Peppa Pig Full New English Epiosdes new HD [NON-STOP]

  • il y a 2 mois


00:00Je suis Peppa Pig
00:04C'est mon petit frère George
00:07C'est Maman Pig
00:09Et c'est Papa Pig
00:13Peppa Pig
00:16Maman Rabbit
00:18Peppa et George jouent avec Susie Sheep et Pedro Pony
00:23Voici Rebecca et Richard Rabbit
00:26Bonjour Rebecca
00:28J'ai un secret
00:30Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
00:31Ma maman a un bâton dans son dos
00:35Est-ce qu'elle a mangé trop ?
00:37Non, il y a un bébé rabbit à l'intérieur
00:41Maman Rabbit, est-ce qu'il y a vraiment un bébé rabbit dans ton dos ?
00:46Oui, tu voudrais l'écouter ?
00:49Oui, s'il te plaît
00:51Tu peux entendre un petit coup de coeur ?
00:54Oui, je peux, ça va boum boum boum
00:59Oh, ça bouge !
01:01Oui, parfois les bébés font un petit coup de coeur
01:05Qu'est-ce que tu l'appelles ?
01:07Je ne sais pas
01:09Est-ce que les enfants aimeraient penser à un nom ?
01:11Oui, s'il te plaît
01:12Bonjour Maman Rabbit
01:14Est-ce que tu voudrais un verre de café ?
01:16Je ne peux pas boire du café, mais je suis assez faim
01:19Est-ce que tu voudrais une carotte ?
01:21J'aime la carotte
01:22Est-ce que tu as des pommes ?
01:24Oui, on en a
01:25Peut-être une pomme avec du jelly, du fromage et de la crème fraîche, s'il te plaît
01:32Une pomme avec du jelly, du fromage et de la crème fraîche ?
01:35Quelle mélange drôle de nourriture !
01:38Nous devons penser à un nom pour le bébé
01:41Oui, si le bébé est une fille, elle sera appelée Rachel Rabbit
01:46Ou comment dire...
01:48Ruth Rabbit
01:49Roxanne Rabbit
01:51Sharon Rabbit
01:53Je ne pense pas, Pedro
01:55Sharon Rabbit a l'air mauvaise
01:58J'aime Rosie
02:00Rosie Rabbit
02:02C'est parfait
02:04Mais qu'est-ce si le bébé est un garçon ?
02:07Oh !
02:08Comment dire...
02:10Rufus Rabbit
02:12Raymond Rabbit
02:13Michael Rabbit
02:15Michael Rabbit ? Non !
02:18Robbie Rabbit
02:20Oui !
02:21Robbie Rabbit
02:22Merci pour les pommes avec du jelly, du fromage et de la crème fraîche, chérie
02:27C'est un plaisir
02:28Nous avons pensé à un nom pour le bébé
02:31Rosie si c'est une fille et Robbie si c'est un garçon
02:35Ce sont des noms mignons
02:37C'est triste que le bébé ne puisse pas avoir les deux noms
02:41Oh ! Mon ventre !
02:43C'est toute cette nourriture drôle que tu manges
02:46Je ne pense pas, Père Rabbit
02:48Le bébé arrive !
02:49Bien ! A l'hôpital ! Vite ! Ne panique pas !
02:54Au revoir !
02:55Au revoir !
02:56Bonne chance !
02:58As-tu tout préparé ?
03:00J'ai tout
03:02Des chaussures, des candes, de la musique yoga et assez de nourriture pour trois jours
03:09Ne panique pas ! Ne panique pas !
03:11Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un ?
03:12Nous avons un rabbit !
03:14Bonjour, chère
03:16Que fais-tu ici ?
03:17Je suis en train d'avoir un bébé, tu te souviens ?
03:20Oh oui ! Tu devrais venir à l'intérieur alors
03:23Je peux venir aussi ?
03:24Non ! Tu vas devoir débarquer tout d'abord
03:28Ne t'inquiète pas, avoir un bébé prend toujours du temps
03:36Sortez tout le monde ! Ma sœur a un bébé !
03:41Un canapé et plein de toilettes
03:44Ce lot devrait nous durer quelques jours
03:49Où dois-je mettre tout ça ?
03:51Revenez dans la voiture, on n'en a pas besoin
03:54Quoi ?
03:55Père, tu as oublié tout l'excitement
03:58J'ai-je ?
03:59Est-ce un garçon ou une fille ?
04:01Les deux ! Nous avons des soeurs !
04:05Wow !
04:07C'est le prochain jour et Mammy Rabbit est à la maison de l'hôpital
04:12Bonjour, pouvons-nous voir les soeurs s'il vous plaît ?
04:15Bien sûr, père !
04:20Est-ce un garçon ou une fille ?
04:23Les deux ! Un garçon et une fille
04:26Elles s'appellent Rosie et Robbie
04:29Donc vous avez utilisé les deux noms ?
04:32Oui !
04:34Rosie Rabbit et Robbie Rabbit
04:37Ce sont les meilleurs noms du monde
04:40Et nous en avons pensé !
