:28You didn't disappoint us.
00:28:31Misty, we've seen you grow up.
00:28:33We've seen you evolve.
00:28:35We're proud of you.
00:28:37We love you.
00:28:46I just wanted to take back what Nicky just said.
00:28:49A message to pass on.
00:28:51Let go, Misty.
00:28:53Make yourself happy.
00:28:55Let go.
00:28:56That's all I can tell you.
00:28:59Me too, I love you.
00:29:03An allied mom, but still a mom.
00:29:05Thank you, mom.
00:29:08Don't make me cry, friends, because we still have a long night.
00:29:11And by the way, just before crowning the next queen of French drag,
00:29:15make-up, please.
00:29:16Make-up, please.
00:29:23Oh my God, it's beautiful.
00:29:28Thank you very much, girls.
00:29:29Thank you very much, friends.
00:29:30Jen Sport and Jackie Cox from season 12 of RuPaul's Drag Race.
00:29:35Friends, they've traveled all the way here to experience this with us.
00:29:38We applaud them very loudly.
00:29:40I love you girls.
00:29:41I love my girls.
00:29:44We applaud them very loudly, please.
00:29:50We didn't have RuPaul, but we had my best friends.
00:29:52They literally came from New York just for this.
00:29:55We applaud them very loudly.
00:29:58Do you want to know who will win season 3?
00:30:01Friends, let's discover the third finalist together.
00:30:04Be careful, the competition starts now.
00:30:08Get ready for an avalanche of chills.
00:30:18Leona is coming for you.
00:30:23It's an extraordinary job.
00:30:25A queen of beauty, but who can sing a little bit.
00:30:38Personally, I liked it because the realization was perfect.
00:30:41Now I have a chance to win.
00:30:43Either Leona wins because she does crazy things, or it's me.
00:30:47Perseo, congratulations, you're the winner of the week.
00:30:52It's Perseo.
00:30:53Well, try again.
00:30:56Leona, Leona, Leona.
00:30:58Have a great week, bravo.
00:30:59There's a bit of pressure.
00:31:00I'm always in the water.
00:31:01I'm a little scared to drown.
00:31:03Leona always says she's bad at something,
00:31:05and then she excels.
00:31:07Is it good to do that in one hour?
00:31:09I've never done any wig in my life.
00:31:14I always want to be the first, the best,
00:31:16because I've never had so much physical strength.
00:31:18I understand Leona's way of thinking better
00:31:20through her testimony.
00:31:23I was harassed in elementary school.
00:31:25I was beaten in the toilets regularly.
00:31:27It was atrocious.
00:31:28The only way to defend myself was to say,
00:31:30OK, I'm going to try to be in front of everyone
00:31:32because that way I'll be unattackable, unattainable.
00:31:35It's a reproach.
00:31:36I'm still fighting against it.
00:31:38I control everything.
00:31:39I really have to be the best.
00:31:41Put a lot of pressure on myself,
00:31:43as I'm living it right now.
00:31:53The performance was great.
00:31:55It was really Celine.
00:31:56You come in and you're full of energy
00:31:58and you want to do well.
00:31:59We saw a few mistakes.
00:32:01Leona Winter,
00:32:02Le Philippe,
00:32:03I'm sorry, girls,
00:32:04but you're going to lip sync.
00:32:07For the victory.
00:32:10We all want to see you again.
00:32:13Leona Winter,
00:32:14congratulations, you're the winner of the week.
00:32:20I'm going to the finals.
00:32:21You moved me a lot.
00:32:22You want to be there.
00:32:23You're proud to be there.
00:32:24I don't feel like it's a trophy like the others.
00:32:26It means a lot to you
00:32:27and I feel like you're reconnecting with who you are
00:32:29in drag.
00:32:31For me, drag is my whole life.
00:32:32It's the breath that keeps me alive.
00:32:34It's always been a part of me.
00:32:35I'll do it until my last breath,
00:32:37that's for sure.
00:33:05I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:06that's for sure.
00:33:07I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:08that's for sure.
00:33:09I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:10that's for sure.
00:33:11I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:12that's for sure.
00:33:13I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:14that's for sure.
00:33:15I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:16that's for sure.
00:33:17I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:18that's for sure.
00:33:19I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:20that's for sure.
00:33:21I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:22that's for sure.
00:33:23I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:24that's for sure.
00:33:25I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:26that's for sure.
00:33:27I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:28that's for sure.
00:33:29I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:30that's for sure.
00:33:31I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:32that's for sure.
00:33:33I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:34that's for sure.
00:33:35I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:36that's for sure.
00:33:37I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:38that's for sure.
00:33:39I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:40that's for sure.
00:33:41I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:42that's for sure.
00:33:43I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:44that's for sure.
00:33:45I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:46that's for sure.
00:33:47I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:48that's for sure.
00:33:49I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:50that's for sure.
00:33:51I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:52that's for sure.
00:33:53I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:54that's for sure.
00:33:55I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:56that's for sure.
