Пожарникарот Сем - Пица Џумбус (на македонски)

  • 3 months ago
Пожарникарот Сем - Пица Џумбус

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00:30Pizza Jumbus
01:00I have to go.
01:07Are you okay, dad?
01:09Not really, Bronie.
01:11The gala for the railway and food is starting in two hours.
01:15I'm not there yet.
01:17Don't worry, dad.
01:19I'll make you fish steaks.
01:21Oh, no!
01:23There's only one left.
01:25I can make pizza!
01:27James is really good at pizza.
01:29That would be great!
01:31But I'll need a lot.
01:34I can make a lot.
01:36No problem.
01:38Okay, James. Great!
01:41James, how do you think you can make a lot of pizza in two hours?
01:46Easy. You'll help me.
01:53The uniforms for the ocean rescuers are waterproof.
01:56And the soldiers are afraid that they can easily mark them.
01:59Do you have a whistle?
02:01I adore the whistle.
02:04Oh, Sam. Just in time.
02:06Thank you, Penny.
02:08Let's see how fast you can change.
02:20You all had a good time.
02:22Now, get dressed so we can see how fast you can change into the uniforms for the rescuers.
02:32Are you okay, Elvis?
02:34Yes, I'm okay.
02:36You go. I'll catch up with you.
02:43Well, we'll have to work very, very hard.
02:48We'll bake all the pizzas my grandpa needs.
02:54Sarah, stop playing ninja carrots and start making pizza!
02:58Sorry, James. Yes, James.
03:00Say yes, boss!
03:19Hello, James.
03:21I just want to check if everything is okay with the pizzas.
03:26Of course everything is okay, Grandpa.
03:29They'll be ready in time.
03:31James, we need to bake them.
03:34There's not much room in the oven.
03:37We have another oven upstairs.
03:40Sarah, take the pizzas upstairs and put them inside as soon as you can.
03:49This oven doesn't have enough pizza.
03:52Put as much as you can in the oven, James.
03:55I mean, boss.
03:57But don't leave too much.
03:59I have an oven at home.
04:02Take the leftovers and put them to bake.
04:05Go, go, go, go!
04:07Yes, boss.
04:13Yes, yes, very good.
04:16Yes, yes, very good.
04:20Cradlington, it looks like you're wearing an ocean rescuer uniform.
04:25That's right.
04:26I can put it on.
04:28Oh, then stay here.
04:30I think I have something that will help.
04:32The rescuer uniforms are made of soft color so that the animals are not afraid.
04:36And they are made of a material in which the movement is very easy.
04:40Come on, let's see how fast you can change.
04:45Let's go.
04:53Quickly put on the life-saving uniform.
05:02Oh, no!
05:09Commander Steel!
05:12Did you manage to put all the carpets in the oven, Hannah?
05:16Yes, take it away.
05:17It was a little tight.
05:20I'll tell Grandpa that it's almost ready.
05:25Don't call Grandpa!
05:27Call the firefighter from the village!
05:38Firefighter Hallfish, there's a fire in the two kitchens.
05:43There's a fire in the two kitchens, Firefighter Hallfish.
05:53Penny, you and Arnold go to Venus.
05:56I'll take Jupiter.
05:57Yes, sir.
06:31Air, one hundred percent.
06:34Arnold, turn off the power.
06:36Penny, put out the fire upstairs.
06:39Yes, sir.
06:45The power is off, sir.
06:55Hooray! I'm a doctor!
07:00Sam, Sam, I did it!
07:02I put on the life-saving uniform.
07:05I'm ready to fight the fire.
07:07I'm sorry, Elvis, but it's too late.
07:09The fire is out.
07:12Wait, it's not too late.
07:14What is it, Hannah?
07:16I put a lot of pizza in our oven and let it go.
07:21Oh, no!
07:22Maybe there's a fire there, too.
07:24I'll go.
07:31Air, one hundred percent.
07:36The power is off.
07:48I'm really sorry.
07:50I put a lot of pizza in our oven and let it go.
07:54A little?
07:55I know you want to help him.
07:58I know you want to help him.
08:01But you should have waited for your mom or dad to do it.
08:05I'm sorry, Sam.
08:06I should have paid more attention to him.
08:08Grandpa, there's no pizza for dinner tonight.
08:13I think I know where I can find food.
08:21I hope Sam will bring food soon.
08:24I'm really hungry, too.
08:29Here it is, Sam.
08:31Who knows what he brought?
08:38I can't believe it!
08:40Oh, no!
08:41It can't be!
08:44White lasagna!
08:46White lasagna!
08:48White lasagna!
08:50I'm so glad to see you all.
08:54If the fireman tells me it's working,
08:58I'll put it in the pizza oven.
09:01And make as many pizzas as you can.
09:06I hear you've become a very good chef, James.
09:11I can give you the cooking hours you want.
09:17Maybe we can open our own pizzeria.
09:20Oh, no, Chef.
09:22No, no, Chef.
