Homeless Girl Became First Lady - @LoveBuster456

  • 3 months ago
As I rummaged through a trash can, I was approached by a well-dressed man and offered a generous sum of money. All I had to do was express gratitude at the right time. Much to my astonishment, a car pulled up by the dumpster and outstepped the country's President. He was surrounded by a film crew working on a story about his compassion for homeless immigrants.

That's when I realized that I was merely a pawn in their propaganda. Refusing to play along, I took a bold step and showered the Head of State with kisses, pretending we had a romantic connection.

The President was caught off guard, and his team had no choice but to go with the flow and keep up the charade. Suddenly, I went from being a homeless lady to the country's First Lady. However, against all odds, my new status failed to bring me any joy...


00:00I'll give you enough money to eat in any restaurant that you want.
00:15What do you have to do for it?
00:16You just got to keep on saying thank you.
00:19To who?
00:20I'll tell you in a sec.
00:21All right.
00:22We can be Gwen.
00:25It's still in the residence.
00:26There's an extender right here.
00:27Yeah, you can go right ahead and do that.
00:28I can't.
00:29I'm not going to be able to.
00:30I'm sorry.
00:31Yeah, it's okay.
00:32I'll just have to get a boat.
00:33I can't.
00:34I'll see you in a minute.
00:53Ladies and gentlemen, as you well know, our President loves helping immigrants.
01:00And for example, this young lady just recently was living in this filthy, filthy dumpster.
01:06But today, our President gave her a new place to live, as well as he's going to find her employment.
01:14Having said all that, this young lady would like to say a few words to our President.
01:25These rich people thought they could bribe me.
01:30But they came across the wrong homeless person.
01:40Yes, I would like to thank the President.
01:44After all, while he was helping me, we became very close and we fell in love.
01:54Yeah, actually, yes.
01:57This young lady is going to be our nation's new First Lady.
02:02We're all ecstatic about it.
02:04There's going to be a wedding.
02:06And where is the wedding?
02:07We'll be talking about that a bit later.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:11No more questions.
02:13I'm sorry, Mr. President.
02:15Any comments?
02:16Let's go, let's go.
02:17I'm sorry, Mr. President.
02:19And just like that, from the last lady in this country, I was on my way to being the First Lady.
02:25But for some reason, I was not happy about it.
02:30My name is Kira.
02:32And this is my love story.
02:38Can I come in?
02:41Kira, I wanted to apologize for this whole fiasco.
02:47I really don't know what's gotten into Richard.
02:50Please, he works for you.
02:52And you don't care about people like me.
02:54You just use people like me.
02:56Well, excuse me, it wasn't exactly my idea to marry a homeless person.
03:01Well, I'm sorry, Mr. President, if I'm not Marilyn Monroe,
03:05but I'm not going to climb out of the cake to sing you a song.
03:11How was Eve?
03:15Is there still some dirt in my hair?
03:21From the outside, we probably looked like a couple in love.
03:25However, not everyone saw it that way.
03:28Wow, nice pose.
03:30Maybe you should save it for the photo shoots.
03:34Mr. President, I don't think there's any need for your dirtier hands and that hair.
03:40Richard, I think that...
03:42Mr. President, with all due respect,
03:45why don't you let me do the thinking, okay?
03:47That's why you pay me the big bucks.
03:50And by the way, it's time for lunch.
03:54Of course.
03:57Excuse me.
04:00Look at you, all dolled up.
04:05I wonder what would have happened to you
04:07if I hadn't have pounded you in the garbage dump.
04:09I would probably have eaten my pizza and not be hungry now.
04:12Back off.
04:13Hey, listen.
04:15You don't go near the president with my permission.
04:17You understand?
04:18And what are you going to do?
04:19Throw me in the trash?
04:26Thank you so much, Martha.
04:27You can leave now.
04:28Thank you.
04:29Mr. President.
04:32There you go.
04:36Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
04:38You don't eat until the president starts eating.
04:45Look at that.
04:48I've started.
04:52What are you doing?
04:54That is soup.
04:55You eat it with a spoon, not a fork.
04:57I'm homeless.
04:58I'm not some girl from the Amazon.
05:00I understand.
05:01Just let me eat.
05:03Stop, stop, stop.
05:05Straighten your back.
05:06I mean, look at yourself.
05:07You're a hunched over.
05:09And the spoon comes to you, not you to the spoon.
05:15Let her eat.
05:16Nobody's watching us.
05:18Right, Mr. President.
05:19I'm so sorry.
05:20Today's lesson is over.
05:26Where to?
05:28Listen, you may be playing the part of the first lady,
05:30but there is no way that you're going to be dining at the same table as the president.
05:35You eat in the pantry.
05:41I really wanted to scream,
05:43Hey, look, he's controlling you.
05:46But I sensed that he was starting to understand it anyway.
05:53Richard, what are you doing?
05:54Stop acting like...
06:01And your dinner is also over, Mr. President.
06:03Listen, Mr. President.
06:04We should be going.
06:09I want you to remember that...
06:10Mr. President.
06:12Look at yourself.
06:13Look at your belly.
06:14It's sticking out.
06:15Come on, cover up.
06:17You know that people, they don't like overweight politicians.
06:20Now, please.
06:21We should be going.
06:22Tomorrow's a huge day.
06:24It's your wedding.
06:25There's lots to do to prepare.
06:27So please, sir.
06:34Though we couldn't see each other during the day,
06:37our appetites at night brought us together.
06:43What are you doing here?
06:48Eating ice cream.
06:51But be quiet.
06:53I don't want Richard to find out.