00:33:57I'll do it until my last breath,
00:33:58that's for sure.
00:33:59I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:00that's for sure.
00:34:01I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:02that's for sure.
00:34:03I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:04that's for sure.
00:34:05I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:06that's for sure.
00:34:07I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:08that's for sure.
00:34:09I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:10that's for sure.
00:34:11I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:12that's for sure.
00:34:13I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:14that's for sure.
00:34:15I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:16that's for sure.
00:34:17I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:18that's for sure.
00:34:19I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:20that's for sure.
00:34:21I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:22that's for sure.
00:34:23I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:24that's for sure.
00:34:25I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:26that's for sure.
00:34:27I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:28that's for sure.
00:34:29I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:30that's for sure.
00:34:31I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:32that's for sure.
00:34:33I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:34that's for sure.
00:34:35I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:36that's for sure.
00:34:37I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:38that's for sure.
00:34:39I'll do it until my last breath,
00:34:40that's for sure.
00:34:42It was Leona Winter!
00:34:48Leona, it's a strong message
00:34:49that you just broadcasted.
00:34:50Do you have a word to add?
00:34:56Yes, of course I have a word
00:34:57to add to this song,
00:34:58because there is a strong message
00:34:59indeed behind it.
00:35:00It's true that I didn't
00:35:01talk about it at all
00:35:02in the show,
00:35:03but a month before starting
00:35:04the shooting,
00:35:05I learned that I was
00:35:07So, it's true that I didn't
00:35:08talk about it at all
00:35:09in the show,
00:35:10but a month before starting
00:35:11the shooting,
00:35:12I learned that I was
00:35:14And it was a shock for me.
00:35:15There were a lot of emotions
00:35:16in my head.
00:35:17A lot of things happened.
00:35:18And with Les Audacieuses,
00:35:19and Les Audacieuses
00:35:20when we did the episode,
00:35:21it really changed everything.
00:35:22It allowed me to be proud of myself.
00:35:23It gave me the courage
00:35:24to say it,
00:35:25to assume it,
00:35:26and that's why
00:35:27I did this song.
00:35:41I want the people
00:35:42who are experiencing this
00:35:43right now
00:35:44not to be ashamed.
00:35:45I just want to say
00:35:46that today,
00:35:47we are very quickly
00:35:48taken care of.
00:35:49And if there is a message
00:35:50to remember from all of this,
00:35:51it's above all
00:35:52that you should
00:35:53get tested.
00:35:54And never be ashamed.
00:35:55Never be ashamed
00:35:56of who you are.
00:35:57Daphne, who says,
00:35:58I'm not ashamed
00:35:59of who I am.
00:36:00I'm not ashamed
00:36:01of who I am.
00:36:02I'm not ashamed
00:36:03of who I am.
00:36:04I'm not ashamed
00:36:05of who I am.
00:36:06I'm not ashamed
00:36:07of who I am.
00:36:08I'm not ashamed
00:36:09of who I am.
00:36:10I'm not ashamed
00:36:11of who I am.
00:36:12Don't be ashamed
00:36:13of who you are.
00:36:14Miss Franck,
00:36:15Daphne, qui dit.
00:36:18Je pense que
00:36:19t'es la reine
00:36:20des émissions télé.
00:36:21Je pense,
00:36:23que Drag Race
00:36:24ça a été
00:36:25une expérience
00:36:26hyper éducative
00:36:27pour toi.
00:36:28Et moi
00:36:29ce que je choisis
00:36:30de retenir
00:36:31de ton passage
00:36:32dans Drag Race
00:36:33c'est que
00:36:35tu portes un message
00:36:36plus grand que toi.
00:36:37Merci de le partager
00:36:38It's a very honest art, and that's what I'm looking for when I see a queen on stage.
00:36:44I want her to pierce the hearts of those who watch her.
00:36:48And it's an art that needs to ask questions and to progress every day.
00:36:52And I think that's what you've learned in this competition,
00:36:55that you can progress every day, learn from everyone,
00:36:57because everyone, all those who are here and all those who have watched you, have something to bring you.
00:37:01And I saw it, and I think you're still learning today.
00:37:05Thank you for tonight, thank you for the message.
00:37:08They no longer have to be invisible.
00:37:11Thank you very much for tonight.
00:37:13Thank you, Daphne, thank you, Kidi.
00:37:17So, Leona, you've had a pretty busy season on social media.
00:37:21You've been criticized for not being educated on topics such as cultural appropriation.
00:37:25What's your take on the mistakes you've made today?
00:37:29Clearly, today, the look I have on this is a grateful look,
00:37:33because thanks to Drag Race, and thanks to all the people who watch Drag Race,
00:37:37I'm much more educated than before, I have to admit.
00:37:43I think I was ignorant, there are no other words,
00:37:47and I wasn't sensitized to many things.
00:37:51But since all this, I've read a lot of things,
00:37:55I've listened a lot to my sisters, their stories, their journey, and other people too.