05:04C'est mon petit frère George
05:07C'est Mammy Pig
05:09Et c'est Daddy Pig
05:13Peppa Pig
05:19Il pleut, Peppa et George doivent rester à l'intérieur
05:22Je n'aime pas les jours pleurs
05:25J'aime les jours pleurs parce qu'ils font des poudres pour sauter
05:29Pouvons-nous sauter dans les poudres ?
05:32Maintenant ?
05:35Peppa, nous devons attendre jusqu'à ce qu'il ne pleuve plus
05:39Quand va-t-il s'arrêter ?
05:41Écoutons l'horloge
05:43C'est l'horloge, il va pleuvoir tout le jour
05:49Je sais, nous pouvons jouer au jeu du jour pleuvant
05:52Quel est le jeu du jour pleuvant ?
05:55Je vais vous montrer
05:57Si je prends cet orneau en plastique et je le cache, où pouvez-vous le voir ?
06:02Pouvez-vous le trouver ?
06:03Papa, si nous pouvons le voir, vous ne l'avez pas caché
06:08Regardez, je vais mettre l'orneau ici, maintenant
06:14Vous me dites où il est
06:18C'est trop facile, papa
06:20Ce ne sera pas toujours si facile, Peppa
06:23Qui veut y aller d'abord ?
06:24Parce que c'est un jeu facile, George peut y aller d'abord
06:29D'accord, vous attendez ici
06:31L'orneau en plastique est quelque part pour que George le trouve
06:36L'orneau est quelque part dans votre lit
06:40George cherche l'orneau en plastique
06:44Mais il est assez difficile de le trouver
06:47George, vous pouvez le voir, regardez avec vos yeux
06:52George utilise ses yeux pour chercher l'orneau en plastique
06:56Il devient plus chaud, plus froid, encore plus chaud
07:02George a trouvé l'orneau en plastique
07:06Hurray !
07:07Je l'ai vu tout de suite, ce jeu est trop facile
07:12D'accord, c'est la tournée de Peppa, je vais faire le cachage cette fois
07:16Maman Pig va mettre l'orneau en plastique quelque part pour que Peppa le trouve
07:21Je le verrai tout de suite
07:24Prêt ?
07:25L'orneau en plastique est quelque part dans la cuisine
07:29Je suis venu te trouver, orneau en plastique
07:33Je sais où tu es, tu es dans la salle
07:38L'orneau en plastique n'est pas dans la salle
07:41Je sais, tu es en dessous de la table
07:44L'orneau en plastique n'est pas en dessous de la table
07:48Donnez-moi une clé, s'il vous plaît
07:51C'est assis avec quelque chose d'autre qui est jaune
07:55Quelque chose de jaune qui vit dans la cuisine
07:59Des bananes, là vous êtes
08:03Peppa a trouvé l'orneau en plastique, il était dans la casserole
08:07Hurray !
08:08Bien fait !
08:10Je veux jouer à nouveau au jeu de jour et de nuit
08:14D'accord, cette fois vous pouvez tous chercher l'orneau en plastique
08:18Daddy Pig met l'orneau en plastique pour que Peppa et George le trouvent
08:22Prêt ? Je suis dans la salle
08:27Est-ce que c'est sur le sofa ?
08:31Est-ce que c'est sur la télévision ?
08:35Ce n'est pas n'importe où
08:37Est-ce que vous voulez une clé ?
08:39C'est assis sur quelque chose de très grand et très intelligent
08:43Et très joli
08:45Daddy, c'est sur ta tête
08:48C'est le meilleur endroit pour se cacher
08:53Oh, la pluie s'est arrêtée
08:55Pourquoi ne jouons-nous pas dehors ?
08:57Mais je veux jouer à nouveau au jeu de jour et de nuit
09:01Je pense que vous allez aimer mieux ce jeu de jour et de nuit dehors
09:05Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce jeu ? Donnez-moi une clé
09:09Nous devons trouver un orneau en plastique
09:13Je l'ai trouvé ! Est-ce que c'est le jeu ?
09:16Ce jeu n'est pas seulement à propos de trouver, Peppa
09:19Qu'est-ce que vous faites avec un orneau en plastique ?
09:23Jomper en haut et en bas
09:25Jomper en haut et en bas dans des orneaux en plastique
09:32J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:35Surtout ceux où vous sautez en haut et en bas dans des orneaux en plastique
09:42J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:44J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:46J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:48J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:50J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:52J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:54J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:56J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
09:58J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
10:00J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
10:02J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
10:04J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
10:06J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
10:08J'aime les jeux de jour et de nuit
10:10And this is Daddy Pig
10:14Peppa Pig
10:17Mister Foxy Shop
10:20Mummy and Daddy Pig are wrapping up a present
10:23Oh, a present
10:25Is it for me or George?
10:28No Peppa, it's not for you or George
10:32Oh, is it a toy?
