[ENG] EP.4 My Wife Has No Emotion

  • 2 months ago
My Wife Has No Emotion EP 4 ENG SUB
00:00I'm sorry.
00:07The destructive power of Soine...
00:15Oh no...
00:17Um, is it okay if I don't charge it?
00:20I'm begging you, but...
00:22I don't have to force it...
00:24No problem.
00:26It's fully charged.
00:29So that's why you were sleeping in the afternoon...
00:36Can I...
00:38hug you?
00:40No problem.
00:43Her eyes are brighter than usual...
00:58Ow, ow, ow...
01:05Ow, ow, ow...
01:12I'm sorry.
01:19Are you okay?
01:22I'm okay, I'm okay.
01:53Ow, ow, ow...
01:57Ow, ow, ow...
02:02Ow, ow, ow...
02:07Ow, ow, ow...
02:12Ow, ow, ow...
02:17Ow, ow, ow...
02:21Ow, ow, ow...
02:26Ow, ow, ow...
02:31Ow, ow, ow...
02:36Ow, ow, ow...
02:41Ow, ow, ow...
02:46Ow, ow, ow...
02:49Ow, ow, ow...
03:08Shut up.
03:11To deepen the bond between a man and a woman,
03:14you need the sea!
03:16The sea!
03:19While you're swimming in the sea,
03:23you'll find a place where you can feel the depth of nature!
03:34I'll do it!
03:37I saw it.
03:39I'm sorry, little sister.
03:41I have a waterproof function up to 2 meters deep.
03:46If you don't dive deep, there's no problem.
03:51Let's go!
03:53Let's change into swimsuits!
03:55Miina-san, let's go!
03:58Onii-chan, wait here!
04:03I'm going to put on a cute swimsuit for everyone!
04:08Ow, ow, ow...
04:14I wonder if Miina-chan is okay.
04:17It's about Akari, so I think she's prepared Miina-chan's swimsuit.
04:30The atmosphere is different.
04:34That sound is Miina-chan, right?
04:40Miina-chan, you changed your clothes quickly.
04:44I'm sorry, master!
04:47Huh? Isn't it a little big?
04:50I got lost!
04:59Wait a minute, you're...
05:05You're not my master!
05:07I'm sorry, I mistook you for my wife.
05:10But you just called me Miina, right?
05:15I'm Miina, too!
05:18Oh, those shiny pupils!
05:21Could you be...
05:23I'm MI-07S, and I want to do everything perfectly!
05:30My product name is Super Miina!
05:32Nice to meet you!
05:35Are you the master of the Miina series?
05:39Oh, yeah.
05:41Wow, look at her face.
05:45She's a little shorter than you, though.
05:48That means she's a limited edition!
05:51Are you a cleaner?
05:53Are you a cook?
05:55I'm a cook, but...
05:57Oh, you're CL-chan!
06:00I've never met anyone in the Miina series!
06:04Oh, I see.
06:06Are you here?
06:08I'm changing right now.
06:12Can I wait here?
06:16It's okay.
06:17Are you okay?
06:20Oh, yes!
06:22While I was talking, the master disappeared.
06:26I was looking for him, and I saw a cat.
06:30A cat?
06:32She was so cute!
06:35So I followed her.
06:39And then I came to a place I didn't know.
06:43I see.
06:44I'm always like this.
06:47So I was worried about going out.
06:50But the master said it didn't matter.
06:55I see.
06:57Then let's look for your master together.
07:02If you meet him, why don't you join me later?
07:07Oh, yes!
07:10Oh, it's okay.
07:13First, tell me about your master.
07:22What are you thinking about?
07:25There's nothing more important than Miina.
07:28I put on makeup.
07:33What's wrong?
07:35He's been looking like he's in trouble.
07:42Wait! Miina-san!
07:48Wait, Miina-san!
07:50Is something wrong?
07:53Can I help you?
07:58Who are you?
08:02I'm Miina.
08:05I'm Miina.
08:07But I'm not an expressionless little girl like you!
08:11Go away!
08:17You have a big face.
08:20Are you looking for the super Miina?
08:28I'm looking for her, but I can't find her.
08:31I'm worried about that.
08:33If you don't mind, let me help you.
08:40The Miina series has a function to communicate by radio.