00:37:59And I've understood that, in fact, there are topics
00:38:03on which some opinions are not at all acceptable.
00:38:07It's clear, there are no other words than that.
00:38:09And if you'll allow me, Niki, I would obviously like to,
00:38:12in an extremely sincere and honest way,
00:38:15humbly apologize again.
00:38:18For all the people I've humiliated,
00:38:20for all those who felt attacked by what I've done.
00:38:23And I also want to apologize to my sisters, all those who have confused me,
00:38:27because I think they've suffered a lot, and that's it, quite simply.
00:38:30So, Leona, you've come tonight with your husband, Lorenzo,
00:38:33and your friend, Alexandre. Good evening, Lorenzo. Good evening, Alexandre.
00:38:36Good evening, Niki. Good evening, everyone.
00:38:39Alexandre, why do you think Leona should win the crown tonight?
00:38:42Well, Leona is a professional queen.
00:38:46We can count on her to do crazy performances.
00:38:49There's no need for a dancer, there's no need for Boom Boom behind.
00:38:52She gives us the chills. That's what she did tonight.
00:38:55In addition to being very professional,
00:38:58she's the most benevolent queen I know.
00:39:01She never criticizes the other artists she worked with.
00:39:06And just for that, she's a beautiful person and a beautiful artist.
00:39:12Thank you very much, Alexandre.
00:39:14Lorenzo, a word for Leona?
00:39:17My heart, I love you.
00:39:20Me too, my heart.
00:39:23Leona, I have one last question for you.
00:39:26What would you say to little Rémi?
00:39:28Oh, my God.
00:39:32I would tell him...
00:39:34You have to know that it's in the playground,
00:39:36and it brings back a lot of bad memories.
00:39:38I would tell him to hang on.
00:39:40I would tell him to hold on because the insults,
00:39:46because the harassment in the playground, in the toilets,
00:39:50everything he's going through right now, it will pass.
00:39:55And I would tell him that it will make him a strong person,
00:39:58someone brave and honest too.
00:40:01I would tell him that even if mom and dad are not always there,
00:40:05it will make him an independent person.
00:40:10And I would tell him thank you too.
00:40:13Thank you for everything.
00:40:15Thank you for being there for me.
00:40:17Because that's what allows me, this child's soul,
00:40:20to see the world with innocent eyes,
00:40:23with wonderful eyes, but educated.
00:40:26Thank you very much, Leona.
00:40:28A big round of applause, please.
00:40:30Thank you very much.
00:40:34Friends, we have already seen three finalists.
00:40:36There is only one left.
00:40:39Are we having a good night?
00:40:431, 2, 3, Passion.
00:40:461, 2, 3, Passion.
00:40:48Why are you all raising your hands? That's my role.
00:40:51After this last performance,
00:40:53we will finally know who will face each other in an ultimate lip sync
00:40:56to win the crown on a track...
00:40:58You're not going to stay seated, believe me.
00:41:00But before that, let's welcome our last finalist, Ruby On The Nail.
00:41:06Am I beautiful?
00:41:08Well, yeah.
00:41:11Ruby On The Nail.
00:41:15Marseille, baby!
00:41:21The message I would like to spread with my drag is
00:41:23never be afraid to be yourself.
00:41:25And I'm single.
00:41:29I'm going to settle for playing.
00:41:33I was a little less of a fan of your talent show.
00:41:35You had a lot of wrong notes.
00:41:37You stayed a little on my end.
00:41:38I'm sorry, my sweet, but you might leave.
00:41:40I know how to win my audience with a lip sync.
00:41:45The village is beautiful.
00:41:48My love is magical.
00:41:50Ruby On The Nail. Sing, you stay.
00:41:52Thank you.
00:41:53As I was in the bottom of the rankings last week,
00:41:55I absolutely don't want to be in the top again.
00:41:57Especially twice in a row, it's not possible.
00:42:00I think the person who taught you how to sew wants you.
00:42:06It's not the end, it's not the end.
00:42:08I've never collapsed like that.
00:42:10I feel like my drag is getting out of hand.
00:42:12You have the opportunity to save yourself.
00:42:14So you take it and you give everything to achieve it.
00:42:20Ruby On The Nail. Sing, you stay.
00:42:24Now that I've been saved twice,
00:42:26I have to establish myself as a threat in the competition.
00:42:29Not just a threat if you find a lip sync in front of me.
00:42:32He's the most listened to rapper of all time.
00:42:34Jul is with us.
00:42:35How are you, Christina?
00:42:36I'm in the cut.
00:42:39When you lifted your bob with that hoop,
00:42:41you were conquering.
00:42:42You came back as Isabelle Adjani.
00:42:43Good evening, Isabelle.
00:42:44Good evening, Nicole.
00:42:46It blew me away.
00:42:47It was extraordinary.
00:42:49I was happy to see your game, finally.
00:42:51Congratulations, you are the winner of the week.
00:42:56See you in the competition.
00:42:59I don't know why, but an immense emotion invaded me.
00:43:01Thank you, Ruby, you accompanied me so well.