10:34No, it's a glass vase
10:36That's a bit of a boring present
10:39Oh, it's a present for grown-ups
10:42We've bought this for Granny and Grandpa Pig
10:45It's their wedding anniversary
10:47Can me and George buy them a present too?
10:50That's very sweet of you Peppa
10:52But presents can cost a lot of money
10:55We've got money in our piggy bank
11:01Peppa and George have one penny and two buttons to spend
11:05OK, let's go shopping
11:08This is Mister Foxy's shop
11:11Hello there, can I help you?
11:14It's Granny and Grandpa Pig's wedding anniversary
11:17They're both very old, I need a present
11:21My shop has everything
11:23I'm sure you'll find something you like
11:26A big teddy, I love it
11:30This can be the present
11:32Peppa, the present is not for you
11:34It's for Granny and Grandpa
11:36Oh yes
11:38Oh look, funny teeth
11:41They're wind-up joke teeth, very popular
11:47Can they be the present for Granny and Grandpa?
11:50I think Granny and Grandpa have all the teeth they need, Peppa
11:54Do your Granny and Grandpa like gardening and digging?
11:58Then why not get them a bucket and spade each?
12:02Buy one, get one free
12:04They've already got spades and buckets and forks and everything
12:09Oh dear
12:10I know, Grandpa likes sailing his boat
12:13Say no more
12:15I have everything a sailor could ever wish for
12:19Do you have pirate's treasure?
12:21Ah, everything except pirate's treasure
12:26Do Granny and Grandpa like antiques?
12:29What does antique mean?
12:31Antique means old and rare
12:34Usually, yes
12:36But my antiques are brand new
12:39That chair comes in a set of twelve
12:41Nice, isn't it?
12:42Is it made of oak?
12:43Yes, it's made of plastic oak
12:46Is it comfortable?
12:48You mustn't sit on it
12:49Antique chairs are not for sitting on
12:52So, what do you do with them?
12:55You look at them
12:56That's not much fun, even for a grown-up
13:01Buying a present for Granny and Grandpa is hard work
13:05I don't understand
13:07My shop sells everything
13:09There must be something you like
13:11There is
13:14I like this teddy
13:16And I think Granny and Grandpa would like it too
13:19Oh, oh, let's buy the teddy then
13:22A very good choice
13:24Who's going to pay?
13:26One penny and two buttons
13:28Here's your change
13:29One button
13:30Thank you, Mr Fox
13:33Pepper and her family have come to give Granny and Grandpa Pig their presents
13:37Granny Pig! Grandpa Pig!
13:41Hello, my little ones
13:43Happy anniversary
13:45Oh, another glass vase
13:49It's a grown-up present
13:51That's why it's a bit boring
13:53It's lovely
13:55We'll put it with our other glass vases
13:57George and me bought you a present too
14:02I hope you like it
14:04A teddy bear for Grandpa and me
14:07Thank you, Pepper and George
14:10He's very good at cuddling
14:12Does he have a name?
14:14He's called Eddie the Teddy
14:16And what does Eddie like to eat?
14:19Chocolate and broccoli
14:22That's the best present we've ever had
14:26Oh, but if Eddie is going to live here
14:29He'll need children to play with
14:32We can play with him, Granny
14:34And every time you visit us
14:37He'll be here for you to play with
14:39Oh, goody
14:48Peppa Pig
14:52Peppa Pig
14:56Peppa Pig
15:27Good day, Mr Pig
15:28We met at the airport, remember?
15:31It was a while back
15:33You said we could visit any time
15:35Did I?
15:36Yeah, since we last saw you
15:38We've had Kylie and Joey
15:40Say hello, kids
15:42Hello, I'm Kylie Kangaroo
15:45I'm Peppa Pig
15:47And this is my little brother, George
15:51This is my little brother, Joey
15:55Joey lives in Mummy Kangaroo's pocket
15:58It's thirsty work, this travelling around
16:01Would you like a drink?
16:02Yes, please
16:05Lemonade, my favourite
16:08That's lovely
16:10Here, sit down
16:11Are you hungry?
16:12I'm always hungry
16:14No worries, we'll make lunch
16:17Mr Kangaroo is going to cook lunch on a barbecue
16:21Corn on the cob, anyone?
16:24We should do this at our house
16:27Hang on, this is our house
16:30Come on, Kylie
16:32Let's play in the garden
16:35We can play my favourite game
16:38Jumping up and down in muddy puddles
16:41I like jumping too
16:43First we have to find a puddle
16:46Oh, there aren't any muddy puddles
16:50The ground is too dry for muddy puddles
16:52I wish it would rain
16:54I hope it doesn't rain
16:56Oh, we love rain
16:58We don't see much of it back home
17:00Well, if you want to make it rain in this country
17:03Have a barbecue
17:06We can still do jumping
17:10George is quite good at jumping
17:13But I am the best
17:16Watch this
17:18That's how you do it
17:21Now you try, Kylie
17:25Kangaroos can jump very high
17:29Here is Rebecca Rabbit
17:31Hello, Rebecca
17:33This is my friend, Kylie
17:35Hello, Kylie
17:37Are you playing a game?
