D'Auria (ASL RM2): Prevenzione e Riabilitazione Essenziali per le Donne Operate al Seno al CardioBreast Dragon Boat Festival

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Durante la tappa romana del CardioBreast Dragon Boat Festival, l'oncologa Giuliana D'Auria (ASL RM2) ha sottolineato l'importanza della prevenzione e dell'attività fisica nel contrastare il tumore al seno e ha evidenziato il ruolo del Dragon Boat nella prevenzione del linfedema e nella riabilitazione.


00:00I am very happy to be here this morning for an important event that focuses on the prevention of the mammary tumor and on the physical activity of the healing and rehabilitation of women with breast surgery.
00:20DragonBot has historically been an activity that has focused on the importance of scapular cingoli for the prevention of lymphedema and the rehabilitation of women with breast surgery,
00:30and on the team play that creates the associationism that is a fundamental basis for the improvement of the possibility of care that we offer to women and the support that women and associations give to our breast units.