00:43:03Ruby On The Nail. Congratulations, you are the winner of the week.
00:43:07Second consecutive victory.
00:43:09After lip syncing twice in a row.
00:43:12Regardless of the challenges you took on,
00:43:14you managed to be authentic.
00:43:16And like a great French philosopher said,
00:43:18in Kachana, baby, you deserve that.
00:43:21You're going to the finals. Congratulations.
00:43:25I proved that I could climb the ladder
00:43:27and that I was a winner.
00:43:28I deeply love the art of drag.
00:43:31Without it, I can't breathe.
00:43:33I think the hoop looks great on my little head.
00:43:41It's me.
00:43:44It's me, your tender diva, queen of the climb.
00:43:47Better than a diamond, here is Ruby.
00:43:50Precious and unbreakable.
00:43:52Delightful, indomitable.
00:43:54This jewel has no price.
00:43:59Look at me.
00:44:00Tell me I'm beautiful as I am.
00:44:02Tell me.
00:44:03Are you serious?
00:44:04My eyes, my cheeks, my hair.
00:44:06My mouth, my skin, my touch.
00:44:09Who's the prettiest?
00:44:11Blonde, pink.
00:44:12My lips, my cheeks, my hair.
00:44:15Who's the prettiest?
00:44:17It's me.
00:44:21It's me.
00:44:28Who's the prettiest?
00:44:31Who's the prettiest?
00:44:34Who's the prettiest?
00:44:35Who's the prettiest?
00:44:38Who's the prettiest?
00:44:39Tell me I'm beautiful as I am.
00:44:41My eyes, my cheeks, my hair.
00:44:43My mouth, my skin, my touch.
00:44:46Who's the prettiest?
00:44:47Blonde, pink.
00:44:49My lips, my cheeks, my hair.
00:44:52Who's the prettiest?
00:44:54It's me.
00:44:57It's me.
00:45:01Stop it, it's embarrassing.
00:45:06We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we.
00:45:18You were Ruby the Engineer.
00:45:23Did you like it, big ex?
00:45:26Daphné, what can you say about our Ruby the Engineer?
00:45:28You're the most beautiful, you're the most talented,
00:45:31you're the most cute.
00:45:33I love you. I wish you the best for this final.
00:45:38And above all, thank you for showing us your great dancing skills tonight.
00:45:41It was a good moment.
00:45:42But yes, she danced!
00:45:43Can you lift your leg?
00:45:48It's okay, it doesn't move.
00:45:51You know, I love watching you with your big eyes.
00:45:54It's good to live in your eyes.
00:45:56As soon as you smile, I don't know, even in very complicated moments,
00:45:59you make me smile.
00:46:01You have this power to trigger the light.
00:46:03The scene was made for you.
00:46:05And I think that for the whole season,
00:46:07for lip-sync, it's the best.
00:46:09Thank you.
00:46:11Sacred title.
00:46:13For me, it's the best.
00:46:15Obviously, you're the most beautiful.
00:46:17Thank you so much for this season.
00:46:19You were brave.
00:46:21I don't know about my smile,
00:46:23I just broke my teeth against the microphone.
00:46:25I feel like a bug is gone.
00:46:27Are you okay?
00:46:28Did you just break a tooth?
00:46:30Oh yes.
00:46:32There are orthodontists in the room.
00:46:34You say it in your song, you're the queen of Romantada.
00:46:36I think I said it right.
00:46:38Because we both come from Marseille, right?
00:46:40After several lip-syncs and elimination risks,
00:46:42you flew up to the top of the rankings.
00:46:44You have two victories.
00:46:48How was it, the roller coasters?
00:46:50I'm not a fan of amusement parks,
00:46:52but I had to.
00:46:54It was exciting,
00:46:56but I'm really happy to have been able to show
00:46:58what I'm made of.
00:47:00Not only do you have two victories,
00:47:02but you also won one of the most difficult
00:47:04episodes of the competition,
00:47:06the Snatch Game.
00:47:10You played not one celebrity,
00:47:12but two, Isabelle Adjani and Jul.
00:47:16What does Isabelle Adjani think of your Snatch Game
00:47:18and Ruby on the Nail?
00:47:20I don't know what you're talking about.
00:47:22I think we should have booked Isabelle Huppert
00:47:24for this little event.
00:47:26What does she look like, Isabelle Huppert?
00:47:30Isabelle, you can come whenever you want.
00:47:32Yeah, I love her.
00:47:34And Jul?
00:47:36So, what does the crowd say?
00:47:38Hi, it's the J.C. Lovny!
00:47:40We're making a new Aniki!
00:47:44And finally, there's one last very important topic
00:47:46that we haven't touched on yet.
00:47:48A cause that's very close to your heart,
00:47:50your celibacy.
00:47:52Where are we in the fight against celibacy?
00:47:54Well, it's not going anywhere,
00:47:56so I'd like someone to help me out.
00:47:58Do we have celibates in the room?
00:48:00We'll be right back.