17:39We are jumping
17:41Rabbits are the best at jumping
17:43Watch this
17:45Well done, Rebecca
17:48But that's not as good as my friend Kylie
17:52Go on, do your jump
17:55I don't want to show off
17:57Do it
18:00That is high
18:03Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping
18:06Here is Pedro Pony
18:08Hello, everyone
18:09Hello, Pedro
18:11This is my friend, Kylie Kangaroo
18:15She's my friend
18:17She can jump higher than anyone
18:20No one can jump higher than me
18:23Or my super space hopper
18:27Shame, Kylie
18:29But Pedro did really well
18:31Do it
18:36Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping
18:40I could jump higher
18:42But I am a little bit tired
18:44What was that?
18:46It is raining
18:48Like I said, if you wanted to rain, start a barbecue
18:52I'm afraid we'll all have to go indoors
18:55What? And miss the rain?
19:00Mr. Kangaroo has got a big umbrella to shelter everyone from the rain
19:05Food's ready
19:06Who's hungry?
19:12Pepper likes corn on the cob
19:15Everyone likes corn on the cob
19:18It stopped raining
19:20The rain makes everything so fresh and green and wet
19:25And muddy
19:28This is how you jump in muddy puddles
19:32Wow, that looks fun
19:36I'm the best at jumping
19:38Peppa's the best at jumping up and down in muddy puddles
19:49Peppa Pig
19:54Peppa Pig
19:58Peppa Pig
20:04I'm Peppa Pig
20:06This is my little brother George
20:09This is Mummy Pig
20:11And this is Daddy Pig
20:15Peppa Pig
20:18Potato City
20:20Peppa and her family are going to Potato City
20:24What is Potato City, Mummy?
20:27It's a theme park, Peppa
20:29Where the magic of vegetables never ends
20:33It sounds a bit boring
20:35It will be fun
20:37Potato City, here we come
20:41Here we are
20:42The family have arrived at a field of potatoes
20:46Is this Potato City?
20:48It must be
20:49And it looks like we picked the right day to visit
20:51There are no crowds
20:53Are you sure this is the right place, Daddy Pig?
20:56It just looks like a farmer's field to me
20:58Excuse me, is this Potato City?
21:01No, that's Potato City
21:06It isn't quite what I was expecting
21:09It's fantastic
21:12How many tickets?
21:14Two adults and two children please, Miss Rabbit
21:17Busy, isn't it?
21:19Busy? No
21:21This is quiet for Potato City
21:24Have a lovely day
21:26Peppa's friends have come to Potato City too
21:29Hello everyone
21:30Hello Peppa
21:33And this is Mr Potato himself
21:37Welcome to Potato City
21:41Where the magic of vegetables never ends
21:46See how vegetables grow
21:49Learn how they keep us fit and healthy
21:52And get shot into space
21:55By the potato rocket
21:59Peppa and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket
22:03George wants to ride on the potato rocket too
22:07Are you sure, George? It looks a bit high
22:11Daddy Pig doesn't like heights
22:14Hurry up, Daddy Pig
22:16I'm not getting on
22:18George is too small to go on his own
22:23Make it quick
22:26Oh, it's very quick
22:29George has changed his mind
22:31Oh, dear George
22:33Come to mummy
22:34Maybe I'll just get off too
22:37Have fun, Daddy Pig
22:43It's stopped
22:45Well, I'm glad that's all over
22:50This is brilliant
22:56Everybody off
22:58That was fun, wasn't it, Daddy?
23:02Yes, lots of fun
23:05Mummy, what's that?
23:07Go round and put your head through that hole
23:11Now what happens?
23:15Suzy, you're a tomato
23:18Look, I'm a carrot
23:21Oh, yes
23:22And I'm a pumpkin
23:26Welcome to the dinosaur garden
23:31Say hello to my dinosaur friends
23:34Don't be frightened, they are not real
23:38But this is exactly how they would have looked walking the earth together
23:43No, it's not
23:46Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous period
23:49Stegosaurus was Jurassic
23:52They would not have walked together
23:54How do you know that?
23:56I'm a Clever Clogs
24:00Anyway, who wants to ride one?
24:05Why have you got dinosaurs in Potato City?
24:10Because dinosaurs ate potatoes?
24:14Anyway, children like dinosaurs
24:20Roll up, roll up for the vegetable roundabout swing thing
24:26A vegetable roundabout swing thing
24:30I like Potato City because it teaches you about vegetables
24:36And swings you round and round
24:39Potato City
24:41Where the magic of vegetables never end
24:46Up, down, up, down, all together now
24:49Mr Potato is rolling around
24:53Your friends and mine, he's happy all the time
24:57Mr Potato is coming to town
25:04I'm Peppa Pig
25:05This is my little brother George
25:08This is Mummy Pig
25:10And this is Daddy Pig
25:14Peppa Pig
25:17Pedro the Cowboy
25:20It is a lovely sunny day
25:22Pedro has a new play tent
25:25Here are Peppa, George, Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep and Wendy Wolf
25:31Hello Pedro
25:33Howdy everyone, welcome to my cowboy camp
25:38It's a tent
25:41It's a cowboy camp
25:43Where cowboys sleep at night time
25:46Are you going to sleep here in the night?