08:45That's great!
08:46Then we can find her right away!
08:49But my radio is weak and I can't cover the entire beach.
08:55I see.
08:56So I'm going to scan the beach from end to end.
09:01I see.
09:02Is this okay?
09:05Let's go.
09:07Why are you in a hurry?
09:11Look, Takumo-sama!
09:13Just as I thought.
09:14We can see the beach from here.
09:18But it's too far to see.
09:22Don't worry.
09:24With my eyes, I can see the beach from here.
09:29Look, I did it!
09:31That's great.
09:33Did you find her?
09:35She's so cute!
09:37I'm looking for my master.
09:40Did you find her?
09:43Oh, no.
09:45I came to the end of the beach.
09:49Did your radio really fly?
09:52I'm sure of it.
09:54She was in a place where the radio couldn't reach.
09:56I think she turned off the function.
10:00When did she turn off the function?
10:02As soon as I came to the beach.
10:04Super Mina-san.
10:06You're not as reliable as I thought.
10:08No, I'm not.
10:11There are a lot of amazing functions.
10:13I just haven't mastered them yet.
10:15I'm a robot who can work properly.
10:18Oh, I'm sorry.
10:21My Mina is amazing.
10:25But my mom said she'd hire a human to help me with the housework.
10:30I came to the beach to show her what I could do.
10:36Then I got lost for a moment.
10:44Isn't it amazing?
10:55It's amazing.
10:58Super Mina is amazing.
11:02It's true.
11:03Super Mina has a lot of options because it's a multi-function.
11:08It's always difficult to choose the best one.
11:13It's a process of gaining experience.
11:15I'm going to prioritize the options.
11:19If you care about her,
11:22you'll be the most amazing robot in the world.
11:31I'm going to the lost guidebook.
11:35I'm going to look for it.
11:37I might be able to hear it if I broadcast it.
11:44There's a kitty!
11:49Come here!
11:51If you zoom in, you'll lose consciousness.
11:57Can I go back?
12:01Oh, I'm sorry.
12:04Takuma-sama, take care of your own Mina.
12:06Meet me.
12:09My wife?
12:10My wife?
12:13Are you a husband and wife of the Mina series?
12:17You just said wife, didn't you?
12:19It's too late.
12:20Wow, wow, wow!
12:22What kind of wife and wife are you?
12:25Oh, I'm sorry to ask you all of a sudden.
12:28I'm sorry!
12:29Oh, no.
12:31I heard that robotics are popular overseas,
12:35but I didn't know there were people doing it in Japan.
12:38It's hard because it's not recognized internationally.
12:42If there's anything I can do, I'll do anything.
12:45By the way, what kind of cat is that cat?
12:50I think it's a cat.
12:52I think it's a girl.
12:54Oh, why do you know her gender?
12:57As a rule, a cat is a girl.
13:02It's in that building.
13:09I forgot.
13:12Hello, where are you?
13:16I'm sorry.
13:17I'm not sorry.
13:19Look, little Mina.
13:22It's a cat.
13:29Do you like cats?
13:32I also do cat protection.
13:34What kind of things do you do?
13:43I saw it!
13:44It's over there!
13:45Over there!
13:46It's over there!
13:48About that...
13:52My little sister...
14:17Where is it?
14:26T-That's fast!
14:29Hello, big brother!
14:35There should be a Mina series nearby.
14:38Huh? Mina!
14:39Where are you?
14:41I don't know because there's no answer.
14:44This noise is too loud.
14:47This is...
14:53I'm coming.
14:58What is this?
15:18I told you not to call me that!
15:25Don't go anywhere without my permission, idiot.
15:28I'm sorry!
15:32This is...
15:39Did you swim?
15:41I did.
15:42Oh, big brother.
15:43This is the girl I talked to on the phone.
15:45She's the owner of Super Mina, Lift-kun.
15:50N-Nice to meet you.
15:55By the way, why are you two meeting all of a sudden?
15:58They're talking to each other on the phone.
16:01Why don't you just talk normally?
16:03They can exchange information 400 times faster than normal.
16:10That's amazing.
16:12The number of people in the Mina series has doubled.
16:15That's amazing.
16:17Yeah, it's amazing.
16:23They're talking a lot.
16:26How long has it been?
16:28About five minutes?
