• 2 months ago
@kid fun
#kids fun
#funny cartoon
#trending cartoon videos

00:00In a village, there lived a poor man named Pappu.
00:07Pappu's stepmother, Meena, did not like him at all.
00:11His step-sister, Pinky, always spoke ill of him.
00:16One day, Pappu got angry and spoke to his stepmother.
00:20I don't understand, mother. What problem do you have with me?
00:23There is a problem. You are not my own son.
00:26Then what is my fault in this?
00:27If there is a mistake, then why were you born?
00:29If you hate me so much, then why did you marry my father?
00:33At that time, I had lost my mind.
00:35Why don't you say that you got married after seeing my father's wealth?
00:39What kind of a sharp tongue you have?
00:42Maybe that's why God made you handicapped with one leg.
00:46Then Pappu's step-sister, Pinky, came there and spoke to her mother.
00:51Mother, why are you talking to this illiterate?
00:53How many times have I told you?
00:55There is no need to talk to him.
00:58Meena left with her daughter, Pinky, with a smile.
01:02And Pappu came out of his house with tears in his eyes.
01:13And he sat under a tree and started crying.
01:16Then the village chief came there and spoke to him.
01:20Pappu, why are you crying?
01:24Maybe tears are written in my fate, chief.
01:27Don't say that, Pappu.
01:30You are a young man.
01:33And tears don't look good in a young man's eyes.
01:38Maybe you haven't seen me properly, chief.
01:42I am young, but a helpless young man.
01:46Chief, when a horse becomes lame, it is of no use.
01:52Pappu, that lame horse is also sold at very high prices in the market.
01:58Maybe you don't know this.
02:02I know that you are very upset with your step-mother and step-sister's bad behavior.
02:10After my mother's death, I don't know what my father thought.
02:15That he got married again.
02:18Pappu, maybe you don't know.
02:21Your step-mother had been harassing your father for a long time.
02:27And when your mother died, she got an excuse to marry your father.
02:35Sometimes I doubt that my mother was killed.
02:40I also doubt, Pappu.
02:43Because before your mother's death, your step-mother was the maid of your house.
02:50Pappu was shocked to hear the chief's words.
02:53What are you saying?
02:55Maybe you didn't know this.
02:58But this is the truth.
03:01Saying this, the chief left from there.
03:04Pappu went to his friend Gurjeet's house with a heavy heart.
03:08Who was a truck driver.
03:12Hey Pappu, why are you so sad?
03:16What should I tell you now?
03:18You already know the condition of my family.
03:20I know it very well.
03:22Your father is the owner of illicit property.
03:25Property is not everything, Gurjeet.
03:28A person also needs love to live.
03:32Which is not in my fate.
03:35Don't make your heart small.
03:37My heart says that one day everything will be fine.
03:42You are my only good friend in the village.
03:44Gurjeet, the truth is that I don't want to live in the village anymore.
03:48I want to leave the village for a few days.
03:51Why do you worry?
03:53I am going to take a truck and go far away from here after two days.
03:57You also come with me.
03:59Pappu was happy to hear Gurjeet's words.
04:02And went to his house.
04:08Pappu's father looked at Pappu and said.
04:11For how long will you wander like this, Pappu?
04:14How many times have I told you to sit with me?
04:17Learn some business.
04:19You have to handle everything in the future.
04:22No, father.
04:24I don't want your business, your money.
04:26Anyway, your money belongs to your wife and daughter.
04:31Not mine.
04:32Pappu, how many times have I told you that Meena is your mother now.
04:37And Pinky is your sister.
04:39You should tell this to them.
04:42Because Pinky doesn't consider me her brother.
04:45And your wife doesn't consider me her son.
04:48That's when Meena came there.
04:50She cried and acted and looked at her husband and said.
04:55Did you see? He doesn't respect me at all.
04:58I don't know how many misunderstandings we have for our mother and daughter.
05:03Stop it.
05:04No need to act anymore.
05:06Anyway, I will leave for a few months after two days.
05:10After I leave, all of you will get peace.
05:13Saying this, Pappu went to his room.
05:16Pappu sat in his room and started crying thinking of his mother.
05:21That's when he looked at the very old cupboard in his room.
05:26Which was open.
05:28Who opened this cupboard?
05:30I have never seen this cupboard closed.
05:33Saying this, Pappu went to the cupboard.
05:36Pappu saw a card kept inside the cupboard.
05:40And some keys were also kept there.
05:45Someone's address is written in this card.
05:48Pappu started reading that card carefully.
05:50This address is of a forest a little far from my village.
05:54There is nothing but silence and desolation there.