25:50Um, no
25:52That might be a bit scary
25:54But we can pretend it's night time
25:57But it's not night time
25:59Just pretend the sun is the moon
26:03Pedro, can we be cowboys too?
26:07Yes, you can be my partners
26:11Is my little cowboy hungry?
26:14I sure am Ma
26:16That's how cowboys speak
26:18Would you cowboys and cowgirls like something to eat too?
26:22Yes please Ma
26:25Do the cowboys always camp next to their mummy's kitchen?
26:29No, you have to pretend the house is not here
26:34This is the Wild West
26:37What's that?
26:39The Wild West is the land where cowboys live
26:44What do cowboys do?
26:46They tell stories, sing songs and eat beans
26:51Beans on toast for everyone
26:55Cowboys love beans on toast
26:57Everybody loves beans on toast
27:00Who wants a cowboy song?
27:03Can I have a real cowboy song?
27:06Yes, I made it up and it goes like this
27:10I'm a brave cowboy and I'm eating my beans
27:13With a bing and a bong and a boo
27:17Baked beans bang, baked beans boo
27:20Baked beans bingly bongly bang
27:24Baked beans bang, baked beans boo
27:27Baked beans bingly bongly bang
27:31Let's have a story in the tent
27:36I could tell a story
27:38Make it scary
27:40It was a wet and windy night in the Wild West
27:47And wild animals were out looking for food
27:52Looking for food at night?
27:55Some animals eat at night Suzie
27:58Wild animals
28:01And the brave cowboy Pedro was alone in his tent
28:05But he couldn't sleep because something was outside the tent
28:11Was it a wild animal?
28:15What's that?
28:16It's a wild animal
28:22It is a tiny little bird come to look at Pedro's tent
28:28I think it was an eagle
28:31Eagles live in the Wild West
28:34Is everybody alright?
28:36Yes mummy
28:37It's nearly home time
28:39But we haven't done the pretend sleeping yet
28:42Everybody back in the tent
28:46Good night partners
28:48Good night cowboy Pedro
28:52I'm glad there aren't any wild animals out there
28:57Wild animals
29:00It's a wolf
29:02Yes it's my daddy
29:06Mr Wolf has come to take Wendy Wolf home
29:09All the parents are here to pick up the children
29:12Bye bye cowboy Pedro
29:15Bye bye everyone
29:17Are you coming in?
29:20Are you coming in Pedro?
29:22I want to pretend sleeping a bit more
29:33Mummy can I come in now?
29:36Yes my brave little cowboy
29:39Even brave little cowboys like to sleep indoors sometimes
29:43Night Pedro
29:44Good night Ma
29:49Night Pedro
29:50Good night Ma
30:19It's a flying vet
30:22Peppa has brought Goldie the fish to the vets for a check up
30:26You've got a healthy happy fish
30:29She's lovely
30:30Thank you Dr Hamster
30:36Hello Dr Hamster
30:37This is Mr Elephant
30:39Mr Elephant and his family are out for a walk in the mountains
30:43We found a sick lizard
30:45It's a gecko
30:46Edmund knows all about lizards
30:49I'll be straight there
30:52Can we come too?
30:54Of course
30:56Let's go
30:58Are we going in an ambulance?
31:01No the mountains are too far away
31:04We'll go in my aeroplane
31:11George loves aeroplanes
31:13All aboard
31:16Up up and away
31:20I didn't know you had an aeroplane Dr Hamster
31:24Oh yes I'm the flying vet
31:28Thank goodness the vet's here
31:34Stand aside vet's coming through
31:37Where is the sick lizard?
31:39Here it is
31:40Oh poor little pickle
31:43What is wrong with the lizard?
31:46It seems to be upside down
31:48I just flip it over
31:52Dr Hamster has made the lizard better
31:56Oh a naughty emergency
32:00Hello a grandpa pig here
32:04Grandpa pig is out sailing his boat
32:06It's Polly she's a sick parrot
32:11Sick parrot
32:13I'll be right there
32:16Look Polly it's the flying vet
32:19Where are we going to land?
32:22This is a seaplane Peppa
32:24We can land on the water
32:30Hello Peppa
32:34Hello grandpa
32:36We've come to make Polly better
32:39How long has Polly been sick?
32:42Since we came out on our boat trip
32:45Aha I know what's wrong with Polly
32:48She's seasick
32:52Get Polly to dry land
32:54The sooner the better
32:56There's an island
32:59There we go
33:01Better Polly?
33:03Better Polly?
33:05Polly is not a sick parrot anymore
33:10Oh another emergency
33:13Hello daddy pig here
33:15Daddy pig is in his office
33:17There are some ducklings stuck on our roof
33:20I'll be right there
33:27Thank goodness you're here
33:32Stand aside Dr Hamster here
33:36The duck laid her eggs on our roof
33:39And now the ducklings have hatched
33:43Who can make a quacking noise?
