Taiwan Church Communities Prepare for Possible Chinese Invasion

  • 2 months ago
As China increases its military pressure on Taiwan, one grassroots initiative is preparing communities for a possible invasion.


00:00In this Presbyterian church for indigenous people in eastern Taiwan, members are gathering
00:07not to study scripture, but war.
00:11Church pastor Zong Zhongde is concerned about the frequent reports of Chinese military planes
00:16flying near Taiwan, and believes the likelihood of China invading is increasing.
00:23He says the church network is a vital part of any resistance.
00:27It is true that we need to pray to God, but we still have a sense of crisis.
00:32It is very important for the church to be able to bring the community together.
00:40And sticking together is why Pastor Zong has invited congregations from across this largely
00:45rural county to come here, so they can prepare together in advance for any invasion.
00:52China claims sovereignty over democratic Taiwan, and vows to one day control it.
00:58These workshop attendees are doing tabletop war exercises, and they're learning that some
01:03of them could be collateral damage if China takes out a nearby air base with missiles.
01:09So the aim of the workshop is to get them to consider what they could do in such a scenario.
01:15The workshop is run by the Taipei-based academia Formosana, an organization set up a year ago
01:22by Laba Gao Talimalao, who left behind his life as a scholar to promote community-based
01:28civil defense.
01:30With this exercise, they can teach their own congregation members how to prepare.
01:38When people get together in a community, then you have more strength, skill, and resources.
01:47When all these strengths, skills, and resources are put together, you have a better chance
01:53to survive.
01:56Russia's invasion of Ukraine has increased interest in civil defense training among Taiwanese,
02:01who fear their large neighbor China could make good on its threats to take control of
02:06the island.
02:07But most of that training has focused on teaching individuals skills like first aid.
02:13The indigenous churchgoers attending this course are learning how they can work together
02:17in preparation for and during wartime, identifying locations to stockpile food, and setting up
02:25solar panels on their church roofs to counter power being knocked out.
02:43These church members leave the workshop vowing to pass on what they've learnt to their communities.
03:05Their focus is on their ultimate goal, to be ready for China, if or when it invades.
03:13Devon Tsai and Louise Watt for Taiwan Plus.