06:56I won't tell him.
06:57If I can have some ice cream too.
07:04By all means.
07:11I'm the president.
07:14The whole country depends on me.
07:16And I can't even eat ice cream in peace.
07:20I'm homeless.
07:21Nothing depends on me at all.
07:22And I can't either.
07:24And all because of that Richard.
07:28You're right.
07:34I thought he was gonna make me a better president.
07:38But now he's turning into something I never wanted to be.
07:43And a terrible president at the same time.
07:46Fire him.
07:47It's not that simple.
07:51He has a lot of control over things here and
07:56I wouldn't be able to do anything without him.
08:00I crossed the border at the age of 15.
08:04My whole family was detained.
08:06I haven't seen them since.
08:08I've been coping for 10 years.
08:11Without home, family.
08:14No help from anyone.
08:16No medicine, no food.
08:18In the cold and heat.
08:21I'm coping.
08:25And you can too.
08:30You think so?
08:32I think that people want to see an honest and decent person as president.
08:37And you are that guy.
08:42You're handsome.
08:43Everyone likes you.
09:00We're even.
09:03There was no president and no homeless person anymore.
09:07There were no games.
09:09Just two people being honest with each other.
09:16Tomorrow they're gonna take our videos and photos.
09:20And you'll get your citizenship.
09:22You'll be free.
09:24You'll be free.
09:25And you'll get your citizenship.
09:27You'll be free.
09:29You can also become free at any moment.
09:32And you can eat as much ice cream as you want.
09:34I don't know how long we sat there together.
09:37More precisely, we thought that there were just two of us.
09:53Do you know what they call people like you?
09:56They call you vermin.
10:01Like a cockroach.
10:04Taking and taking and taking and giving nothing back.
10:06I don't understand what you're talking about.
10:08So what? You think that you can seduce the president, huh?
10:11No, we just...
10:12You listen to me.
10:16I'm the one that can give you citizenship.
10:19And I'm the one that cannot give it to you.
10:21Do you understand me?
10:23And him?
10:25He won't know any better either way.
10:28What do you want?
10:32I want you to prove your loyalty to me.
10:34That's what I want.
10:37It's better to eat with the rats in the garbage can.
10:40Yeah, is that right? I'm a rat from a... Is that right?
10:44Hey! Hey!
10:46What is going on here?
10:49Just a... Just a dirty little girl playing her games.
10:52That's not true. He grabbed me.
10:59You... You are fired!
11:02From now on, I will manage myself.
11:04Enough of your games!
11:06Your days as the president's assistant are over!
11:13I don't think so.
11:15I think your days as the president are over if I start talking.
11:20And then you can forget about a second term.
11:22Carl and your reputation with the people will be destroyed.
11:29So, why don't you continue playing your little part, okay?
11:34And I'll take the lead.
11:37Listen, Carl, you got a big wedding tomorrow.
11:40I just want you to get some rest, okay?
11:53I could not believe that I was saying this,
11:55but I had to persuade the president to leave me to save himself,
11:59even if I was thrown out of the country forever.
12:08Mr. President.
12:09Congratulations. You look fantastic.
12:12Please, we're about to begin.
12:13Why don't you take a place near the bride?
12:23Dear friends, Carl and Kira have invited us here today
12:28in the presence of God
12:30to share in the celebration of their marriage.
12:33Please, don't marry me.
12:36You don't need to do this.
12:38And you shouldn't let him hold you hostage.
12:41And what about you?
12:43He's gonna kick you out of the country.
12:45Or worse.
12:46Don't think about me.
12:48Just serve yourself, please.
12:51I saw in his eyes that he understood me
12:53and that he would no longer allow himself to be swayed.
12:57He would refuse the marriage.
13:00Before God, your friends and your families,
13:02I ask you, Carl,
13:04do you take this woman,
13:06Kira Diego Sanchez, to be your wife?
13:14I do.
13:17Dear Kira,
13:18do you take this man
13:20Carl Vanderbilt to be your husband?
13:25I do.
13:28Then, by the power vested in me,
13:30I now pronounce you
13:32a husband
13:34and a wife.
13:36You may kiss the bride.
13:51Right, thank you very much.
13:53Reporters, you're free to go.
13:54Thank you.
13:55Thank you for coming out.
13:56Appreciate it.
13:59Well done, Mr. President.
14:00It was fantastic.
14:01It looks like the president sees ours for another four years.
14:05More precisely, yours.
14:08Thank you.
14:09Thank you, everybody.
14:11Actually, I would like to ask the reporters
14:13to stay just a little bit longer.
14:15Sir, I don't think it's a really good idea.
14:18Sir, I don't think it's a really good idea
14:20to improvise right now.
14:22Shut up.
14:26I would like to officially resign
14:28from the candidacy for the presidency
14:30for the second year.
14:33And you, Richard,
14:35are officially fired.
14:37Let's go.
14:38Where are you going, Mr.
14:40Mr. President?
14:42I'm taking my beautiful wife for a honeymoon.
14:45Mr. President,
14:46you've wanted to be the president
14:49your entire life.
14:51Nothing has changed.
14:52You can't step away from it now.
14:54You're obsessed with this job.
14:57You're not going anywhere.
15:02Do you know what?
15:04I would rather sell ice cream from a small booth
15:06as an honest man
15:08than be a lying and worthless president.
15:11And don't forget that thanks to our marriage
15:13you can have dual citizenship.
15:15So if you want to be a president again,
15:17you can be a president of my country.
15:22Let's go and get the ice cream.
15:25One day, an ordinary homeless girl
15:27became the first lady.
15:29But more importantly,
15:31I became the first lady in Carl's life.
15:34The love of my whole life.