33:46Me I'm very good at quacking
33:50Peppa start quacking and the ducklings will follow you
33:55Quack quack quack
33:58Quack quack quack
34:01Lead them to the duck pond please Peppa
34:04Ok I mummy duck
34:07Quack quack quack
34:11Quack quack quack
34:17The ducklings are back with their mummy and daddy
34:21All because of me
34:27Is it another emergency?
34:30Yes it's Mr Hamster
34:33I'm waiting for my tea
34:37Bye bye Dr Hamster
34:39Thank you
34:40No problem
34:42It's all in a day's work but a fine bet
35:04I'm Peppa Pig
35:07This is my little brother George
35:10This is Mummy Pig
35:12And this is Daddy Pig
35:16Peppa Pig
35:18Grumpy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park
35:22Today is Freddy Fox's birthday
35:25And all the children are going on a big adventure
35:28Where are we going for your birthday Freddy?
35:31I don't know but I can't wait to get there
35:36We're here
35:42Welcome to Grumpy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park
35:52George loves dinosaurs
35:54Are there really dinosaurs here?
35:57No just pretend ones
36:02Real dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago
36:06Edmund knows a lot about dinosaurs
36:09He is a clever clogs
36:11But we've got better than real dinosaurs
36:14We've got singing dinosaurs
36:17We are the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs
36:21We are the dinosaurs, listen to us roar
36:26They're a bit small
36:28Yes, aren't dinosaurs meant to be big?
36:31Ah yes, we do have a big dinosaur, a real whopper
36:36Would you like to meet it?
36:38Yes please
36:40These are its footprints
36:42We just have to follow them
36:47These footprints look very real
36:50Are you sure there's no living dinosaurs about?
36:53There's no living dinosaurs about Grumpy Rabbit
36:56Quite sure Daddy Pig
36:58Over the boulders everyone
37:03Across the bridge
37:07Through the cave
37:13Oh, the footprints have stopped
37:15Look, there are some green steps
37:20It's a big slide
37:34Wow, it's a big dinosaur
37:38Yes, it's my whopping ginormous dinosaur slide
37:50That is some dinosaur
37:52He's a Brontosaurus
37:55Actually, the correct name is Apatosaurus
37:59You're a bit of a clever clogs, aren't you?
38:03Right, my little explorers
38:05Are you ready for the next bit of the adventure?
38:08Yes, Grumpy Rabbit
38:10We have to find an egg
38:13An egg? But eggs are little
38:17They could be anywhere
38:19Leave it to me
38:21Foxes love hunting for eggs
38:32Wow, what an egg
38:35It's huge
38:37Why is the egg so big?
38:40It's a dinosaur egg
38:42Is it real?
38:44No, it's better than real
38:46It's pretend
38:48Watch this
38:52The dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it
38:57It's not a pretend cake
38:59Is it, Grumpy Rabbit?
39:00No, the cake is very real and very tasty
39:05Who wants some?
39:06Me, me
39:08Birthday boy first
39:10Here you go, Freddy
39:13Happy birthday, Freddy
39:17It's time for a bit of song and dance
39:20Everyone, copy me
39:22Do the stomp
39:24Do the dinosaur stomp
39:26Do the roar
39:28Do the dinosaur roar
39:30Stomp, stomp, stomp, roar, roar, roar
39:33Do the dinosaur stomp
39:35Stomp, roar
39:40This is my best birthday ever
39:47Do the stomp
39:48Do the dinosaur stomp
39:50Do the roar
39:51Do the dinosaur roar
39:53Stomp, stomp, stomp, roar, roar, roar
39:56Do the dinosaur stomp
39:58Stomp, roar
40:06I'm Peppa Pig
40:08This is my little brother, George
40:11This is Mummy Pig
40:13And this is Daddy Pig
40:17Peppa Pig
40:19Captain Daddy Dog
40:22Peppa and her friends are playing at Danny Dog's house
40:26I'm a sea captain sailing across the sea
40:30We are jolly pirates
40:32Shiver me timbers
40:35It's the post
40:37It is Mr Zebra, the postman
40:39Hello, Mummy Dog
40:41I've got a postcard for you
40:43Thank you, Mr Zebra
40:45Bye now
40:46Who is the postcard from, Mummy?
40:48It's from Captain Dog
40:51He's finished his sailing trip around the world
40:54And he's coming home
40:57How exciting
40:59I wonder when he'll be back
41:01Ahoy there, Mr Zebra
41:04Hello, Captain Dog
41:16Captain Dog is home from the sea
41:19My Captain Dog
41:21Mummy Dog, my sweetheart
41:25How long are you home for, Daddy?
41:29I've decided my travelling days are over
41:32I've been around the world and made me fortune
41:36And lost it again
41:39And made it again
41:42I love to travel
41:44But there's something I really miss when I'm away
41:47What, Daddy?
