Komoditas Nikel dan Timah Sangat Vital bagi Dunia

  • 3 months ago
Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani Indrawati menegaskan, Indonesia bersyukur dikaruniai banyak sumber daya mineral yang melimpah yang tidak dimiliki oleh negara lain. Dalam acara peluncuran sistem informasi pengelolaan mineral dan batu bara atau Simbaran nikel dan timah, Sri Mulyani menekankan bahwa kedua komoditas ini sangatlah vital bagi dunia.


00:00Next, Sri Mulyani's finance minister, Indrawati, confirmed that
00:03Indonesia is grateful to be blessed with abundant mineral resources
00:07that are not owned by other countries.
00:11In the event of the launch of the Mineral and Coal Management Information System
00:15or NICEL and TIMA,
00:17Sri Mulyani emphasized that these two communities are very vital to the world,
00:22where NICEL and TIMA have a strategic role for the government
00:26in placing Indonesia as a vital country that affects the world economy.
00:31To that end, with the presence of SIMBARA,
00:34monitoring the mining, processing, and commodity trading management
00:40is currently strengthened with an integrated and detailed management.
00:45In SIMBARA, the NICEL and TIMA communities will be monitored
00:49starting from the prevention of illegal mining,
00:52strengthening the additional state-owned non-tax receivables, or PNBP,
00:57to force companies to pay debts.
01:03The realization of state-owned receivables from this mineral system
01:08reached Rp 183.5 trillion.
01:12We certainly remember that the year 2022 was a boom in commodities.
01:17In 2023, when the price of commodities fell,
01:21and because we have also launched from SIMBARA earlier,
01:26and the volatility of the price certainly affected,
01:29we are still able to maintain receivables with a value of Rp 172.9 trillion.
01:38This is when the price of commodities has begun to fall,
01:41and this is 18% above the APBN target.
01:46So this is something very good.
01:48Thank you for the synergy that results from the effort to maintain state-owned receivables.