00:48:02My criteria are pretty simple.
00:48:04You have to make a lot of money.
00:48:06Everyone sat down.
00:48:08So you're here with two very close people tonight.
00:48:10Your family who came to support you,
00:48:12your mom and your friend Mederik.
00:48:14Good evening, Mom.
00:48:16Good evening, Mederik.
00:48:18Good evening, Miki.
00:48:20So, Mom Ruby, I think you didn't know
00:48:22that you were going to have a birthday party tonight.
00:48:24Yes, exactly.
00:48:26So, how did you hear the news?
00:48:28I heard it at Christmas,
00:48:30on Christmas Eve, as a gift.
00:48:32It was a real gift.
00:48:34I discovered Ruby
00:48:36and all her possibilities,
00:48:38her whole universe.
00:48:40And I support her.
00:48:42I support her with all my heart.
00:48:44I saw her.
00:48:46Thank you, Mom.
00:48:48By the way, we have a lot of luck tonight.
00:48:50We have a lot of parents who came to celebrate and support their children.
00:48:52Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:48:56Because unfortunately, in 2024,
00:48:58we still have a lot of queer people
00:49:00who don't have that chance.
00:49:02And so, for the millions of viewers,
00:49:04because yes, it counts per million,
00:49:06you can be an example.
00:49:08So thank you, Mom Ruby.
00:49:10You can be very proud of yourself.
00:49:12I am very proud of Ruby.
00:49:14And someone must also be very proud
00:49:16if they hear us, if they see us.
00:49:18Thank you.
00:49:20But Eric,
00:49:22why do you think Ruby should become the next
00:49:24Queen of French Drag?
00:49:26I think she proved it to us throughout the season.
00:49:28She scared us a little,
00:49:30but she managed to get back up,
00:49:32to be friends with her.
00:49:34That's it, on a daily basis.
00:49:36I am very proud to be your friend,
00:49:38very grateful too.
00:49:40You are someone extremely benevolent,
00:49:42a queen who creates safe places
00:49:44everywhere she goes.
00:49:47So Ruby, I have one last question for you.
00:49:49What would you say to little Maxime?
00:49:52Well, I would say that I love your style,
00:49:56The Brassas, yeah, well...
00:49:58Oh la la!
00:50:02Well, I would say that
00:50:04you should never be afraid to be yourself.
00:50:06And you showed it today
00:50:08because you are here.
00:50:10So take care of yourself and never lower yourself for anyone.
00:50:12Bravo, Ruby. Let's give a round of applause
00:50:14for the Queen of the Nail.
00:50:24Niki, Niki, Niki, Niki...
00:50:30Stop, stop.
00:50:32It's just that it was the same syllables,
00:50:34so let's continue.
00:50:36Friends, it's the event tonight on France Télévision,
00:50:38the Grand Finale of Drag Race France Season 3.
00:50:40Our four finalists have just performed
00:50:42iconic performances,
00:50:44but in a few moments, there will only be two left
00:50:46who will face off in a
00:50:48legendary last lip-sync.
00:50:52And since we're all going to cry
00:50:54when I announce the name of the winner,
00:50:56I suggest we practice a little before.
00:50:58With the most moving moments of the season.
00:51:00Take out your tissues.
00:51:10Ah, yes.
00:51:12No, don't do it.
00:51:14Thank you for making me
00:51:16come on this incredible stage.
00:51:18And I'm also very proud to have met my sisters.
00:51:22It's not just a queen,
00:51:24it's also a little sister that I met.
00:51:26Go ahead, go ahead.
00:51:28Oh, my love.
00:51:30And please don't make me cry
00:51:32about the make-up.
00:51:34I want to cry every time you make me sad,
00:51:36because I don't know what to do.
00:51:38I don't know why you make me sad,
00:51:40because I feel like I'm in a bouquet of tolerance and love.
00:51:42I'm not in a fun show,
00:51:44you're all extremely touching.
00:51:46So I thank you all very much.
00:51:48You should know that every time
00:51:50I go on stage,
00:51:52it's for one good reason,
00:51:54it's for my daughter.
00:51:56And I can tell you, really,
00:51:58it was the most beautiful thing of my life.
00:52:00It's comforting to know that there are people
00:52:02in the community who have children
00:52:04and who have the approach of raising children
00:52:06for a better generation.
00:52:08There's a lot of emotion in these costumes,
00:52:10because I went out with my mother
00:52:12for the carnival in Canaries,
00:52:14which was an incredible support for me.
00:52:16What would you like to say to your parents?
00:52:18That I love them.
00:52:20It's thanks to them that I'm here tonight.
00:52:22So I really want to prove to them
00:52:24that thank you very much
00:52:26for believing in me and all that.
00:52:28Because without them, it wouldn't have been possible.
00:52:30I really realize how lucky I was
00:52:32to have this family,
00:52:34I woke up in the morning,
00:52:36I went to work, I came home,
00:52:38I fixed a wall, and that's it.