41:48My darlings, of course
41:52So I'm hanging up my captain's hat for good
41:58Let me tell you all about my travels
42:02I've been away for a year and a day
42:06Sailing around the world
42:08All the way around?
42:11What did you do at the bottom?
42:13Did you fall off?
42:16I held on to my captain's hat
42:20I held on tightly
42:23What an adventure
42:25It was
42:26And I've brought back presents for all of you
42:32Here is a drum for Danny
42:34From a faraway jungle
42:36Thank you, Daddy
42:39Very good, Danny
42:40I can bang it louder
42:43Perhaps that's enough banging for now
42:46And for all your friends
42:48Some seashells from a desert island
42:52If you hold them to your ear
42:54You can hear the sea
42:56Yes, I can hear the seaside
43:00And for my darling mummy dog
43:03A chest of golden jewels
43:06Oh, how lovely
43:08That will come in handy
43:10Ah, it's great to be home
43:14It is morning
43:15Captain Dog is up early
43:45It's a dog made for me
43:48That's an exact copy of my boat
43:50You could help me sail it
43:52That sounds like fun
43:56Pepper and her friends are at the duck pond
43:59Ahoy there, shipmates
44:01Room for another boat on the briny waters?
44:06Danny, our boat needs a captain
44:09It can't sail itself
44:11Daddy, will you be my boat's captain?
44:14I'd be delighted, Danny
44:16If you'll be my first mate
44:18Yes, please
44:19Launch the boat
44:21Aye, aye, Captain
44:22Wind is southwesterly
44:24The waters are calm
44:27My last adventure was sailing a boat around the world
44:32My next adventure is sailing a boat across a duck pond
44:40Captain Dog likes sailing across duck ponds
44:44Everyone likes sailing across duck ponds
45:09This is my little brother George
45:12This is Mummy Pig
45:14And this is Daddy Pig
45:18Peppa Pig
45:21The noisy night
45:23Peppa's family are having a sleepover at Cousin Chloe's house
45:27Hello, everyone
45:29You must be tired after your long journey
45:32Yes, an early night would be nice
45:36First, we'll put Baby Alexander to bed
45:42This is Baby Alexander's bedroom
45:49Alexander likes noise
45:51It sends him to sleep
45:53We like noise in this house
45:56We're a noisy family
45:58Peppa, George, you're staying in my room tonight
46:02Oh, goody
46:05Peppa and George are excited to be sleeping in Cousin Chloe's bedroom
46:09Good night
46:10Good night
46:11Good night
46:12Good night
46:13Good night
46:14Night, night
46:17Everyone is tucked up in their beds, asleep
46:23Baby Alexander is awake
46:26Peppa and George are awake
46:29What's that noise?
46:31It's the vacuum cleaner
46:35Why are you vacuuming at night?
46:39We're not disturbing you, are we?
46:41What? Oh, no!
46:47We found noise is the best way to get Baby Alexander back to sleep
46:51He likes noise
46:53We're a noisy family
46:58Everyone is back in their beds, asleep
47:04Baby Alexander is awake
47:12Why is Auntie Pig playing a trumpet?
47:16To get Alexander to sleep
47:18The more noise, the better
47:20Is there another way that doesn't use noise?
47:24We do find noise is the best way
47:28When George was a baby, we used to put him in his pram
47:32and wheel him around the house
47:34And that always sent him to sleep
47:37How strange!
47:38No loud noises
47:40That's right
47:41How many times round the house was it, Mummy Pig?
47:44Three times?
47:45Fifty times
47:49Daddy Pig is pushing Baby Alexander around the house
47:53Fifty times
47:58Baby Alexander is asleep
48:02Can you let me back in?
48:04I'll just switch the alarm off
48:10Switch the alarm back on
48:15Peppa, what are you doing up?
48:17I can't sleep, Daddy
48:19It's a noisy night
48:21OK, Peppa
48:23Let's get you back to bed
48:27Now, which bedroom are you staying in?
48:31Stop, Daddy
48:33That's Baby Alexander's room
48:37The light has woken Baby Alexander
48:40It's all right
48:41I've got the vacuum cleaner
48:43I've got the trumpet
48:44Stop, stop
48:46I remember another quiet way we used to get George to sleep
48:50Oh, yes
48:52We drove him around in the car
48:54I'll get the car started
48:56Don't forget the alarm
49:00Daddy Pig has set off the noisy house alarm
49:04The noisy house has woken everyone up
49:10It's Miss Rabbit in her rescue helicopter
49:14Is everybody all right down there?
49:17I heard the alarm
49:19Yes, thank you
49:21All right
49:25All that loud noise has set Baby Alexander to sleep
49:30He's really fast asleep now
49:33All thanks to my noisy Daddy
49:36Well done, Daddy Pig
49:38We should have you to stay more often
49:46And some great news
49:48The new Peppa Pig 2012 edition
49:51is now available to buy at All Good Retailers
50:52Oh, dear
50:53Daddy Pig has dropped the car keys down a drain
50:58Let's go home
50:59Um, that might be difficult
51:03Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain
51:07Oh, Daddy Pig
51:09Don't worry
51:10I'll get the keys out of the drain with a stick
51:16The drain must be deeper than I thought
51:19The stick is not long enough to reach the keys
51:22What we need is a fishing rod
51:25Then we can catch the keys on a hook
51:28Maybe Miss Rabbit sells fishing rods
51:31Uh, do you sell fishing rods?