05:57Which house can be there?
05:59But the address of this house is of my mother.
06:02Something is wrong.
06:04I should find out.
06:05Pappu kept those keys and the card in his pocket and went to sleep.
06:10The next day, Pappu told his father.
06:12Father, is there any other house other than this house?
06:16Yes, son.
06:17We have many houses.
06:19I mean, in a forest near our village.
06:22After listening to Pappu, Pappu's father said in shock.
06:27Why are you asking all this?
06:29Father, please tell me.
06:31Is there any house in our forest?
06:33Look, Pappu.
06:34I have never told this to anyone.
06:37Not even to your stepmother.
06:40Your mother was very educated and well-educated.
06:44She had built her own luxurious house in a forest far from the village.
06:49I don't know what she used to do in that house.
06:52No one was allowed to enter that house.
06:55Not even me.
06:57So, did you ever go there after your mother's death?
07:01No, Ratan.
07:03That house has been closed since then.
07:06After listening to his father, Pappu went straight to Gurjeet.
07:10He told Gurjeet everything.
07:14Gurjeet, I miss my mother a lot.
07:17I want to go to that house of my mother.
07:20And I will stay there.
07:21Let's go there first and see what is the matter.
07:25What is the matter?
07:26No one used to go there except your mother.
07:29Not even your father.
07:31Gurjeet took out his truck.
07:33And Pappu sat inside the truck.
07:39In a while, their truck was standing in front of that deserted house in the forest.
07:45Do you have the keys to this house, Pappu?
07:48Yes, I have brought the keys with me.
07:51Pappu opened the main door.
07:54Gurjeet and Pappu went inside the house.
07:57The house was huge from inside.
07:59They were surprised to see the view inside the house.
08:04Pappu, this looks like a big laboratory.
08:10Was your mother a scientist?
08:13Looking at the view, I also feel that my mother might be a scientist.
08:18Maybe that's why she didn't let anyone come here.
08:21Let's go ahead and see.
08:24Gurjeet and Pappu started looking at each and every room of the house carefully.
08:29That's when Gurjeet saw a truck standing in the garden of the house.
08:34Pappu, look at that.
08:38What kind of a design truck is standing there?
08:40Let's go and see.
08:43Pappu listened to Gurjeet and went near that truck.
08:49Pappu, this truck is made of gold.
08:53If your mother and sister took away all your father's property,
08:57then you don't have to worry.
08:59You have a gold truck.
09:01I have told you so many times, Gurjeet.
09:04Stop thinking like a truck driver.
09:06Think a little higher.
09:08What do you mean?
09:09Look at this truck carefully.
09:11Its design is very different from other trucks.
09:15If you look at it very carefully,
09:18it looks very similar to a spaceship.
09:21What are you waiting for?
09:23You will know right now.
09:25I am a truck driver.
09:26And the truck is in front of me.
09:28Whether the truck is made of iron or gold,
09:30the driver is the driver.
09:32Saying this, Gurjeet sat inside that gold truck.
09:35And so did Pappu.
09:37Pappu, tie your seat belt.
09:39Now I am going to start the truck.
09:41But how will you start the truck?
09:43Pappu, I can see a button next to the steering wheel.
09:46It will be opened by some button.
09:48Saying this, Gurjeet pressed a red button.
09:52As soon as he pressed the button,
09:54darkness spread all around.
10:04The next moment,
10:06their truck was standing inside Pappu's house.
10:10What is this?
10:12Is this a magic truck?
10:14We were at your mother's forest house.
10:17How did it come to your village house?
10:20And how did this truck come inside your house?
10:23Even I don't understand anything.
10:25Gurjeet and Pappu came out of the truck.
10:28Pappu started looking at his house carefully.
10:31Gurjeet, look at my house carefully.
10:34Doesn't this house look strange?
10:36You are right.
10:38Your house was painted yellow.
10:41And now your house is being painted white.
10:44Can your father get the whole house painted so soon?
10:47Then Pappu saw a 10-year-old child sitting on the roof of his house.
10:52Pappu was surprised to see that child.
10:55Gurjeet, look there on the roof.
10:58As soon as Gurjeet saw on the roof,
11:01Gurjeet was also surprised.
11:03Pappu, this is you.
11:06I understood, Gurjeet.
11:08I think my mother was doing some experiment on time travel in that house.
11:13And this truck is made for time travel.
11:16So it means that we have come back 20 years back.
11:20And we have come back in the same moment when I was handicapped.
11:24I mean, three days after my mother's death,
11:27I was sitting sad on the roof like this.
11:30And suddenly I fell.