00:52:40And I realized that I didn't have
00:52:42any passion, I had nothing that made me...
00:52:46I didn't know it was me
00:52:48who was going to cry.
00:52:50We found the tears of heaven.
00:52:54But look who you've become,
00:52:56it's incredible.
00:52:58It's because drag saved my life.
00:53:00And I wouldn't have been here today
00:53:02if I hadn't found people like you.
00:53:06Drag saved us all.
00:53:08We're lucky to have listened to each other
00:53:10and to be able to live a better life today.
00:53:12Just being here means you're a bomb.
00:53:14It's simply...
00:53:16We've all already won.
00:53:18We've all already won.
00:53:20Right now, it's really our story.
00:53:22We're all here, all together,
00:53:24watching each other. Family, Season 3.
00:53:32We all learn from each other
00:53:34what we are, and they help us.
00:53:36We don't care what people think,
00:53:38it's a moment of invitation.
00:53:42The pains that make us carry them
00:53:44lead us to unfold our wings.
00:53:46Today, I'm really strong,
00:53:48finally free from chains.
00:53:52Even if life can sometimes be boring,
00:53:54it always finds good news for us.
00:53:56As long as we really know what we're worth,
00:53:58we see ourselves at the top.
00:54:00As long as we really know what we're worth,
00:54:02it's enough to be ourselves.
00:54:04Even if it's a fight,
00:54:06it's enough to be you.
00:54:08Right at the right place,
00:54:10wherever you want to go.
00:54:12Above all, let's not be too wise.
00:54:14For wisdom, we have plenty of time.
00:54:16And since we're just passing by,
00:54:18we don't care where we really are.
00:54:22Too bad we don't show our faces,
00:54:24we don't rank in the ranks.
00:54:26If life is a beautiful journey,
00:54:28it's because we're all different.
00:54:32Despite storms and storms,
00:54:34we keep moving forward together.
00:54:36Sadness is also a mirage,
00:54:38a shadow of passage.
00:54:40If we really want it, it's enough to be ourselves.
00:54:44Even if it's a fight,
00:54:46it's enough to be you.
00:54:48Right at the right place, wherever you want to go.
00:54:58Ladies and gentlemen,
00:55:00the queens of season 3 of Drag Race France.
00:55:06You will soon be able to applaud on stage,
00:55:08in real life, with your favorite host,
00:55:12From September 14th
00:55:14at the Folies Bergère,
00:55:16and in all of France.
00:55:20Friends, we're going everywhere.
00:55:22In Brittany, in Occitanie, in Alsace,
00:55:24even in Switzerland. Everywhere.
00:55:26We're preparing an absolutely legendary show for you.
00:55:28I can't spoil it for you,
00:55:30but we're working with the creators of Kylie Minogue's
00:55:32and Christina Aguilera's shows in Las Vegas.
00:55:34That's all, friends,
00:55:36so I think it promises.
00:55:38It's going to be a big party,
00:55:40and the biggest drag show of the year.
00:55:42So come and see us.
00:55:44How many of you have come to see us here?
00:55:46So tonight, friends,
00:55:48we're going to crown the new queen of French drag.
00:55:50But first,
00:55:52there's room for another crown.
00:55:54This is the queen,
00:55:56the nicest of the season,
00:55:58the sweetest,
00:56:00the least bitch of all,
00:56:02Miss Sympathy.
00:56:04It's simple,
00:56:06the queens of the season have voted.
00:56:08So please welcome, as they should,
00:56:10Miss Sympathy of season 2,
00:56:24Good evening, Moon!
00:56:50Good evening, Moon!
00:56:54So the question is simple,
00:56:56have you been nice this year?
00:57:00The queens.
00:57:02Friends, the cast of season 1 and 2
00:57:04say no.
00:57:06It depends on who's asking,
00:57:08trade unionists or the police?
00:57:14So what's happened for you since your season?
00:57:16I've done so many things,
00:57:18I've discovered the world
00:57:20of France.
00:57:24I've met a lot of people,
00:57:26I haven't stopped working,
00:57:28so thank you.
00:57:32Do you have any advice for us,
00:57:34poor mortals, to be a bit nicer?
00:57:36It's funny,
00:57:38because it's true,
00:57:40they all told me,
00:57:42to re-vote, they wouldn't vote for me.
00:57:44So no advice?
00:57:46Yes, a piece of advice,
00:57:52and vote for us!
00:57:54It's true, that would be nice.
00:57:56Friends, let's give it up for Moon!
00:58:00Moon, let's go?
00:58:02Let's go.
00:58:04Miss Sympathy of Drag Race France season 3 is...
00:58:06Norma Bell!
00:58:18Norma Bell, the stage is yours!
00:58:40Miss Sympathy,
00:58:42Miss Sympathy,
00:58:50do people often tell you you're nice?
00:58:52I think so, yes.
00:58:54You tell me.
00:58:56You worry deep down.
00:59:00I'd just like to thank
00:59:02my sisters, thank you so much.
00:59:04And thank you, Niki, for the season.