51:33We do, actually
51:35I don't know why
51:36You don't get fish in the mountains
51:39We're not fishing for fish
51:40We're fishing for keys
51:42My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain
51:46Oh, you'll never get those back
51:48That drain's really deep
51:51What are drains for?
51:53A drain takes the rainwater away to the sea
52:01The fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys
52:04My goodness
52:05How deep is this drain?
52:08We can see how deep it is by dropping a stone
52:11Good idea, Miss Rabbit
52:13We can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom
52:17One, two, three, four, five, six
52:25That is deep
52:27Told you
52:28What can we do now?
52:30It is Mr Bull and his friend
52:33Digger! Trains!
52:35George loves diggers and trains
52:37Hello, everybody
52:39Hello, Mr Bull
52:41Welcome to the mountain beauty spot
52:43Have you come to do some work?
52:45No, it's our day off
52:48So we came to enjoy the beauty spot
52:51You can say for miles, boss
52:53Yes, it's very pretty
52:56Uh, Mr Bull
52:58Could we borrow your crane for a minute?
53:00What for?
53:01My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain
53:05Say no more
53:06I'll have them out in no time
53:08Mr Rhino, the crane, please
53:12Stand clear
53:14Down she goes
53:16How lucky Mr Bull came along when he did
53:19Yes, now we'll finally get our keys back
53:25That's as far as she goes, chief
53:27Mr Bull is the chief
53:29Did you find our keys?
53:33The crane isn't long enough
53:35Now what shall we do?
53:39We'll dig up the road
53:46Mr Bull is digging up the beauty spot
53:51What's going on?
53:52We came to see the beauty spot
53:54Uh, they're digging it up right now
53:57Won't be long
53:58My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain
54:04Hold it! Hold it!
54:07It's the keys! We've got them!
54:13There you go
54:14Thank you, Mr Bull
54:16Oh, it was nothing
54:18Uh, where's the beauty spot gone?
54:22The mountain beauty spot is now a big hole
54:26It's a cave now
54:28Welcome to the cave beauty spot
54:33All thanks to my Daddy
54:35Uh, and Mr Bull
54:38Yes, I'm good at digging holes
54:41Mr Bull loves digging holes
54:44Everybody loves digging holes
55:06I'm Peppa Pig
55:08This is my little brother George
55:11This is Mummy Pig
55:13And this is Daddy Pig
55:17Peppa Pig
55:19The Pet Competition
55:21Peppa and her friends are at playgroup
55:24Children, tomorrow we will have a pet competition
55:29Bring your pets to school
55:32The first pet will win a prize
55:35I'm going to bring my pet goldfish
55:38I'm going to bring my stick insect
55:41I will bring my gecko
55:43I'm going to bring Monkey
55:46That's not a real pet, it's a doll
55:49It's not a doll, it's Monkey
55:54He likes you, Danny
55:56Zoe can bring Monkey if she wants to
55:59Home time, children
56:01Don't forget your pets for the competition tomorrow
56:04It is the evening before the pet competition
56:07Peppa and Susie are getting Goldy the fish ready
56:10Eat up, Goldy
56:12You've got a big day tomorrow
56:14I will polish your bowl
56:19Pedro is talking to his stick insect
56:22A stick insect is an insect that looks like a stick
56:25Tomorrow, you will come with me to playgroup
56:28They will decide who is the best pet
56:31And it will be you
56:34Edmund Elephant is talking to his gecko
56:37Watch me
56:40Now you do it
56:45Zoe Zebra is talking to her monkey
56:48Are you excited about the competition, Monkey?
56:52Remember to be good tomorrow
56:56Don't be a cheeky monkey
56:59It is the day of the pet competition
57:02Madam Gazelle, who is going to decide which pet is the best?
57:08Doctor Hamster
57:09Hello, everyone
57:12What lovely pets you've got
57:16That's a happy little fish
57:18What's its name?
57:20It's Goldy, you've met her before
57:23She's got a very shiny bowl
57:27What does Goldy like doing?
57:29She likes swimming around and going like this
57:37And who is this?
57:39This is my stick insect
57:41What's his name?
57:44What does he do?
57:46He looks like a stick
57:50What kind of animal is this?
57:52It is a gecko
57:54Does he have a name?
57:56Hemidactylus frenatus
57:59Edmund Elephant is a clever clogs
58:02And what does he do?
58:08Who's next?
58:12Is he meant to be upside down?
58:15Yes, he's asleep
58:17Oh, I see
58:19Well, he's lovely
58:21I've brought my pet too
58:23Tiddles the tortoise
58:26He likes climbing trees and...
58:28Who's the winner?