11:32Pappu, then you will have to go and get down from the roof in your childhood form.
11:37Is it possible?
11:38It was not even possible to come here.
11:40But it happened.
11:42Who are you?
11:43Don't be afraid, Pappu.
11:44I can't explain to you who I am.
11:47Just listen to me.
11:51Go to your room right now.
11:53And don't come out till morning.
11:55Otherwise, you will also need the same eyes all your life like me.
11:59Hearing Pappu,
12:01Little Pappu got scared.
12:03And he ran into his room.
12:06Now that we have come back 20 years ago,
12:09Let's see what is happening in your house.
12:11You are right.
12:12Pappu and Gurjeet started walking in the house.
12:15That's when Pappu's eyes fell on his stepmother.
12:18Who was young at that time.
12:20And on Pinky, who was 15 years old at that time.
12:23Pappu and Gurjeet started listening to them quietly.
12:27Pinky, remember.
12:29No one should ever suspect this.
12:32That we have poisoned Pappu's mother.
12:35Have you gone mad, mother?
12:37I know.
12:38If someone finds out about it by mistake,
12:41Then we will have to rot in jail all our lives.
12:45There is only one thorn in our path.
12:49We have to get him out somehow.
12:51Then all the wealth will be ours.
12:53Don't worry, mother.
12:54We will find a solution for that too.
12:58Gurjeet whispered in Pappu's ear.
13:01That means your stepmother has killed your mother.
13:05Yes, Gurjeet.
13:06But it's so strange.
13:08We can't prove this.
13:10What we have heard with our ears.
13:12What will we tell people?
13:14Did we go to the past 20 years ago?
13:16And we heard these things.
13:18Will people believe us?
13:20Pappu started feeling very bad there.
13:26He came inside the truck with Gurjeet and sat down.
13:29We had come.
13:31But how will we go back?
13:33I don't know.
13:35Maybe there is a green button next to the red button.
13:38Let me press it.
13:40As soon as he pressed the button, it was dark.
13:46The next moment, they found themselves in Pappu's mother's garden.
13:51Pappu jumped out of the truck.
13:54His wallet was missing.
13:56Pappu, where is your wallet?
13:59And your leg is fine.
14:02As soon as Pappu saw his leg, his leg was fine.
14:07You are absolutely right, Gurjeet.
14:09We have changed the future, Pappu.
14:11Now we will change everything.
14:13That's when Pappu said in deep thought.
14:16No, Gurjeet.
14:17We will not tell anyone about this.
14:19Maybe that's why my mother didn't let anyone in this house.
14:24If someone gets hold of this magical gold truck by mistake,
14:28he will wreak havoc in the world.
14:30You are absolutely right.
14:33But I am happy that my friend is absolutely fine.
14:36Pappu locked himself in his mother's house and came to his village with Gurjeet.
14:44Seeing Pappu fine, Meena said in shock.
14:48How did you become fine, Pappu?
14:50That's when Pinky came there.
14:52How did your leg become fine?
14:54The doctor said that you can never be fine in life.
14:57Pappu smiled mysteriously at them and said.
15:02I have come to know that you two poisoned my mother.
15:06What nonsense are you talking?
15:08Didn't you tell Pinky 20 years ago that no one should know about this?
15:14That you poisoned my mother.
15:16Hearing Pappu's words, Meena was very shocked.
15:20How did you come to know this?
15:22You were very small at that time.
15:24And when we were talking, you screamed a few minutes later.
15:29You fell from the roof.
15:31The question is not how I know.
15:33The question is that now I will go and tell this to the police.
15:37When the police will take you both to the prison and interrogate you in their own way,
15:43then you will tell the truth in two minutes.
15:45Meena immediately fell at Pappu's feet.
15:47Please forgive us.
15:48I was a servant of your father's house.
15:51I was jealous of your mother.
15:53I poisoned your mother and killed her.
15:56Because I wanted money.
15:58At that time, Gurjeet came out of a corner.
16:01He had a mobile in his hand.
16:05Pappu, I have recorded everything according to the plan.
16:09Now these two cannot escape.
16:12And I have called the police.
16:14The police came in a while.
16:16Gurjeet showed the recording to the police.
16:19Aren't you two ashamed of killing your mother and daughter?
16:23You have been holding on to the wealth of the one you killed for 20 years.
16:27Now your whole life will be spent in jail.
16:29Come on.
16:30Meena started looking at her husband crying.
16:33But Pappu's father turned his face.
16:36The police arrested them and sent them to jail.
16:40Pappu started living happily.
16:42Now everything was fine.
16:44He still goes to his mother's house with Gurjeet.