16:30Isn't that a lot of conversation?
16:32400 times, right?
16:34I wonder what they're talking about.
16:36Intensive information exchange.
16:43Mina-chan, Mina-chan.
16:45I think it's about time.
16:49I'm sorry.
16:50I'm glad I got to meet the other Mina series for the first time.
16:54We talked a lot.
16:57I was able to exchange very interesting information.
17:00Well, let's take a break over there.
17:03Sounds good.
17:04But please wait a moment.
17:10You said something rude to Takuma-sama's Mina.
17:15I did.
17:17Are you reflecting on yourself?
17:19I am.
17:21Then let's apologize.
17:25Mina-san, I'm sorry I said something rude.
17:29No problem at all.
17:32The Mina series is made with a focus on durability among household robots.
17:38I wouldn't be surprised if something happened to you.
17:45I'm glad you were able to meet Super Mina-san.
17:49Thank you.
17:50I'm glad.
17:52Oh, right, the picture.
17:56My smartphone.
17:58I have to go get it.
18:03I'm glad you were able to meet Super Mina-san.
18:06I'm glad.
18:08I'm glad.
18:10I'm glad.
18:12I'm glad.
18:14I'm glad.
18:16I'm glad.
18:18I'm glad.
18:22Ah, that was fun!
18:25That was awesome!
18:27I'm so glad I got to be with you all.
18:30Are you okay, Kairi?
18:32I called a cab because I was scared.
18:35I didn't think I'd make more friends with Mina-san.
18:42Oh, right! Let's take a commemorative picture!
18:45Onii-chan, get up!
18:47Camera, camera!
18:50How about in the middle?
18:52I want to be in the picture with Mina-san!
18:55Okay, okay.
18:57Akari, this doesn't have a memory card in it.
19:01No way! Why?
19:03It's not in my bag?
19:05Find it for me!
19:07I could just take a picture with my smartphone.
19:10Found it!
19:12Yay! My bag is the best!
19:15Find it yourself.
19:17Okay, I'm taking it!
19:24What's wrong?
19:26There's a lot of memory cards.
19:31What's this?
19:36There's a lot of pictures of me.
19:41I want you to have this data for when something happens.
19:50I-I knew it! I'll take it with my smartphone!
19:55Shut up! You love Onii-chan so much!
20:06Okay, I'm taking it!
20:10Akari, I'm going to go back to my parents' house.
20:14Let's not hide anything, okay?
20:20I'm tired, but it was fun.
20:29Are you okay?
20:31Mina-chan, I'm a little...
20:34I'm fine.
20:36I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
20:41It's almost gone.
20:43No, this is better.
20:47Do you prefer me wearing makeup?
20:50I don't know.
20:52It's nice to have a different atmosphere than usual.
20:55How good is it?
20:58Which do you prefer?
21:00Mina-chan, I'm a little...
21:01If your usual face is 10 points, what is your current face?
21:11Show me my wife's face.
21:18Mina-chan, I'm a little...
21:20I'm fine.
21:22I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
21:26It's almost gone.
21:28No, this is better.
21:30I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
21:34It's almost gone.
21:36Mina-chan, I'm a little...
21:38If your usual face is 10 points, what is your current face?
21:44It's almost gone.
21:46I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
21:50It's almost gone.
21:52I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
21:56It's almost gone.
21:58I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:02It's almost gone.
22:04I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:07It's almost gone.
22:09I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:12It's almost gone.
22:14I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:17It's almost gone.
22:19I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:22It's almost gone.
22:24I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:27It's almost gone.
22:29I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:32It's almost gone.
22:34I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:37It's almost gone.
22:39I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:41It's almost gone.
22:43I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:45It's almost gone.
22:47I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:49It's almost gone.
22:51I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:53It's almost gone.
22:55I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
22:57It's almost gone.
22:59I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:01It's almost gone.
23:03I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:05It's almost gone.
23:07I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:09It's almost gone.
23:11I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:13It's almost gone.
23:15I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:17It's almost gone.
23:19I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:21It's almost gone.
23:23I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:25It's almost gone.
23:27I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:29It's almost gone.
23:31I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:33It's almost gone.
23:35I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:37I had Akari do my makeup, but I couldn't see her well in the sea.
23:39It's almost gone.