00:59:06I'm the one thanking you, bravo.
00:59:08Friends, our Miss Sympathy of season 3,
00:59:10Norma Bell!
00:59:14Thank you, girls, you can leave the stage.
00:59:16A big round of applause, please.
00:59:18Except for my finalists.
00:59:20You, I'm not done with you.
00:59:24That's it, we're there.
00:59:26This is the moment you've all been waiting for.
00:59:28After a more fierce season than ever,
00:59:30there are only four queens left
00:59:32who have just given us legendary performances.
00:59:34Did you like it, Grand Rex?
00:59:36But there are only two left
00:59:38for the final test.
00:59:40And I can finally say it.
00:59:42I've chosen...
01:00:04It's the final of the season, yes.
01:00:08Grand Rex, yes?
01:00:14What, now?
01:00:26Listen, Mom, I've already told you
01:00:28not to call me about work.
01:00:30It's really complicated.
01:00:36Thank you.
01:00:38Why are you whispering, girls?
01:00:40Are you okay? Were we scary?
01:00:42Did you like my evil phone during the season?
01:00:46And you?
01:00:50Well, I was saying.
01:00:52You've all done well,
01:00:54but there are only two left for the final test.
01:00:56The very last lip-sync of the season.
01:00:58And, friends, I've made my decision.
01:01:02Philippe, Leona Winter, Loula Strega,
01:01:04Ruby on the Nail, in a moment,
01:01:06two of you will face off for the crown.
01:01:10And in addition to the title of
01:01:12new queen of French drag,
01:01:14the winner of the season will win this.
01:01:18Y.Paris, a brand of piercing earrings,
01:01:20unisex and eco-responsible,
01:01:22is proud to offer the winner this crown
01:01:24and this scepter worth 40,000 euros.
01:01:26Mr. B&B, the LGBTQ plus
01:01:28accommodation booking platform,
01:01:30has a collection of 5 stars and legendary
01:01:32masked parties.
01:01:34M.A.C. Cosmetics is pleased to offer you
01:01:36a year of products to create all your makeup
01:01:38and reveal the artist that you are.
01:01:46My friends,
01:01:48I made my decision.
01:01:50Can I have some more dramatic lights, please?
01:01:52Thank you.
01:01:54The two queens who will face off
01:01:56for the crown are...
01:02:24Ruby Antennaire!
01:02:48You can go change for the big final lip-sync.
01:02:50A big round of applause, please.
01:02:54My friends, before we continue,
01:02:56we can make a ton of applause
01:02:58for our two finalists,
01:03:00Leona Winter
01:03:02and Luna Trega.
01:03:08Before our big battle royale
01:03:10on an iconic track,
01:03:12we have a little message from a few friends
01:03:14for our two finalists.
01:03:16A little message to tell you, one,
01:03:18that I loved being with you and being able to meet you.
01:03:20I also wanted to say, two,
01:03:22that I hope this adventure brought you
01:03:24a lot of things, openness
01:03:26and possibilities.
01:03:28To the finalists, I wish the best
01:03:30and that the path that Drag Race will follow
01:03:32is as beautiful as possible.
01:03:34Thank you again for what you gave me
01:03:36and see you soon, I hope.
01:03:38Hi, Drag Race. I just wanted to wish good luck
01:03:40to all the finalists and I send you lots of kisses. Bye!
01:03:42Hi, my queens. I hope you are well.
01:03:44It was an honor to meet you
01:03:46during this season 3. You are all fabulous.
01:03:48Make France proud, okay?
01:03:50Good luck and above all, don't forget,
01:03:52Drag Race France, una scandale
01:03:56It's the big final of Drag Race.
01:03:58So, girls,
01:04:00give everything you have.
01:04:02Be at your best, be magnificent.
01:04:04You are queens.
01:04:06Good luck, girls.
01:04:08Hi, queens. I hope you are well.
01:04:10I'm making this little video to wish you good luck,
01:04:12the finalists, good luck
01:04:14and may the best one win.
01:04:16Hello, queens of season 3.
01:04:18I wanted to congratulate you and thank you for this crazy season.
01:04:20It was a pleasure to be with you
01:04:22for an episode
01:04:24and to see you on TV.
01:04:26Congratulations and I wish you a big shit
01:04:28for this final.
01:04:30Have fun and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
01:04:34Hello, girls. I wanted to kiss you and congratulate you.
01:04:36I loved you
01:04:38and admired you
01:04:40throughout this season 3 of Drag Race.
01:04:42I can't wait to know
01:04:44who will finally win the crown tonight.
01:04:46In any case, know that
01:04:48in my heart, you are all queens.
01:04:50See you soon
01:04:52and good luck.
01:04:54Good evening, everyone.
01:04:56I'm disappointed I can't be there for the final.
01:04:58I'm abroad. I wish you a magnificent final
01:05:00that will end with brilliance this fantastic season
01:05:02of Drag Race France.
01:05:04Sorry for this filmed video. I feel like I'm my grandma
01:05:06when she gives her news in the WhatsApp group of the family.
01:05:08Obviously, I wish the best to win
01:05:10and I wish at least the best to realize
01:05:12that it's on the side to be the best.
01:05:14You are all exceptional. Have fun.
01:05:16Have a good evening and enjoy the final.
01:05:18You are on France Télévision
01:05:20and you are right
01:05:22because it's finally the big moment.
01:05:24The very last challenge,
01:05:26the final lip-sync to win the season.
01:05:28Are you ready, big Rex?
01:05:30And you at home,
01:05:32are you ready?
01:05:34I heard you. Daphne, who says?
01:05:36Yes, we are very ready.
01:05:40Let me bring my queens back.
01:05:44Bring back my girls.
01:05:46Bring back my girls.
01:05:48Bring back my, bring back my girls.
01:05:50Bring back my girls.
01:05:52Bring back my girls.
01:05:54Bring back my girls.
01:05:56Bring back my, bring back my girls.
01:06:02Philippe, Ruby on the nail.
01:06:04You have overcome all the challenges of this season 3
01:06:06and there were some, but you are there.
01:06:08There is only one more challenge
01:06:10between you and the crown.
01:06:14Are you ready?
01:06:18There are two queens left on stage.
01:06:24My dear queens, it's now or never.
01:06:26It's your last chance to impress us
01:06:28and to win the crown of Drag Race France
01:06:30with a legendary lip-sync.
01:06:36On I'm Alive by Céline Dion.
01:06:40Good luck and don't screw up.
01:06:44Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:14Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:44Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:46Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:48Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:50Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:52Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:54Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:56Good luck and don't screw up.
01:07:58Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:00Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:02Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:04Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:06Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:08Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:10Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:12Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:14Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:16Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:18Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:20Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:22Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:24Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:26Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:28Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:30Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:32Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:34Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:36Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:38Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:40Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:42Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:44Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:46Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:48Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:50Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:52Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:54Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:56Good luck and don't screw up.
01:08:58Good luck and don't screw up.
01:09:00Good luck and don't screw up.
01:09:02Good luck and don't screw up.
01:09:04Good luck and don't screw up.
01:09:06Good luck and don't screw up.
01:09:08Good luck and don't screw up.
01:09:35Love America, what does that mean?
01:09:45Prima decision come around man suits Maren
01:09:49Bring back my girl
01:09:52Bring back my girl
01:09:54Bring back my girl
01:09:55Bring back my bring back my girl
01:09:59Bring back my girl
01:10:01Bring back my girl
01:10:03Bring back my girl
01:10:06Et pour le grand couronnement merci d'accueillir la reine de drag race france saison 2
01:10:43How are you, Keiona?
01:10:45I'm good, and you?
01:10:46Great, wonderful tonight.
01:10:48Thank you.
01:10:49Can you show us your back?
01:10:54What's his name?
01:10:58So, what happened to you in one year?
01:11:00A lot of things happened in one year.
01:11:02I've been around the world since the Drag Race tour.
01:11:04I met all of our fans, and more recently my Brazilian fans.
01:11:07I love you all!
01:11:09I did a lot of things.
01:11:11A lot of TV shows.
01:11:13I still watch TV afterwards.
01:11:14It was possible thanks to the Drag Race.
01:11:16I worked behind the scenes to do a lot of things.
01:11:18Of course, it's almost the end of my reign.
01:11:20But it continues.
01:11:22A lot of projects are coming.
01:11:24Music, and other things.
01:11:26So, stay tuned.
01:11:29Friends, it's always a pride to see our queens shine everywhere as they do.
01:11:32So, bravo to the queens of the three seasons.
01:11:35Thank you.
01:11:38Drag is an art that celebrates difference in all its forms.
01:11:41It's more important than ever to show that we exist, my friends.
01:11:46And I'm glad that for the last three years, it's been in the public service.
01:11:49Thank you.
01:11:52And let's keep in mind that our rights,
01:11:54the celebration of differences, are never acquired.
01:11:56So, we must always, always continue to fight.
01:12:01Are we proud, the Great Rex?
01:12:05Well, are you ready to put the crown back on, Keiona?
01:12:07Absolutely, I can't wait.
01:12:09To the Pit Crew!
01:12:20Who from Le Philippe or Ruby on the Nail will win the crown
01:12:23and represent the excellence of French Drag all over the world?
01:12:35Who from Le Philippe or Ruby on the Nail will win the crown
01:12:38and represent the excellence of French Drag all over the world?
01:12:41The winner of Drag Race France Season 3 is...
01:12:54Le Philippe!
01:13:06I knew you would win!
01:13:08I knew you'd win!
01:13:14I knew you wouldn't be around.
01:13:19I knew you'd not.
01:13:25What have they done to him?
01:13:27He's lost!
01:13:29Do you know what they did to him?
01:13:31The two of them.
01:13:32Long live the French language, long live the French women, and long live the trans women!
01:13:36Let's go girls!
01:13:39The stage is yours!
01:13:56My queens and everyone, love yourselves as you are, and life will always be a...